BIBR 1532_321674-73-1_MSDS_MedChemExpress

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1 Composition

Product Name:Chemical Name:


BIBR 1532

7 Accident Release Measure

PROCEDURE(S) OF PERSONAL PRECAUTION(S)-Wearrespirator, chemical safety goggles, rubber boots, and heavyrubber gloves.

METHODS FOR CLEANING UP-Sweep up, place in a bag andhold for waste disposal. Avoid raising dust. Ventilate area and

ppppwash spill site after material pickup is complete.

Benzoic acid, 2-[[(2E)-3-(2-naphthalenyl)-1-oxo-2-buten-1-yl]amino]-

CAS No.:Appearance:Formula:Solubility:


White to off-white(soild)C21H17NO3

DMSO 100 mg/mL Ethanol

8 Accident Release Measure

No data available.

9 Toxicological Information

To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and

toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.

2 Handling and Storage

HANDLING- Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with eyes,skin,and clothing.Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE- Store in a properly sealed container store at -20℃,shelflife is 2 years.

10 Regulary Information

CLASSIFICATION- Substance not yet fully tested.

SAFETY PHASES- 26-36 (In case of contact with eyes, rinseimmediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Wearsuitable protective clothing.) 36/37/38 (Irritating to eyes,respiratory system and skin.)

3 Stability and Reactivity

STABILITY- Stable under normal handling conditions. MATERIALS TO AVOID- Strong oxidizing agents.

REACTIVITY- May emit toxic gasses like Carbon monoxide,Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen oxides upon thermal decomposition.

11 Disposal Considerations11DisposalConsiderations

As specific country, federal, state and local environmental

regulations vary and change frequently we suggest you contacta local, authorized waste disposal contractor for adequatedisposal.

4 Hazards Identification

Special indication of hazards to humans and the environment. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

12 Transport Information

RID/ADR- Non-hazardous for road transport. IMDG- Non-hazardous for sea transport. IATA - Non-hazardous for air transport.

5FirstAid5 First Aid

INHALATION- If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathinggive, artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. SKIN CONTACT- In case of contact, immediately wash skin withsoap and copious amounts of water.

EYE CONTACT- In case of contact, immediately flush eyes withcopious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes.

INGESTION- If swallowed, wash out mouth with water providedperson is conscious. Call a physician.

13 Other Information

The above information is believed to be correct but does notpurport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. Theinformation in this document is based on the present state of ourknowledge and is applicable to the product with regard toappropriate safety precautions. It does not represent anyguarantee of the properties of the product. MedchemexpressLLC shall not be held liable for any damage resulting fromhdlihandling or from contact with the above product.fttiththbdt

6 Fire Fighting Measures


Water spray- Carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder, orappropriate foam. SPECIAL RISKS

Specific Hazard(s)- Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions. SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FIREFIGHTERS Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothingto prevent contact with skin and eyes.

Caution: Not fully tested. For research purposes only

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