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(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary

Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 1. The problem is that most local authorities lack the ______ to deal sensibly in this market.

A anticipation B perception C prospect D expertise

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anticipation预期,预料;perception理解,感觉,领悟;prospect景色,前景,前途;expertise专家的意见,专门技术。在和句子中to deal sensibly(聪明地,明智地)in this market的搭配上,只有expertise符合。 2.

Awards provide a(n) ______ for young people to improve their skills.

A incentive B initiative C fugitive D captive

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incentive刺激,诱因,动机;initiative主动,首创精神,进取心,如:take the initiative(采取主动);fugitive逃亡者;captive指“俘虏”。根据句子大意,正确选项应是incentive。 3.

The profit motive is inherently ______ with principles of fairness and equity.

A in line B in trade C at times D at odds

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分析句子的内在逻辑关系:发现利润动机和公平原则从本质上来看是矛盾的,单纯追求利润的行为势必会破坏公平竞争的原则。故选at odds(争执,不同意,意见不一致)。其他选项:in line成一直线,一致,有秩序;in trade做生意;at times有时,不时。 4.

Oil is derived from the ______ of microscopic sea creatures, and is even older, according to most geologists.

A layouts B reminders C remains D leftovers

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layouts规划,设计,(书刊等)版面;reminders提醒的人,提醒;remains剩余,残存,遗体;leftovers剩余物,残留物,一般指“剩饭”。根据句子大意,只有remains符合。 5.

Successful students sometimes become so ______ with grades that they never enjoy their school years.

A passionate B involved C immersed

D obsessed

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passionate是“充满热情的”,但搭配是to be passionate about...,不与with连用;involved可以与with连用组成be involved with,意思是“涉及”;immersed常与in连用,表示“沉浸于;沉溺于”;obsessed可以与with连用,在此符合句意。 6.

Apparently there were ______ between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times.

A distortions B discrepancies C disorders D distractions

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distortions扭曲,变形;discrepancies相差,差异;disorders混乱,无秩序状态;distractions分心,分心的事物。根据句子大意,应该选discrepancies。 7.

It had been a terrible afternoon for Jane, ______ at about six o'clock in her father's sudden collapse into unconsciousness.

A converging B culminating C finalizing D releasing

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converge一般与by、on、upon等介词连用,表示“会聚于一点;使汇聚”; culminate是“达到顶点”,一般与in连用,表示“以??而终结,以??而

达到顶峰;finalize是“把(计划、稿件等)最后定下来,定案”;release释放,解放,放弃,免除。只有culminating是正确选项。 8.

The 12-year-old civil war had ______ 1.5 million lives.

A declared B proclaimed C claimed D asserted

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declared断言,宣布,(向海关)申报进口应纳税之货物;proclaimed宣布,声明;claimed(根据权利)要求,声称,主张,在此符合本句的意思;asserted断言,声称。 9.

The tribe has agreed to contribute 2 percent of net ______ to charitable activities in the county.

A expenses B revenues C budgets D payments

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expenses费用,代价;revenues收入,税收;budgets预算;payments付款,报酬。句子中的net一般与profit或revenues等同搭配,故选项revenues在此符合句子意思,所以选revenues。 10.

This will make schools mole directly and effectively ______ to parents, and more responsive to their criticisms and wishes.

A accountable B submitted

C subjected D available

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accountable有责任的,应负责的;submitted屈服的,降服的;subjected臣服的,隶属于??的;available可用到的,可利用的。根据句子的意思,应该选 accountable。 11.

Make up your mind that whatever the short-term temptations may be, you will never ______ from the highest standards of honor.

A deviate B escape C derive D refrain

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四个动词都可以与from搭配,但含义不一样。题干中whatever表示让步,“无论什么,不管什么”;deviate是“背离,偏离”,常与from连用,指偏离某种正常的状态;escape是“逃走”;refrain是“忍耐,自制以避免”。结合句子的大意,只有deviate是正确选项。 12.

They teach the vocabulary of the English used in computer science, which is also listed ______ in the glossary.

A in sum B in total C in general D in full

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in sum总而言之,大体上;in total整个地(=as a whole);in general通常,一般而言;in full充足,全部地。根据句子大意应该选in full,在句子中表示“全部列出来了”。 13.

This brings a feeling of emptiness that can never be filled and leaves us with a ______ for more.

A scarcity B command C hunger D request

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scarcity缺乏,不足;command支配,指挥,精通;hunger渴望,渴求,常与for、after连用;request请求,要求。如a request for help(请求帮助)。但在这里,request不能和leave搭配。根据句子的含义,只能选hunger。 14.

Job fairs are usually very lively and informal, and you can roam ______, surveying what is on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everyday run of things.

A at peace B at leisure C at rest D at speed

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句子中roam意为“漫游,闲逛,徜徉”。四个选项中,at peace处于和平状态;at leisure空闲着,从容地;at rest安眠,长眠,静止;at speed飞快地。只有at leisure能和roam(闲逛)搭配。 15. The closest ______ to English and Welsh grammar schools are called grammar secondary schools; they can, however, accept some fee-paying pupils.

A equality B equation C equivalent D equity

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equality平等,相等,等式;equation平衡,方程式,等式;equivalent等价物,相等物;equity公平,公正,资产净值。根据句意,选C。 16.

At first the university refused to purchase the telescope, but this decision was ______ revised.

A consecutively B consequently C successively D subsequently

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consecutively连续的,依顺序的;consequently因此;successively连续地; subsequently后来,随后,只有D符合句意“??这一决议随后被修正”。 17.

He ______ us as consistently fair and accurate about the issues we are concerned about.

A confuses B regards C strikes D knocks

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confuse搞乱,使糊涂,误解(一个当成另一个);regard看待;strike给以??印象,可以和as搭配使用,也符合句子的意思;knock是“敲打,(使)碰撞”,在这里搭配和含义上都不符合。 18.

The water was so clear that it ______ the trees on the river bank.

A shadowed B shaded C represented D reflected

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shadow投阴影于,使朦胧;shade遮蔽,使阴暗,意思和shadow差不多;represent表现,描绘;reflect反射,反映。根据句子的意思,reflected是正确答案。 19.

Some 121 countries may be designated \seventeen countries ______ more than four-fifths of energy consumption.

A amount to B account for C add up D take away

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amount to总计,等于;account for除了表示“说明”以外,还可以表示“占??比例”;add up合计;take away取走,拿走。只有account for符合句子的含义。 20.

The researchers found the age at which young people first fall ______ to bullies seems to determine how much it affects them.

A sacrifice B short

C witness D victim

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四个名词选项中:sacrifice(牺牲)一般与make搭配;short可以与fall搭配,但一般是fall short of的形式,意思是“不足,达不到(目标),不符合”;witness证人,目击者,证词,一般不与fall搭配;victim受害人,牺牲者,可做 fall的宾语。正确答案是victim。

Part Ⅱ Cloze

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given below. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

Given the choice between spending an evening with friends and taking extra time for his school-work, Andy Klise admits he would probably (21) for the latter. It's not that he doesn't like to have fun; It's just that his desire to excel (22) drives his decision-making process.

A 2001 graduate of Wooster High School and now a senior biology major at The College of Wooster, Klise acknowledges that he may someday have (23) thoughts about his decision to limit the time he has spent (24) , but for now, he is comfortable with the choices he has made. \things had not (25) out as well as they have, I would have had some regrets,\says Klise, who was a Phi Beta Kappa inductee as a junior. \spending the extra time studying has been well worth the (26) . I realized early on that to be successful, I had to make certain (27) .\ (28) the origin of his intense motivation, Klise notes that it has been part of his makeup for as long as he can remember. \always been goal (29) ,\all (30) pretty much everything I do.\

Klise (31) Wooster's nationally recognized Independent Study (I. S. ) program with preparing him for his next (32) in life: a research position with the National Institute of Health (NIH). \my I.S. experience will help me (33) a research position with NIH,\says Klise. \of the nation's (34) scientists while making the (35) from

undergraduate to graduate studies or a career in the medical field.\


A intend

B prefer C opt D search

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考查动词与介词for的搭配。选项A通常和to搭配,但也可以和for搭配,意思是“(为??而)准备;预定”。选项B如果跟介词搭配只能跟to搭配,意思是“宁愿选择”。选项C既可以和to搭配(后接动词),也可以跟for搭配 (后接名词),意思是“选择”。选项D可以与for搭配,意思是“寻找,探求”。


A academically B professionally C socially D technically

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A different B certain C second D other

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哪一个与原文中的thoughts能构成固定搭配呢?只有选项C中的second thoughts“重新的考虑”切合原文题意。


A entertaining B socializing C enjoying D sporting

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A developed B appeared C occurred D worked

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A investment B reward C payment D compensation

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A devotions B concessions C sacrifices D attempts

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A Besides B As for C Out of D Despite

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A directed B oriented C conducted D guided

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选项A“对准??目标”;选项B“使确定之方向”;选项C“引导”;选项 D“引导”。这四个词的词义很相近,但能够用在名词之后,表示“以??为目标的”是oriented。


A about B with C at D in

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原文中的动词give my all是固定搭配,意思是“全力以赴”。在什么事情上“全力以赴”要用介词in来连接。因此,本题的正确答案是选项D。


A credits B registers C selects D observes

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A run B step C pace D leap

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A hold B occupy C anchor D and

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A leading B advanced C nominated D marvelous

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A achievement B transition C position

D vocation

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Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read each passage carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

Passage One

She's cute, no question. Symmetrical features, flawless skin, looks to be 22 years old—entering any meat-market bar, a woman lucky enough to have this face would turn enough heads to stir a breeze. But when Victor Johnston points and clicks, the face on his computer screen changes into a state of superheated, crystallized beauty. \so extraordinary,\Mexico State University who sounds a little in love with his creation. The transformation from pretty woman to knee-weakening babe is all the more amazing because the changes wrought by Johnston's software are, objectively speaking, quite subtle. He created the original face by digitally averaging 16 randomly selected female Caucasian faces. The changing program then exaggerated the ways in which female faces differ from male faces, creating, in human-beauty-science field, a

\and the lips plumped. These are shifts of just a few millimeters, but experiments in this country and Scotland are suggesting that both males and females find \ Johnston hatched this little movie' as part of his ongoing study into why human beings find some people attractive and others homely. He may not have any rock-solid answers yet, but he is far from alone in attempting to apply scientific inquiry to so ambiguous a subject. Around the world, researchers are marching into territory formerly staked out by poets and painters to uncover the under-pinnings of human attractiveness.

The research results so far are surprising—and humbling. Numerous studies indicate that human beauty may not be simply in the eye of the beholder or an arbitrary cultural artifact. It may be ancient and

universal, wrought through ages of evolution that rewarded reproductive winners and killed off losers. If beauty is not truth, it may be health

and fertility: Halle Berry's flawless skin may fascinate moviegoers because, at some deep level, it persuades us that she is parasite-free. Human attractiveness research is a relatively young and certainly contentious field—the allure of hyper-females, for example, is still hotly debated—but those on its front lines agree on one point: We won't conquer %until we understand its source. As psychologist Nancy Etcoff puts it: \construct is the real beauty myth. We have to understand beauty, or we will always be enslaved by it.\


The woman described in the very beginning of the text is ______.

A in fact in her late twenties B Johnston's ideal girlfriend C a stunning beauty

D is a professional prostitute

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Victor Johnston synthesized a new face by combining the features of 16 ______.

A beautiful European women

B different women around the world C casually chosen white women D ordinary western women

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Through a few tiny changes made by Johnston, the synthesized face became even more ______.

A masculine B average C feminine D neutral

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Victor Johnston has produced such an attractive face in order to ______.

A give his computer a beautiful screen B study the myth of human attractiveness C prove the human capacity to create beauties D understand why Caucasian faces are special

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Paragraph 4 suggests that human beauty may be ______.

A culturally different B a disease-free idol C individual-dependent

D a world agreed value

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It's a consensus among the researchers that humans are still unconscious of ______.

A why they look attractive

B when attractiveness is important C how powerful beauty is D what constitutes beauty

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Passage Two

It's becoming something of a joke along the Maine-Canada border. So many busloads of retired people crisscross the line looking for affordable drugs that the roadside stands should advertise, \Blueberries. Lipitor. Coumalin.\Except, of course, that such a market in prescription drugs would be illegal.

These senior long-distance shopping strees fall in a legal gray zone. But as long as people cross the border with prescriptions from a physician and have them filled for no more than a three-month supply for personal use, customs and other federal officials leave them alone. The trip might be tiring, but people can save an average of 60 percent on the cost of their prescription drugs. For some, that's the difference between taking the drugs or doing without. \had 25 seniors,\says Chellie Pingree, former Maine state senator and now president of Common Cause. \supplies of drugs.\discounted price on drugs for Maine residents who lack insurance coverage. The law was challenged by drug companies but recently upheld by the U.

S. Supreme Court. It hasn't yet taken effect.

Figuring out ways to spend less on prescription drugs has become a multifaceted national movement of consumers, largely senior citizens. The prescription drug bill in America is $160 billion annually, and people over 65 fill five times as many prescriptions as working Americans on average. \incomes that are half as large,\Sanford C. Bernstein, an investment research firm. What's more, seniors account for 20 percent of the voting public.

It's little wonder that the May 19 Supreme Court ruling got the attention of drug manufacturers and politicians across the country. The often-over-looked state of 1.3 million tucked in the northeast corner of the country became David to the pharmaceutical industry's Goliath. The face-off began three years ago when state legislators like Pingree began questioning why Maine's elderly population had to take all those bus trips.


The elderly Americans cross the Maine-Canada border in order to get drags that are ______.

A sold wholesale B over the counter C less expensive D tax-free

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We can learn from the second paragraph that ______.

A people can buy as many drugs for personal use

B the cross-border drug shopping has been out of the federal control C Chellie Pingree used to be one of the cross-border shoppers for drugs

D the cross-border shopping is the only way for some Americans to get drugs

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Maine RX mentioned in Paragraph Two is a ______.

A bill

B drug company C customs office D seniors society

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推理分析题。Maine RX的字面意思是“缅因处方”。考生也许并不直接认识“处方”(RX)这样一个缩写词,但紧接着后文就说:它授权为那些没有医疗保险的缅因州居民提供药品价格的折扣。并且,该段的最后一部分讲道:美国最高法院最近赞成其通过,它尚未开始执行。从这些内容我们可以推断出正确答案为A。


Most cross-border shoppers are retired people, rather than working Americans, because the former ______.

A have more leisure time B fill more prescriptions C mostly enjoy long trips D are fond of street shopping

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Politicians were interested in the May 19 Supreme Court ruling because ______.

A they couldn't improve the well-being of the elderly B they couldn't afford to ignore the elderly's votes C they saw the elderly as the greatest contributors D they saw the elderly as deserving a special care

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David and Goliath are names used to describe a situation in which ______.

A the two groups are evenly matched in strength

B a more powerful group is fighting a less powerful group C a less powerful group is fighting a more powerful group D both of the two groups are losers

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Passage Three

It's navel gazing time again, that stretch of the year when many of us turn our attention inward and think about how we can improve the way we live our lives. But as we embark on this annual ritual of introspection, we would do well to ask ourselves a simple question: Does it really do any good?

The poet Theodore Roethke had some insight into the matter:

\psychologist, I think Roethke had a point, one that's supported by a growing body of controlled psychological studies.

In a study I conducted with Dolores Kraft, a clinical psychologist, and Dana Dunn, a social psychologist, people in one group were asked to list the reasons their relationship with a romantic partner was going the way it was, and then rate how satisfied they were with the relationship. People in another group were asked to rate their satisfaction without any analysis; they just gave their gut reactions.

It might seem that the people who thought about the specifics would be best at figuring out how they really felt, and that their satisfaction ratings would thus do the best job of predicting the outcome of their relationships.

In fact, we found the reverse. It was the people in the \group whose ratings predicted whether they were still dating their partner several months later. As for the navel gazers, their satisfaction ratings did not predict the outcome of their relationships at all. Rather, too much analysis can confuse people about how they really feel.

Self-reflection is especially problematic when we are feeling down. Research by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, a clinical psychologist at Yale University, shows that when people are depressed, ruminating on their problems makes things worse.

For years it was believed that emergency workers like police officers and firefighters should undergo a debriefing process to focus on and relive their experiences; the idea was that this would make them feel better and prevent mental health problems down the road. But did it do any good? In an extensive review of the research, a team led by Richard McNally, a clinical psychologist at Harvard, concluded that debriefing procedures have little benefit and might even hurt by interrupting the normal healing process. People often distract themselves from thinking about painful events right after they occur, and this may be better than mentally reliving the events.


According to the author, why do people tend to look inward at the end of a year?

A They want to know if they get prepared for the futur B They consider it beneficial to their future live C They pay too much attention to their self-improvemen D They overemphasize their progress in the past yea

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The author agrees with Theodore Roethke on that ______.

A people need self-reflection when they feel blue B people are reluctant to confide in romantic partners C people may be more depressed by recalling the painful past D people would become sober when clearing up the confusions

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推断题。作者在第2段提到诗人Theodore Roethke对内省有其独到的见解,他认为,“自省是使原有心理状态更为混乱的祸根。”作者作为—名心理学家,十分同意Roethke的观点,这个观点也得到了大量的心理学研究的验证。


The findings of the study on the satisfaction ratings in romantic relationship reveal that ______.

A meditation can keep the relationship at its peak

B retrospection helps people feel satisfied with the partner C specific analysis can foretell the future of the relationship D thinking about delails makes one uncertain about the relationship

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The phrase \navel gazers\in Paragraph 5 refers to people who ______.

A boast of their own success B hesitate in romantic relationships

C worry about their future D focus on their past

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词汇理解题。文章第5段提到了作为Theodore Roethke被试的两组人,一组是the “gut feeling” people;另一组人便是the navel gazer。文章第1段一开始就提到过类似的词navel gazing time,即“自我反省思考的时间”,根据上下文的理解,可推断出该词就是对navel gazing的同义转述。所以选项D“着眼于过去的人”与原文的意思最为贴切。


Which of the following is the best way to help firefighters relieve their trauma?

A Leave them alone to adjust their emotion B Provide them with consultation about their job C Help them figure out what has happene

D Discuss with them how to do it better next tim

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According to the passage, ______ can help people get over a painful experience.

A pouring out their feelings about it B distracting their attention from it C discussing it with specialists D recalling the specifics

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Passage Four

Public speaking fills most people with dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all kinds.

Most people have plenty of insecurities, and this seems like a

situation that will bring them out. If parents, teachers or peers mocked your foibles as a child, you fear a repeat. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways. While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems to be to act yourself. Actual acting, as in performing the scripted lines of a character other than yourself, does not do the job. While politicians may limit damage by having carefully rehearsed, written screeds to speak from, there is always a hidden awareness among the audience that the words might not be true.

Although, as Earl Spencer proved at his sister Princess Diana's funeral, it is possible both to prepare every word and to act naturally. In script rarely works and it is used as a crutch by most people. But, being yourself doesn't work either. If you spoke as if you were in your own kitchen, it would be too authentic, too unaware of the need to communicate with an audience.

I remember going to see British psychiatrist RD Laing speak in public. He behaved like a seriously odd person, talking off the top of his head. Although he was talking about madness and he wrote on mental illness, he seemed to be exhibiting rather than explaining it.

The best psychological place from which to speak is an unselfconscious self-consciousness, providing the illusion of being natural. Studies suggest that this state of \satisfying. Whether in normal life or making speeches, the key is to remind yourself that, contrary to what your teachers or parents may have implied, your best is good enough. In the zone, a strange place of authentic falsehood and shallow depth, play is possible.


For most people the biggest fear for public speaking is ______.

A looking foolish

B failing in words C not attracting attention D appearing pressurized

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According to the passage shy people ______.

A have greater difficulty than extrovert ones B are not good at acting

C may well do a good job in a speech D are better speakers in the public eye

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A successful speech maker is usually one who ______.

A can act naturally

B makes careful preparations C rehearses adequately D can get across easily

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The example of the British psychiatrist in Paragraph 6 shows a failure in ______.

A showing modesty in public B talking about one's own trade C presenting the topic logically D communicating with the audience

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推断题。文章第5段最后——句话和第6段中谈到的英国心理学家RD Laing的例子就是来说明这个观点的,文章提到这位心理学家总是发表一些即席的讲话,完全不顾及观众的感受,只是自我表现,而并非在向观众解释。



A being yourself in the performance B trying to Nook serious

C pretending to be well-prepared D being seemingly knowledgeable

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From the passage, we get the impression that public speaking is something ______.

A hard to do well B scary but manageable

C tough but rewarding D worthwhile to challenge

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Passage Five

African American women's search for societal acceptance often

encompasses struggle between natural and socially constructed ideas of beauty. As an essential component in traditional African societies, cosmetic modification is ritualized to emphasize natural features of blackness. Defined by social occasion such as childhood development maturity, indicators of marital status or the group to which you belong, beautification of the hair and body play an essential role. In our racially conscious society, presenting a physical image and being accepted is a complex negotiation between two different worlds.

Hair is an outward expression of culture and heritage. It also represents a sense of personal style. In the search for the African American identity, blacks have undergone many different changes in hairstyle. Hairstyles are cultural classifiers of what African Americans consider beautiful. Hairstyles are a representation of the African American soul, all of their confidence and dignity show in how they present themselves on Sundays and on a daily basis. \American youth used their hair to make a variety of political and

philosophical statements,\young blacks joined thereafter. \natural hairstyle not only was easier to care for, but also gave African Americans a closer tie to their heritage. Natural style serves as a visible imprimatur of blackness: a tribute to group unity; a statement of

self-love and personal significance.\of beauty, black Americans halted the processes of using chemical strengtheners or hot irons.

A woman talks about her struggle. \of going natural for several years. I never had the courage because every time I pictured myself with my natural hair, I never saw beauty. Now my hair is natural, thick and healthy.\confidence within themselves to wear their hair naturally and feel beautiful about it. Many contemporary African Americans are avoiding high maintenance and feeling confident in their natural beauty.

It was a different story in the past. African Americans were pressed. Shame was the motivation behind blacks losing their roots and ethnic

identity. By being brainwashed into believing black people are \and white people are \adjusted their bodies to try to look \

Hair is as different as the people it belongs to. People are finally recognizing that beauty is what helps to create our individual identities. Ultimately, individual confidence shapes and strengthens the culture of tile African American community.


The first paragraph tells us that African Americans ______.

A have been trying hard to be socially accepted B have been changing their value about beauty

C have maintained their identity of traditional Africans D have modified their hairstyles to fit into the society

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What kind of problem do African Americans face in society?

A They would look ugly if they don't change their hairstyle B Their natural image may not be accepted by white American C They would never find a suitable hairstyle in the hair salon D Their cultural heritage may risk being abandoned by themselve

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The word \

A dislike B betrayal C approval D suspicion

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词汇理解题。问题是第2段中的imprimatur一词最有可能的意思是什么?第 2段倒数第4行的句子中列举了3个并列的成分,根据这一逻辑关系,我们可以间接地推断出imprimatur一词的含义。


African Americans stopped using chemical strengtheners or hot irons because ______.

A they reversed the attitude the white people had towards them B they started to see beauty in their thick curly hair C they feel good and comfortable in being different D they accepted the white standards of beauty

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Why did some African Americans accept the white standards of beauty?

A Because they tried to keep socially fashionabl B Because they did not have their own standards of beaut C Because they were not well educated as white American

D Because they wanted to become part of the mainstrea

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To African Americans, hair is a significant indicator of ______.

A their cultural identity B their aesthetic taste C their social recognition

D their challenge against the society

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推断题。文章中最后一段强调每个民族都有其独特的发型发式特征,每个民族对美都有其独到的见解。所以对于美国非裔来讲,头发是展现他们文化特征(cultural identity)的重要因素。

Section B

Directions: In each of the following passages, five sentences have been removed from the original text. They are listed from A to F and put below the passage. Choose the most suitable sentence from the list to fill in each of the blanks (numbered 66 to 75). For each passage, there is one sentence that does not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Francois Jacob wrote that \extent of its knowledge than by the nature of the questions it puts forward.\

Admittedly, the most brilliant cultures are developed during the days of knowledge acquirement. (67) . Many convincing examples can be given when looking back to. the cultural development of these countries. The most influential Chinese culture flourished during Tang Dynasty, which was

established a thousand years ago. This influence can be traced by the word \Street\Chinese acquired more knowledge than they had before.

(68) . However, when compared with the knowledge people have acquired and are acquiring today, the knowledge of the ancient Tangs and Arabs is

unquestionably limited. But in all history books, the cultures of the Tang Dynasty and the ancient Arabs are introduced in detail, while the cultures of the People's Republic of China and the Arab League are seldom mentioned. (69) . For instance, the ancient Greeks and Romans' knowledge about nature was definitely insufficient, but they are still recognized as the founders of the most magnificent ages and cultures in human history because the questions put forward and thought about by them were profound and meaningful. In the works of the Greeks and Romans represented by The Iliad, The Odyssey and The Aeneid, the questions concerning life and death, love and hatred, benevolence and malevolence and individual and society are raised. People can always draw inspirations from Achilles' different attitudes towards death in The Iliad and The Odyssey and Aeneas' choice from love and glory. (70) .

The importance of an era or civilization can never be diminished because of its lack of knowledge. The essence of an age or culture should be the exploration in the spiritual world and the thoughtful questions posed.

A. The Arabian culture thrived when the Arabians learnt the application of arithmetic and created Arabic numbers.

B. These remain the questions people face, contemplate and discuss till today. C. In general, cultures are developed during the time of knowledge acquirement. D. This statement reveals that the nature of an epoch or civilization is decided by the things that are thought about, rather than the things that are already known.

E. This is probably a universal truth for all countries and nations that boast impressive histories.

F. Compared with knowledge, the questions put forward are more significant in an age or culture. 66.

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身的作用。该空格的下一句中提到了these countries,显然前文已经提到countries一词,否则不会用these来限定,由此可以推断,所填人的句子中一定涉及countries一词,而选项E正与此呼应。


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本题所在的第4段为全文的重点,从正面论述了文章的论点,即提出的问题比知识本身更加重要。该空格的下一句以For instance开头,说明下一句的内容是举例证明空格中的话。根据这两点来看,选项F应是本题的正确答案。


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Passage Two

Over the past two decades, the lives of American women have undergone unparalleled change. The Virginia Slims Opinion Poll has chronicled that change in national surveys conducted six times since 1970. (71)

One of the most striking findings of the 1990 Virginia Slims Opinion Poll

is the degree of consensus—rather than conflict—in women's and men's attitudes about the changing roles of women. In many respects, the two sexes agree. Men express strong and consistent support for women's improved status in

society. (72) And they agree that the most tangible way in which they could help women balance jobs and family is to take on more household work. But men are also a major cause of resentment and stress for American

women. (73) Now, a generation of sweeping change later, women's expectations have outpaced the change in men's behavior. Token help with the dishes or the children no longer inspires women's gratitude. (74) .

Increasingly, the kitchen table has become that bargaining

table. (75) Next to money, \single biggest cause of resentment among women who are married or living as if married, with 52 percent citing this as a problem. Improvement in this area is one of the top things women cite when they consider what would make their lives better.

A. There is evidence in the poll that waiting for men to live up to the ideal of equal responsibility is a major irritant for most women today.

B. Together, these surveys provide a comprehensive picture of women's changing status, and of their views of the future. C. In 1970, most women were concerned about getting men to share household chores. D. They, like women, believe that sex discrimination remains an important problem in the work-place.

E. Over the past three generations, expectations of men as rulers and protectors of the household have changed.

F. Instead, as women contribute more to the family income, they expect in return a more equal division of the household responsibilities. 71.

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本题所在的第2段讲到“在许多方面,两性的看法一致”。接着,作者就列举了3个方面的内容来说明两性看法的一致,而所要填入的是其中的一个方面。由此推断,选项D为本题的答案。选项D中的主语They指的是men,而like women这一短语用于说明男人和女人观点上的相似之处。


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本题所在的第3段主要讲了男性也是给美国女性带来怨恨和重压的一个主要原因。接下来,作者论述了情况为什么是这样。该空格下一句中的Now一词是答题的关键,它提示了考生前一句中可能提到了以前的一些情况。综观各个选项,可发现选项C中的时间状语In 1970与Now构成对比。


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Part Ⅳ Translation

Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your pieces of Chinese version in the proper space on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ.

As we enter the 21st century, the gap between the world's rich and poor is widening, both with in and among countries. 1. The vast majority of the world's population is receiving an ever-decreasing share of its collective wealth, while the share claimed by a few rich nations and individuals is steadily growing. In 2001 Forbes magazine counted 538 billionaires with a total net worth of 1.7

trillion dollars, while the United Nations identified 2.8 billion people surviving on less than two dollars a day. Overall, the richest 20 percent of the world's people control 86 percent of global income, while the poorest 20 percent control barely one percent.

The impacts of this widening rich-poor gap are varied and worrisome. 2. They include environmental destruction—richer nations and individuals can afford to over-consume resources, poorer nations and individuals are forced to

over-exploit the environment just to survive. They include migration—people are forced to, move in search of adequate resources. And they include

conflict—wealthier nations and individuals fight to keep what they have, while those suffering a lack of resources fight to obtain them. 3. Because poorer groups typically lack the assets and technology to conduct large-scale conventional war to obtain their goals, they often resort to low-intensity conflict and terrorism.

The causes of this global disparity are diverse and complex, but include colonial era trading patterns that favor industrialized nations; the

globalization of economies and economic structures, in which poor nations struggle to compete; a growing \divide\characterized by lack of access to information technology; inadequate governance and protection of law; and lack of access to education, healthcare, and social safety nets, especially for women and girls.

4. Individuals and nations need not remain in poverty indefinitely, however. With an awareness of the interdependence of our modern world and a concerted political will, it is possible to reverse this trend that threatens to divide the world against itself. And reversing this trend would have powerful and positive impacts on our future.

5. Bringing the nearly 5 billion people of the less industrialized world into a sustainable economy through \boost to the world economy, as well as to those people. With increased economic opportunities come improved access to nutrition, education, and health care. With those come higher income, greater autonomy—especially for women—and the opportunity to pursue environmentally sound technologies and products. 1.

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Part Ⅵ Writing

Directions: Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ.


China has the greatest population in the world and a large pool of research workers, yet it has not produced a single Nobel prize winner so far. What has caused this situation in your opinion?

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Nobel prize, an international award given for achievements in various academic fields, has been a great honor to people from different countries. However, China, with the greatest population and a large number of research workers, has not produced a single Nobel prize winner so far. In my opinion, various contributing factors can be identified as follows. First of all, though the educational system in China has fostered many researchers, it somehow hinders individuals' creativity. Children are usually not valued by their unique way of thinking, but are encouraged to be obedient. Especially in the traditional cramming method of teaching, schools 1ay particular stress on memorization at the expense of

comprehension, which has a very bad influence on students' ability to solve difficult problems.

Furthemore, for a long period in Chinese history, China had been isolated from the outside world. In ancient times, we were self-contained for self-pride, believing that China was at the center of the whole universe. In modern times, we were self-fettered for self-protection, afraid of the invasion of other countries. As a consequence, China has lagged behind in many fields including science development. Researchers in China have little idea about the research interests of their own areas. At the same time. discoveries by Chinese researchers cannot be made known to foreign countries. For instance, the clone technology was first explored by Scientists from Chinese Academy of Sciences decades ago, but their research did not arouse international concern simply due to lack of communication.

Fortunately, the situation mentioned above has been changing. Our educational system has impr6ved a great deal and more and more

opportunities to communicate with the external world have been offered. Therefore, I am sure that in the near future China will have one or more Nobel prize winners.

