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第十一课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: Thank you for calling Bell Atlantic telephone company.How may I help you?


B: Yeah,I've got a real problem

here.My last phone bill was for $1,493. 我这里的确出了点问题。我上个月的电话费是1493美元。

A: Is this amount incorrect? 话费不对吗?

B: You bet it's incorrect.It says here that I made nine calls to Shanghai. 当然不对。它这里说我打了9个到上海的电话。

A: And you did not make those calls? 你有没有打过那些电话,是吗?

B: I repair motorboats.Why would I call Japan?


A: Shanghai is in China,sir,not Japan. 上海是在中国,而不是在日本,先生。

B: Whatever I don't care.I just want to get this mess straightened out.

管他呢,我无所谓。我只想把事情搞清楚。 A: Wait just one moment and I'll transfer you to a manager. 请稍等,让我给你转到经理那儿。 B: Okay.Good. 好的。

Dialogue 2

A: I hate this weather. 我讨厌这鬼天气。

B: I think it's kind of nice.I like the rain.


A: I don't.It's depressing and it's wet. 我不喜欢下雨。既压抑又潮湿。

B: Of course,it's wet.It's rain.Would you prefer dry rain? 让然会潮湿了,下雨嘛。难道你想要干雨吗? A: Very funny. 真逗。

B: Just enjoy it.At least we're not stuck

in it outside.

说笑而已。至少我们没有被困在外面。 A: Well,I wanted to go out jogging today.


B: Go ahead.It's just a little rain.It won't hurt you.


A: Have you ever heard of the flu?I'll get sick.

你听说流感了吗?我会得病的。 B: You're always complaining. 你老是在抱怨。

A: There's a lot to complain about. 有大把事可抱怨的。

B: I think that's pretty sad.I try to be happy when I can.

我觉得那真让人感到悲哀。而我总会尽量让自己高兴点。 Dialogue 3

A: Cole,have you finished your homework?


B: Yes,Dad.Can I go out now? 完成了,爸爸。我现在可以出去了吗? A: What do you mean?You're grounded for this week.


B: Yeah,and it sucks. 对啊,真该死。

A: Keep using language like that and you'll be grounded for two weeks. 你再说那样的话,你就两个星期不准出去。 B: I hate not being able to go play basketball.


A: Maybe you'll think about that next time you want t get into a fight at school.


B: I told you the other kid started it.He called me names.


A: You could have ignored him.We're already had this conversation. 你可以不管他。我们已经说过这些了。 B: This isn't fair. 这不公平。

A: Life not fair.Is there anything else you want to say?

生活就是不公平的。你还有什么要说的吗? B: No,I'm going back to my room. 没有了。我这就回房去。 Dialogue 4

A: Here,have a beer.How was work? 这里来杯啤酒。工作怎么样?

B: It sucked.The new boss is a real tyrant.

真该死。那新老板可真够专制的。 A: Oh,yeah? How come? 是吗?从何说起?

B: Doesn't even get me started on that subject.Let's just say I have had it up to here with this guy.


A: That bad ,huh? 那真糟糕。

B: You'd better believe it.He has me doing so many useless takes.


A: I feel bad for you. 我替你感到难过。

B: I'm not getting paid enough to take this abuse.

我受这样的折磨,却没有多少报酬。 A: Is anything going good? 有什么好消息么?

B: Not today.Not until I have another beer or two anyways.

今天没有。也许等我再喝一两杯就会有吧。 A: I hear that. 我明白。

B: Just hand me another

one,buddy,and I'll be a little better. 兄弟,给我再来一杯,我会好一些的。 Dialogue 5

A: Who's at the door? 谁在门外?

B: Baltimore Police

Department,sir.Can I come in?

巴尔的摩警察局,先生。我可以进来吗? A: Oh,yes,officer,of course.Is something wrong?

哦,当然可以,长官。有什么不对劲吗? B: We received a complaint from some of your neighbors.

我们接到了你邻居的投诉。 A: I can't imagine why. 我想不出为什么。

B: Were you moving your front lawn naked this morning,sir?


A: Is it a sin to cut my grass? 难道割草也犯法吗?

B: It is if you've doing it naked. 赤身裸体,那就是犯法的。 A: It's very hot out today. 今天外面非常热。

B: I'm going to have to place you under arrest. 我必须拘捕你。

A: Can I put some clothes on first? 我能先穿好衣服吗? B: Please do. 可以。

Dialogue 6

A: Luke,come into my office.What can I do for you?


B: Well,sir,I've got a real problem with one of my coworkers.

我与我的一位同事合作有点问题。 A: If my employeesare having problems.I want to know about it. 如果我的员工有什么问题,我很想知道。 B: Good.It's Elmer,sir.He interferes with my work.

那就好了。是尔马,先生。他干扰我工作。 A: I don't like to hear that.What does he do?


我真不喜欢听到那个。他做了些什么? B: He keeps taking my paper clips. 他老是拿我的回形针。

A: What? Did I hear you correctly? 什么?我么听错吧?

B: He goes to my desk when I'm not around and steals paper clips.Especially the red ones.


A: Especially the red ones? 尤其是红色的那些?

B: Yes,sir.They're my favorite.I can't work without them.


A: Luke,that is the stupidest thing I have ever head.Get out of my office. 卢克,那是我所听过的最荒唐的事情。你可以从我的办公室出去了。

B: But sir.I can't work like this. 但是先生,我不能这样工作。

A: This isn't elementary school.Now go back to work.

这里不是小学。现在马上回去工作。 B: Yes,sir,but this isn't fair. 是的,先生。但这不公平。

A: Whatever, just get out,Luke. 我不管,滚出去。卢克。 第十二课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: Hey, Erica, what are you doing? 嗨,埃里卡,你在干什么?

B: I just got out of class and I was on my way to the library.

我刚从课室出来,我正要去图书馆。 A: What are you doing tomorrow night?


B: I don't know. I haven't made any plans yet. Why?

不知道呢。我还没有计划呢。有什么事吗? A: There's a party at Matt's apartment. 马特家里将会有一个聚会。

B: I don't even really know him very



A: It doesn't matter .Even if it did, you can come since you're my friend. 没关系。即使如此,你也可以来,因为你是我的朋友嘛。

B: Okay. I think I will. Tomorrow night?


A: Yeah, tomorrow night. Come by my dorm room about eight.

是的,明晚。8点左右到我宿舍来。 B: Sounds good. I'll see you then. 好主意。到时见。 Dialogue 2

A: I'm tired of studying. 我学得很累了。

B: Me too. Let's get out of here.

我也是。让我们出去吧。别再呆在这儿了。 A: By the way. Steve and I are going hiking this weekend. Do you want to come?


B: When? Where are you going? 什么时候?你们打算去哪里呢?

A: Saturday. We're going up to Marion State Park.

星期六。我们打算去马里恩州立公园。 B: It's going to be cold. 天气好像要转冷。

A: Don't be so sensitive. Do you want to go or not?


B: Sure. Do I need to bring anything special?

当然去。我要带点什么特别的东西吗? A: Just warm clothes and some good boots.

只是(带上)防寒衣物和一双好靴子就行了。 B: No problem there. 没问题。

A: Good. I'll give you a call tomorrow with specific details.

好,那我明天打电话给你,告诉你一些细节。 B: Thanks for the invitation. I'll talk to


you tomorrow.

谢谢你的邀请。明天再跟你谈。 51

Dialogue 3

A: Are you busy? 你忙吗?

B: Not really. I'm just looking over these account figures. 不是很忙。我只是在检查一下这些会计数据。 A: Did you get this dinner invitation from the company?

你收到公司的晚餐请束没有? B: Yeah, I guess you did too. 收到了。我想你也收到了吧。

A: It look like everyone in this office is going out to the new seafood restaurant.

看起来这个办公室的每一个人都要到那间新开的海鲜餐厅去。 B: Are you going? 你要去吗?

A: I don't know. It's a Friday night. 我不知道。那是在星期五晚上。

B: That's true. I don't know if I want to spend a Friday night with my coworkers.


A: It'll look bad if we don't go. 如果我们不去的话,好像不太好。

B: Maybe we should just go and only stay for a short while.


A: Who knows how long that could be? Let's just tell the boss that we're already made plans.


B: Are you sure you want to turn down a company invitation?


A: Do you want spend your Friday night with these people?

你想跟这些人度过星期五的晚上吗? B: Good point.

有道理。 Dialogue 4

A: I had a good time tonight. 我今晚很开心。

B: Me too. Dinner was better than I expected.


A: Yeah, that was a nice restaurant. 是啊,那间餐厅真不错。

B: Do you want to go out again sometime?


A: Yes, that would be nice. I'd like that.

会的,那挺好的。我喜欢那里。 B: I would ,too. 我也是。

A: Look, it's not that late. Do you have to get up early?

瞧,还不是很晚。你要早起吗? B: No, not really. Why? 不,不用很早。怎么?

A: Well, I was going to invite you in for some coffee.


B: Coffee? That sounds nice. 咖啡?好主意。

A: Good. Come in. I'll make us a pot of coffee.

好,进来吧。我来替我们弄壶咖啡。 B: Thank you. That would be nice. 谢谢。那再好不过了。 Dialogue 5

A: Hey, Oliver. I heard that you were a pretty good ping-pong player.

嗨,奥利佛。我听说你的乒乓球打得很不错。 B: I'm okay. Why do you ask? 还可以。干嘛这样问?

A: I wanted someone to play against, someone who would be kind of a challenge.

我正想找人跟我打,找个有挑战性一点的。 B: They I think you're come to the right place.


A: Glad to hear it. I'd like to invite you


to a match. Are you free Saturday afternoon?

很高兴听到你这样说。我想邀请你来一场比赛。星期六下午你有空吗? B: I think so. What time? 我想有的。什么时候? A: Oh, about 2o'clock. 哦,两点左右吧。 B: And where? 什么地方?

A: The school gym, of course. 当然是学校体育馆。

B: Okay. I accept your invitation. 好的。我接受你的邀请。

A: Good! I'll see you then. 太好了。到时见。 第十三课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: Bobby,have you finished cleaning up yor room?

博比,你扫完你的房间没有? B: No,Mom. 没有,妈妈。

A: Have you even started? It doesn't look like it.

你究竟开始了没有?似乎还没有呢。 B: I'll clean it.I promise. 我会收拾好的。我保证。

A: Young man,this place is a mess. 小伙子,这个地方简直一团糟。 B: I know,I know. 我知道,我知道。

A: I make a simple request and look what I get.

我只作了一个小小要求,看看我得到了什么。B: Okay,Mom.I'll clean it up. 行了,妈妈,我会收拾好的。 A: When?什么时候?

B: When my favourite televion show is over.

当我最喜欢的电视节目结束以后。 A: Wrong answer.Bobby! 这是一个错误的答案。博比! B: But Mom- 可是妈妈.....

A: Get up there and clean ,Now!

马上起来打扫,现在! B: Okay,I'm going. 好的,我这就去。 Dialogue 2

A: Janie.We've got to talk.It's a small request.


B: What about? 关于什么?

A: It's your roommate,Sharon. 是你的室友莎伦。 B: And? 还有呢?

A: I keep asking her to turn down her music.

我一直都在叫她把音乐放小声一点。 B: I didn't know it was that loud. 我还不知道有那么大声呢。

A: It's not,until you leave.Then she turns it up.


B: Realy? I wasn't aware of that. 真的吗?我真没注意到。

A: Yeah,she does,and it's often when I'm trying to study.It comes right through my wall.

她真的是这样的。而且经常是在我要学习的时候。那声音就透过墙传过来了。 B: I'll talk to her. 我会跟她说的。

A: Good.She has to turn it down.And she ignores me whenever I ask.

那太好了。她必须放小声一点。还有,每次我跟她说的时候她总是臵之不理。 B: Okay.I'll get her to stop. 好的。我会让她停止这样做的。 A: Thanks.I appreciate it. 谢谢。我感激你这样做。 Dialogue 3 A: Hey,Adam! 嗨,亚当! B: What? 什么事?

A: It's your dog.He keeps coming into


my yard and tearingitup.


B: How do you know? There are lots of dogs in this neighborhood. 你怎么知道呢?这附近有很多狗。

A: I've seen him,just this morning. 我亲眼看到它,就在今天早上。 B: Prove it!


A: Look,don't make this difficult.I'm just requesing that you keep him in your yard.


B: I do.He gets under the fence sometimes.

我关好啊。他有时候会自己穿过栅栏。 A: Well,that's not my problem. 那不是我的问题。

B: Are you saying it's my problem? 难道你说的那是我的问题吗? A: Yes! It's your dog. 是的!它是你的狗。

B: What are you going to do about it? 你打算怎么样?

A: If I have to,I'll call the police.I've even got pictures of your dog coming over here.


B: Okay,if you're so upset about it,I'll see what I can do.

好吧,如果这让你那么苦恼的话,我会想想办法的。 Dialogue 4

A: How's it going,Cathy? You look good today.

你好吗,凯西?你今天看起来很好。 B: What do you want,Ben? 你想要什么,本?

A: Why do you think I want something?


B: Because you're being nice to me. That means you want something from



A: Well,now that you mention it,I did need to borrow your computer.

唔,既然你这么说,我是想借用你的电脑。 B: Why? 干什么用呢?

A: I've got to finish my essay tonight and my computer is broken.

我今晚的完成我的论文,我的电脑又坏了。 B: So you want to come over and break my computer?

所以你就想过来然后拆掉我的电脑? A: No, I just need it for an hour.Please.I'm begging you.


B: Why should I say yes? 我干嘛要答应呢?

A: Because you're a good person. 因为你是好人啊。

B: No, I'm not,but you can use it.For one hour.That's it.


A: Thank you so much,I really appreciate it.


B: Don't make me regret it.One hour,that's it.

不要让我反悔。一个小时,就那么多。 A: One hour.I understand.I'll see you tonight.

一个小时。我明白。我今晚来找你。 Dialogue 5

B: Oh,this is bad! 噢,这糟透了! A: What? 什么?

B: Look,what I got in the mail. 看我收到一封什么信。

A: It says \to appear in traffic court on Tuesday,8 a.m\




B: It's because I didn't pay that speeding ticket from last month. 这是因为我上个月没有付超速罚款。 A: What? Why not? 什么?为什么没有?

B: I don't know.I just forgot. 我不知道。我只是忘了。 A: Is it too late to pay? 现在交钱太迟了吗?

B: I can pay in court now,but it will cost more.

我现在可以在庭上交,只是要交多一点。 A: Maybe you should drive slower. 也许你应该开车慢一点。

B: Very dunny.Maybe you should shut up.


A: Sorry.Don't be so sensitive. 对不起,别那么敏感。

B: This is going to cost me $200. 这将要花上我200美元。

A: Well,don't look at me.I'm broke. 别看着我,我一分钱也没有了。

B: I guess I'm going to court on Tuesday.


A: I guess so. Make sure you drive slow on the way there.

我想也是。去那里的时候你一定要开慢点。 第十四课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: What are you reading, honey? 你正在读什么,亲爱的?

B: It's something sent by University of Ohio, Dad.

是俄亥俄大学寄来的一些东西,爸爸。 A: I thought you were thinking about going to Florida State University.

我还以为你在考虑读佛罗里达州立大学呢。 B: I was, but this looks interesting. 我本来是的,但这个看起来也不错。 A: Why is that? 何以见得?

B: It's hard to say. I think I just like

the feel of Ohio better.


A: Is that all? No, other difference? 就那么多了吗?没其他分别了吗? B: Well, I think Ohio has a better biology department than Florida.

我想俄亥俄的生物系比佛罗里达的好一些。 A: Is that what you want to study? 那是你想要学的吗?

B: I think so, but I may change my mind after four years.

是的。但也许在4年后我会改变主意。 A: Just make sure you decide on

something you enjoy. That's the most important thing.

一定要选定你喜欢的东西。那是最重要的。 B: That's also the most difficult thing. I'll keep thinking about it.

那又是最难作决定的。我会继续考虑的。 Dialogue 2

A: Today was just awful. 今天倒霉透了。

B: Why? What happened? 为什么?发生什么事了?

A: I was two hours late for work. That stupid car broke down again.

我上班迟到了两个小时。那辆破车又坏了。 B: Again? We just had it serviced last month.

又坏了?我们上个月才拿去修过。 A: I think we need to give up and admit that the car had died.


B: Yeah, I guess you're right. 是啊,我想你是对的。

A: Do you think we can afford another? 你认为我们能再买一辆吗?

B: We may just have to share my car for a while.

我们也许暂时得用我那一辆车。 A: Yes, but that's awfully inconvenient.


B: I agree, but what can we do?



A: My friend's father owns a car dealership. Maybe he can help us. 我朋友的爸爸是卖汽车的。也许他能帮到我们。

B: Maybe. But we can't afford too much right now.

也许吧。但我们目前付不起太多的钱。 Dialogue 3

A: Do you know what we need to do? 你知道我们要做什么吗? B: What? 什么?

A: We need to start a college fund for Tyler.

我们需要开始为泰勒准备上大学的钱。 B: But he's not yet four years old. He won't be in college for another fourteen years.

但他连4岁都不到。他还有14年才上大学呢。 A: Yes, but it's never too early to start saving.

是的,但赚钱是越早开始越好的。 B: Do you really think so? 你真的是这样想的吗?

A: I just read an article about how expensive college is already. It's only going to get more expensive.


B: I have heard that some families start very early saving for college. 我听说过一些家庭很早就开始为大学赚钱了。

A: I think we should as well. If you want, I'll call an accountant tomorrow. 我想我们也应该了。如果你要的话,我明天就叫一个会计师。

B: Okay, give him a call and see what he says.

好的,给他打个电话,看他怎么说。 Dialogue 4

A: Hey, Sean, do you know what you're doing after graduation?


B: No idea. What about you? 不知道,您呢?

A: Actually, I've been considering a job in China.

事实上,我一直在考虑在中国找一份工作。 B: Really? Doing what? 真的吗?做什么呢? A: Teaching English. 教英语。

B: Are you going to take the job? 你打算以这个为职业吗?

A: I'll probably take it. It's a big change.


B: I don't know anything about the place.


A: I think I'll like it. How bad could it be?

我想我会喜欢它的。它能坏到哪里去呢? B: It's probably a good opportunity. And you won't have a better time later in life.


A: That's probably true. I think it could be interesting.


B: Anyway, it sounds better than my plans. Good luck.


Dialogue 5

A: I'm thinking about quitting my job. 我正考虑把我的工作辞掉。

B: Well, this is a sudden decision. 这确是一个突然的决定。

A: Actually, I've been sort of thinking about it for a little while. 事实上我已经想了一段时间了。

B: You could have told me earlier. 你应该早点告诉我。

A: I'm telling you now. Anyway, I haven't made up my mind yet.



B: Why do you want to quit? 你为什么要辞职呢?

A: I'm just not happy there. I don't think I have much of a future with my company.


B: What do you think you want to do? 你想要干什么呢?

A: I don't know. I haven't really thought about it.


B: Well, you probably should think about it before you do anything too drastic.


第十五课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: Did you hear about Jerry? 你听说杰尔的事了吗?

B: Yeah, he's supposed to be real sick. 听说了。大家都说他病得很严重。 A: That's what I heard too. 我也听说这样。

B: Do you know why he is sick? 你知道他为什么生病吗?

A: No, to be honest, I'm not certain. 不知道。老实说,我是不肯定。

B: I thought it was just an ordinary flu. 我原以为只是普通流感罢了。

A: That's probably it, but it seems to be a little worse than that.

可能就是那样。只是似乎比那更糟糕一点。 B: Maybe. I think the doctor isn't sure. 也许吧。我想医生也不肯定。

A: Did the doctor even have a guess? 医生作过什么猜测吗?

B: He said it could be an infection. 他说那有可能会感染病。

A: Well, that's not very helpful. He could be more specific.

那话没什么用。他应该更详细一点。 B: I know, especially since we work with Jerry.


A: Yeah, I hate to catch what he has. 是啊。我讨厌染上像他那样的病。

B: Me too. I wish we could know for sure.

我也是。我希望我们能知道得确切些。 Dialogue 2

A: Do you have any idea where we are right now?

你知道我们现在在哪里吗? B: I couldn't say for sure. 我不能肯定。

A: What would you guess? 你猜呢?

B: Well, we turned off of Houston Avenue about five minutes ago. 我们大约5分钟之前在休斯顿大道转弯。 A: That sounds right. Yes, I think that's true.


B: Okay, and I think we headed south, but I'm not positive about that.


A: No, we turned left about a minute ago, so we're no longer pointing south. 不,我们已经在一分钟之前左转,因此我们不再向南走了。

B: You're right. We must be headed east again.

你是对的。我们一定是在向东走了。 A: And we're been driving about a minute east already.

而且我们已经向东走了好一会儿。 B: So we're somewhere near the harbor.


A: I wish we knew for certain where the highway was.

我希望我们能确切知道高速公路在哪里。 B: No way to tell. I think we should keep going east.


A: If you're confident that this is east. Okay, we'll go this way.



B: Well, I can't be certain, but let's give this direction a try.

我不能保证,但我们就试试这个方向吧。 A: At this point, what harm could it do? 到了这个时候,还能有什么害处呢?

B: That's exactly what I was thinking. 我正这么想的。 Dialogue 3

A: Where are you going? 你要去哪里?

B: I'm going to Mr. Hampton's office. 我要到汉普顿先生的办公室里去。 A: What for? 干什么?

B: Well, if you must know, I'm turning in a late assignment.


A: The only reason I ask is that I'm not certain he's there right now.


B: Why not? 为什么不肯定呢?

A: I thought I saw him leave school about 30 minutes ago.

我想我是在30分钟之前见到他离开了学校。 B: That's awful. What can I do now? 那真糟糕了。我现在该怎么办呢? A: Can you turn it in tomorrow? 你不能明天再交吗?

B: I don't think so. I'm not sure, but I'd rather not wait.

我想不能。我不知道,但我不愿等了。 A: Maybe you could just slip it under his door.


B: That's a good idea. I hope that is acceptable to Mr. Hampton.


A: I'm sure he'll accept it, even if it is late.

我想他会接受的,即使是迟了一点。 B: Thanks for the idea. I'll go over

there now.

谢谢你的主意。我现在就去。 A: Okay. Good luck. 好的,祝你好运。 Dialogue 4

A: Did you see the newspaper today? There're starting the Smith murder trial.


B: That's what I heard. Do you think he did it?

我也听说了。你认为使他干的吗? A: I'm positive that he did it. 我敢肯定是他干的。

B: How can you be so sure? 你怎么那么肯定?

A: He confessed to the police. 他向警方认罪了。

B: He says that they forced him to confess.


A: Oh, come on. How would they force him to confess?

哦,别来这一套。他们怎么会迫他认罪呢? B: I'm sure they have ways. Besides, his lawyer wasn't informed, so the confession doesn't count.

我肯定他们有办法。况且,他的律师还没有被通知,所以这认罪是不算数的。 A: Well, they also found his fingerprints at the scene. 他们还在现场发现了他的指纹。

B: That makes sense. He says he found the body.

那是有原因的。他说他发现尸体。 A: I don't believe him. 我不相信他。

B: I'm not so sure. What motive did he have?


A: How should I know? He's crazy. 我怎么知道?他是疯的。 B: Oh, that's not fair. 哦,那不公平。


A: Do you think the police made a mistake? Could you do a better job? 你认为警方搞错了吗?你能做得更好吗? B: maybe not, but the police make mistakes all the time.


A: Well, I think he did it. I'm certain of it.


B: With that kind of logic, it's a good thing you're not on the jury. I'm certain of that much.

以那种逻辑,你不在陪审团里真是件好事,这一点我十分肯定。 Dialogue 5

A: Dear, did you call the plumber yet? 亲爱的,你打电话给水管工了吗?

B: No, I told you I'll care of the sink myself. 没有,我告诉过你我会自己搞定这个水槽的。 A: Oh, please don't try that again. 哦,请别再做那样的尝试了。 B: What? Don't you have any confidence in my abilities?

什么?难道你对我的能力没有一点信心吗? A: No, I don't. Call the plumber. 没有。叫水管工来。

B: Why do you say that? 你为什么说那样的话呢?

A: Remember the washing machine? You didn't do a very good job with that.


B: Yes, but I learned. I'm certain I can fix the sink. Just give me a chance. 是的,但是我学到东西啦。我保证我能修好水槽。就给我一次机会嘛。

A: Not this time. We can afford a plumber. Call him.


B: Okay, fine. I'll call a plumber. 好的,我会叫一个水管工来的。 第十六课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: I don't think our taxes get anything good for us.

我觉得我们納的税对我们一点好处都没有。 B: What do you mean? The state just gave another $4 million to schools. 你__________在说什么?政府不是刚投入四百万美元到教育上吗?

A: I don't think that money does any good.


B: I disagree completely. Do you think schools can be run for free?


A: They can be run for much cheaper. 但它们不需要那么多钱。

B: The result would be that children would be less educated.

如果那样的话,就会造成孩子们缺乏教育。 A: Not true. They spend a lot of that money on useless programs.

不对。他们把很多钱用在无用的计划上。 B: That money is going to buy more computers for the classrooms. 那笔钱是用来给教室装设电脑的。

A: So? We didn't have computers in school. We can still read and write. 真的?过去我们学校也没有电脑。但我们照样能读会写。

B: That was twenty years ago. The world today depends on computers. 那是20年前的事了。当今的世界依赖电脑。 A: They can learn about computers from their parents at home.


Dialogue 2

A: I think we should go to Mexico for vacation.


B: I disagree. I think we should go to Canada.


A: Canada will still be cold this time of year.



B: It will be cool, but not cold. 那叫凉爽,不叫冷。

A: It will be too cold for me. 对我来说太冷了。

B: Mexico will be too hot for me. 墨西哥对我来说太热了。

A: We can't go to both places. 那我们两个地方都别去了。

B: Why don't we go later in the year? 为什么不迟一点再去呢?

A: What good will that do? 那又有什么不同?

B: Canada will be warmer in a few months, but not too warm for me. 因为过几个月后加拿大就会变暖和,但对我来说又不会太热。

A: Yes, then we can both be happy. I think that's a good idea.


B: I'm glad you agree. 我很高兴你能同意。 Dialogue 3

A: I'm hungry. Do you want to get something to eat?


B: Yes, that would be nice. What kind of food do you want?


A: I was thinking of having Mexican food.


B: I don't like Mexican food at all. 我一点也不喜欢吃墨西哥菜。 A: Why not? It's so good. 为什么不喜欢吃?很好吃的。

B: It's too spicy and it's not healthy. 太辣了,不利健康。

A: I disagree. That's not true at all. 我不同意。事实完全不是那样的。

B: What do you mean? Of course it's true.


A: It's healthy than a lot of American food, such as hamburgers. 那比许多美式食物都健康多了,例如汉堡包。

B: It's still too spicy.


A: Come and try some. I know this place where much of the food is not spicy.


B: Okay. I'll give it a try. 好的。那我们就试试吧。

A: Good. I'm glad we see eye to eye. 太棒了。我很高兴我们俩的意见一致。 Dialogue 4

A: Do you want to come over and watch the ball game? 你想过来看球赛吗?

B: No, I'd rather do some reading for class. I don't like baseball.

不了。我宁愿读读课文,我不喜欢看棒球。 A: I suppose that's because you're a girl.


B: Don't be ridiculous. I like football and basketball.


A: Then why do you not like baseball? 那你为什么不喜欢棒球?

B: Baseball is boring. It doesn't have much action.


A: I disagree completely. Do you think a home run is boring?


B: How often does that happen in a game?


A: How often does a goal happen in soccer? It's the same thing.


B: At least in soccer everything is moving.


A: Baseball can be interesting, once you learn about it.




B: maybe so, but I'd rather take the time to learn.

可能会吧,但我不想会时间去学。 A: So you agree it could be interesting?


B: No, I just don't care. let me know the next time you watch a basketball game.

不,我只是不在乎。下次你看球赛时通知我。 A: Okay, suit yourself. 好的,那随便你。 Dialogue 5

A: What took you so long? I've been waiting for an hour for our tennis match.


B: I'm sorry. Traffic was awful. I got stuck.


A: Did you go through downtown? 你经过市中心了吗?

B: Yes. They've building that new stadium.

是的。那儿刚刚建了一个新体育馆。 A: I know, and the construction is slowing down the traffic. 我知道,建设使交通变慢了。

B: The worst thing about it is we don't even need the stadium.

最糟糕的就是我们根本不需要这个体育馆。 A: I couldn't agree with you more. 我很你赞同你的观点。

B: The mayor thinks it will be good for the city, but we don't even have a sports team.


A: I guess he thinks it will attract a team.

我猜他可能觉得拿那会吸引一个体育队。 B: That's a pretty big risk to take. 那要冒很大的险。

A: Yes, I agree .I don't understand it at



B: Well, I suppose I should stay out of the downtown area. 我认为我不该呆在市中心。

A: Probably so. Anyway, let's go play tennis.

可能是吧。无论如何,我们打网球吧。 B: Good idea. Let's go. 好主意。我们走吧。 第十七课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: What are you doing today? 你今天要干什么?

B: What I always do,every year. 每年我都是这样。

A: By the way,do your kids still believe in Santa Claus?


B: My son's only four years old,so I haven't told him the truth yet.

我儿子才四岁,所以我没把事实告诉他。 A: How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? 你多大才不相信圣诞老人的?

B: I was ten. A kid at school told me Santa wasn't real.


A: My dad told me when I was ten. 我10岁时,我爸爸告诉我了。

B: That's a pretty big moment,when you stop believing in Santa.


A: I didn't say I believed my dad when he told me Santa wasn't real.


B: So you still believe in Santa Claus? 那么说你仍然相信圣诞老人的存在了?

A: It's the only thing I don't believe in anymore.



Dialogue 2

A: Who do you think will win the election for senator?


B: I think Tom Smith will win,I hope so.

我认为汤姆史密斯会赢。我希望如此。 A: Why do you want Smith to win? 为什么你希望史密斯会赢呢?

B: He promised to lower taxes. 他承诺会降低税收。

A: And you believe him? 你就相信他了? B: Sure.Why not? 当然。为啥不相信?

A: He's just saying that in order to win the election.

他说那话只是为了赢得竞选罢了。 B: How do you know? 你怎么知道?

A: He wants to have many new programs,which require taxes.


B: I'm sure he'll find a way to do that without more taxes.

我确信,他一定会找到一个不用提高税收而实行那些计划的方法。 A: You're too naive. 你太天真了。

B: And you're too cynical. 而你却太愤世嫉俗了。 Dialogue 3

A: Hi,Mom.I'm going out to play. 妈妈,我出去玩了。

B: Have you finished your homework,young man?

年轻人,你做完你的作业了吗? A: Yes,can I go now?

做完了。现在我可以出去了吗? B: Let me see your work. 让我看看你作业。

A: How come you never believe me? 为什么你从不相信我?

B: You never give me reason to believe you.Now,show me your work.


A: Okay,Okay.Let me get it.Here,see. 好,好,我拿给你看。这就是了,看吧。 B: Well,it looks like you're actually finished.


A: Good.Now can I go out and play? 太棒了。那我现在可以出去玩了吗? B: Okay.You can go out. 好的,去吧。

A: Thanks Mom.Bye. 谢谢妈妈,再见。 Dialogue 4

A: Hey,guess what? 嘿,猜猜? B: What is it? 是什么?

A: I've got some really good news. 我有个真正的好消息。

B: Well,don't keep me in suspense.Tell me.


A: I got promoted to manager at the office.


B: Oh,that's too good be true,I can't believe it.

如果那时真的就太好了,我简直不能相信。 A: Believe it,honey.It's true. 相信我,亲爱的。这是真的。

B: I guess this means you'll be getting paid more.

我想那意味着你以后会拿到更高的工资。 A: Yes.I can hardly believe it myself. 是的,就连我自己也不敢相信这是真的。 B: Maybe we can go to Mexico this year for vacation.

或许今年我们可以去莫斯哥度假了。 A: Is that what you want to do? 那就是你想做的事情吗?

B: Maybe.We can talk about it.This is unbelievably good news.


A: It's certainly true.



B: I'm so happy for you. 我为你感到高兴。 Dialogue 5

A: Hey,Mary.Do you know when our reports are due?


B: I believe they are due at the end of the month.

我想这个月底我们得交上去。 A: What is your paper about? 你的报告写了什么内容?

B: I'm writing on Greek mythology. 我写的是关于希腊神话的。 A: That's interesting. 那很有趣。

B: Yes,it is.I'm learning many things. 是的。我学了很多东西。

A: Didn't they believe in a lot of different gods?


B: Yes,they did.They believed that certain gods caused things in nature. 是的,他们相信某个神引起了自然界事物的发生。

A: Some people still believe things like that today.


B: Maybe, but most modern people know more about science.


A: I don't know about that.I saw your last grade in science class.


B: Very funny,Paul. 你真搞笑,保罗。 第十八课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: I just finished grading your test,Bobby.

博比,我刚改完你们的试卷。 B: Oh,no.Did I fail? 哦,不,我不及格吗?

A: No.Why do you think that? 不会。你为什么那样想呢? B: It was a very hard test. 因为那试卷太难了。

A: Actually,I wanted to congratulate you.

事实上,我想祝贺你。 B: Me? Why? 祝贺我?为什么?

A: You got the highest grade in the class.


B: Really? That's amazing. 真的吗?那太令人惊讶了。

A: You did a good job,Bobby. 博比,你做得很好。 B: I did study hard. 我的确很认真去学。

A: I can tell,I hope you study as much for the next test. 我知道。我希望你会为下次考试还同样努力。 B: I will,Mrs Fisher.I will. 我会的,费希尔老师,我会的。 Dialogue 2

A: Hey,James.I haven't seen you in a while.


B: It's been a few months since we last saw each other.

从我们上次见面至今已有几个月了。 A: You look good. 你看起来很好。

B: I've been exercising a lot. 我经常做运动。

A: I'm jealous.I should exercise as much.

我真羡慕你。我也应该做多点运动。 B: It's some hard work. 那不是轻而易举的事。

A: I can imagine,but you look a lot bigger too.

我可以想象得到,但你看起来也健壮了。 B: I know.I got tired of being so skinny.


A: Well,the improvement really shows.



B: Stop.You're embarrassing me. 快别这样说,你让我感到难为情了。 A: Okay,okay,Mr Muscles. 好的,好的,肌肉先生。

B: You're right.You are jealous. 说得对,你嫉妒了。 Dialogue 3

A: That was a pretty good game today. 今天的比赛打得很好。

B: Yeah.I didn't think we were going to win,but we did.


A: You were playing pretty good.Good job.


B: Yeah.Most of that was luck.I wasn't playing as well as you were.


A: Doesn't be so humble.You won the game for us.

别再谦虚了,你为我们赢得了比赛。 B: We all won the game. 是我们大家一起赢得比赛。

A: You're just saying that to be modest.


B: Well,we still have to practice. 我们还需要训练。

A: Yes,that is the only way to keep winning.


B: And keep me on the team,because I'm so good.

那我留在队里,看在我打的那么好的份上。 A: I liked it better when you were humble.


B: I'm only kidding.Let's go celebrate our win.


A: Good idea. 好主意。

Dialogue 4

A: I am so jealous of you. 我真嫉妒你。

B: Why do you say that? 为什么那么说?

A: Because every day you always wear something good.


B: Really? I just throw on anything i can find.

真的吗?我只是找到什么就匆匆穿上而已。 A: That's not true.You have really good taste.

那不是真的。你的品味的确很高。 B: Do you think so? 你是这样想吗?

A: Yes, I do.Maybe you could go shopping with me sometime.

是的。或许改天我该叫你陪我去购物。 B: Okay.That might be fun. 好的。那将会是件开心的事。

A: You could help me pick out some good clothes.

你可以帮我挑几件好看的衣服。 B: Can you go this Saturday? 这个星期六你能去吗?

A: Yes,that would be perfect. 能,那太好不过了。 B: I'll give you a call. 我会打电话给你。 Dialogue 5

A: Wow! That's a nice car you have there.


B: Thanks.It's a 1965 Corvette. 谢谢。这是学佛菜1965年型号的。

A: I know.I bet that was expensive. 我知道。我敢打赌那很贵。

B: It was,but it's been a dream all my life to have one.

是的,但能拥有它是我一辈子的梦想。 A: It looks like you keep it in good condition.


B: I come out every Sunday and clean it for about an hour.



A: I would too if I had a car like that. 假如我有一部这样的车的话,我也会这样做。 B: You want to take it for a drive? 你想开一开吗?

A: Oh,no,I wouldn't trust myself with a car that nice.

不了,开这么漂亮的车,我信不过自己。 B: I can understand that.How about I drive,and you can come along for the ride?


A: Yeah,that would be great. 好的,太棒了。

B: Okay,get in and fasten your seat belt.

那好,坐上车,系好安全带。 第十九课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: I can't believe what happened,Dad. 爸爸,我几乎不敢相信发生的事情。 B: Why? What happened? 为什么?发生什么事了?

A: I lost in the science fair. 我在科技展览会上输了。

B: No,you didn't.You got second place. 不,你没输。你获得了第二名。

A: I should have got first place. The winning exhibit wasn't as good as mine.


B: I think you're right,son. 我想你说得对,孩子。 A: Life's not fair. 生活真是不公平。

B: That's true. It's important that you learn that lesson.

的确如此,你懂得这个道理,这对你很重要。 A: That doesn't make me feel any better.


B: You should see that important thing is that you did do a better job,even if

you didn't

win. That's what counts.

你该看到,即使你没有赢,重要的是你比以前做得好。那才是真正的意义所在。 A: Really? 真的吗?

B: Of course it does.You can't always win,but if you keep doing well, it will work out

in the long run.

当然是真的。你不可能总是赢,但假如你坚持一直做好,长远来讲,你始终会有回报的。 A: Thanks,Dad.That makes me feel a little better.

谢谢你,爸爸。那让我感觉好一点了。 B: No problem.You mom's fixing dinner,so we'd better hurry home. 没问题的。你妈妈在做饭了。我们最好快点回家吧。 Dialogue 2

A: Why are you so sad,honey? 亲爱的,为什么你这么不开心? B: I miss my dog,Oscar. 我想念我的小狗,奥斯卡。

A: I know you do,Linda.I miss Oscar too.

我知道你想念它,琳达。我也想念奥斯卡。 B: Why did we give him to Grandma and Grandpa?


A: You know why.He was getting to big for our little house.?


B: So what? I wanted to play with him. 那又怎样?我想跟它一起玩。

A: Don't you think that's a little selfish?


B: Why is that selfish,Mommy? 那样为什么叫自私,妈妈?

A: Isn't Oscar happier playing on that big farm with Grandpa?Don't you want him to be happy?




B: Yes,but doesn't he miss me too? 我当然能希望,但难道它不想我吗?

A: Of course,he does,but whenever we go visit Grandpa and Grandma,then you can see him.


B: I hope we go up there soon. 我希望我们快点去。

A: We will,honey.We'll see them soon. 我们会的,亲爱的。我们很快就可以见到他们了。

B: Good.Then I can play with Oscar. 太好了。那样我又可以和奥斯卡一起玩了。 Dialogue 3

A: Today was awful. 今天真糟糕。

B: Have a seat and tell me about it. 快坐下来告诉我。

A: I got fired from the store. 我被商店老板解雇了。

B: The sporting goods store? Why? 那个体育用品店吗?为什么?

A: The boss said I came in late too many times.


B: Why were you late? 什么你会迟到?

A: I had to finish a test at school. 因为我得回学校参加考试。

B: That's not fair,but you didn't like that job anyway.


A: I know,but I needed the money to buy my Dad's car.

我知道。但我需要钱来买我爸爸的那辆车。 B: Look at the bright side. 向好的方面想吧。

A: What could be the bright side? 好的方面是什么?

B: This job was getting in the way of school.You didn't like it anyway and you can always

find another job.


A: I guess that's reassuring. I'm just annoyed right now.

我猜你想安慰我吧。但我现在真的很气愤。 B: That's understandable. Have a beer and forget about it.

那可以理解。喝点啤酒然后把它忘了。 A: Thanks. I could use a drink. 谢谢。我的确需要点啤酒。

B: My friend works at restaurant,and they need people.We'll go over there tomorrow and look for a job.

我朋友在一家餐馆工作,他们需要人手。我们明天去看看能否在那儿找到一份工作。 A: That sounds good to me. 那主意听起来不错。 Dialogue 4

A: I can't believe I said that to your parents at dinner.


B: What? What did you say? 什么?你说了什么?

A: That we have to work a lot for money righ now.


B: What's wrong with saying that? It's true.


A: They'll think we're asking for a loan. 他们会以为我们想借钱。

B: No, they wouldn't think that. 不,他们不会那样想的。

A: They'll certainly think I'm not a good husband.

但他们一定会认为我不是个好丈夫。 B: Why? They like you very much. 为什么?他们非常喜欢你。

A: Because it seems like I can't provide for you.

因为那听起来像是在说我不能供养你。 B: That's silly.They know we're just getting started in life.



A: Maybe you're right. 或许你说得对。

B: Of course. I'm right.I know my parents.Don't worry about it.


A: Good.I guess that's reassuring to know.

太好了。知道这使我安心多了。 Dialogue 5

A: Why are you so upset? 你为什么那么沮丧?

B: I'm just worried. My grandfather is in the hospital.

我只是担心罢了。我爷爷住院了。 A: Why? What's wrong with him? 为什么?他发生什么事了?

B: He fell down yesterday and broke his leg.


A: Oh,that's awful.I'm sure he'll recover.

哦,那太糟糕了。我相信他会好的。 B: Maybe,but he's getting older,I worry about him.

可能吧,但他越来越老了。我很担心他。 A: I feel the same way about my grandfather,but you shouldn't worry so much.

我也担心我的爷爷,但你不必太担心。 B: Why? I'm afraid that no one can take care of him in the future. 为什么?我担心将来没人会照料他。

A: Your grandmother can take care of him.She's in good health and she's very good Person.


B: That's some consolation,I

suppose.I just feel bad that I don't have more time to look after them.



A: They probably wouldn't want you to be tired down with them. 他们可能不希望你被他们束镈。 B: You're right,but I still worry. 你说得对,但我还是很担心。 第二十课情景对话 Dialogue 1

A: What are you doing this afternoon? 今天下午你将要干什么?

B: I don't know.I'll probably do homework.

我都不知道。可能做作业吧。 A: I have a better idea. 我有一个更好的主意。 B: What's that? 是什么?

A: Let's go sneak into the junkyard. 我们偷偷溜进废品收购站。

B: I don't think that's such a good idea.

我认为那不是个好主意。 A: Why not? 为什么不是?

B: There's a sign outside the gate that reads\


A: So what? I said we'll sneak in,so we won't get caught.


B: Are you worried about the dog?There's another sign which says\


A: You worry too much.I don't think there's really dog.

你太担心了。我并不认为那里真的有狗。 B: Fine.You go find out and tell me.I'm doing my homework.

好的。你去看看再告诉我。我做我的作业。 Dialogue 2

A: It sure is a sunny day.



B: Is that why you're driving so fast? 那就是你开得这么快的原因吗? A: Why do you say that? 为什么那样说?

B: The speed limit here is 65 miles per hour.You are driving at 80.

这里的速度限制是每小时65英里。你现在的速度是每小时80英里。 A: Everyone speeds. 每个人都会超速的啦。

B: Not here.There are always a lot of police on this part of the road.

但这里就不能。这段路总是有很多警察。 A: So what? It's a little fine. 那又怎样?不就罚一点款罢了。

B: Actually that sign juist said \DOUBLED FOR SPEEDING\means it'll be

twice the normal amount.

事实上那标记上就是写着“超速驾驶,双倍罚款”那意味着罚款的数目会等于平常的两倍。 A: Well,it's my money to worry about. 哦,你担心的只是我的钱罢了。 B: Yes, but it's my life to worry

about.Even if it weren't illegal to drive so fast.I'd still want you to slow down.

是的。但担心的还有我的性命。即使开得这么快不是违法的。我仍希望你开得慢点。 A: Fine.I'll slow down.Are you happy? 好的。我开慢点就是了,你高兴了吧? B: Yes,I am.Thank you. 是的。谢谢。 Dialogue 3

A: That was a good meal. 那顿饭真丰盛。

B: Yes,it was.How about some dessert?


A: That would be nice,but first I want to smoke this cigar.


B: I don't think you should do that. 我认为你不应该抽烟。

A: Why not? It's a nice cigar.

为什么不抽?这是一支相当不错的雪茄。 B: In this restaurant,the sign says\SMOKING\


A: They can't stop me from smoking. 他们不可以阻止我抽烟。 B: They can make you

leave.Anyway,it's bad for your health. 但他们可以请你离开。无论怎么说,那对你的健康没好处。

A: Let me worry about my own health. 我的健康是我自己的事情。

B: It's bad for my health too,as well as for everyone else here.


A: Okay,okay.I'll put out the cigar. 好的,好的。我把烟熄灭就是了。

B: Good.Now let's have some dessert. 太好了。现在让我们叫些甜品吧。 Dialogue 4

A: This was a good idea to go to the museum.


B: Yes,we should do this more often. 是的,我们应该多来。

A: Wow!Look at that artifact.I bet it's over a thousand years old.


B: I'm going to take a picture. 我去照张照片。

A: You can't.That sign says\PICTURES ALLOWED\你不可以那样做。那个标牌写着“禁止拍照”。 B: Why does it say that?Is this a secret display?

为什么写那东西。难道这是秘密展览? A: No silly.The camera light damages the artifact.


B: Really? 真的吗?

A: It is so old and fragile that the light and heat wear on it.




B: Then how can I get a picture? 那我怎样才可以得到一张照片?

A: We can buy one at the gift shop on the way out.


B: What a good idea! Let's do that instead.

好主意。那我们就去买一张吧。 Dialogue 5

A: I'll be back in a little bit. 我一会就回来。

B: Where did you go,honey? 你要去哪,亲爱的?

A: We need milk.I'm going to the store.

我们需要些牛奶。所以我得去商店。 B: Did you see the weather report? 你看天气预报了吗?

A: No.Why? What did it say? 没有。为什么这样问?它说了什么?

B: It said there was a snow warning tonight.I don't think you should be out driving.


A: That's silly.I'll be right back. 那太可笑了。我一会儿回来。

B: The store is 30 minutes from here,at least.

商店离这里至少需要30分钟的车程。 A: I'm a good driver. 我是一个好司机。

B: It won't matter if the road gets slippery.

假如路变滑了,再好也没用。 A: I'll drive slowly. 我会开慢点。

A: You can't see through the falling snow.The news said this was a serious warning.


B: You really don't want me to go?




B: Then how can I get a picture? 那我怎样才可以得到一张照片?

A: We can buy one at the gift shop on the way out.


B: What a good idea! Let's do that instead.

好主意。那我们就去买一张吧。 Dialogue 5

A: I'll be back in a little bit. 我一会就回来。

B: Where did you go,honey? 你要去哪,亲爱的?

A: We need milk.I'm going to the store.

我们需要些牛奶。所以我得去商店。 B: Did you see the weather report? 你看天气预报了吗?

A: No.Why? What did it say? 没有。为什么这样问?它说了什么?

B: It said there was a snow warning tonight.I don't think you should be out driving.


A: That's silly.I'll be right back. 那太可笑了。我一会儿回来。

B: The store is 30 minutes from here,at least.

商店离这里至少需要30分钟的车程。 A: I'm a good driver. 我是一个好司机。

B: It won't matter if the road gets slippery.

假如路变滑了,再好也没用。 A: I'll drive slowly. 我会开慢点。

A: You can't see through the falling snow.The news said this was a serious warning.


B: You really don't want me to go?


