高一In Search of the Amber Room设计方案

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学习 知识点 目标 通过展示一些图片,让学生讨论图片的共性,继而引出文化遗产的概念。 媒体 类型 媒体内容要点 课件展示文化遗产的图片。 教学 作用 导入新课,让学生对文化遗产有初步认识。 使用 所得结论 方式 演示—提问—讨论—总结 学生对文化遗产有了初步认识,为课文作了铺垫。 占用 媒体来源 时间 3分钟 自制课件 导入新课 课件展示 In Search of the Amber Room 通过琥珀图片的展示和标题让学生预测文章大意。 学生学习预测文章大意 课件展示 课件展示琥珀图片 引发学生兴趣,培养学生预测大意的能力。 演示—学生思考 感叹琥珀的美,惊讶于用琥珀打造的宫殿,心中有各自的预测。 2分钟 自制课件 教学媒体选择通过略读读掌握课文大意 通过寻读找出文章基本信息 略读训练 课件展示 课件展示教师的提示信息 课件展示所要找出的信息 课件展示文中人物时间及事件 培养学生快速获取文章大意的能力 培养学生快速浏览的能力 演示—提问 演示—提问 了解文章大意 2分钟 自制课件 分析表 寻读训练 课件展示 学生找出人物时间及事件 4分钟 自制课件 通过分段精读让学生能进一步的了解课文内容,并根据基本信息完善文章线索。 精读训练 课件展示 精读掌握课文细节,理清文章脉络。 演示—提问—讲解 了解琥珀屋的历史,理清文章脉络。 20分钟 自制课件 在学习完课文的基础上通过角色扮演和上台展示强化对文章的理解。 两两角色扮演并上台展示 课件展示 课件展示分组和其扮演的角色 培养学生总结归纳能力并进行口语锻炼。 演示—学生对文章进行了归12分角色扮纳并得到了口语锻炼。 钟 演—上台展示 自制课件 课件展示本课课后作业内容 布置作业 课件展示 本课课后作业内容 复习,巩固 演示 复习巩固。 2分钟 自制课件 附:教学设计方案

教 学 设 计 方 案

案例名称 科目 课时 In Search of the Amber Room 高中英语 1课时 教学对象 高一学生 提供者 一、教材内容分析 The teaching material is the reading part from Unit1,Module2 NSEFC. The topic of this unit is cultural relics and the protection of the culture relics.The reading passage tells the strange history of the Amber Room, a cultural relic of two countries: Germany and Russia.It is a relic which has been lost, and the Amber Room that people can see today is actually a reproduction. 二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度、价值观) 1. Knowledge aims Ss can master the key words and phrases of the passage as follows, amazing, fancy, style, less than, in return, reception, remove, wooden, doubt, former, at war. Ss can learn the history of the amber room, especially the design, the loss and the rebuilding of the amber room. 2. Ability aims Ss can predict the content of the passage based on the title. Ss can scan the passage and find out the specific information such as the person related with the amber room. Ss can summarize the passage with the help of the clues of the passage. 3. Emotion aims Ss will realize that the cultural relics are rare and precious and they will concern themselves with the issue of cultural relic’s protection. 4. Cultural awareness Ss will broaden their minds by knowing something about amber room. 三、学习者特征分析 The following are the characteristics of the learners: ·The students are from Grade1 in senior high school. ·The students have achieved certain English level and they have the ability to get the basic message of the reading. ·The students are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the topic ·The students know some cultural relics at home and abroad. ·They may not know the amber room before. ·Their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some sentences. 四、教学策略选择与设计 1.Ask and answer approach:teacher guide by asking questions 2.Task-based approach :students are expected to achieve certain goal by finishing the task 3.The situational approach:students are activated to devote themselves into role-play 五、教学环境及资源准备 PPT Multimedia room 六、教学过程 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备 Stage1 Lead-in and warming-up Show some pictures and organize the discussion To arouse the Ss’ 1.Look at the screen and tell the interests in the topic name of the cultural relics. and activate their old 2.Discuss what these pictures knowledge of cultural have in common and try to sum relics up the definition of cultural relics Stage2 Pre-reading T shows some pictures of amber and asks students to predict 1.Look at these pictures and get To activate students the perceptual knowledge of the and make them eager to know a room made amber of amber. 2.Look at the title quickly and To help Ss develop the reading skills of do some predictions: predicting. 1)What is it mainly about? 2)What happened to the it? Stage3 While reading Step1Skimming T shows a question on the screen. Read the text quickly and try to To train the students to find the main idea fill the main idea. quickly It tells us the strange history of the_______ ________, a cultural relic of two countries: _________ and_________. Step2Scanning T shows 3 words on the blackboard:time place and charcters Step3 Careful reading T shows some pictures and guide students. Students are organized to find the certain message according to the 3 words To train students to get certain information quickly To develop their Students are also expected to understand the passage and find reading strategies and out the clue with the help of the language efficiency. teacher. T creates a situation Stage 4 Post reading and organizes the role-play by showing the key words on the screen. Students do pair work. One of them is the visitor and the other one is the guide. The guide will introduce the Amber Room,while the visitor will ask some questions about the Amber Room The role play serves as an output of the reading and an evaluation of their learning. T assigns the homework Stage5 Homework Ss write a summary of the history of To consolidate the the Amber Room and hand it in the knowledge learned in next day. class. Ss review the words and phrase of the passage and make sentence with each. 教 学 过 程 流 程 图 Warming- up Pre-reading skimming While- reading scanning careful reading Post- reading Homework retelling review 七、教学评价设计 Students are expected to do self-assesment according to the knowledge they learned in the lesson,and their attitudes towards the task in the lesson. 八、帮助和总结 Students are active in the role-play,which enable them to put what they learned into use.

