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1. 分析开机log,一是可以理一下android启动流程,二是可以通过log定位错误,下面列


Java.lang.NullPointerException: 空指针异常

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 找不到类抛出的异常

java.lang.ArithmeticException: 一个整数“除以零”时抛出的异常

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 数组越界访问以后抛出的异常

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 传入非法参数抛出的异常


当应用程序要调用一个类,但当前的方法即没有对该类的访问权限便会出现这个异常 java.lang.SecturityException:

安全异常。由安全管理器抛出,用于指示违反安全情况的异常 java.lang.RuntimeException

运行时异常。是所有Java虚拟机正常操作期间可以被抛出的异常的父类。 java.lang.NumberFormatException: 字符串转换为数字异常: java.lang.StackOverflowError:

堆栈溢出错误。当一个应用递归调用的层次太深而导致堆栈溢出时抛出该错误。 java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:

内存不足错误。当可用内存不足以让Java虚拟机分配给一个对象时抛出该错误。 java.lang.IOException: 输入输出异常


抽象方法错误。当应用试图调用抽象方法时抛出。 java.lang.ClassFormatError:

类格式错误。当Java虚拟机试图从一个文件中读取Java类,而检测到该文件的内容不符合类的有效格式时抛出。 java.lang.InstantiationError:


java.lang.InternalError:内部错误。用于指示Java虚拟机发生了内部错误。 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError



虚拟机错误。用于指示虚拟机被破坏或者继续执行操作所需的资源不足的情况 java.lang.ClassCastException

类造型异常。假设有类A和B(A不是B的父类或子类),O是A的实例,那么当强制将O构造为类B的实例时抛出该异常。该异常经常被称为强制类型转换异常。 java.lang.InterruptedException

被中止异常。当某个线程处于长时间的等待、休眠或其他暂停状态,而此时其他的线程通过Thread的interrupt方法终止该线程时抛出该异常。 java.lang.IllegalStateException




2. 开机关键log分析

1. android启动第一阶段:启动android第一个进程init,通过解析init.rc脚本,

生成文件系统,启动vold、media、SurfaceFlinger等Nativie服务。在这个阶段你可以看到带“Android”文字静态logo和带“android”文字的开机动画 [ 3.947876] init: /dev/hw_random not found ========正常打印,找不到/dev/hw这个目录 [ 3.952580] init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'



文本的方式来显示第二个开机画面,即向编号为0的控制台(/dev/tty0)输出带“ANDROID” 文字静态logo [ 4.019576] init:

[ 4.019583] failed to mount pstore pstore /sys/fs/pstore ret=-1 errnostr=No such file or directory

[ 4.049219] EXT4-fs (actc): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: noauto_da_alloc

[ 4.070701] EXT4-fs (acte): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: nodelalloc

================正常打印,挂载文件系统,一些挂载出错,主要是原因是文件不存在 [ 6.397025] init: value=512misc info read type=0, size=32

[ 6.417399] init: failed to open /data/system/entropy.dat

========正常打印,打开/data/system/entropy.dat时出错, [ 6.435154] healthd: wakealarm_init: timerfd_create failed


[ 6.453868] binder: 1140:1140 transaction failed 29189, size 0-0

[ 6.497618] init: property 'sys.powerctl' doesn't exist while expanding '${sys.powerctl}'

[ 6.506132] init: powerctl: cannot expand '${sys.powerctl}'


12-31 16:00:06.510 I/installd( 1342): installd firing up ========启动守护进程installd服务:apk安装的服务

01-07 06:21:37.160 I/Vold ( 1326): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up 01-07 06:21:37.170 D/Vold ( 1326): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)

========启动volume服务:主要是用来管理usb/sd卡等外部存储设备。平台可以对外部存储设备进行操作和轮询状态,当外部存储设备状态发生变化时,volume 服务也会实时报告平台。

01-07 06:21:37.500 I/SurfaceFlinger( 1333): SurfaceFlinger is starting

01-07 06:21:37.500 I/SurfaceFlinger( 1333): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...



01-07 06:21:38.460 D/Smart_Backlight( 1333): BackLight_Open!bl_maxval:780

01-07 06:21:38.460 D/Sub_Backlight( 1333):


01-07 06:21:38.460 D/Sub_Backlight( 1333): Get_Property:100

01-07 06:21:38.460 D/Sub_Backlight( 1333): SubBackLight_Open!adjust_strength:100!

01-07 06:21:38.460 D/Sub_Backlight( 1333): Get_Property:374

01-07 06:21:38.460 D/Sub_Backlight( 1333): SubBackLight_Open!start_minval:374!

01-02 01:01:29.640 E/BootAnimation( 1299): BootAnimation::music:boot

======= bootanimation进程启动,如前所述,会启动带“android”字样的动画,直到luncher界面以后会停止动画

01-07 06:21:39.350 I/mediaserver( 1341): ServiceManager: 0xb7460418


01-07 06:21:39.350 I/AudioFlinger( 1341): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.


01-07 06:21:39.370 I/CameraService( 1341): CameraService started (pid=1341)

01-07 06:21:39.440 D/CameraService( 1341): CameraService::init

01-07 06:21:39.440 I/CameraService( 1341): Loaded \Module\


01-07 06:21:39.470 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1341): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf

01-07 06:21:39.800 I/AudioHardware( 1341): open control drv

01-07 06:21:39.800 I/AudioFlinger( 1341): loadHwModule() Loaded primary


2.android启动第二阶段:Zygote进程启动: 1).生成Dalvik虚拟机,运行java程序




01-07 06:21:44.240 I/Zygote ( 1335): Preloading classes...

01-07 06:21:44.240 E/cutils-trace( 1335): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)

01-07 06:21:44.240 D/dalvikvm( 1335): GC_EXPLICIT freed 40K, 8% free 522K/564K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 3ms

01-07 06:21:44.300 D/dalvikvm( 1335): GC_EXPLICIT freed 5K, 3% free 601K/616K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 7ms

01-07 06:21:44.330 D/dalvikvm( 1335): Note: class

Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods

01-07 06:21:48.740 I/Zygote ( 1335): ...preloaded 2777 classes in 4497ms. ========将需要的类到内存中

01-07 06:21:49.410 I/Zygote ( 1335): Preloading resources...

01-07 06:21:49.440 W/Resources( 1335): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080096 (android:drawable/toast_frame) that varies with configuration!!

01-07 06:21:49.440 W/Resources( 1335): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080105 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!

01-07 06:21:49.440 W/Resources( 1335): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!

01-07 06:21:49.490 W/Resources( 1335): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!


01-07 06:21:57.490 I/SystemServer( 3146): Entered the Android system server!


01-07 06:21:57.940 D/Sensors ( 3146): AccelerationSensor::AccelerationSensor()

01-07 06:21:57.940 D/Sensors ( 3146): AccelerationSensor::~enable(0, 0)

01-07 06:21:58.000 I/Installer( 3146): connecting...

01-07 06:21:58.010 I/installd( 1342): new connection

01-07 06:21:58.010 I/SystemServer( 3146): Power Manager


01-07 06:21:58.010 I/SystemServer( 3146): Activity Manager


01-07 06:21:58.300 I/SystemServer( 3146): Display Manager


01-07 06:21:58.340 I/SystemServer( 3146): Package Manager

01-07 06:21:58.400 V/PackageManager( 3146): BuiltinPkg file :/system/etc/builtinapk

01-07 06:21:58.450 I/PackageManager( 3146): Non-xml file

/system/etc/permissions/extras in /system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring

01-07 06:21:58.490 D/SELinuxMMAC( 3146): Couldn't find install policy /data/security/mac_permissions.xml

01-07 06:21:58.500 D/SELinuxMMAC( 3146): Using install policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml


01-07 06:22:03.660 I/SystemServer( 3146): User Service

01-07 06:22:03.660 I/SystemServer( 3146): Account Manager


01-07 06:22:03.680 I/SystemServer( 3146): Content Manager

01-07 06:22:03.680 I/SystemServer( 3146): System Content Providers

01-07 06:22:03.780 D/lights ( 3146): #######open_lights (backlight)######

01-07 06:22:03.780 D/lights ( 3146): #######open_lights (backlight) OK######

01-07 06:22:03.780 I/SystemServer( 3146): Lights Service


01-07 06:22:03.780 I/SystemServer( 3146): Battery Service


01-07 06:22:03.790 I/SystemServer( 3146): Vibrator Service


[ 33.765371] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 33747188755 (2011-01-07 14:22:03.817901502 UTC)

01-07 06:22:03.790 E/ConsumerIrService( 3146): Can't open consumer IR HW Module, error: -2

01-07 06:22:03.840 I/SystemServer( 3146): Alarm Manager


01-07 06:22:03.840 I/SystemServer( 3146): Init Watchdog

01-07 06:22:03.840 I/SystemServer( 3146): Input Manager


01-07 06:22:03.840 I/InputManager( 3146): Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false

01-07 06:22:03.870 I/SystemServer( 3146): Window Manager


01-07 06:22:03.960 I/WindowManager( 3146): No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty

01-07 06:22:04.000 I/WindowManager( 3146): No keyguard interface!

01-07 06:22:04.010 D/BluetoothManagerService( 3146): Loading stored name and address

01-07 06:22:04.010 I/SystemServer( 3146): Bluetooth Manager Service


01-07 06:22:04.020 I/SystemServer( 3146): Input Method Service

01-07 06:22:04.030 D/EventHub( 3146): No input device configuration file found for device 'gslX680'.

01-07 06:22:04.300 I/SystemServer( 3146): Accessibility Manager


01-07 06:22:04.300 I/ActivityManager( 3146): Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc zh_CN ldltr sw480dp w800dp h480dp 160dpi lrg long

01-07 06:22:04.330 I/SystemServer( 3146): Mount Service


01-07 06:22:04.490 I/SystemServer( 3146): LockSettingsService


01-07 06:22:04.490 I/SystemServer( 3146): Device Policy

01-07 06:22:04.490 I/SystemServer( 3146): Status Bar

01-07 06:22:04.490 I/SystemServer( 3146): Clipboard Service

01-07 06:22:04.490 I/SystemServer( 3146): NetworkManagement Service


01-07 06:22:04.530 I/SystemServer( 3146): NetworkStats Service


01-07 06:22:04.530 W/MountService( 3146): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted

01-07 06:22:04.560 I/SystemServer( 3146): NetworkPolicy Service


01-07 06:22:04.600 I/SystemServer( 3146): Wi-Fi P2pService


01-07 06:22:04.600 W/PackageManager( 3146): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.actions.AL.Test (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be45)

01-07 06:22:05.420 I/SystemServer( 3146): Wi-Fi Service


01-07 06:22:05.450 D/WifiHW ( 3146): Unable to unload driver module \

01-07 06:22:05.470 D/EthernetService( 3146): EthernetService construct starting

01-07 06:22:05.470 E/Netd ( 1330): Failed to open

/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/disable_ipv6: No such file or directory

01-02 01:01:57.130 F/SystemServer( 1627): java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to find app for caller$ApplicationThread@41924790 (pid=1627) when registering receiver$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@41a2ed50


01-07 06:22:05.470 I/SystemServer( 3146): Ethernet Service


01-07 06:22:05.500 E/EthernetStateMachine( 3146): Failed to disable IPv6: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '1 interface ipv6 eth0 disable' failed with '400 1 Failed to change IPv6 state (No such file or directory)'


01-07 06:22:05.500 D/ethernet( 3146): Unable to unload driver module \No such file or directory

01-07 06:22:05.500 I/SystemServer( 3146): Connectivity Service


01-07 06:22:05.500 D/ConnectivityService( 3146): ConnectivityService starting up

01-07 06:22:05.520 D/ethernet( 3146): Unable to unload driver module \No such file or directory

01-07 06:22:05.520 D/ConnectivityService( 3146): wifiOnly=false

01-07 06:22:05.530 E/ConnectivityService( 3146): Ignoring protectedNetwork

01-07 06:22:05.550 I/WifiService( 3146): WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled

01-07 06:22:05.660 I/SystemServer( 3146): Network Service Discovery Service

01-07 06:22:05.660 D/NsdService( 3146): Network service discovery enabled true

01-07 06:22:05.660 I/SystemServer( 3146): UpdateLock Service

01-07 06:22:05.750 I/SystemServer( 3146): Notification Manager


01-07 06:22:05.760 I/SystemServer( 3146): Device Storage Monitor


01-07 06:22:05.760 I/SystemServer( 3146): Location Manager


01-07 06:22:05.760 I/SystemServer( 3146): Country Detector

01-07 06:22:05.760 I/SystemServer( 3146): Search Service


01-07 06:22:05.770 I/SystemServer( 3146): DropBox Service


01-07 06:22:05.770 I/SystemServer( 3146): Wallpaper Service


01-07 06:22:05.780 I/SystemServer( 3146): Audio Service


01-07 06:22:05.860 I/SystemServer( 3146): Wired Accessory Manager

01-07 06:22:05.860 I/SystemServer( 3146): USB Service


01-07 06:22:05.870 E/UsbDeviceManager( 3146): failed to write to /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_rndis/ethaddr

01-07 06:22:05.880 I/SystemServer( 3146): Serial Service


01-07 06:22:05.880 I/SystemServer( 3146): Twilight Service

01-07 06:22:05.880 I/SystemServer( 3146): UI Mode Manager Service

01-07 06:22:05.890 I/SystemServer( 3146): Backup Service


01-07 06:22:06.070 I/BackupManagerService( 3146): Scheduling backup for new app android

01-07 06:22:06.070 D/BackupManagerService( 3146): Now staging backup of android

01-07 06:22:06.190 I/BackupManagerService( 3146): Scheduling backup for new app

01-07 06:22:06.190 D/BackupManagerService( 3146): Now staging backup of

01-07 06:22:06.310 I/BackupManagerService( 3146):

01-07 06:22:06.310 I/SystemServer( 3146): AppWidget Service


01-07 06:22:06.440 I/SystemServer( 3146): Print Service


01-07 06:22:06.460 D/Atlas ( 3146): Loaded configuration: SliceMinArea (768x768) flags=0x2 count=24

01-07 06:22:06.460 I/SystemServer( 3146): Media Router Service

01-07 06:22:06.470 I/WindowManager( 3146): SAFE MODE not enabled

01-07 06:22:06.670 I/Zygote ( 3146): Process: zygote socket opened

01-07 06:22:06.690 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 3146): *** Keyguard started

01-07 06:22:06.690 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 3146): onSystemReady() called before keyguard service was ready

01-07 06:22:06.690 I/ActivityManager( 3146): Start proc for service pid=3198 uid=10012

01-07 06:22:06.820 I/ActivityManager( 3146): System now ready

01-07 06:22:06.830 I/SystemServer( 3146): Making services ready

01-07 06:22:06.860 D/NetworkManagementService( 3146): enabling bandwidth control

01-07 06:22:06.860 D/DirectVolume( 1326): getDeviceNodes mDiskNumParts:0

01-07 06:22:06.860 D/DirectVolume( 1326): mDiskMinor:72

01-07 06:22:06.860 I/Vold ( 1326): /dev/block/vold/93:72 being considered for volume sdcard

01-07 06:22:06.860 D/Vold ( 1326): Volume sdcard state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 3 (Checking)

01-07 06:22:06.870 D/MountService( 3146): volume state changed for /mnt/sdcard (unmounted -> checking)

01-07 06:22:07.100 V/KeyguardService( 3198): onCreate()


01-07 06:22:07.120 I/fsck_msdos( 1326): ** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains

01-07 06:22:07.130 E/ActionOMXPlugin( 1341): In ActionOMXPlugin: is openning!

01-07 06:22:07.130 E/ActionOMXPlugin( 1341): In ActionOMXPlugin: is openning!

01-07 06:22:07.260 D/SystemUIService( 3198): loading: class


01-07 06:22:07.270 D/SystemUIService( 3198): running:

01-07 06:22:07.270 D/SystemUIService( 3198): loading: class

01-07 06:22:07.270 D/SystemUIService( 3198): running:

001-07 06:22:07.290 D/SystemUIService( 3198): loading: class

01-07 06:22:07.300 I/fsck_msdos( 1326): ** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files

01-07 06:22:07.630 I/PackageManager( 3146): No secure containers on sdcard

01-07 06:22:07.630 I/ActivityManager( 3146): Start proc for broadcast pid=3256 uid=10006 gids={50006, 1028, 1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}

01-07 06:22:07.680 W/PackageManager( 3146): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.actions.explore (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x4088be45)

01-02 01:01:59.600 E/WifiConfigStore( 1627): Error parsing /data/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)


01-07 06:22:09.910 I/ActivityManager( 3146): Start proc for added application pid=3359 uid=1001 gids={41001, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}


01-07 06:22:09.920 I/ActivityManager( 3146): START u0

{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]

flg=0x10000000} from pid 0

01-07 06:22:09.960 I/LatinIME( 3315): Hardware accelerated drawing: false

01-07 06:22:10.010 I/ActivityManager( 3146): Start proc for activity pid=3371 uid=10013 gids={50013}

01-02 01:03:15.880 W/System.err( 2522):


01-07 06:22:09.910 I/ActivityManager( 3146): Start proc for added application pid=3359 uid=1001 gids={41001, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}


01-07 06:22:09.920 I/ActivityManager( 3146): START u0

{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]

flg=0x10000000} from pid 0

01-07 06:22:09.960 I/LatinIME( 3315): Hardware accelerated drawing: false

01-07 06:22:10.010 I/ActivityManager( 3146): Start proc for activity pid=3371 uid=10013 gids={50013}

01-02 01:03:15.880 W/System.err( 2522):

