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1. ________ Halloween is an important festival in ________ autumn.

A. /; /

B. A; /

C. /; an

D. The; an

2. 下列单词中划线部分发音与其他不同的一项是:________

A. bowl

B. know

C. coat

D. down

3. —Do you usually play basketball ________ the afternoon?

—Yes. And we have a match ________ Saturday afternoon.

A. in; in

B. on; on

C. in; on

D. on; in

4. —Is Andy doing ________ homework now?

—Yes. Can you help ________?

A. his; he

B. his; him

C. his; his

D. him; him

5. Table tennis is not ________ in the USA. Few Americans can play it.

A. different

B. popular

C. difficult

D. interesting

6. The cake ________ so nice!

A. cooks

B. eats

C. sounds

D. tastes

7. How nice my parents are! They ________ think of me first.

A. sometimes

B. seldom

C. never

D. always

8. —Why don't your parents go to the parents' meeting?

—Because ________ of them are in Beijing now.

A. all

B. both

C. each

D. every

9. —Can I have ________ fruit now?

—Sorry. There isn't ________ fruit at home.

A. any; any

B. some; any

C. some; some

D. any; some

10. —________ there any people in the room?

—Yes. There ________ a man in it.

A. Are; are

B. Are; is

C. Is; is

D. Is; are

11. — Would you like to come to my party this evening?

— Thank you. ________ I am busy this evening.

A. And

B. Because

C. But

D. So

12. On No Car Day, everyone ________ to work in my city.

A. walk

B. walks

C. is walking

D. are walking

13. I'm very careful when I ________ fire-works.

A. let off

B. let out

C. let in

D. let up

14. It's time for football. Tom ________ his football shoes now.

A. looks for

B. is looking for

C. finds

D. is finding

15. —________?

—Yes, thanks. I want a red sweater.

A. Can I help you

B. How do you like it

C. What about something to drink

D. Would you like some fish

16. — ________ there any American teachers in your school? —________ .

A. Is; Yes, there are

B. Are; Yes, there are

C. Is; No, there isn’t

D. Are; No, there isn’t

17. —How much this pair of shoes ?

—Thirty yuan.

A. does; take

B. do; cost

C. do; spend

D. does; cost

18. I want to buy a nice present____ my mother and I must give it _____ her myself.

A. for, to

B. to , for

C. for, for

D. with, to

19. Look! Here ________ Mrs. Smith. She ________ a long dress today.

A.is coming; dresses

B. comes; puts on B.

C. is coming; puts on

D. comes; is wearing

20. There is no water in my glass. Would you please give me ________?

A. little

B. some

C. any

D. few

21. There are ten chairs and twelve teachers here. So we need ________ chairs.

A. still two

B. more two

C. another two

D. two another

22. The shoes in the box ________ too big. Could you please show me ________?

A. is; another one

B. is; other pair

C. are; other one

D. are; another pair

23. Star Shopping Mall ________ from 9a.m. to 10p.m. every day.

A. is opens

B. open

C. is opening

D. is open



Be careful on April 1st! When your classmates say "Your shoes untied (解开的)!", it may not be true. And if you find your alarm clock is set back an hour, this may be a joke too.

April Fool's Day (愚人节)is a traditional festival. On that day people play harmless (无害的)

jokes on others and then shout, "April Fool!" It's a "for-fun-only" day, so people don't buy gifts or get the day off work or school.

April Fool's Day started in France in the 16th century (世纪)

. At that time, New Year's Day was between March 25th and April 1st. When New Year's Day changed to January 1st in the mid-1560s, some people still celebrate it on April 1st. Others played jokes on them and called them "April Fools".

Each country celebrates April Fool's Day differently. In France, it is called "April Fish". The Frenchmen fool their friends by sticking (粘) paper fish to their friends' backs. When someone finds out this joke, they shout, "April Fish!" In England, it is bad luck to play an April Fool's joke on someone in the afternoon. Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike.

24. April Fool's Day started in ___________ in the sixteenth century.

A. the USA

B. England

C. China

D. France 25. When was New Year's Day about five hundred years ago in France?

A. On March 25th.

B. Between April 1st and April 25th.

C. Between March 25th and April 1st.

D. On April 1st.

26. “April Fool's Day” is called “April Fish” because the French ___________.

A. must eat fish for dinner on that day

B. like eating fish very much

C. fool their friends by sticking paper fish to their friend's backs

D. like to give their friends fish as a treat

B My cousin Jacky's parents don't let him watch any TV from Monday to Friday. He can only watch TV for an hour every Saturday evening. He says he needs to watch TV . And he wants me to talk to his parents about it. What shall I say to his parents?

I shall tell them watching TV is good for students. Animal World is good for animal lovers. And watching TV news helps students learn about the world. I often watch CCTV-10. I can always learn something from it.

And I also need to tell them TV is fun. Students work hard at school. Watching TV can make them feel less tired. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So I often watch TV for half an hour every day.

I also want to tell them students can watch TV with their parents. After supper, I always sit in front of the TV set with my parents and we chat with each other. That makes children and parents closer. I hope ___________.

27. What is Jacky's problem (问题)?

A. He hates watching TV.

B. He can't watch any TV.

C. He can't watch TV on weekdays.

D. He watches too much TV.

28. The writer talks about ___________ advantages (好处) of watching TV.

A. only one

B. two

C. three

D. four

29. The writer always watches TV ___________.

A. with his parents

B. for an hour every day

C. before supper

D. after lunch

30. The Chinese meaning of "dull" is ___________.

A. 兴奋的

B. 无趣的

C. 聪明的

D. 振作的

31. 哪一项可能是文章最后一句中漏掉的部分?

A. TV can be interesting

B. I can watch TV with Jacky

C. Jacky can be a good boy

D. Jacky's parents can let him watch TV


32. Mum makes some dumplings for my friends as a ___________ (招待).

33. Joan's hair looks very ___________ (光滑的).

34. There are some pretty young ___________ (lady) in the room.

35. Look! Two ___________ (gentleman) are reading the newspaper.

36. I want to buy two ___________ (scarf). One is for my mother and the other is for my aunt.

37. My father likes ___________ (lie) in bed after work.

38. My dog looks very ___________ (love) in the small sweater

39. It's a good idea to wear ___________ (train) when you go on a trip.

40. We have ___________(little) than an hour of homework every day.

41. My grandpa can't eat beans now. He doesn't have strong ___________ (tooth).

42. A good lifestyle can help you keep ___________ (health).

43. These ___________ coats look great on them. (女士)

44. He likes___________ food for his family when they eat out.(点菜)

45. What is the ___________(总的) number of your classmates’ scores?

46. My parents don't want to buy me the computer because it is too ___________.(昂贵)


47. The cat is lazy. Look! She ___________(lie) on the sofa again.

48. Listen, who ___________ (shout) in the room?

49. Maybe the coat is ___________ (make) of wool.

50. The scarf ___________ (match) my blouse very well.51. I plan ___________(change) my lifestyle. 52. Six oranges aren't enough. We need two ___________ (many). 53. Do you enjoy ___________ (today) English party? 54. We are planning ___________ (go) to Wangfujing Street to do some shopping next week. 55. Would you like to do some ___________ with me this afternoon? (shop) 56. This weekend, I plan to buy a new badminton bat in the ___________ (sport) shop near my home.


Allan is a doctor. He is taking notes about the lifestyles of two children, Angela and Andy.

Angela: The girl looks healthy. She knows how to keep fit. She gets up early even (即使) at weekends. And enough exercise makes her fit. She doesn't eat fast food very often.

But sometimes she eats snacks between meals. Are most girls greedy (嘴馋的)? She should (应该) eat less snacks. They are not good for her. She can eat some fruit between meals.

Andy: Andy likes sports. He is good at swimming and football. He does sports for more than 1 hour every day. That makes him fit and strong.

But Andy is a picky eater (挑食者). He doesn't eat enough meat for meals. He can't get enough energy. So he is not tall. And he has another problem—sleeping in. He gets up too late on Saturdays and Sundays. I shall tell Andy to get up early and eat more meat.


On Sundays, we give a fashion show at school with my classmates. It is very i____67____. My teacher and some of my classmates are the fashion m____68____. Our English teacher wears a purple shirt and a pair of j____69____.

I t____70____ he is very smart. Our Chinese teacher Miss Yang wears a blue cotton b____71____ and a pair of white trousers. She looks nice o____72____ them. Sandy, one of my good f____73____, is the top model of the show. She looks very b____74____ at the show. She w____75____ to be a star when she grows up. We are very happy to see the show. Next week there will be a_____76_____ show at school. We all hope to watch it soon.


77. 看!那些模特正穿着不同款式的衣服.


78. 他经常和他的同学练习打篮球.


79. 我的表弟对游泳很感兴趣.


80. 牛仔裤在学生们中间很流行,因为他们是棉制成的并且很舒服. ____________________________________

81. 我没有足够的钱给妈妈个生日礼物.


82. 我的姐姐穿那件紫色的裙子很漂亮.


83. 一天一个苹果,不用去诊所.




1. ________ Halloween is an important festival in ________ autumn.

A. /; /

B. A; /

C. /; an

D. The; an




考查冠词.a/ an一个,不定冠词,表泛指;the定冠词,表特指;/零冠词;根据语境理解可知,第一空是“万圣节”,英语中西方节日前不需要用冠词,而第二空表示“在秋天”,英语中季节前不需要用冠词,故选


2. 下列单词中划线部分发音与其他不同的一项是:________ A. bowl B. know C. coat D. down 【答案】D


【详解】考查语音.bowl [b??l] 碗;know [n??] 知道;coat [k??t] 外套;down [da?n] 向下.故选D

3. —Do you usually play basketball ________ the afternoon?

—Yes. And we have a match ________ Saturday afternoon.

A. in; in

B. on; on

C. in; on

D. on; in





4. —Is Andy doing ________ homework now?

—Yes. Can you help ________?

A. his; he

B. his; him

C. his; his

D. him; him






5. Table tennis is not ________ in the USA. Few Americans can play it.

A. different

B. popular

C. difficult

D. interesting




考查形容词辨析.different不同的;popular受欢迎的;difficult困难的;interesting有趣的.根据“Few Americans can play it.”可知乒乓球在美国不受欢迎,故选B.

6. The cake ________ so nice!

A. cooks

B. eats

C. sounds

D. tastes




考查动词辨析.cooks做饭;eats吃;sounds听起来;tastes尝起来;根据语境理解可知,此处需要一个系动词,放在句中构成一个“主语+系动词+表语”的结构,所以排除A/ B选项,而这里主语是cake,所以表达的是“尝起来”,故选D.

7. How nice my parents are! They ________ think of me first.

A. sometimes

B. seldom

C. never

D. always




考查副词辨析.sometimes有时,偶尔;seldom很少;never从不;always总是.根据“How nice my parents are”可知父母总是先想到我,故选D.

8. —Why don't your parents go to the parents' meeting?

—Because ________ of them are in Beijing now.

A. all

B. both

C. each

D. every






9. —Can I have ________ fruit now?

—Sorry. There isn't ________ fruit at home.

A. any; any

B. some; any

C. some; some

D. any; some




考查不定代词.any任何,用在否定句和疑问句中; some一些,修饰可数名词的复数或不可数名词,用于肯定句或以情态动词开头的疑问句中;根据句子结构分析可知,第一个句是情态动词开头的疑问句,所以用some,表示希望得到对方的肯定回答,第二个空是否定句,所以用any,故选B.

10. —________ there any people in the room?

—Yes. There ________ a man in it.

A. Are; are

B. Are; is

C. Is; is

D. Is; are




考查主谓一致和be动词用法.两句均为there be结构,第一句中people(人们)表示复数,be动词用are;第二句主语a man为单数,be动词用is,故选B.

11. — Would you like to come to my party this evening?

— Thank you. ________ I am busy this evening.

A. And

B. Because

C. But

D. So



【详解】句意:——今天晚上你愿意来参加我的聚会吗?——谢谢你.但是我今天晚上很忙.考查连词辨析.and而且;because因为;but但是;so所以.根据I am busy this evening可知,我很忙无法参加聚会,故用连词but表示转折关系,故选C.

12. On No Car Day, everyone ________ to work in my city.

A. walk

B. walks

C. is walking

D. are walking




考查时态.根据语境理解及“On No Car Day”可知,此处是陈述一件事情,所以动词要用现在时,而句子主语是不定代词everyone,所以谓语动词应该用单数形式,故选B.

13. I'm very careful when I ________ fire-works.

A. let off

B. let out

C. let in

D. let up




考查动词短语.let off点燃,引爆;let out泄露;let in让……进来;let up放松,减少;根据语境理解及空格后的“fire-works”可知,此处表达的是“燃放烟花”,故选A.

14. It's time for football. Tom ________ his football shoes now.

A. looks for

B. is looking for

C. finds

D. is finding



【详解】句意:是时候踢足球了. 汤姆现在正在寻找他的足球鞋.

考查时态和动词辨析.look for寻找(强调过程);find找到(强调结果).根据now可知是现在进行时态,故排除AC.又因为此处强调过程,即:要比赛了,还在找球鞋.故选B.

15. —________?

—Yes, thanks. I want a red sweater.

A. Can I help you

B. How do you like it

C. What about something to drink

D. Would you like some fish




考查情景交际.Can I help you需要帮忙吗;How do you like it你觉得它怎么样;What about something to drink 一些喝的怎么样;Would you like some fish你想吃一些鱼吗?根据下文“Yes, thanks. I want a red sweater.”可知,这里是购物中售货员问的用语.故选A.

16. — ________ there any American teachers in your school? —________ .

A. Is; Yes, there are

B. Are; Yes, there are

C. Is; No, there isn’t

D. Are; No, there isn’t




考查there be句型.本题的主语是teachers,为复数,本题是there be结构的一般疑问句,故be动词用are,故不选AC,D结构回答不正确,故选B.

17. —How much this pair of shoes ?

—Thirty yuan.

A. does; take

B. do; cost

C. do; spend

D. does; cost




考查动词词义辨析.It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.“花费某人多长时间做某事”;sth. cost sb. some money “某事花费某人钱”;sb. spends some time doing sth.“某人做某事花费时间”;此处主语this pair of shoes是事物,表示花费多少钱,故用动词cost,故选D.

18. I want to buy a nice present____ my mother and I must give it _____ her myself.

A. for, to

B. to , for

C. for, for

D. with, to



【详解】句意:我想为我妈妈买一个漂亮的礼物,并且我必须要亲自给她.选项所给词均为介词,其中for 意为“对于…;为了…;给…”,to可意为“到…;朝向;关于”等等;with可意为“带有;随着;和…”等等.根据语境可知第一空考查介词for“为了…”的用法,buy sth for sb为某人买某物;第二空为固定短语give sth. to sb. “把某物给某人”,故答案应选A项.

19. Look! Here ________ Mrs. Smith. She ________ a long dress today.

A. is coming; dresses

B. comes; puts on B.

C. is coming; puts on

D. comes; is wearing




考查时态.is coming来,现在进行时结构;dresses穿,表示状态;comes来,动词三单;puts on穿,表示动作;is wearing穿,表示状态;根据语境理解及句首的Look可知,第一空表示“史密斯夫人走来了”,Here 位于句首时,整个句子用全部倒装,故第一空用comes;第二空表示此时此刻正在穿着一件长裙,wear表

示穿着的状态,用现在进行时,第二空用is wearing.故选D.

20. There is no water in my glass. Would you please give me ________?

A. little

B. some

C. any

D. few



【详解】句意:我的杯子里没有水. 你能给我一些吗?



21. There are ten chairs and twelve teachers here. So we need ________ chairs.

A. still two

B. more two

C. another two

D. two another




考查数词的用法.不包括本身,再加上额外的,表示方法为another + 数词;数词+ more;结合选项,所以用another two.故选C.

22. The shoes in the box ________ too big. Could you please show me ________?

A. is; another one

B. is; other pair

C. are; other one

D. are; another pair




考查主谓一致和another用法.第一句中主语the shoes表示复数,be动词用are,排除A、B项;other其他的,后面常跟复数名词,不能跟one,排除C项;another另一个,表示泛指,鞋有两只,应该说成another pair (另一双).故选D.

23. Star Shopping Mall ________ from 9a.m. to 10p.m. every day.

A. is opens

B. open

C. is opening

D. is open




考查be动词和形容词.is opens语法错误;open动词,打开;is opening正在开,现在进行时;is open开着的,

表示状态.根据“from 9a.m. to 10p.m. every day”可知,这里是表示营业的状态,用be open.这里是一般现在时态,be动词用is.故选D.



Be careful on April 1st! When your classmates say "Your shoes untied(解开的)!", it may not be true. And if you find your alarm clock is set back an hour, this may be a joke too.

April Fool's Day(愚人节)is a traditional festival. On that day people play harmless(无害的)jokes on others and then shout, "April Fool!" It's a "for-fun-only" day, so people don't buy gifts or get the day off work or school.

April Fool's Day started in France in the 16th century(世纪). At that time, New Year's Day was between March 25th and April 1st. When New Year's Day changed to January 1st in the mid-1560s, some people still celebrate it on April 1st. Others played jokes on them and called them "April Fools".

Each country celebrates April Fool's Day differently. In France, it is called "April Fish". The Frenchmen fool their friends by sticking (粘) paper fish to their friends' backs. When someone finds out this joke, they shout, "April Fish!" In England, it is bad luck to play an April Fool's joke on someone in the afternoon. Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike.

24. April Fool's Day started in ___________ in the sixteenth century.

A. the USA

B. England

C. China

D. France

25. When was New Year's Day about five hundred years ago in France?

A. On March 25th.

B. Between April 1st and April 25th.

C. Between March 25th and April 1st.

D. On April 1st.

26. “April Fool's Day” is called “April Fish” because the French ___________.

A. must eat fish for dinner on that day

B. like eating fish very much

C. fool their friends by sticking paper fish to their friend's backs

D. like to give their friends fish as a treat

【答案】24. D 25. D 26. C




细节理解题.根据短文April Fool's Day started in France in the 16th century(世纪). 可知,故选D.


细节理解题.根据短文When New Year's Day changed to January 1st in the mid-1560s, some people still celebrate it on April 1st可知,故选D.


细节理解题.根据In France, it is called "April Fish". The Frenchmen fool their friends by sticking (粘) paper fish to their friends' backs.可知,故选C.


My cousin Jacky's parents don't let him watch any TV from Monday to Friday. He can only watch TV for an hour every Saturday evening. He says he needs to watch TV. And he wants me to talk to his parents about it. What shall I say to his parents?

I shall tell them watching TV is good for students. Animal World is good for animal lovers. And watching TV news helps students learn about the world. I often watch CCTV-10. I can always learn something from it.

And I also need to tell them TV is fun. Students work hard at school. Watching TV can make them feel less tired. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So I often watch TV for half an hour every day.

I also want to tell them students can watch TV with their parents. After supper, I always sit in front of the TV set with my parents and we chat with each other. That makes children and parents closer. I hope ___________.

27. What is Jacky's problem (问题)?

A. He hates watching TV.

B. He can't watch any TV.

C. He can't watch TV on weekdays.

D. He watches too much TV.

28. The writer talks about ___________ advantages (好处) of watching TV.

A. only one

B. two

C. three

D. four

29. The writer always watches TV ___________.

A. with his parents

B. for an hour every day

C. before supper

D. after lunch

30. The Chinese meaning of "dull" is ___________.

A. 兴奋的

B. 无趣的

C. 聪明的

D. 振作的

31. 哪一项可能是文章最后一句中漏掉的部分?

A. TV can be interesting

B. I can watch TV with Jacky

C. Jacky can be a good boy

D. Jacky's parents can let him watch TV

【答案】27. C 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. D



Jacky的父母不让他在工作日看电视,Jacky向作者寻求帮助.作者谈到了看电视的三个好处,最后希望Jacky 的父母能让他看电视.


细节理解题.由第一段句子“My cousin Jacky's parents don't let him watch any TV from Monday to Friday.”可知,Jacky的问题是周一到周五,也就是工作日不能看电视,故选C.




细节理解题.由最后一段句子“After supper, I always sit in front of the TV set with my parents and we chat with each other.”可知,作者晚饭后常和父母一起看电视,故选A.







32. Mum makes some dumplings for my friends as a ___________ (招待).




33. Joan's hair looks very ___________ (光滑的).




34. There are some pretty young ___________(lady) in the room.



【详解】句意:房间里有一些年轻漂亮的女士.根据语境理解可知,此处表达的是“一些女士”,句中some 是用来修饰lady的,所以这里的lady应该用复数形式,按照名词单复数变化规则可知,lady的复数是ladies,故填ladies.

35. Look! Two ___________ (gentleman) are reading the newspaper.




36. I want to buy two ___________ (scarf). One is for my mother and the other is for my aunt.




37. My father likes ___________ (lie) in bed after work.



【详解】句意:我父亲下班后喜欢躺在床上.由语境可知,此处表达的是“喜欢做某事”,是一种习惯性的行为,英语是“like doing sth”,所以空格应填ing形式,lie变成ing形式是去ie变成y,再加ing,故填lying.

38. My dog looks very ___________ (love) in the small sweater.





39. It's a good idea to wear ___________ (train) when you go on a trip.




40. We have ___________(little) than an hour of homework every day.



【详解】句意:我们每天只有不到一个小时的作业.空格处所给参考单词为little.根据句中than提示,此处little应用比较级形式,即less,less than意为“不足、少于”.故填less.

41. My grandpa can't eat beans now. He doesn't have strong ___________ (tooth).



【详解】句意:我爷爷现在不能吃豆子了. 他没有结实的牙齿.此处指没有“牙齿”这个东西,复数表示整体.名词变复数中,tooth变teeth是一种固定变法.故填teeth.

42. A good lifestyle can help you keep ___________ (health).



【详解】句意:好的生活方式能帮助你保持健康.keep+形容词,意为“保持……状态”;keep healthy保持健康,故填healthy.

43. These ___________ coats look great on them. (女士)




44. He likes___________ food for his family when they eat out.(点菜)



【详解】句意:他喜欢在家人外出就餐时为他们点菜.order订购,预定;like doing sth喜欢做某事,动名词作宾语,故填ordering.

45. What is the ___________(总的) number of your classmates’ scores?





46. My parents don't want to buy me the computer because it is too ___________.(昂贵)





47. The cat is lazy. Look! She ___________(lie) on the sofa again.

【答案】is lying



空格处所给参考单词为lie.根据句中Look!提示,猫躺在沙发的这个动作正在进行中,故应用现在进行时,且主语She为第三人称单数形式,故答案为is lying.

48. Listen, who ___________ (shout) in the room?

【答案】is shouting


【详解】句意:听,谁在房间里大喊大叫?根据语境理解及句首的Listen可知,此处表达的动作是正在进行的,所以应用现在进行时,结构是“am/ is/ are+doing”,而主语是who,常视作单数,所以谓语应该用单数形式,故填is shouting.

49. Maybe the coat is ___________ (make) of wool.



【详解】句意:或许这件外套是由羊毛制成的.be made of“由……制成”.故填made.

50. The scarf ___________ (match) my blouse very well.




51. I plan ___________(change) my lifestyle.

【答案】to change



空格处所给参考单词为change.plan to do为固定搭配,意为“计划做某事”,符合句意,故答案为to change.

52. Six oranges aren't enough. We need two ___________ (many).



【详解】句意:六个橘子不够.我们还需要两个.根据语境理解可知,此处表达的是“再两个”,英语结构是“another+数词= 数词+more”,而句中数词在前面,所以这里用more的形式,故填more.

53. Do you enjoy ___________ (today) English party?



【详解】句意:你喜欢今天的英语聚会吗?根据句意,today与Engilsh party是所有格关系,即“今天的英语聚会”.故填today's.

54. We are planning ___________ (go) to Wangfujing Street to do some shopping next week.

【答案】to go


【详解】句意:我们计划下周去王府井大街购物.根据语境理解可知,此处表达的是“计划做某事”,英语是plan to do sth,所以空格应该用不定式作宾语,故填to go.

55. Would you like to do some ___________ with me this afternoon? (shop)




【详解】句意:今天下午你愿意和我一起去购物吗?根据空格前的“do some”以及提示词shop,很容易联想到动词短语“do some shopping”.故填shopping.


56. This weekend I plan to buy a new badminton bat in the ___________ (sport) shop near my home.



【详解】句意:这个周末,我计划在我家附近的体育商店购买一个新的羽毛球拍.a sports shop“一家体育用品店”.此处sports作定语,修饰名词shop,用复数形式.故填sports.


Allan is a doctor. He is taking notes about the lifestyles of two children, Angela and Andy. Angela: The girl looks healthy.She knows how to keep fit. She gets up early even (即使) at weekends. And enough exercise makes her fit. She doesn't eat fast food very often.

But sometimes she eats snacks between meals. Are most girls greedy (嘴馋的)? She should (应该) eat less snacks. They are not good for her. She can eat some fruit between meals.

Andy: Andy likes sports. He is good at swimming and football. He does sports for more than 1 hour every day. That makes him fit and strong.

But Andy is a picky eater (挑食者). He doesn't eat enough meat for meals. He can't get enough energy. So he is not tall. And he has another problem—sleeping in. He gets up too late on Saturdays and Sundays. I shall tell Andy to get up early and eat more meat.

