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如何【打通中脉】How to get unobstructed central channel (Susbumna Nadi

in Sanskrit ) by activating the Kundalini energy from Base chakra and rising it up with Milling Gong


I am here for every body,every body is here for ma;I love every body ,every body loves me;every body is in me,I am in every body, Bhuda is in every body,every body is in Bhuda; Bhuda (Enlightened One/awakening ) is Mahavairocana who does not go nor come, One who /it is beyong go and come is Bhuda(Enlightment)

先看这张图 Firstly look at Figure8-1

Figure 8-1

中脉从1——7 The central channel (Susbumna Nadi in Sanskrit )1-7 然后再看这两张图 then look at two Figures below

Figure8-2 Figure8-3

Ren channel( Lunar channel or Ida Nadi in Sanskrit) Du channel(Solar channel or Pingala in Sanskrit)

你要把任脉和督脉记一下是在哪儿 是在什么位置 穴位不一定记住

you must have a stronge ideal about the two cannels where they are, but no necessary to know everything in details

然后再看这张图 then please see picture Figure 8-4

Figure8-4 现在你要知道 最下面的一个轮叫海底轮(男同志就是阴囊部位 女同志就是阴道口)海底轮是七轮中最下方的轮脉,同时也是最基础的轮脉。它是人


Now, you must get something to know about the Base chakra which is loacted at the bottom of Spine ( scro-tum position in fale, orificium vaginae position in female) the Base chakra is lowset one of the seven chakras,also it is fundamental.that is the root of the energe systom of human body,all of the energie-s should be been awaken and rised up from here if one who ta-ke self-realiztion seriously. you have kn-own already where the Base chakra is.


you have to bear in mind some points before go through the process.please keep teeth and mouth closed, also let the tip of your tongue upward touch to the palate, just swollen the nectar(sweet liquit)which come to your mouth after little while by doing this way.


and now you have to do is to sit comfortbly stright and relaxeded throughoutly without ncollapse,from inside body to outside,from top to bottom especially your head and neck should be rel-axed nicely .

就像这张图 such as Figure below Figure8-5

金刚萨埵 Vajra Sattva Figure8-5

现在你要做一个动作就是挤提吸送(它是一股巧劲、是动态的向上的力)挤你的 海底轮,挤是用你的双胯向内用力压。

Now we need to know one thing before turn ourselvesinto practice is that a force upward made from Base chakra by doing a set of actions which are squeezing,lifting up、suck and send out.the squeezing action happens by pushing double side hipbone opposite, at the same \

up、suck and se-nd out\are four in one going.



as the action of squeezing has been done soon as some Qi(kundalini energy)has been%up\feeling of sucked out from top of head would appear later soon.that means that Qi (kundalini energy)has been sent out of the head.


Atthe very begaining of activating Kundalini from Base chakra by the \short),the Force/Qi/Kundalini Energy (in short FQKE below) may not be lifted up much high,by practise more, step by step the energies would be pushed to the top of your head.bear in mind,it is very important to keep the spine stright while squeeze-d FQKE pass it, also the FQKE should be hold all time untill delivered out of top of the he-ad.

当气到了你胸的时候,不管你怎么挤气都不会上去时,你就要像像金刚萨埵一样的,把胸向上挺起来 你一挺胸气就会往上走了;这时气会到脖子了,这时你要注意了,你的脖子要像蛇一样;脖子向上一耿 气就会向上走了。

Sometimes you may have to practising wisely by applying tips to cope with a pluging FQKE up happening in chest position (haert chakra), Here it is,erecting chest upward consciously, suck as

Vajrasattva looking,it is very resultful and helped (Figure 8-5).to deal with a FQKE stucked at your neck position(throat chakra),simply look at snake`s curve at the top part of it.or timitated the cock's crow,so you would be able to sope with it .

参看蛇头 reffor to the head of snake and a rooster



气这时就会到达你的头顶了,你要这个姿势崩住了腰哪要给力气就会在你的头顶上呆住的 你要把气顶在你的头顶;崩住这股劲。然后说要排浊气了(打嗝儿 放屁 出长气 深吸呼)都行。排完浊气你的这个姿势就不累了,之后你再从海底轮开始做下一波的挤提吸送了,气到了胸哪依然要有挺胸的动作,到了脖子依然要有耿脖子的动作,气到百汇一定要排浊气。目的:是为

了多存一些真气在头顶 ref: Figure 8-7

By a effort we made above,the FQKE certainly reached to crowm chakra (Sahastrara in San-skri-t),you definitely achie-ved a posture of

Vajrasattva (????????????

bodhisattva)looking at same

time,keep the status continuely, seemingly the FQKE is staying on your top of head.then you have really got something important to do is to release trashy deposit from the central chan-nel which caused you illness,fatigue ,anxiety,stress and bad feelings so on by physiological response;for example:burp,fart,a long exhale and deep breathing.you would be able to feel comforable after procedures,then repeat it again and again. Summarized as follows: ------Doing \%up\\and \out\ (SLSS

in short);

------Erecting chest upward consciously while the FQKE reach to

the heart chakra;

------Doing snake`s curve while the FQKE goes to your neck;

------Dealeasing the unwanrted stuff by physiologicalresponses,as tears yawning;

The main point by doing this is to keep energy as much as possible

at the crowm chakra.

(每运送一遍真气到头顶 就是一个莲花的花瓣)

(that be believed there is one more petal of lutos every time sending kundalini energy upto the crowm chakra from Base chakra successfully. ref:Figure


怎样【打通小周天 】


How to achieve unobstructed a cyclic annular of lunar and solar channal as Figure8-8


The farther process we are going practice is to run FQKE in a cyclic annular of Lunar ( Ren or Yin in Chineses subtle system) and solar (Du or Yang in Chinese subtle system)channal. ref. Figure8-2;Figure8-3;Figure8-8;

the FQKE kept at top of head after SLSS, os that weconcentrate on (pay attention to)the end of FQKE,and startpushing the FQKE goes througha cyclic annular of lunar and solar channal along by the attention.

A complete track is from the top along anterior of body to bottom(base

chakra) and then turn up ,from the bottom along posterior of body to top (crown charkra).ref:Figure8-8.



Figure 8-8

当气从督脉从下面的海底轮到达头顶的时候一个小周天就完成了 如果你有可能的话要顺着任脉二脉多转几圈,这样你的小周天就打通了。打通之后要勤加炼习,炼这个功是不受时候地点的限制的,随时都可以炼习。当你的小周天越走越通之后,你要加大劲,走的越慢越好不要图快。

when complishing one circle,then do another continuously,it is

better to run this ener-gy in you body as slow as you can.it is very easy to do,aslo fit to do at many occasion-s any time. to practise more circles and more dye by dye if possible makes the subtle systemof your porf-ectly clear。


这套动作你每天都要坚持做,至少每天晚上临睡前要做一遍;收功的时候气要放在泥凡宫 百汇。

you might have hiccup,fart,along exhale and deep breathing and so

on physiological response that is normal.

It is better to this practiceevery day,at least do it befor go to bed.at last go should end up with energy holden at top of your head.ref. the Figure below.

\ 'o' position





The central channel(Susbumna Nadi in Sanskrit )and seven chakras are main channels of energy in Buddhism!

Aslo,the subtle system called as Golden Palace of Energies in Chinese Taoism,described in details as:there are three fields of energy on anterior body,three strategicpass of energy on posterior body,three halls of energy on central section Inside of body. Chinese Taoism be-lieves that to achieve unobstructed

a cyclic annular of lunar and solar channal via convert Kundalini to Qi ,then be sent it to sub-changnels which would be made clear as well.so that humen body would be able to be free from any type of diseases.

In Buddhism, as a result of unite with cosmic energy,a profect Bindu of meditation need to be done in the central channel. The target of two type of religen is same----Enlightment or self-relisation , even through

each of their ascetic practice in very diffrent way.

Gate gate pāragate pārasagate bodhi svāhā

Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone far beyond, enlightenment amen

(The end)




lord Siva and Umma lord Siva and shakti

(Lord Siva 旧译:湿婆。佛教中的大慈大悲光观世音菩萨的原型)



Sahaja Yoga告诉人们,在人脊椎骨下端的三角骨(sacrum)中,休眠着盘着三圈半与生俱来的母性能量,也叫阴性能量。印度各教派均成为 Kundalini 琨塔里尼 能量。

在宗教中有不同的形容。有的说是海底轮眠伏着一条威力巨大的灵蛇,成三蜷半之形,其头向下垂落。一旦唤醒灵蛇,它就会喷发出一股强盛的“灵热”(又称拙火、灵力),使人得到健康的身体和过人的精力,还会出现不可思议的各种功能。故瑜珈云:“如果领悟了这火的秘密,这种人才是真正的觉者。 中国道家称祂为“水中真金”










当大周天走完的时候,把气放百会,每次打轮一定要先把三个脉走一下,顺序是7- 1-6-2 然后把气放在海底轮,用力压它,不要管气到哪,只管使劲压着海底轮,这股气会自己找到你身上不通的地方,不通的地方气冲到会很痛,不用怕,当这股气又回到海底轮的时候,这个轮就打完了,接着把气往上放到第二个轮,同样的方法用力压,以此类推,七个轮都一样,一定从海底轮开始打!七个轮打完了再走几次中脉,让气运起来!收功气放百会就可以了!

三个脉的走法:先走中脉(Sushuma Nadi) 从百会7往下压到1中脉,左脉 再从1往上顶到6是左脉(Ida Nadi),右脉(Pingala-Nadi) 接着从6往下压到2是右脉 从2-1到海底轮再回到海 底轮


1.开始于顶轮(crown chakra):

2.中脉(Sushuma Nadi): 从百会7往下压到1中脉。 3.左脉(Ida Nadi):再从1向上顶到6是左脉; 4.右脉(Pingala-Nadi):从6往下压到2是右脉; 5.海底轮(base chakra): 从2-1压到海底轮;)

理:---想象你自己就是金字塔 所有的能量向内、向上聚 这股能量冲也了你的头之后 就变成了光了 这个宇宙是回旋宇宙 你发出去的爱 又会从你的海底轮进入你的身体 所有的能量顶到百汇 顶出去 顶向宇宙 进入 无我的状态 我不存在了 万物与我一体 天地与我同根 你是宇宙万物 人是小宇宙 (整个宇宙的中脉也全通了?) 法:---腰要给上劲 胸要挺起来 胸要打开 双肩向下自然沉下去 去感受你的身体不存在了 所有的劲用在中脉上 脖子向上耿 就像公鸡打鸣一 样的 象顶天立地金字塔 所有的能量向上向内聚这个能量一但冲出了你的头顶 冲出后:

一定要排浊气 能量到达宇宙的 顶部也要排浊气 一定要排浊气 排完浊气再从海底轮进入下一波 做下一波的挤提吸送 到了胸那挺一下 到了脖子那耿一下 一波一波的能量 进入你的身体冲出宇宙 是一气呵成的 一股巧劲儿 就像大海的波浪一样的

爱:---你是光 你是爱 真爱之心发出的光 它是博爱之心发出的光 就会变成都光了 佛菩萨都是光体生命 你冲出了头了 你也是佛菩萨 你要把你博爱之心发出来 你要爱这个世界 你要爱大自然 你要爱宇宙万物 你要真心的去爱 一定要发出真心的爱 这股爱意会很快返回来 又从你的海底轮进入你的身体的 又会变成能量的 海底的能量是一波一波的到达百汇冲向宇宙 再又回旋回来 这些能量全都是真爱

