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2008学年第二学期 考试科目:英美报刊文章选读(公共选修课)

考试类型:(开卷) 考试时间: 120 分钟

学号 200830250602 姓名 陈冠达 年级专业 08土地资源管理 成绩

You are required to write a paper of no less than 1500 words based on the outline given below.

1. The original reason you select the course;

2. A brief analysis of the general features of English newspaper language with examples; 3. What help you can get by reading English newspaper. 五号字,行距1.5,A4纸打印

The reason for selecting the course.

I think it‘s quite simple.I am fond of English,therefore I want to master English.Since the first time I met English ,I was sure that I had been falling in love with it uncontrollably.Then I tried to learn this beautiful language from A to Z,from letters to words,from phrases to sentences.In a word,there was one nameless power to motivate me to keep working hard in learning English.And my hard work always paid off.I always led the class in Englsih subject.More significantly,I accumulated the knowledge and now harvest a solid foundation of English ,which facilitates me for further studying in English obviously.As the time passes by,I learn more and more about Englsih language,and I become more and more eager and fascinated to reach more materials about English,not only about the language itself,but the culture about English and English-speaking countries.Then I ture to the English newspaper and magazines.And I really benefit a lot from reading the English newpaper and magazines.I keep a good habit of reading some English newspaper and magazines in my spare time.I immedietely picked our course out when I came to the lists of optional course.I hope I can learn more.I want to have a systematic and comprehensive knowledge frame of reading English newspaper.In summary,I select because I want to select.

A brief analysis of the general features of English newspaper language with examples. First







journalism:news,feature,editorial&commentary,advertisement and cartoon.Mostly,a piece of English news is composed of three parts:headline,introduction and the body.Headline,which is called the eye of a piece of news,is the great summary of the news and of irreplaceable importance.In terms of style and content,the headlines can be divided into four groups.The first one is simple summary,for instance,Value of Dollar Falls to New Low Against the EURO,China Gear Up for Olympic Secury Effort.Secondly,rhertoric question,for instance,When will intere rates rise?Police Allowed Jailbreak?Watch Television,Lose Weight?Then quotative headlines come third,for instance,Scholar Want ―Soft Partition‖of Irap,‖We Have to Save Our People‖,Norse ―Invasion‖.And the last one is double headlines,for instance,It Isn‘t the Cow That Are Mad,It‘s the People That Are Going Mad‖,‖Expected to Go to US Castro to Free Thousands of Prisoners‖.In terms of words and language,there are different types of headlines.Conciseness or terseness, for instance,Starstruck(Times),Mugwump





Econimist),Battle for Brains(Financial Times).Lengthiness,for instance,It Must Be a Victory on

Which Peace can be built(The Sunday Times),Heavy Losses Are Reported in Fighting in South Lebanon and Along the Coast(The Sunday Times).The third,flat description with plain words, for instance,Taiwan Recognizes Mainland Currency(South China Morning Post),Kyrgyz Troops Free 4 U.S Hostages(The Washington Post).Quotation,for instance,Pride and Prejudice– Film Location (Geographical Magazine),

Farewell to Arms (Time),

A Tale of Two Hearts (Newsweek),

Liberty is the true mother of invention (U.S.News &World Report),(Reuters).Artistic forging and foundry ,for instance,Salary Soars,Democrats.

Thatcher‘s Style Wars,

Refugees in Dire Straits

Ballots, Not Bullets

A Dove Taking Wing,



Whitewater May Drown

The followings are the language characteristics of headlines in English news. Omission,for instance,

Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered

No Survivors in Gulf Air Crash

Death Riddle Drama,Zoo Escapes Drama.

Midget words,for instance,

World eyes Mid-East Peace Talks(eye=watch),Peace Pact Not Yet in Sight(pact=agreement),Thailand, Malaysia Ink Sea Treaty

Rate Soars=to rise rapidly,Peace Effort in Lebanon Stalled,=making no progress.

Abbreviations and Acronyms,for instance,EU=European Union ,Technology ,

=(An) Italian Ex-mayor (Is) Murdered,

=(There are) No Survivors in (the )Gulf Air Crash,


US Refuses to back Environmental Fund(back=support),

= to sign,

Big Cuts in Air Fares

= deduction,


EU‘s Future; The Vision and the Slog

MIT‘s Leader Shape Program MIT=Massachusetts Institute of

World Bank, IMF—Do They Help Or Hurt Third World IMF=International

Monetary Fund .

The following are Rhetoric in English news writing. Metaphor. Exaggeration.

Personification.For instance,

My good intentions produce imagined letters never embraced

by paper, never kissed by stamps.

Literary quotation .

A play upon words .For instance,Woes of the Weekend Jock,A New Harvest of Troubles Harvest,Soccer Kicks Off with Violence.

Idiom.For instance,

Carlo Ponti in Hot Water Again,

Refugees in Dire Straits,

Union Call

to Strike Falls on Deaf Ears .

the three P?s(peace, petroleum, Palestine), the three I?s(inflation,

interest rate, impeachment), the three G?s(gays, godless, girls), the three R's(Reading, Writing

Analogy.For instance,and Arithmatics).

What help I can get by reading English newspaper.

Undoubtedly,I benefit a great deal from reading English newspaper.Firstly, through reading the English material,I would come across new words or some technical terms of some specific fields,then I can expad my vocabulary,which I think is the most imporntant benefit through reading English newspaper.English learning is composed of two vital parts:listening practise and vacabulary.Secondly, through English newspaper,I would learn much about the outside world,seeing whai‘ happening in USA,what‘s hot in the UK and so on.In this way,I can widen my horizon, which is one of the key factors in our road to success.

Last but not least,I enjoy reading English newspaper and will keep the habit of reading English newspaper.

