Logic Programming with Monads and
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We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
Logic Programming with Monads and ComprehensionsYves BekkersAbstract
Paul Tarau y
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function lists, clause unfoldings and a monad morphism based embedding of Prolog in Prolog is given. Keywords: computing paradigms, logic programming, monads, list comprehensions, all solution predicates, Prolog, higher-order uni cation, lazy function lists.
Monads and comprehensions, have been successfully used in functional programming as a convenient generalization of various structurally similar programming constructs starting with simple ones like list processing and ending with intricate ones like CPS transformations and state transformers. We refer to the work of Philip Wadler 16, 17] for a long list of powerful examples and to Moggi 10] for the categorist sources of the concept of monad. All-solution predicates are the logic programming siblings of list comprehensions in functional programming languages. Let us point out an interesting (although possibly episodical) parallel between these two programming paradigms. When doubts have been raised by Goguen's thesis 6] on the usefulness of higher order constructs for functional programming, this seemed deja vu for logic programmers familiar with Warren's paper 18]. After emulating some basic -calculus constructs in terms of rst-order Horn-clause logic (i.e. what is also known as pure Prolog) Warren has shown that most of the expressiveness of higher-order constructs can be emulated in rst order logic programming. All-solution predicates have been recognized by Warren as a notable exception and have been present in logic programming ever since. However, in they Departement d'Informatique, Universite
1 Introduction
Universite de Rennes I and IRISA/INRIA Rennes, bekkers@irisa.fr de Moncton, tarau@info.umoncton.ca
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
following years they have been quite often disregarded (see ng.prolog 1983-1994) as`non-logical' and`non-declarative' by the high (or tight?) standards of the logic programming community. Interestingly enough, the idea of the intrinsic usefulness of higher-order constructs seems to be back again in the functional programming community after the proof of expressiveness of some essentially high-order monad constructs (used for instance in describing state transformers and constant time array operations) in the papers of Philip Wadler. Post-Prolog generation logic programming languages like Prolog make essential use of high-order uni cation and quanti cation to help the programmer specify the intended meaning of complex operations. We will propose in this paper a`monad-based' approach to the de nition of all-solution predicates in Prolog 12]. As a follow-up, we obtain a clari cation of Prolog's high-order operators and their similarities and d
i erences with monad comprehensions in functional languages. More generally, we will see various program transformations as morphisms between suitably de ned monads and hint to some of their practical uses in compilation. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function-lists, clause unfoldings and a monad morphism based embedding of an Prolog in Prolog is given. In the examples that follow we will not limit ourself to Prolog but refer most of the time to its more powerful superset Prolog 7, 8, 14, 13] (in its Prolog-Mali incarnation 5, 2], which has been used to run all the programming examples). The paper is organized as follows: we start by describing some monads for elementary data structures the (lists, lazy function-lists etc.) and monad morphisms. After that, we describe how to implement list comprehensions with monads, how to express monad operations in terms of all-solution predicates and the reverse process of de ning list comprehensions in terms of bagof. Finally we deal with metaprogramming with monads; after describing programs as monads of clauses, we give an embedding of Prolog in Prolog. We conclude with the usual future work and conclusion sections.
We will start with a de nition of the list monad in Prolog. Note that Prolog. is a language with polymorphic types, and with lambda terms manipulated through high-order uni cation. Let us stress from the start that terms are mostly used as data structures and that Prolog is not a mixture of orthogonal functional and logic programming languages but a natural extension of Horn clause logic based on the concept of uniform proof 9]. 2
2.1 The list-monad in Prolog
2 Monads for elementary data structures
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
However we will not use in this case any of the quanti cation related features of Prolog so that the code will run with minor modi cations on any Prolog system having the call/N primitive introduced by 11].% primitive operations% maps a single element of A to an object of the monad type unitList A -> (list A) -> o. unitList X X].% applies to a list an operation from elements to lists% to obtain a new list type bindList (list A)-> (A ->(list B)->o)-> (list B)-> o. bindList] _K]. bindList X|Xs] K R:K X Ys, bindList Xs K Zs, append Ys Zs R.
% derived operations% concatenates the elements of a list of lists type joinList (list (list A)) -> (list A) -> o. joinList Xss Xs:- bindList Xss id Xs.% applies an operation to each element of a list type mapList (A->B->o) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> o. mapList F Xs Ys:- bindList Xs (compose F unitList) Ys.
%tools type id A -> A ->o. id X X.% composes two predicates which implement functions type compose (A->B->o) -> (B->C->o) -> (A->C->o). compose F G X Y:- F X Z, G Z Y. type dupList A -> (list A) -> o. dupList X X,X].
For instance, the goal bindList .
1,2,3] dupList R.
will instantiate R to
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
It is easy to verify (and actually programmable in Prolog) that all the monad axioms and properties of 16, 17] hold for
our de nitions.
2.2 The monad of lazy function-lists in Prolog
Lazy function-lists 4] are a surprising but natural`di erence' data-structure which among other properties allows`linear' performance on apparently quadratic predicates like the well known`naive reverse' Prolog benchmark 4]. Basically this is achieved by a lazy implementation of reduction. We refer to 3, 4] for the details of their operational semantics. A simple example (which can be seen as a unit operator) is x\z\ x|z] which applied to 1 gives\z 1|z]. The following program1 implements the monad of lazy function-lists.% tools#define#define#define#define flistT(A) ((list A) -> (list A)) NIL x\x CONS x\l\u\ x| (l u)] CONC l1\l2\x\ (l1 (l2 x))
% primitive monad operations type unitFlist A -> flistT(A) -> o. unitFlist X (CONS X NIL). type bindFlist flistT(A)->(A->flistT(B)->o)->flistT(B) -> o. bindFlist NIL _K NIL. bindFlist (CONS X Xs) K (CONC Ys Zs):K X Ys, bindFlist Xs K Zs.
% derived monad operations type joinFlist flistT(flistT(A)) -> flistT(A) -> o. joinFlist Xss Xs:- bindFlist Xss id Xs. type mapFlist (A->B->o) -> flistT(A) -> flistT(B) -> o. mapFlist F Xs Ys:- bindFlist Xs (compose F unitFlist) Ys.1 using the concrete syntax of Prolog-Mali, with parametrictypes obtained through macroexpansion
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
2.3 Other elementary monads
By replacing the list constructor '.'/2 and terminator]/0 by another pair we can generalize the list monad to a more general`constructor sequence' monad. Two widely used instances are: the conjunction monad for<',',true> the disjunction monad for<';',fail> The implementation of this monad is similar to that of the monads of lists and lazy function-lists. However, its correctness in the absence of occur check and the need for extra logical tests to detect`the end' of such lists make it less interesting especially when a concept of lazy function-list is available as it is the case with Prolog-Mali.
2.3.1 Constructor sequence monads
2.3.2 The monad of di erence lists
2.4 Monad morphisms
A monad morphism 16] is an application which preserves the monad operations. Intuitively they correspond to programs which exhibit a similar structure inside di erent syntactic wrappers. Morphisms of monads are a convenient way to implement equivalence preserving program transformations. Due to space constraints we will point out here only a less obvious morphism pair between the monad of lists and the monad of lazy function lists.type list2flist (list A) -> flistT(A) -> o. list2flist L FL:- pi nil\ (append L nil (FL nil)). type flist2list flistT(A) -> (list A) -> o. flist2list F (F]).
List2flist/2 is similar to a list-to-di erence list converter except for the use of the universal quanti er pi to end the lazy function list. Notice that flist2list/2 means simply applying the lazy function list to the list terminator]. Let us just hint to an application: the programmer who works with monads is free to move from one representation to another. For
instance he can debug a simpler`plain' list program and then chose a more e cient representation following a monad morphism.
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
3 List comprehensions with monads
Let us consider two examples of set comprehensions: B1= fxjx 2 L& odd xg B2= f x; y]jx 2 L1& y 2 L2 g B1 is the set of odd elements in the set L, and B2 is the set of pairs of values taken from the sets L1 for the rst value in the pair and L2 for the second value in the pair. The corresponding list comprehensions in Prolog are de ned as follows:B1<== (all x\ (x: (x<-- L, 1 is x mod 2))) B2<== (all y\ (all x\ ( x, y]: (x<-- L1, y<-- L2))))
3.1 Concrete notation for list comprehension in Prolog
The syntax for list comprehension is: lcT::= (all variablen lcT ) j (term: quali ers) quali ers::= quali er j quali er; quali ers j (quali ers) quali er::= generator j lter generator::= variable<-- list A lter is a Prolog goal like 1 is x mod 2. In x operators are used in Prolog with the following correspondence:Set comp. List comp.
&= Variables in list comprehension are explicitly quanti ed with the quanti er all. The constructors all and: de ne the List comprehension data type which we call lcT. for implementing list comprehensions:
2 j
Data Type for list comprehensions Here are the Prolog type declarationskind lcT type -> type. type all (_B -> (lcT A)) -> (lcT A). type: A -> o -> (lcT A).
is a type constructor, and all and: and data constructors for that type. The generator<-- is a 2-argument predicate, its type in Prolog is: 6
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
% -X<--+Xs: X is an element of the list Xs type<-- X -> (list X) -> o.
The translation from list comprehensions to lists is made with the predicate . Its type is: All operators have been declared in x (xfx) with priority 700.
type<== (list A) -> (lcT A) -> o.
16] gives a translation of list comprehensions into list-monad functions as follows: t|x<--L]= (map x ! t L) t|(p,q)]= (join tjq]jp]) t|true]= (unit t) t|b]= (if b then t] else]) Due to space limitations we will not give translation of the two last equivalence rules into the two last clauses in gure 1. Note that if is expresed with conditional (P? A; B) of Prolog. The rule for composing quali ers is also easily translated. First, a list of list comprehensions is built and stored in Xs. Then the list comprehensions are translated applying the predicate<== to Xs with the map predicate. The resulting list is nally attened with the join predicate.
Translating list comprehensions to lists with the list-monad P. Wadler
Using quanti cations and higher order uni cation The rst rule in g-
ure 1 interprets the quanti er all. A quanti ed variable is represented with the -variable of an abstraction such as F. For each quanti ed variable, a new universal constant x is created (using Prolog logical connector pi). The variable is then substituted by a simple application (F x). Prolog -reduction insures the (lazy) copying of the term. Each new unive
rsal constant x is associated with a freshly created existentially quanti ed logical variable _X. This association is memorized with Prolog logical connector=>. The dynamic assertion variable x _X extends the program context. Notice that, according to Prolog quanti cation rules, the quanti ers on the two variables x and _X are ordered as:
9 _X 8 x
The intuitionistic interpretation of such a declaration means that the signature of the logical variable _X does not contain the universal constant x. Hence, Prolog system, subsequently enforces that the substitution values for _X do not contain the universal constant x. This is fundamental for the rest of the interpretation, see further the interpretation of the generators<--. 7
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
% X<== Lc: X is the simple list corresponding to% the comprehension list Lc Ys<== (all F):- !, pi x\ (variable x _X=> (Ys<== (F x))). Ys<== ((F U): (U<-- Xs)):\+ (\+ (variable U F)), !, mapList x\ y\ (y= (F x)) Xs Ys. Zs<== (T: (P, Q)):- !, Xs<== ((T: Q): P), mapList x\ y\ (x<== y) Ys Xs, joinList Ys Zs. Ys<== (T: true):- !, unitList T Ys. Ys<== (T: P):(P? unitList T Ys; Ys=]).
Figure 1: From list comprehensions to lists The predicate variable is a dynamic predicate declared as follows:type variable A -> (A -> B) -> o. dynamic variable.
Prolog higher order uni cation is used for interpreting the rule for the generators<--. Higher order uni cation uni es the left term of the comprehension list with the term (F U), and nds substitution values for the logical variable F. There may be several such substitutions, including some containing the universal constant U. The solutions containing the universal constant U are discarded with the interpretation of the goal\+ (\+ (variable U F)). The substitution values for F will be ltered because the second argument for variable is a logical variable which does not contain the universal constant U in its signature.
3.1.1 Using list comprehensions
Here are four examples of the use of list comprehensions: 1. Generating the odd numbers of a list L 2. Generating the pairs x,y] with the values of x taken from a list L1, and the values of y taken from a list L2. 3. Generating the pairs x,y] with the values of x taken from a list L1, and the values of y taken from a list L2, such that y 6= x. 8
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
4. Generating the values
such that a2+ b2= c2 .
Odds<== (all x\ (x: (x<-- L, 1 is x mod 2))) Pairs<== (all y\ (v x\ ( x, y]: (x<-- L1, y<-- L2)))) Pairs<== (all y\ (v x\ ( x, y]: (x<-- L1, y<-- L2, y=\= x)))) R<== (all c\ (all b\ (all a\ ( a,b,c]: (a<-- L, b<-- L, a< b, c<-- L; a*a+ b*b=:= c*c)))))
Here is a quick sort program using list comprehensions.% sort X Y: list Y is a sorted version of list X type sort (list A) -> (list A) -> o. sort]]. sort X| L] S:Low<== (all y\ (y: (y<-- L, y< X))), sort Low SLow, Up<== (all y\ (y: (y<-- L, y> X))), sort Up SUp, append SLow X| SUp] S.
4 Monad-based comprehensions vs.
all-solution predicatesThe di erences between comprehensions if functional languages and logic programming come mostly from the presence of nondeterminism, which will tend to return instances with renamed logical variables unless instructed otherwise with appropriate quanti ers. In Prolog-Mali, bagof is typed as follows:type bagof (A->o) -> (list A) -> o. mode (setof+AbstractGoal?SetOfSols)
4.1 Expressing monad operations in terms of all-solution predicates
When executed it picks am unknown (logical variable) U and uni es the nonempty list of solutions for U in (AbstractGoal U) with SetOfSols. As in any Prolog, if there are unknowns in AbstractGoal (global unknowns), bagof will backtrack on alternative solutions corresponding to di erent instantiations for global unknowns. 9
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
With appropriate quanti cation (as available in Prolog) bagof can be used therefore as a practical way to implement for instance join and map as folows:type join (list (list T)) -> (list T) -> o. join Xss Ys:bagof X\(sigma Xs\(member Xs Xss, member X Xs)) Ys. type map (A -> B -> o) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> o. map F Xs Ys:bagof Y\(sigma X\(member X Xs, F X Y)) Ys.
Except for reversibility and behaviour on non-ground F map will fonction as if de ned by:map _ map F]]. X|Xs] Y|Ys]:- F X Y, map F Xs Y
i.e. a goal likeXs= A,B,B,A], map unit Xs Zs.
will return Zs= A], B], B], A]]. Notice that in Prolog-Mali bagof (and also findall) allows to specify its intended use through explicit quanti cation. However, by replacing bagof with findall sharing is not preserved, i.e. something like Zs= _A], _B], _C], _D]]. is returned. The following is a translation of our list comprehensions with the builtin predicate bagof. This translation rst converts the list comprehension into an abstraction wich is given as an argument to the predicate bagof. The conversion is made with the predicate get_list. Notice the terminal case which builds the abstraction by merely tranforming a list comprehension (T: P) into the abstraction x\ (x= T, P). Notice also the de nition of the predicate<-- which is directly mapped onto the non-deterministic predicate member. In our previous de nition of list comprehension, the predicate<-- did not need to be de ned as it was meta-interpreted.
4.2 De ning list comprehensions with bagof
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
% get_list+Lc -Goal type get_list (lcT A) -> (A -> o) -> o. get_list (all F) y\ (sigma x\ (R x y)):- !, pi x\ (get_list (F x) y\ (R x y)). get_list (T: P) x\ (x= T, P). X<-- Xs:- member X Xs. Ys<== P:get_list P G, bagof G Ys.
5.1 Programs as monads of clauses
5 Metaprogramming with monads
Let us start from simple (algebraic) clause unfolding operation::::,An):::,Bm )= (A0:-B1,:::,Bm,A2,:::,An)
De nition 1 Let A0:-A1,A2,:::,An and B0:-B1,:::,Bm be two clauses (suppose n> 0; m 0). We de ne(A0:-A1,A2, (B0:-B1,
with= mgu(A1,B0). If the atoms A1 and B0 do not unify, the result of the composition is denoted as?. Furthermore, a
s usual, we consider A0:-true,A2,:::,An to be equivalent to A0:-A2,:::,An, and for any clause C,? C= C?=? . We suppose that at least one operand has been renamed apart to a variant with fresh variables.
Prolog programs and their evaluation is expressed naturally in terms of the monad of clause unfoldings, as described by the folowing Prolog meta-program.unitClause(Cs,G, A]):-A=(G:- G]). joinClause(Cs,Gs,NewGs):findall(NewG,expandClause(Cs,Gs,NewG),NewGs). expandClause(Cs,Gs,NewG):member(G,Gs), member(C,Cs), composeClause(G,C,NewG). composeClause((H:-]),_,(H:-])). composeClause((H:- B|Bs]),(B:-NewBs),(H:-Gs)):append(NewBs,Bs,Gs).
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
Notice that monad operations are parameterized with respect to a xed set of clauses Cs (i.e. a given`program'). A Prolog resolution step (depth rst search with leftmost selection rule) can be conveniently described as expandClause. Multiple parallel goal rewriting is naturally expressed as joinClause. A more e cient version is obtained by following the morphism from the monad of lists to the monad of di erence lists. Using the natural monad structure induced by the Prolog style clause unfolding operation we will give a straightforward embedding of Prolog in Prolog. We can map an arbitrary (untyped) Prolog term to a universal type in Prolog as follows:kind prologT type. type pINT int -> prologT. type pFLOAT float -> prologT. type pSTRUCT (list int) -> (list prologT) -> prologT.
5.2 An embedding of Prolog in Prolog
It is easy to verify that by mapping variables to variables on both sides, the mapping will commute with unfoldings. Therefore it will also commute with nite sequences of resolution steps. This allows us to write down a basic Prolog to Prolog compiler in a few dozen lines. With this straightforward scheme, the compilation ofapp(],Ys,Ys). app( A|Xs],Ys, A|Zs]):- app(Xs,Ys,Zs).
becomes:type demo prologT -> o. demo (pSTRUCT"app" demo (pSTRUCT"app" (pSTRUCT"]"]),A,A]). (pSTRUCT"." A,B]),C, (pSTRUCT"." A,D])]):demo (pSTRUCT"app" B,C,D]).
In practice, the scheme can be re ned by having the mapping act as id on the set of builtins and Prolog's CUT operation. By mapping predicates to predicates and generating trivial type declarations for the arguments we obtain a practical embedding of Prolog in Prolog which is useful to run existing untyped Prolog applications. 12
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
Despite the proven expressiveness of monadic style in functional programming 16, 17] and denotational semantics 10] no systematic exploration of the concept has been done for logic programming languages. However, ideas alike in substance are present in Peter VanRoy's Extended DCGs 15] and their WildLife 1] counterparts, which encapsulate a concept of state similar to the state transformers in functional programming 16] and some of the mor sms we have described are`implicitely' known to good Prolog programmers. This situation largely motivates our e ort as both major declarative programming paradigms share the reason
s for adopting monads in every-day programming. The following are some of the most attempting follow-ups to the experiments described in this paper: state transformers in logic programming an implementation of arbitrary monad comprehensions the monad of the answers of a (nondeterministic) logic program Fold/Unfold transformations and monad operations transforming meta-interpreters with monad operations a monadic view of continuation passing and binarization in logic programming For instance, meta-interpreters for logic programming languages can be described in terms of the monad of clause unfoldings. All-solution predicates can be seen as morphisms from a suitably organized monad of answers to the monad of lists. Knowing their monad properties allows to transform (i.e.`partially evaluate') all-solution predicates in a rigorous way to their more e cient rst-order equivalents.
6 Related work
7 Future work
8 Conclusion
We have shown that monads are as useful to describe the basic data structures of logic programming languages as they are in functional programming. In particular we have organized function lists as a monad and studied some interesting monad morphisms. We have introduced a monad-based concept of lists comprehensions for Prolog. We have described Prolog's unfolding operation in a monadic style, with a practical compilation scheme from untyped Prolog 13
We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
to Prolog. The use of an intrinsically high order logic programming language ( Prolog) has been shown particularly useful, although most of our techniques will also work in ordinary Prolog systems. Although transposing an elegant declarative concept from one declarative programming paradigm to another is not di cult, their elegant implementation was not always obvious. Moreover, the monadic view of lazy function lists and meta-programming is novel and it looks like a good starting point for a uniform description for the semantics of logic programs and for program transformations.
Paul Tarau thanks for support from the Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council (grant OGP0107411), the FESR of the Universite de Moncton and for the fellowships from Universite de Rennes and the I.R.I.S.A Rennes. Discussions with members of the LANDE group and especially Pascal Brisset, Pascal Fradet, Daniel LeMetayer and Olivier Ridoux have been very helpful in clarifying our ideas on the subject.
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We give a logical reconstruction of all-solution predicates in terms of list comprehensions in Prolog's and we describe a variety of logic programming constructs in terms of monads and monad morphisms. Novel monad structures are described for lazy function
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Logic Programming with Monads and05-28
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