2015年广州最新版五年级英语下册知识点和练习 - 图文

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Module 1 Seasons

Unit 1 What’s your favourite season?


多彩的________ 选择;宁愿要_______ 冬天________ 也_________秋天_________ 滑雪___________ 种植;植物_______ 野营_______去野营_________ 二、重点短语:

go skiing 去滑雪 plant flowers 种花 play outdoor 在户外玩 look at 看…… in the tree 在树上 really love 确实喜欢 like swimming 喜欢游泳 go skiing 去滑雪 make a snowman 堆雪人 fly a kite 放风筝 三、重点句型:

1. --What’s your favourite season? --My favourite season is summer. 2. –What season do you like best? --I like spring best. 四、重点分析:

1. in the tree 和 on the tree 都可以表示“在树上”; in the tree表示外来的东西在树上; on the tree表示树本身的东西。

the birds ___ the tree the fruit ___ the tree the flowers ___ the tree the cat ___ the tree

2. the best time for swimming = the best time to swim [注意for 后面的动词要用ing形式,to 后面要用动词原形。

When is the best time for visiting Beijng / to visit Beijing ?

3. prefer表示对比,意思是“更喜欢;更愿意,宁愿;更倾向于…..” I don’t want to go out. I prefer to stay at home.

4. either 用于否定句中,表示“也”,相当于肯定句或疑问句中的“too”。 My father loves hot food. My mother enjoys hot food too. My father can’t drive. My mother can’t drive either.


go skiing go swimming plant flowers fly a kite 1. We can ___________ in winter. 2. We can ___________ in summer. 3. We can ___________ in spring. 4. We can __________ in autumn.

二、根据中文意思,把下列句子补充完整。 1. She likes _________ (去野营)in summer.

2. They always __________ (在户外玩耍)at the weekend. 3. It’s hot is summer. I _________ (更喜欢)spring. 4. My ____________ (最喜欢的水果)is grapes.

5. Look at the ____________ (五颜六色的花). Do you like them? 三、把与图对应句子的编号写在括号内。

1. I often go swimming in summer.

2. We can see many beautiful flowers in spring. 3. Autumn is the best season to travel.

4. The people usually sit by the fire in the evening of winter.

模块练习 (一)听力训练


1. There are many pictures on the wall. The classroom looks ___________.

2. Winter is the best time for _________. 3. I think _______ is the best time for fishing.

4. There is a skirt and address on the bed. I ________ the dress. 5. The children on the farm often play __________ a lot. 6. What do the farmers ________ on their farm? 7. Let’s go __________ this weekend. 8. What is your favourite _________, Ben?




( ) 1. A. doctor B. summer C. farmer D. what ( ) 2. A. China B. apple C. again D. cinema ( ) 3. A. jacket B. reporter C. before D. like ( ) 4. A. photo B. to C. tomato D. mango ( ) 5. A. rabbit B. animal C. like D. it 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. I _____ like summer. It’s very hot.

A. / B. do C. don’t

( ) 2. There is a cat _____ the tree. Can you see it? A. in B. on C. between ( ) 3. Summer is best for ______.

A. swim B. swimming C. swims

( ) 4. My favourite subject is _______.

A. spring B. April C. Chinese ( ) 5. ---_______ season do you like best? ---Spring.

A. Which B. What C. Why

( ) 6. I don’t like rainy days. I don’t like hot days ________. A. too B. both C. either

( ) 7. When the weather is ______, we can fly a kite. A. cloudy B. snowy C. windy ( ) 8. ---_______ he like skating? ---Yes, he does. A. Does B.Is C. Can ( ) 9. How many ________ are there in a year? A. month B. seasons C. day ( ) 10. He likes ________ flowers in spring. A. plants B. planting C. plant 五、选择合适的答句。

1. What’s your favourite season, Jack? A. Four.

2. What’s the weather like in summer? B. Because I can fly kites. 3. Which season does Sarah like best? C. It’s usually sunny and hot. 4. Why do you like spring? D. Fall is my favourite. 5. How many seasons are there in a year? E. She likes winter. 六、阅读下面对话,完成表格。

Goat: What’s your favourite season, Mr Bear? Bear: Winter.

Goat: Why do you like winter?

Bear: Because I can sleep for a long time. What about you?

Goat: Oh, I like spring best. In spring the grass turns green and I can eat. Which season do you like best, Miss Monkey?

Monkey: I like summer best. I can play with my friends in the trees. What about you, Mr Rabbit?

Rabbit: I like fall best. Because there are many fruits and vegetables in fall.

Name Mr Bear Mr Goat Favourite season Winter I can eat the green grass. Because Mr Monkey Mr Rabbit 七、阅读短文,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。

There are five animals living in a big house. They are Mr Pig, Mr Frog, Miss Bird, Mr Snake and Miss Bear. They are good friends. They play together. In spring, Miss Bird is very happy. Because spring is her favourite season. She can sing and dance all day. In summer, Mr Frog is happy. Because he can swim in the river. But Mr Pig doesn’t like summer because it’s too hot. In fall, Mr Pig is very happy, because it’s windy and cool. He can eat a lot of food. In winter Mr Snake and Miss Bear are happy. Because they can sleep a long time. ( ) 1. There are five animals living in a small house. ( ) 2. Mr Frog’s favourite season is summer.

( ) 3. Miss Bird likes spring best because she can sleep a long time. ( ) 4. Mr Pig’s favourite season is fall.

( ) 5. Mr Snake and Miss Bird like winter best because they can skate.

八、根据所给的单词,仿照例子写句子。 1. spring, warm, shirt, plant trees

例:My favourite season is spring. It’s warm. I like wearing a red shirt. It is best time for planting trees in spring.

2. summer, hot and sunny, T-shirt, swim and go camping _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. autumn, cool and windy, blouse, play outdoors and fly a kite


4. winter, cold and snowy, sweater, make a snowman _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Place Guangzhou Hong Kong Shanghai Macao London

Weather Temperature 第二讲

Unit 2 It’s the middle of winter

【Do you remember?】


一月________; ______二月________; ______ 三月________; ______ 四月________; ______五月________; ______ 六月________; ______ 七月________; ______八月________; ______ 九月________; ______ 十月________; ______十一月_______; ______十二月_______; ______


星期一______; ______星期二_______; ______星期三_______; ______ 星期四______; ______星期五_______; ______星期六 ______; ______ 星期天______; _______ 一、单词回顾:

中间的_________ 同班同学__________ 澳大利亚_________ 回答______ 中国_______ 如果_______ 太…..以致于……_________ 二、重点短语:

visit me 拜访我 summer holiday 暑假 middle of winter 冬季的中期 in Australia 在澳大利亚from December to February从十二月到二月 too cold to swim 太冷而不能游泳 三、重点句型:

1. He is visiting me for the summer holiday.

2. When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China. 3. It is too cold to swim now. 四、重点分析:

1. He is visiting me for the summer holiday. for 表示目的,如:

Where are you going for the summer holiday? She’d coming back to the farm for the weekend. Peter came back to his parents for money.

2. it 可以用来表示时间、时令季节、天气、日期等,无实义,如: It’s seven o’clock. It’s Christmas next Friday. It’s March 15th, Sunday. It’s so cold outside.

3. What be like 是什么样的,如: A:What is your school like?

B:It’s not very big, but very beautiful. It has lots of terrs. 4. too… to … 太……而不能……,如: She is too shy to say anything. It’s too late to say sorry.


1. 寒假_________ 2. 夏季的中期_________ 3. 从三月到五月_________

4. 种树_________ 5. 在澳大利亚_________ 4. 太冷了游不了泳________

二、按照要求写出相对应的单词。(每类至少写四个) 1. 季节:

_________________________________________________________ 2. 星期:


3. 天气:

_________________________________________________________ 4. 活动名称:

______________________________________________________ 5. 月份:

__________________________________________________________ 三、看图回答问题。 1. Which season is it?

_________________________________ 2. When is this season in your city? ________________________________ 3. What’s the weather like in the picture? ________________________________ 4. What are the children doing? ________________________________ 5. Do you like this season? Why? ________________________________

模块练习 (一)听力训练


( ) 1. A. It’s windy B. It’s snowy C. It’s wet and warm It’s very hot.

( ) 2. A. February B. March C. July D. October


( ) 3. A. Summer B. Winter C. Spring D. Autumn ( ) 4. A. Spring B. Winter C. Autumn D. Winter ( ) 5. A. It snows a lot. B. It is nice and cool. C. It is very hot. D. It is dry and windy. 二、听句子,讲上下两行相应的图连线。



( ) 1. A. father B. computer C. either D. hear ( ) 2. A. begin B. white C. is D. ship ( ) 3. A. open B. egg C. often D. kitchen ( ) 4. A. umbrella B. ago C. at D. banana ( ) 5. A. out B. doctor C. visitor D. actor 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. A:What’s the weather like today? B:It’s _______.

A. cloud B. clouds C. cloudy D. a cloud

( ) 2. The weather is so hot. I can’t ________ why he doesn’t open the window.

A. prefer B. visit C. know D. understand ( ) 3. I want to travel in Australia _______ ten days. A. for B. in C. with D. on ( ) 4. She doesn’t like ______ chess with her friends. A. plays B. play C. playing D. played ( ) 5. ______ it is day time in Guangzhou, it is night in London. A. Then B. When C. What D. If ( ) 6. I can’t ski. My friend Jim can’t ski ________. A. too B. either C. again D. together ( ) 7. The park is ________ the city.

A. at the middle of B. in the middle of C. at the middle at D. in the middle to ( ) 8. August is in _________ in Guangzhou.

A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter ( ) 9. _____ the weather like today?

A. What B. How C. What’s D. How’s ( ) 10. -- _______ the weather today? ----It’s rainy.

A、 What’s B、Where C、Whose D、How

( ) 11. It’s cold and snowy in winter and it is best time to ________. A. fly kites B. flying kites C. make a snowman D. making a snowman

( ) 12. In China, ________ is from June to August. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter ( ) 13. Winter is _______ cold for me.

A. to B. too C. two D. at

( ) 14. It’s ________ in summer.

A. rainy and warm B. sunny and hot C. windy and cool D. snowy and cool

( ) 15. Summer comes before_________.

A. spring. B. fall C. winter D. autumn 五、用所给的词填空,可重复使用。

in for at from to like of 1. I want to visit my uncle in Britain _______ the winter holiday. 2. Autumn is the best time _______ fishing.

3. We usually go to visit my grandparents in Britain _______ spring. 4. There is a boy _______ the apple tree. He is picking our apples! 5. Those flowers are beautiful. I want to buy some ______ for my mum. She loves flowers.

6. My cousin is _______ Australia. He is having the summer holidayin Beijng.

7. The weather is too cold ______ play outside.

8. What’ Australia _______ ? Is it very large country ______ China? 9. Look _____ the colourful birds _____ the tree. I hope I can have one _____ them.

10. A: How’s the weather _______ your country now? B: It’s the rainy season. It rains every day. 六、根据实际情况回答问题。 1. What’s your favourite season?

____________________________________________________ 2. How many seasons are there in a year?

___________________________________________________ 3. How many days are there in June?

___________________________________________________ 4. What do you usually do in spring?

___________________________________________________ 5. Does your father like summer best?

__________________________________________________ 七、帮助Jack完成这封信。 make, flowers, kites, eat, fall, sweet, rainy, pick, lake, snows

Dear Mike,

I’m happy you are coming to China next year. Now let me tell you somethings about the saesons in Hangzhou.

Spring is a nice season. It’s often _______and warm. We can see beautiful ________

and green trees near the West Lake. And we can fly ______, too.

In summer, it’s always sunny and hot. But I can ___ice-cream. It’s my favourite. I usually swim in the _____with my friends.

In fall, it’s windy and cool. The leaves _____on the road. And we can ______up fruits in the nature park. I like apples. They’re .

It’s usually cold in winter. Sometimes it _______. When it snows, we can play in the snow and _____a snowman.

I love all the seasons. But spring is my favourite season. It’s the best time to come here. ours





Busy bear and Lazy Bear are good friends. They play in the garden. It’s spring. They’re very happy. ―I like spring.‖ Says the Busy Bear. ―why do you like spring?‖ asks Lazy Bear. ―Because I can plant apple trees.‖ Says Busy Bear.

Summer comes. Busy Bear waters his apple trees. Lazy Bear swims in the lake.

It’s fall. Busy Bear eats many apples and put some apples in his house. But Lazy Bear fly kites and climb mountains. ―My favourite season is fall.‖ says Lazy Bear. ―why do you like fall best?‖ asks Busy Bear. ―Because it’s cool and windy. I can fly kites and climb mountains.‖

Winter comes. Busy Bear goes to sleep. But Lazy Bear wakes up. He is very hungry. He has nothing to eat.

1. Lazy Bear plays all the season. ( ) 2. Busy Bear likes play in the garden. ( )

3. Busy Bear picks many apples from his apple trees. ( ) 4. Lazy Bear sleep a long time in winter. ( ) 5. Busy Bear have a good sleep in winter. ( )




Module 2 Plans


Unit 3 We are going to have an English test


考试_______ 日期_______ 打算;将_______ 忘记______ 月______

重要的_______ 博物馆______ 会议_______ 开放日_______ 第九_______ 二、重点短语:

see a film 看电影 for the party 为一个聚会 on June 11th 在6月11日

an English test 一次英语考试 visit a farm 参观农场 visit the museum 参加博物馆 the school open day 学校开放日 anything else important 其他重要的事情 have a sport meeting 开校运会


1. ---What’s the date today? ---It is June 1st. 2. We are going to see a film tomorrow evening.

农场_______ 第三________ 第五_______ 第八_______

3. Mike’s birthday party is on June 11th.

4. ---Is there anything else important this month? --- Yes, there is. 四、重点分析: 1. 日期和星期的问法:

---What’s the date today? 今天几号? ---It is June 1st. ---What’s the day today? 今天星期几? ---It is Monday. 2. 日期的读法:

读法1:月份+the+序数词,如7月2日读作July the second 读法2:the+序数词+of+月份,如7月2 日读作the second of July 3. 日期的写法:月份+日期序数词,如October 2nd, 或简写为Oct. 2nd. 4. We all going to his home for a party tomorrow. For表示目的,如: Everyone will come home for the Spring Festival. The little baby walked to his mum for water.

5. 形容词修饰anything, something, nothing等不定代词时要后置,如:

I learn something interesting about the weather in English today. There is nothing good to eat there. 6. 基数词表序数词口诀:


一二三,特殊记,词尾字母t, d, d (first, second, third); 八减t(eighth), 九去e (ninth),f来把ve替(five---fifth, twelve---twelfth);

单词ty作结尾,ty变成tie (twenty---twentieth);




(1). one_____ (2).two ________ (3). six______ (4).five ______

(5). nine_____ (6).twelve_______ (7).eight______ (8).twenty-one____

二、写出下列单词的基数词 (1).third______ (3).tenth________

(4).twentieth________ (5).nineteenth_______ (6).thirty-first________


1. Children’s Day is on the _______of June. 2. There are _______ months in a year. 3. Teacher’s Day is on the ____ of September. 4. Thirty plus(加) sixteen is ______. 四、根据表格,做一个调查。 Name Mike

Birthday June 11th.


模块练习 (一)听力训练


二、听句子,填写表格。 Special Days Thanksgiving Dates

1. the ______ Thursday in Day(感恩节) Halloween Dragon Festival World Day Father’s Day Day November 2. October ________ Boat 3. June _______, 2014 Reading 4. April _________ 5. third _________ in June Japanese Girl’s 6. _________, 3rd (二)笔试

三、 找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词

( ) 1. A. big B. six C. nice D. miss ( ) 2. A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch ( ) 3. A. sorry B. brother C. some D. does ( ) 4. A. map B. stamp C. face D. cat ( ) 5. A. three B. those C. their D. these 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. May is the _______ month of a year. A. ninth B. fifth C. five

( ) 2.Everyone will come home _______ the Spring Festival. A. for B. in C. on

( ) 3. Is there ______ things this month?

A. something new B. anything new C. new anything ( ) 4. There is a meeting __________ Friday. A. at B. in C. on

( ) 5. There are ______ months in a season. A. four B. three C. twelve ( ) 6. We are _______ a party tomorrow.

A. going to has B. go to have C. going to have ( ) 7. My birthday is _____ December 1st. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 8. Today is ________ of April.

A. second B. two C. the second

( ) 9. The fourth day of a week in China is ______. A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Thursday ( ) 10. The _____ month of a year is January. A. second B. first C. third 五、用括号中所给数字相应的英文单词填空。 1. My birthday is on the ______ (9) of October. 2. There are __________ (22) girls in the classroom. 3. How is your ________ (1) day at the new school? 4. A: How much is the book, please? B: It’s 18 yuan. 5. A: When are we going to have the English test? B: On the _______ (20) this month.

6. A: What time is the film? B: At ___________ (7:20).

7. A: How long are you going to stay there? B: For about _______ (2) hours.

8. I play badminton with my friend on the ___________ (3) Monday in each month.


My family is going to have some fun at the weekend. My father is






______________________. I ______________________. We hope we will have a good time.

六、 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子的对错,符合短文内容的打―√‖,不符合的打―×‖。

Today is June 1st. It’s Children’s Day. My father takes me to the zoo. There are many kids of animals, such as tigers, pandas, monkeys, elephants and giraffes.

Look, the elephants are walking by the river. The monkeys are climbing mountains. The giraffes are eating leaves. I like pandas best. They are eating bamboo now. Where are the tigers? Oh, they are fighting. I love all the animals.

( ) 1. Tomorrow is June 2nd. ( ) 2. Today is Teacher’s Day.

( ) 3. The giraffes are eating leaves. I like giraffes best. ( ) 4. The monkeys can climb mountains. ( ) 5. My mother takes me to the zoo. 七、阅读短文,选出正确的答案。

Today is the first day of the week. Tomorrow is Monday. Liu Tao and his friends are at the Sports Club. They're talking about their weekends. Liu Tao is from Beijing. He speaks Chinese and English. He often plays football at the weekends. Sometimes he goes shopping with his parents. David is from the USA. But he lives in China with his parents now. He speaks English and French. He often looks for

something on the Internet at the weekends. Sometimes he helps his mother do some cleaning and washing at home. Keven is British. But now, he studies at Liu Tao's class. He speaks English, Chinese and Japanese. He often watches cartoons at the weekends. Sometimes he goes climbing or plays football. He likes sport. They all like catching insects in the park.

( ) 1. What day is it today? It's __________.

A. Sunday B. Monday C. Saturday

( ) 2. What does Liu Tao sometimes do at the weekends? He sometimes _____.

A. goes shopping for his parents B. buys things with his parents C. plays football

( ) 3. David is from ____________.

A. the UK B. America C. England ( ) 4. David often ____________ at the weekends.

A. looks for things B. helps his mother at home C. surfs

the Internet

( ) 5. What does David sometimes do at the weekends? He sometimes ____.

A. help his mother with the housework

B. help his mother look for something on the Internet C. watches cartoons

八、写作:写一写你以及你朋友星期天的安排。morning afternoon evening

Sunday is coming. In the morning, I am going to _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan


旅行_______ 大山_______ 爬_______ 海滨______ 鹿 _________

爬山_________________ 过得愉快___________________ 二、重点短语:

in Hainan 在海南 for five days 持续五天的 on Tuesday 在星期二

go for a picnic 举行一次野餐 all day 整天 in the pool 在池里 on the beach 在海滩上 at noon 在中午 on the beach 在海滩上

under the stars 在星光下 fly back home 飞回家 can’t wait to… 迫不及待…..

all day 一整天 the next day 第二天 under the star 在星空下 三、重点句型:

1. Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days.

2. We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. 3. I can’t wait to see all the lovely deer. 4. I’m sure we’ll have a good time in Hainan.

( ) 10. What _______ you _________ this night?

A. are, go to do B. are, going to doing C. are, going to do D. are, go to do 三、连词成句。

1. will weeks we month London to travel two next for .


2. at then fly day noon the back home next will we .


3. 24th we have English are to June going an June test on .


4. there else this is important anything week ?


5. are tomorrow afternoon the going to museum we visit not .



1. They will go shopping next Saturday. 2.

______________________________________________________________ 3.

______________________________________________________________ 4.

______________________________________________________________ 5.

______________________________________________________________ 6.




Aunt Judy’s birthday is coming. She will be 38 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house. She lives in Guangzhou. We are going to go there by train. Her birthday party will be on Saturday. We are leaving on Friday afternoon. And we are coming back on Sunday evening. I am going to give my dear Aunt Judy a picture . I am drawing it now. I am drawing some beautiful flowers. I am drawing a small dog, too. That’s because she likes dogs. The picture will be very nice.

( ) 1. Aunt Judy’s birthday party will be on______.

A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday

( ) 2. This is Aunt Judy’s ______ birthday.

A. thirty-eighth B. fortieth C. thirtieth

( ) 3. She lives in ______, so we are going there by_____.

A. Shanghai; train B. Guangzhou; plane C. Guangzhou; train

( ) 4. I am drawing ______.

A. some dogs and a flower B. some flowers and a dog C. a dog and a flower


There will be a school trip next Friday. Janet is going to the zoo with her classmates. She is going to see the biggest animals on land. Its nose is the longest of all the animals. Its ears are biggest than other animals. She wants to ride on it one day. But her good friend Sally wants to see the tallest animals in the zoo. Its four legs

are the longest than other animals. It also has the longest neck. It can eat the leaves on a tall tree. She wants to give some nice grass to her favorite animal. But teacher tells them not to feed animals or take photos in the zoo.

( ) 1. When will Janet and her classmates have a school trip? A. They will have the trip on Friday. B. They will have the trip next Friday. ( ) 2. Where are Janet and her classmate going? A. They are going to the zoo. B. They are going to the park. ( ) 3. What’s Janet’s favorite animal? A. Janet likes the elephants best. B. Janet likes the panda best. ( ) 4. What’s the tallest animal in the zoo? A. The elephant is the tallest animal in the zoo. B. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the zoo. ( ) 5. What does Sally want to do with her favorite animal? A. She wants to take photos with it. B. She wants to feed it with nice grass.

六、书面表达。根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文。 提示:怀特一家假期打算到大连去旅行。他们准备在那儿呆上一周,然后计划去海里游泳,品尝可口的海鲜和大连食品。并且还可以交到一些朋友。大连很美,天气也很好。在那儿他们将度过一个愉快的假期。(The Whites, seafood, make friends)



Module 3 Invitations


Unit 5 Would you like to go with us?


邀请________ 嗨________ 小伙子________ 没有东西,没有事情_______

为什么______ 计划______ 将会;愿意_________ 听起来_________

大门_______ 太妙了,酷_______ 问题________ 电影_______ 比赛_____

中心______ 超市_______ 天啊!_______ 你愿意……吗?____________ 二、重点短语:

plan to do 计划去做 go on a picnic 去野餐 at the school gate 在学校门口

next tine 下次 have a party 开派对 watch a football match 观看一场足球赛

no problem 没问题 go shopping 去购物 sounds great 听起来很棒


1. ---What are you doing this Saturday? --- My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic.

2. ---Would you like to go with us? ---That sounds great! / Yes, I’d love to.

3. ---What time should we go? --- At 9 a.m. 四、重点分析: 1. 邀请和应答

(1) Would you like to…? 是邀请用语,语气委婉客气,如: Our fruits are very fresh today. Would you like to try them? (2) Do you want to …? 也是邀请用语,语气比较随意,如: Do you want to go swimming with me? 接受:Yes, I’d love / like to. / Yes , of course. 不接受:I’d like to ,but… / Sorry, I can’t. I … 2. 建议:Shall we …? 如: Shall we eat out today?

接受:Yes, that’s great. / Yes, that’s a good idea. / That’s OK. 3. Why表示追问,如:

A: Are you using the computer? B: No. Why?

A: Could I download a song? L need it for the music lesson.

4. Sound的意思是“听起来”‘后面跟形容词,如: His idea sounds interesting.

5. Should用于提建议、征询意见和了解情况,如: Where should we go?

Should we leave for the cinema now? 6. Let’s…英语提建议,如:

Let’s help the teacher take these books to her office. Let’s make a birthday card for mum.

【随堂练习】一、根据首字母提示完成句子。 1. The story s_________ boring.

2. We are going to have a p________ this weekend. 3. Would you like to go to the s__________ with me? 4. What time s_________ we go?

5. They will watch a football m_______ in the sports c_______. 二、根据情景补全对话

A: Hi, Cara. Can you come to my party on Thursday afternoon? B: __________. I have to help my parents. A: Too bad. ____________, Tim? C: __________________________? A: At four o'clock this Thursday afternoon. C: ____________.


see a film swimming pool party watch a football match eat in the restaurant

如:Would you like to see a film with me? Yes, I’d love to. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

模块练习 (一)听力训练


二、听短对话,根据对话的内容选择问题的答案。 ( ) 1. What is Janet going to do tomorrow?

A. She’s going to draw some flowers for her mother. B. She’s going shopping with her mother.

C. She’s going to see the flowers show with her mother. ( ) 2. Where will the girl be in the afternoon? A. She will be at school.

B. She will be in the sports centre. C. She will be in the library. ( ) 3. What is the boy going to do? A. He’s going to see the film. B. He’s going to watch TV at home. C. He’s going to play football. ( ) 4. What are they going to do tomorrow? A. Make some robots. B. See a robot show.

C. Have a science lessons in the museum.


三、读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的一个。 ( ) 1. A. cow B. snow C. down ( ) 2. A. how B. flower C. window ( ) 3. A. now B. snowy C. slow ( ) 4. A. wow B. tomorrow C. yellow ( ) 5. A. head B. read C. tea 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. --What would you like to __________? --I’d like some water.

A. eat B. have C. drink D. drinks ( ) 2. ---Would you like to visit the museum? ---________

A. Yes, please. B. Sure, I'd love to. C. Sorry, I wouldn't. D. Yes, I would.

( ) 3. Thanks a lot for ________me ________your party.

A. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting;


( ) 4. ---Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday, Xiao Ming? ---______

A. I'd love to, but I have lots of things to do. B. Oh, no. That'll be too tired. C. I'll stay at home. D. Yes, please.

( ) 5. ---Could I use your bike for a few days? ---_________.

A. It doesn’t matter B. No, thanks C. A pleasure D. Sure. Here you are

( ) 6. --- Eliza, would you like to go shopping with us?

--- _____, but I have to wash the dishes first.

A. No, I can’t B. I don’t want to C. Yes, please D. I’d love to

( ) 7. --- Could I use your dictionary for a short time? --- ______. A. It doesn’t matter B. No, thanks C. It’s a pleasure D. sure ( ) 8. ―Can you finish the work this afternoon?‖ ―_____.‖

A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I must D. Yes, I need

( ) 9. I have to study ________my science test ______Thursday afternoon.

A. at; on B. on; for C. for; in D. for; on

( ) 10. Can you play football ________us this afternoon?

A. with B. at C. on D. around


1. I can’t go to play games with you. I _________ (need to, have to) finish my homework first.

2. Tom________(can, can’t) come to my party because he is ill. 3. He spends __________ (too many, too much) time playing football with his friends on weekends.

4. Thank you for your________ (invite, invitation) to your party. 5. He would love ________(have, having) a cup of tea. 六、根据汉语完成句子。

1. ―你周三能来参加我的派队?‖ ―当然,我很乐意去。‖

Can you _________ _________ join my party ________ __________?

Sure, I’d ________ ________. 2. 嘿,大卫,你周日能去看电影吗?

Hey, Dave,_______ ______ go to the movies _________ ________? 3. 对不起,我不能。这个周末的作业太多。


________ _______.

I have ________ _________ homework this weekend.

4. 那太糟糕了,也许下次吧。

That’s too bad. __________ ________ _________. 5. 星期五晚上你可以和我们一起去看电影吗?

Can you come to the movies with us ________ ________ ________?


1. A: ____________________________________ (my, birthday) B: Sure, I’d love to.

2. A: ____________________________________ (Friday, morning) B: I’m going to the doctor.

3. A: ___________________________________ (your, birthday, party) B: It’s on Saturday.

4. A: ____________________________________ (birthday, Linda) B: Thank you.

5. A: ____________________________________ (Lisa’s, house) B: It’s on next to our school. 八、阅读理解 。


Dear Helen,

Would you like to come to my home for dinner on Saturday evening? My family will be very happy to meet you then.

Now let me show you the way. Go up Nanjing Street, and turn left at the second street. Go straight, and my house is next to the teahouse on the right. If you can't find it, please call me.

See you then!

Yours, Meimei

( ) 1. Who will go to Han Mei's home for dinner?

A. Peter. B. Helen. C. Han Mei.

( ) 2. When will Helen go?

A.On Monday morning. B. On Saturday evening. C. On Saturday morning.

( ) 3. Han Mei's home is on the _______ of the teahouse.

A. right B. left C. between

( ) 4. What's Han Mei's phone number? Do you know?

A. Yes, I know. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I don't. ( ) 5. Will Han Mei's parents be happy to see Helen?

A. Yes, he will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, they won't.


Mary’s Plan for Next Peter’s Plan for Next Week Monday 7:30am computer lessons for beginners Tuesday 11:00am see a doctor Wednesday Evening study for Week Monday 3:00pm study group meeting Tuesday 4:30pm basketball match the 2:00pm visit some 9:00am ping-pong game Wednesday English test Thursday 8:30am concert Friday in his restaurant Saturday 9:00~10:30am art lesson 2:00pm visit grandmother Sunday Ann and Lucy friends Thursday Noon lunch Mike 2:004:00pm basketball practice Saturday 10:00am shopping Sunday team party ~with Afternoon help Uncle Sam Friday 10:30am go shopping with 9:00pm basketball ( ) 1. From Peter’s plan we know that Peter likes playing _____. A. basketball B. football C. volleyball D. ping-pong

( ) 2. From Mary’s play we know that _____. A. she likes play guitar

B. she is very good at computer

C. she just begins to learn computer

D. she will see the doctor on Wednesday

( ) 3. From Mary’s plan we know that _____.

A. she will visit her grandmother next Saturday morning B. she may have an English test next Thursday

C. she will go shopping with her friend next Sunday evening

D. she will visit some friends on Wednesday afternoon ( ) 4. _____ will have lunch with Peter next Thursday.

A. Mary B. Ann C. Mike D. Lucy ( ) 5. Peter’s study group meeting will be held _____.

A. next Monday morning B. next Monday afternoon

C. next Monday evening D. sorry, I don’t know 九、补全对话中的单词。

A: Hi guys, what are you doing tomorrow? B: Nothing. W_______ ?

A: There’s a new pet shop n________ to the zoo. I’m going to buy a pet.

C: Wow! That s________ great. What pet will you buy?

A: I don’t know yet. W_______ you like to go with me and give me some advice(建议)?

C: I’d love to. Maybe I’ll buy one too.

B: I’d love go with you. I want to buy a pet, too. But I have something e______ to do tomorrow. I’m sorry.

A: No p________. Maybe we can go with you next time. C: What time s________ we go?

A: Let’s m______ at the gate of the zoo at 10:00. We can go the pet shop t_______. C: Cool.


Unit 6 See you at the party


邀请_______ 特别的______ 惊奇_______ 激动的______ 开始________

下午_______ 到达________ 打电话_______ 我想做….._________ 二、重点短语:

invite… to 邀请……去做…… have fun 玩的开心

on this special day 在这个特殊的日子里 a surprise party 一个令人惊喜的聚会

call me on 打我的电话 at the school meeting room 在学校会议室 come together 聚在一起 all her friends and classmates 她的所有朋友和同学


1. I’d like to invite you to Ann’s birthday party.

2. We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day.

3. The party will be at the school meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st. 四、重点分析:

1. I’d like to… 是委婉的表达想法的用语,如: I’d like to visit your school next week.

2. at作为一个地点介词用,后面跟一个范围不大的地方名词或表示场合的词,如:

I saw Jiamin at the swimming pool. See you at the party.

3. 现在进行时可以表示已经安排好并且将来一定会发生的事情。如: I’m working tonight. She’s flying home tomorrow.


1. 聚在一起_______________ 2. 迫不及待_____________

3. 没问题_________________ 4. 足球比赛_____________

5. 去野餐_________________ 6. 下次_________________

7. 会议室_________________ 8. 玩的开心


9. 惊喜派对_______________ 10. 语文考试____________


A: Hi, Anna! You look happy today. Do you have any good news? B: Yes. I’m going to have a 1 __________ tomorrow. A: What party?

B: Oh, it’s my birthday party. 2 _________you know? A: No, I don’t.

B: 3________, I forget to tell you. Would you like to come to my party?

A: Sure, 4 _______love to. But what’s tomorrow? B: It’s Friday the 18th.

A: 18th? Oh, I’m very 5_________. I have to go to the art lesson. 6_________ for your invitation. I hope you have a good time tomorrow.

B: That’s too bad.

三、课堂小练:写一个邀请函,邀请你的朋友参加你的生日聚会。 Dear ________,


See you at the party.

Yours, ___________

模块练习 (一)听力训练

一、听句子,选择相应的答语。 ( ) 1. A. It’s a surprise party. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Happy birthday. ( ) 2. A. That’s a good idea.

B. I’ll meet my friends and classmates there. C. Let’s meet at 9:00 at school. ( ) 3. A. All my friends and classmates. B. We’ll come by bus.

C. It’s a party to welcome Sam, the boy from Australia. ( ) 4. A. My uncle has a farm.

B. What animals are on the farm? C. Thank you. I’d love to go. ( ) 5. A. That sounds great. B. No problem.

C. It’s Wednesday that day.

二、听读一份邀请函,判断句子内容与听到的内容是否一致。如一致。在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。 ( ) 1.Aune Marie lives on a farm. ( ) 2.Sam will leave the farm on Saturday. ( ) 3. Sam can go swimming in the river. ( ) 4. Uncle Bill will take Sam to ride a horse. ( ) 5. Sam should call his aunt tomorrow if he can go.


四、选出划线部分的读音与其他二个不同的单词: ( ) 1. A. he B.egg C. jeep ( ) 2. A. room B. good C. book ( ) 3. A. grade B. hat C. map ( ) 4. A. his B. those C. miss ( ) 5. A. mother B. father C. thank ( ) 6. A. chair B. Here C. there 五、单项选择。

( ) 1. ―Would you like to join us in basketball?‖

―________ . but I’m afraid I have to study for my science test.


I wouldn’t B. I’d love to C. I’d like D.I don’t like it ( ) 2. May 12th is Xiao Ming’s birthday.

He_________ us to his birthday party. A. asks B. invites C. makes D. tells



