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Dated 日期:

Norwegian Shipbrokers’ Association’s Memorandum of Agreement for sale and purchase of Ships. Adopted by BIMCO in 1956. Code-name SALEFORM 2012 Revised 1996, 1983 and 1986/87, 1993 and 2012 1


[Name of Sellers] hereinafter called the Sellers, have agreed to sell, and [卖方名称] 以下称之为卖方,已经同意将出售,

[Name of Buyers] hereinafter called the Buyers, have agreed to buy: [买方名称] 以下称之为买方,已经同意将购买,

Name of Vessel 船名:


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

IMO Number 国际海事组织船舶识别号码:

Classification Society 船级社:

Class Notation 入级符号:

Year of Build 建造时间:

Flag 船旗国:

Builder/Yard 建造地:

Place of Registration注册登记地: GT/NT总吨/净吨:

hereinafter called the “Vessel”, on the following terms and conditions: 以下称之为‘船舶’,并遵循以下条款与条件:

Definitions 定义 11

“Banking Days” are days on which banks are open both in the country of the currency stipulated for 12 the Purchase Price in Clause 1 (Purchase Price) and in the place of closing stipulated in Clause 8 13 (Documentation) and (add additional jurisdictions as appropriate). 14 ‘银行(工作)日’是指:在第1条款(购买价格)所订立的购买船舶所使用的货币的国家和在第8条款(交船文件)以及在 (司法管辖权,若附加条款适用)所规定的船舶交接的国家,银行都开门营业的工作日。

“Buyers' Nominated Flag State” means (state flag state). 15 ‘买方指定的船旗国‘是指: (载明的船旗国)。

“Class” means the class notation referred to above. ‘船级’是指:上文提到的船舶入级符号。




“Classification Society” means the Society referred to above. ‘船级社’是指:上文提到的船级社。


“Deposit” shall have the meaning given in Clause 2 (Deposit). ‘保证金/押金’是应具有第2条款(保证金)所赋予的含义的保证金。


“Deposit Holder” means (state name and location of Deposit Holder) or, if left blank, the 19 Sellers' Bank, which shall hold and release the Deposit in accordance with this Agreement. 20 ‘保证金持有人’是指: (载明保证金持有人的名称和位置),或者空白不填,按照本协议规定,应该持有和释放保证金的卖方的银行。

“In writing” or “written” means a letter handed over from the Sellers to the Buyers or vice versa, a 21 registered letter, email or telefax. 22 “书面形式”或‘书面’是指:卖方转交给买方的信函,反之亦然,挂号信,电子邮件或电传。

“Parties” means the Sellers and the Buyers. ‘合同缔约方’是指:卖方和买方。


“Purchase Price” means the price for the Vessel as stated in Clause 1 (Purchase Price). ‘购买价格’是指:在第1条款载明的船舶买卖价格(购买价格)。

“Sellers' Account” means (state details of bank account) at the Sellers' Bank. ‘卖方账户’是指:在买方银行设立的 (载明银行账户细节)。



“Sellers' Bank” means (state name of bank, branch and details) or, if left blank, the bank 26 notified by the Sellers to the Buyers for receipt of the balance of the Purchase Price 27 ‘卖方银行’是指: (载明银行名称、分行名称和详细信息),或者空白不填,由卖方通知给买方,并负责接收船舶购买价格剩余款项的指定银行。

1. Purchase Price 1. 购买价格

28 29

The Purchase Price is (state currency and amount both in words and figures).

1. 购买价格

船舶购买价格 (以文字和数字形式注明币种和金额)。

2. Deposit 2. 保证金/押金


As security for the correct fulfilment of this Agreement the Buyers shall lodge a deposit of 31 % ([ ] per cent or, if left blank, 10% (ten per cent), of the Purchase Price (the 32 “Deposit”) in an interest bearing account for the Parties with the Deposit Holder within three (3) 33 Banking Days after the date that: 34

2. 保证金/押金

为确保本协议的正确执行,自以下之日起的3个银行工作日内,买方应该将船舶购买价款的 %,或




(i). this Agreement has been signed by the Parties and exchanged in original or by email or 35 telefax; and 36

(i). 本协议的正本文件已经签署并且通过电子邮件或传真交换之后;

(ii). the Deposit Holder has confirmed in writing to the Parties that the account has been opened.

(ii). 该保证金的持有人以书面形式通知合同双方该账户已经开通之后。

37 38

The Deposit shall be released in accordance with joint written instructions of the Parties. 39 Interest, if any, shall be credited to the Buyers. Any fee charged for holding and releasing the 40 Deposit shall be borne equally by the Parties. The Parties shall provide to the Deposit Holder 41 all necessary documentation to open and maintain the account without delay. 42


3. Payment 3. 付款


On delivery of the Vessel, but not later than three (3) Banking Days after the date that Notice of 44 Readiness has been given in accordance with Clause 5 (Time and place of delivery and 45 notices): 46

3. 付款


(i) the Deposit shall be released to the Sellers; and

(i). 保证金应当释放给卖方;和


(ii) the balance of the Purchase Price and all other sums payable on delivery by the Buyers 48 to the Sellers under this Agreement shall be paid in full free of bank charges to the 49 Sellers' Account. 50

(ii). 购买价款的余额以及本协议项下应由买方支付给卖方的所有其他款项,应当支付到卖方账户之内,并且不产生任何银行费用。

4. Inspection 4. 检查

51 52 53 54

(a)*The Buyers have inspected and accepted the Vessel's classification records. The Buyers have also inspected the Vessel at/in [ ] ( state place) on [ ] (state date) and have accepted the Vessel following this inspection and the sale is outright and definite, subject only



to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 55

4. 检查

(a). *买方已经检查并接受船舶的船级记录。买方也已经在[ ](载明地点)在[ ](标明时间)内对船舶进行了检查,并且在该检查之后已经接受了该船舶,那么,船舶买卖关系,仅根据本协议的条款和条件,彻底无条件地和明确肯定地宣告成立。

(b) *The Buyers shall have the right to inspect the Vessel's classification records and declare 56 whether same are accepted or not within [ ] (state date/period). 57

(b). *买方应该有权检查该船舶的船级记录,并在[ ](标明的日期/期限)内宣布是否接受船舶现状买卖。

The Sellers shall make the Vessel available for inspection at/in [ ] (state place/range) within 58 [ ] ( state date/period). 59

卖方应该在[ ](载明地点/地区范围)在[ ](标明时间/期限)内为买方安排船舶以供检查。

The Buyers shall undertake the inspection without undue delay to the Vessel. Should the 60 Buyers cause undue delay they shall compensate the Sellers for the losses thereby incurred. 61


The Buyers shall inspect the Vessel without opening up and without cost to the Sellers.



During the inspection, the Vessel's deck and engine log books shall be made available for examination by the Buyers.


63 64

The sale shall become outright and definite, subject only to the terms and conditions of this 65 Agreement, provided that the Sellers receive written notice of acceptance of the Vessel from 66 the Buyers within seventy two (72) hours after completion of such inspection or after the 67 date/last day of the period stated in Line 59, whichever is earlier. 68


Should the Buyers fail to undertake the inspection as scheduled and/or notice of acceptance of the Vessel's classification records and/or of the Vessel not be received by the Sellers as


69 70


aforesaid, the Deposit together with interest earned, if any, shall be released immediately to the 71 Buyers, whereafter this Agreement shall be null and void. 72


*4(a) and 4(b) are alternatives; delete whichever is not applicable. In the absence of deletions, alternative 4(a) shall apply.

* 4(a)项和4(b)项二者选一;删除不适用条款。如果未作删除,则视为选择(a)适用。

5. Time and place of delivery and notices 5.交船的时间和地点与通知书

73 74


(a) The Vessel shall be delivered and taken over safely afloat at a safe and accessible berth or 76 anchorage at/in [ ] (state place/range) in the Sellers' option. 77


(a). 船舶应该在[ ](载明的地点/范围)的安全和可自由进入的泊位或锚地,由卖方选择,并在安全漂浮状态下交付和接收。

Notice of Readiness shall not be tendered before:

准备就绪通知书应不得早于( 日期)递交。



Cancelling Date (see Clauses 5(c), 6 (a)(i), 6(a)(iii) and 14): [ ]

解约日/销约期:[ ](参看第5(c)条款,第6(a)(i)条款,第6(a)(iii)条款和第14条款)


(b) The Sellers shall keep the Buyers well informed of the Vessel's itinerary and shall 80 provide the Buyers with twenty (20), ten (10), five (5) and three (3) days' notice of the date the 81 Sellers intend to tender Notice of Readiness and of the intended place of delivery. 82

(b). 卖方应随时报告给买方本船舶的行程,并须给予买方提前20天、10天、5天和3天的通知关于卖方预计递交准备就绪通知书的日期和预计交船的地点。

When the Vessel is at the place of delivery and physically ready for delivery in accordance with 83 this Agreement, the Sellers shall give the Buyers a written Notice of Readiness for delivery. 84


(c) If the Sellers anticipate that, notwithstanding the exercise of due diligence by them, the Vessel will not be ready for delivery by the Cancelling Date they may notify the Buyers in writing stating the date when they anticipate that the Vessel will be ready for delivery and proposing a new Cancelling Date. Upon receipt of such notification the Buyers shall have the option of



86 87 88


either cancelling this Agreement in accordance with Clause 14 (Sellers' Default) within three (3) 89 Banking Days of receipt of the notice or of accepting the new date as the new Cancelling Date. 90 If the Buyers have not declared their option within three (3) Banking Days of receipt of the 91 Sellers' notification or if the Buyers accept the new date, the date proposed in the Sellers' 92 notification shall be deemed to be the new Cancelling Date and shall be substituted for the 93 Cancelling Date stipulated in line 79. 94

(c). 如果卖方预见到,尽管他们恪尽职守/谨慎处理/合理谨慎,该船舶在解约日截止前仍然无法准备好交船,他们可以通知买方,同时以书面形式声明,他们预期该船舶将做好交船准备的日期,并提出一个新的解约日。一旦买方收到这一通知,买方有权选择根据第14条款(卖方违约)在收到该通知后3个银行工作日内取消本协议,或者选择接受新的日期作为新解约日。如果买方在收到卖方的通知后3个银行工作日内没有宣布他们所做的选择,或者如果买方接受了新的日期,则卖方通知中所提议的日期应被视为新的解约日,并须替代第79行规定的原解约日。

If this Agreement is maintained with the new Cancelling Date all other terms and conditions 95 hereof including those contained in Clauses 5(b) and 5(d) shall remain unaltered and in full 96 force and effect. 97


(d) Cancellation, failure to cancel or acceptance of the new Cancelling Date shall be entirely 98 without prejudice to any claim for damages the Buyers may have under Clause 14 (Sellers' 99 Default) for the Vessel not being ready by the original Cancelling Date. 100

(d). 解约,没有取消合同或接受新的解约日,应是完全不影响买方因卖方未能在原解约日准备就绪而可能会根据第14条款(卖方违约)所享有的任何损害赔偿的请求权。

(e) Should the Vessel become an actual, constructive or compromised total loss before delivery 101 the Deposit together with interest earned, if any, shall be released immediately to the Buyers 102 whereafter this Agreement shall be null and void. 103

(e). 如果在交接前,该船舶实际全损,推定全损或协议全损,保证金连同赚取的利息,如果有的话,应该立即释放给买方,此后本协议应是作废和无效。

6. Divers Inspection/Drydocking

6. 潜水员水下检验/入坞检验

104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

(a) * (i) The Buyers shall have the option at their cost and expense to arrange for an underwater inspection by a diver approved by the Classification Society prior to the delivery of the Vessel. Such option shall be declared latest nine (9) days prior to the Vessel's intended date of readiness for delivery as notified by the Sellers pursuant to clause 5(b) of this Agreement. The Sellers shall at their cost and expense make the Vessel available for such inspection. This inspection shall be carried out without undue delay and in the presence of a Classification Society surveyor arranged for by the Sellers and paid for by



the Buyers. The Buyers' representative(s) shall have the right to be present at the diver's inspection as observer(s) only without interfering with the work or decisions of the Classification Society surveyor. The extent of the inspection and the conditions under which it is performed shall be to the satisfaction of the Classification Society. If the conditions at the place of delivery are unsuitable for such inspection, the Sellers shall at their cost and expense make the Vessel available at a suitable alternative place near to the delivery port, in which event the Cancelling Date shall be extended by the additional time required for such positioning and the subsequent re-positioning. The Sellers may not tender Notice of Readiness prior to completion of the underwater inspection.

6. 潜水员水下检验/入坞检验

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

(a) *

(i) 买方应该有权选择在交船前安排由船级社认可的潜水员进行水下检验,并自己承担成本和费用。(买方)最迟应该在船舶预期备妥交接的日期之前9天宣布行使此选择权,如同卖方按照本协议第5(b)条款发出预期通知一样。卖方应该自费安排船舶以供此类检查。这种检验应(及时)进行不得无故拖延,以及在由卖方安排且买方付费的船级社验船师参与监督之下进行。买方代表应有权仅以观察员身份参加潜水员水下检验,但不得干扰船级社验船师的工作和决定。执行此检验的范围和条件应符合船级社的要求。如果在交船地点的条件状况不适合这种检验,卖方应当自己承担成本和费用,安排船舶在靠近该交船港口的一个适宜的替代地点进行,在此情况下,解约日,根据到达此位置以及随后返回原地所需要额外增加的时间,应做相应地延长。在完成水下检验之前,卖方不可以递交准备就绪通知书。

(ii) If the rudder, propeller, bottom or other underwater parts below the deepest load line are 122 found broken, damaged or defective so as to affect the Vessel's class, then (1) unless 123 repairs can be carried out afloat to the satisfaction of the Classification Society, the 124 Sellers shall arrange for the Vessel to be drydocked at their expense for inspection by 125 the Classification Society of the Vessel's underwater parts below the deepest load line, 126 the extent of the inspection being in accordance with the Classification Society's rules (2) 127 such defects shall be made good by the Sellers at their cost and expense to the 128 satisfaction of the Classification Society without condition/recommendation** and (3) the 129 Sellers shall pay for the underwater inspection and the Classification Society's 130 attendance. 131

(ii) 如果发现船舵、螺旋桨、船底或其它低于最深载重线的水下部分,有影响船舶船级的破裂、损坏或缺陷,那么,(1). 除非能在船舶漂浮状态下进行修理并满足船级社的要求,否则,卖方应自费安排船舶进坞和船舶船级社对低于最深载重线的水下部分进行检查,检查的范围程度要遵照船级社的规则进行,(2). 这些缺陷应该由卖方承担费用和开支完成修复,直到符合船级社规定,并且不得遗留船级条件/批注**,(3). 卖方应该承担水下检验费用以及船级社验船师的出勤费用。

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if the Classification Society do not require the aforementioned defects to be rectified before the next class drydocking survey, the Sellers shall be entitled to deliver the Vessel with these defects against a deduction from the Purchase Price of the estimated direct cost (of labour and materials) of carrying out the repairs to the satisfaction of the Classification Society, whereafter the Buyers shall have no further rights whatsoever in respect of the defects


132 133 134 135 136 137


and/or repairs. The estimated direct cost of the repairs shall be the average of quotes for 138 the repair work obtained from two reputable independent shipyards at or in the vicinity of 139 the port of delivery, one to be obtained by each of the Parties within two (2) Banking 140 Days from the date of the imposition of the condition/recommendation, unless the Parties 141 agree otherwise. Should either of the Parties fail to obtain such a quote within the 142 stipulated time then the quote duly obtained by the other Party shall be the sole basis for 143 the estimate of the direct repair costs. The Sellers may not tender Notice of Readiness 144 prior to such estimate having been established. 145


(iii) If the Vessel is to be drydocked pursuant to Clause 6(a)(ii) and no suitable dry-docking 146 facilities are available at the port of delivery, the Sellers shall take the Vessel to a port 147 where suitable drydocking facilities are available, whether within or outside the delivery 148 range as per Clause 5(a). Once drydocking has taken place the Sellers shall deliver the 149 Vessel at a port within the delivery range as per Clause 5(a) which shall, for the purpose 150 of this Clause, become the new port of delivery. In such event the Cancelling Date shall 151 be extended by the additional time required for the drydocking and extra steaming, but 152 limited to a maximum of fourteen (14) days. 153

(iii) 如果船舶根据第6条(a)款(ii)项规定进坞,但在交船港口并没有适合的干船坞设施空闲可用,卖方应安排船舶进入一处具有合适可用的干船坞的港口,无论是在第5(a)条款规定的交船范围之内或者之外。一旦船舶完成坞修,卖方应该可以在第5(a)条款规定的交船范围之内任一港口进行交船,为此,该港口应当成为新的交船港口。在此情况下,解约日,应根据坞修工作所需增加的时间和额外航行时间而相应地的延长,但最长不得超过14天。

(b)*The Sellers shall place the Vessel in drydock at the port of delivery for inspection by the Classification Society of the Vessel's underwater parts below the deepest load line, the extent of the inspection being in accordance with the Classification Society's rules. If the rudder, propeller, bottom or other underwater parts below the deepest load line are found broken, damaged or defective so as to affect the Vessel's class, such defects shall be made good at the Sellers' cost and expense to the satisfaction of the Classification Society without condition/recommendation**. In such event the Sellers are also to pay for the costs and expenses in connection with putting the Vessel in and taking her out of drydock, including the drydock dues and the Classification Society's fees. The Sellers shall also pay for these costs and expenses if parts of the tailshaft system are condemned or found defective or broken so as to affect the Vessel's class. In all other cases, the Buyers shall pay the aforesaid costs and expenses, dues and fees.



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(b)* 卖方应在交船港口安排船舶进坞,以接受船级社对低于最深载重线水下部分进行检验,检验的范围程度要遵循船级社的规则。如果发现船舵、螺旋桨、船底或其它低于最深载重线的水下部分,有影响船舶船级的破裂、损坏或缺陷,则,卖方应该承担费用和开支完成这些缺陷的修复工作,直到符合船级社的规定,并且不得遗留船级条件/批注**。在此情况下,卖方还需承担船舶进坞和出坞的相关费用,包括干船坞费用和船级社费用。如果尾轴系统部件宣称报废或发现缺陷或断裂,以至于影响船级,也应由卖方承担这些费用。在其它任何情况下,买方应承担上述发生的费用和支出,收费和服务费。

(c) If the Vessel is drydocked pursuant to Clause 6(a)(ii) or 6(b) above:

(c) 如果船舶按照上文第6(a)(ii)或6(b)条款需要进坞:


(i) The Classification Society may require survey of the tailshaft system, the extent of 167 the survey being to the satisfaction of the Classification surveyor. If such survey is 168 not required by the Classification Society, the Buyers shall have the option to require the 169 tailshaft to be drawn and surveyed by the Classification Society, the extent of the survey 170 being in accordance with the Classification Society's rules for tailshaft survey and 171 consistent with the current stage of the Vessel's survey cycle. The Buyers shall declare 172 whether they require the tailshaft to be drawn and surveyed not later than by the 173 completion of the inspection by the Classification Society. The drawing and refitting of 174 the tailshaft shall be arranged by the Sellers. Should any parts of the tailshaft system be 175 condemned or found defective so as to affect the Vessel's class, those parts shall be 176 renewed or made good at the Sellers' cost and expense to the satisfaction of the 177 Classification Society without condition/recommendation**. 178

(i) 船级社可能要求对尾轴系统进行检验,检验的范围程度需达到船级社验船师的要求。如果船级社没有要求进行检验,买方应有选择权要求抽出尾轴进行船级社检验,检验的范围程度需遵循船级社对尾轴检验的规则和符合现阶段船舶检验的周期。买方应该在不晚于船级社完成船舶检查之前宣布是否要求抽出尾轴进行检验。尾轴的抽出和重装工作应该由卖方安排。如果尾轴系统的任何部件宣布报废或发现缺陷,以至于影响船级,卖方应该承担费用和支出对这些部分进行更新或完成修复,直到满足船级社的要求,无任何船级遗留条件/批注** 。

(ii) The costs and expenses relating to the survey of the tailshaft system shall be borne by 179 the Buyers unless the Classification Society requires such survey to be carried out or if 180 parts of the system are condemned or found defective or broken so as to affect the 181 Vessel's class, in which case the Sellers shall pay these costs and expenses. 182

(ii) 尾轴系统检验的有关费用和开支应当由买方承担,除非船级社要求进行检验或系统部件宣布报废或发现有缺陷或破裂,从而影响船舶船级,在这种情况下,应由卖方支付这些费用和支出。

(iii) The Buyers' representative(s) shall have the right to be present in the drydock, as observer(s) only without interfering with the work or decisions of the Classification Society surveyor.


183 184 185



(iv) The Buyers shall have the right to have the underwater parts of the Vessel cleaned 186 and painted at their risk, cost and expense without interfering with the Sellers' or the 187 Classification Society surveyor's work, if any, and without affecting the Vessel's timely 188 delivery. If, however, the Buyers' work in drydock is still in progress when the 189 Sellers have completed the work which the Sellers are required to do, the additional 190 docking time needed to complete the Buyers' work shall be for the Buyers' risk, cost and 191 expense. In the event that the Buyers' work requires such additional time, the Sellers 192 may upon completion of the Sellers' work tender Notice of Readiness for delivery whilst 193 the Vessel is still in drydock and, notwithstanding Clause 5(a), the Buyers shall be 194 obliged to take delivery in accordance with Clause 3 (Payment), whether the Vessel is in 195 drydock or not. 196

(iv) 在不影响卖方或船级社验船师工作(若有),以及不影响船舶及时交接的前提下,买方应该有权对船舶水下部分进行清洗和油漆,并自己承担风险、费用和支出。然而,如果卖方已经完成被要求的工作,但买方在干船坞的工作仍在继续,由于买方需要完成其工作而导致额外在坞时间,应由买方承担风险,费用和支出。在需要额外时间完成买方工作的情况下,虽然船舶仍未出坞,卖方可以在完成自己的工作当时递交船舶交接准备就绪通知书,尽管存在第5(a)条款,买方应该必须按照第3条款(付款)接收船舶,不管船舶是否在坞。

*6(a) and 6(b) are alternatives; delete whichever is not applicable. In the absence of deletions, alternative 6(a) shall apply.

* 6(a)和6(b)是二选其一;删除任一条不适用的。若未删除,应该适用6(a)。

197 198

**Notes or memoranda, if any, in the surveyor's report which are accepted by the Classification 199 Society without condition/recommendation are not to be taken into account. 200

** 若在验船师检验报告中出现标注或备注,并被船级社接受而不被视为船级条件/批注,则不予考虑。

7. Spares, bunkers and other items 7.备件、燃油和其它项目物品

201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210

The Sellers shall deliver the Vessel to the Buyers with everything belonging to her on board and on shore. All spare parts and spare equipment including spare tail-end shaft(s) and/or spare propeller(s)/propeller blade(s), if any, belonging to the Vessel at the time of inspection used or unused, whether on board or not shall become the Buyers' property, but spares on order are excluded. Forwarding charges, if any, shall be for the Buyers' account. The Sellers are not required to replace spare parts including spare tail-end shaft(s) and spare propeller(s)/propeller blade(s) which are taken out of spare and used as replacement prior to delivery, but the replaced items shall be the property of the Buyers. Unused stores and provisions shall be included in the sale and be taken over by the Buyers without extra payment.





Library and forms exclusively for use in the Sellers' vessel(s) and captain's, officers' and crew's 211 personal belongings including the slop chest are excluded from the sale without compensation, 212 as well as the following additional items: (include list) 213

卖方船舶专用的图书资料和文件表格与船长、高级船员和普通船员私人物品包括小卖部的免税物品,都不包括在船价之中,(取走)不用补偿给买方,同时还有下列其它除外项目: (所包含的项目清单)。

Items on board which are on hire or owned by third parties, listed as follows, are excluded from 214 the sale without compensation: (include list) 215

在船租用或属于第三方的物品项目,如下所列,不在本次出售和补偿之列: (所包含的项目清单)

Items on board at the time of inspection which are on hire or owned by third parties, not listed 216 above, shall be replaced or procured by the Sellers prior to delivery at their cost and expense. 217


The Buyers shall take over remaining bunkers and unused lubricating and hydraulic oils 218 and greases in storage tanks and unopened drums and pay either: 219


(a) *the actual net price (excluding barging expenses) as evidenced by invoices or vouchers; or

(a) * 实际的净价格(不包括驳船费)以发票或付款凭证作为证明。


(b) *the current net market price (excluding barging expenses) at the port and date of delivery 221 of the Vessel or, if unavailable, at the nearest bunkering port, 222

(b) *在交船港口和交船当日,当时的净市场价格(不包括驳运费),或,若没有可以参考的有效价格,则参考在最近的加油港口。

for the quantities taken over. 魏长庚船长翻译整理




Payment under this Clause shall be made at the same time and place and in the same currency as the Purchase Price.


224 225

“inspection” in this Clause 7, shall mean the Buyers' inspection according to Clause 4(a) or 4(b) 226 (Inspection), if applicable. If the Vessel is taken over without inspection, the date of this 227 Agreement shall be the relevant date. 228

在本条款中(第7条)‘检查’,应是指:买方按照第4(a)或4(b) (表面检查)条款进行的检查,若适用。如果没有检查即被接收,本协议之签字生效的日期应为相关日期。

*(a) and (b) are alternatives, delete whichever is not applicable. In the absence of deletions alternative (a) shall apply.

*(a) and (b) 二者选一;删除不适用的条款。如果未作删除,则视为选择(a)适用。

8. Documentation 8. 交船文件

229 230


8. 交船文件

The place of closing: 法律/文件交接地点

232 233 234

(a) In exchange for payment of the Purchase Price the Sellers shall provide the Buyers with the following delivery documents:

(a). 作为支付购船价款的交换条件,卖方应该将下列文件在交船时提交给买方:

(i) Legal Bill(s) of Sale in a form recordable in the Buyers' Nominated Flag State, 235 transferring title of the Vessel and stating that the Vessel is free from all mortgages, 236 encumbrances and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever, duly notarially attested 237 and legalised or apostilled, as required by the Buyers' Nominated Flag State; 238

(i). 正式的船舶卖据,以买方指定的船旗国所要求的记录格式,以转让船舶主权和声明该船舶没有任何抵押、债务负担、船舶优先权或者其它无论任何形式的债务,以及按照买方指定的船旗国的规定,需经公证人正式签字认证、见证或旁证(加签)。

(ii) Evidence that all necessary corporate, shareholder and other action has been taken by 239 the Sellers to authorise the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement; 240

(ii). 证据,证明所有必要的法人团体,股东以及卖方已经采取的其它措施,授权执行、交付和履行本协议。



(iii) Power of Attorney of the Sellers appointing one or more representatives to act on behalf 241 of the Sellers in the performance of this Agreement, duly notarially attested and legalised 242 or apostilled (as appropriate); 243

(iii). 授权委托书,需经公证人正式签字认证、见证或旁证(若适用,加签)。根据卖方的授权委托书任命一名或多名代表,代表卖方在履行本协议中的行为。

(iv) Certificate or Transcript of Registry issued by the competent authorities of the flag state 244 on the date of delivery evidencing the Sellers' ownership of the Vessel and that the 245 Vessel is free from registered encumbrances and mortgages, to be faxed or e-mailed by 246 such authority to the closing meeting with the original to be sent to the Buyers as soon as 247 possible after delivery of the Vessel; 248

(iv). 船舶注册登记证书或登记证书誊本,由船舶的船旗国主管当局在交船当日签发,以证明卖方的船舶所有权和该船舶没有登记债务和抵押,并由该主管机关通过传真或电子邮件发给买卖双方交接会议现场,在交接后,正本原件尽早寄送给买方。

(v) Declaration of Class or (depending on the Classification Society) a Class Maintenance 249 Certificate issued within three (3) Banking Days prior to delivery confirming that the 250 Vessel is in Class free of condition/recommendation; 251

(v). 船级声明或(取决于船级社)保持船级证书,在交船前3个银行工作日内签发,以证实该船舶没有遗留的船级条件/批注。

(vi) Certificate of Deletion of the Vessel from the Vessel's registry or other official evidence of 252 deletion appropriate to the Vessel's registry at the time of delivery, or, in the event that 253 the registry does not as a matter of practice issue such documentation immediately, a 254 written undertaking by the Sellers to effect deletion from the Vessel's registry forthwith 255 and provide a certificate or other official evidence of deletion to the Buyers promptly and 256 latest within four (4) weeks after the Purchase Price has been paid and the Vessel has 257 been delivered; 258

(vi) 在交接当时,船舶注册登记处签发的船舶注销证书,或相当于船舶注册登记处出具的其它形式的正式注销证明,或者,如果注册登记处按照惯例不能立即签发这种证明文件,卖方应书面保证在购船价款支付和船舶完成交接后,立即前去注册登记处进行注销,以及立即提供给买方该注销证书或其它形式的正式注销证明,最迟不得晚于4个星期。

(vii) A copy of the Vessel's Continuous Synopsis Record certifying the date on which the Vessel ceased to be registered with the Vessel's registry, or, in the event that the registry does not as a matter of practice issue such certificate immediately, a written undertaking from the Sellers to provide the copy of this certificate promptly upon it being issued together with evidence of submission by the Sellers of a duly executed Form 2 stating the date on which the Vessel shall cease to be registered with the Vessel's registry;


259 260 261 262 263 264


(vii). 船舶连续概要记录副本,证明在该日船舶在船舶注册登记处终止登记,或者,如果注册登记处按照惯例不能立即签发这种证明文件,卖方应书面保证,一旦签发,立即提供该证书的副本,连同买方递交的证明,证明在正式生效的格式表2(船舶主要资料发生更改,由船公司或船长填写的申请修订CSR的表格-Form 2,用以向船旗国申请更新后正式签发的CSR证书- Form 1)上记载有该船舶在船舶注册登记处终止登记的日期。

(viii) Commercial Invoice for the Vessel;

(viii). 船舶购买价格的商业发票。


(ix) Commercial Invoice(s) for bunkers, lubricating and hydraulic oils and greases;

(ix). 燃油、润滑油、液压油和润滑油脂的商业发票。

(x) A copy of the Sellers' letter to their satellite communication provider cancelling the Vessel's communications contract which is to be sent immediately after delivery of the Vessel;

(x). 卖方在交船后立即发给他们的卫星通信提供商要求取消船舶通信合同的信函副本。


267 268 269

(xi) Any additional documents as may reasonably be required by the competent authorities of 270 the Buyers' Nominated Flag State for the purpose of registering the Vessel, provided the 271 Buyers notify the Sellers of any such documents as soon as possible after the date of 272 this Agreement; and 273

(xi). 为了船舶注册登记,买方指定的船旗国主管机关可能要求的任何其它文件,但在合同签署之日后,买方尽早通知卖方任何此类文件。

(xii) The Sellers' letter of confirmation that to the best of their knowledge, the Vessel is not black listed by any nation or international organisation.

(xii). 卖方确认函,尽其所知,该船舶没有被任何国家或国际组织列为黑名单。

(b) At the time of delivery the Buyers shall provide the Sellers with:

(b). 在船舶交接时,买方应该提供给卖方:

274 275


(i) Evidence that all necessary corporate, shareholder and other action has been taken by 277 the Buyers to authorise the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement; and 278

(i). 证据,证明所有必要的法人团体,股东以及买方已经采取的其它措施,授权执行、交付和履行本协议。



(ii) Power of Attorney of the Buyers appointing one or more representatives to act on behalf 279 of the Buyers in the performance of this Agreement, duly notarially attested and legalised 280 or apostilled (as appropriate). 281

(ii). 授权委托书,需经公证人正式签字认证、见证或旁证(若适用,加签)。根据买方的授权委托书任命一名或多名代表,代表买方在履行本协议中的行为。

(c) If any of the documents listed in Sub-clauses (a) and (b) above are not in the English 282 language they shall be accompanied by an English translation by an authorised translator or 283 certified by a lawyer qualified to practice in the country of the translated language. 284

(c). 如果,在(a)或(b)分条款中列出的任何一份文件不是英文书写,应附带由被授权的翻译员所作的英文翻译本,或者在被翻译的语言所在国家具有资质的从业律师认证的英文翻译本。

(d) The Parties shall to the extent possible exchange copies, drafts or samples of the 285 documents listed in Subclause (a) and Sub-clause (b) above for review and comment by the 286 other party not later than (state number of days), or if left blank, nine (9) days prior to 287 the Vessel's intended date of readiness for delivery as notified by the Sellers pursuant to 288 Clause 5(b) of this Agreement. 289

(d). 合同双方应尽可能交换在上述(a)或(b)分条款中列出的复印件,草稿件或样本件,以供对方审查和评论,但不晚于 (载明天数),若空白不填,则为卖方根据本协议第5(b)条款通知给买方的船舶预期准备就绪交接的日期之前9天。

(e) Concurrent with the exchange of documents in Sub-clause (a) and Sub-clause (b) above, 290 the Sellers shall also hand to the Buyers the classification certificate(s) as well as all plans, 291 drawings and manuals, (excluding ISM/ISPS manuals), which are on board the Vessel. Other 292 certificates which are on board the Vessel shall also be handed over to the Buyers unless the 293 Sellers are required to retain same, in which case the Buyers have the right to take copies. 294

(e). 在上述(a)或(b)分条款中列出的文件进行交换的同时,卖方还应该将在船上保管的船级证书,连同所有计划(设计图/计划书),图纸和操作说明书(不包括船舶安全管理手册ISM /船舶保安手册ISPS)交给买方。在船上存放的其它证书也应移交给买方,除非卖方自己需要保留原件之外,在此情况下,买方有权获得同样的副本。

(f) Other technical documentation which may be in the Sellers' possession shall promptly after 295 delivery be forwarded to the Buyers at their expense, if they so request. The Sellers may keep 296 the Vessel's log books but the Buyers have the right to take copies of same. 297

(f). 卖方可能拥有的其它技术文件,应该在交船后立即转交给买方,若买方要求,由他们承担费用。卖方可以保留船舶日志,但买方有权获得同样的副本。

(g) The Parties shall sign and deliver to each other a Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance confirming the date and time of delivery of the Vessel from the Sellers to the Buyers.


298 299


(g). 在交船时,买卖双方应各自签署一份船舶交付和接收议定书,并转交给对方保留,用于确认卖方将船舶交给买方日期和时间。

9. Encumbrances 9. 债务负担


The Sellers warrant that the Vessel, at the time of delivery, is free from all charters 301 encumbrances, mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever, and is not subject 302 to Port State or other administrative detentions. The Sellers hereby undertake to indemnify the 303 Buyers against all consequences of claims made against the Vessel which have been incurred 304 prior to the time of delivery. 305

9. 债务负担


10. Taxes, fees and expenses 10. 税金、费用和开支


Any taxes, fees and expenses in connection with the purchase and registration under the Buyers' 307 Nominated Flag State shall be for the Buyers' account, whereas similar charges in connection 308 with the closing of the Sellers' register shall be for the Sellers' account. 309

10. 税金、费用和开支


11. Condition on delivery 11. 交船状况


The Vessel with everything belonging to her shall be at the Sellers' risk and expense until she is 311 delivered to the Buyers, but subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement she shall be 312 delivered and taken over as she was at the time of inspection, fair wear and tear excepted. 313

11. 交船状况


However, the Vessel shall be delivered free of cargo and free of stowaways with her Class 314 maintained, without condition/recommendation*, free of average damage affecting the Vessel's 315 class, and with her classification certificates and national certificates, as well as all other 316 certificates the Vessel had at the time of inspection, valid and unextended without 317 condition/recommendation* by the Classification Society or the relevant authorities at the time 318 of delivery. 319




“inspection” in this Clause 11, shall mean the Buyers' inspection according to 4(a) or 320 4(b) (Inspections), if applicable. If the Vessel is taken over without inspection, the date of this 321 Agreement shall be the relevant date. 322

在本条款中(第11条)‘检查’,应是指:买方按照第4(a)或4(b) (表面检查)条款进行的检查,若适用。如果没有检查即被接收,本协议之签署日期应为相关日期。

* Notes and memoranda, if any, in the surveyor's report which are accepted by the Classification 323 Society without condition/recommendation are not to be taken into account. 324


12 Name/markings 12. 名称/标记

325 326 327

Upon delivery the Buyers undertake to change the name of the Vessel and alter funnel markings.

12. 名称/标记


13 Buyers' default 13. 买方违约


Should the Deposit not be lodged in accordance with Clause 2 (Deposit), the Sellers have the 329 right to cancel this Agreement, and they shall be entitled to claim compensation for their losses 330 and for all expenses incurred together with interest. 331

13. 买方违约


Should the Purchase Price not be paid in accordance with clause 3 (Payment), the Sellers 332 have the right to cancel this Agreement, in which case the Deposit together with interest 333 earned, if any, shall be released to the Sellers. If the Deposit does not cover their loss, the 334 Sellers shall be entitled to claim further compensation for their losses and for all expenses 335 incurred together with interest. 336


14. Sellers' default 14. 卖方违约

337 338 339 340 341

Should the Sellers fail to give Notice of Readiness in accordance with Clause 5(b) or fail to be ready to validly complete a legal transfer by the Cancelling Date the Buyers shall have the option of cancelling this Agreement. If after Notice of Readiness has been given but before the Buyers have taken delivery, the Vessel ceases to be physically ready for delivery and is not



made physically ready again by the Cancelling Date and new Notice of Readiness is given, the 342 Buyers shall retain their option to cancel. In the event that the Buyers elect to cancel this 343 Agreement, the Deposit together with interest earned, if any, shall be released to them 344 immediately. 345

14. 卖方违约


Should the Sellers fail to give Notice of Readiness by the Cancelling Date or fail to be ready to 346 validly complete a legal transfer as aforesaid they shall make due compensation to the Buyers 347 for their loss and for all expenses together with interest if their failure is due to proven 348 negligence and whether or not the Buyers cancel this Agreement. 349


15. Buyers' representatives 15. 买方代表 350 After this Agreement has been signed by the Parties and the Deposit has been lodged, the 351 Buyers have the right to place two (2) representatives on board the Vessel at their sole risk and 352 expense. 353

15. 买方代表


These representatives are on board for the purpose of familiarisation and in the capacity of 354 observers only, and they shall not interfere in any respect with the operation of the Vessel. The 355 Buyers and the Buyers' representatives shall sign the Sellers' P&I Club's standard letter of 356 indemnity prior to their embarkation. 357


16. Law and Arbitration 16. 法律和仲裁

358 359 360 361 362

(a)* This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be referred to arbitration in London in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re- enactment thereof save to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Clause.



16. 法律和仲裁

(a)* 本协议应受英国法律的管辖并依据英国法律进行解释。本协议引起的或与之有关的任何争议,应按照《1996年仲裁法》或在必要情况下为使本条款之条文规定生效的任何修订的立法或其重新制定的法律提交到伦敦进行仲裁。

The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA) Terms current at the time when the arbitration proceedings are commenced.


363 364 365

The reference shall be to three arbitrators. A party wishing to refer a dispute to arbitration shall 366 appoint its arbitrator and send notice of such appointment in writing to the other party requiring 367 the other party to appoint its own arbitrator within fourteen (14) calendar days of that notice and 368 stating that it will appoint its arbitrator as sole arbitrator unless the other party appoints its own 369 arbitrator and gives notice that it has done so within the fourteen (14) days specified. If the 370 other party does not appoint its own arbitrator and give notice that it has done so within the 371 fourteen (14) days specified, the party referring a dispute to arbitration may, without the 372 requirement of any further prior notice to the other party, appoint its arbitrator as sole arbitrator 373 and shall advise the other party accordingly. The award of a sole arbitrator shall be binding on 374 both Parties as if the sole arbitrator had been appointed by agreement. 375


In cases where neither the claim nor any counterclaim exceeds the sum of US$100,000 the 376 arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the LMAA Small Claims Procedure current at 377 the time when the arbitration proceedings are commenced. 378


(b)* This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Title 9 of the United States Code and the substantive law (not including the choice of law rules) of the State of New York and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be referred to three (3) persons at New York, one to be appointed by each of the parties hereto, and the third by the two so chosen; their decision or that of any two of them shall be final, and for the purposes of enforcing any award, judgment may be entered on an award by any court of competent jurisdiction. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc.



380 381 382 383 384 385 386


(b)* 本协议应受美国法典第9册和纽约州实体法(不包括法律选择的规则)的管辖并以此进行解释,本协议引起的或与之相关的任何争议必须是提交给在纽约的三名仲裁员进行裁决,其中每一当事方各自任命一名仲裁员,第三名则由已任命的2名仲裁员选择指定;他们的判决或他们中任何2个人的判决应是终局的,而且为了执行任何裁决书,拥有适当管辖权的任何称职的法院可能对此裁决书作出法院的判决。仲裁诉讼应按照海事仲裁员协会的规则进行。

In cases where neither the claim nor any counterclaim exceeds the sum of US$ 100,000 the 387 arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Shortened Arbitration Procedure of the 388 Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. 389


(c) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [ ] 390 (state place) and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be 391 referred to arbitration at [ ]: (state place), subject to the procedures applicable there. 392

(c) 本协议受[ ] (载明地点)的法律管辖并以此地方法律进行解释,本协议引起的或与之有关的任何争议应提交给[ ] (载明地点)进行裁决,并受当地适当的程序约束。

*16(a), 16(b) and 16(c) are alternatives; delete whichever is not applicable. In the absence of 393 deletions, alternative 16(a) shall apply. 394

* 16(a)项、16(b)和16(c)项是可选择的;删除不适用条款。如果未作删除,则视为选择16(a)适用。

17. Notices 17. 通知

395 396 397 398 399

All notices to be provided under this Agreement shall be in writing. Contact details for recipients of notices are as follows. For the Buyers: [ ]. For the Sellers: [ ].

17. 通知

根据本协议,所有通知应以书面的形式提供给合同各方。 通知接受人的详细联系方式如下。 对于买方: [ ] 。 对于卖方: [ ] 。

18. Entire Agreement 18. 完整性协议条款

400 401 402 403

The written terms of this Agreement comprise the entire agreement between the Buyers and the Sellers in relation to the sale and purchase of the Vessel and supersede all previous agreements whether oral or written between the Parties in relation thereto.

18. 完整性协议条款




Each of the Parties acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it has not relied on and 404 shall have no right or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or 405 warranty (whether or not made negligently) other than as is expressly set out in this Agreement. 406


Any terms implied into this Agreement by any applicable statute or law are hereby excluded to 407 the extent that such exclusion can legally be made. Nothing in this Clause shall limit or exclude 408 any liability for fraud. 409


For and on behalf of the Sellers 卖方及其代表

For and on behalf of the Buyers 买方及其代表

Name:姓名 Name:姓名 Title:职务头衔 Title:职务/头衔




Each of the Parties acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it has not relied on and 404 shall have no right or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or 405 warranty (whether or not made negligently) other than as is expressly set out in this Agreement. 406


Any terms implied into this Agreement by any applicable statute or law are hereby excluded to 407 the extent that such exclusion can legally be made. Nothing in this Clause shall limit or exclude 408 any liability for fraud. 409


For and on behalf of the Sellers 卖方及其代表

For and on behalf of the Buyers 买方及其代表

Name:姓名 Name:姓名 Title:职务头衔 Title:职务/头衔



