
更新时间:2023-08-17 09:44:01 阅读量: 资格考试认证 文档下载


Lesson1 Health and illness

Lead in: 新课导入 Asking about healthhealthy




Not ill


in good health

in poor health


AIMS: 教学目标 1.知识目标:掌握医护英语四级重点词汇,与 阅读知识 2.能力目标:熟练应对医护英语四级考试 3.情感态度与价值观目标:克服对考试的畏难 情绪,积极面对医护英语四级考试

New lesson:新课讲解 sicknessPatient says Possible meanings

I was sick this morning .

I was ill this morning. I felt unwell this morning. I vomited this morning.I feel ill. I feel unwell. I am nauseous I feel the need to vomit.

I feel sick.

RecoveryThe patient made a good recovery full complete

Over(an illness) get

= to recover


= to improve= to deteriorate


relapse vi.& n.(病)再发,复发 [例句]Do not punish yourself after a slip or relapse. remission n. 缓和,减轻

Summary:课堂小结1.How to express the pain. 2.How to ask the patient about his sickness.

Exercises:巩固练习Complete the table. The first on has been done for you.

Noun fitnesshealth illness sickness

Adjective fithealthy ill sick

Make word combinations using a word from each box.

complete feel get poor travel

SicknessHealth Remisssion Sick Over

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence 1.Her condition_____(deteriorated/improved) and she died. ____________ 2.He _____(relapsed/recoverd) ____________ and was allowed to go home from hospital. 3.The cause of sleeping _____(illness/sickness) ____________was discovered in 1901. 4.The patient made a full _____(remission/recovery). ____________ 5.I have been in _____(poor/good ______ ) health for months and feel very fit. 6.I was a month before I _____(got over/got better) the __________ illness. 7.He seems to be rather _____(unhealthy/unwell)-his diet is ____________ bad and he never exercises.

Over to you What advice do you give people for keeping fit and well?

Homework:作业布置 a. Do exercises. b. Make sentences. c. Recite the passage.

