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Answers of Unit One

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. frequently 2. perspectives 3. emerging; exchanging; information

4. globalization; productivity; competitive 5. employment; commercial 6. replace 7. people; policy; technical; protocols

Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese

1. 电子商务是一个刚出现的概念,即通过计算机网络,包括了互联网,来描述买卖过程或


2. EC的应用有许多,例如:家庭银行、在网上商店购物、购买股票、寻找工作、网上拍

卖以及利用电子手段在研究和项目开发方面进行合作。 Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. Some people think that EC is just another overused and discarded buzzword.

2. The term electronic commerce is restricting, however, and does not fully encompass the true

nature of the many types of information exchanges occurring via telecommunication devices. 3. There are more non-enterprise organizations, such as academic institutions, non-profit

organizations, religious organizations, social organizations and the governments, employing variety of E-Commerce to reduce the costs and improve the operation.

4. The definition of E-Business is broader than that of E-Commerce, which electronically

involves the interaction of all information.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. complicated 2. communication; information 3. wiring 4. Wireless 5. separate 6. digital; analog 7. social; teleconferencing; telecommunications 8. ubiquity; convenience 9. retail; auctions 10. hierarchical; relational; network; object

Skills of Understanding

1. Despite the fact that cars from Germany and Japan are flooding the American market. Ford,

General Motors and Chrysler are hiring more workers than ever before. 2. It is difficult for adult learners to come to classes to study at a fixed time. 3. Traffic congestion results in adverse effects.

Skills of Translation

1. 每个人的生活都有甜蜜和苦涩。(注:这题没有标准答案,看各位学员的文学功底) 2. 他凭借坚强的意志力克服了自己的坏习惯。 3. 我们应该吸取教训:不要被虚伪的外表所误导。

Skills of writing

From: jacky@hotmail.com

To: nancy@generalcomputers.com Cc:

Subject: Thanks for the job offer! Date: Thu, March 29,2007 Dear Nancy,

As we discussed on the phone, I am very pleased to accept the position of Marketing Manager with General Computers. Thank you for the opportunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution to the company and to work with everyone on the team.

As we discussed, my starting salary will be $1,000 and health and life insurance benefits will be provided after 90 days of employment.

I look forward to starting my work on April 1, 2007. If there is any additional information or paperwork you need, please let me know. Again, thank you. Sincerely yours, Jacky Zhao

Skills of oral language in working condition

2.Mrs. Hanson, I’d like you to meet Linda Morris. She’s a new export clerk. Linda, this Mrs. Hanson. She is our Customer Service Manager.

3. How do you do, Mr. Robinson? My name is Chen Lin. Welcome to China. 4. How do you do, Ms. White? I am Chen Lin. Nice to meet you.

5. I am terribly sorry that I can’t remember your name. Could you please repeat it?


1. Internet 2. e-commerce; phenomenon 3. non-auto manufacturing; financial services; health care 4. networking; intranets 5. Internet-based; cost-savings

Answers of Unit Two

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. transactions 2. business; consumer; Internet 3. companies; individuals 4. prices; delivery; specifications 5. capitalization 6. multichannel; promotions

7. boutiques 8. personalization; preferences 9. fulfillment; supply; chain 10. lawsuits; press Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese





B2C这个名词曾经十分流行,现在已经不太使用了。然而,有些分析家预测消费者型的公司仍将在网上兴盛,但是不会像起初的那样规模庞大,发展飞速。当然,对于适应市场的许多公司而言享受网上生意所带来的成功,已不是什么新闻了。 Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. Every customer would like to go shopping more conveniently and have more choices, better

quality and lower expenses, with which B2C can satisfy.

2. Another new advantage of B2C is that businesses can reach more customers and gain a new

channel to interact with them via Internet and they can also collect ideas and opinions of customers more easily, fast and fully, by which they can improve the services and readjust the product structure.

3. It is publicly convinced that WWW is a very important new sales-media with great potential,

on which the activities of buying and selling are called electronic commerce.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. volume; rising 2. significant; purchasing 3. complicated; proprietary; communications 4. marketplace; financial transactions 5. middleman 6. reducing 7. inventory 8. industry-specific 9. infrastructure 10. auction

Skills of Understanding

1. C 2. A 3. D

Skills of Translation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

他对总统所提到的为了工作而拼搏表示钦佩。(动转名) 机器人可应用于宇宙探索。(名转动)

在喷气式飞机上看到的和听到的满足了我特殊的渴望。(名转形) 事实上她能送出的消息只是个暗示。(形转动) 成功取决于自己的努力。(形转动)

Skills of writing


To: zhang@mail.com Cc: Bcc:

Subject: Please help me with a speech. Date: Thu, Sept 30, 2007

Dear Mr. Wang,

I was wondering if you would mind doing me a favor. I am supposed to give a speech on Oct 2. However, I have caught a heavy cold when I am on a business trip in Beijing. So I won’t be able to return to Shanghai to deliver the speech. Could you take my place to give the speech please? The outline, time and place of the speech have been listed in the attachment.

I really appreciate your help and will be happy to return the favor when the opportunity arises. Sincerely yours, Chen Lin 2.

To: zhang@mail.com Cc: Bcc:

Subject: Thank you for your help. Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2007

Dear Mr. Wang,

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your help with the speech. I heard it was a great success. It would be screwed up without your performance. I really appreciate our kindness to help. I hope that I can return the favor if you ever need assistance. Sincerely yours, Chen Lin

Skills of oral language in working condition

2.Thank you very much! I really need your help right now. Could you print these documents for me?

3. I’d love to help, but I really don’t have the time.

4. It’s very kind of you, but I think I can manage the bag myself.

5. You just write an e-mail to the customer and simply ask what you can do.


Answers of Unit Three

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. Digital certificate 2. signature 3. records; account 4. replaced; anonymous 5. Secure Socket Layer 6. authority; secure 7. clearinghouses; identification 8. validation; encryption/decryption

Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese

1. 和实物产品不同,不久将来消费者都会使用数字产品。

2. 相比之下,绝大多数的银行是不会提供在线折扣的,有些银行甚至会另外收取每月固定


3. 分析家们都相信在将来银行和票据转换中心都不得不购买安装了SET协议的交易服务


Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. Smart card is a credit card embedded with a chip containing a digital wallet and information

about the cardholder.

2. Like cash, if electronic cash is lost or stolen, it can't be replaced. It lets you make anonymous


3. To adopt the SET protocol can cut the risk of fraud and ensure the secure payments of

electronic transactions.

4. With the development of commercial Internet and the increasing cost of fraud, customers have

to adopt more secure measure (SET) to protect their credit card numbers from being stolen.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. encryptions; signatures; certificates 2. cryptography; formulas; algorithms 3.Symmetrical; private 4. Public; asymmetrical 5. combination 6. conjunction 7. certificates; authorities 8. infrastructure

Skills of Understanding

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

一般来讲,当基本条款被忽视时,那么这个合同就是无效的。 他上上下下地打量我好像在帮我量衣服的尺寸。



保护性关税不鼓励国外贸易通过运输的方式将某些产品运到国内。 债务人可以发起自愿性的破产,而非自愿性的破产则由债权人发起。 他喜欢阅读期刊,如:时代杂志、新闻周刊和读者文摘等等。 史密斯和汤姆是亲密的伙伴,他们总是形影不离。

Skills of Translation

1. 任何人违反了法律都要受到惩罚。(减词法) 2. 尽管有困难,我们的任务仍然完成地很出色。(增词法)

3. 要了解出生率,看一下手表的秒针。(减词法) 4. 不同的金属传导性是不同的。(减词法)

Skills of writing

From: eric@abc.com To: stan@aol.com

Subject: An invitation to our reception party. Date: Mon, Apr.18, 2009 Dear Stan,

We cordially invite you to attend a reception party in honor of your arrival. The party will begin at our meeting room at 8:30 p.m. on Apr.19. We look forward to having a good time with you. Sincerely yours, Eric

Skills of oral language in working condition

2.Hi, Mary, I was wondering if you would like to watch a Chinese acrobatics show tomorrow. 3. Mrs. Li, would you like to come to my dinner party tonight? A lot of our co-workers will be there.

4. That would be nice. I’m looking forward to having dinner with you.

5. I’d really love to watch the game with you this time, but I’ll be on a business trip then.



Answers of Unit Four

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. boundary 2. firewall 3. imperfect 4. protection; intranet 5. risks; value 6. traffic; filter; proxy 7. copyrighted; confidential 8. recording; auditing 9. chokes; gates 10. permit; administrators; deny Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese


1. 信息的私密性



2. 信息的完整性


3. 相互认证

在这个过程中,服务器要确定客户的身份,反之亦然。相关的身份信息通常以公钥证书的形式被加密,而这些证书只有在使用了SSL协议时才能被相互交换。 Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. The firewall offering similar controls on Internet isn’t a really wall. It is an integrated system

consisted of computer hardware and software; it can also be viewed as a protective system to prevent the unauthorized users from entering a specific network.

2. That boundary is nothing but a conceptual entity. The boundary is something we have decided

to define as being the point at which we will stop things that are inappropriate.

3. All the information flows (traffics) of inbound and outbound between Internet and LANs

should pass the firewall and be checked by it after the firewall is built up.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. security; integrity 2. protocols; accomplish 3. prerequisite; identification 4. comparison 5. spoofing 6. characteristic; fingerprint

Skills of Understanding

1. B 2. B 3. B

Skills of Translation

1. 2. 3. 4.

我们的产品供不应求。 天气一直不下雨。

任何人乱扔垃圾将处以5美元的罚款。 我感觉很糟糕。

Skills of writing


Future Business Company called to ask you to go over to their office and help them develop a secure system for their Web site.

They wanted you to call back before 15:00 at 7590329.

Michael 13:30

Skills of oral language in working condition

2.Hello. This is Chen Lin of Future Business. May I speak to Ms. Liu, please? 3. A moment, please. I’ll put you through.

4. I’m sorry. Frank is not in right now. Can I take a message for you?

5. I’m sorry. Miss Tong is on another line right now. Would you mind holding for a minute or can I take a message for you?



Answers of Unit Five

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. anonymously 2. equivalent 3. intermediaries 4. duplication; fraud 5. anonymity 6. settlement; currencies 7. overcome; clearing 8. authorization 9. browser independent 10. maintain; broker

Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese


Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. Payment systems primarily permit direct payments to be made anonymously. 2. Digital tokens are uniquely coded to prevent duplication and fraud.

3. Electronic tokens should be opened up to disclose its entity originally issued when there is


4. Traditional bank mechanisms cannot deal with the issues on network.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. transactions; electronically 2. communication; suppliers; financial 3. unambiguous; invoice 4. extensive regulations 5. advocate; tariff 6. simple; transparent 7. accomplish; anonymity 8. credit; debit 9. timely; appropriate 10. development; activities

Skills of Understanding

1. D 2. D 3. A

Skills of Translation

1. 2. 3. 4.

这个地区的又一次战争将造成国际关系的紧张,这是很明显的。 他没有遵守安全规则,这造成了全厂的大停电。

他曾经拒绝了出演电视广告,这个广告可以支付给他一分钟5000美元的报酬。 他父亲在意大利北部靠海边的皮萨城里有家小公司。

Skills of writing

1. From: customerservice@futurebusiness.com

To: Lucy@hotmail.com Cc:

Subject: Sincere apologies for the behavior of our employee! Date: Mon, May 12, 2009 Dear Ms. Lucy,

Please accept my apologies for the way you were treated on May 10 at our company. Future Business will never tolerate any rudeness to customers, and the person who was involved in this incident has been put on probation and has been sent to a special class on customer relations.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I sincerely hope this incident does not cause any damage to our business relationship. Sincerely yours, Chen Lin

Manager of Customer Service, Future Business, China

2. From: customerservice@futurebusiness.com

To: Lucy@hotmail.com Cc:

Subject: Thank you for your wonderful suggestion! Date: Mon, May 12, 2009 Dear Ms. Lucy,

Thank you for your letter of May 10. Your suggestion that we should offer reservation service via our Web site is most welcome, and we are investigating the feasibility of offering such a service.

We at Future Business are always seeking new ways to improve our products and services. Please feel free to write to us at any time. Thanks again for your suggestion. Sincerely yours,

Chen Lin

Manager of Customer Service, Future Business, China

Skills of oral language in working condition

2. I’m terribly sorry for mailing the wrong documents to our supplier. I got it wrong.

3. Sorry for putting a wrong date on the invoice I have sent to you. I will send a new one right


4. Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter. Just send me a new one.

5. It doesn’t matter. My name is Lily. It’s my honor to introduce myself again.


Answers of Unit Six

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. standard; insecure 2. specification; compliant applications 3. confidentiality; authentication ; integrity 4. cryptographic; encryption; signatures; certificates 5. authority; hierarchy; culminates 6. cardholders; infrastructure 7. requests; responses 8. decryption performance; symmetric; instructions

Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese


英国威斯明斯特银行是从事开发智能卡技术,并用来创建所谓“电子钱包”的几个机构组织之一。智能卡可以存储好几页文本,而信用卡上的磁条只能存储一两行信息。这使得信用卡大小的智能卡可以用来转账大量的现金,但是这些现金只能通过特殊的终端才能进行“花费”。最初的应用包括了取代了给零售商(例如,报纸、糖果)的小额现金支付或者是取代了一些付费服务,如公共电话或公共交通。 Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. SET protocol is a standardized specification of secure transmission of electronic credit card


2. SET employs a new encryption which combines two encryptions- private key and public key

and which has the ability of efficiency of private key encryption and the authentication of public key encryption.

3. The purpose of SET protocol is to unify all different systems and to offer a secure

environment for the transmission of credit card information over network.

4. SET protocol strictly specifies that all the organizations who participate in electronic

transactions should own digital certificates issued legally and efficiently and use digital signature or information digest or both of them.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. goods; services 2. middleman; electronically; securely 3. transaction; movements 4. detect; prevent; online; offline 5. identified; discover 6. purchases; micropayments 7. preliminary; account 8. authentication; verification 9. conventional; forms; tellers 10. SET; SSL

Skills of Understanding

Skills of Translation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


在美国社会,孤独尤其让人觉得失败。 他总是被送去做这份工作。 这个男孩昨天遭到了批评。 人类创造了历史。


Skills of writing

From: Lily@gtalent.com

To: customerservice@grandhyatt.com Cc:

Subject: Reservation for two double rooms. Date: Thu, Mar 20, 2007 Dear Sir or Madam,

Please reserve two double rooms for me. I am going to spend the weekend in Hangzhou with my friend. We will arrive at about 9:00 on Mar 23 and check out on Mar 25.

Please send us a confirmation at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Lily 2.

From: Lily@gtalent.com

To: greenhouse@hotmail.com Cc:

Subject: Reservation for a first-class table. Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2007 Dear Sir or Madam,

Please reserve a table for two for me. I am going to celebrate the birthday of my colleague next Thursday.

We will arrive at about 6 p.m.

Please send me a confirmation at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely yours,


Skills of oral language in working condition

2. Can I have a table for two, please? I’d like to have it near the window.

3. Excuse me. I’ve booked a room on July 16, but could you help me change the date to July 20? 4. Yes, of course. Monday will be available.

5. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid we don’t have any available personnel. Our schedule is already full.


1. Internet 2. electronic payment 3. information capture 4. monitoring 5. electronic messaging 6. unauthorized 7. encryption; algorithms

Answers of Unit Seven

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. movement; materials; information; strategy 2. Cost-effective; inventory 3. reliability ; consistency 4. breadth; timeliness; quality 5. reductions; productivity; customer; clerical 6. conversion; accurate 7. marketing; financial; manufacturing Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese 一个整合的物流信息系统可以被定义为:预测客户需求;获得满足那些需求所必须的资金、物资、人才、技术和信息;商品或服务网络进行优化以满足客户需求;以及利用网络及时地实现客户需求等一系列过程。它由内流物流管理、业务转换和外流物流管理组成。内流式产品到公司的流动。转移操作涉及工厂和(或)仓储内部的产品流动。外流是产品从工厂到顾客的流动。

Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. Electronic commerce requires that the logistics systems of enterprises should be organized

and managed by the whole social system.

2. The delivery system of purchasing of electronic commerce is determined by the sizes, features,

the emergency of demands and the distance of packing materials.

3. Information penetrating the logistics system, however, like the goods, should arrive at the

right person at the right time in an effective form.

4. Usually reliability and consistency in the level of service are more important than speed.

5. Advantages of EDI include cost reductions, productivity gains, faster order cycle times, better

focus on the customer, and reduced clerical work, paper, and postage.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text 1. exhaust gas;dust pollution;loading and unloading

2. logistics;transportation;distribution;packaging;consumption

3. maximally;competitive advantage 4. pollution;exhaust gas;maintaining 5. dust;mist;loading;unloading 6. appropriate; recycle; reused

7. green transportation; green warehousing and storage; green loading and unloading; green packaging; green distribution process; green logistics management

Skills of Understanding

1.A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B

Skills of Translation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


我在村里走了一圈,向那些已经成为我的朋友的朴实的村民说再见。 人不能在月球上生活,那里没有空气和水。 金属有许多有用的属性,其中强度是最重要的。 她的头发颜色和她妈妈的一样。 你通常几点上床?



Skills of writing


From: Lily@generalcomputers.com To: ben@hotmail.com Cc:

Subject: Appointment Confirmation. Date: Mon, Apr 12, 2007 Dear Ben,

I would like to confirm that we will meet in my office at 10:00 a.m. on Apr 16. You will present your design to the engineers of my company and answer their questions. Please bring to the meeting your design proposal to pass along to our managers. We look forward to your success. Sincerely yours, Lily

Marketing Department, General Computers Corporation 2.

From: tony@generalcomputers.com To: Jonathon@creativedesign.com Cc:

Subject: Appointment Adjustment.

Date: Mon, Apr 14, 2007 Dear Jonathon,

I’m sorry, but I will be unable to schedule a time to meet with you next Sunday to play the tennis. As you know, this month is the busiest time of year for us, and I will be away on an urgent business trip. Please contact me to schedule another appointment later. I should be back in town on Apr 16th. I will be pleased to meet with you after things slow down a bit. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Tony

Skills of oral language in working condition

2. Hi, Mary, would you like to go to the movies with me tomorrow?

3. Sure, Mr. Johnson, I’m looking forward to going there and enjoying your presentation. 4. It’s very nice of you, but I have another appointment then. 5. That’s too bad! Maybe next time.



Answers of Unit Eight

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. finance; resources; warehouse 2. paper; inbox; inbox 3. vanquishes; standalone; manufacturing

4. demonstrating; battering; fulfillment 5. lightning; errors 6. representative; merchandise 7. productivity; headcount 8. smoothly; visibility Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese


数据保护是十分重要的。没有一种有“魔力”的技术可以确保GII(全球信息基础设施)是安全而可靠的。要达到这个目标需要一系列的技术(加密、认证、密码控制、防火墙等)并能有效且能一致地使用这些技术。此外,安全管理基础设施也同样重要。GII必须是安全而又可靠的。如果互联网用户没有信心确定他们的环境和数据是安全的,即可能被非授权的访问和修改的话,那他们就不会愿意将互联网作为商务的常规基础平台。 Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

5. ERP attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single

computer system that can serve all those departments’ particular needs.

6. ERP vanquishes the old standalone computer systems in finance, HR, manufacturing and the

warehouse, and replaces them with a single unified software program.

7. ERP’s best hope for demonstrating value is as a sort of battering ram for improving the way

your company takes a customer order and processes that into an invoice and revenue—otherwise known as the order fulfillment process.

8. If you use ERP to improve the ways your people take orders and manufacture, ship and bill

for goods, you will see value from the software.

9. Via ERP, companies can keep track of orders more easily, and coordinate manufacturing,

inventory and shipping among many different locations simultaneously.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False

1. CRM; needs; behaviors 2. process; customers; effectiveness; responsiveness

3. stages; mortgages; IRAs 4. operational; inventory; analytical 5. holistic; pinpoint

6. complexity; components 7. scalable architecture framework 8. individuality; flexibility 9. communication 10. implementations; telecommunications; pace Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text T F F T T F F T F F

Skills of Understanding


Skills of Translation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

这种自行车的重量减少了三分之二。(即减少到三分之一) 绳子的长度缩短了五分之四。(即缩短到五分之一) 如果这里有顶桥,距离将缩短四分之三。 这个地区的粮食增加了两倍。 A的长度是B的两倍。

Skills of writing

From: Zhaoyu@gmail.com

To: Customerservice@grandhyatt.com Cc:

Subject: How much do you normally charge for a reception party? Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2007 Dear Sir or Madam,

We are going to hold a banquet and looking for a restaurant that can provide us with the best services and facilities.

Could you send us a menu? We would also like to get detailed information about your rates and prices. If you can provide us with satisfactory service and competitive prices, we will be happy to work with you in the future. Sincerely yours, Zhao Yu

Manager, Marketing Department, General Talent

Skills of oral language in working condition

2. Would you like some more beer, Mr. Yu?

3. Sorry, I don’t know about this place. What would you recommend? 4. Yes, thank you. I’d love some French fries.

5. No, thank you. I don’t eat pork. I would rather have some fish or chicken.


Answers of Unit Nine

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. marketing mix; combination 2. product; price; promotion; place 3. subtracted; value

4. dialogs 5. shipment; control 6. products; services 7. product; strategy 8. broadcast; advertising 9. identify; characteristics 10. customer; pioneered Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese



从多级系统中创建出一个等级结构可能会造成混乱:正是因为其性质,系统自身在公司范围内会产生树型的网络结构。然而“网络营销”这个术语并不是指公司的结构,它是描述用于营销公司产品的战略的性质。换句话说,“网络”这个形容词并不是指与任何公司有关的属性。而是指通过社会网络,营销是如何发生的。换种说法,网络营销并不是指在公司内生成网络的营销,而是一种通过社会网络实行的营销。 Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. Electronic commerce can offer amounts of business opportunities for enterprises through

which they can develop commercial activities widely and conveniently.

2. In order to explore the international market, enterprises can make dialogues with it via


3. The new economy with the representatives of web sites and electronic commerce makes the

future economy global and netlike.

4. Internet can span areas and fields and surpass time and space, which breach the material and

immaterial fortress in countries and areas.

5. The flows of electronic commerce can enhance the relationship of dependence on each other

as well as can make suppliers offer goods and services to enterprises more easily and qucikly.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. strength; weakness 2. bestsellers; contextual; critiques 3. music; auction 4. consumer; business 5. keeping; tracking; accountability; contracts 6. distributors; brokers 7. marketing; capability; payment

Skills of Understanding

Skills of Translation

1. 如果她知道了他的母亲是谁、他在哪里出生的以及他和哪些人生活在一起,那他将会无


2. 制造过程可以分为元部件生产和大批量生产。元部件生产是指小批量制造,而大批量生


3. 每天有那么一段时间看不到他对于安妮来说是种放松。她很享受作为家庭主妇的生活,


4. 随着越来越多的人们只关注每一天中所发生的重要事件,没有人再去专门关注家里发生


Skills of writing


From: lily@gtalent.com

To: customerservice@generalcomputers.com Cc:

Subject: I demand a refund for my new laptop computer. Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2007 Dear General Computers,

Last month I purchased a digital camera from your company. The problem is that I can’t close the lens cover. I’ve tried every means you’ve suggested, but nothing has worked. Since I am no expert on digital cameras, and since I am still within the refund/exchange period, I would like to ask for a refund.

Please reply to us at your earliest convenience. I appreciate your help. Sincerely yours, Lily Wang 2.

From: customerservice@generalcomputers.com To: lily@gtalent.com Cc:

Subject: Please accept our sincerest apology!

Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2007 Dear Lily,

We will gladly refund your digital camera free of any charge.

We feel terribly sorry to learn that our digital camera has caused you such inconvenience. Please return your digital camera and contact us if you have any questions about it. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely yours, John Hart

Manager, Customer Service, Future Business

Skills of oral language in working condition

2. Excuse me. Can I have a look at your Chinese arts and crafts? I want to buy some as gifts. 3. Oh, it costs more than I expected. Can I have a discount, please? 4. I’m sorry. It is all sold out at the moment.

5. I’m afraid that’s not acceptable for me. Can I have a discount, please?


1. business; profession 2. experience 3. sales 4. relationships 5. income 6. expectations 7. revenue

Answers of Unit Ten

Text A

Ⅰ.Review the questions 略

Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. Passenger 2. planning; shopping 3. plan; explore; arrange 4. customized 5. reservation; purchasing; accommodations; entertainment 6. inconsequential 7. competition; substitute; bargaining; suppliers; rivalry 8. nonmilitary; traditionally Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese



Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English

1. Any experienced traveler knows that good planning and shopping around can save a

considerable amount of money.

2. Virtual travel agencies will offer you almost all the services you will find in a conventional

travel agency, ranging from information to reservation and purchasing of tickets for your trips, accommodations, and entertainment.

3. There is no doubt that EC will play an even greater role in the travel industry. One area is very

promising that of intelligent agents.

Text B

Ⅰ.True or False


Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text

1. impersonal; communication; sponsors 2. image 3. keyword; random 4. splash; innovative multimedia 5. spot leasing 6. targeted; filtered 7. marketing; cost-effective 8. Chat; session

Skills of Understanding

Skills of Understanding

Skills of writing

New Year’s Formal Dance

Date: Apr 28 Time: 6:00 p.m.

Place: Staff Recreation Club Grounds

All staff are invited to attend our company’s New Year’s formal dance. Guests are welcome. Come and enjoy yourselves! Michael Zhang Tel: 123456

Skills of oral language in working condition

2. 3. 4. 5.

I can’t agree more. That’s what I think.

Well, it’s interesting, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible or not.

I’m sorry, I’m afraid I have to disagree. ABC’s products are often less expensive.

They both have advantages and disadvantages. I think we should do more marketing research to come to a better conclusion.


1. low cost 2. purveyors 3. consultative journalism 4. consulting sources 5. Web 6. copyright; digital

