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动词的时态结构歌谣一 一般现在时,动词用原型; 般 单数三人称,动词变单数 。 时I work. He works. I worked.


现在进行时, 进 am,is,are,-ing。 行 过去进行时, 时 was,were,-ing。例句:I am working. 例句:I was working.

一般将来时, 将 will加原型。 来 过去将来时, 时 would加原型。I will work. I would work.

现在完成时, 完 have/has加过分。 成 过去完成时, 时 had 加过分。 I have worked. I had worked.

各种时态的用法一、一般现在时 1.用法:A.现在经常性的动作或状态 B.客观事实和真理。 2.标志词:always,usually,often, sometimes, never,every day /week /month/year/…gets 1.The boy usually___(get) to school early. 2.Light travels ______(travel)faster than sound.

二、一般过去时 1.用法:过去的动作或状态。 2.标志词:yesterday,the day before yesterday, three days ago, last night/week/month…,in the past;just now=a moment ago点击中考The last time I ___ to the cinema was two years ago. A.go B.have gone C.Have been D.went


1.用法: A.现刻动作:目前正在发生的动作。 B.现阶段动作:目前一个时期一直在进 行的动作,此刻不一定在进行。 2.标志词:now,Look! Listen!中考模拟: --Mike, who____football in the yard? --Let me go and see. A.has played B.will play C.was playing D.is playing

1.Look!What___the children___ over there? A.are;do B.are;doing C.is;do D.is doing 2.Those workers____here these months. A.are work B.are worked C.work D.are working 3.—Listen! The phone ___. Please go to answer it. A.rings B.rang C.will ring D.is ringing 4.--Must I water the flowers now? --No, you needn’t. Jack_____them.A.is watering C.waters B.watering D.is watered

四、过去进行时 1.用法:过去某时正在进行的动作。 2.标志词:at that time,this time yesterday,then,when…1.I ____ along the road when I saw Peter. So we stopped and had a chat.A. walked C. would walk B.was walking D. had walked

2. –Amy,I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone.–Oh, I ____ a walk with my mother at that time.

A.takeC.am taking

B.was takingD.took

五、一般将来时 1.用法:将来的动作或状态。 2.结构:will (第一人称) +V.(原型) shall be going to 3.标志词:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,in three days,in (the) future,next week/month/term…, from now on

4.shall/will/be going to之间的区别: 1 shall往往用于第一人称疑问句, will可用于任何人称。2

will常用于表邀请或命令时以及 带有意愿色彩。


计划决定要做某事,一般用be going to do 结构。

1.There___two meetings tomorrow afternoon. A.are going to be B.are going to haveC.is going to be D.will have

2.The twins____to the cinema with their parents tonight. A.will go B.would go C.a

re go D.went3.---When____we have the meeting? ---At 8. A.are B.shall C.would D.will 4.--When___you___for London? --Next week. A.will;leaveing B.are;leaving C.shall;leave D.have;left

六、过去将来时 1.用法:从过去看将要发生的动作。 2.结构:would +v.(原型) was/were/going to试题:1.--What did he say yesterday? --He said he____to Sydney next week. A.goes B.will go C.would go D.are going 2.--Did your son fail his English exam once again? --Yes, but he told me he____hard next term. A.studies B.is studying C.will study D.would study

影响:作业 七、现在完成时 都做完了, 我能出去玩 1.用法: 1 过去的动作对现在的影响。 会儿吗?2

I have finished my homework. 过去的动作持续到现在。 I have stayed here for an hour!




2.标志词:already, just, yet, ever, never, so far(till now/up to now), recently, in the past 3 years, before, since+时间 点,for+时间段

3.现在完成时和一般过去时的异同点: 1 共同点:动作都在过去。 2 不同点:和现在有无关系。(与现在有关的过去动作用现在完成,与现在 无关的过去动作用一般过去。)


have gone to+地点,表示“去了某地”。(人已走,尚未回。只用于第三人称。)

They have gone to Europe. (They are not here.)


have been to+地点,表示“去过某 地”。(人已回) I have been to Europe. (I am not in Europe now.)have been in+地点+时间段,表示“在/ 来某地多久”。 I have been in Europe for three weeks. (I am now still in Europe .)


5.瞬间动词和延续性动词 若句中出现时间段,则必须使用 延续性动词。瞬间动词和延续性动 词转换关系如下:begin/start be on go there be there

leave dieborrow

be away be deadkeep

get home openclose get to know come here join

be home be openbe closed know be here be in / be a member of



1.The film began 5 minutes ago. The film___ has ___ been ___ on for 5 minutes.

2.They left an hour ago.3.The man died a week ago.

have ____ been ____for away an hour. They____ The man___ ____ dead ____ for a week. has been

Practice5.I borrowed the book a week ago. I____ book for a week. have _____the kept 6.I bought the car a year ago. I____ have ____the had car since a year ago.

1.--What a nice bike! How long____you____it? --Just two weeks. A.will;buy B.did;buy C.are;having D.have;had 2.--How long have you____here? --Since 1997. A.arrived B.moved e D.lived 3.--I can’t find my pen.____you____it anywhere? --No.Look!What’s that under your book? A.Have;seen B.Do;see C.Did;see D.Had;seen 4.--I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. --Oh,not at all.I__here for only a few minutes. A.will be B.was C.am D.have been 5.I won’t go to see the film because I____the ticket. A.lost B.have lost C.will lost

