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1 Unit 1 New Perspective

Part I Communication Skills

Task 1 Warm up

Teaching tips:

Encourage students to discuss the life attitudes they hold and the benefits of a good life attitude. Ask them whether they want to change their life attitudes.

Task 2 Listening

Exercise 1

Culture Tips:

Henry Ford He was the American founder of the Ford Motor Company and the father of modern assembly lines used in mass production. (From Wikipedia)


See the audio script

Audio Script (无音频,需要录音)

Nicole : Hey, Nancy, have you heard Margaret got promoted?

Nancy : Yes, I have. The achievement is awesome considering of all the hardships she ‘s been through.

Nicole : Yeah, I really admire her. She is such an optimist.

Nancy : Me, too. It ‘s inspiring to see how much an optimist achieves. They are winners of life while pessimists are losers.

Nicole : I can ‘t agree with you more. When there are dark clouds in life, optimists search for the silver lining of opportunity while pessimists merely complain.

Nancy : Uh-huh. It ‘s amazing how one ‘s attitude affects his achievements. A positive attitude really makes a big difference.

Nicole : Do you know attitudes also affect one ‘s health?

Nancy : No. I don ‘t. Enlighten me.

Nicole : A certain group of researchers are said to have taken personality tests of some people, and they tracked their health status for 30 years. You can guess for the result.


: The optimists turned out to be healthier?

Nicole: Yeah. The optimists are reported to have better physical and mental functioning. Meanwhile, they also lived longer on average than pessimists.

Nancy: Wow, that‘s so incredible. I think sometimes I am a little bit pessimistic. It‘s time for a change.

Nicole: Yes. Actually, it‘s not that difficult to change. Just remember, whenever you hold a negative thought, immediately replace it with a positive one. Keep training yourself like this, and then you will be an optimist.

Nancy: That‘s good news for all the pessimists. It‘s not too late to change.

Nicole: No, it‘s not. And remember Henry Ford once said, "You can believe you can, or you can believe you can‘t, either way you will be correct."

Useful Expressions

Teaching tips:

Draw students‘attention to the sentence patterns in comparing optimism and pessimism and encourage students to use these sentences to practice their communicational abilities in talking about life attitudes.


Task 3 Speaking Up

Pair Work

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Discuss it with your partner and use some concrete examples from your daily life to support your opinion.


Part II Topic-related Listening and Speaking

Task 1

Pre-listening Activity

Exercise 1

Culture Tips:

World Laughter Day takes place on the first Sunday in May. The first celebration was on January 11, 1998, in Mumbai, India, and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria.

Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read other user messages called tweets. Since its creation in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained notability and popularity worldwide.

Sarin Rothburg: an advocate of ―World Laughter Day‖.


1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

Exercise 2


1) feel good 2) the illness of depression

3) really exercise 4) reaction 5) watching comedy

Oral Practice

Pair Discussion (Open)

Culture Tips:

EQ or Emotional Quotient is a measure of the ability to notice and then manage feelings and then control reactions. One‘s mood will always control his ability to resolve problems, making this an important skill to develop and use. Using a well developed EQ will help one manage emotions. IQ or Intelligence Quotient is a measure of intelligence. A way to rate this for any individual is by taking an IQ test. The majority of people rank in at about 90-110.

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World Laughter Day

Sarin Rothburg

It's like a spring cleaning for the mind, body and spirit. We all have to celebrate today. It is the official day of laughter. And around the world, there are at least 105 celebrations that I know of, Vienna, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the United States, Canada, where people are


gathering for an hour of just pure laughter. So you guys do it there?


Yeah, of course, we laugh all of the time for all of our reasons perhaps. But what is it about the active laughter that makes it such a healthy thing to do?

Sarin Rothburg

Well, we all know from kids, it just makes you feel good. There are tremendous studies with compelling researchers around the world, Dr. Burke, Dr. Tan, Paul McGee, Henslin. They are doing incredible studies to show the connection that our laughter has to the body. There are incredible physiological reactions. The study just was released this week that talks about how it can stimulate appetite, particularly in people who are living with the illness of depression, who have lost the will to eat. It can also really exercise the cardio and pulmonary parts of the body. By their studies that show about the hormonal reaction, it helps suppress bad hormones and helps elevate good hormones, and allergy sufferers, after laughing and watching comedy, allergy sufferers actually experience less allergy symptoms.

And so today is the day where we just reach out across the world and say to everybody, ―Let's get our laugh on.‖ You know, we schedule time for everything, for facebook, for twitter, you know, to take the dry cleaning. But how many times do we gather our family around and say, you know, ―let's just share a laugh‖? And what's funny is I can hear the laugh that‘s on in my earpiece and I actually can tell you whose laugh that is, who is laughing. There are some great people in the field, Dr. Matan Kataria, Dr. Steve Wilson, people who really advocate for laughter around the world. And as laughing is going, I can actually tell you who is laughing.


I know,all right, Sarin Rothburg, thanks so much. World laughter day, we all deserve a bit of giggle, a bit of laugh. So it‘s all good for us.

Task 2

Pre-listening Activity

Exercise 1

Culture Tips:

Rosalind (Roz) Savage is a British ocean rower and amateur runner, now pursuing a career as an environmental advocate, writer and motivational speaker.

Kiribati n.基里巴斯an island republic in the west central Pacific just south of the equator


1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

Exercise 2


1. E

2. G

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. H

7. C

8. F

9. I

Oral Practice

Group Discussion (open)


Culture Tips:

An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities viewed as having a high level of danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height and stunts. In recent years, the term extreme sports have evolved on a grand scale. It can be categorized into three main types: air, land and water.Some of the mainstream extreme sports are surfing, bungee jumping, sky diving, gliding, extreme skiing, mountain biking, cliff-diving, scuba diving, and wind surfing.

Audio Script

Row Across the Oceans

Hi, my name is Roz Savage, and I row across oceans. Four years ago, I rowed solo across the Atlantic. Since then, I‘ve done 2 out of 3 stages across the Pacific, from San Francisco to Hawaii, and from Hawaii to Kiribati. And tomorrow I‘ll be lea ving this boat to fly back to Kiribati to continue with the third and final stage of my row across the Pacific. Accumulatively, I will have rowed over 8,000 miles, taking over 3 million oar strokes, and spend more than 312 days alone on the ocean on a 23 foot row boat. This has given me a very special relationship with the ocean. We have a bit of a love hate thing going on. I feel a bit about it like I did about a very strict math teacher I once had at school. I didn‘t always like her, but I did respect her. And she taught me a heck of lot. So today I‘d like to share with you some of my ocean adventures and tell you a little bit about what they‘ve taught me and how I think maybe we can take some of those lessons and apply them to the environmental challenge we face right now.

Now some of you might be thinking, ―Hold on a minute, she does look very much like a ocean rower. Isn‘t she meant to be about this tall, and about this wide, and maybe look a bit more like these guys. You will notice they‘ve all got something that I don‘t. Well, I don‘t know what you are thinking, but I am talking about the beards. No matter how long I spend on the ocean, I haven‘t yet managed to muster a decent beard, and I hope it remains that way.

For a long time, I didn‘t believe I could have a big adventure. The story that I told myself was that adventurers looked like this. I didn‘t look the part, I thought there were them and there were us, and I was not one of them. So for 11 years, I conformed, I did what people from my kind of background was supposed to do. I was working in an office in London as a management consultant. And I think I knew from day 1 that it wasn‘t the right job for me, but that kind of conditioning just kept me there for so many years until I reached my mid thirties, and I thought, you know I am not getting any younger, I feel like I‘ve got a purpose in this life, and I don‘t know what it is. But I am pretty certain that management consultancy is not it. So fast forward a few years, I‘ve gone through some changes to try and answer the question of ―what am I supposed to be doing with my life‖. I sat down one day and wrote 2 versions of my own obituary. The one that I wanted, a life of adventure, and the one I was actually heading for which was a nice normal pleasa nt life, but it wasn‘t where I wanted to be by the end of my life. I wanted to live a life that I could be proud of. And I remember looking at these 2 versions of my obituary and thinking, ―Oh, boy, I am on totally the wrong track here. If I carry on living the way I am living now, I am just not gonna to get where I want to be in 5 years or 10 years or at the end of my life.‖

I made a few changes, letting going of some of the trappings of my old life, and through a bit leap of logic decide to row across the Atlantic Ocean.


Part III Topic-related Watching & Speaking

Task 1

Pre-listening Activity


1.Symptoms of depression

difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions

fatigue and decreased energy

feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness

feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism

insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping

irritability, restlessness

loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex

overeating or appetite loss

persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment

persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings

thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts


2. How to get out of depression?

Cultivate supportive relationships

Get regular exercise and sleep

Eat healthfully to naturally boost mood

Manage stress

Practice relaxation techniques

Challenge negative thought patterns


Exercise 1

Culture Tips:

A Brief History of Black Mental Health Alliance

In 1984, the co-founders of BMHA gathered, namely Dr. Maxie Collier, Delegate Shirley Nathan- Pulliam and other public/mental health professionals to discuss the disparities that exist as it relates to African Americans and mental health- specifically the growing misdiagnosis of schizophrenia and inappropriate mental health treatment due to the lack of cultural competency. After a series of discussions and planning efforts- BMHA was born. Since that time, the organization has developed into a broad array of programs including school based mental health services, HIV/AIDS programming, referrals to mental health providers, smoking cessation services, community education, consultation and training.



1. C

2. C

3. C


Exercise 2


1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. T

Oral Practice

Group Discussion (open)

Video Script

Blackman Depression


For Lance Thompson, making people laugh is his life.

Lance Thompson

Like a man, we will get a cup out of the cabinet, see that it‘s dirty, and we don't put it in the dishwasher. Where do we put it, fellas? Right back in the cabinet.


On stage, he masters the crowd. But at home, it's a very different story.

Lance Thompson

I just felt like I was in a dark place. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't motivated to do anything. I was at work. I wanted to come home just go to sleep, just get away from it all 'cause sleep was my escape.


There is a history of depression in Lance's family, and his wife worried that his condition could be severe.

Olivia Thompson

I was afraid to leave him home with the baby. I didn't know if he was just, if I was going to come home, he would not be breathing.


Thompson was pursuing a dream and supporting a family what most people take in stride. But for some reason, the balancing act drove him deeper into feelings of depression.

Lance Thompson

I love comedy, comedy is my passion. But it made me feel, I guess less of a man still watch her work while I will pursue my dream.

Olivia Thompson

I didn't want him to work. I wanted him to pursue comedy because he gave the same opportunity when we were in Maryland.

He said, "Just quit your job, and go to there. I will take care of everything.‖


The author of The Things That Make Men Cry, Dr. Gloria Morrow says Thompson is no different than most men who typically don't share personal feelings. But for African American men, it's an even bigger challenge.

Dr. Gloria Morrow

For black men, talking about emotional problems is not ok because first of all they would have to admit they have emotional problems, and we have been taught in our community that if you have


emotional problems or mental health problems, that you are crazy.


The Black Mental Health Alliance reports 7% of African American men experience serious depression in their lifetime. But as Dr. Morrow says this isn't an exact science because many of these cases go unreported.

Dr. Gloria Morrow

To say you are suffering from depression would suggest that you are weak and you are not a man. Men have been talked to fix problems and to provide for women. So for them to acknowledge that they are struggling in that area, that would be very problematic.


So now Thompson is talking to anyone who will listen.

Lance Thompson

If anybody else is going through it, talk about it is the first step. Get it all out and be real to yourself.


Lance Thompson, breaking the silence that stole lives before him in order to save others.

Don Lemon, CNN, Atlanta

Task 2

Pre-watching Activity


1.What is ―work burnout‖

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. People who suffer from work burnout show a reduction in motivation, volume and quality of performance.

Exercise 1


1) limits 2) priorities 3) goals 4) team 5) tech

Picture 1: D Picture 2: F Picture 3: B A Picture 4: C Picture 5: E

Exercise 2


1. It‘s a web-based marketing company.

2. Ten people.

3. Burned out./Overloaded.

4. Looking at the pictures you like, or having a plant nearby

Oral Exercise

Group Discussion (open)

Video Script

Avoid Burning out



In these tough economic times, a smaller staff has been the key to big success for this web-based marketing company.

Melanie Spring

We are a team of ten people that are working really, really hard to keep it at ten people just to be able to stay as lean as possible.


But for Sisarina, fewer employees means at times those workers are overloaded.

Teresa Thomas

I do think we all feel the need to help more and more, so we are sort of asking to help more. Correspondent

With a barebones workforce in many places, people who have a job are grateful, but burned out. Occupational therapist say to avoid a workplace meltdown, first prioritize.

Dr. Karen Jacobs

Meet with your boss and say, ―I‘d like to set priorities for myself. I‘d like to dis cuss my performance. I‘d like to set goals.‖


Also, know when to turn it off.

Dr. Karen Jacobs

I think, for all of us, to stay healthy, we need to set better limits on what things we do at work, and what things we take home.


Experts say to maximize results at work, minimize distractions. Take breaks to stretch or walk around every half an hour or so.

Marisa Peacock

I think sometimes for myself, I go for a walk.


A calming work environment is helpful, looking at the pictures you like, or having a plant nearby. Looking forward to activities outside of work can also help beat the burnout. And remember, get a good night‘s sleep.

Anchorwoman (Sandra Endo)

Another suggestion to avoid burning out is to have a weekly tech-free day, meaning no cell phone, b lackberries or emails. The question is, ―Could you really do it?‖

Sandra Endo, CNN, Washington.

Part IV After-class Activities

Task 1 Home Listening


1. lack of confidence prevents them from

2. praise and encouragement

3. Holding on to being negative

4. achievements social life


5. reward yourself

6. healthy balanced stick to it

Audio Script

How to Boost Self Esteem

Many people suffer from low self esteem and lack of confidence and find it prevents them from achieving their full potential in life. In many cases, it would be beneficial to talk to a trained counselor or therapist, but you may also find the following advice useful. Step one, what is low self-esteem? Self-esteem is the opinion you have of yourself. This is not constant. Your self esteem can go up and down depending on the things that are happening in your life. A major influence on self-esteem is the type of childhood you had. The relationship you had with your parents and others and the amount of praise and encouragement you received from them will all have had a big effect. Any type of abusive relationship, whether it‘s physical or psychological abuse will invariably have had an impact on a person‘s self-esteem. Step two, don‘t be so hard on yourself. Try not to focus on things that have happened or that you might have done wrong in the past. Holding on to regret or guilt over long periods doesn‘t achieve anything. Try to let go of these feelings rather than criticizing yourself and being negative about yourself. Step three, be positive. Try to focus as much as possible on your achievements and your talents even if you don‘t feel that particularly significant. If you are good at something, keep doing it, and try to forget about what you perceive are your weaknesses. Also, try to stretch yourself by giving yourself new challenges and goals so you can feel a sensitive achievement when you reach them. It can also be helpful to have a positive role model, someone whose qualities you admire. Surround yourself with positive people and try to enjoy your social life with people who make you feel good about yourself. Step four, reward yourself. A good way to feel better about yourself is to set achievable goals and then reward yourself when you reach them. Treat yourself to things you really enjoy and make you feel good like a massage or a nice meal. Acknowledge that you deserve to be good to yourself. Step five, your health. Your body and mind are very closely linked, so one will affect the other. So if you are sick or run down, you are less likely to feel good about yourself. Eat a healthy balanced diet, but don‘t beat yourself up if you don‘t always stick to it. Also, try to exercise regularly and take up activities that help you relax.

Task 2 Home Watching

Culture Tips:

Sly and the Family Stone are an American rock, funk, and soul band from San Francisco, California. The band was active from 1966 to 1983.


"Hot Fun in the Summertime" is a 1969 hit single(单曲) recorded by Sly & the Family Stone. It is a dedication to the fun and games to be had during the summer.


The Billboard Hot 100is the United States music industry standard singles popularity chart issued weekly by Billboard magazine.




1) bathing suit 2) thirsty 3) moving around 4) vegetable 5) Water regularly

6) tennis 7) improves sleep 8) mood 9) interests you 10) challenge yourself

11) camping trip 12) backyard 13) centuries ago 14) fun summer

Video Script

Summer Fun

How to have summer fun?

Summertime means fun time! Check out these tips on getting the season-long party started.

You will need a beach towel, a bathing suit, sunscreen, water, a trowel, tomato, pepper and cucumber seeds, sports equipment, a book, camping gear, and a star chart. Optional, a mason jar. Step 1

Grab a towel, don a bathing suit, and cool off with a swim. Wear waterproof sunscreen and play a little Marco Polo; before you know it, you‘ll be having such a good time, you won‘t realize you‘ve burned off all those ice cream calories.

Drink plenty of water, even when you‘re swimming. You might not feel thirsty, but you‘re still moving around in the hot sun.

Step 2

Start a vegetable garden. Find a plot of land and map out areas for various veggies. Aerate and weed with a trowel, then plant summer produce like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. Water regularly and watch the perfect complements to a summer barbecue come to life.

Step 3

Toss a ball around, shoot some hoops, ride a bike, spike a volleyball, toss a frisbee, play some tennis, go for a run — anything that gets you up and moving outdoors. Being active in the sun improves sleep, promotes vitamin D production, and boosts your mood —just be sure to wear sunscreen.

Step 4

Pick a book, stretch out in the shade, and read. Choose a book that interests you, rather than something you think you have to read. Try a masterpiece you‘ve always meant to check out, and challenge yourself to finish it by Labor Day.

Step 5

Explore the great outdoors with a camping trip. Grab a canteen, food, and a flashlight, pack up a tent and a sleeping bag, throw it all in a backpack, and hit the road. Even if you‘re just in your own backyard, the summer months are the perfect time for a night away from the television.

If you live in an area with fireflies, bring a mason jar on your trip and catch some to give your camp a little extra mood lighting.

Step 6

Wait for night to fall, go outside, and stargaze. Consult a star chart to find constellations, many of which were named centuries ago. Let your imagination run and find new shapes and images in the sky to inspire you as you consider your next fun summer activity.

Did you know? In August 1969, Sly and the Family Stone‘s single Hot Fun in the Summertime hit No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Task 3 Fun Time


Culture Tips:

Parking validation is a co-operative effort between businesses and local parking laws that gives customers the ability to waive parking fees. Garages and parking lots will often offer parking validation to customers of nearby shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. The goal of this system is to promote business by offering free parking, while the businesses return the favor by paying the city a small premium for the ability to offer validation.


Keys: Open

Video Script


I am here to get validated.

You, you are awesome.

Excuse me?

You have an amazing face. You‘ve got powerful features, man.

No one ever tell you that?


Listen. You look a little down. And it may seem like sometimes people don‘t understand you. But some day, man, some day, people are going to see you for what you really are.

You really think so?

Absolutely. You are great.

Give me a validation, please.

You, you are great, Ma‘am. You have amazing cheek bones.


Sir. (Yes.) We have a situation. (Where?)

What the Hell is going on?

You‘ve been through it. You know. You have so much life experience that other people don‘t appreciate. But you know..

Bless you dear.

They are not patronizing the shops. They just came to see him!

Well, sir. You are in great shape. You work out?

Not for long.

(I do, actually. I did. Yeah. Thanks. )

Young man, we are running a business here. Not a social club.

That is a fantastic suit. It really flatters you.

You think so?

You guys work so hard. You are the back bone that keeps this place running.

I always felt like no one really appreciated us.

Yeah, you know, the jobs are so stressful. It seems like most of the time people just don‘t see it. No. What you do is so important.

You know, I bet the boss would love to meet you.

You are great. You provide hundreds of jobs, sustaining hundreds of families. That‘s huge.

That‘s so good to hear. Most times I feel like people don‘t recognize that. I‘m just the big bad man


in hell.

Not at all. You give.

Unit 2 Musical Moods

Part I Communication Skills

Task 1 Warm up

Teaching tips:

Encourage students to speak out and describe their favorite musical styles, singers, musical bands and state the reasons for their preference; Share their experiences with music and discuss the functions of music in our life.

Task 2 Listening

Exercise 1

Culture Tips

Kenny G: (1956-06-05----), Kenneth Bruce Gorelick, known by his stage name Kenny G, is a Grammy winning American, smooth jazz, saxophonist. His fourth album, Duotones, brought him breakthrough success in 1986. Kenny G is the biggest-selling instrumental musician of the modern era, with global sales totaling more than 75 million albums.

Saxophone: A musical instrument invented by Adolphe Sax in 1841.


See the audio script

Audio Script

William: Hi! Jane, what is your plan tonight?

Jane: Not sure. I‘ve had my hands full with my term paper.

William: Come on. You are too hard on yourself. Just relax.

Jane: Ennn……..maybe I need some rest.

William: I‘ve got some albums of music. Do you like to enjoy them for a change?

Jane: Sounds great. Actually I was a lover of saxophone in my middle school days and I admired Kenny G very much at that time. It was because of him that I picked up that

musical instrument.

William: Wow, great! How is your sax phone?


Jane: Well,I got the first prize in the Interschool Saxophone Contest in my senior middle school.

William: You know what? I always think those who are good at musical instruments are brilliant and fantastic!

Jane: You flattered me.

William: Can you teach me how to play saxophone? You know I wanna give a surprise gift to my girl friend at her birthday party three months later.

Jane: No problem. It‘s my pleasure.

Exercise 2

Useful Expressions

Teaching tips:

Draw students‘ attention to the sentence patterns in talking about music and encourage students to

Task 3 Speaking Up

Pair Work


rhythmic, healing, wonderful, melodic, musical, pleasant, relaxing, impressive, romantic, classical, sad, cheerful, memorable, noisy, peaceful, harmonious, soothing, dynamic

Teaching tips:

The students are supposed to enjoy the Carpenters‘Yesterday once more and Michael Jackson‘s


Beat It. Identify the differences in tunes and exchange their ideas with partner. Then the teacher will invite some students to share their ideas about the music and other widely known songs of the singers.

Culture Tips

The Carpenters: is a musical band which consists of siblings Karen and Richard Carpenter. During a period in the 1970s Richard and Karen produced a distinctively soft musical style that made them one of the best-selling music artists of all time. The Carpenters' melodic pop produced a record-breaking run of hit recordings on the American Top 40 and Adult Contemporary charts, and they became leading sellers in the soft rock, easy listening and adult contemporary genres. Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer-songwriter, dancer, actor, choreographer, poet, businessman, record producer. Referred to as the King of Pop, he is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time. His unrivaled contribution to music, dance and fashion, and a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.

Popular Songs of the Carpenters

Close to You (1969), We've Only Just Begun(1970), Rainy Days and Mondays(1971), Super Star (1971),Make Your Own Kind of Music(1971), Top of the World(1973),Please Mr. Postman(1974), Only Yesterday(1975)Those Good Old Dreams(1981)

Popular Songs of Michael Jackson

I'll Be There (1969), Ben (1972), Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough(1979), Thriller(1982), Billie Jean (1983), We Are The World (1985), Dangerous (1990), Black Or White (1990), Scream (1995), Childhood, You Are Not Alone (1995), Heal the World (2008)

Part II Topic-related Listening and Speaking

Task 1

Pre-listening Activity

Popular Songs of The Sound of Music

Edelweiss, My Favorite Things, Climb Ev'ry Mountain, Do-Re-Mi, Sixteen Going on Seventeen, and The Lonely Goatherd

Outline of The Sound of Music

Made by 20th Century Fox Studios in California, it won a total of five Academy Awards in 1965 and is one of the most popular musicals ever produced. The story set in the Austrian city of Salzburg in 1938. Maria (Julie Andrews), a young postulant at the Nonnberg Abbey, was invited to Captain Georg Ludwig von Trapp (Christopher Plummer), a widowed, retired Captain‘s house to be a new governess for his seven children. Upon arrival at the von Trapp manor, Maria immediately got into trouble with Captain von Trapp and the children‘s mischief and hostility. But with her efforts and her passion for music, she has gradually been on good terms with the kids and their father. Just before they planned a beautiful life, Nazis tried to force von Trapp to serve them. In order to escape to free land, they played tricks and made a successful escape with the help of nuns.

Outline of The Princess Diaries


The Princess Diaries is a comedy-drama film. Mia Thermopolis is a fifteen-year-old tenth grade private school student who lives with her mother Helen Thermopolis, discovers that she is the heir to the throne of the fictional Genovia, ruled by her grandmother, Queen dowager Clarisse Renaldi. Mia‘s mother and grandmother convi nce her to attend "princess lessons" in preparation for her introduction to the Genovian government. During this course, she goes through the humiliation at the State Dinner, clumsy driving and unexpected accident, embarrassed snapshots at school‘s annual beach party, accidental reading of her father‘s letter to her before his death……those ups and downs makes her finally brave herself to face her responsibilities and feelings.

Exercise 1


1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. F

Exercise 2


1.incredibly rare range


3.operation on her vocal cords

4.the most loved actresses

5. recover her famous voice

Oral practice

Group discussion (open)


People who clap their hands for sending kids to art course at weekends or holidays say:

cultivate their personalities in their childhood

take a lead in the competitive world

avoid falling behind their peers in the rat-racing life

secure a decent job in the future

develop one‘s potentials

People who protest against say:

deprive kids of their happy and fun-seeking childhood

produce forced learner thus result in their negative attitude to learning

great burden on both kids and parents

miserable childhood will shadow their adulthood

Audio script

Dame Julie Elizabeth Andrews

She is an Academy Award winning actress and singer, star of The Sound of Music, one of the most popular films of all time and the highest grossing movie of its day. Dame Julie Andrews is a face and a voice with which we‘ve all grown-up. Starring out on the Vaudeville stage, she was discovered as a child to have an incredibly rare range, able to sing four octaves as she proved in Mary Poppins her silver screen debut. Sadly an operation on her vocal cords left her voice badly


17 damaged in 1998, no longer able to take singing roles, Andrews went on to star in The Princess Diaries, proving that even without her singing ability, she ‘s one of the most loved actresses of a generation. While also authoring children ‘s books Simeon ’s Gift. Andrews has worked hard to recover her famous voice and will return to the stage after 30 years absence, with the come-back musical performance next year. A pearly Queen and best loved singing nun, Dame Julie Andrews.

Task 2

Pre-listening Activity

Exercise 1


Name Profession Relationship with Pat Spurgeon

Pat Spurgeon

Rogue Wave

Jim Granato

Exercise 2

Key: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D

Oral Practice

Pair Discussion:

Teaching tips:

Teacher guides students to learn the stories of these two great musicians and brainstorm with the given words and phrases, then encourages them to exchange their ideas with each other.

Audio script

A New Documentary About A Man

Pat Spurgeon, a drummer with the rock band Rogue Wave, was born with only one kidney and received a transplant due to its malfunction as a teenager. But, in 2004, as he prepared for a U.S. concert tour, that kidney began to fail. Instead of leaving the band, Spurgeon hit the road with his drums, his dialysis machine and a video camera.

"Basically, I just wanted to make a film that showed people how this particular type of dialysis allows you to be mobile and kind of carry on with your life as if you didn't have a problem other than having to do dialysis every day,"

His friend Jim Granato, an independent filmmaker and videographer, who inspired the idea of making a documentary of his trip, called it D Tour – the D is for dialysis, explains: ―This is the first film of its kind in a way to chronicle an individual's [being on] dialysis in spite of the odds of being on tour with a band, and also his quest for a donor.‖

Spurgeon says he wanted to share with viewers the challenges of touring while being on dialysis. And music gave him the will to survive.

"It was pretty much the only thing that kept me going through the whole dialysis process," he says. "There is one song of ours in particular called ―Cheaper than Therapy.‖ The theme of the song is how music is sort of therapy for people going through certain things.

Spurgeon continues his busy schedule with Rogue Wave. He says he'll continue to find time to spread awareness about the life-changing gift of organ donation.

Part III Topic-related Watching & Speaking

Task 1

Pre-watching Activity

Language tips:


What is Goth?

Goth in its simplest form, is a subculture. There is no specific thing that defines what you need to do or be to fit into the goth scene (except of course the implied black clothing). People in the goth scene all have different musical tastes, follow different religions, have different occupations, hobbies, and fashion sense.Modern goth (ignoring where the name itself originally comes from) started in the early 80's as part of the punk subculture (which is itself was a rejection of most societal values, and anything considered part of the 'norm'). The phrase was coined by the band manager of Joy Division, Anthony H. Wilson, who described the band as 'Gothic compared with the pop mainstream'. The term stuck, and as punk eventually died, Goth survived and became its own subculture. The punk clothing and hairstyles mellowed, and the core 'rejection of society' attitude alone lived on in the gothic subculture. Over time this itself has been modified to be more of a 'no more blind acceptance of society's values' as opposed to rejection because it was there to be rejected (and because you could get away with it!).

There is now a gothic community in almost every major city around the world, and quite a number of towns have their own representative contingent. Nowadays there are more goth bands around than ever, and it has turned from an 80's phenomenon into a 90's way of life for many people.


Unlike the punk subculture that it spawned from, there even exists a class of mature goths, still following the scene around even past their 20's and into their 30's and beyond.

What is Punk?


The punk subculture emerged in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia in the mid-1970s. In the United States during the early 1980s, punk underwent a renaissance in the form of hardcore punk, while at the same time Britain saw a parallel movement called streetpunk. Hardcore and street punk then spread to other regions just as the original subculture had. The punk subculture includes a diverse array of ideologies, and forms of expression, including fashion, visual art, dance, literature, and film, which grew out of punk rock. Compared to some alternative cultures, punk is much closer to being gender equalist in terms of its ideology. A typical punk scene is made up of punk and hardcore bands; fans who attend concerts, protests, and other events; zine publishers, band reviewers, and writers; visual artists who create illustrations for zines, posters, and album covers.

What is Emo?


Emo is a style of rock music typically characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. It originated in the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore". As the style was echoed by contemporary American punk rock bands, its sound and meaning shifted and changed, blending with pop punk and indie rock and encapsulated in the early 1990s. Emo broke into mainstream culture in the early 2000s with the platinum-selling success of Jimmy Eat World and Dashboard Confessional and the emergence of the subgenre "screamo". In recent years the term "emo" has been applied by critics and journalists to a variety of artists, including multiplatinum acts and groups with disparate styles and sounds.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2


1. spokesperson

2. Basically

3. despairing

4. depressed

5. ordinary

Oral practice


Pair Discussion (open)

Teaching tips:

Teacher draw students‘ attention to the main points of what an Emo behaves, dresses, and lives a life, and then motivates students to speak out their feelings about being an Emo.


Lines of Emo Kid by Adam and Andrew

Dear Diary,

mood: apathetic

my life is spiraling downward. I couldn‘t get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry Concert.

It sucks ?cause they play some of my favorite songs like ?Stab My Heart Because I Love You, and ?Rip Apart My Soul,‘ and of course, ?Stabby Rip Stab Stab.‘

and it doesn't help that I couldn‘t get my hair to do that flippy thing either,

like that guy from that band could do, some days you know. . .

I‘m an emo kid, non-conforming as can be

you‘d be non-conforming to if u look just like me

I have paint on my nails and make-up on my face

I‘m almost emo enough to start shaving my legs

?cause I feel real deep when I‘m dressing in drag

I call it freedom of expression most just call me a f*g

?cause thei r dudes look like chicks, their chicks look like d*kes

?cause emo is one step below transvestite

stop my breathing and slit my throat

I must be emo

I don‘t jump around when i go to shows

I must be emo

I‘m dark and sensitive with low self-esteem

the way i d ress makes everyday feel like Hallowe‘en

I have no real problems but I like to make believe

I stole my sister's mascara now I‘m grounded for a week

sulking and writing poetry are my hobbies

I can't get through a Hawthorne Heights album without sobbing

girl s keep breaking up with me, it‘ never any fun

they say they already have a p*ssy, they don't need another one

stop my breathing and slit my throat

I must be emo

I don't jump around when i go to shows

I must be emo

dye in my hair and polish on my toes

I must be emo

I play guitar and write suicide notes

I must be emo

my life is just a black abyss, you know, it‘s so dark. and it‘s suffocating me. grabbing a hold of me and tightening it‘s grip, tighter than a pair of my little sister‘s jeans . . . which look gr eat on my by


the way

when i get depressed I cut my wrists in every direction

hearing songs about getting dumped give me an erection

I write in a live journal and wear thick rimmed glasses

I told my friends I bleed black and cry during classes

I'm just a bad, cheap imitation of goth

you can read me ―Catcher in the Rye,‖ and watch me jack off

I wear skin tight clothes while hating my life

if I said I like girls I‘d only be half right

I look like I‘m dead and dress like a homo

I must be emo

screw XBOX I play old school Nintendo

I must be emo

I like to whine and hate my parentals

I must be emo

me and my friends all look like clones

I must be emo

my parents just don‘t get me you know. they think I‘m gay just because they saw me kiss a guy. well, a couple of guys. but I mean, it‘s the 2000s. can‘t 2, or 4 dudes make-out with each other without being gay. I mean, chicks dig that kind of thing anyways. I don‘t know diary, sometimes I think you're the only one that gets me, you‘re my best friend. . . .I feel like tacos

Video script

What Is Emo

We have a lot of requests to explain exactly what Emo is. Emo is short for emotional or emotive or something. And it is emerging sexual tribe. As you can see from this graph, Emo is the subdivision of species Goth; which itself, is a subdivision of genus punk, and it‘s quite literally the hottest little fashion on the streets. As you can see from this graph, by 2015, over 45% of the world population will be Emo; by 2020, a shocking 87%; and by 2025, it‘ll probably have blown over. In the studio today, we‘ve got spokesperson for the International Emo Society from second life Moonshine23. Your thoughts, please.: ―Basically. Emo is like when no one understands you and your whole life is just like despairing black hole of emotion. I …I…so depressed right now…..I mean…I went to the barber and now my hair does n‘t do the flicky thing like that guy from the band, like it did before‖ With this International Emo phenomena or Emonomina rising at such an alarming rate, we decided to find out what it takes to turn an ordinary child into an Emo kid. Earlier today we took this boy and made him drink an Emo potion, which I cooked up this morning. 10% nail vanish and eye shadow, 2 Emo mix CDs, 10% poetry, 15% fringe, a dash of bisexuality and just a drop of Goth tears, and we‘re ready to blend. That was 7 hours ago, let‘s check it with him now. Yes, it‘s looking good. He‘s already painted his nails black and he‘s writing a poem. I‘d say that makes up about 45% Emo. Let‘s check back with him later. This is amazing. He‘s currently straightening his hair and uploading a video blog onto My Space. Hang on….is that…is….yes....yes…..that is a tear on his cheek, an actual tear. He is now shocking 95% Emo. Wow!


