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首都医科大学 应用语言学系





培养学生具有较强的阅读能力,一定的英汉互译能力和初步的听力能力,使他们能以英语为工具,获取专业所需的信息,并为进一步提高英语水平打下较好的基础。为此,本考试主要考核学生运用语言的能力,重点是考核学生的阅读能力以及对语法结构和词语用法的熟练程度。试卷五个部分的题目数、计分及考试时间 序号 I II III IV V 题号 1~15 16~45 46~55 56~75 76~85 合计 各部分名称 阅读理解 词语用法和语法结构 挑错 完型填空 翻译 题目数 15 30 10 20 10 85 计分 30 30 10 10 20 100 考试时间 40 25 10 15 30 120 第一部分: 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)

要求考生阅读三篇短文,词汇量在900字左右,每篇文章后有五个问题,文章选材广泛,体裁多样,对超出大纲范围的词汇一般用汉语注明。主要测试考生以下各种能力: 1. 掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节 2. 既理解字面的意思,又能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论 3. 既理解个别句子的意义,又能在一定程度上理解上下文的逻辑关系 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构( Vocabulary and structure)

题目中50%为词和短语的用法,50%为语法结构。主要考核学生运用词汇、短语、及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括文理科教学大纲中词汇表1~3级的内容。 第三部分:挑错( Identification)

由10个单句组成, 每个句子含有标着A, B, C, D 的四个划线部分, 其中有一处是错的,要求考生从四个划线部分中挑出其错误的部分。 挑错部分是词语用法和语法结构部分的延伸,目的是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,重点是固定搭配和句型,范围与前两处相同。


试题题材熟悉,难度适中的短文(约200个词),有20个空,要求从四个选项中找到一个最佳答案,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整,填空的选项包括结构词和实义词,有些选项会涉及到一些重要的语法内容。这部分主要考核综合运用语言的能力。 第五部分:翻译(Translation)


第一部分: 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)

要求考生阅读三篇短文,词汇量在900字左右,每篇文章后有五个问题,文章选材广泛,体裁多样,对超出大纲范围的词汇一般用汉语注明。主要测试考生以下各种能力: 1.掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节 2. 既理解字面的意思,又能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论


3. 既理解个别句子的意义,又能在一定程度上理解上下文的逻辑关系

1. In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs and politicians, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of traveling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately 8 hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one-tenth of what it would cost an average ship to go around the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. The French initiated the project but sold their rights to the United States. The latter had controlled it until the end of the twentieth century when Panama took over its duties. 1. Who currently controls the Panama Canal?

A. French B. Panama C. the United States D. the Canal Zone 2. Which is NOT mentioned as one of the difficulties met during the building of the Canal?

A. There were many disputes among politicians. B. There was not enough fund for the project. C. It took too much time to complete the canal. D. A lot of workers were taken ill.

3. On the average, how much would it costs a ship to travel around Cape Horn?

A. $ 1,500 B. $ 150,000 C.$ 15,000 D.$ 1,050 4. In what year was construction probably begun on the canal? A. 1881 B. 1939 C. 1920 D. 1899

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. The canal brought about new disease to the canal zone.

B. Most of the workers came from France during the early stage of the project. C. Before the canal was constructed, ships traveling from the Pacific to the

Atlantic had to pay a lot more money to Panama government. D. A different government took control of the canal around 2,000.

2. The general principles of dynamics are rules which demonstrate a relationship between the motions of bodies and the forces which produce those motions, based in large part on the work of his predecessors. Sir Isaac Newton deduced three laws of dynamics which he published in 1687 in his famous Principia.

Prior to Newton, Aristotle had established that the natural state of a body was a rest, and that unless a force acted upon it to maintain motion, a moving body would come to rest.

Galileo had succeeded in correctly describing the behavior of falling objects and in recording that no force was required to maintain in motion. He noted that the effect of force was to change motion. Huygens recognized that a change in the direction of the motion involved acceleration, just as did a change in speed, Kepler deduced the laws describing the motion of the planets around the sun. It was primarily from Galieo and Kepler that Newton borrowed.

1. Which of following scientists established that the natural state of a body was a state of rest?

A. Galileo B. Kepleer C. Aristotle D. Newton 2. Huygens stated that acceleration was required _____.


A. for either a change in direction or a change in speed B. only for a change in speed

C. only for a change in direction

D. neither for a change in direction nor for a change in speed

3. The first scientist to correctly describe the behavior of falling object was _____. A. Newton B. Kepler C. Aristotle D. Galileo

4. According to the passage, Newton based his laws primarily upon the work of _____. A. Galileo and Copernicus B. Ptolemy and Copernicus

C. Huygens and Kepler D. Galileo and Kepler 5. The phrase “prior to ” most nearly means _____ .

A. before B. after C. with D. at the same time

第二部分:词语用法和语法结构( Vocabulary and structure)




1、时态:常用的10—11种 2、语态:主、被动语态 3、情态动词 4、虚拟语气


6、各种从句(主、宾、表、定、状、同位语从句) 7、主谓一致 8、倒装句 9、强调句 10、附加疑问句


1. 形式上复数、意义上是单数的名词 / 单复数同形:

physics(物理),mathematics (maths)(数学),news(新闻),means(方法),works(工厂), politics(政治), series(系列), species(物种,种类), athletics(体育学),economics (经济),statistics(统计学),Chinese, Japanese, sheep, yuan, jin, deer等它们做主语的时候动词一般用单数形式。

1. Every means has been tried.

2. The news coming from different parts of the world are often extremely discourage these days. A B C D 3. The glass works _____ near the city.

A. is B. are C. were D. be 4. The Philippines _____ to the south-east of China. A. lies B. lie C. lay D. lays

2. a number of + 复数名词做主语时,谓语动词一律用复数:

the number of + 可数或不可数名词做主语,谓语动词一律用单数:


1. A number of cars ____ in front of my house.

A. is parking B. are parked C. was parked. D. were parking

3.由and连接的两个主语, 谓语用复数动词,但下列情况用单数:

? 当用and连接的名词前有下列词修饰时, each… and / every…and / many a … and / 1. Each man and woman _____ the same rights.

A. has B. have C. had D. is having 2. The teacher and writer _____ her friend.

A. are B. have C. is D. were

3. In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education. ? 固定词组:a knife and fork (刀叉), a cup and saucer(带茶盘的茶杯), ice cream and cake

(冰激淋蛋糕), bread and butter(黄油面包), thread and needle(针线), iron and steel(钢铁)等后用单数

4. 以介词或介词短语连接的主语:with, together with, as well as, but, except, including,

accompanied by, more than, no less than等

1. Father, together with his children, is going to Paris. 2. John, along with twenty friends, is planning a party. 3. No one but Jane and John was there then. 4. The teacher, as well as all his students, ____ by the dancer’s performance.

A. was impressed B. impressed C. had impressed D. were impressed

5. Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children, _____ going to the party this weekend. A. am B. is C. are D. will 6. The president, accompanied by his assistants, _____.

A. have arrived B. are arriving C. had arrived D. has arrived

5. 名词所有格形式:

? 一般是在词尾加 ’s: the boy’s school, my sister’s husband, our teacher’s office ? 如果是复数只加’: boys’ school, students’ reading

? 无生命的东西的所有格用of: the name of the film,; the windows of the room

? 双重所有格:名词 + of + 所有格: a friend of my father’s / a picture of my sister’s / a book of

mine/ a dictionary of hers

1. Don’t you know he is an old friend of ____?

A. my brother B. my brothers C. my brother’s D. my brother’s friend

6. 不定代词every, each, either, neither, any, no+body等词做主语时,


1. Every man, woman and child is asked to attend the meeting. 2. Each of us _____ a dictionary of this kind. We each _____ a dictionary of this kind. A. has, have B. have, have C. has, has D. have, has

7. not only…but also … / neither…nor / either…or… / not…but… / …or… 等词做主语时,谓语动词取后:

1. Not only you but also I am going there.


1. Their parents made them study harder. They were made to study harder by their parents.. 2. The middle-aged man was seen ____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder. A. came B. come C. to come D. have come

3. The magnificent museum is said ____ about a hundred years ago.

A. to be built B. to have been built C. to have built D. to have being built 4. The machines are made _____ at full speed.

A. work B. working C. to work D. to be worked

用主动表示被动的含义,常用词need / require + doing sth(= to be done) 1. The electric shaver _____ before it can be used.

A. needs repairing B. requires to repair C. should be in repair D. has to be repairable 2. 2. My room is a mess. It needs _____.

A. to be tidying up B. tidying up C. to tidy up D. tidied up 3. It is hot and dry; the flowers need ______.

A. being watered B. be watered C. to water D. to be watered



一、 动词不定式的结构和基本用法:to + 动词原形

1. Encouragement through praise is the most effective method of getting people ____ their best. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done

2. Although the lecture had already been on for five minutes, I still was not able to find a chair _______.

A. to sit B. for to sit on C. to sit on D. for sitting

二、 不定式作宾语/宾补的动词有:begin, continue, expect, decide, promise, afford, arrange,

happen, hope, manage, plan, want, advise, allow, require, force 等 1. I managed to get a train ticket. 2. I advised him to study English. 3. I’ll arrange for you to come. 4. As time went on, he suffered such heavy losses that he was forced giving up his business. A B C D

5. Some cities have passed laws that allow coal and oil ____ only if their sulfur content is low. A. burning B. to burn C. being burned D. to be burned

三、 动词不定式的复合结构: 如需指出不定式动作的发出者时(即逻辑主语时)要在不定式

前用for/of 加名词(或代词)表示。 1. It is necessary _____ the papers immediately.

A. for you to hand in B. that you hand out C. your hand in D. for your hand in 2. He found ____ everybody know what had happened.

A. it necessary letting B. it necessary to let C. necessary letting D. necessary to let 3. The famous scientist was easy _____ along with.

A. to get B. for getting C. getting D. got 四、 动词不定式的被动式:to be done / to have been done 不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的对象时 1. The ability ____ is very important for any speaker.


A. to hear clearly B. to be clearly heard C. to hearing clearly D. to being clearly heard 2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith didn’t expected the house ____ so well.

A. to be decorated B. to decorate C. be decorated D. decorating 3. The question _____ at the meeting tomorrow is very important.

A. to discuss B. being discussed C. to be discussed D. will be discussed 五、 动词不定式的完成式表示不定式的动作发生在句子谓语所表示的动作之前。

(to have done)

1. Judging from his manners at the party, he doesn’t seem _____ much education.

A. to receive B. to be receiving C. to have received D. to have been received 2. The book is said ____ into several foreign languages up to now.

A. to translate B. to have translated C. to have been translated D. to be translated

六、 ① remember,forget, regret接不定式和动名词的区别:接不定式表将要发生的动作,

接动名词表已经发生的动作 1. I remember seeing you before. 2. Don’t forget to take the dictionary with you tomorrow. 3. Don’t forget ____ the window before leaving the room.

A. to have closed B. to close C. having closed D. closing 4. Mary regretted ____ to John’s birthday party last Sunday.

A. not going B. not to go C. not having been going D. not to be going

5. I regret _____ you that your application has been refused.

A. inform B. being informed C. to be informed D. to inform 6. I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.

A. being taken B. taking C. have been taken D. to have taken

② stop / go on / try / mean / quit / give up / permit等接不定式和动名词的区别: 接不定式表要去做的事, 接动名词正在做的事 1. He stopped shouting because the teacher came in. He stopped to have a rest because he was very tired. 2. The old man walked slowly, stopping frequently ____ A. on rest B. at rest C. to rest D. resting

3. Man will never stop ____ for new ways of getting new energy. A. search B. to search C. searching D. searched

4. You have been talking for two hours. How long do you intend to go on ____ like that? A. talking B. to talk C. doing talking D. talk

③ have/get sth done 和have/get sb do sth用法 have/get sth done: 表示这个动作被别人来做 have/get sb do sth:让某人做某事

1. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature _____. A. taking B. taken C. took D. take 2. I’ll ____ I am a qualified engineer.

A. have you know B. have known you C. have you knowing D. have you known 3. I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film ____.

A. being developed B. developing C. developed D. to be developed 4. We are going to have our office ____ to make room for a new engineer.

A. to rearrange B. rearrange C. rearranged D. rearranging


5. The teacher has his students ____ a composition every other week. A. to write B. written C. writing D. write 6. There is something wrong with my TV set, I must have it _____. A. checking B. check C. to check D. checked 七、不带to的不定式 ? 情态动词:

1. You needn’t stay long. 2. You must do that.

? 短语情态动词:had better / would rather / cannot but(不能…只有;不得不) / cannot help but (不禁) ; (cannot help + doing禁不住) 1. You had better ____ a doctor as soon as possible.

A. seen B. saw C. see D. seeing

2. At that time, the poor girl can’t but ____ all her belongings at a low price. A. to sell B. sell C. selling D. sold

3. You had better return to your dormitory and to enjoy the company of your room-mates instead A B C of wasting time with me. D

? 使役动词: let /make /have

感觉动词: see / hear / feel / notice / watch / observe + 宾语或宾语补足语 1. The teacher made his students do a lot of homework. 2. I watched him eat his breakfast. 3. The little boy saw the plane ____ and burst into flames

A. complete B. compel C. crash D. clutch ? Why / Why not… 后

1. Why argue with him? 2. Why not go there at once.



? 在介词或一些动词后:mind, finish, delay, deny, suggest, admit, cannot help, appreciate, avoid, enjoy, give up, keep, risk, feel like, consider 等

1. I am considering _____ my job as I’m not getting on well with my boss. A. changing B. to change C. changed D. to be changed 2. I couldn’t help laughing when I heard him say that. 3. Don’t risk ____ the job which so many people want

A. losing B. to lose C. lost D. your life to lose 4. We shall appreciate ____ from you soon.

A. being heard B. hearing C. to hear D. Having been heard 5. He suggested ____ a lecture given by Professor White on English language learning. A. me to attend B. my attending C. my attention D. me attending 6. There is one thing I dislike about him: he will never admit _____ a mistake.

A. having made B. making C. being made D. have been made 7. I hope you don’t mind me ____ you sir, but is there much money involved in the will. A. asking B. to ask C. ask D. that I ask


8. I feel like to take a long walk. Would you like to go with me? A B C D

9. The boy denied to have seen anyone in the building when being questioned by the teacher A B C

shortly after the accident. D

? 固定结构:go + … / spend… doing / be busy doing / be worth doing 1. I often go skating on weekends. 2. The man was busy writing a letter. 3. Beijing is a beautiful city. It is worth visiting.

4. I spent half an hour ____ this difficult math problem.

A. having worked on B. to woke on C. on work D. working on 5. There is no hurry. You can take your time (in) ____ those exercises. A. doing B. to do C. done D. to be doing ? have difficulty in / have trouble in / have fun in

It is no good (use, point) / What’s the use (point ) of 1. I have difficulty (in) pronouncing this word. 2. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 3. What’s the point of leaving today’s work for tomorrow? 4. I don’t think it is any use ____ this matter any further.

A. discussing B. to discuss C. to discussing D. to be discussed

5. Nancy had a great deal of trouble to concentrate on her work because of the noise in the


next room.

二、动名词的完成形式:having done 动名词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前 1. I regret ____ such a silly thing.

A. to have done B. having done C. to do D. doing 2. I don’t remember ____.

A. ever to be saying B. to have ever said C. having ever said that D. ever said that 3. We all feel sorry for ____ for so long after your arrival.

A. keep you waiting B. having kept you waiting C. waiting for you D. keep you wait 三、动名词的被动式:being done / having been done 1. No one avoid ____ by advertisements. A. influenced B. influencing C. to influence. D. being influenced 2. Susan was unhappy for not ____ to the party.

A. to be invited B. having been invited C. inviting D. to have been invited 四、动名词的逻辑主语: 当动名词的逻辑主语是代词时可使用形容性物主代词或


1. He forgot about ____ him attend my wife’s birthday party.

A. I asking B. my asking C. me to ask D. mine to ask 2. Would you mind _____ the computer game in your room?

A. him playing B. his playing C. him to play D. him play

五、有的动词后的to 既可以是不定式符号,又可以是介词,使用时要特别注意不定式符号



常见带介词to的短语有:admit to(承认) / amount to (总计,等于) / come to (到达,涉及到) / contribute to(有助于) / object to(反对,不赞成) / take to(从事,喜欢) /be used to(习惯与) / be devoted to(致力于) / look forward to(期待,盼望) / according to(根据,按照) / owing to(因为,由于) / in addition to(除…之外) 1. He admitted to having taken the money.

2. He is used to reading English without a dictionary. He used to read English without a dictionary. A dictionary can be used to help us read better.

3. In addition to singing an English song, she also danced at the party. 4. You don’t object _____ you by your first name, do you?

A. for me to call B. me to call C. to my calling D. my calling 5. The students are looking forward to _____ their parents in winter vacation.

A. see B. watch C. seeing D. being seen 6. The old man is used to ____ early in the morning.

A. exercise B. exercising C. exercised D. exercises



现在分词表主动、表现在;过去分词表被动、表过去。 1. developing country 2. boiling water developed country boiled water 2. Have you read the poems written by Shakespeare? 3. The boy playing there is my son. 4. Tom eat the cake made by his mother. 5. With the bridge ____, there was nothing for it but to swim.

A. was destroyed B. destroying C. being destroyed D. destroyed 6. _____ from the hill-top the lake scenery is beyond description. A. To see B. Seeing C. Seen D Having seen 二、 分词在句中的作用:表语、状语、定语、补足语 1. She was sitting in an arm chair ____ a book.

A. reading B. to read C. to be reading D. to have read 2. ____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.

A. Not know B. Know not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing 3. They all returned to the village ____ that the danger was over.

A. convincing B. convinced C. to convince D. having convinced 4. We kept our ____ all night to frighten the wolves.

A. burning fire B. burnt fire C. fire burning D. fire burnt 5. The fisherman, ____ poor, could not buy another boat. A. is B. was C. being D. been 6. Three people, ____, were injured in the accident.

A. including a child B. include a child C. included a child D. includes a child 7. She stood there for a while with her hands risen. A B C D 8. John, _____ the bet, had to pay for the dinner.


A. lost B. having lost C. losing D. having loss

三、 exciting, excited / disappointing, disappointed / satisfied, satisfying / frightening,

frightened / tired, tiring / amused, amusing / bored, boring/ delighting, delighted 主语为人—---过去分词;主语为物-----现在分词 1. The lecture is so boring. I am bored. 2. I’m far from ____ with what you have done.

A. pleased B. pleasing C. Pleasure D. please

3. She told me that it was the most ____ gift her daughter had received. A. delighting B. delighted C. delights D. delight

4. The book was so bored that I return it to the library without finishing it. A B C D 四、分词的被动式(表动作正在发生) 和 过去分词(表动作完成和结果) 的区别

1. The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person ____ answers the questions.

A. to be interviewing B. interviewing C. being interviewed D. interviewed 2. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship ____ with all kinds of goods. A. loading B. being loaded C. to be loaded D. having loaded 3. The ability ____ is very important for any speaker.

A. to hear clearly B. to be clearly heard C. to hearing clearly D. to being clearly heard 五、分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语是否一致: 1. Left in the rain, a piece of iron becomes rusty. 2. Being ill, she couldn’t go to class. 3. Turning around, she saw Tom crying.

4. Walking in the fields, a snake bit me in the foot. × 5. Waiting for the bus, a stone hit me. ×

6. Arriving at the bus stop, ____ waiting there.

A. he found a lot of people B. a lot of people were

C. he found a lot of people’s D. people were found

7. ____ tired after a hard work, she fell into bed and went straight to sleep.

A. Felt B. Feeling C. Being felt D. To feel

8. ____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well (也,还). A. Not knowing B. Not know C. Knowing not D. Know not 9. Walking in the street, the cars and buses are running like steams. A B C D

10. Having no money but ____ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.

A. not to want anyone B. wanted no one C. not wanting anyone D. to want no one 11. Being felt that she had done something wonderful, she sat down to rest. A B C D 12. ______ a reply, he decided to write again.

A. Not received B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received 六、分词的独立主格结构: ? 分词有自己的逻辑主语

1. All the work done, you can have a rest.


2. Weather ____, we’ll go to the Summer Palace.

A. permits B. permitting C. to permit D. permitted 3. The plane crashed, its bombs(炸弹,轰炸) ____ as it hit the ground.

A. exploded B. were exploded C. exploding D .were exploding 4. All flights _____ because of the storm, they decided to take the train.

A. having cancelled B. were cancelled C. have been cancelled D. having been cancelled ? with(without)引导的分词的独立结构,作伴随状语。

1. He walked across the meeting room ____ everyone looking at him.

A. with B. as C. while D. when

2. With the old man ____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave. A. leading B. led C. lead D. to be led

3. With the flowers _____ everywhere the park looks beautiful.

A. to bloom B. blooming C. be blooming D. to be blooming

4. Without the sun’s light _____ the earth’s surface, it would be so cold that life could not exist on

the earth.

A. warms B. warmed C. warming D. to warm 七、make oneself + p.p.

1. I can’t make myself understood because of my broken English 2. He speaks loudly so as to make himself heard.


一. 非真实条件从句

? 现在: If + V+ed/were; should/would + v ? 将来:If + should + v; should/would + v

? 过去:If + had+done/(But for/ Without your help); should/would + have done 1. I would ask George to lend the money if I ____ him.

A. had known B. have known C. knew D. know

2. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ____ the same language?

A. spoke B. speak C. had spoken D. will speak 3. If Bob ____ with, he would have had a good time.

A. would come B. would have come C. had come D. came 4. If I ____ you, I ____ more attention to English idioms and phrases.

A. was; shall pay B. am; will pay C. would be; would pay D. were; would pay 5. You didn’t let me drive. If we ____ in turn, you ____ so tired. A. drove; didn’t B. drove; wouldn’t get

C. were driving; wouldn’t get D. had driven; wouldn’t have got 6. If the sun ____ in the west I would follow you.

A. were to rise B. was to rise C. had risen D. would rise 7.The driver might have ____ the accident if he had had his headlights on. A. missed B. avoided C. stopped D. dismissed 8. If you _______ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy.

A. hadn’t watched B. haven’t watched C. wouldn’t have watched D. didn’t watch 二、 wish/ as if / if only引导的从句

? 指现在或将来的愿望时,后的从句用一般过去时



1. Peter wishes that he ____ law instead of literature when he was in college.

A. could study B. studied C. had studied D. would study 2. I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish ____ there.

A. were B. would be C. had been D. will be 3. He talks as if he ____ everything in the world.

A. had known B. would have known C. knew D. knows 4. You are talking as if you ____ them.

A. had seen B. have seen C. has seen D. saw 5. If only I ____ how to operate a computer as you do!

A. had known B. would know C. should know D. knew 6. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____.

A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken 7. I wish you ____ to me before you went and bought that car.

A. spoke B. will speak C. was going to speak D. had spoken


? require/request/advise/suggest/ propose/ command/ order/ insist/ urge/demand


1. The doctor advised that Mr. Malan ____ an operation right away so as to save his life. A. had B. would have C. have D. was going to have 2. His mother insisted that he ____ the coat when going out.

A. put on B. puts on C. to put D. putting on 3. The chairman requested that ____.

A. the members studied the problem more carefully B. the problem were more carefully studied C. the problem could be studied with more care D. the members study the problem more carefully

4. We strongly suggest that Smith is told about his physical condition as soon as possible. A B C D

5. The law I am referring to requires that everyone who owns a car has accident insurance. A B C D 6. He suggests we ____ to the cinema at once, otherwise we will be late. A. must go B. go C. will go D. would go 7. The general ordered that the thief ____.

A. be punished B. would punish C. would be punished D. should punish 8. The doctor advised her that she _____ enough rest before going back to work. A. to go B. get C. gets D. got

? It is essential/ important/ necessary/ possible/ urgent/ vital/ desired/ desirable

+ that 引出的主语从句用原形

1. It is desired that she ____ to teach us at least twice a week. A. come B. comes C. will come D. may come 2. It is urgent that a meeting ____ before the final decision is made.

A. will be arranged B. be arranged C. must be arranged D. would be arranged 3. It is highly desirable that a new president ____ for this university.


A. is appointed B. will be appointed C. be appointed D. has been appointed 4. It is vital that enough money _____ collected to get the project started. A. is B. be C. must be D. can be

5. We all agreed to her suggestion that we _____ to the Great Wall for sightseeing. A. will go B. go C. shall go D. should have gone

6. The general’s command was that the soldiers ____ their fort and carry out more important tasks. A. would leave B. leave C. left D. have left 7. Her suggestion that everybody ____ was not appreciated.

A. sing a song B. sang a song C. sung a song D. singing a song 8. It is desirable that he ____.

A. gives up trying B. give up trying C. would give up trying D. is going to give up trying 9. It is important that she goes to see the doctor immediately. A B C D ? in case / lest引出的从句用原形:

1. Written applications should be sent to us in case ____ some problems with the electric version. A. there will be B. there is C. there was D. there be 2. I wrote it down ____ I should forget it.

A. in case B. in case of C. in order that D. for fear of 四、It is time / It is high time / would rather


1. It is high time we ____ something to stop traffic accident. A. do B. will do C. did D. must do 2. Don’t you think it is time you ____ smoking?

A. give up B. gave up C. would give up D. should give up 3. I’d ___ you didn’t touch that, if you don’t mind.

A. rather B. better C. happier D. further

4. I’m too busy these days, I would rather all of you ____ next month for a dinner. A. come B. would come C. came D. have come 五、省去if 要倒装:

1. ____ for your help, we’d never have been able to get over the difficulties. 过去 A. Had it not B. If it were not

C. Had it not been = (if it had not been) D. If we had not been 2. _______, I should ask them some questions. 将来

A. Should they come to us =(If they should come to us)

B. If they come to us

C. Were they come to us

D. Had they come to us

3. _______ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions.

A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. Did I have realized that D. As I realized 4. _______ be true, it would be silly to argue any longer.

A. If that were B. Were that C. Should that D. Had that 六、含蓄虚拟条件句:常用with, without, but for短语做状语 1. Without your help, we ____ so much.

A. didn’t achieve B. would not have achieved C. will not achieve D. don’t achieve


2. But for the rain, we ____ a nice holiday.

A. should have B. would have had C. would have D. will have had 3. Without heat and sunlight, plants on the earth ____ well.

A. would not grow B. will not grow C. had not grown D. would not be grown 4. We cannot imagine what our world ____ like without electric power. A. is B. will be C. would be D. were 5. I lost your address, otherwise I ____ you long before.

A. had visited B. have visited C. would have visited D. should visit



? It is(was/will be/has been)+ 被强调部分 + that(who)…

? It was not until… that 从句,用来强调时间名词和时间状语 1. They visited the children’s hospital yesterday.

It was they who visited the children’s hospital yesterday. It was yesterday that they visited the children’s hospital It was the children’s hospital that they visited yesterday. 2. This is the sportsman whom everyone says will win the prize at the Winter Olympic. A B C D

3. It was not until she arrived in class ____ realized she had forgotten her books. A. and she B. when she C. she D. that she

4. It is because she is very devoted to her students ____ she is respected by them. A. that B. which C. who D. what

5. It is the ability to do the job _____ matters not where you come from or what you are. A. one B. that C. what D. if 6. _____ is it _____ made Peter _____ he is today?

A. What, that, that B. That, that, what C. What, what, that D. What, that, what → It is … that… / the thing that = what

7. It was not _____ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds. A. before B. at C. after D. until 8.It is ten years _____ Miss Green returned to Canada. A. that B. when C. since D. as


? 否定词放置句首时,助动词或be动词要放置主语的前面进行倒装。常用的否定词有:not,

scarcely, barely,seldom,not until,little,(in)under no circumstance, by no means,no sooner…than,hardly…when, in no case等。

1. Not until I reminded him for the third time ____ working and looked up.

A. did he stop B. that he stopped C. does he stop C. that stopped he 2. ____ the importance of wearing seat belts while driving.

A. Little they realize B. Little do they realize C. They little do realize D. Little realize do they 3. Not always ____ they want to.

A. people can do what B. people cannot do what C. can people do what D. can’t people do what


12. We consider _____ the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. A. that it necessary B. it necessary that C. necessary that D. necessary of it that ★ 用whether 不用if的情况:

① 后跟不定式:He didn’t tell me whether to go or stay.

② 前有介词:He raised the question of whether we could find the necessary money. ③ 引导主语从句;Whether they win or lose is all the same to me. ④ 后跟or not:

1. I wonder whether I’ll catch the last bus or not. 2. If the experiment succeeds or fails, it will provide us with valuable experience, A B C

which is essential to improve our future work.

D 三、表语从句:

表语从句考试重点:表语从句的基本用法,含有suggestion,proposal, command, order


1. The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow morning. 2. His proposal is that they challenge the other group to a friendly competition. 3. The reason why he was late was that he missed the bus. (because×)

4. The reason why Jack failed to attend the lecture is because he had a bad cold. A B C D

5. _____ all the inventions have in common is _____ they have succeeded. A. That, what B. What, that C. That, that D. What , what

四、 同位语从句:

考试重点:1. 同位语从句的基本用法常跟在news, fact, idea, view, promise, thought, truth


2. 含有suggestion,proposal等词的同位语从句用原形。

1. The truth that he was badly injured made us very sad. 2. Would the news ____ he failed to pass the exam bother you? A. which B. of which C. that D. of that

3. My suggestion that we ____ the experiment again is accepted by them. A. shall do B. do C. have D. did

4. Evidence came up ____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

A. where B. that C. which D. what 5. I had no idea ____ you were here.

A. which B. that C. in which D. in that

6. Three days later, word came _____ our country has sent up another man-made satellite. A. when B. which C. that D. where

7. The fact _____ he does so in so short period of time challenges explanations. A. why B. that . what D. which



1. 定语从句引导词that, which, who, whom, whose, when,where,why的用法

2. 带介词的定语从句 3. 非限定性定语从句

4. that 和 which的用法区别

1) The company official ____ I thought would be fired received a raise. A. who B. of whom C. whoever D. whom 2) The time will come ____ man can fly to outer space freely.

A. that B. which C. in that D. when

3) I’ll never forget the ten years ____ we both spent in the little village.

A. which B. when C. during which D. in which

4) Before her marriage, she spent a considerable time in that very part of Shanghai, ____ she


A. at which B. to which C. to where D. where

5) An old friend from abroad, ____ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.

A. that B. who C. whom D. which

6) He has made another wonderful discovery, ____ of great importance to science.

A. which I think it is B. I think which is C. which I think is D. of which I think is

7) We have tested three hundred types of boot, ____ is completely water proof.

A. some of which B. no of which C. none of which D. neither of which 8) Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village ____ he belonged.

A. which B. to which C. where D. to where 9) This is the place that she is going to visit. This is the place where/ in which she has once lived. This is the university that she visited last week.

10) The experiment, ____ will soon be announced, was done by my colleagues.

A. whose results B. the results on which C. at which the results D. of whose results 11) A curve is a line ____ no part is straight and which has no angle. A. that B. whose C. in which D. of which

12) In his latest article Tom criticizes the way which the war is being handled. A B C D

13) This is the sportsman whom everyone says will win the first prize at the A B C D

Winter Olympic Games.

14) This is the dictionary _____ I depend a lot whenever I have problems with

new words.

A. with which B. in which C. on which D. at which

15) The writer has published many books, _____ are well received by the readers. A. none of whom B. all of which C. neither of who D. one of which 16) The microwave oven _____ has gone out of order.

A. I bought for my parents B. which I bought it for my parents

C. I bought it for my parents D. what I bought for my parents 17) The reason _____ they died was lack of medical care. (状语) A. which B. for which C. in which D. why


18) The reason _____ he gives for not coming is unacceptable. (宾语) A. which B. for which C. in which D. why that / which:用法区别

that: ①在 something, everything, nothing, all, much, every, no, only等词后 ② first, second等序数词或形容词最高级所修饰的先行词后 ③ It is….that(强调句)

which: ① 在非限定性定语从句中使用 ② 在介词后

1. He is the only man that can do the experiment now. 2. Everything that he said is right.

3. She was the first woman that danced in the party.

4. This novel is the most interesting one that we ever read. 5. It is in this room that we will have our meeting. 6. The story about which we talked yesterday is very interesting. 7. I’ve got a bottle of beer but I haven’t got anything _____ I could open it with.

A. where B. when C. that D. which

8. There are different forms of energy, _____ come from the sun.

A. that B. most of that C. most of them D. most of which

9. This is one of the best books ____ on the subject.

A. that have ever been written B. which have ever been written

C. that has ever been written D. whatever have been written

10. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of ____ are separated from the others by and or water.

A. them B. those C. that D. which

11. In 1990 he caught a serious illness from ____ effects he still suffers. A. that B. which C. what D. whose


考试重点:1. 状语从句的种类及一些连词的基本用法;

2. 让步状语从句;

3. unless,supposed(that),whomever,whenever,wherever等 连词的含义和用法。

? 时间状语从句:when , as, while, whenever, before, after, since, till, as soon as,

hardly … when, no sooner … than, not until … that 等 1. No sooner had they got the goods covered up ____ it started raining hard. A. than B. when C. then D. after

2. She has wanted to become a nurse ____ since she was a young girl.

A. long B. after C. always D. ever

3. We had lived in this house for three years while my father decided A B

to have us move to a new neighborhood. C D

4. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up _____ I could answer the



A. as B. since C. until D. before 5. You should practice speaking English _____.

A. any time possible B. when necessary

C. whenever possibly D. whenever (it is ) possible 6. _____ the day went on, the weather got worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As 7. “Did you catch the first bus this morning?” “No. It had left the stop _____ I got there. ”

A. as soon as B. at the time C. by the time D. during the time

? 条件状语从句:if, unless (除非,如果不), once (一旦), as long as(只要)等

1. ____ you return those books to the library immediately, you’ll have to pay a fine.

A. Unless B. Until C. If D. Provide

2..The doctor will not perform the operation ____ it is absolutely necessary. A. so B. if C. for D. unless

? 原因状语从句:because, since, as, for等

1. Everyone likes you as you are both kind and honest.

2. _____ a satisfactory answer, so he had to write to them again. A. As he hadn’t received B. Not having received C. Having not received D. He hadn’t received

? 让步状语从句:1. although/as, even if, no matter how(what ,when…), whoever/wherever/whatever/however 等 2. 注意as和 though (although) 的用法差异 No matter what = whatever

No matter who = whoever No matter how = however No matter which = whichever No matter when = whenever

No matter where = wherever ……

1. In short, ____ he lives, a man belongs to some society.

A. wherever B. whatever C. whenever D. whichever

2. ____ you are, you must show your ticket to go into the cinema. A. no matter whoever B. whomever

C. whoever D. no matter who you are

3. ____ you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering.

A. Even if B. If only C. Instead of D. Despite of 4. Young ____ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do. A. Although B. that C. However D. As

5. _____ I shall still go outside.

A. As the sun is hot B. Hot as is the sun C. Hot as the sun is D. Though hot is the sun

6. Little Tom is an orphan. _____, he has to make a living by himself. A. A child as he is B. Child as he is

C. Child as is he D. A child though he is 7. We’ll have to finish the job, _____.


A. long it takes however B. it takes however long

C. long however it takes D. however long it takes 8. No matter whatever happens, we’re determined to do our best and make A B C

the experiment a success.


? 方式状语从句 (just) as, as if/as though

1. ____ was pointed above, this substance can be used as a substitute. A. What B. That C. As D. It 2. He talks as if he ____ everything in the world.

A. know B. knew C. had known D. would have known 3. She sings too loudly, the same as what her teacher does. A B C D

? 目的状语从句: in order that, so that, in case / lest, so as to

1. I wrote it down ____ I should forget it.

A. in case B. in case of C. in order that D. for fearing of

2. He opened the door and let himself in quietly ____ not to make the family. A. because B. so as C. so that D. despite 3. Speak to him slowly _____ he may understand you better.

A. since B. so that C. for D. because ? 结果状语从句:so…that, such…that, so that

1. They are ____ students that they all performed well in the nationwide exam. A. so diligent B. so much diligent C. such diligent D. such very diligent ? 地点状语从句:where

1. He sat _____ the sunlight was enough.

A. where B. when C. that D. the place where

第十章: 介词


1. Have you heard from your parents since they left? (收到来信) Did you hear about the party? It was wonderful. (听说) We have been hearing a lot of that young football player. (听人说到某人某事)

2. The accident resulted in the death of two passengers. (导致) His illness resulted from malnutrition. (由于)

3. John has a right to succeed to his aunt’s property. (继承)

If you try hard, I’m sure you’ll succeed in getting a good job. (成功)

4. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Island. (由┅组成) The true wealth does not consist in what we have, but in what we are. (在于)


1. I can’t solve this crossword puzzle, I’ll have to____.

A. give it away B. give in C. give off D. give it up

2. Has your brother managed to ____ his illness yet?


A. get over B. get away C. get well D. get through

3. He always tends to ____ people who have no college degrees.

A. look on B. look down C. look at D. look down on

4. Those people in the flat above are terribly noisy! I can’t ____ it any longer. A. put up B. put through C. put on D. put up with

5. I’m afraid we have ____ of petrol.

A. run out B. run C. run down D. run over

6. When shall we ____ in the morning? I’d like to make an early start. A. set about B. set out C. set in D. set up

7. I think I’ll ____. I need a holiday.

A. take a week up B. take a week on C. take a week out D. take a week off

8. Although he was absent for a week, he soon ____ the other students.

A. caught with B. caught up C. caught up with D. caught on 9. I can’t ____ what he is trying to say.

A. make out B. make for C. make up D. make 10. Doing homework ____ a great deal of time.

A. takes out B. takes off C. takes in D. take up 11. I wonder what ____ the quarrel.

A. brought up B. brought into C. brought about D. brought 12. If there is one thing I hate, it is ____ the forms.

A. filling on B. filling in C. filling out D. filling through 13. Don’t walk so fast, I can’t ____ you.

A. keep on B. keep from C. keep up D. keep up with

14. The factory has to ____ its production by half because of labor problem. A. cut on B. cut out C. cut down D. cut

15. I ____ for at least half an hour because there was a jam on the motorway.

A. was held up B. was held on C. was held down D. was held over

16. Shall I help you ____ the writing a materials to the students?

A. hand out B. hand over C. hand to D. hand through

17. Some parents don’t know how to ____ children.

A. bring B. bring up C. grow D. bring about

18. Where did you ____ this lovely vase? It must be at least 300 years old. A. come to B. come into C. come across D. come over

19. They are going to ____ a branch office in Beijing.

A. take up B. put up C. lay up D. set up

20. We shouldn’t ____ our teacher’s time. He’s very busy at the moment. A. take up B. take over C. take out D. take in

21. The old lady ____ on hearing his son’s death.

A. broke in B. broke down C. broke out D. broke away

22. I have to ____ my visit as I’ll be very busy next week.

A. call for B. call on C. call off D. call in

23. We use plastics ____ wood and metal now.

A. to take place B. to take of C. take the place of D. in place of

24. After saying that, he ____ the door quickly.


A. made up B. made for C. made out D. made

25. The young man promised to his parents, “I would never ____ again.” A. let you down B. let you out C. let you in D. let you by

26. William has cut his smoking ____ to five cigarettes a day. A. down B. in C. off D. out

27. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ____ what he said.

A. make for B. make sure C. make over D. make out

28. When she heard the bad news, she ____ completely.

A. broke away B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out

29. Fortunately, the demonstration ____ to be quite peaceful.

A. turned in B. turned out C. showed off D. showed up

30. His business is growing so fast that he must ____ more workers. A. take up B. take on C. take over D. take out

31. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the sportsmen to ____. A. go by B. go on C. go over D. go after

32. Are you serious in ____ such a view?

A. putting on B. putting off C. putting up D. putting forward

33. The governor had to ____ all his appointments for the day and rush to the train accident. A. set off B. pay off C. see off D. call off

34. It took me a long time to ____ the disappointment of losing the match. A. get over B. get up C. get into D. get down

35. You will never guess whom I ____ on the street yesterday.

A. ran over B. ran out of C. ran into D. ran up to

36. Before the child went to bed, the father asked him to ____ all the toys he had taken out. A. put off B. put up C. put away D. put out

37. Women all over the world are ____ equal pay for equal jobs.

A. calling on B. calling about C. calling off D. calling for


1. Having finished the letter, he ____ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss. A. folded B. bent C. turned D. curved

2. Last year ____ of new books were published on environmental protection. A. the hundred B. hundreds C. a hundred D. one hundred

3. Literature and art have a great influence ____ people’s ideology(意识形态). A to B. on C. for D. onto

4. Just as a married man cannot leave his work, a poor man cannot ____ to get sick. A. have B. go C. expect D. afford

5. ____, we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. A. As a whole B. As a result C. On the average D. By all means

6. Professor Smith is always very ____ to the reaction of the audience when he gives lectures. A. sentimental B. sensitive C. sensible D. positive 7. I am disappointed ____ the result of the experiment. A. from B. for C. to D. with

8. He has lived here for years, ____ nobody knows what he is.


A. and but B. though C. and yet D. for all that 9. I wrote it down ____ I should forget it.

A. in case B. in case of C. in order that D. for fear of

10. You should be able to ____ right from wrong.

A. perceive B. distinguish C. sight D. observe

11. Any student who ____ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination. A. reduces B. offends C. practices D. neglects

12. The chemical factory was demolished(毁坏;破坏) ____ protecting the environment. A. in spite of B. in honor of C. in favor of D. in the name of

13. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not ____ the time.

A. offer B. leave C. afford D. manage 14. The boy has performed excellently ____ he was bit nervous.

A. in that B. except that C. for that D. except for

15. After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that the

man was ____ of murder.

A. criminal B. charged C. guilty D. faulty 16. Beijing is well _____ its beautiful scenery and the Great Wall.

A. known as B. known to C. known about D. known for

17. All my neighbors tried to help in some way. But they turned out to be actually ____ the way. A. in B. on C. with D. beyond

18. His few personal belongings made it possible for him to move from place to place____. A. in ease B. at ease C. with ease D. with easiness

19. The manager of the company sent me a fax saying that he would visit us ____ next spring. A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times

20. The ____ of the play is so great that many people want to see it. A. attention B. attraction C. attempt D. attack

21. Do you think they have ____ food for all these people here?

A. subsequent B. beneficial C. sufficient D. average

22. This is a very ____ situation and we don’t know how to face it yet.

A. comprehensive B. compound C. complicated D. competent

23. It is ____ for a person in his position to make such a mistake. A. rare B. less C. little D. few

24. Do you mean this is the ____ decision you have made after thinking for hours? A. upright B. ultimate C. total D. tight 25. I gave John a present but he gave me nothing ____.

A. in return B. in turn C. in advance D. in vain 26. I cannot tell the ____ difference between the twins. A. simple B. slender C. single D. slight 27. Words ____ meaning as we all know.

A. convince B. convey C. contribute D. conquer

28. I don’t like to disturb you, because you’re quite tired ____ working hard. A. of B. with C. out D. on

29. All man must die, but death can vary ____ its significance.


A. with B. in C. from D. on

30. How the fire in the dancing hall started ____ a mystery.

A. to remain B. remains C. remain D. is remaining 31. The medicine can prevent you ____.

A. from getting drunk B. got drunk C. get drunk D. being drunk 32. He has been teaching for 2 years, but being a teacher is not his ____. A. chance B. character C. attitude D. choice 33. ____ the last one, I answered all the questions.

A. Except B. Except for C. Besides D. In addition to 34. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a ____. A. job B. work C. profession D. living

35. The voters told the politician that he could ____ on their support in the next general elections. A. expect B. decide C. count D. doubt 36. He ____ a large fortune from his business.

A. made B. won C. expected D. gained 37. He never wrote to his father ____ he was in need of money.

A. except B. except when C. except for D. except that 38. He looked behind him to ____ he was not being followed. A. believe B. find C. make sure D. look 39. The car was repaired but not quite to my ____.

A. joy B. pleasure C. attraction D. satisfaction 40. Are you ____ spending more money on the space program?

A. in favor of B. by favor of C. in favor to D. out of favor 41. Selfish people often take ____ of other people’s kindness. A. advantage B. care C. use D. profit

42. A great celebration is going to be held ____ the distinguished writer. A. in spite of B. in honor of C. in favor of D. in the name of 43. All the members in the jury agreed that the man was ____ of theft. A. criminal B. charged C. guilty D. faulty

44. The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all ____. A. accounts B. conditions C. payments D. costs

45. This new instrument is far superior ____ the old one we bought three years ago. A. than B. to C. over D. of

46. No sooner had they got off the train ____ it started moving. A. when B. than C. then D. after

47. The premier and the visiting foreign minister had a talk in ____ friendly atmosphere. A. a most B. most C. very D. the very

48. My next door neighbor Johnson seems to have ____ opinion on the show last night. A. rather the strong B. rather strong C. a rather strong D. the rather strong 49. He knows little of English to say ____ of English culture.

A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 50. Being ignorant of the law is no ____ of breaking the law. A. reason B. excuse C. ground D. point 51. The new law, it is said, will be ____.


A. put into effect B. taken into account C. kept in sight D. brought to mind 52. Life is often compared ____ a stage by many writers. A. like B .as C. with D. to

53. Television makes us better ____ than ever before.

A. inform B. informing C. informed D. to be informed 54. You could have done much better yesterday. Why ____?

A. didn’t you B. couldn’t you C. hadn’t you D. shouldn’t you 55. If I do something in vain, I do it ____.

A. without interest B. without success C. with difficult D. with ease 56. The old man walked slowly, stopping frequently ____. A. on rest B. at rest C. resting D. to rest 57. The pain will go away ____.

A. by and by B. by and chance C. all over D. at present 58. ____ was pointed above, this substance can be used as a substitute. A. It B. That C. As D. What

59. If I say I don’t think much of this book, this means that ____. A. I never read it B. I seldom think about it C. I have no idea of it D. I have a poor opinion of it 60. The ____ flowers were all that remained.

A. two yellow little B. little two yellow C. yellow tow little D. two little yellow 61. ____ she finds out that you’ve lost her books.

A. As if B. Even if C. What if D. Suppose that 62. You should be content ____ what you have. A. to B. about C. with D. for

63. My vacation begins next Tuesday, ____ I will leave for Florida. A. which B. that C. while D. when 64. Though he is very intelligent, he is ____ rather modest.

A. hence B. otherwise C. nevertheless D. therefore 65. Lack of imagination is an obstacle ____ one’s advancement. A. to B. of C. for D. about 66. If you can provide the wine. I’ll ____ the food.

A. see to B. look at C. ask for D. think about 67. He was fully ____ of his own short comings.

A. sensitive B. sensible C. serious D. sincere 68. The mountain village can’t be ____ by telephone yet. A. reached B. achieved C. attached D. arrived 69. Problems will ____ if you do it this way.

A. rise B. arise C. raise D. arouse

70. ____ many people prefer coffee, he drinks tea as usual A. While B. Besides C. Because of D. Except 71. There is nothing we can do ____ wait.

A. but B. rather than C. in spite of D. besides 72. How long do you think ____ to finish this urgent task?

A. did it take you B. it will take you C. will it take you D. it to take you


73. Wealth, education and occupation vary greatly ____ members of middle class. A. among B. between C. from D. inside 74. Let’s buy our tickets while I still have ____.

A. a little money to leave B. little money left

C. a few dollars left D. few dollars to leave

75. People do not like such persons who are always ____ the way of others. A. on B. by C. in D. behind

76. At first we were ____ amused by Don’s words, but soon we were tired of them. A. great B. far C. much D. never 77. The boy’s laziness ____ his failure in the exams.

A. resulted from B. brought in C. resulted in D. led into 78. Only guests of the hotel enjoy the ____ of using the private beach. A. privilege B. possibility C. favor D. advantage 79. Tom ____ more than twenty pounds for the dictionary. A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took

80. One car went too fast and ____ missed hitting another car. A. completely B. greatly C. narrowly D. little 81. He was accused ____ stealing from the shop. A. with B. in C. of D. at

82. All the reference books should be made ____ to the teachers and students in our university. A. concerned B. available C. related D. flexible 83. He never thought the committee would ____ his proposal. A. put up B. object to C. pass on D. call on

84. The two men were arrested for breaking into that shop have been ____ $10,000. A. committed B. driven C. charged D. fined

85. He was ____ enough to understand my questions from the gestures I made. A. intelligent B. efficient C. proficient D. diligent 86. If you ____ the speed limit, you will get into trouble with the police. A. exclude B. exceed C. excuse D. execute 87. The director, who was recently promoted, did ____.

A. work more than anyone else B. more than anyone else work C. more work than anyone else D. work more than anyone 88. It is reported that a (n) ____ of accidents has occurred at that crossroads. A. series B. lot C. number D. amount

89. If someone is in the United States for good, it means he is there ____.

A. to do good B. temporarily C. to test well D. permanently 90. He spoke English so well that I took it ____ that he was an American. A. for granted B. as sure C. for certain D. as such 91. ____ we need air and water, so we need criticism and self-criticism.

A. Even though B. So long as C. Just as D. Now that 92. Children are always curious ____ everything they see. A. to B. for C. on D. about

93. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or ____, can follow a favorite hobby. A. well B. good C. fine D. happy


94. I have two friends but ____ of them likes to go fishing with me. A. none B. neither C. both D. either 95. His unhappy childhood ____ his bad temper.

A. counts for B. accounts for C. makes for D. goes for 96. Our children and grandchildren ____ if we don’t look after our planet. A. endure B. suffer C. tolerate D. bear

97. The news of the air crash is not yet ____ by the government.

A. committed B. confirmed C. considered D. concerned 98. You ought to know better than ____ yourself in unnecessary expense. A. to involve B. involve C. involving D. involved 99. Many a person in this circumstance ____ for a long break.

A. have hoped B. has hoped C. are hoping D. has been hoped 100. He was a man of fine character in all points ____ he was rather timid. A. in that B. except that C. for that D. except for

101. She has wanted to become a nurse ____ since she was a young girl. A. long B. often C. always D. ever 102. He didn’t ____ and so he failed the examination.

A. work enough hard B. work hard enough C. hard work enough D. hard enough work 103. This composition is good ____ some spelling mistakes. A. except B. besides C. except that D. except for

104. When I say that someone is in Shanghai for good. I mean that he is there ____. A. to find a good job B. for tile time being

C. to live a happy life D. for ever 105. The children lined up and walked out ____.

A. in place B. in condition C. in order D. in private 106. ____ is well known, the key to success lies in hard work. A. As B. That C. Which D. What

107. Beijing is well ____ its beautiful scenery and the Great Wall.

A. known as B. known to C. known about D. known for 108. From her conversation, I ____ that she had a large family.

A. deduced B. decided C. declared D. deceived 109. This question is too hard, it is ____ my comprehension. A. below B. beyond C. over D. without

110. In order to buy her house she had to obtain a ____ from the bank. A. finance B. capital C. loan D. debt

111. Space vehicles were launched into outer space ____ search of another living planet. A. to B. at C. in D. for 112. You two have got a lot ____.

A. in general B. in common C. in all D. in any case

113. Frank’s lessons were too hard for him, and he soon fell ____ the rest of the class. A. behind B. down C. off D. away from

114. History is a record of mankind; different historians, ____, interpret it differently. A. therefore B. on the contrary C. however D. consequently


115. The meeting will begin at 9:00 according to the _____. A. calendar B. schedule C. column D. diagram

第三部分:挑错( Identification)

由10个单句组成, 每个句子含有标着A, B, C, D 的四个划线部分, 其中有一处是错的,要求考生从四个划线部分中挑出其错误的部分。 挑错部分是词语用法和语法结构部分的延伸,目的是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,重点是固定搭配和句型,范围与前两处相同。 一、用词错误

? 形容词和副词错用

1. The more frequent the child expresses his interest in an activity, the stranger it will A B C D


2. In the days when coal was so wildly used no one realized how soon and how complete A B C

oil would replace it. D

3. I was just falling sleep last night when I heard a knock at the door. A B C D

4. This morning I got up late, so I came to school ten minutes later. A B C D

5. In Hawaii, people are friendly and always warmly welcomed visitors. A B C D

6. If you try to learn too many things at a time you may get confusing. A B C D ?代词的错用

1. Between you and I, we have had an eye on him for time, and he might be a runaway. A B C D

2. The waste, according to the people there, has already found their way into the A B C D

drinking water.

3. Those of us who work in chemical laboratories should have their lungs checked A B C D

quite regularly.

4. Mary showed the customs officer her passport, then John showed him his one. A B C D

5. It was during the 1996’s that the friendship between Edward and Jeremy reached A B

their highest point. C D

6. You’ve to hurry up if you want to buy something because there’s hardly something left. A B C D

? 连词的错误

1. Individual freedom does not in any sense mean that you can do what you like



at your free will. D

2. The seventeenth century was one which many significant advances were made A B C

in both science and philosophy. D

3. Mary found it difficult to talk calmly about which she had experienced at the station. A B C D

4. How can I convince you of that we have almost used up our supplies? A B C D ? 固定搭配的错误

1. “I am looking forward to receive your letter!” she said happily. A B C D

2. As time went on, he suffered such heavy losses that he was forced giving up his business. A B C D 3. He found it hard to keep up to the latest development of medicine. A B C D

4. He got to his friend’s house full of hope, only to be told that he had left from England last A B C D week.

5. He was so excited after hearing the news and he could not fall asleep immediately. A B C D 6. It was in the primary school where my teacher introduced me to computers. A B C D

二、语法错误 ? 动词的时态

1. After his graduation from the university, he has worked in a famous A B C D computer company.

2. Where did the accident in which your friend was hurt took place? A B C D

3. The development of industry has also brought about large numbers of problems A B which have to solve. C D

4. Ever since the world began, nations have difficulty in keeping peace with their neighbors. A B C D ? 虚拟语气

1. We strongly suggest that Smith is told about his physical condition as soon as possible. A B C D

2. It is important that she goes to see the doctor immediately. A B C D


? 被动语态和情态动词

1. These part-time students expect to offer some jobs on campus during the coming

A B C D summer vacation. ? 非谓语动词

1. Comparing with the weather of last winter, it is much milder and more pleasant this winter. A B C D 2. There are twelve people take part in the experiment, four working as a group. A B C D

3. Red and green light, if mixing, in the right proportion, will give us yellow. A B C D

4. If you try to learn too many things at a time you may get confusing. A B C D ? 主谓一致

1. Nearly three quarters of the surface of the earth are covered with water, and there would be even A B C less land if the polar icecap were melt. D

2. The salesman told me that a good pair of glasses were supposed to last at least 3 to 4 years. A B C D

3.. People complain that the cost of setting up a company are so great that only the rich can afford A B C to run a company in that country. D

4. One of the things she wrote about were life on a small farm at the beginning of the century. A B C D ? 倒装和强调结构

1. It is in his spare time when Robert teaches himself English and Japanese. A B C D

2. Only when it started to rain he noticed that he had left his raincoat somewhere. A B C D 3. Under no circumstances we shall stop the research we have begun. A B C D ? 平行结构的错误

1. At school Li Ming ran into many problems. Such as choosing classes and to handle his time. A B C D 2. Arriving for the lecture early is better than to take the chance of being late. A B C D

3. You had better return to your dormitory and to enjoy the company of your roommates instead A B C of wasting time with me. D

4. She was angry, went out, and slamming the door behind her. A B C D


