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摘要: 托福写作想要获得高分。参考一定量的托福写作高分范围是很有必要的,下面我们就来看一篇有关年长朋友的建议的托福写作高分范文,供大家参考。
Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Getting advice from friendswho are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends of yourown age.
2015年3月28日托 福小范围机经 免费下载
Everyone needs advice at times,and most people ask their peers for help.However,with age comes a greater variety of life experiences, which give onethe wisdom and ability to see things in perspective. Therefore, it is far betterto receive advice from friends who are older than you than from peers.
First, older friends have more real-world experience, so their advice hasgreater value. They can indeed give important advice on situations you have notexperienced. For example, when deciding what college to attend, my older brotherasked his friend in college where he should study. His friend said he shouldthink about the financial aspects, so he suggested finding an inexpensivecollege where my brother could also get a scholarship. Thanks to his olderfriend’s advice,my brother could be saved from having a heavy student debt inthe future.
Additionally, older people have made mistakes, so they can help theiryounger friends avoid the same ones. It is often best to ask older friends fortheir opinion before making a big decision. One time, when I had a choicebetween playing baseball for the summer and going to a camp for three weeks, Iasked my older friend for help. He said they play baseball at summer camp and Iwould be sad if I did not go there. Once in the past, he had decided not to goto camp and had joined a soccer club instead. All of his friends had a greattime at camp while he was miserable playing soccer without them. His mistakehelped me avoid making one myself.
Finally, older friends have more experience dealing with relationships, sothey know how to deal with others very well.
You can always expect an olderperson to have a past experience similar to a situation you are experiencing. Mygirlfriend was mad at me a while ago, but I was too afraid to ask her why. Myolder friend said that I should ask her directly and that she would tell me ifshe really liked me. Everything worked out fine thanks to my friend’s advice.Older people definitely know more about relationships than younger peopledo.
All in all, the best advice comes from people older than you because theyhave more experience, can tell you about what mistakes to avoid, and know moreabout personal relationships. lf you ever need advice, just ask someone olderwhat to do.
以上就是小编为考生分享的 托福 写作高分范文:年长朋友的建议,希望对考生有所帮助。对于里面的精美句
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