Tangible and Collectible Entertainment System with Capsule Vending Machine

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We developed a tangible entertainment system that enables to play video game with physical collectibles as game components. It consists of a capsule toy vending machine with LCD panel, capsule toys with embedded RFID tags, an RFID sensor board and a comput

Tangible and Collectible Entertainment System with Capsule Vending Machine

Kentaro Fukuchi

The University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1Chofugaoka,Chofu-shi



Yu Izawa

T ama Art University

2-1723Y arimizu,Hachioji


mmfreak freak@

Fusako Kusunoki

Tama Art University

2-1723Y arimizu,Hachioji




We developed a tangible entertainment system that enables to play video game with physical collectibles as game com-ponents.It consists of a capsule toy vending machine with LCD panel,capsule toys with embedded RFID tags,an RFID sensor board and a computer.

Nowadays a huge amount of collectibles is sold:baseball cards,dollhouse miniatures,character?gures,candy tins, and so ually,collectibles are?nely formed so that they satisfy owner’s desire of possessions.On the other hand,col-lectibles in video game become popular.Those collectibles often have some special features such as magic power,but lack neither tangibility nor attractive form.

Our system is designed to combine these two advantages of virtual and real game components.


In recent years,there has been a signi?cant e?ort to develop tangible game components,that externalizes game compo-nents of video games from inside to outside of video display. Tangible game system provides intuitive interface that em-ulates traditional board games that are familiar to us,and enables to combine both advantages of board games(tan-gibility,intuitive interface)and video games(?exible input and output,computer aided game play).

Currently most of e?ort is aimed at externalizing game com-ponents such as player’s pieces or scoring markers.Basically these components are used during a game play.Players do not own those components before a game,and they return the components after the game although they temporarily own some components during the game.

On the other hand,collectable game component is becoming popular.For example,many kinds of trading card

games,Figure1:System overview of Narrative vending ma-chine

e.g.“Magic:the gathering”,are developed and played all over the world.Not only in table games,collectibles can be seen in video games too.For example,in“Animal Crossing: Wild World”[1],players can collect various collectibles such as cloths,insects or fossils.Especially in multiplayer net-work games,such as“Ultima online”[4]or“Second Life”[3], collectible is very popular and important game feature. Usually,collectibles in real world such as miniatures or trad-ing cards are?nely formed or printed so that they satisfy owner’s desire of possession.On the other hand,collectibles in video games often provide special features.Typical in-stances are magic items that provide special power to a player.Moreover,some video games give special bonus to the player who completed all of collectibles in the game world.In other words,those collectibles give some practical merits in the game world to players who won them.

We developed a tangible entertainment system that exter-

Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).

Tangible Play: Research and Design for Tangible and Tabletop Games,

workshop at IUI’07 (Intelligent User Interfaces conference 2007), January

28, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Tangible Play workshop, Intelligent User Interfaces conference, January 28, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

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We developed a tangible entertainment system that enables to play video game with physical collectibles as game components. It consists of a capsule toy vending machine with LCD panel, capsule toys with embedded RFID tags, an RFID sensor board and a comput

Figure2:Application scenario of the system:the player purchases a collectible(randomly selected), then put it on the sensor board to play the game. The player can put more collectibles simultaneously, and cooperate with the other players.The system can be connected to the other system via the net, that allows competitive online game.

nalizes collectibles in computer world and enables to play with them as tangible game components.We hypothesize that our system not only satis?es players’desire of posses-sion,but also improves the game experience by allowing to play the game with the tangible collectibles.


Our entertainment system consists of a collectible vending machine,a sensor-embedded game board,and collectibles. The vending machine has a LCD on its front surface and it is connected to a computer.Collectibles are played


Figure3:Two types of RFID tags.

the game board.The sensor in it recognizes collectibles and transmits their IDs to the computer.Figure1shows an overview of the system.

At the beginning,a player insert a coin to the vending ma-chine to buy a collectible,then a capsuled collectible is dis-pensed.Typically a collectible is selected randomly.The player opens the capsule and put the toy on the game board to play the game.The player can put any collectibles of his own collection.Cooperation or trading with the other players is allowed.

2.1RFID Tag

RFID tag/sensor system is used to recognize collectibles on the sensor board.We employed Nippon Signal’s IC tag reader that enable to scan at most40RFID tags on a sen-sor board simultaneously.Its scan range is5cm above the sensor,and it took around1second to scan40tags.RFID tags are shown in Figure3.We embedded these RFID tags into collectibles.The current system recognizes the type and numbers of collectibles on the game board,but does not track the positions of them.However,it would be able to support positional input by using multiple sensor boards or some other sensing device.

2.2Capsule Toy

Capsule toy and capsule toy vending machine are very pop-ular culture in Japan.We employed a traditional capsule toy vending machine that is operated without power.The diameter of capsules is48mm,therefore the RFID sensor can recognize tags in collectibles on the board certainly. 3.APPLICATIONS

We developed two applications on this entertainment sys-tem.

3.1Narrative Capsule Toy

The?rst application consists of six characters and the sys-tem shows their stories by animation.Figure4shows four of them and a capsule.Each of them has their own background story and players can see the animation movies when they purchased a collectible.When a capsule is dispensed from the vending machine,the capsule is caught on the sensor board and it is recognized,then the corresponding movie is shown on the display.

Then when an additional collectible is put on the board,the

Tangible Play workshop, Intelligent User Interfaces conference, January 28, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

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We developed a tangible entertainment system that enables to play video game with physical collectibles as game components. It consists of a capsule toy vending machine with LCD panel, capsule toys with embedded RFID tags, an RFID sensor board and a comput

Figure 4:Figures and


Figure 5:Screenshots of animation movie of Frog and Chick

sensor recognizes two characters,and the system shows a movie corresponding to the pair of the characters.Figure 5shows some screenshots of the movie of “Frog”and “Chick”.By introducing multiple RFID tags sensing,it enables to provide variations of story telling and the players have fun of discovering the stories.

Because all tags are di?erent to each other,the system can recognize not only the type of collectibles,but also the num-ber of them.Therefore,it is able to provide varied result according to the number of the collectibles.For example,when a “Duck”and a “Chick”are put on the board,the duck teaches how to ?y to the chick,but it will not succeed (Figure 6,left).However,when more than three ducks are put with the chick simultaneously,the result will be changed (Figure 6,right).

3.2Battle Game

Our second application implements a semi-realtime battle game (Figure 7).The basic architecture is same to the pre-vious application,but this system allows the player to put or remove collectibles at anytime during a game.This ap-plication provides ?ve characters (Figure ??,9)and


Figure 6:Variations of the result

character has di?erent properties.

At the beginning of a game,an opponent character is dis-played.The task of the game is to bring down the opponent character,but each character has di?erent weakness and the player should to put appropriate characters in appropriate sequence.Currently the game rule of this application is quite simple,like “paper-rock-scissors”.If the appropriate character is not put within seconds,the player lose the game.The game rule would be able to complicated by allowing positional input,or parametric input that is introduced in the previous application.In addition,we plan to introduce multiplayer competitive game over the network.1


Currently each collectible has a unique ID in a tag,but the data is static.But the RFID tag system we employed allows to rewrite the data from the sensor board,so that status of the character can be stored in the tag.This will expand the design possibility of the game,for example the character can grow after the games,like role playing games.


[1]Animal Crossing:Wild World.

/wildworld/.[2]Sangokushi Taisen.

/.[3]Second Life./.[4]Ultima Online./.


This kind of game application is already released as computer-aided collectable card game,“Sangokushi-taisen”[2].Each game cabinet has a ?at sensor board and each player manipulates multiple cards on it.The type and positions of the cards are recognized.Two players battle against to each other over the network.

Tangible Play workshop, Intelligent User Interfaces conference, January 28, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

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We developed a tangible entertainment system that enables to play video game with physical collectibles as game components. It consists of a capsule toy vending machine with LCD panel, capsule toys with embedded RFID tags, an RFID sensor board and a comput

Figure 7:System overview of Battle game


Figure 8:Characters of Battle game


Figure 9:Figures (mock-up)

Tangible Play workshop, Intelligent User Interfaces conference, January 28, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.- 40 -

