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1. 细胞中水对于维持细胞温度的相对稳定具有重要作用,其原因是 。
2. 中膜体是 形成的,具有 的功能。
Sugar-containing lipids called ______________ are found only in the outer half of the bilayer and their sugar groups are exposed at the cell surface. 4. 乙醇沉淀DNA的主要原理是 。
5. 从进化论的观点,细胞学说的创立解决了一个核心问题,就是: ,即生命的同一性问题。
6. 纤粘连蛋白与细胞结合的结构域具有特征性的三肽结构,简称RGD 序列,代表的三个氨基酸是∶ 。
7. 倒置显微镜与普通显微镜的不同在于 。 8. 间隙连接的功能除了有机械连接作用外,还具有 和 。
9. 原核生物的mRNA通过 与核糖体rRNA结合,而真核生物的 RNA则通过 与核糖体rRNA结合。
10. 肌醇磷脂信号通路中产生两个第二信使的前体物质是 。 11. 在细胞外基质中,具有抗压作用的分子是 。
12. NO是一种气体信号分子,在体内主要由精氨酸产生, 它的半衰期很短, 故只作用于邻近细胞, 它作用的靶酶是 。
13. K+ 离子很难通过人工膜, 但加入短杆菌肽A后, 对K+ 的透性大大增 加, 原因是 。
14. 蛋白质合成时多聚核糖体的形成对生命活动的意义在于: 。
15. NAPs是了解得较多的一类肽类激素, 它可以降低血压。这类信号的 传递需要通过第二信使 的放大作用。
16. 限制哺乳动物细胞体积大小的主要因素有两个:一种是 的关系,另一种是 。
二、判断题(若是正确的标√号, 错误的标×号,并做简要说明。每题 1分,共20分)
1. One can determine if a membrane protein is exposed on the external side of the plasma membrane by covalent attachment of a labeling reagent or by protease digestion only if the membrane is intact. ( )
2. 脂锚定蛋白是通过蛋白的氨基酸残基同膜脂的脂肪酸链形成共价键而 锚定在质膜上。 ( )
3. CsCl密度梯度离心法分离纯化样品时, 样品要和CsCl混匀后分装, 离 心时, 样品中不同组分的重力不同, 停留在不同区带。 ( )
( )
5. 在使用光学显微镜时, 如果物镜不变, 用10X的目镜时的分辨率比用5X的高一倍。 ( )
6. Na+ -K+ 泵只存在于真核生物的细胞质膜而不存在于囊泡膜。 ( )
7. 载体蛋白, 又称为通透酶, 它象酶一样, 不能改变反应平衡,只能增加达到反应平衡的速度; 但与酶不同的是, 载体蛋白不对被运的分子作任何修饰。 ( )
8. 选择蛋白和免疫球蛋白超家族蛋白介导的细胞粘着都是钙依赖性的。 ( )
9. Ⅱ型内含子的剪接与核剪接机理相似, 都要形成剪接体和套索结构。 ( )
10. 胶原在内质网中是可溶的, 在细胞外基质中是不可溶的。 ( )
11.Ca2+ 激酶同PKA、PKC、酪氨酸蛋白激酶一样, 都是使都是使靶蛋白 的丝氨酸和苏氨酸磷酸化。 ( )
12. 5SrRNA是由RNA聚合酶Ⅱ转录的, 它使用的是内部启动子。 ( )
13.水是细胞的主要成分, 并且多以结合水的形式存在于细胞中。 ( )
14.协助扩散是被动运输的一种方式,它不消耗ATP,但是要在通道蛋白、 载体蛋白、离子泵的协助下完成。 ( )
15.真核细胞质膜中孔蛋白的跨膜方式是通过β折叠。 ( )
16. 脂锚定蛋白是通过蛋白的氨基酸残基同膜脂的脂肪酸链形成共价键 而锚定在质膜上。 ( )
17.原核生物的核糖体同玉米的叶绿体的核糖体极为相似, 相互交换亚 基仍具有功能; 但同线粒体核糖体相互交换亚基就没有功能。 ( )
18. 真核生物和原核生物核糖体RNA转录后都要进行加工,包括对某些碱 基的甲基化和间隔序列的切除,虽然甲基化对于间隔序列的切除很重 要,但是这种甲基化位点也会随同间隔序列的切除而被切除。 ( )
19. Maintenance of the lipid bilayer in the plasma membrane requires special enzymes and the hydrolysis of ATP. ( )
20. Calmodulin regulates the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. ( )
1. 下列内容中除了( )以外, 都是细胞学说的要点。 a. 所有生物都是由一个或多个细胞构成; b. 细胞是生命的最简单形式;
c. 细胞是生命的结构单元; d. 细胞从初始细胞分化而来。 2. 光镜同电镜比较, 下列各项中, ( )是不正确的。 a. 电镜用的是电子束, 而不是可见光;
b. 电镜样品要在真空中观察, 而不是暴露在空气中; c. 电镜和光镜的样品都需要用化学染料染色; d. 用于电镜的标本要彻底脱水, 光镜则不必。
3. 下列哪种证据支持原始生命的形成无需DNA和酶的存在?( ) a. RNA可编码遗传信息,并有催化剂作用。 b. DNA和酶仅存在于高度进化的细胞中。 c. 高等生物细胞缺乏RNA; d. 所有上述原因。 4. 与膜结合的糖类主要有:( )
a.D-半乳糖、D-甘露糖、N-乙酰基葡萄糖胺、L-岩藻糖、唾液酸 b.D-半乳糖胺、D-甘露糖、L-岩藻糖、唾液酸、透明质酸; c.D-半乳糖、D-乳糖、D-甘露糖、纤维二糖; d.D-半乳糖、半乳糖醛酸、岩藻糖、唾液酸。
5. 胶原有分子间和分子内连接,连接点都是通过( )。 a.赖氨酸; b.甘氨酸; c.苏氨酸; d.丝基酸。 6. 在动物细胞培养过程中要用( ) 来进行观察。 a. 相差显微镜; b. 荧光显微镜; c. 倒置显微镜; d. 普通光学显微镜。
7. 用光脱色恢复技术可以证明膜的流动性, 其原理是:( ) a. 用激光束淬灭质膜上一部分膜受体的荧光素; b. 用紫外光淬灭膜蛋白和膜脂的荧光素; c. 用紫外光淬灭膜蛋白或膜脂的荧光素; d. 用激光照射细胞的整个表面, 使荧光淬灭。
8. 下述哪一种情况能够支持核糖体RNA具有催化活性?( )
a.rRNA碱基序列是高度保守的,而核糖体蛋白的氨基酸序列则不然。 b.具有对抗生素抗性的细菌在rRNA分子中有取代的碱基,而在核糖 体蛋白质中没有被取代的氨基酸。 c.肽酰转移酶的反应对核糖核酸酶敏感。 d.上述都是。
9. 用抗纤连蛋白的抗体注射胚体,发现在神经系统发育过程中神经嵴细 胞的移动受到抑制。这些实验说明:( ) a. 神经嵴发育包括抗体基因的表达 b.发育中的神经无需要合成纤连蛋白 c.纤连蛋白-抗体复合物形成神经移动途径
d.胚胎中的神经元在移动过程中必须与纤连蛋白暂时结合 10. 乙酰胆碱受体属于( )系统。 a.酶联受体; b.G-蛋白偶联受体; c.通道偶联受体; d.以上都不是。
11. 心钠肽是心房肌细胞产生的肽激素,对血压具有调节作用。心钠肽作
为第一信使作用于受体, 并在细胞内产生第二信使, 下面四种第二信 使中哪一种对于心钠肽具有应答作用?( ) a.cAMP; b.cGMP; c. Ca2+; d. DAG。 12. 前体rRNA甲基化的重要性在于( )。 a.保证最后的rRNA能够装配成正确的三级结构 b.防止前体rRNA被加工 c.防止成熟rRNA部分被降解 d.上述都不是
13. A membrane-affiliated protein is isolated by detergent extraction, and found to be amphipathic and lacking any nonprotein components. To which class of membrane proteins does it belong? ( ) a. integral proteins b. peripheral proteins c. lipid-anchored proteins d. none of the above
14. The distribution of K+ across an artificial membrane was measured, and the concentrations were found to be equal on both sides. Which of the following statements is true about the distribution of K+? ( ) a. K+ must be at equilibrium across the cell membrane. b. K+ cannot be at equilibrium across the membrane.
c. There cannot be a membrane potential under these conditions. More information is needed to determine whether K+ is at equilibrium.
15. Which of the following is not a step in the regulation of glycogen metabolism: ( )
a. Epinephrine stimulates an increase in cAMP.
b. A cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase. c. A cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase kinase.
d. A rise in cAMP activates a cAMP-dependent protein kinase.
16. Both epinephrine and glucagon bind to C protein coupled receptors and activate glycogen breakdown. Therefore, epinephrine and glucagon must: ( )
a. have very similar structures and bind to the same receptor. b. bind to receptors with different ligand-binding sites but similar functions.
c. bind to different receptors and activate different second messengers. d. bind to the same receptors, one being intracellular and the other, extracellular.
17. Which mutant form of ras is likely to cause malignancy?( ) a. ras that cannot hydrolyze GTP b. ras that cannot bind to GTP c. ras that cannot bind to Grb2 or Sos d. ras that cannot bind to Raf
The sequence of events that occurs after insulin binds to its receptor tyrosine kinase is: ( )
a. binding of IRS -> phosphorylation of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect b. binding of proteins with SH2 domains -> phosphorylation of IRS -> effect c. autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of IRS -> binding of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect
autophosphorylation and binding of IRS -> phosphorylation of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect
19. 下列连接方式中属于与中间纤维相连的锚定连接的是( )。 a.粘合带; b.粘合斑; c.桥粒; d.紧密连接。
20. 缬氨霉素是一种可形成通道的离子载体, 能够使( )的运输速度 提高100,000倍。
a.K+ ; b.Na+ ; c.Ca2+ ; d.H+
四、简答题(每题4分, 选做5题,共20分)
1.Describe the similarities and differences in the cycling of Gs and Ras between the active and inactive forms.
2. 如何理解“被动运输是减少细胞与周围环境的差别,而主动运输则是努 力创造差别,维持生命的活力”?
3. 紧密连接除了连接细胞外还有什么作用?意义何在?
4. 胰高血糖素和肾上腺素是如何使靶细胞中的cAMP的浓度升高的?
5. 核酶是如何被发现及证实的? 这一发现有什么意义?
6. 为什么说水是细胞中优良的热缓冲体系?
五、实验证明题。(简要说明,不需详细步骤。每小题5分,任选2题, 共10分)。
1. Some integral membrane enzymes depend upon the lipids in their microenvironment not only for scaffolding, but for enzymatic activity. The Na+-K+ ATPase is one example. Please design an experiment to test the influence of membrane fluidity on the velocity of the Na+-K+ ATPase.
2. 如何证明RNA聚合酶Ⅲ进行5S rRNA基因转录时, 使用的是内部启动 子?
3. 请设计一个实验研究受体与配体结合的特异性
1. “解铃还需系铃人”这句谚语在细胞活动中能找到对应的故事吗?请 说明。(5分)
2. 计算题(5分)
① The average molecular weight of proteins in the cell is about 30,000 daltons. A few proteins, however, are very much larger. The largest known polypeptide chain made by any cell is a protein called titin (made by muscle cells), and it has a molecular weight of 3,000,000 daltons. Estimate how long it will take a muscle cell to translate an mRNA coding for titin (assume the average molecular weight of an amino acid to be 120, and a translation rate of two amino acids per second for eucaryotic cells).
② Transcription occurs at a rate of about 30 nucleotides per second. Is it possible to calculate the time required to synthesize a titin mRNA from the information given here?
2. 综合思考(10分, 按答题最多者计算每题得分)
① 物质运输是一个耗能过程,请举例说明有哪些能量来源?
②. What is the advantage of having an extracellular signal transmitted by a cascade of sequential events?
③. Heating of calf type I collagen fibers to 450C denatures the triple helices and separates the three chains from each other. Collagen that has been treated in this way does not renature to form a normal collagen triple helix. Why?
1. 细胞中水对于维持细胞温度的相对稳定具有重要作用,其原因是 水分间的氢键 能够吸收较多的热能。
2. 中膜体是细菌细胞质膜内陷折皱形成的,具有类似线粒体的功能。
Sugar-containing lipids called ______________ are found only in the outer half of the bilayer and their sugar groups are exposed at the cell surface. 4. 乙醇沉淀DNA的主要原理是 。 答: 除去DNA分子的结合水。
5. 从进化论的观点,细胞学说的创立解决了一个核心问题,就是: 解决了生命的共同起源,即生命的同一性问题。
6. 纤粘连蛋白与细胞结合的结构域具有特征性的三肽结构,简称RGD 序列,代表的三个氨基酸是∶Arg-Gly-Asp。 7. 倒置显微镜与普通显微镜的不同在于 。 答: 物镜和照明系统的位置颠倒 。
8. 间隙连接的功能除了有机械连接作用外,还具有代谢偶联和电偶联。 9. 原核生物的mRNA通过SD序列与核糖体rRNA结合,而真核生物的RNA
10. 肌醇磷脂信号通路中产生两个第二信使的前体物质是 。 答:PIP2。
11. 在细胞外基质中,具有抗压作用的分子是透明质酸。
12. NO是一种气体信号分子,在体内主要由精氨酸产生, 它的半衰期很短, 故只作用于邻近细胞, 它作用的靶酶是鸟苷酸环化酶。
13. K+ 离子很难通过人工膜, 但加入短杆菌肽A后, 对K+ 的透性大大增 加, 原因是 。
14. 蛋白质合成时多聚核糖体的形成对生命活动的意义在于: 节省了遗传信息量,减轻了核的负担。
15. NAPs是了解得较多的一类肽类激素, 它可以降低血压。这类信号的 传递需要通过第二信使 的放大作用。 答:c-GMP;
16. 限制哺乳动物细胞体积大小的主要因素有两个:一种是 的关系,另一种是 。
答:体积与表面积; 重要分子在细胞内的浓度
二、判断题(若是正确的标√号, 错误的标×号,并做简要说明。每题 1分,共20分)
1. One can determine if a membrane protein is exposed on the external side of the plasma membrane by covalent attachment of a labeling reagent or by protease digestion only if the membrane is intact. (√) 2. 脂锚定蛋白是通过蛋白的氨基酸残基同膜脂的脂肪酸链形成共价键而 锚定在质膜上。
3. CsCl密度梯度离心法分离纯化样品时, 样品要和CsCl混匀后分装, 离 心时, 样品中不同组分的重力不同, 停留在不同区带。( × )
答:错误, 不参与蛋白质的合成。
5. 在使用光学显微镜时, 如果物镜不变, 用10X的目镜时的分辨率比用5X的高一倍。(×) 答:错误, 10X目镜比5X的目镜放大倍数高, 但分辩率没有变。 6. Na+ -K+ 泵只存在于真核生物的细胞质膜而不存在于囊泡膜。 答:错误, 不细胞存在于植物质膜中。
7. 载体蛋白, 又称为通透酶, 它象酶一样, 不能改变反应平衡,只能增加达到反应平衡的速度; 但与酶不同的是, 载体蛋白不对被运的分子作任何修饰。 答:正确。
8. 选择蛋白和免疫球蛋白超家族蛋白介导的细胞粘着都是钙依赖性 的。
答:错误,选择蛋白介导的细胞粘着是钙依赖性的, 而免疫球蛋白超家族 蛋白介导的细胞粘着是非钙依赖性的
9. Ⅱ型内含子的剪接与核剪接机理相似, 都要形成剪接体和套索结构。 答: 错误, Ⅱ型内含子的剪接不形成剪接体。
10. 胶原在内质网中是可溶的, 在细胞外基质中是不可溶的。 答:正确;
11.Ca2+ 激酶同PKA、PKC、酪氨酸蛋白激酶一样, 都是使都是使靶蛋白 的丝氨酸和苏氨酸磷酸化。
答:错误, 酪氨酸蛋白激酶使靶蛋白的酪氨酸磷酸化。
12. 5SrRNA是由RNA聚合酶Ⅱ转录的, 它使用的是内部启动子。 答: T, 错误, 是RNA聚合酶Ⅲ转录的, 使用的是内部启动子。 13.水是细胞的主要成分, 并且多以结合水的形式存在于细胞中。( ) 答: 错误。水在细胞中主要是以游离水的形式存在,结合水只占4.5%。 14.协助扩散是被动运输的一种方式,它不消耗ATP,但是要在通道蛋白、 载体蛋白、离子泵的协助下完成。( × )
15.真核细胞质膜中孔蛋白的跨膜方式是通过β折叠。 答:错误,真核细胞质膜中没有孔蛋白。
16. 脂锚定蛋白是通过蛋白的氨基酸残基同膜脂的脂肪酸链形成共价键 而锚定在质膜上。
(×,有两种情况,另一种情况是通过糖与脂的共价连接进行锚定) 17.原核生物的核糖体同玉米的叶绿体的核糖体极为相似, 相互交换亚 基仍具有功能; 但同线粒体核糖体相互交换亚基就没有功能。 答:正确。
18. 真核生物和原核生物核糖体RNA转录后都要进行加工,包括对某些碱 基的甲基化和间隔序列的切除,虽然甲基化对于间隔序列的切除很重 要,但是这种甲基化位点也会随同间隔序列的切除而被切除。 答:错误,是一个永久性的结构。
19. Maintenance of the lipid bilayer in the plasma membrane requires special enzymes and the hydrolysis of ATP.( × )
20. Calmodulin regulates the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. ( x )
三、选择题(请将正确答案的代号填入括号,每题1分,共20分) 1. 下列内容中除了( )以外, 都是细胞学说的要点。 a. 所有生物都是由一个或多个细胞构成; b. 细胞是生命的最简单形式; c. 细胞是生命的结构单元; d. 细胞从初始细胞分化而来。 答:b. 正确
2. 光镜同电镜比较, 下列各项中, ( c )是不正确的。 a. 电镜用的是电子束, 而不是可见光;
b. 电镜样品要在真空中观察, 而不是暴露在空气中; c. 电镜和光镜的样品都需要用化学染料染色; d. 用于电镜的标本要彻底脱水, 光镜则不必。 答:c。
3. 下列哪种证据支持原始生命的形成无需DNA和酶的存在? a. RNA可编码遗传信息,并有催化剂作用。 b. DNA和酶仅存在于高度进化的细胞中。 c. 高等生物细胞缺乏RNA。 d. 所有上述原因。 答:a, 正确。
4. 与膜结合的糖类主要有:( )
a.D-半乳糖、D-甘露糖、N-乙酰基葡萄糖胺、L-岩藻糖、唾液酸 b.D-半乳糖胺、D-甘露糖、L-岩藻糖、唾液酸、透明质酸; c.D-半乳糖、D-乳糖、D-甘露糖、纤维二糖; d.D-半乳糖、半乳糖醛酸、岩藻糖、唾液酸。 答:a
5. 胶原有分子间和分子内连接,连接点都是通过( )。 a.赖氨酸; b.甘氨酸; c.苏氨酸; d.丝基酸。 答: a
6. 在动物细胞培养过程中要用( c ) 来进行观察。 a. 相差显微镜; b. 荧光显微镜; c. 倒置显微镜; d. 普通光学显微镜。 答:c.
7. 用光脱色恢复技术可以证明膜的流动性, 其原理是:( ) a. 用激光束淬灭质膜上一部分膜受体的荧光素; b. 用紫外光淬灭膜蛋白和膜脂的荧光素; c. 用紫外光淬灭膜蛋白或膜脂的荧光素; d. 用激光照射细胞的整个表面, 使荧光淬灭。 答:b
8. 下述哪一种情况能够支持核糖体RNA具有催化活性?( )
a.rRNA碱基序列是高度保守的,而核糖体蛋白的氨基酸序列则不然。 b.具有对抗生素抗性的细菌在rRNA分子中有取代的碱基,而在核糖 体蛋白质中没有被取代的氨基酸。 c.肽酰转移酶的反应对核糖核酸酶敏感。 d.上述都是。 答: c
9. 用抗纤连蛋白的抗体注射胚体,发现在神经系统发育过程中神经嵴细 胞的移动受到抑制。这些实验说明:( ) a. 神经嵴发育包括抗体基因的表达 b.发育中的神经无需要合成纤连蛋白 c.纤连蛋白-抗体复合物形成神经移动途径
d.胚胎中的神经元在移动过程中必须与纤连蛋白暂时结合 答: d
10. 乙酰胆碱受体属于( )系统。 a.酶联受体; b.G-蛋白偶联受体; c.通道偶联受体; d.以上都不是。 答: c
11.心钠肽是心房肌细胞产生的肽激素,对血压具有调节作用。心钠肽作 为第一信使作用于受体, 并在细胞内产生第二信使, 下面四种第二信 使中哪一种对于心钠肽具有应答作用?( ) a.cAMP; b.cGMP; c. Ca2+; d. DAG。 答: b
12. 前体rRNA甲基化的重要性在于( )。 a.保证最后的rRNA能够装配成正确的三级结构 b.防止前体rRNA被加工 c.防止成熟rRNA部分被降解 d.上述都不是 答: c
13. A membrane-affiliated protein is isolated by detergent extraction, and found to be amphipathic and lacking any nonprotein components. To which class of membrane proteins does it belong? a. integral proteins b. peripheral proteins c. lipid-anchored proteins d. none of the above 答:a
14. The distribution of K+ across an artificial membrane was measured, and the concentrations were found to be equal on both sides. Which of the following statements is true about the distribution of K+? a. K+ must be at equilibrium across the cell membrane. b. K+ cannot be at equilibrium across the membrane.
c. There cannot be a membrane potential under these conditions. More information is needed to determine whether K+ is at equilibrium. 答:d
15. Which of the following is not a step in the regulation of glycogen metabolism:
a. Epinephrine stimulates an increase in cAMP.
b. A cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase. c. A cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase kinase.
d. A rise in cAMP activates a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. 答:b
16. Both epinephrine and glucagon bind to C protein~oupled receptors and activate glycogen breakdown. Therefore, epinephrine and glucagon must: a. have very similar structures and bind to the same receptor. b. bind to receptors with different ligand-binding sites but similar functions.
c. bind to different receptors and activate different second messengers. d. bind to the same receptors, one being intracellular and the other, extracellular. 答:b
17. Which mutant form of ras is likely to cause malignancy? a. ras that cannot hydrolyze GTP b. ras that cannot bind to GTP c. ras that cannot bind to Grb2 or Sos d. ras that cannot bind to Raf 答:a
The sequence of events that occurs after insulin binds to its receptor tyrosine kinase is:
a. binding of IRS -> phosphorylation of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect b. binding of proteins with SH2 domains -> phosphorylation of IRS -> effect c. autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of IRS -> binding of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect
autophosphorylation and binding of IRS -> phosphorylation of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect
19. 下列连接方式中属于与中间纤维相连的锚定连接的是( c )。 a.粘合带; b.粘合斑; c.桥粒; d.紧密连接。
20. 缬氨霉素是一种可形成通道的离子载体, 能够使( a )的运输速度提 高100,000倍。
a.K+ ; b.Na+ ; c.Ca2+ ; d.H+
四、简答题(每题4分, 选做5题,共20分)
1.Describe the similarities and differences in the cycling of Gs and Ras between the active and inactive forms.
Answer 1:. Binding of hormone to its receptor causes a con-formational change in the receptor. The receptor then binds to Gm protein causing a conformational change in the Gsa protein and release of the bound GDP. GTP then binds to Gsa which causes release of the GTP-Gsa complex from the b and ¡ subunits. The GTP-Gsa complex then activates adenylyl cyclase. Activation is short-lived because the intrinisic GTPase activity in Gsa hydrolyzes GTP to GDP and returns G~ to its inactive form.
2. 如何理解“被动运输是减少细胞与周围环境的差别,而主动运输则是努 力创造差别,维持生命的活力”?
答: 主要是从创造差异对细胞生命活动的意义方面来理解这一说法。主动运输涉及物质输入和输出细胞和细胞器,并且能够逆浓度梯度或电化学梯度。这种运输对于维持细胞和细胞器的正常功能来说起三个重要作用:① 保证了细胞或细胞器从周围环境中或表面摄取必需的营养物质,即使这些营养物质在周围环境中或表面的浓度很低;② 能够将细胞内的各种物质,如分泌物、代谢废物以及一些离子排到细胞外,即使这些物质在细胞外的浓度比细胞内的浓度高得多; ③能够维持一些无机离子在细胞内恒定和最适的浓度,特别是K+、Ca2+和H+的浓度。概括地说,主动运输主要是维持细胞内环境的稳定,以及在各种不同生理条件下细胞内环境的快速调整, 这对细胞的生命活动来说是非常重要的。
3. 紧密连接除了连接细胞外还有什么作用?意义何在?
答: 紧密连接除了连接细胞之外,还有两个作用:防止物质双向渗漏,并限制了膜蛋白在脂分子层的流动,维持细胞的极性。
4. 胰高血糖素和肾上腺素是如何使靶细胞中的cAMP的浓度升高的?
答: 胰高血糖素和肾上腺素作为第一信使作用于靶细胞的膜受体, 通过G蛋白偶联细激活腺苷酸环化酶,将ATP生成cAMP。
5. 核酶是如何被发现及证实的? 这一发现有什么意义?
答: 1981年,Thomas Cech和他的同事在研究四膜虫的26S rRNA前体加工去除基因内含子时获得一个惊奇的发现∶内含子的切除反应发生在仅含有核苷酸和纯化的26S rRNA前体而不含有任何蛋白质催化剂的溶液中,可能的解释只能是:内含子切除是由26S rRNA前体自身催化的,而不是蛋白质。
6. 为什么说水是细胞中优良的热缓冲体系?
五、实验证明题。(简要说明,不需详细步骤。每小题5分,任选2题, 共10分)。
1. Some integral membrane enzymes depend upon the lipids in their microenvironment not only for scaffolding, but for enzymatic activity. The Na+-K+ ATPase is one example. Please design an experiment to test the influence of membrane fluidity on the velocity of the Na+-K+ ATPase. Answers:
1. Identify a tissue that would serve as a good source of the enzyme of interest, e.g., the plasma membranes of nerve tissue. Solubilize the Na+-K+ ATPase from its native membrane using detergents. Reconstitute the enzyme into liposomes of simple and well-defined composition, then assay the enzyme for activity. By synthesizing a variety of liposomes with different amounts of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the fiuidity of the liposome can be altered, and the enzyme can be tested under conditions of different fiuidity. (To measure the fiuidity of the liposomes directly, without having to infer it from the fatty acid composition, either FRAP or SPT techniques can be applied.)
2. 如何证明RNA聚合酶Ⅲ进行5S rRNA基因转录时, 使用的是内部启动子?
可通过基因操作。如将5S rRNA基因的5'侧的上游序列完全除去,检测转录情况, 然后再切去5S rRNA基因的部分内部序列,再检测转录情况。实验结果表明: 将5S rRNA基因的5'侧的上游序列完全除去并不影响5S rRNA基因的转录。但是,如果将5S rRNA基因内部缺失一部分序列(从50位到80位缺失),RNA聚合酶Ⅲ不仅不能转录这段DNA,甚至不能结合上去(图6E-1)。如果将5S rRNA基因的内部启动子序列插入到基因组的其它部位,会使插入的部位形成一个新的转录起点。
图E6-1 RNA聚合酶Ⅲ转录5S rRNA基因启动子的鉴定
将图中5S rRNA基因的A片段或D片段缺失都不影响RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的转录,但是将B片段或C片段缺失,都会影响RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的转录。表明5S rRNA基因的启动子位于5S基因内部的控制区。
3. 请设计一个实验研究受体与配体结合的特异性
克采用非放射性标记的底物同放射性标记的配体竞争受体的结合位点的方法,原理是: 如果结合是特异性的话,只有信号分子能够同受体结合,而与信号分子无关的分子则不能同受体结合。例如,放射性标记的胰岛素与受体的结合不会受葡萄糖或ACTH(促肾上腺皮质激素)的抑制,但是能够被非放射性标记的胰岛素或胰岛素衍生物所抑制(图E5-2)。
图5-17 证明激素与受体结合特异性的实验
1. “解铃还需系铃人”这句谚语在细胞活动中能找到对应的故事吗?请 说明。(5分)
2. 计算题(5分)
① The average molecular weight of proteins in the cell is about 30,000 daltons. A few proteins, however, are very much larger. The largest known polypeptide chain made by any cell is a protein called titin (made by muscle cells), and it has a molecular weight of 3,000,000 daltons. Estimate how long it will take a muscle cell to translate an mRNA coding for titin (assume the average molecular weight of an amino acid to be 120, and a translation rate of two amino acids per second for eucaryotic cells). ② Transcription occurs at a rate of about 30 nucleotides per second. Is it possible to calculate the time required to synthesize a titin mRNA from the information given here? 2. Answer:
① A titin molecule is made of 25,000 amino acids. It therefore takes about 3.5 hours to synthesize a single molecule of titin in muscle cells.
② To calculate the time it takes to transcribe a titin mRNA, you would need to know the size of its gene, which is likely to contain many introns. Transcription of the exons alone requires about 42 minutes. Because
introns can be quite large, the time required to transcribe the entire gene is likely to be considerably longer.
2. 综合思考(10分, 按答题最多者计算每题得分)
① 物质运输是一个耗能过程,请举例说明有哪些能量来源?
②. What is the advantage of having an extracellular signal transmitted by a cascade of sequential events?
Answer②:Transduction of an extracellular signal via a cascade of sequential events is advantageous because of the amplification of the signal. The binding of a few molecules to a receptor can result in the synthesis of a large number of effector molecules because at each step of the cascade the signal is enzymatically amplified.
③. Heating of calf type I collagen fibers to 450C denatures the triple helices and separates the three chains from each other. Collagen that has been treated in this way does not renature to form a normal collagen triple helix. Why?
Answer③The N-terminal and C-terminal propeptides pre-sent in newly synthesized collagen monomers as-ist in alignment of the peptides to form the triple helix. These propeptides are removed after the trimers are transported to the extracellular matrix, and thus are not available to perform the same function in denatured calf type I collagen. In addition, inappropriate disulfide bridges can be generated during renaturation; these will also inhibit the generation of a normal triple helix.
一、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分) 1. 一个导肽,两个导肽。
2. 微丝装配与去装配假说,肌动蛋白与肌球蛋白相互作用。 3. Proton-motive
4. “START”基因;发现了CDK。发现了调节CDK的功能物质CYCLIN.
5. 把有丝分裂期间出现的纺锤体、中心体、星体及染色体统称为有丝分裂器。 6. 答:胞质溶胶中的ATP; 跨线粒体内膜的质子动力势; 7. 除去叶绿素不能吸收的杂色光。 8. 笼型蛋白,包被蛋白
9. 答: ①形成纺锤体, 将染色体拉向两极; ②胞质分裂; 10. B①引导新生蛋白进入内质网; ②帮助蛋白质正确装配。 11.①连接两个姊妹染色单体; ②为动力微管的装配提供位点。
二、判断题(若是正确的标√号, 错误的标×号,每题1分,共15分) 1. ∨ 2. ×
3. (×,Not only do plants need mitochondria to make ATP in cells that
do not have chloroplasts, such as root cells, but mitochondria make most of the cytosolic ATP in all plant cells.) 4. ×
5. 答: T,错误, 同源染色体间的分子重组是随机发生的。 6. 答:T, 正确。 7. 答: T, 正确;
8. 答:T, 错误, 8个小亚基是核基因编码;
9.答: T, 错误, 不一样,α亚基结合GTP后不被水解, 也不与GDP交换, 而β亚基上 的GTP结合位点是可交换位点;
10. 答: T, 错误, 中心粒中的微管是三联管。 11. 答: T, 正确;
12.答:T, 错误, M6P受体也位于细胞质膜上。 13. 答:T, 正确; 14. 答:T, 正确; 15. 错误,粉末状的染色体
三、选择题(请将正确答案的代号填入括号,每题1分,共15分) 1.(d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. t( b ) 8. (b) 9. ( a ) 10. ( d )。 11. ( b )。 12. ( b ) 13. ( d ) 14. ( c ) 15. ( a )。
四、简答题(选做4题,每题5分,20分) 1. Answer1:
(1). If only GDP were present, microtubules would continue to shrink and eventually disappear, because tubulin dimers with GDP have very low affinity for each other and will not add stably to microtubules.
(2). If GTP is present but cannot be hydrolyzed, microtubules will continue to grow until all free tubulin subunits have been used up. 2.
Answer2. Regulated secretion occurs only in response to a signal. The proteins to be secreted
are stored in special secretory vesicles. Sorting into the regulated secretory pathway is controlled by selective protein aggregation. Constitutive secretion appears to occur by default with secretory proteins, which do not selectively aggregate being included in transport vesicles. 3.
Answer 3. The protein is translocated into the ER. Its ER signal sequence is recognized as soon as it emerges from the ribosome. The ribosome then becomes bound to the ER membrane, and the growing polypeptide chain is transferred through the ER translocation channel. The nuclear localization sequence is therefore never exposed to the cytosol. It will never encounter nuclear import receptors, and the protein will not enter the nucleus. 4.
5.答: 过氧化物酶体中的氧化酶都是利用分子氧作为氧化剂, 催化下面的化学反应: RH2 + O2 ---------→ R + H2O2
这一反应对细胞内氧的水平有很大的影响。例如在肝细胞中,有20%的氧是由过氧化物酶体消耗的,其余的在线粒体中消耗。在过氧化物酶体中氧化产生的能量以产热的方式消耗掉, 而在线粒体中氧化产生的能量贮存在ATP中。线粒体与过氧化物酶体对氧的敏感性是不一样的,线粒体氧化所需的最佳氧浓度为2%左右,增加氧浓度,并不提高线粒体的氧化能力。过氧化物酶体与线粒体不同, 它的氧化率是随氧张力增强而成正比地提高(图7-44)。因此,在低浓度氧的条件下,线粒体利用氧的能力比过氧化物酶体强,但在高浓度氧的情况下,过氧化物酶体的氧化反应占主导地位,这种特性使过氧化物酶体具有使细胞免受高浓度氧的毒性作用。 五、
图1 含有NLS信号的核蛋白从细胞质输入细胞核的推测模型
答: 按照这一推测的模型,在细胞质中的核运输蛋白α、核运输蛋白β和货物蛋白(cargo protein)相互作用形成一个运输复合物,其中运输蛋白α亚基识别并与NLS结合。而运输蛋白β亚基与核孔复合物作用,将复合物转运到细胞核中。在此过程中需要消耗ATP。在细胞核中,Ran·GTP(一种小GTP结合蛋白)与输入蛋白β亚基相互作用,导致货物蛋白与复合物脱离,成为细胞核中的游离蛋白。为了进行下一个运输循环,输入蛋白α亚基和输入蛋白β亚基—Ran·GTP复合物重新回到细胞质。细胞质中的Ran GTP—激活蛋白(RanGAP)将Ran·GTP转变成Ran·GDP, 并使Ran·GDP与输入蛋白β亚基脱离,游离的输入蛋白β亚基和α亚基一起参与新的具有NLS信号的入核蛋白的运输。而Ran·GDP可通过核孔复合物回到细胞核中,在Ran核苷交换因子1(Ran nucleotide-exchange factor1,RCC1)的作用下,释放GDP, 重新结合GTP。 2.
图2. 酵母MPF的活性调节
答: 开始p34cdc2 蛋白激酶是无活性的, 同周期蛋白B结合后,仍然没有活性, 但此时的复合物成为两种激酶的底物, 一种是Weel激酶, 它使p34cdc2的靠近催化位点的酪氨酸残基(Tyr15)磷酸化, 阻止了它本身的激活, 防止了Cdc2作为成熟的MPF起作用。第二种蛋白激酶是MO15, 可以使Cdc2的另外一个位点的
苏氨酸(Thr167)磷酸化, 这种磷酸化最大限度地激活了MPF的活性, 但是, 只要酪氨酸残基也是磷酸化的,Cdc2-周期蛋白复合物就没有活性, 这种无活性的MPF称为前MPF(Pre-MPF)。要使MPF具有活性,需要要靠第二种蛋白, 在酵母中是Cdc25蛋白将磷酸化的酪氨酸残基去磷酸化从而被激活, 诱导细胞从G2进入M期。不过,Wee1和Cdc25是相互竞争的,如果细胞生长得不够大,Wee1的活性就强,有利于MPF的磷酸化,若细胞生长得够大,就有利于脱磷酸,促进细胞进入M期。
关于膜的合成,曾提出两个模型:一个自装配模型(spontaneous self-assembly), 即膜是理由蛋白、脂和糖自动组装的, 但与体外实验结果不符。因为用纯化的脂和蛋白在体外装配时总是形成脂质体,这种脂质体与活细胞膜的一个根本区别是:脂质体的结构总是对称的, 而活细胞中膜结构则是不对称的。 第二个是不断更新模型, 该模型认为膜的合成通过不断地将脂和蛋白插入已有的膜,即由已有膜的生长而来。这一模型比较符合细胞膜结构的动态性质, 由于细胞的胞吞和胞吐作用以及小泡运输,使膜处于动态平衡状态, 这样膜也就不必重新合成,而是在原有的基础上不断更新。 膜的合成涉及脂、蛋白和糖的来源问题。
膜脂有两种来源:①通过磷脂转运蛋白,如线粒体、叶绿体、过氧化物酶体等细胞器膜中的脂就是靠这种方式运送的。②通过出芽和膜融合,如ER通过出芽形成分泌小泡运送蛋白质时,膜脂也随之运送到高尔基体,并通过高尔基体形成分泌小泡将膜脂运送到细胞质膜。由于内质网与核膜相连, 通过细胞分裂和核膜重建,ER上合成的膜脂也就转移到核膜。原核生物没有内质网,它的磷脂是在质膜上合成并由类似于真核生物的转位蛋白调整磷脂在膜上的分布。
膜蛋白有整合蛋白和外周蛋白。用水泡性口炎病毒(vesicular stomatitis virus,VSV)作为模式系统研究了细胞膜整合蛋白和外周蛋白的形成途径, 发现膜整合蛋白是通过内膜系统经小泡转运到质膜上的, 而外周蛋白则是在游离核糖体上合成,并以可溶的形式释放到胞质溶胶中。然后再与细胞质膜的胞质溶胶面结合,成为外周蛋白。糖则是在内质网和高尔基体腔中通过对蛋白的修饰添加的。最后在与质膜融合时,通过外翻,糖的部分位于细胞质膜的外侧。这就是为何几乎所有质膜上的糖蛋白的糖都是朝向细胞外的原因。 脂锚定蛋白的形成有几种可能的机制:
脂肪酸锚定膜蛋白是水溶性的,在游离核糖体合成后释放到胞质溶胶中,然后与包埋在质膜中的脂肪酸共价结合。连接的脂肪酸包括豆蔻酸(myristic acid, 一种14碳的饱和脂肪酸)和棕榈酸(palmitic acid,一种16碳的饱和脂肪酸)。 七、1.
2.(5分) Answer2:
A. The problem is that vesicles having two different kinds of v-SNAREs in their membrane could dock on either of two different membranes.
B. The answer to this puzzle is presently not known, but we can predict that cells must have ways of turning the docking ability of SNAREs on and off. This may be achieved through other proteins that are, for example, copackaged in the ER with SNAREs into transport vesicles and facilitate the interactions of the correct v-SNARE with the t-SNARE in the cis Golgi network.
3 (10分)。 Answer3. Membrane proteins are sorted to either the apical or basolateral domains by several different mechanisms. One mechanism for targeting proteins to the appropriate domain of the plasma membrane involves sorting in the trans-Golgi network. Except for the GPI anchor, which acts as an apical or basolateral targeting signal, no unique sequences have been identified that target proteins to the apical or basolateral domain. Another mechanism operates in bepatocytes where all newly made apical and basolateral proteins are first delivered together from the trans-Golgi network to the basolateral membrane. From there, both apical and basolateral proteins are endocyto-sed to the same vesicles. Within endosomes, there is then sorting and transport to the appropriate domain. The attachment of integral membrane proteins to the cytoskeleton serves as a retention signal and may assist in the apicai-basolateral sorting of some proteins. Hence, depending on cell type, at least three different mechanisms for api-cal-basolateral sorting are possible.
4.(5分) Answer4. Normally, cells divide only when they have grown to a certain size. This size control is clearly defective in the two mutant strains. In the case of gee cells, cell size increases without ever triggering cell division, suggesting that the mutant cell-cycle control protein has lost its ability to monitor cell size. It might, for example, now permanently inhibit MPF. In wee cells, on the other hand, the mutant control protein triggers cell division prematurely, before cells have grown to the appropriate size. This could be a control protein, for example, that no longer inhibits MPF, so that MPF becomes active prematurely. In fact, there is a yeast cell-cycle control protein called Wee1, which is a kinase that phosphorylates MPF on a site that causes its inactivation; yeast cells with a mutation in the wee-1 gene have a short cell cycle and are small. 试题三
1. 细胞中水对于维持细胞温度的相对稳定具有重要作用,其原因是 。
2. 纤粘连蛋白与细胞结合的结构域具有特征性的三肽结构,简称RGD 序列,代表的三个氨基酸是∶ 。
3. _ _ is an intracellular protein that binds calcium and activates enzymes.
A substance that fits into a specific binding site on the surface of a protein molecule is called a __ .
5. Two products of phospholipase C activity that serve as second messengers
are _ and .
Cyclic AMP is produced by the enzyme _ _ and degraded by the enzyme _ _
7. NO是一种气体信号分子,在体内主要由精氨酸产生, 它的半衰期很短, 故只作用于邻近细胞, 它作用的靶酶是 。
8. junctions enable cells to get a hold on the extracellular matrix by connecting their actin filaments to the matrix.
9. 动物细胞质膜靠 建立膜两侧的质子动力势,而植物细胞则是靠 。 10. 蛋白质合成时多聚核糖体的形成对生命活动的意义在于: 。
11. 限制哺乳动物细胞体积大小的主要因素有两个:一种是 的关系,另一种是 。
12. Ca2+-ATPase是一个 次跨膜的膜蛋白,有 个细胞质环,工作时每次可以将 个Ca2+泵到细胞外。 13. 选择蛋白介导的细胞粘着是 依赖性的, 而免疫球蛋白超家 族蛋白介导的细胞粘着是 依赖性的。
二、判断题(若是正确的标√号, 错误的标×号,每题1分,共20分) 1. K+ 离子很难通过人工膜, 但加入短杆菌肽A后, 对K+ 的透性大大增 加, 原因是短杆菌肽A可作为离子载体运输K+。( )
2. One can determine if a membrane protein is exposed on the external side of the plasma membrane by covalent attachment of a labeling reagent or by protease digestion only if the membrane is intact. ( ) 3. 脂锚定蛋白是通过蛋白的氨基酸残基同膜脂的脂肪酸链形成共价键而 锚定在质膜上。( )
4. CsCl密度梯度离心法分离纯化样品时, 样品要和CsCl混匀后分装, 离 心时, 样品中不同组分的重力不同, 停留在不同区带。( )
5. 载体蛋白, 又称为通透酶, 它象酶一样, 不能改变反应平衡,只能增加达到反应平衡的速度; 但与酶不同的是, 载体蛋白不对被运的分子作任何修饰。( )
6. Ⅱ型内含子的剪接与核剪接机理相似, 都要形成剪接体和套索结构。( ) 7. 5SrRNA是由RNA聚合酶Ⅱ转录的, 它使用的是内部启动子。( )
8. The surface area/volume ratio is generally greater for a prokaryotic cell than for a eukaryotic cell.( )
9. The ribosomes found in the mitochondria of your musde cells are more like those of the bacteria in your intestine than they are like the ribosomes in the cytosol of your musde cells.( )
10. Facilitated diffusion of a cation occurs only from a compartment of higher concentration to a compartment of lower concentration.( )
11. Active transport is always driven by the hydrolysis of high-energy phosphate bonds.( ) 12. Treatment of an animal cell with an inhibitor that is specific for the Na+/K+ pump is not likely to affect the uptake of glucose by sodium cotransport.( )
13. Tight junctions get their name from their property of holding cells together so tightly that they cannot be separated by mechanical forces.( ) 14. Gap junctions connect the cytoskeletal elements of one cell to a
neighboring cell or to the extracellular matrix.( )
15. NO acts only locally because it has a short half-life--about 5 to 10 seconds--in the extracellular space before it is converted to nitrates and nitrites by oxygen and water.( )
Water-soluble signaling molecules, which have very short circulating life-times,
usually mediate responses of short duration, whereas water-insoluble ones, which persist in the blood for hours to days, tend to mediate longer-lasting responses.( ) 17. Ribozyme(核酶)的化学本质是RNA, 但具有酶的活性, 专司切割RNA。( )
18.真核生物的28S、18S和5S的rRNA属于同一个转录单位,先转录成一个45S的前体, 然后边加工边装配核糖体的大、小两个亚基。( )
19.水是细胞的主要成分, 并且多以结合水的形式存在于细胞中。( )
20. 为了使光学显微镜或电子显微镜标本的反差增大, 可用化学染料对它们进行染色。( )
三、选择题(请将正确答案的代号填入括号,每题1分,共20分) 1. 下列内容中除了( )以外, 都是细胞学说的要点。 a. 所有生物都是由一个或多个细胞构成 b. 细胞是生命的最简单形式 c. 细胞是生命的结构单元 d. 细胞从初始细胞分化而来
2. 在动物细胞培养过程中要用( ) 来进行观察。 a. 相差显微镜; b. 荧光显微镜; c. 倒置显微镜; d. 普通光学显微镜。
3. 下述哪一种情况能够支持核糖体RNA具有催化活性?( ) a.rRNA碱基序列是高度保守的,而核糖体蛋白的氨基酸序列则不然 b.具有对抗生素抗性的细菌在rRNA分子中有取代的碱基,而在核糖 体蛋白质中没有被取代的氨基酸 c.肽酰转移酶的反应对核糖核酸酶敏感 d.上述都是
4. 用抗纤连蛋白的抗体注射胚体,发现在神经系统发育过程中神经嵴细 胞的移动受到抑制。这些实验说明:( ) a. 神经嵴发育包括抗体基因的表达 b.发育中的神经无需要合成纤连蛋白 c.纤连蛋白-抗体复合物形成神经移动途径
5. 心钠肽是心房肌细胞产生的肽激素,对血压具有调节作用。心钠肽作 为第一信使作用于受体, 并在细胞内产生第二信使, 下面四种第二信 使中哪一种对于心钠肽具有应答作用?( ) a.cAMP b.cGMP c. Ca2+ d. DAG
6. The distribution of K+ across an artificial membrane was measured, and the concentrations were found to be equal on both sides. Which of the
following statements is true about the distribution of K+?( ) a. K+ must be at equilibrium across the cell membrane b. K+ cannot be at equilibrium across the membrane
c. There cannot be a membrane potential under these conditions More information is needed to determine whether K+ is at equilibrium
7. Which mutant form of ras is likely to cause malignancy?( ) a. ras that cannot hydrolyze GTP b.ras that cannot bind to GTP c. ras that cannot bind to Grb2 or Sos d. ras that cannot bind to Raf
8. The hormone glucagon stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen in liver and muscle cells by the following enzymes. Which is the first enzyme that must be activated?( ) a. Protein kinase A b. Phosphorylase kinase c. Glycogen phosphorylase d. Protein phosphatase e. Protein phosphatase inhibitor-1
9. A cancer-causing gene makes G protein permanently bind to GTP, this results in( ). a. Continual production of cAMP. b. Continual production of GDP. c. Inhibition of cGMP production. d. Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. e. None of the above
10. Which one of the following is not part of a prokaryotic ribosome?( ) a. A 30S subunit consisting of 16S rRNA b. A 50S subunit consisting of 23S and 5S rRNA c. A 30S subunit consisting of 21 proteins d. A 40S subunit consisting of 18S rRNA e. None of the above
11. Which one of the following was used to determine the structure of the DNA molecule?( ) a. Transmission electron microscope b. Scanning electron microscope c. Differential centrifugatioin d. X-ray crystallography e. None of the above
12. You stain membrane proteins with a fluorescent-labeled antibody and notice the membrane is evenly stained. After a few hours, all of the fluorescence is at one end of a cell. You can conclude that( ).
a. Lipids flip-flop in the membrane. b. Proteins move laterally in the membrane. c. The fluorescent dye was bleached. d. Proteins act as transporters. e. All of the above
13. You have a preparation of ghosts and need to collect only the right-side out ghosts. You decide you can trap the right-side out ghosts in an affinity column packed with( ) a. SDS. b. A carbohydrate-binding molecule.
c. A protein-binding antibody. d. A serine-binding molecule. e. None of the above
14. All of the following individuals contributed to cell theory except( ) a. Robert Hooke. b. Matthias Schleiden. c. Theodor Schwann. d. Rudolf Virchow.
15. The addition of a peptide with an RGD sequence would probably ? the binding of cultured cells to a fibronectin coated dish.( ) a. enhance b. inhibit
c. have no effect on d. none of the above
16. 适于观察细胞表面及断面超微结构三维图像的仪器是( ) a.普通光镜 b.荧光显微镜 c.相差光镜 d.扫描电镜 e.透射电镜 17. 红细胞中O2与CO2交换作用主要依靠( )
a.血影蛋白 b.血型糖蛋白 c. 带Ⅲ蛋白 d.锚定蛋白 e. 肌动蛋白
18. 能与胞外信号特异识别和结合,介导胞内信使生成,引起细胞产生效应的是( ) A.carrier protein B.channel protein C.receptor D.1iand E.enzyme 19. 下列连接方式中属于与中间纤维相连的锚定连接的是( )。 a.粘合带; b.粘合斑; c.桥粒; d.紧密连接。
20. 带电的离子之所以不能自由通过质膜,其原因是( ) a.膜的孔径不够大; b.膜的电性与离子电性相斥; c.带电的离子聚集成团;
四、简答题(每题4分, 选做5题,共20分)
1. 基因敲除(knockout)实验中有哪些关键环节影响试验的成败?
2. 真核生物与原核生物的rRNA基因在组织结构、转录和加工中有什么 差异?
3. G protein-linked receptors activate heterotrimeric G proteins through inter-actions between the receptor and the Gb¡ subunit. Upon binding to the receptor, the Gb¡ subunit then catalyzes GDP/GTP exchange by the Ga subunit. How is this similar to the activation of Ras by a receptor tyrosine kinase?
如何理解“被动运输是减少细胞与周围环境的差别,而主动运输则是 努力创造差别,维持生命的活力”?
5. 1981年,Thomas Cech和他的同事在世界上首次发现核酶,并获得了支持这一发现的实验证据。从他们的发现中你有何感想?
6. 为什么说水是细胞中优良的热缓冲体系?
1. Some integral membrane enzymes depend upon the lipids in their microenvironment not only for scaffolding, but for enzymatic activity. The Na+-K+ ATPase is one example. Please design an experiment to test the influence of membrane fluidity on the velocity of the Na+-K+ ATPase.
2. Describe the experimental approach used to identify functional domains of G-protein coupled receptors.
六、分析、计算与思考(20分) 1. 分析题(任选1题,5分)
(1) Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often seen in elderly people. A typical prescription to reduce a patient's blood pressure includes compounds called beta-blockers, which block b-adrenergic receptors through-out the body. These receptors bind epinephrine, thereby activating a cellular response. Why do you think beta-blockers are effective in reducing blood pressure?
(2)“解铃还需系铃人”这句谚语在细胞活动中能找到对应的故事吗? 请说明。
2. 计算与思考(5分)
Assume you were given a mixture consisting of one molecule each of all possible sequences of a smallish protein of molecular weight 4800. How big a container would you need to hold this sample? Assume that the average molecular weight of an amino acid is 120.
What does this calculation tell you about the fraction of possible proteins that are currently in use by living organisms {the average molecular weight of proteins is about 30,000}?
2. 综合思考(10分, 按答题最多者计算每题得分)
(1) Compare and contrast the extracellular matrix (ECM) of animal cells with the walls around plant cells.
(2) 举例(3~5个)说明研究方法的突破对细胞生物学发展的推动作用。
(3) Heating of calf type I collagen fibers to 450C denatures the triple helices and separates the three chains from each other. Collagen that has been treated in this way does not renature to form a normal collagen triple helix. Why?
(4) Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often seen in elderly people. A typical prescription to reduce a patient's blood pressure includes compounds called beta-blockers, which block b-adrenergic receptors through-out the body. These receptors bind epinephrine, thereby activating a cellular response. Why do you think beta-blockers are effective in reducing blood pressure? 试题三参考答案
一、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分) 1. 水分间的氢键 能够吸收较多的热能。 2. Arg-Gly-Asp。 3. _Calmodulin_ i 4. __Ligand.
5. _IP3_ , DAG .
6. _Adenylyl cyclase_ ,_phosphodiesterase_ 7.鸟苷酸环化酶。 8. 粘着斑
9. K+-Na+泵, H+泵。
10. 节省了遗传信息量,减轻了核的负担。 11. 答:体积与表面积; 重要分子在细胞内的浓度 12. 10, 2 13.非钙
二、判断题(若是正确的标√号, 错误的标×号,并做简要说明。每题 1分,共20分)
1.答:错误,短杆菌肽A形成离子通道。 2. (√)
3. ×,有两种情况,另一种情况是通过糖与脂的共价连接进行锚定 4. ( × ) 5.答:正确。
6.答: 错误, Ⅱ型内含子的剪接不形成剪接体。
7.答: 错误, 是RNA聚合酶Ⅲ转录的, 使用的是内部启动子。 8.(√) 9.(√)
10. Answer:F; the direction of movement depends on both the concentration gradient and the membrane potential, so facilitated diffusion can occur from a compartment of lower concentration to a compartment of higher concentration if the membrane potential is in the right direction and of sufficient magnitude.
11.Answer:F; hydrolysis of high-energy phosphate bonds is a common means of driving active transport, but so is an ion gradient, as in sodium-driven cotransport of sugars and amino acids
into cells.
12.Answer:F; if the sodium-potassium pump is inhibited, the sodium gradient necessary for sodium-driven glucose uptake cannot be maintained and cotransport will decrease or even cease as the sodium gradient collapses.
13. Answer:False. Tight junctions provide molecule-tight seals between cells. 14.Answer.False. Gap junctions are communicating junctions. 15. Answer.True 16. Answer.True
17. 答:错误,除了水解酶的活性外,还有其他酶的活性,如磷酸酶活性。 18.答:错误,应是5.8S。 19.答:错误,结合水只占4~5%。 20. 答:错误,电镜要用电子染色。
三、选择题(请将正确答案的代号填入括号,每题1分,共20分) 1. 答:b. 正确 2. 答:c. 3. 答: c 4. 答: d 5.答: b 6. 答:d 7. 答:a 8. 答:a 9. 答:a 10. 答:d 11. 答:d 12. 答:b 13. 答:b 14. 答:a 15. 答:c 16.答:d 17.答:c 18. 答:c 19. 答:c 20. 答:d
四、简答题(每题4分, 选做5题,共20分)
2. 答:①真核生物的18S rRNA-5.8S rRNA-28S rRNA串联在一起;原核生物的16S rRNA-5SrRNA-23S rRNA串联在一起;②真核生物的18S rRNA-5.8S rRNA-28S rRNA物中不含tRNA基因;原核生物的16S rRNA-5SrRNA-23S rRNA转录物中有tRNA基因的转录产物。
3. Answer:The activation of Ras requires the assistance of another protein called SOS. Upon binding
to the tyrosine kinase receptor, SOS catalyzes the Ras GDP/GTP exchange reaction. In this respect, SOS and Ras together are similar to a heterotrimeric G protein. Here, SOS acts like the GBg subunits, whereas Ras is similar to a Ga subunit.
4. 答: 主要是从创造差异对细胞生命活动的意义方面来理解这一说法。主动运输涉及物质输入和输出细胞和细胞器,并且能够逆浓度梯度或电化学梯度。这种运输对于维持细胞和细胞器的正常功能来说起三个重要作用:① 保证了细胞或细胞器从周围环境中或表面摄取必需的营养物质,即使这些营养物质在周围环境中或表面的浓度很低;② 能够将细胞内的各种物质,如分泌物、代谢废物以及一些离子排到细胞外,即使这些物质在细胞外的浓度比细胞内的浓度高得多; ③能够维持一些无机离子在细胞内恒定和最适的浓度,特别是K+、Ca2+和H+的浓度。概括地说,主动运输主要是维持细胞内环境的稳定,以及在各种不同生理条件下细胞内环境的快速调整, 这对细胞的生命活动来说是非常重要的。
五、实验设计与分析。(简要说明,不需详细步骤。每小题5分,共10分)。 1. Answer:
Identify a tissue that would serve as a good source of the enzyme of interest, e.g., the plasma membranes of nerve tissue. Solubilize the Na+-K+ ATPase from its native membrane using detergents. Reconstitute the enzyme into liposomes of simple and well-defined composition, then assay the enzyme for activity. By synthesizing a variety of liposomes with different amounts of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the fiuidity of the liposome can be altered, and the enzyme can be tested under conditions of different fiuidity. (To measure the fiuidity of the liposomes directly, without having to infer it from the fatty acid composition, either FRAP or SPT techniques can be applied.)
2. Answer:
The functional domains of G-protein coupled receptors were determined by experiments using recombinant chimeric receptor proteins containing parts of the b2 and a2 adrenergic receptors. These chimeric receptors were tested for their ligand binding specificity and their ability to activate or inhibit adenylate cyclase. The results of these studies demonstrated that a helix 7 and the C-terminal domain of the receptor play a role in determining ligand binding specificity and the cyto-solic loop between a helices 5 and 6 interacts with G proteins.
六、分析、计算与思考(20分) 1. 分析题(任选1题,5分) (1) ANSWER:
The binding of epinephrine to b-adrenergic receptors causes a stimulation of heart function, both in terms of heart rate and with respect to the amount of work done in pumping blood. The effect appears to be mediated by cyclic AMP. When an antagonist such as the beta blocker propranolol
is given to patients with hypertension, the cellular response caused by the binding of epinephrine to beta receptors is partially inhibited. Heart function is gradually restored over a period of time, with a corresponding decrease in blood pressure.
2. 答案:
一个分子量4800的蛋白质由约40个氨基酸组成,因此有1.1 X 1052(=2040)
个不同方式去组成这个蛋白,其中每种蛋白每个分子重8x10-21g(=4800/(6X1023))。因此由每一种各一个分子组成的一个混合物重9 X 1031g(=8x lO-21g X 1.1 X 1052),它是地球总重量6X1024kg的15000倍。你真需要一个非常巨大的容器。
鉴于大部分细胞蛋白质甚至比这个例子中的大,据此显然在活细胞中只用全部 可能的氨基酸序列中的很小一部分。
2. 综合思考(10分, 按答题最多者计算每题得分) Answer:
(a) Both the ECM of animal cells and the walls around plant cells consist of long, rigid fibers embedded in an amorphous, hydrated matrix of branched- chain molecules, either glycoproteins (ECM) or polysaccharides (cell wall).
(b) For ECM, the fibers consist of collagen and the matrix is a network of proteoglycans. For cell walls, the fibers consist of cellulose and the matrix is a network of polysaccharides and proteins.
(c) Both ECM and cell walls are important in maintaining cell shape and in retaining water, thereby resisting compression.
(d) Roles unique to the ECM include regulation of cellular processes such as adhesion, motility, and differentiation during embryonic development. Roles unique to cell walls include protection of the cell from mechanical injury and microbial invasion, as well as provision of the mechanical support necessary to withstand the turgor pressure that gives plant tissues their rigidity.
(2) 答:①细胞培养技术 ②离心分离技术 ③流式细胞分离技术 ④基因敲除技术 ⑤干细胞培养技术
(3). Answer③The N-terminal and C-terminal propeptides present in newly synthesized collagen monomers as-ist in alignment of the peptides to form the triple helix. These propeptides are removed after the trimers are transported to the extracellular matrix, and thus are not available to perform the same function in denatured calf type I collagen. In addition, inappropriate disulfide bridges can be generated during renaturation; these will also inhibit the generation of a normal triple helix.
The binding of epinephrine to b-adrenergic receptors causes a stimulation of heart function, both
in terms of heart rate and with respect to the amount of work done in pumping blood. The effect appears to be mediated by cyclic AMP. When an antagonist such as the beta blocker propranolol is given to patients with hypertension, the cellular response caused by the binding of epinephrine to beta receptors is partially inhibited. Heart function is gradually restored over a period of time, with a corresponding decrease in blood pressure. 试题四
1. 分泌蛋白在内质网中通过加上 进行翻译后修饰。蛋白质
在 和 的腔中被被修饰。分泌蛋白通过 并形成 进行转运。有两种类型的包被小泡,一种是 ,它介导 的运输;另一种是 小泡,它介导 的运输。低密度的脂蛋白通过其表面的 与细胞质膜中的 结合,然后通过 被运进细胞内。
控制芽殖酵母细胞周期有几个关卡,其中G1关卡主要受 基因的控制。 3. 染色质由DNA包装成染色体压缩了8400倍,其中压缩率最高的是 从 压缩成 ,有 倍。
4. 2002年的生理学/医学诺贝尔奖颁给了两位英国科学家和一位美国科学家,以表 彰他们为研究器官发育和程序性细胞死亡过程中的 所作出的重大贡献。 5. 在线粒体内膜的呼吸链上有四种类型的电子载体,它们是∶ ① ;② ;③ ;④ 。
1.Indicate whether each of the following statements is true of the G1 phase of the cell cycle, the S phase, the G2 phase, or the M phase. A given statement may be true of any, all, or none of the phases.(每题0.5分,共5分)
(a) The amount of nuclear DNA in the cell doubles. (b) The nuclear envelope breaks into fragments. (c) Sister chromatids separate from each other.
(d) Cells that will never divide again are likely to be arrested in this phase. (e) The primary cell wall of a plant cell forms.
(f) Chromosomes are present as diffuse, extended chromatin. (g) This phase is part of interphase. (h) Mitotic cydin is at its lowest level. (i) A Cdk protein is present in the cell.
(j) A cell cycle checkpoint has been identified in this phase.
2. 同一个体不同组织的细胞中, 核仁的大小和数目都有很大的变化, 这种变化和细胞中蛋白质合成的旺盛程度有关。( )
3. 将同步生长的M期细胞与同步生长的S期细胞融合,除了见到正常的染色体外,还可见到细线状的染色体。( )
4. 在有丝分裂后期,通过对周期蛋白的遍在蛋白多聚化,介导周期蛋白被蛋白酶体降解,从而退出M期。( )
5. 核纤层是由核纤层蛋白A、核纤层蛋白B和核纤层蛋白C构成的,其中只有核纤层蛋白A与内核膜相连,核纤层蛋白B和C则与染色质相连。( )
6. 在细胞周期中,如果纺锤体装配不正常,则被阻止G2期。
7. 结合有核糖体的内质网被称为粗面内质网,脱去核糖体的内质网则称为光面内 质网。( )
8. 同源异型框是一类同源异型基因表达产物中60个氨基酸的保守序列, 它的突变 可以改变发育的方向。( )
9. 叶绿体的核酮糖二磷酸羧化酶是由16个亚基组成的聚合体, 其中8个大亚基是核基因编码的。( ) 10. 有丝分裂器中有三种类型的纺锤体微管,其中星微管的可能作用是给核分裂传 递信号。( )
11. 在减数分裂过程中,染色体间发生的分子重组是随机发生的。( )
1. Ethyl alcohol is detoxified in the liver. You would expect alcohol to have which of the following effects on liver cells? ( ) a. Nuclear degeneration b. Growth of the smooth ER c. Increased lysosomes d. Growth of rough ER e. None of the above
2. Which of the following proteins would not be found in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?( ) a. Ca2+-pumping enzymes b. cytochrome P450 c. glucose 6-phosphatase d. signal peptidase
3. Which of the following explains why microsomes can't be seen in cells viewed with the electron microscope?( )
a. They are far too small.
b. They are artifacts of homogenization and centrifugation. c. They are transparent to electrons.
d. They actually can be seen in electron micrographs of cells.
4. If you compared the proteins in a cis Golgi compartment with those in a trans Golgi compartment, you would find:( )
a. the proteins in the two compartments are identical.
b. the proteins in the cis compartment are glycosylated and contain
modified amino acids, whereas those in the trans compartment are not modified.
c. the proteins in the cis compartment are glycosylated, whereas those in the trans compartment are glycosylated and contain modified amino acids.
d. the proteins of the cis compartment are shorter than those of the trans compartment. 5. Which type of vesicle of the trans Golgi network would be most likely to carry hormones destined for regulated secretion?( ) a. lysosomal vesicles b. clathrin-coated vesicles c. non-clathrin-coated vesicles d. all of the above
6. If you treated cells with a drug that interferes with microtubules, such as colchicine, which of the following would result?( ) a. Cell shape would be disrupted. b. Mitosis and meiosis would not occur.
c. The intracellular location of organelles would be disrupted. d. All of the above would result.
7. First you dissolve the membrane from an intact flagellum, using the detergent Triton X-100. Next you soak the axoneme in a solution containing EDTA, which removes the Mg2+. What remains of the axoneme after these treatments?( ) peripheral tubules only
b. peripheral tubules and central tubules, but no side arms or ATPase activity c. peripheral tubules, central tubules, side arms, and ATPase activity
d. peripheral tubules, central tubules, side arms, ATPase activity, and a Membrane 8. The sarcoplasmic reticulum must have integral membrane proteins that can: a. release and pump Ca2+.( ) b. bind to tropomyosin and troponin. c. undergo action potentials. d. contract.
When chromatin is treated with nonspecific nucleases, what is the length of the reulting pieces of DNA? a. random numbers of base pairs b. about 60 base pairs c. about 8 base pairs d. about 200 base pairs 10. What do telomeres do?( )
a. They protect the chromsomes from degradation by nucleases.
b. They prevent the ends of chromosomes from fusing with one another. c. They are required for complete chromosomal replication. d. all of the above
11. Cyclin concentrations are highest during which periods of the cell cycle?( ) a. late G1 and early S b. late G2 and early M c. late G1 and late G2 d. late M and late S
ARF是一种单体G蛋白, 它有一个GTP/GDP结合位点, 当结合有GDP时, 没 有活性。若ARF-GDP同( )结合, 可引起GDP和GTP的交换。 a.GTPase; b.GTP酶激活蛋白;
c.Ca2+-ATPase d.鸟嘌呤核苷释放蛋白。
13. 用剧烈方法分离到的叶绿体是Ⅱ型叶绿体,不能( ) 。 a. 产生O2 b.不能合成ATP c. 不能产生NADPH d.不能固定CO2
14. 细胞的生长和分化在本质上是不同的, 生长是细胞数量的增加、干重 的增加;而细胞分化则是: ( )
a. 形态结构发生变化; b. 生理功能发生变化;
c. 生化特征发生变化; d. 以上都是正确的。
15. 真核生物的基因表达调控发生在四个水平上。通过对DNA的甲基化来关闭基因的调控则是属于( )。 a. 染色质活性水平的调控;b. 转录水平调控; c. 转录后加工水平的调控;d. 翻译水平的调控。
1. How does regulated secretion differ from constitutive secretion?
2. Dynamic instability causes microtubules either to grow or to shrink rapidly. Consider an individual micro-tubule that is in its shrinking phase. What would happen if the solution contained an analogue of GTP that cannot be hydrolyzed?
3. State the conclusion that can be drawn from the following finding:
When an animal cell is treated with colchicine, its microtubules depolymerize and virtually disappear. If the colchicine is then washed away, the MTs appear again, beginning at the centrosome and elongating outward at about the rate (1 gm/min) at which tubulin polymerizes in vitro.
4. 什么是蛋白质N-连接糖基化和O-连接糖基化?发生在何种部位?
5. 过氧化物酶体是怎样进行氧浓度调节的?有什么意义?
1. In an electron micrograph of a human chromosome spread, you observe a thick fiber with a length of about 900 nm and an apparent diameter of 30 nm, which is expected for the solenoid structure of condensed chromatin.
What is the length in base pairs of the double-helical DNA present in this fiber? Assume, for simplicity, that there is one helical turn of the solenoid per 30 nm along the fiber.
2. One of the functions of the mitotic Cdk (the MPF protein kinase) is to cause a precipitous drop in cyclin concentration halfway through M phase. Describe the consequences of this sudden decrease and suggest possible mechanisms by which it might occur.
3. A protein that inhibits certain proteolytic enzymes (proteases) is normally secreted into the bloodstream by liver cells. This inhibitor protein, antitrypsin, is absent from the bloodstream
of patients who carry a mutation that results in a single amino acid change in the protein. Antitrypsin deficiency lung tissue, because of the uncontrolled activity of proteases. Surprisingly, when the mutant antitrypsin is synthesized in the laboratory, it is as active as the normal antitrypsin at inhibiting proteases. Why then does the mutation cause the disease? Think of more than one possibility and suggest ways in which you could distinguish between them.
六、比较题(每题5分,共10分) 1. Compare and contrast the following: cytoplasmic dynein vs. kinesin
2. 后期A与后期B
1. 细胞内蛋白质有那些分选途径?各自的机理如何?
2. 比较裂殖酵母、芽殖酵母和哺乳动物细胞周期调控的异同。
1. State the conclusion that can be drawn from the following finding: Extracts from nondividing frog eggs in the G2 phase of the cell cycle were found to contain structures that could induce the polymerization of tubulin into microtubules in vitro. When examined by immunostaining, these structures were shown to contain pericentrin(中心粒旁侧蛋白).
2. The signal recognition particle (SKP)) is involved in regulating the elongation of nascent secretory proteins and targeting them to the endoplasmic reticulum. Describe an experiment in which these functions of SRP have been demonstrated.
3. Dephosphorylation is an important event that affects cellular structures during mitosis. Describe two of these events. 试题四参考答案
寡聚糖,内质网,高尔基体,出芽,蛋白包被小泡,笼形蛋白包被小泡,调节型,包被蛋白复合体,组成型,辅基蛋白B-100,受体介导的内吞作用 START
3. 螺线管压缩成超螺线管, 40倍。 4. 基因调节作用
5 ①铁硫蛋白;②辅酶Q;③黄素蛋白;④细胞色素。
二、判断题(正确的标T,错误的标F,或写出必要的答案,共15分) 1.Answer: (a)S ; (b)M ; (c)M; (d)G1 ; (e)M; (f)Gl; (g)Gl, G2, S;``(h)M, G2, S; (i)Gl, S, G2, M;(j)Gl, G2, M 2. 答:T, 正确。
3. 答:错误,粉末状的染色体 4. 答:T,正确。
5.答: F,错误,核纤层蛋白B与内核膜相连。 6 答:F,错误,被阻止在M期。
7. 答:不正确,因为二者的膜蛋白不同。 8. 答:正确。
9. 答:错误, 8个小亚基是核基因编码; 10. 答:错误, 给胞质分裂传递信号
11.答: 错误, 同源染色体间的分子重组是随机发生的。
三、选择题(请将正确答案的代号填入括号,每题1分,共15分) 1. Answer: b 2. Answer: d 3. Answer: b 4.Answer: c 5. Answer: b 6. Answer :D 7. Answer: a 8. Answer: a 9. Answer1.D 10. Answer2.D 11. Answer: C 12. ( d ) 13. ( d )。 14. ( D ) 15. ( A )
1. Answer. Regulated secretion occurs only in response to a signal. The proteins to be secreted are stored in special secretory vesicles. Sorting into the regulated secretory pathway is controlled by selective protein aggregation. Constitutive secretion appears to occur by default with secretory proteins, which do not selectively aggregate being included in transport vesicles. 2. Answer
If GTP is present but cannot be hydrolyzed, microtubules will continue to grow until all free tubulin subunits have been used up.
3. Answer:
The centrosome serves as a microtubule-organizing center in vivo, and all of the microtubules radiating from the centrosome apparently have the same polarity.
4. 答:加在于粗面内质网上合成的蛋白质上的糖基可由两种途径连接:通过天冬氨酸残基的N原子或通过丝氨酸和苏氨酸残基的O原子。N-连结糖蛋白合成的第一步在粗面内质网上进行,糖链是从磷酸多萜醇转移至新生肽链上。这种糖基化在高尔基体中继续被修饰。O-连结的糖基化是在高尔基体中进行的。
5.答: 过氧化物酶体中的氧化酶都是利用分子氧作为氧化剂, 催化下面的化学反应: RH2 + O2 ---------→ R + H2O2
这一反应对细胞内氧的水平有很大的影响。例如在肝细胞中,有20%的氧是由过氧化物酶体消耗的,其余的在线粒体中消耗。在过氧化物酶体中氧化产生的能量以产热的方式消耗掉, 而在线粒体中氧化产生的能量贮存在ATP中。线粒体与过氧化物酶体对氧的敏感性是不一样的,线粒体氧化所需的最佳氧浓度为2%左右,增加氧浓度,并不提高线粒体的氧化能力。过氧化物酶体与线粒体不同, 它的氧化率是随氧张力增强而成正比地提高(图7-44)。因此,在低浓度氧的条件下,线粒体利用氧的能力比过氧化物酶体强,但在高浓度氧的情况下,过氧化物酶体的氧化反应占主导地位,这种特性使过氧化物酶体具有使细胞免受高浓度氧的毒性作用。
五、计算与推理(第1题必做,2、3选一题,每题5分,共10分) 1. Answer:
There are six nucleosomes per helical turn of the solenoid structure, and one helical turn of the solenoid corresponds to slightly less than 30nm along the length of a chromatin thick fiber.Assuming, for simplicity of calculation, one helical turn per 30 nm, then there are 6 nucleosomes per 30-nm stretch of thick fiber. A 900-nm-long, thick fiber thus has 30 solenoid turns (900 nm divided by 30 nm/turn) and contains 180 nucleosomes (6 nucleosomes/turn ×30 turns).The DNA content of each human nucleosome plus the linker DNA connecting it to adjacent nucleosomes is about 200 bp. This thick fiber thus contains 36,000 bp of DNA: (200 bp/nucleosome) ×(180 nucleosomes/900-nm thick fiber).
2. Answer:
Loss of cyclin leads to inactivation of the mitotic Cdk. As the result, its target proteins become dephosphorylated by phosphatases, and the cells exit mitosis--they disassemble the mitotic spindle, reassemble the nuclear envelope, decondense their chromosomes, and so on. Cyclin is degraded by ubiq-uitin-dependent destruction in proteosomes, and the activation of the mitotic Cdk most likely causes the ubiquitination of the cyclin, but with a substantial delay. As discussed in Chapter 5, ubiquitination tags proteins for degradation in proteasomes.
3. Answer:The actual explanation is that the single amino acid change causes the protein to misfold slightly so that, although it is still active as a pro-tease inhibitor, it is prevented by chaperone proteins in the ER from exiting this organelle. It therefore accumulates in the ER lumen and is eventually degraded. Alternative interpretations might have been: (1) the mutation affects the stability of the protein in the bloodstream so that it is degraded much faster in the blood than the normal protein, or (2) the mutation inactivates the ER signal sequence and prevents the protein from entering the ER. (3) Another explanation could have been that the mutation altered the
sequence to create an ER retention signal, which would have retained the mutant protein in the ER. One could distinguish between these possibilities by using fluorescent-tagged antibodies against the protein to follow its transport in the cells (see Panel 5-3, pp. 158-159).
六、比较题(每题5分,共10分) 1. Answer:
Both dynein and kinesin are large motor proteins that convert the chemical energy of ATP into movement. Both are found affiliated with microtubules, although only dynein occurs on the microtubules of cilia and flagella. Kinesin is a plus-end directed microtubular motor, and dynein, among its other roles, is a minus-end directed microtubular motor. In spite of their similarities in function, they are not homologous proteins, and they assume quite different three-dimensional shapes. They are not members ora proteinfamily.
2. 后期A与后期B
七、综合问答题(任选一题,20分) 1. 答:翻译后转运与共翻译转运 跨膜运输 小泡运输 核孔运输 2. 答:
1. Answer: The extracts appear to contain structures that are functionally equivalent to centrosomes (as evidenced by the presence of pericentrin), which nucleate microtubule growth.
2. Answer:The functions of SRP were demonstrated in a series of experiments utilizing a cell-free protein-synthesizing system and mRNA encoding pre-prolactin, a typical secretory protein. When the mRNA was incubated in the cell-free translational system in the absence of SRP and microsomes, the complete protein with its signal sequence was produced. The addition of SRP to the incubation mixtures caused protein elongation to cease after 70-100 amino acids had been incorporated. When microsomes containing the SRP receptor also were added to the incubations, the block in protein synthesis was relieved and the complete protein minus the signal sequence was extruded into the lumen of the microsomes.
3. Answer:Dephosphorylation events during mitosis include protein phosphatases removing the regulatory phosphates from lamins A, B, and C, permitting reassembly of the nuclear laminae of the two daughter cell nuclei. When MPF activity falls during anaphase, a constitutive phosphatase dephosphory-lares inhibitory sites on myosin light chain, allowing cytokinesis to proceed. 试题五
1. 决定红细胞ABO血型的物质是糖脂,它由脂肪酸和寡糖素链组成。A型血糖脂上的寡糖链较O型多一个 ;B型血仅多一个 。
2. 根据题意, 将与A、B、C、D相对应的词用连线连起来:
Cells communicate in ways that are analogous to human communication. Decide which of the following forms of human communication are analogous to autocrine, paracrine, endocrine, and synaptic signaling by cells. A. A telephone conversation: autocrine
B. Talking to people at a cocktail party: endocrine C. A radio announcement: synaptic signaling D. Talking to yourself : paracrine
3. What is the major factor that determines the limit of resolution of a light microscope? 4. 编码载脂蛋白B的基因在肠组织中转录成mRNA后,第2153位的C被 形成U,使CAA密码转变成终止密码UAA, 使翻译提前终止。
5. 是细胞外基质的受体蛋白。在结构上,它们是异二聚体,。这种跨膜蛋白的细胞外部分有一个球形的头部,可与细胞外基质蛋白结合,而细胞质结构域则可与 相结合。
二、判断以下各题是否正确, 若正确, 用T表示, 不正确用F表示,并做简要说明。 (每题1分,共10分) 1. Both the GTP-bound a subunits and nucleotide-free b¡ complexes, but not GDP-bound, fully assembled G proteins, activate other molecules downstream of G-protein-linked receptors. 答:
2. The density of water is less than the density of ice. 答:
3. Water has a high specific heat. 答:
4. There is no fundamental distinction between signaling molecules that bind to cell-surface receptors and those that bind to intracellular receptors. 答:
5. How is it that different cells can respond in different ways to exactly the same signaling molecule even when they have identical receptors? 答:
6. Protein kinase A itself is different in different cell types, which explains why the effects of cyclic AMP vary depending on the target cell. 答:
7. It is thought that extracellular ligand binding to a receptor tyrosine kinase activates the intracellular catalytic domain by propagating a conformational change across the lipid bilayer through the single transmembrane a helix. 答:
8. Atrial natriuretic peptides(心钠肽) bind to a receptor that activates
a G protein,which in turn activates guanylyl cyclase(鸟苷环化酶) to produce cyclic GMP which then activates a cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). 答:
9. Because prokaryotic cells have neither mitochondria nor chloroplasts, they cannot carry out either ATP synthesis or photosynthesis.
10.电镜的波长与电压有关,电压越高,波长越短,分辨率越高。 答:
1. Which one of the following is incorrect for the biogenesis of eukaryotic ribosomes?( ) a. 25-50% of the pre-rRNA is degraded b. Pre-rRNA binds to ribosomal protein
c. Pre-rRNA is cut to form three classes of rRNA d. Pre-rRNA is methylated
e. The rRNA gene for the 40S subunit is transcribed separately
The 5S rRNA differs from the other cellular rRNAs in which of the following ways? ( )
a. The genes are located outside the nucleolus(核仁). b. The genes are transcribed by RNA polymerase III.
c. The promoter region of the 5S rRNA gene is internal to the gene. d. all of the above 3. 钙泵的作用主要是( )。
a.降低细胞质中Ca2+的浓度; b.提高细胞质中Ca2+的浓度; c.降低内质网中Ca2+的浓度; d.降低线粒体中Ca2+的浓度
4. Plant guard cells(保卫细胞) have a higher [C1-] than the outside environment. The most likely explanation for this is( ). a. Water leaves the cell by osmosis.
b. C1- is diffusing through transmembrane channels. c. C1- diffusion is aided by a mobile carrier. d. An active transport symport transports C1-/H+. e. None of the above
5. The hormone glucagons(胰高血糖素) stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen in liver and muscle cells by the following enzymes. Which is the first enzyme that must be activated? ( ) a. Protein kinase A b. Phosphorylase kinase c. Glycogen phosphorylase d. Protein phosphatase
e. Protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 6. 在下列组织中, 紧密连接特别重要的有( ) a. Stomach(胃) and kidneys b. Smooth muscle c. Heart muscle
d. Intestinal epithelial tissue(肠表皮组织)
7. Which one of the following was used to determine the structure of the DNA molecule? ( )
a. Transmission(透射) electron microscope b. Scanning electron microscope
c. Differential centrifugatioin(差速离心)
d. X-ray crystallography 8. A eukaryotic cell has( )
a. One copy of each ribosomal transcription unit. b. Thousands of copies of the 5S rRNA gene.
c. Two copies of each gene for rRNA and ribosomal proteins.
d. Two copies of each gene for rRNA and one copy of each ribosomal protein gene.
9. All of the following are true about antisense RNA except ( ) a. Is complementary to mRNA. b. Forms double-stranded RNA. c. Joins with the 30S subunit. d. Inhibits protein synthesis.
10. Developing frog embryos treated with anti-fibronectin antibodies a. Develop normally.( ) b. Stop cell division.
c. Have abnormal cell migration(迁移). d. Don't exhibit action potentials.
11.肌动蛋白纤维对于黏着斑就像( )对于半桥粒。 a.肌球蛋白纤维 b.角蛋白纤维 c.微丝 d.钙粘着蛋白 12.配体(ligand)是( )。 a.酶与底物共价结合的活性位点; b.酶与底物非共价结合的活性位点;
c.对于一个与蛋白质以共价形式相作用的小分子的普遍称呼; d.对于一个与蛋白质以非共价形式相作用的小分子的普遍称呼; e.一个缺乏酶活性的球蛋白
13.膜胆固醇的组成与质膜的性质、功能有着密切的关系,( ) a.胆固醇可防止膜磷脂氧化;
b.正常细胞恶变过程中,胆固醇/磷脂增加; c.胆固醇/磷脂下降,细胞电泳迁移率减少;
14.用抗纤连蛋白的抗体注射胚体,发现在神经系统发育过程中神经嵴细胞的迁移受到抑制。这些实验说明:( )
a.神经嵴发育包括抗体基因的表达; b.发育中的神经无需合成纤连蛋白;
c.纤连蛋白/抗体复合物形成神经细胞的迁移途径; d.胚胎中的神经元在移动过程中必须与纤连蛋白暂时结合 15.当胰岛素与其受体酪氨酸激酶结合后,随后发生的事件是( )。 a.IRS的结合→具有SH2区域的蛋白质的磷酸化→效应; b.与具有SH2区域的蛋白质结合→IRS的磷酸化→效应;
c.自磷酸化并将IRS磷酸化→与具有SH2区域的蛋白质结合→效应; d.自磷酸化并与IRS结合→将具有SH2区域的蛋白质磷酸化→效应
What functional roles do the ECM (细胞外基质)and cell wall share in common?
2. Discuss the following analogy(相似): “The differences between transporting a ligand by a channel or a carrier protein are like the differences between crossing a river by a bridge or a ferry(摆渡).\3. EGTA chelates(螯合) Ca2+ with high affinity and specificity. How would microinjection(微注射) of EGTA affect glucagon-triggered breakdown of glycogen (糖原) in liver?
4. The basic structure of biological membranes is determined by the lipid
bilayer, but their specific functions are carried out largely by proteins. Explain your answer. 5. Why does a red blood cell membrane need proteins?
6. Describe the different methods that cells use to restrict proteins to specific regions of the plasma membrane. Is a membrane with many anchored proteins still fluid?
7. Transport by carrier proteins can be either active or passive, whereas transport by channel proteins is always passive. Explain your answer. 8. The signaling mechanisms used by a steroid-hormone(固醇激素) receptor
and by an ion-channel-linked receptor have very few components(组分). Can either mechanism lead to an amplification of the initial signal? If so, how?
9. Should RGS (regulator of G protein signaling) proteins be classified
as GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factors) or GAPs (GTPase activating proteins)? Explain what role this activity plays in modulating G-protein-mediated responses in animals and yeasts. 10. How is an IP3-triggered Ca2+ response terminated?
六、分析与思考(任选一题, 20分)
1. Why do you suppose that phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, plays such a prominent role in switching proteins on and off in signaling pathways?
2. The Ras protein functions as a molecular switch that is set to its on state by a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that causes it to bind GTP. A GTPase-activating protein (GAP) resets the switch to the off state by inducing Ras to hydrolyze its bound GTP to GDP much more rapidly than in the absence of the GAP. Thus Ras works like a light switch that one person turns on and another turns off. In a cell line that lacks the Ras-specific GAP, what abnormalities would you expect to find in the way Ras activity responds to extracellular signals?
Proteins that span a membrane as an a helix have a characteristic
structure in the region of the bilayer. Which of the three 20-amino acid sequences listed below is the most likely candidate for such a transmembrane segment? Explain the reasons for your choice. A. I T L I Y F G V M A G V I G T I L L I S
B. I T P I Y F G P M A G V I G T P L L I S C. I T E I Y F G R M A G V I G T D L L I S
2. Why are a helices more common than b barrels in transmembrane proteins?
3. Through the exchange of small metabolites and ions, gap junctions provide metabolic and electrical coupling between cells. Why, then, do you suppose that neurons communicate primarily through synapses (突触)rather than through gap junctions?
一、填空题(每空0.5分,共5分) 1. N-乙酰半乳糖胺残基,半乳糖残基 2.
A. 电话交谈: 自分泌 B. 集会演讲 内分泌 C.无线电广播 突触信号传导 D. 自言自语 旁分泌 3. 波长 4. 脱氨
5. 整联蛋白 肌动蛋白纤维
二、判断以下各题是否正确, 若正确, 用T表示, 不正确用F表示,并做简要说明。 (每题1分,共10分)
1. 正确。bg复合物能够激活离子通道, 结合有GTP的亚基能够激活酶。 2. 错误。冰的密度比水低。这样就保证冰能够漂浮在水的表面, 并在温度升高超 过冰点时化冰。
3. 正确。高比热意味着需要较多的热才能升高温度。这就有效地缓冲了细胞对周围环境温度而保持细胞温度的稳定。
4. 错误。与细胞表面受体结合的信号分子不必跨过质膜, 因此, 此类信号分子可 大可小, 疏水或亲水。但与细胞内受体结合的信号分子必须足够小和疏水。
5. 主要是不同的细胞对信号反应的内部机制不同。既便是反应途径相同, 不同的细胞也会表达不同的蛋白质进行应对。
6. 错误。是因为不同细胞中PKA的底物不同, 而不是蛋白激酶A的不同。 7. 错误。配体与受体酪氨酸激酶的结合引起二聚体的装配。任何受体进行自磷酸 化, 从而启动细胞内的信号级联反应。在某些情况下, 如胰岛素受体, 通过细 胞外的两个受体形成二聚体, 然后通过两个α螺旋进行构型的变化。
8. 错误。心钠肽直接与受体鸟苷环化酶结合, 将之激活, 并由激活的鸟苷环化酶 产生cGMP, 再由cGMP激活PKG。
9. 错误。原核细胞同样能进行ATP的合成和光合作用。只不过不是通过细胞内的 区室, 而是通过中膜体之类的结构。 10.正确
1. E 2. d 3.A 4. d 5. A 6. A, D 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. c. 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.d 15.c
四、简答题(每题4分,共40分) 1.
答: 功能上的共同点有: 维持细胞的形态、保持细胞的水分、具有抗压能力。 2.
答: 通道蛋白进行的物质运输就像是行人过桥。载体蛋白进行的物质运输如同行人通过摆渡过河。 3.
答: EGTA螯合Ca2+ 将会干扰以Ca2+ 作为第二信使的信号传导途径。肝细胞中胰高 血糖素诱导的糖原分解要经由cAMP途径, 因此不会影响EGTA的作用。 4.
答: 脂双层决定了膜结构, 并提供了渗透性的障碍, 使得细胞内外两侧隔离。特异 的膜蛋白允许特异的溶质进出膜、结合信号分子、介导细胞外基质的附着。 5.
答: 与脂双层锚定的膜蛋白构成膜骨架, 增强了膜的强度, 使得红细胞能够抵抗在 小血管中的冲击力, 此外, 膜蛋白能够将营养物和离子输入和输出细胞。 6.
答: 细胞将蛋白质限定在细胞质膜特的区域的主要方法有:①与细胞外或细胞内蛋 白相连;②与气态细胞相连; ③与细胞外糖被相连。
尽管细胞质膜中有许多锚定蛋白, 但膜脂仍能像河流中的水围绕礁石流动一样,围绕膜蛋白流动。 7.
答: 载体蛋白运输物质时必须与被运输的物质结合, 如果是顺势则是被动运输, 如 果是逆势则需要耗能, 自然是主动运输。如同一叶小舟顺江而下或逆水行舟, 耗力是不同的。
通道蛋白则不同, 如同小河中的桥, 它既不能阻止也不能推动行人过桥。 8.
答: 固醇激素进行的信号传导, 是一对一的, 即激素与受体结合即进入细胞核, 通 过与特定DNA序列作用, 启动基因表达, 所以没有扩增。但离子通道偶联受体 进行的信号传导, 虽然参与的组分不多, 但通道打开时间, 将进入众多的离子, 这本身就是信号放大。 9.
答: a. 从冷水湖中分离的细菌的细胞质膜具有较多的不饱和脂肪酸, b. 来自温泉细胞的质膜中含有较多长链脂肪酸。 c. 在27℃, 来自冷水湖细菌的膜具有较大的流动性。 10.
答: IP3 触发的Ca2+反应可通过两种方式被终止:①将IP3进一步磷酸化或脱磷酸; ②将Ca2+泵出细胞或泵进ER。
答: 1957年Earl Sutherland 及其同事们在研究狗肝组织中糖原是如何断裂时发现了cAMP,这是代谢研究的一个重要里程碑。
Sutherland 鉴定了从膜颗粒中释放出的物质是一种小分子的环状单磷酸腺苷,即cAMP。由于cAMP是激素
Joseph Orly 和Micheal Schramm通过细胞融合实验首先证明了受体与腺苷酸环化酶是不同的两种蛋白。用于融合实验的两个细胞中一个是带有肾上腺激素受体但缺少腺苷酸环化酶的红细胞,另一个是带有腺苷酸环化酶但缺少肾上腺激素受体的肿瘤细胞。细胞融合以后,加入肾上腺激素能够产生cAMP,而在未融合的细胞中加入肾上腺激素则不会有cAMP的产生
虽然证明了激素受体和腺苷酸环化酶是两个独立的成员,但是,同受体结合的激素又是如何激活腺苷酸环化酶? 最早是通过一种称为cyc—突变的肿瘤细胞系发现GTP能够增强激素对腺苷酸环化酶的激发作用。这种突变细胞具有正常的腺苷酸环化酶和肾上腺激素受体,但是用肾上腺素处理不能促进cAMP的生成。如果在该细胞培养基中加入从正常细胞分离的G蛋白,就能够恢复对cAMP合成的激发作用。由于这种G蛋白能促进(stimulating) cAMP的合成,故称之称为Gs。
六、分析与思考(任选一题, 20分) 1.
答. 磷酸化/去磷酸化为控制蛋白质分选活性提供了一个最简单而又通用的方式。
在信号传导途径中, 蛋白质的活性状态的转变必须易于控制, 即激活和失活都很方便。将蛋白质添加一个负电性的磷酸是改变蛋白质构型和活性的有效方式, 并且易于修改和状态复原。另外, 之所以是一种通用的方法, 是因为蛋白激酶只要添加磷酸就会激活, 若需将之失活可通过磷酸酶除去磷酸。
在进化过程中, 激酶与磷酸酶的结合, 使它们对一些靶蛋白具有特异性。人基因组中大约2%的基因编码蛋白激酶,这些编码激酶的基因通过复制和修饰逐渐形成了特异性。由于丝氨酸、苏氨酸、酪氨酸通常是位于蛋白质表面的氨基酸, 这就为改变靶蛋白的构型提供了合适的磷酸化位点; 最后, 磷酸化/去磷酸化为开关的快慢、开启时间的长短的调节具有可伸缩性。
磷酸化/去磷酸化的这些特点在别构调节中都遗失殆尽。这种调节, 对于蛋白质功能开关在原理上有了很大变化, 要通过小分子而不是磷酸化/去磷酸化, 因而也就不是通用方法。这种调节, 对于每一种靶蛋白都要设计一种特异的分子进行活性调节。即使在进化过程中形成了一个蛋白一个调节分子, 特异的解决方法也不会帮助靶蛋白的进化。此外, 通过与小分子结合进行的调节与分子的浓度有极大的关系。对于不同的单体靶蛋白来说, 小分子的浓度变化相差100倍。 2.
答: 将会有如下不同:①由于Ras活性不能及时被关闭, 细胞内的Ras活性很高; (2) 由于一些Ras已经与GTP结合, 对细胞外的反应将比正常的细胞快, 但当所有 的Ras都与GTP结合时也会出现饱和。③ 由于GTP-结合的Ras过渡增多, 将 会失去对信号的依赖性。④由于以上原因, 该细胞系对细胞外信号的反应要大 大延长, 甚至解除信号后仍有细胞内的反应。
附加题(每题3分): 1. 答: A.
序列A是红细胞血型糖蛋白跨膜α螺旋片段。虽然它不含有不带电的苏氨酸(T)和丝氨酸(S)(这两种氨基酸是跨膜α螺旋常见的), 但它具有显著特征非极性特征。 B.
序列B不像是跨膜片段, 这是因为它含有3个脯氨酸(P),这种氨基酸会破坏α螺旋, 因此使得氢键暴露于非极性的脂双层的环境。 C.
天冬氨酸(D), 由于非极性的脂双层是不带电的, 使得该片段不适宜在脂双层 中存在。 2.
答: 一般认为跨膜蛋白中α螺旋比β折叠更普遍的原因是α螺旋为跨膜片段的排列提供了更多的弹性。由于α螺旋中每个螺旋能各滑动,因此能够忍受蛋白质的构型变化, 能够担当闸门离子通道、物质运输和传递信息的重任。相反, 由于β折叠是通过氢键将蛋白质锁定为一种构型, 因而单性较少。 3.
答: 间隙连接是两相邻细胞通过连接子形成的通道让分子质量在1000以下的物质及离子通过, 这当中包括信号分子, 因而使得两细胞进行代谢偶联和电偶联。
但是在神经系统, 由于神经信号是远距离的通讯, 这样就不可能通过连接子了,因为接受信号的不一定是与发出信号细胞的相邻细胞。 试题六
一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1. 人细胞中DNA总长度为 米
2. 一个既含有输入细胞核又含有输出细胞核信号的蛋白质分子合成后将会 。
3. 如果在一个正处于缩短状态的微管溶液中加入不能被水解的GTP类似物, 微管将 。 4. 细胞分裂的最后一步, 即产生两个子细胞的过程称为 。
5. 2003年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖奖给了英国科学家曼斯菲尔德和美国科学家劳特布尔, 表彰他们在 方面作出的杰出贡献。
6. 同源染色体配对和联会的部位形成 ,进而发生重组。 7. 染色体上有主缢痕和次缢痕,着丝粒位于 。 8. 内质网中BiP蛋白的功能是 ,以阻止它们的输出。
9. AP1和AP2都是披网格蛋白小泡外被装配必需的辅助蛋白, 但是二者的作用部位不同:AP1 的披网格蛋白小泡的装配。
10. 通过起动子交换重组实验, 证明了U1 snRNA输出细胞核的信号与 相关。
二、判断以下各题是否正确, 若正确, 用T表示, 不正确用F表示, 不需说明。 (每题1分,共10分)
1. 一个含有输入过氧化物酶体和输入ER两种信号的蛋白质将定位于ER。( )
2. 在多次跨膜蛋白中,奇数跨膜片段(从N-端起始)只能作为起始跨膜信号,而偶数片段只能作为停止跨膜信号。( )
3. 细胞质膜将细胞分割成功能各异、不通透的区室。( )
4. “在多数真核细胞中质膜的含量最少、功能最大”, 此话正确吗? ( ) 5. Ras基因是一种癌基因。( )
6. 虽然细胞周期各时相的长短都有不同程度的变化,但变化最大的是G1期。 ( )
7. 一个同时含有输入线粒体信号和ER驻留信号的蛋白质最终定位于线粒体而不能驻留ER。( ) 8. 脊椎动物和芽殖酵母都是使用一种 Cdk控制细胞周期的时相转换。( )
9. 核纤层是由核纤层蛋白A、核纤层蛋白B和核纤层蛋白C构成的,其中只有核纤层蛋白A与内核膜相连,
核纤层蛋白B和C则与染色质相连。( )
10.N-末端信号序列(常称为“引导序列”)是多肽转运入细胞器所必需的,例如:进入线粒体、叶绿体或嵌入它们的膜内。这一转运多为翻译后过程。( )
1. 某研究人员正在研究一种蛋白质翻译后进入纯化的微粒体。但在实验中发现, 进入微粒体的效率很低。请推测将下列那一种物质添加到蛋白质和微粒体的混 合物中微粒体会提高蛋白质转移的效率?( ) a. BiP
b. 细胞质hsp70 c. 游离核糖体 d. Sec61 复合物 e. SRP
2. SRP选择性地识别新合成蛋白的ER信号序列, 这种识别与结合是通过:( ) a. 氢键
b. 疏水的相互作用 c. 离子的相互作用 d. 形成共价键
3. 以下关于组蛋白的描述中那一种是不正确的? ( ) a. 不同物种间的组蛋白非常相似 b. 组蛋白具有很多碱性氨基酸 c. 组蛋白富含赖氨基和精氨基 d. 每一个组蛋白都有一个编码基因。
4. Which one of the following leads to all of the others? ( ) a. Activation of troponin(肌钙蛋白) b. Binding of mysoin to actin
c. Depolarization of the sarcolemma(肌膜)
d. Release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum e. Release of tropomyosin
5. All of the following are true about centrioles(中心粒) except they are( ) a. Composed of 9 + 2 microtubules. b. Self-replicating.
c. Continuous with tubules of flagella. d. Composed of tubulin.
6. Which one of the following is not true? ( ) a. Chloroplast DNA is circular.
b. Mitochondrial DNA is not arranged in nucleosomes.
c. More than one copy of chloroplast DNA is present in a cell. d. Mitochondrial DNA is replicated in the nucleus.
7. Which one of the following occurs in the eukaryotic cell cycle and not in the prokaryotic cell cycle? ( ) a. Mitosis
b. Chromosome replication c. Cell growth
d. Cell division
8. If a kinetochore(动粒) on one side of a metaphase chromosome is destroyed during metaphase, the chromosome( )。
a. Moves to the opposite pole. b. Stops in place.
c. Stops in the center of the cell. d. Attaches to another microtubule. e. None of the above.
9. All of the following occur in plant cytokinesis except( )。 a. The phragmoplast (成膜体)forms. b. The plasma membrane invaginates. c. Membrane vesicles accumulate. d. The cell plate forms.
10. The following stages occur in prophase I. What is the first stage? ( )
a. Diakinesis(终变期) b. Diplotene c. Leptotene d. Pachytene(粗线期) e. Zygotene
11. Electrons pass through the following sites in the Z-scheme for photosynthesis. Which is the first step? ( )
a. Cytochrome b6-f complex b. NADPH c. P680 d. P700
e. Plastoquinone(质体醌) 12. 核质蛋白( )。 a. 是核内的一种碱性蛋白 b.是一种二聚体蛋白
c.可帮助非组蛋白与DNA组装成正常的核小体 d.可协助组蛋白与DNA组装成正确的核小体
13. Your biotechnology company is growing a large volume of cells but they are not producing the desired product because the medium is too acidic. What is probably wrong? ( ) a. The cells are producing too much ATP. b. Glycolysis is not occurring.
c. There is too little O2 in the medium. d. The cells using the Krebs cycle. e. There is too much sugar in the medium. 14. The enzymes of glycolysis are located ( )。 a. On the inner surface of the plasma membrane. b. In the cytosol.
c. In the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. d. In the peroxisomes. e. In the Golgi apparatus.
15. Which of the following first binds to the ER for protein synthesis?
( )
a. Growing polypeptide b. mRNA
c. Ribosome subunits d. Signal sequence e. SRP
16. Mannose 6-phosphate targets proteins for incorporation into( ) a. Lysosomes. b. Golgi complex. c. The plasma membrane. d. Mitochondria. e. Secretory vesicles.
17. Integral membrane proteins are inserted into the membrane with the N-terminal end facing the lumen by a ( )。 a. Targeting signal. b. Signal sequence.
c. Signal recognition particle.
d. Stop-transfer sequence. e. Chaperone.
18. 在下列小G蛋白中, 哪一种参与COP包被小泡的装配? ( ) a. Rab 蛋白 b. Ran 蛋白 c. ARF 蛋白 d. Ras 蛋白
19.下列关于核被膜的叙述不正确的是:( ) a. 核被膜与其他细胞膜完全一样 b. 核被膜将遗传物质与细胞质相隔离 c. 被膜是一对同心膜 d. 被膜上散布着核孔 20.γ-微管蛋白存在于( )
a.线粒体基质 b.核基质 c.中心体基质 d.细胞外基质
四、简答题(任选5题, 每题4分,共20分)
1. 肝细胞中除线粒体合成少量蛋白质外, 绝大多数的蛋白质都是在细胞质的游离核糖体和膜结合核糖体上合成的。请您推测在肝细胞那种核糖体上合成的蛋白质占多数,是游离核糖体还是膜结合核糖体(假定细胞内所有区室的蛋白质的平均密度和寿命都是相同的)?说明您推断的依据。
2. 线粒体内膜中的电子传递链的最主要的贡献是什么?
3. 从不同的环境中分离到两种细菌:一种是从平均温度为~40℃的温泉中分离的, 另一种是从平均温度为~4℃的冷水湖中分离的。问:
a. 请推测两种细菌的细胞质膜中, 哪一种具有较多的不饱和脂肪酸? b. 那一种细菌质膜中的脂肪酸链较长? c. 在27℃哪一种细菌质膜的流动性高?
4. 简要说明在动物细胞的有丝分裂和胞质分裂中细胞质骨架起什么作用?如何 起作用?
紫杉醇与秋水仙碱的作用相反。紫杉醇与微管紧密结合并使微管稳定。若将紫杉醇添加到细胞中, 可促进游离微管蛋白亚基装配成微管。与之相反, 秋水仙碱则阻止微管的装配。紫杉醇与秋水仙碱都是细胞分裂的毒素, 都可用作抗癌剂。根据您对微管动力学的了解, 说明为什么这两种药物的作用相反但都是细胞分裂的致毒剂。
6. 假定您从线虫中分离到一些纯的蛋白质, 经分析, 该蛋白含有二硫键, 并且其疏水区不长于5个氨基酸。根据这些特性, 推测该蛋白位于线虫细胞的哪一区室? 依据是什么?
1. 一个核小体的长度是11nm, 由146bp的DNA组成(0.34nm/bp), 请问DNA压缩 成核小体的比值是多少? 如果加上两个核小体间的54bp的连接DNA, 请问“珠 -绳”的压缩比是多少?有丝分裂时DNA压缩了10000倍, 相当于原长度的百 分之多少?
1. 说明细胞内蛋白质分选的主要途径和机制(30分)。
1. 从进化的角度,说明细胞骨架对动物细胞进化的作用。
一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1. 2.2米
2. 在细胞核和细胞质之间进行穿梭。
3. 继续生长直到所有的微管蛋白亚基都被用完。
4. 胞质分裂。
5. 核磁共振成像技术方面作出的杰出贡献。 6. 联会复合体 7.答:主缢痕
8.答:识别并结合非正确折叠或装配的蛋白 9. 参与外侧高尔基体 10. 5'帽子结构
二、判断以下各题是否正确, 若正确, 用T表示, 不正确用F表示。 (每题1分,共10分)
1. 答: 正确。因为没有进入ER 信号。
2. 答: 错误。第一个跨膜片段(在最N-端)作为核糖体起始易位信号。
3. 答: 错误。脂双层本身对于亲水的分子是不通透的。但是对于生物膜来说, 由 于含有蛋白质, 却是可通透的。
4.答: 正确。根据功能的重要性, 质膜虽小, 却具有最重要的功能。首先, 它是细 胞的边界, 它能够选择性地控制分子进出细胞。它是细胞接受信号进行细胞 通讯的主要部位, 它的表面积和质量在细胞的所有膜结构中是最小的(2-5%)。
5. 答: 错误。Ras基因是一种原癌基因。它一旦变成癌基因, 就会促使细胞癌变, 并发展成癌。Ras因突变可成为癌基因, 并在所有的细胞中保持活性状态。
6. 答: 正确。原因是G1期是细胞生长的关键时期, 该期时间的长短取决于外部条件和细胞接受的来自其他细胞的信号。
7. 答: 错误。该蛋白进入ER, 但不一定驻留ER.
8. 答: 错误。脊椎动物使用多种Cdks控制细胞周期的时相转换。 9. 答: F,错误,核纤层蛋白B与内核膜相连。 10.答:正确
三、选择题(请将正确答案的代号填入括号,每题1分,共20分) 1. B; 2.B。 3.D。 4. C。 5. A。 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. C 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.E 16. A 17. D 18. C 19.A 20.C
四、简答题(任选5题, 每题4分,共20分)
1.答:游离核糖体合成的蛋白质的分配去向包括胞质溶胶、线粒体、过氧化物酶体、细胞核等, 约占细胞体积的80%以上。而膜结合核糖体上合成的蛋白质的去向包括ER、高尔基体、溶酶体、质膜、细胞外等, 只占细胞体积的20%, 所以游离核糖体上合成的蛋白质起主导作用。据此,可以肯定地说,肝细胞中游离核糖体上合成的蛋白质占游离多数。
2.答:线粒体内膜中的电子传递链的最主要的贡献是建立了质子动势。 3. 答: a. 从冷水湖中分离的细菌的细胞质膜具有较多的不饱和脂肪酸, b. 来自温泉细胞的质膜中含有较多长链脂肪酸。 c. 在27℃, 来自冷水湖细菌的膜具有较大的流动性。
4. 答:有丝分裂需要微管装配成钫锤体,然后通过微管线性分子发动机的作用将染色体拉向两极。胞质分裂需要肌动蛋白在质膜的下方装配成收缩环, 然后在肌球蛋白Ⅱ的作用下,通过收缩环的收缩将细胞质动
5. 答: 细胞分裂取决与微管聚合与去聚合的能力。在有丝分裂期间, 细胞首先将大多数微管去聚合, 然后装配成纺锤体。用紫杉醇处理细胞则防止了微管的去聚合从而阻止了有丝分裂纺锤体的形成。用秋水仙碱处理细胞则阻止了新微管的聚合, 因此同样不能形成有丝分裂纺锤体。换个角度, 这两种药物都破坏了微管的动态不稳定性, 因此会干扰有丝分裂纺锤体正常工作, 既使能够形成纺锤体也是如此。
6. 答: 由于该蛋白含有二硫键, 它必然通过易位从胞质溶胶进入ER, 并在ER腔内进行二硫键的形成。由于该蛋白不含典型的跨膜序列, 所以该蛋白不会成为膜蛋白。如果是GPI锚定蛋白, 很可能在细胞表面。另外, 由于该蛋白是可溶性蛋白, 该蛋白存在与细胞器的腔内(ER、高尔基体等), 也有可能分泌到细胞外。
1. 答: 核小体的包装比例是4.5[(146 bp x 0.34 nm/bp)/ (11 nm) = 4.5]. “珠-绳”的压缩比值是2.3 [(200 bp x 0.34 nm/bp)/ (11 nm + {54 bp x 0.34 nm/bp}) = 2.3]. 有丝分裂DNA压缩染色体的比值是0.023% (2.3/10,000)。
1. 答:1. 核孔运输 2. 跨膜运输 3. 膜泡运输
答:① 动物细胞的体积很大,且形态多样、又没有细胞壁, 因此细胞骨架的形成对于维持细胞的形态起重要作用。
② 动物细胞及所有真核细胞都具有细胞核,而细胞核的形态主要是由细胞骨架支持的。内核膜下的核纤层对于维持细胞核的形态具有至关重要的作用。
动物细胞通过形态的变化进行移动, 在动物细胞的移动中, 肌动蛋白纤 维是必须的。
动物细胞的基因组比细菌的基因组大得多, 并分成多个染色体。在细胞
分裂中, 染色体必须正确地分配到两个子细胞, 在此过程中, 微管功不可没。 动物细胞具有很多细胞内有很多细胞器,它们在细胞内的定位主要靠发动 机分子沿着微管运输的。特别是神经轴中的物质运输, 没有微管是不可能的。
2.cell junction
3.molecular chaperon
4.signal recognition particle, SPR
5.microtubule organizing center, MTOC
A 显微放射自显影技术 B 扫描电镜技术 C冰冻蚀刻技术 D 荧光显微镜技术
A淋巴细胞 B肝细胞 C癌细胞 D胚胎细胞 E红细胞
A粗面内质网 B滑面内质网 C内质网 D扁平囊 E高尔基复合体
A线粒体与高尔基复合体 B粗面内质网与高尔基复合体
C粗面内质网与滑面内质网 D核膜与内质网 E以上都不是
A质膜→大囊泡→高尔基复合体 B高尔基复合体→粗面内质网→质膜
C粗面内质网→高尔基复合体→滑面内质网 D内质网→高尔基复合体→质膜
6. 下列细胞组成成分与其功能的关系,哪个是正确的?
A糙面内质网——细胞组装核糖体亚单位 B高尔基体——蛋白质及脂类的内部运输合成
C核仁——细胞内的消化 D细胞骨架——多肽链的修饰
A内表面 B外表面 C内外两层之间 D内外表面 E初级溶酶体来源于
1、线粒体与高尔基复合体 2、粗面内质网与高尔基复合体
3、粗面内质网与滑面内质网 4、核膜与内质网
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