2018高考英语北师大版必修四:Unit11 The Media

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1.accurate /?kj?r?t/ adj.正确的;精确的 2.rewarding /rΙw??dΙ?/ adj.有回报的 3.acquire /?kwaΙ?/ vt.取得;获得;学到 4.appointment /?p?Ιntm?nt/ n.约会;任命 5.journalist /d???n?lΙst/ n.记者 6.concentrate /k?ns?ntreΙt/ vt.集中;聚集 7.case /keΙs/ n.事实;事例;案件 话题单词 8.fundamental /f?nd?ment?l/ adj.基本的 9.course /k??s/ n.路线;方向;过程 10.inform /Ιnf??m/ vt.告知;告诉 11.update /?pdeΙt/ vt.更新 12.eager /i?ɡ?/ adj.热心的;热切的 13.edition /ΙdΙ??n/ n.版;版本 14.gifted /ɡΙftΙd/ adj.有天资的;有天赋的 15.intention /Ιnten??n/ n.意图;目的 16.meanwhile /mi?nwaΙl/ n.& adv.同时;其间 1.concentrate on 全神贯注于 2.inform sb.of sth. 告知某人某事 3.take a photograph 拍照 4.keep up with 跟上 话题短语 5.ahead of time 提前 6.last of all 最后 7.be eager to do 渴望做 8.current affairs 时事 9.be/get absorbed in 专心于 10.set to work 开始工作 11.cover/go on a story 去采访 12.tell the truth 说出真相 13.look forward to 期待 14.make an appointment 约会 1

15.work experience 工作经验 16.arrange an interview 安排采访 1.Being a journalist,you need to keep up with the current affairs and be devoted to writing. 作为一个记者,你需要紧跟时事,并致力于写作。 2.As a journalist,he has a nose for news.作为一名记者,他对新闻非常敏感。 3.The key to becoming a journalist is work experience,perseverance and creative 话题句型 thinking. 成为一名记者的关键是经验、坚持和创造性的思维。 4.If you are committed to the journalism field,you are bound to become a successful journalist. 如果你致力于新闻行业,你一定能成为一名出色的记者。 5.Of all the factors contributing to a good journalist,hard work is the most fundamental one. 在所有使你成为一名好记者的因素中,努力是最基本的因素。 随着媒体的发展,广告在我们的日常生活中非常普遍,很多同学很容易被广告影响,盲目购买厂家通过大量广告所宣传的商品,甚至上当受骗。就“广告”这一主题为你的校报写一篇短文,让同学们对广告有清楚的了解。内容包括: 1.做广告的真实目的;2.如何避免被广告误导。 【话题模板】 Nowadays with the development of modern media,we are often exposed to all kinds of advertisements every day.We students are easily influenced by them.Some of us 话题语篇 will even be taken in by them. As we all know,advertisements are the best way in which companies can advertise their products or service in front of people.The purpose of advertising is to increase sales of products.So the companies will try every possible means to persuade consumers to buy them. When we see an advertisement,we should do some research so as to have a thorough knowledge of it.More importantly,we should never buy a product that is of no use to us just because the advertisement claims it can make us healthier or prettier. If we take a correct attitude towards advertising,we can avoid being taken in. 2


Ⅰ.单词过关 A.拼写单词 1. vt. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4. adj. 5. n. 6. n. 7. vt.&n. 8. vt. 9. vt. 10. n.&vi. B.拓展单词

11.respect vt.&n.尊敬,尊重→ adj.受人敬重的→ adj.值得敬重的→ adj.恭敬的,表示尊敬的

12.delighted adj.高兴的,愉快的→ vt.使愉快 n.快乐,高兴→ adj.令人高兴的

13.belief n.信仰;信心;信任→ vt.相信 14.announce vt.宣布,宣告→ n.公告

15.application n.申请(书);应用→ n.申请人→ vi.申请 16.employ vt.雇用→ n.雇用→ n.失业→ n.雇主→ n.雇员

17.defend vt.保卫,防御;为……辩解→ n.保卫;防卫

18.advertiser n.广告人→ vt.为……做广告,登广告→ n.广告

19.contribution n.贡献,捐助→ vt.贡献

20.environmental adj.自然环境的→ adv.环境地→ n.环境 C.识记单词 21.widespread adj. 22.electricity n. electric adj.


要求,请求 发生;出现 责怪;归咎于 愿意的;乐意的 方式;方法 场面;场景 尝试;试图 假装

得出结论;结束 打断;打扰

electrical adj. electronic adj. 23.painful adj. pain n. 24. host n.&vt. 25.incident n. 26.evidence n. evident adj. 27.explanation n. explain v. 28.explode vt. explosion n. 29.analyse vt. analysis n. 30.budget n. D.语境运用

31.The was determined to the newly-designed car on the page of Hefei Evening.(advertise)

32.He takes great in proving others wrong.When he did it,he felt .But I don't think what he does is .(delight)

33.Teachers are in our country.Students their teachers and listen to them in school in ways. (respect)

34.The were discussing the topic how more could be facing the high rate of .(employ)

35.Pollution is causing crisis on earth so it is a hard task to build an friendly society if we don't take action to protect our immediately.(environmental)

答案:A.1.demand 2.arise 3.blame 4.willing 5.approach 6.scene 7.attempt 8.pretend 9.conclude 10.disturb

B.11.respected;respectable;respectful 12.delight;delightful 13.believe 14.announcement 15.applicant;apply 16.employment;unemployment;employer;employee

17.defence 18.advertise;advertisement 19.contribute 20.environmentally;environment

C.21.广泛的 22.电 电的;电动的;用电的 电气科学的;与电有关的 电子的;电子器件的 23.令人痛苦的,引起疼痛的 痛;疼痛;痛苦;苦难 24.主办(国、机构、城


市);主人;主办 25.事件,事情 26.证明,证据 明白的,明显的 27.解释,说明 解释,说明 28.爆炸 爆炸(声),爆发 29.分析 分析 30.预算

D.31.advertiser;advertise;advertisement 32.delight;delighted;delightful 33.respectable;respect;respectful 34.employers;employees;employed;unemployment 35.environmental;environmentally;environment

Ⅱ.短语排查 A.短语翻译

1. 是……意思,代表;支持 2. 支持,赞同 3. 由……组成 4. 详细地

5. 可归纳为;结果是 6. 对……有害 7. 突出,显眼 8. 与……相关联 9. 参与,参加 10. 只要

11. 发表意见;提出看法 12. 帮忙做某事;帮助克服困难 B.选词填空(选用A中短语填空)

1.It makes sense for us to a peaceful settlement of the international dispute. 2. you work hard,you'll succeed in time. 3.He made a speech equal pay for equal work. 4.You must study the contract before you sign it. 5.We finally talked Mary into our discussion about Chinese Dream. 6.He is a kind-hearted man and is always willing to .

答案:A.1.stand for 2.in favour of 3.consist of 4.in detail 5.come down to 6.be harmful to 7.stand out 8.be linked to/with 9.participate in 10.as long as 11.comment on 12.help out

B.1.stand for 2.As long as 3.in favour of 4.in detail 5.participating in 6.help out Ⅲ.句式仿写

1.[教材原句]AIDS is another problem of great concern so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.



4.—What a mess!You are always so lazy!

— ,mum.I am what you have made me. ——这么乱!你总是这么懒!


5.When communication becomes more efficient,people are able to contact one another and at whatever time they wish to.

当交流变得更有效的时候,无论在哪儿,无论想在什么时间,人们都能够相互联系。 答案:1.as long as you keep practicing it 2.is really of great significance/importance 3.Not all 4.I'm not to blame 5.no matter where they are

Ⅴ.微写作 【写作素材】


2.我尝试读《二十一世纪》英文报(21st Century),我觉得这份报纸很适合我们学生。 3.报纸出版地点是北京,每周一期。

4.版面内容包括国家大事、体育、娱乐、故事等。 5.我相信只要我们多读,就会取得更大的进步。


【连句成篇】 (将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

One possible version:

Our teacher often demands that we read English articles to improve our English,so I attempt to read 21st Century,which I find suitable for us students.

The paper is published in Beijing and it comes out once a week.The content of the paper consists of state affairs,sports,entertainment,stories,etc..I strongly believe that as long as we do more reading we are bound to make greater progress in English.


