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1. ___(Our, We) have __(our, we) books 2. I like ___ (he, his) watch . 3. Is this ___(your, you) pen ? 4.She likes ____(their,they) house. 5. ___ (They, Their) are milkmen. 6.They likes____ (we, our) job.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Exercise The money is ___(mine, my) She is ___(his, he) sister. I like ___(their, they) shoes. I’m ___(your, yours) teacher. The child is ___(her, hers). The classroom is ___(our,ours) The homework are ___(your,yours).


1. Our English books are new. 2. Your watches are new. 3. They are policemen.1. 我们的英语书都是新的。 2. 你们的手表好新啊。 3. 他们的工作是警察。

Good Evening! Nice to see you!New Concept English- First Things First


Everyday English1. I see. 我明白了。 2. Have fun! 玩得开心! 3. Never mind. 不要紧。

Ask & answer1. Have you ever been abroad? 2. Do you want to go? 3. What do you need to go abroad?


Lesson 15 Your passports ,please

New wordscustoms [‘k st mz] n.海关, 风俗习惯 officer [‘ fis ] n.官员 girl [g :l] n. 女孩 Danish [’deini ] adj.&n. 丹麦的;丹麦人 friend [frend] n.朋友 Norwegian [n :’wi:d n] adj.&n. 挪威的;挪 威人 passport [’pɑ:sp :t] n. 护照 Brown [braun] adj. 棕色的 tourist [’tu rist] n. 旅游者

ListeningNow, I want you to listening to the tape, find out the following information:

1.Where? 2.Who? 3.Are the girls’ friends Danish? 4.What color is the girls’ cases?

Main idea about this conversationThis is a conversation took place at the Customs The girls are going to pass the Customs, and the Customs officer is checking their luggages

C: Are you ____? G: No, ___ are not. We are ____. C: Are your ___ Danish, too? G: No, ____ aren’t. They are Norwegian.C: Are you ____? G: Yes. ____ are. C: Are your friends tourists too ? G: Yes,____ are.

Key expressionsYour passport, please. 叫某人提供或给某样东西(祈使句) Your phone, please. 祈使句—表命令(委婉和直接) Would you please give me your passport? Close the door! 可以给我些钱吗?

Pair Work Task: Students ask each other with Key Structure in pair .

Page 31.

Homework1. Copy the words in lesson 15&16 2. Finish the exercises in the exercises book 3. Listen to the tape for 3 times 4. Copy Everyday English for 3 times each 5. Preview lesson 17&18

