江苏省南通、扬州、泰州、淮安、徐州、宿迁、连云港市2018届高三第三次调研测试 英语(WORD版含答案)

更新时间:2023-09-11 13:40:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. What did the woman leave in the taxi? A. A hat. B. A T-shirt. C. A sweater.

2. How much did the woman pay for the dress? A. 10 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 40 dollars.

3. What does the man often put on a Christmas tree? A. A doll. B. A star. C. An angel.

4. What does Gina tell Sam to do? A. Scratch his arm even more. B. Buy some special medicine. C. Sleep with the windows shut.

5. What does the man imply about the woman in the end? A. She always buys new clothes. B. She should do the laundry herself. C. She needs a new washing machine.




6. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Put off spring break. B. See some western art. C. Drive her to the exhibit.

7. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Mother and son.


B. Brother and sister.

C. Taxi driver and passenger.


8. Why did Teresa raise her hand the first time? A. She had a question.

B. She needed to relax her arm. C. She wanted to use the bathroom.

9. What did Mr. Johnson ask the class to do? A. Turn to page 55.

B. Copy a famous painting. C. Ask questions later on.

10. When will the film be shown? A. At the end of class. B. In less than one minute. C. After Teresa gets back.


11. What did the man start doing two years ago? A. Teaching.

B. Raising money.

C. Saving wild animals. 12. Why is the man tired?

A. He took care of a bear all night. B. He stayed up sending emails. C. He graded a lot of homework.

13. What does the man say about the bears at the end of the conversation? A. They are dirty. B. They are cool. C. They are lovely.

听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。 14. Why isn’t Cindy studying for the test? A. She is too tired. B. She has a headache. C. She can’t find her book.

15. What does Bob offer to do for Cindy in the end? A. Call her a taxi. B. Cover her head.

C. Give her some hot water.

16. Where does the conversation take place? A. At home. B. At a doctor’s. C. In a classroom.


听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What are Christmas crackers? A. Paper tubes with a gift inside. B. A kind of Christmas food. C. Toys with loud sound.

18. What do all three British Christmas desserts have in common? A. They all look and taste about the same.

B. They are all made out of nuts and dried fruit. C. They are all similar to the American fruitcake. 19. What is American fruitcake similar to? A. Christmas cake. B. Christmas pudding. C. Sweet pie.

20. What is the speaker mainly talking about? A. Christmas traditions in England. B. A special Christmas dinner. C. Interesting plays.

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. Elizabeth shows great ______ in her choice of friends, so she has a lot of trustworthy companions. A. comprehension B. discrimination C. determination D. consideration

22. Our school holds seminars for students at regular intervals ______ the potential of their future is explored. A. when B. where C. that D. who 23. —May I speak to Alan, please?

—Sorry, wrong number. There isn’t Alan ______ here. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

24. Trains to Nantong now only come to the outer city limits, because building the railway tracks into the

city ______ many old buildings. A. would have damaged B. damaged C. should have damaged D. has damaged

25. ______ Jack gets home after school is calculated so that Mum can ensure him warm meals. A. That B. When C. Whether D. How 26. —What did the teacher recommend for appreciating the classic yesterday? —______ the movie before reading the book. A. To see B. Having seen C. To have seen D. Seeing 27. Sue was greatly inspired though she made ______ improvements in her English writing. A. modest B. brilliant C. tremendous D. considerable

28. Senior 3 students in our school are motivated to study harder and evaluated on a monthly basis to find

out how they ______.


A. have been learning B. will learn C. had learnt D. learned

29. ______ to pension and free medical care, senior citizens in our village are properly looked after and live happy lives. A. Entitling B. Being entitled C. Entitled D. Having entitled

30. Varieties of magazines and research papers are ______ with the aim of feeding readers’ appetite for specific knowledge. A. put out B. made out C. laid out D. taken out 31. China is sure to further reduce the poor rural population by over 10 million ______ we Chinese work hard together. A. if only B. even if C. as long as D. for fear that 32. —What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?

—Sorry, I was on the phone and ______ most of it. A. had missed B. missed C. would miss D. was missing

33. The new system introduced last month is not working very effectively ______ professional training. A. in place of B. in case of C. in terms of D. in defense of 34. —Did your boss adopt your idea?

—No, he just laughed and ______ it as impossible. A. reserved B. advocated C. anticipated D. dismissed 35. —What’s the matter with you, Jennifer? —Just a bad dream, ______. A. that’s OK B. that’s it C. that’s right D. that’s all 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


I spent 15 years trying to make it in the music industry. As a teenager, I’d work any odd job to 36 time in a recording studio. I knocked on managers’ doors and sent out demo (样本唱片) after demo, but I got nowhere. In 2007, I 37 a song called This Is My Dream. It was a song about never giving up. I just 38 all of my frustrations at the keyboard.

Over the next five years, the music 39 never materialized and I nearly stopped. Then, in 2012, I 40 the song to a music-sharing website. I didn’t think anything more would come of it, but just wanted someone to 41 my music.

Later that year, I received an email 42 from Universal Music in Hong Kong, requesting a(n) 43 for the song. I negotiated a contract for $5,000 for the use of the song and 44 straight away. My first record deal had appeared out of nowhere. I was pretty excited. The song was a(n) 45 and I was contacted by HKTV who invited me to go to Hong Kong to 46 .

When it was my time to go on the stage, there were huge cheers and all I could see was a sea of lights. I was 47 in the moment. It’s only when I 48 the footage(录像) that I realize what was going on around me. It was the 49 I had been waiting for my entire life.

After coming off stage, I had photographers and journalists 50 to interview me and hundreds of people 51 to have their photograph taken with me. The next morning, I found out my song had gone to number one in the iTunes chart in Hong Kong, 52 Lady Gaga.


Life can 53 you. I had knocked on doors for years, yet my moment came when the opportunity called me. It has reinspired my 54 for music. Hopefully the ball will keep rolling. After all those odd jobs and weekends spent in recording studios, this has made it all 55 . 36. A. allocate 37. A. copied 38. A. let out 40. A. uploaded 41. A. promote

B. afford B. found B. took in B. concept B. lost

B. notice

C. save C. wrote C. got over C. career C. sold C. study C. naturally C. reward C. hit

D. kill D. heard D. held back D. interest D. abandoned D. exploit D. unexpectedly D. license D. took over D. perform D. lost

D. glance down at D. advantage D. complaining D. claimed D. beating D. surprise D. admiration D. controversial

39. A. appreciation

42. A. unconsciously 43. A. discount 44. A. signed up 45. A. mess

46. A. guide 47. A. trapped

B. immediately B. application B. gave in B. trial B. compete

C. dropped out C. comment C. rooted

C. hold on to C. possibility C. rejecting C. agreed C. drown

D. trick

B. interested B. look back at B. challenge B. battling B. queued B. ignoring B. inspire

48. A. think back to 49. A. opportunity 50. A. hesitating 51. A. rang

52. A. moving 53. A. upset 54. A. curiosity

55. A. fruitless

C. disturbing C. passion C. demanding

B. anxiety B. worthwhile

第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


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Tavira Pearl of the Algarve From $965 pp 7 or 10 nights Savage River Lodge From $1,155 pp 7 nights lands, Savage River Lodge features 18 private cabins, providing the ultimate camping experience for families to reconnect with nature. Our expertly-led, small group walking holidays take you further into the potted history, rich culture and raw natural beauty of our destinations. So, call us today to book your next holiday—mile after mile of walking in wonder awaits. Call us today to book your holiday 01707 386803 All holidays include: flights, accommodation and meals. browse ramblersholidays.co.uk or join us on 56. Which of the following is suitable for family camping?

A. The Sorrento Peninsula. B. Puerto de Soller. C. Tavira. D. Savage River Lodge. 57. How does the leaflet recommend the tourist destinations? A. By comparing different prices. B. By introducing their features. C. By telling their historical stories. D. By listing thoughtful services.


Symbolic communication in the form of language underlies our unique ability to reason — or the conventional wisdom holds so. A new study published in Science, though, suggests our capacity to reason logically may not actually depend on language, at least not fully. The findings show babies still too young to speak can reason and make reasonable deductions.

The authors—a team from several European institutions—studied infants (婴儿) aged 12 and 19 months, when language learning and speech production has just begun but before complex mastery has been achieved. The children had to inspect distinct objects repeatedly—such as a dinosaur and a flower. The items were initially hidden behind a black wall. In one set of experiments the animation (动漫) would show a cup scooping (舀出) up the dinosaur. Half of the time, the barrier would then be removed to reveal, as expected, the remaining flower. In the rest of the instances, though, the wall would disappear and a second dinosaur would be there.

The children deduced in these latter occurrences that something was not quite right, even though they were unable to express in words what was wrong. Eye-tracking—a commonly used technique to judge mental abilities in preverbal (语前的) children and apes—showed infants stared significantly longer at scenes where the unexpected object appeared behind the barrier, suggesting they were confused by the reveal. “Our results indicate that the acquisition of logical vocabulary might not be the source of the most fundamental logical building blocks in the mind,” says lead study author Nicoló Cesana-Arlotti. A major component of human logic, he notes, relates to thinking about alternative possibilities and eliminating inconsistent ones: Does the dinosaur sit behind the barrier or does the flower? In a formal logic this is called a disjunctive syllogism (析取三段论): A or B; not if A, therefore B.

Cesana-Arlotti acknowledges his findings do not deny the importance of language and symbolic communication to human brain development, and to our evolutionary backstory. Yet the new research suggests that perhaps it is not entirely necessary to shape the brain’s logical reasoning capacities. He plans


