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1 把体用面分割的时候出现的错误提示: Boolean operation failed.

try adjusting the tolerance value on the BTOL commmand to some fraction of the

minimum keypoint distance.

Model Size (current problem)1.183933e+000,BTOL setting 1.00000e-005,minmum KPT distance 4.308365e-006

先在要分割的地方设置一个工作平面,用布尔运算“divided --volume by working plane”进行分割的时候,出现上述错误,主要愿意可能是设置的公差太小,





Element type 1 is Solid95,whichcan not be used with the AMES command, meshing of area 2 aborted.

刚开始学习的人经常出这种错误,这是因为不同单元类型对应不同的划分网格操作。 上面的错误是说单元类型为Solid95(实体类型),不能用AMES命令划分面网格。

3 Meshing of volume 5 has been aborted because of a lack of memory. Closed down other processes and/or choose a larger element size, then try the VMESH command again. Minimum additional memory required=853MB(by kitty_zoe)

说你的内存空间不够,可能因为你的计算单元太多,增加mesh尺寸,减少数量或者增加最小内存设定(ansys10中在customization preferences菜单存储栏可以修改)


4.The input volumes do not meet the conditions required for the VGLU operation . No new entities were created . The VOVLAP operation is a possible alternative

VGLU是将两个或多个体粘到一块,体之间的交集应该是面,帮助里的说法,This operation is only valid if the intersections of the input volumes are areas along the boundaries of those volumes。你粘结glue的体可能有重叠,所以后面提示了一个VOVLAP命令,该命令是将两个或多个体的重叠部分拿出来作为结果



5.clear is not a recognized GEGIN command,abbreviation,or macro. this command will be ingored. 那是因为打开了前处理,求解或者后处理, 先用FINISH命令,再用CLEAR就可以了 6.



7.AN error occured during sweeping while meshing arer 39.change element sizing parameters(RSIZE,LESIZE,etc).or mesh this arer manually(AMESH or AMAP).then try the VSME command again .The VSWE command is ignored.


8.Volume 1 cannot be meshed. 208 location(s) found where non-adjacent boundary triangles touch. Geometry configuration may not be valid or smaller element size definition may be required.


可能单元太大的时候出现的网格有有问题,比如狭长的网格,计算的时候集中应力太大 9.Shape testing revealed that 3 of the 13 new or modified elements violate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see the output file or issue the CHECK command.


10.划分solid45单元的时候出现了 structural elements without mid nodes usually produce much more accurate results in quad or brick shape


11.:Volume11 could not be swept because a source and a target area could not be determined automatically。please try again...


12.*** WARNING *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 1312.641 TIME= 16:5


An error has occurred writing to the file = 12 which may imply a full disk.

The system I/O error = 28. Please refer to your system documentation on I/O errors.



13.Topolgical degeneracy detected for ASBA command.Try modifying geometry slightly or loosening the tolerance(BTOL command).If BTOL is relaxed ,be sure to change the tolerance back to the default after operation


14.计算时候出现:Input/output error on unit=9.Possible full disk ,在一些论坛看到转换磁盘格式ntfs,转换后还是不行,我的ansys11.0安装在D盘,工作目录为E盘(30G大小),另外输出窗口提示for better cpuperformace increase memory by 296mb using -m option 一.转化格式(先确定你D盘为fat格式后)点\开始->运行\输入:covert D:/FS:NTFS 就可以将D盘转换成NTFS格式了,不过转换后不可以恢复成FAT32格式了.(本人没有试过!)

二.在开始——程序——ansys——ansys product launcher——customization,然后选择memory下面的方框里面打勾,然后调整work spcae和data base(具体的调整请参照 ... &extra=page=1专题2)

15.Large negative pivot value ( -8.419662714E-03 ) in Eqn.system. May be because of a badtemperature-dependent material property used in the model. 这种错误经常出现的。一般与单元形状有关。 16.There are 21 small equation solver pivot terms.;

SOLID45 wedges are recommended only in regions of relatively low stress gradients.


还有一个:initial penetration 4.44089×10E-6 was detacted between contact ele

ment 53928 and target element 53616;也是建立接触是出现的,也还没有接近。唉,郁闷中!! answer:

第一个问题:There are 21 small equation solver pivot terms.;

不是建立接触对的错误,一般是单元形状质量太差(例如有i接近零度的锐角或者接近180度的钝角)造成small equation solver pivot terms

第二个问题:SOLID45 wedges are recommended only in regions of relatively low

stress gradients.

这只是一个警告,它告诉你:推荐SOLID45单元只用在应力梯度较低的区域。 它只是告诉你注意这个问题,如果应力梯度较高,则可能计算结果不可信。

17.There are 1 small equation solver pivot terms

ansys,刚度矩阵主元太小, 可能是单元畸形,或者材料参数有问题, 总之这个问题你就不断的换个方式建立模型,trial and error ,往往就解决了这个问题

第一个问题:说明结构刚度矩阵出现小主元。如果矩阵D 的所有主元都是正的,这

时结构的切线刚度矩阵正定,结构处于稳定状态;如果矩阵D 的 主元有小于0 的,则切线刚度矩阵非正定,结构处于不稳定状态。


当|D |=0时,矩阵D 为奇异矩阵,非线性方程会产生奇异解,奇异解出现于可能产生不定解或非唯一解的分析中,求解方程的主元为负或零会产生这样的奇异解。有些情况下,尽管遇到主元为负或零,仍需继续进行分析(特别是一些非线性分析中)。(since a negative or zero pivot value can occur for a valid analysis.)

下述条件会引起求解过程出现奇异性:(The following conditions may cause singularities in the solution process: )

·约束条件不足 ·模型中有非线性单元:如间隙元、滑动元、铰链元、缆束员等。结构的一部分可能已经塌陷或分散了 ·材料特性为负:如在瞬态热分析中规定的密度或温度


·屈曲。当应力刚化效果为负(压缩)时,结构受载后变弱。若结构变弱到刚度减小到零或为负值,就会出现奇异解,且结构已经屈曲。会打印出“主元值为负”的消息。 ·零刚度矩阵(在行或列上)。如果刚度的确为零,线性或非线性分析都会忽略所加的载荷。

18.This model requires more scratch space than available, currently

8026545 words ( 31 MB). ANSYS was not able to allocate more memory to proceed. Please shut down other applications that may be running or increase the virtual memory on your system and rerun ANSYS. Problem terminated.


