四年级上册英语教案Unit5 Our new home 第一课时Story time译林

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Unit 5 Our new home教学设计


译林版小学英语4A Unit5 Our new home 第一课时Story time。 【教学目标】

1、在情景中三会掌握单词sofa,bedroom,living room, kitchen, bathroom。 2、初步感知句型Where’s the …? Is it …? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. It’s … Where are the … ? They’re … ,并尝试运用这些句型来谈论单复数物品的方位。

3、通过看图、听录音和阅读等方式学习文本,把握文章的主要内容。 4、通过合作探究,提高学生英语语言的思维能力和交际能力。 5、通过对家庭布置的交流,激发起学生对家的热爱之情。 【教学重点】

1.理解和掌句型Where’s the …? Is it …? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. It’s … Where are the … ? They’re … 2.理解阅读课文。 【教学难点】

对复数物品的方位表述。 【教学过程】

课前:1.Enjoy some songs: on in under, table and tennis, where’s the


2.出示how to learn, what to learn.(本节课教学内容、目标、ticking


Step1.Greetings and free talk 1.Greetings 2. Free talk:

(1)T:Do you like animals? What animals do you like?Listen:What’s this? Ss: It’s a bird.

(2)Listen to the song : Where’s the bird 听音乐寻找鸟的位置 3.Game: Where’s the bird快速大声说出鸟的位置

(玩游戏复习方位介词in,under,on) 复习并巩固 Where’s…? It’s …句型 4.Where’ s the bird now? It’s in Yang Ling’s home. 引出地点home (a big/new/nice/small…home) 5.Lead-in

PPT: Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home. There are many rooms in it.

第 1 页

Come and look. Step 2. Pre-reading

1.T:This is Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home. Today they are moving to it. Some workers are helping them.

PPT录音(Welcome to our new home.Look, this is Su Yang’s bedroom) 2.教读bedroom T :There is a bed in the bedroom.(大小声读bedroom) a.What can you see in the bedroom? 教读clock

b.介绍Su Hai and Parents’ bedroom(教Is it nice? Yes,it is./No, it isn’t)

c.T: How many bedrooms do they have? 3.PPT录音介绍livingroom

T: We can sit here and watch TV. So we also can say sitting room. There’s a sofa and table in it.(教读sofa, table) 4. PPT录音介绍kitchen

T: Is it a living room? We can cook food here, such as: chicken (区分kitchen, chicken)

5.How do you think of the room? Ss: How nice/cool/…

T: Su Hai’s family have nice home. And they take many things to their new home.What are they?

6. T: Wow, so many things. The workers put the things every where. Where are they? Let’s help father and mother(教句型Where’s … It’s…Where are…? They are…并板书) a.Model

b. Give a tip: 并说明Here is one table. So we should use “is and It’s “, Here are two sofas, so we use “are and They are “ c.Work in pairs Step 3:While-reading

1. T: Now, father and mother know where the things are. But Su Hai and Su Yang can’t find their things,either. What are they looking for? Task1:Watch and circle: What are Su Hai and Su Yang looking for? :2. Try to ask “Where is /are my…? T: Who can help them ask? 根据学生陈述板书 3.Task2:Read and underline Q1: Where’s the bag?

第 2 页

Q2: Where are my skirts? Q3: Where is my cap?

a.逐个检查并听、模仿、指导语音、语调、语气 b.Read after the tape Step 4.While reading 1.Show time:

(1) Read in roles (one star) (2)Dub the story

(3) Act the story creatively a.T: I ‘ll choose 3 (Give a model) b. Work in pairs and show

2.Task3: Retell the story(根据板书)

T: So we should keep our home clean and tidy. We should love our home Step 5: Homework A and B (分层作业) 欣赏创意房子


Unit 5 Our new home

Where’s…? It’s… kitchen bedroom Where are…? They’re… living room sofa 第 3 页

