精读1 第10课silent spring

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Unit 11 Silent Spring Pre-class Work Word-building

Give the corresponding nouns of the following. (1) suppression (2) modification (3) contender (4) restraint (5) alteration (6) desertion

(7) contamination (8) radiation (9) isolation (10) reservation (11) confinement (12)adaptation More Work on the Text II Vocabulary 1.Translate

1 ) From Chinese into English.

(1) to mold youngster's thinking (11) to work miracles (2) to restrain one's impulse (12) to acquire power (3) to spread butter (13) to desert one's friends (4) to set the stage (14) to desert the city

(5) to contaminate the environment (15) to settle the dispute

(6) to undergo great sufferings (16) to settle the matter (7) to spray paint (17) to delight the eye

(8) to still the noises (18) to invade that country (9) to modify the tone (19) to invade someone's privacy (10) to work unknown harm (20) to sink a well 2) into Chinese.

(1) 妖魔所施的魔法或所下的咒语 (8) 品牌名 (2) 焦黄枯萎的草木 (9) 化学战 (3) 严峻的现实 (10) 事先的调查 (4) 空气的污染 ( 11) 生死斗争 (5) 致命的武器 (12) 外来的物种 (6) 人工合成的材料 (13) 自然保护区 (7) 有创造力的头脑 ( 14) 农业的精耕细作 2. Give synonyms

(1) numerous,innumerable

(2) large amount,great supply,plenty,more than enough (3) to shake,to shiver,to shudder (4) big,large,considerable,abundant (5) cruel,pitiless,ruthless,severe,hard (6) to shape,to form,to remodel

(7) to change,to transform,to revise,to convert,to modify,to vary (8) to use

(9) prepared,adjusted,or adapted for a particular purpose (10) exactly just

(11) to experience,to go through,to endure (12) useless,vain,unsuccessful (13) artificial, man-made, unnatural

(14) to rise, to appear, to surface, to come up, to come into view

(15) contamination (16) deadly, fatal (17) attack

(18) evil, wicked, threatening, frightening (19) to alter, to change, to adjust, to adapt 3. Translate

1) Building a house is no joking matter. You have to check carefully at every step.

2) His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy. 3) I really wanted to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion. 4) Are you sure that we can trust him? I think we ought to check it up on him.

5) Our original intention was to check into a hotel, but our friend insisted that we should stay at his p!ace. 6) Rachel Carson devoted all her life to the cause of environmental protection.

7) They are devoted to each other. Nothing can separate them. 8) He devoted a whole chapter to this subject in his recently published book'

9) This reservoir can hold two billion cubic meters of water. 10) At that time, we all held our breath. You could hear a needle drop.

11) Diogenes held the view that the property people hold does not really being happiness.

12) He did not intend his discovery to be used for war purposes.

13) These colorful clothes are intended for the African market.

14) Today there are so many cars in the streets. I'd rather walk than drive. It's quicker.

15) He would rather die standing on his feet than live on his knees.

16) You can use my bike , or rather my wife's bike. 17) I hear that the movie is intended to be a hit. But I must confess I think it is rather silly. 4.

1) A. 4) D. 7) A. 10) D. 13) A. 2) B. 5) C. 8) B. 11) A. 14) D. 3) A. 6) B. 9) A. 12) B. 15)C. 5.

1) a piece of news 2) a piece of information

3) a newspaper/paper 20) a jacket

4) a slip/piece of paper 21) a suit (of clothes)

5) a piece of advice/a proposal (suggestion) 22) a piece of land/a plot

6) a song 23) a piece/bar of soap

7) a piece of music 24) a piece of furniture 8) a stone/a rock 25) a rope 9) a piece of wood 26) a hair 10) a tree 27) two fish

11) a lump of sugar/a piece of candy 28) three sheep 12) a piece of evidence 29) a lot of (lots of, much, a great deal of, a

13) a loaf of bread large amount of, a large quantity of, large

14) a piece/slice of bread quantities of) money 15) a job 30) a lot of (lots of, many, a great number 16) a means of, large numbers of) problems 17) a fish 31) some (a little, a bit of) time 18) a piece of cloth 32) some (a few, several) deer 19) a piece of clothing/a garment (dress, coat) B

