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Passage one

Many visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush .City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment. At first, this may seem unfriendly to you. But drivers will rush you; storekeepers will be in a hurry as they serve you; people will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.

Americans who live in cities such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done; they expect others to \people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example . But when they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. Many of them first came to the city as strangers and they remember how frightening a new city can be .If you need help or want to ask a question , choose a friendly looking person and say,\here. Can you help me?\

Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find you way or answer your questions. But you must let them know that you need help. Otherwise they are likely to pass you by, not noticing that you are new to the city and in need of help. Occasionally, you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you aid. If this happens, do not be discouraged; just ask someone else. Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.

1. Many people who first visit the United States will find that _______. A America is a highly developed country

B American city people seem to be always in a rush

C the fast pace in American life often causes much trouble D Americans are impatient and unfriendly people

2. When the author says \ A you will fail to notice that Americans are pleasant and happy B you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at you C you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly

D you will find that Americans don't have much sense of humor 3. In the author's opinion, ___________.

A it is true that life in New York is much faster than that in any other city B people living outside big cities are lazy and miserable

C most American people enjoy living in the suburbs of big cities D hose who are busy are not necessarily unfriendly

4. The author mentions big cities such as Tokyo, Singapore and Paris ___________. A to show that city people all over the world have a lot in common

B to let his readers be aware that they are some of the world's biggest cities C to illustrate their difference from American cities

D because they are some of the cities that attract visitors most

5. If you say to an American that you are a stranger there, most probably be will _________. A offer his help B stop smiling at you

C help you find the way D reply that he is pleased to meet you

Passage 2

Around the world two thirds of the people are farmers, Most of them engage in subsistence farming. This means that they raise plants and animals to furnish their families with food and other supplies. They consume their varied output and have little to sell or to trade for other goods. Subsistence farms were common in the United States at one time, but there are few such farms today.

Two thirds of American farmers practice commercial farming. Commercial farms produce about 97 per cent of the country?s agricultural goods. These farms are operated much like other industries. The members of the farm family produce the commodities(商品) that will be sent to the market. They sell their products and buy the things they need.

Some commercial farms are big factories in the field. They may be owned by a company or by an individual as an investment. Most American farms, however, are still operated by families. A farmer may own or rent his land.

In a country as large as the United States, farms vary widely in climate, land surface, soil, water supply, convenience to market, and other characteristics. Different regions may have different kinds of specialized farms. Specialized farmers concentrate on the kind of farming best suited to the land and climate, to their technical skills, and to the money they invest in the farm.

However, no region is limited to a single type of farm. Indeed few farms are limited to one crop or commodity. Where output is varied and no one kind of crop or commodity produces more than half of a farm?s income, it is classified as a general farm. The general farmer grows varied crops to use the different kinds of soils or surfaces on his land and to employ his time and machinery most efficiently.

6.Subsistence farmers______

A grow crops for their families' own use B sell a lot of their products for money C trade their varied output for other goods

D use their agricultural products as commodities 7.Subsistence farms______.

A are very popular in the United States now B are still common in many parts of the world

C consist of two thirds of the total number of the farms in the world today D used to be the major form of farming in the world 8.American commercial farms______.

A furnish the country with two thirds of the food its people need B are run in much the same way as other industries C are all owned by different companies D never rent their land for farming

9.A specialized farm is characterized by ______. A its especially large size

B its independence of the market

C its concentration on a single type of farming D its special way of operation

10.A farm is classified as general if ______.

A more than half of its income comes from varied crops B it is limited to a single type of farm C it employs different kinds of machines

D the soils or surfaces of its land are used most efficiently

Passage 3

Everyone knows that the favorite food in the United States is the hamburger. It seems impossible, but people eat 34 billion hamburgers a year. This is enough to make a line of hamburgers around the world four times.

The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast-food restaurant. In these restaurants, people order their food, wait just a few minutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. They can eat it in the restaurant or take the food out and eat it at home, at work, or in a park. At some restaurants people can drive up beside a window. They order the food, and a worker hands it to them through the window. Then they eat in their cars.

Hamburgers are not the only kind of food that fast-food restaurant serve. Some serve fish, chicken, beef sandwiches, or Mexican food. They also serve fries (French fried potatoes), shakes (a drink made from milk and ice cream), soft drinks, and coffee.

Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive. For many people, this is more important than quality of the food. These restaurants are also popular because the food is always the same. People know that if they eat at a company? s restaurant in the north or south of the city, the food will be the same. If they eat in New York or San Francisco, it will still be the same.

Fast service and low cost are important in the United States. One reason is that about 50 percent of all married women with children work outside the home. They are too busy and too tired to cook dinner every night.

Is the food at fast-food restaurants food for you? In general, it is all right, except that it has too much fat and salt.

One thing is sure. People will continue to eat fast foods. In fact, now there are fast-food restaurants in countries all over the world. 11. In a fast-food restaurant, people ________.

A stand up to eat B are served at table C eat in a hurry D serve themselves 12. Usually fast food is rich in ________.

A sugar and milk B salt and fat

C meat and salt D beef and fish 13. Fast-food restaurants are popular because ________. A people are free to order their food B the quality of the food is good

C it is cheaper and faster to have meals there

D people can find fast food restaurants everywhere 14. Which of the following sentences is not correct?

A The service is fast and the food is cheap in fast-food restaurants. B More people like eating fast food.

C People can find the same food in all the restaurants. D People can take fast food out. 15. What? s the main idea of the passage?

A Americans eat enough hamburgers to make a line abound the world four times. B Fast-food restaurants are popular in the United States. C Some people can eat fast food in parks.

D Mothers who work outside home often have meals in fast-food restaurants.

Passage 4

No one knows for sure why birds migrate(定期迁徙). One theory of migration says that ancient birds of the northern part of the earth were forced southward during the Ice Age, when ice covered large parts of Europe, Asia and North America. As the ice melted, the birds came back to their homelands, spent the summer, and then went south again in winter. Gradually, these comings and goings became habits, and birds now migrate though much of the ice has gone.

Another theory proposes that the ancient home of all modern birds was the tropic areas. There they lived so well that the region became overcrowded. Many species had to move northward. During the summer, these birds found plenty of room and food. In winter, however, food became scarce and they had to return to the south.

A newer theory is that increasing daylight stimulates certain glands(腺) in the bird's body and prepares it for migration. One scientist is able to make birds migrate in midwinter by exposing them for two months to artificial daylight. Recoveries of marked birds indicate that they fly north as soon as they are set free. The conclusion is that the urge to migrate is determined by changes in the bird?s body which take place under seasonal changes in the length of daylight. This theory would account for the fact that not all birds migrate at the same time. Each species seems to have its own schedule. The theory would also account for the regular time and routes of migration. Birds arrive at a given place year after year. Unfavorable weather delays them only a few days. Total hours of daylight, rather than weather, start them on the way.

How birds find their way to the same place year after year and why they follow their own particular route are still mysteries. They evidently do not follow known landmarks(地面标志), for many young birds migrate alone without the help of experienced adults.

16.We can conclude from the first paragraph that ______. A during the Ice Age, the whole Europe was covered with ice B the south used to be the homelands of all birds

C scientists can confidently explain why birds migrate now

D migration of birds can be explained by the change of ice on earth.

17.The birds mentioned in the third paragraph fly north in midwinter because ______. A they are specially trained by a scientist B they are affected by seasonal changes

C there is a change in their body temperature D they are exposed to extra daylight

18.The phrase“account for”(Line 2, Para. 4) most probably means ______. A indicate B explain C prove D provide

19.Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage? A Birds do not migrate at the same time.

B Birds usually follow regular routes of migration. C Each species has a special reason for migration.

D Birds migrate to their own particular places every year. 20.The best title for the passage is ______. A Different Accounts of Migration B Migration and Weather

C New Discovery of Bird Migration D Routes of Bird Migration

Passage 5

Mark felt that it was time for him to take part in his community, so he went to the neighborhood meeting after work.. The area's city councilwoman (女议员) was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was decreasing . The neighborhood faced many problems.

Mark looked at the charts taped to the walls. There are charts for parking problems, crime, and for problems in vacant buildings. People were supposed to suggest solutions to the councilwoman.. It was too much for Mark. \him and said, \here.\

Mark thought some more on his way to the bus stop. \he decided. \

As he neared the bus stop, Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery bag and baby. She was trying to unlock her car, but she didn't have a free hand. As Mark got closer, her other child, a little boy , suddenly darted into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted and groceries started to fall out . Mark ran to take the boy's arm and led him back to his mother. Then he picked up the groceries while the woman smiled in relief. \\

\them was \to start.\

21. It is known from the passage that _________.

A Mark played an active part in community activities

B the city councilwoman was responsible for the falling of life quality C visual aids were used to display the seriousness of problems

D many people were discouraged by the many problems facing them 22 In Mark's opinion, ___________.

A nobody was so able as to solve the problems

B he was not in the position to solve such problems C many people were too selfish to think about others D he already had more than enough work to do

23. The word \ A \ B \ C \ D \ 24. What is the implication of the words on the bus wall?

A You should be kind to your neighbors and they will treat you the same way. B Everyone can play his own part to make things better. C All small acts will add up to kindness. D It's a small act to help a person in need. 25. The passage is mainly about ____________. A how individuals can help make a difference

B running a neighborhood meeting to solve its problems C citizens' reactions to the problems they face D solving problems through group action

Passage 6

In every society it is necessary to have a general system of laws to ensure justice. Laws are designed to make certain that people's rights are protected and that people respect each other's rights. Sometimes, however, laws are passed which are specific to a time or situation. For example , a town in Indiana once passed a law making it illegal to shoot open a can of food . Apparently, some gun-carrying citizens forgot their can openers and naturally enough, used their guns to do the job. This disturbed other citizens, and endangered their lives, so a law was passed to prevent it.

Specific laws sometimes remain in existence long after the problem has disappeared. The laws then seem strange. For example, the Indiana law was no longer necessary when citizens stopped carrying guns and using them as can openers. Since the law was no longer needed, what once made sense now seems like nonsense.

Sometimes laws designed to serve a good purpose were passed but somehow these became mixed up in their wording. As a result, the laws don't make sense. In one state there is a law which says that it is \would occur if everyone suddenly obeyed that law. But no one does, of course, because the intention of the law was not to prevent owners from moving their own car. It was to prevent people from moving (stealing) other people's cars.

It is often harder to repeal (废止)a law than to pass one, so many of these old laws remain in existence. Because they no longer fit the way people live or because the problem no longer exists, these laws are ignored. Everyone understands that and life goes on. Thus, laws that once made very good sense, now seem like nonsense.

26. According to the passage, laws are designed for the purpose of ____________. A protecting people's rights B making people respect each other C preventing gun-carrying D punishing criminals 27. The word \

A working B shooting C preventing gun-carrying D disturbing others 28. The author used the Indiana law as an example to explain _________. A how some laws are passed and changed B how people in Indiana open cans C why some laws may seem strange

D why people in Indiana no longer use their guns

29. What's the problem with the law concerning motor vehicles?

A It leads to traffic jams. B It is not clearly written. C It is not designed to serve a good purpose. D It has been out of date. 30. We can conclude from the passage that ___________. A a law system is necessary for every society

B some laws that don't make sense may also get passed

C it is more difficult to change the old law than pass a new one D some laws may seem strange as time passes

Passage 7

The word “generosity” has been devalued(贬值) somewhat recently. A millionaire man may give his friend a house in the beautiful suburb(市郊); A rich man could fly halfway round the world to meet his friends for his birthday party. In this case, generosity is more an action of showing off than a sincere action of giving. And such showing off lacks the most important quality of real generosity: to offer kindness and love without expecting anything in return.

Real generosity, when you meet it is simply so pleasant. And as a quality, it belongs equally to the rich and the poor. A traveler in a faraway place felt it when he shared bread, room, even bed with a farmer? s family, whose general principle is “A guest in the house is God in the house”.

Another story is about a university student from Oxford. He did something out of his natural sense of generosity when he learned that his roommate couldn?t afford an impossibly expensive textbook, a book which was very rare in second-hand shops. Knowing that his roommate was far too proud to accept such a book as present from him, the rich student bought a new copy for 35 pounds at Blackwell? s bookshop. He dirtied it up a bit and tore off the paper cover, made a few dog-ears(卷页) and pencil marks against what he thought might be important parts, and wrote an invented name in the front. He even remembered to age the ink by putting it over fire. Then he went back, looking extremely proud of himself and claiming to have got the book in a second-hand bookshop. “Beaten them down to two pounds!” To make his friends believe him, he showed a receipt(收据)for the money by buying himself another book at the same place. Ten years later, the poorer student got to know the truth. Actually he was suspicious at the very beginning, though he didn?t force his richer friend to tell the truth. He appreciated the invaluable generosity as well as the valuable book.

Real generosity lies in the giver? s thoughtfulness, not its price or wrapping of the gift. It is one of the things which make us human and should be honored more than we do now.

31. A millionaire gives his friend a beautiful house, which is considered as ________ by the author.

A a sincere action of giving B an action of showing off

C a good example of generosity D a quality of being kind to others

32. Which of the following is true of real generosity? A It offers help expecting something in return. B It?s a quality belonging only to the rich.

C It expresses a sort of simple love to human beings. D It lies in the giver?s thoughtfulness and kindness.

33. The Oxford student? s generosity to his roommate is shown in ________. A his efforts to look for the textbook in all the second-hand bookshops B his wisdom to beat the price of the book down to two pounds C his ability to make the new book look old and cheap

D his consideration of offering the book without hurting his roommate? s self-respect

34. The poorer student didn?t force his rich friend to tell the truth because ________. A he was too proud to know the fact

B he appreciated his friend? s thoughtfulness

C he was suspicious of the rich student? s intention D he didn?t want to know the truth

35. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage? A Real generosity is invaluable.

B A guest in the house is God in the house. C The word “generosity” has been devalued.

D A gift can? t be judged by its price or wrapping.

Passage 8

Researchers have discovered that cellular--phone radiation(辐射) can cause subtle, short-term biological effects in humans-including changes in brainwave patterns during sleep—but their full significance remains to be determined. Given that uncertainty and the fact that everyone from the National Cancer Institute to the World Health Organization is investigating cellular—phone radiation, many experts caution that it is far too early to give the phones a clean bill of health.

Cellular phones work by transmitting radio waves to base stations that connect calls into a network. The waves are a form of non-ionizing(非离子的) radiation-unlike, say, X rays, which have the power to change the atoms in human cells to potentially hazardous ions. Non—ionizing radiation can also be dangerous. At the high levels found in radar or inside microwave ovens(微波

炉), it can heat and severely damage human beings. The question for scientists is whether the low—energy (and low-heat) signals from cellular phones can do harm.

Cancer studies have been inconclusive since 1993,when a Florida man brought an unsuccessful charge that blamed his wife? s fatal brain tumor(肿瘤) on her use of a cellular phone. In a frequently quoted 1997 report, Australian researchers exposed mice to two daily 30-min. amount of cellular-phone radiation for up to 18 months. The mice developed tumors at twice the rate of animals that were radiation-free. But the results haven? t been widely quoted, and some scientists question their relevance. For now m the best advice science can offer about cellular phones is handle with care.

36. According to the passage, science cannot offer us a definite connection between ________. A cellular-phone radiation and changes in brainwave patterns B X rays and the atoms in human cells C the use of cellular phones and cancer

D mice exposed to cellular-phone radiation and the development of tumors

37. “A clean bill of health” in the first paragraph means ________. A the money paid for a treatment in a hospital B a clean way of improving health

C the health that is improved through good habits D a document of health stating the absence of disease

38. According to the passage, radio waves are different from X rays in that ________. A the former are more dangerous

B the former are a form of non-ionizing radiation C the latter are mainly used in hospitals

D the latter are low-energy and low-heat signals

39. The word “inconclusive” in the last paragraph means ________ A disapproved by the public B not generally understood

C misleading people to a conclusion D not leading to a definite result

40. According to the passage, it is advised that cell phones ________. A be done away with B be handled cautiously

C be researched scientifically D be associated with cancer

Part II. Vocabulary and Structure 1 Death and taxes are two things in life that every American can be sure______. A of B for C at D with

2 Some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to ___________in other fields.

A succeed B result C achieve D score 3 The percentage of income tax _____ from person to person. It depends on one's salary. A. differs B. turns C. changes D. varies

4 The Atlantic Ocean is over 6,000km ______where Christopher Columbus crossed it . A deep B wide C long D across

5 It was___________ many centuries later that the ancient Greeks placed the science of map-making on a sound footing.

A not B until C not until D until not 6.Memory _____ the ability to remember past events and experience.

A. focuses on B. relates to C. associates with D. refers to

7 Two men were sitting in a doctor's waiting room. “What are you in here ______?” asked one .

A for B to C on D about 8 Heart surgery causes the costs of general hospital care to ___________.

A raise B arise C rise D arouse

9 No one has been able to prove that fish is _____ for the brain than many other kinds of food. A. any best B. any better C. as good D. so good

10 It is a good idea for parents to monitor the ___as well as the kind of television that their preschool child watches.

A number B size C amount D program 11.Keep in __________ that all people are different and some may progress faster than others.

A head B brain C heart D mind 12 By the time we got to the cinema, the film _____.

A. has already begun B. had already begun C. is going to begin D. is just beginning

13 In the garage sale, eager buyers bought all but 50 of the unwanted items in one weekend, leaving the Ericksons $442______.

A rich B better C richer D good 14 He keeps on with physical training in winter ___________cold it is .

A whatever B no matter how C whether or not D although

15 Traditionally, the father earned money for the family while the mother __the house and the children.

A. cared of B. took care for C. cared for D. took care

16 Many people have made a __to a physical fitness program so as to maintain good health. A decision B commitment C contribution D difference 17 The meeting will begin at 9:00 according to the ________.

A. calendar B. schedule C. column D. diagram

18 There are two classes of words which ,_____ together, make up the whole vocabulary. A. are taken B. to take C. taken D. taking

19 Many species of animals are under the threat of ______because of the rapid change of natural


A guns B existence C hunters D extinction 20 Without air, there would be no atmosphere to protect us _________the sun's deadly rays.

A from B under C to D in 21 The solutions to real problems can not be seen _____. A. at beginning B. previously C. before D. in advance

22 The knowledge and power of the Information Age will be within reach not just of the few, ______of every classroom, every library in the near future.

A but B instead C because D then 23 The old movie reminded them __________ the wonderful time they had spent together.

A to B for C in D of

24 They came up with 1,500 old, unwanted items — all sorts of things they wanted to_____. A. get the rid of B. get rid of C. get the rid to D. get rid to

25 Generally, the children stay in the nuclear family ______they grow up and marry. A although B as C until D where 26 Up to now there have been many explanations _________ the cause of sleepwalking.

A in view of B in line with C apart from D as to 27_____ the water, a plant takes up such parts of the soil as are dissolved in the water. A. Beside B. Besides C. In addition D. Except

28 The difference between the baby twins is so small __it is even hard for their Mum to tell. A as B that C since D if

29 More and more Chinese people are __________ wildlife conservation and environmental protection.

A certain of B concerned about C capable of D crazy about

30 There is great pleasure in watching wildlife in natural environments, and tourism can _____ the

income of countries.

A. in addition B. be added at C. add to D. addition to

31 There are two possible explanations to ________ the change in speed, but we don't know which one is right.

A. account to B. account for C. account on D. account of

32 It was __________ many centuries later that the ancient Greeks placed the science of map-making on a sound footing.

A not B until C not until D until not 33 What you said reminds me ____ something I read a few days ago. A. for B. by C. from D. of

34_________ for his help, we couldn't have overcome the difficulties. A .Weren't it B .Hadn't it been C. Had it not been D. Without it

35 ___________you didn?t know the rules won? t be a good excuse for your wrong behavior. A It is B Because C That D What

36 Another worry is that telecommunication systems may isolate people__ each other

A. from B. for C. with D. on

37 t was ________ for Jim to finish the test paper within an hour because there were too many new words in it.

A. out of question B. without question_ C. no question D. out of the question

38 Few people ask by what ___________the writers of dictionaries and grammars say what they say.

A finance B intention C medium D authority 39 The smog is due __ invisible gases, mostly from automobile exhaust. A. from B. to C. for D. with

40 It is in Iran ________ the family members participate in the wedding preparations. A. that B. where C. in which D. there

41 Almost everyone considers going on a sometime in his or her life. A sale B look C diet D argument 42__ is accepted as true is relatively, and not absolutely, true.

A. It B. That C. What D. That it 43________ put down the receiver _______ the telephone rang again. A. Scarcely had she ... than B. Scarcely did she ... than C. She scarce had ... than D. Scarce had she ... than 44 We often hear of old people wishing they __________young again. A are B were C had been D will be

45 There are many children and adolescents ___ behavior is generally unacceptable. A. their B. who C. whom D. whose

46 He had been interested in history since his childhood, so he specialized _______ history when he was in college.

A. on B. at C. for D. in 47 I shall return on Thursday___________ something unexpected happens. A because of B unless C lest D otherwise

48 Edison failed __ times before he succeeded in producing the first electric lamp.

A. thousand B. thousands C. a thousand of D. thousands of 49 The meeting ended _________ his lecture on high education.

A. up in B. by C. up with D. up 50 I ___________at six o? clock in the morning.

A am used to getting up B used to getting up C am used to get up D am use to getting up

51 Water ____ the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food. A. makes B. causes C. pushes D. turns 52_________, he was not able to work out the puzzle.

A. However he tried hard B. Whatever he tried hard C. However hard he tried D. How hard he tried

53 Eager buyers bought all___________50 of the items in one weekend. A but B yet C out D beyond

54 The panic attacks may ____ for only a few minutes; some, however, continue for several hours.

A. happen B. begin C .last D. end 55_________ such enormous danger, he still remained as calm as usual.

A. In the face of B. In face of C. In the face with D. n face with 56 In a lifetime, many of us spend as much on insurance ___________we do on other things. A more B less C as D that

57Let us see how dictionaries are made and how the editors ____ definitions.

A. lead to B. arrive at C. reach for D. approach 58 The nurse took ___ of my blood to test.

A. an example B. an instance C. a case D. a sample

59 In several recent studies, young babies have been observed and tested to discover how different abilities are ___________.

A approved B developed C indicated D preserved 60 The nurse took ___ of my blood to test.

A. an example B. an instance C. a case D. a sample

Part III. Cloze Passage 1

A headache is one of man's most common enemies. Most people get headaches from time _46_time.Probably more than 90 per cent of all headaches are _47_ by worry or tension. Modern living _48_ tensions for everybody, at work, at school and _49_home.Then,what can we do about tension and worry in our life?_50_,find out what is causing the tension. It may be caused by feelings or emotions. Do you _51 too much over what people think of you, over your clothes, or about 52_ you did? Second, find a way of reducing _53_.Gardening,walking,running,swimming or any activity suitable for your age will help 54 tension. Then, look at our way of life. Ask yourself, where am I going? And why ?Learn the secret of relaxation. Lie down in a dark quiet room and relax _55_ much as possible by taking several slow breaths. Let all your muscles relax. 1 A .at B. to C. with D. till 2. A. encouraged B. resulted C. caused D. done 3. A. produces B. releases C. contains D. owns 4. A. from B .in C. by D. at

5. A. Thus B. However C. First D. Besides 6. A. consider B. worry C. like D. imagine 7. A. what B. how C. when D. where 8. A. headaches B. activity C. tension D. function 9. A. increase B. control C. promote D. reduce 10. A. so B. as C. for D. like

Passage 2

When you make up your mind to buy a house, most of the things you are concerned with are practical,(1) deciding whether you can afford it or the house is too (2) the station. You do not usually get the chance to (3) out about the neighbors before moving house. Flats are on the whole

worse (4) houses from this point of view, but we have been lucky. When the old lady in the flat (5) we had a little boy,she was worried. ?I hope he won't make too much noise',she said . Fortunately, the man underneath us has a full-time (6) in the city, so he doesn't hear Tom running up and down all day.His main interest is (7) the communal garden. He told us when we moved in that we were (8) for mowing the lawn once a month. The young couple who live on the same (9) as us are very friendly; their only fault is that they are very forgetful. The day we arrived,Joyce came to ask us if she could (10) a phone call to Dave at work. She had come out without her keys and couldn't get back into her flat.

11. A as B such C like D example 12. A far to B far away C far from the D far distance 13. A find B look C see D discover 14. A over B than C if D compare to 15. A saw B looked C gave D expected 16. A job B wage C business D employment 17. A putting up B sorting out C looking after D getting down to 18. A interested B careful C thankful D responsible 19. A building B level C ground D floor 20.A do B pay C make D reach

Passage 3

Children are curious about the world around them. For example, they want to know 36their hearts beat. They want to know why the ocean water 37 salty.

38 children grow up, they become curious about different kinds of things. When they are babies, they are interested in the parts of their bodies and in the smiles of their mothers. 39 they become interested in the physical world around them: the plants, the animals, the sky. Later, they become interested in the things 40people have made:wheels, bicycles, cars. And when they are adults, their curiosity 41. Sometimes this curiosity leads to a 42 in science.

Scientists spend their lives 43to find out about the world. 44 who work with the earth sciences study the earth, the oceans, and the skies. 45scientists who study living things work with the biological sciences. A third group of scientists study the physical sciences, e.g. physics, chemistry.

21.A what B how C which D when 22.A feels B smells C tastes D looks 23.A As B Since C As soon as D As long as 24.A So B Even C Thus D Then 25.A that B whom C why D in which 26.A exists B stops C continues D decreases 27.A work B research C field D career 28.A try B to try C trying D tried 29.A That B This C Those D these

30.A Other B Another C Others D the other

Passage 4

Faces, like fingerprints are unique. Did you 11 wonder how it is possible for us to 12 people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the 13 that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child-- 14 an animal, such as a cat----can learn to recognize faces. We all 15 this ability for granted.

We also tell people 16 by observing how they behave .When we talk about someone's personality, we mean the 17 in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks or feels that 18 that individual different from others.

Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone's personality 19 words is somewhat easier than 20 his face.

31. A sometimes B ever C always D anytime 32. A spot B locate C know D recognize 33. A features B symptoms C distinctions D functions 34. A or even B and also C and then D and too 35. A have B take C use D regard 36. A about B apart C from D with 37. A attitudes B means C ways D patterns 38. A has made B are making C is made D make 39. A or B to C in D beyond

40. A describe B describing C to describe D description of

Part IV. Mistake Recognition 1 There are always some people talk happily in the park A B C D

2 These football stars are the very popular in the whole country. A B C D

3Thinking of the coming summer holidays, the boys were so excited to fall asleep. A B C D

4.In order to transmit an event, television signals are first changed into radio A B waves, that are then sent from a station on earth. C D

5 Could you tell to me something about their cultural background?


6. In the United States, people attach much importance to the words on a thank-you card. A B C D

7 .No bird nor fish nor other animal could ever have lived on this earth if the plants


did not come first and fitted it for the dwelling place of a higher order of being. C D

8 .A scientific truth offers an explanation that is acceptable only on the light of A B C what is known at a particular time. D

9. The building of the bridge was held on by bad weather. A B C D

10.Restaurants have smoking and non-smoking sections, and most smokers are enough A B C

polite to ask, \


11.Some people spend their weekends to go from sale to sale, hoping to run across a A B C D real treasure.

12.I hate those cellular-phone users whose boring conversations are just so dangerous A B C

to our mental health as smoke is to our lungs. D

13.In the past, people wanted to have a good doctor who could be relied on to know exactly A B

that to do when they became ill. C D

14 Opportunity knocks at the door, but only those who are well-preparing can seize it. A B C D

15.Evidence has been increasing that children's exposure to violence on television A B has longlasting affect on their behavior. C D

16.The number of television time allocated each week to violent programs increased A B C significantly. D

17.Red may be an exciting and active color, but one researcher says that time seems to pass A B

more slowly in a room with warm colors that in a room with cool colors. C D

18. Kind words or a friendly smile is a useful way to make the guest felt comfortable. A B C D

19.I shall return on Thursday morning until something unexpected happens. A B C D 20.No sooner he had put down the receiver than the telephone rang again. A B C D

21 She has worked at the cafeteria since nine months. A B C D 22 They didn't see each other since September A B C D 23Gina is in college for one year A B C D

24Their proposals gave priority of the needs of the children. A B C D

25We can visit to you any day of the week; our plans are flexible. A B C D 26The contract has drawn up, but hasn?t been signed yet. A B C D 27The new project this year is to build other highway. A B C D

28Scientists divide the peoples of the world into five race. A B C D 29 We must take actions before it is so late. A B C D 30They cleaned up the mess after they left. A B C D

Part V Translation Translation from Chinese into English

1众所周知, 钻石是自然界所发现的最坚硬的物质. 2研究表明大量喝酒的人更易得心脏病. 3正是闪电造成去年那场森林火灾.

4.我们已经根据委员会的决定制定了一个详细的计划. 5解决实际问题的办法事先不能预见 6. 因天气不好大桥暂缓修建。

7如果当时你听从我的劝告就不会陷入困境. 8空气污染直接危害了人们的健康

9. 这些专家们整个上午都在讨论这个问题. 10他们对成功几乎失去了信心

11他们没有意识到,不懂礼貌的人迟早要为此付出代价. 12如果您能帮助我们,我们将不胜感激

13好奇心和想象力常常被认为是成功的关键. 14毫无疑问,技术进步使人们能生活得更舒适愉快. 15大多数单亲父母发现独自照顾家庭有困难.

Translation from Chinese into English

1 We all know that the plan is divided into three parts.

2 Our plans are quite flexible, so we can change them if necessary. 3 The manager gave a brief report and the meeting ended at 2 p.m.

4 I will ask my secretary to draw up a plan.

5.The visits between the leaders of the two countries will contribute to the peaceful solution to the existing problems.

6 It is proved that parents' words and behaviors have a deed effect on their children.

7 We predict good weather for several days ahead though the temperature may be rather low. 8 Can you spare ten minutes to discuss our schedule?

9 People across the country are hailing for China?s successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. 10 She has experienced quite a lot for such a young age

11.The reason that I do not go to the park is not that I do not like going for a walk but that I have no time.

12 I felt relieved to hear you arrived safely

13. The chairman wound up his speech by giving thanks to everyone present.

14.It is proved that parents' words and behaviors have a deed effect on their children. 15 The current global situation is favorable to us. 答案

Part I Reading Comprehension 1—5 BCDAA 6—10 ABBCA 11—15 ACDDC 16—20 DDBCA 21—25 CBDBA 26—30 ACCBD 31—35 BDDBA 36—40 CDBDB

Part II. Vocabulary and Structure 1—5 AADBC 6—10 DACBC 11—15 DBCBC 16—20 BBCDA 21—25 DADBC 26—30 DBBBC 31—35 BCDCC 36—40 ADDBA 41—45 CCABD 46—50 DBDCA 51—55 ACACA 56—60 CBCBD

Part III. Cloze 1—5 BCADC 6—10 BACDB 11—15 CCABA 16—20 ACDDC 21—25 BCADA 26—30 CDCCA 31—35 BDAAB 36—40 BCDCB

Part IV. Mistake Recognition 1—5 CCCCA 6—10 BCCCC 11—15 ACCDC 16—20 ADDBA 21—25 CAABA 26—30 BDDDC

Part V Translation

Translation from Chinese into English

1.It is well known that diamonds are the hardest substance found in nature.

2 Studies show that people who drink a lot are more likely to suffer from heart attacks 3 It was lightning that caused the forest fire last year.

4 We have made a detailed plan according to the committee's decision. 5 Solutions to actual problems cannot be seen in advance.

6 The building of the bridge was held up by bad weather

7 You wouldn?t have got into trouble if you had taken my advice. 8 Air pollution endangers people's health directly.

9 The experts have been discussing this problem all the morning. 10 They almost despaired of success.

11 They are not aware that the rude people will pay the price sooner or later. 12 We would be grateful if you could help us.

13 Curiosity and imagination are often viewed as the key to success.

14 There is no doubt that technological advance enables people to live more comfortably and


15 Most single parents find it hard to take care of a family alone.

Translation from English into Chinese

1我们都知道这份计划分为3个部分 2我们的计划很灵活,如有必要可以变动

3经理作了一个简短的报告,会议两点就结束了 4我会让秘书起草一份计划。

5两国领导人的互访将有助于和平解决两国间的现存问题。 6事实证明,父母的言行对孩子有很深的影响。 7我们预计,尽管气温很低,但最近几天天气晴好 8你能腾出十分钟讨论一下咱们的时间表吗?

9全国各地的人都为中国成功申办2008年奥运会而欢呼 10就这么小的年纪而言,她经历的可真不少。

11我不去公园不是因为我不喜欢散步,而是因为我没有时间。 12听到你平安到达的消息我放心了 13主席在讲话结束时向到场的人致谢

14事实证明,父母的言行对孩子有很深的影响。 15目前全球的形势对我们有利。

