金版教程2016高考英语二轮复习训练:4-3-2 图画作文a Word版含解析

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March 29th,SundayFine

Today some classmates and I served at Capital Library as volunteers.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1.本文是________类作文 2.体裁是________ 3.人称是________ 4.时态是________

答案:1.图画 2.应用文(日记) 3.第一人称 4.一般过去时态 第二步:联想词汇——紧扣文章主题(图画内容)。 1.集合:________ 答案:gather 2.培训:________ 答案:train

3.操作电脑:________ 答案:operate the computers 4.借(还)书:________ 答案:borrow or return books 5.志愿者身份卡:________ 答案:volunteer identity card 6.开始着手做:________ 答案:get down to 7.整理书架:________ 答案:finish bookshelves 8.认真对待:________ 答案:take...seriously 9.对……说再见:________ 答案:say good-bye to 10.分享感受:________ 答案:share feelings


1.We ________ at the gate of the library.

我们在图书馆门口集合。 答案:gathered together 2.We ________ by a librarian. 我们首先接受图书管理员的培训。 答案:were first trained

3.How ________ to borrow or return books? 我们应如何操作电脑来借(还)书。 答案:should we operate the computers 4.We ________. 我们可以帮助读者。 答案:could help readers

5.We ________ and volunteer identity card and ________ our work.

我们穿上志愿者服装,戴上标志,便开始工作。 答案:wore the volunteer uniform; got down to 6.________ helped with finishing bookshelves. 一些同学帮助整理书架。 答案:Some students

7.Some________ to the people. Those people had problems with ________.

有些人帮助一些人,这些人在使用电脑方面有困难。 答案:offered assistance; using the computers

8.When ________, we did our part in helping others. 我们做志愿工作时,我们尽力帮助他人。 答案:doing voluntary work (二)根据要求,对以上句子进行升级

升级一:把2、3句升级为“疑问词+to do”结构的简单句。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

答案:We were first trained by a librarian on how to borrow or

return books.

升级二:把升级一和句4,用so that句式连接起来。


答案:We were first trained by a librarian on how to borrow or return books so that we could help readers later.



答案:Wearing the volunteer uniform and volunteer identity card, we got down to work.



答案:Some offered assistance to the people who had problems with using the computers.

升级五:把句8升级为“连词+非谓语”的省略结构。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

答案:When doing voluntary work, we did our part in helping others.



One possible version:

March_29th,_SundayFine Today_some_classmates_and_I_served_at_Capital_Library_as_volunteers. At 9 o'clock this morning, we gathered together at the gate of the library. After getting into the library, we were first trained by a librarian on how to operate the computers to borrow or return books so that we could help readers later. Then, wearing the volunteer uniform and volunteer identity card, we got down to our

work. Some of us helped with finishing bookshelves and some offered assistance to the people who had problems with using the computers. All of us took our tasks seriously and tried to do them well.

Time passed quickly. Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye to the staff. On the way back, we shared our feelings happily. When doing voluntary work, we did our part in helping others. Meanwhile, it promoted our social awareness. We all believe volunteering is rewarding and look forward to more of it.

二、课下练笔——仿照即时演练的步骤,完成下列书面表达 [2015·辽宁五校联考一]请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解,以“Come back to reality”为题,用英语写一篇作文。

你的作文应包括以下内容: 1.简要描述漫画的内容; 2.概述你对这幅漫画的理解; 3.举例说明你会怎样做。 注意:1.可参照漫画适当发挥; 2.作文词数100左右;


Come back to reality


One possible version:

Come back to reality

As is shown in the picture, a woman is sitting in front of a computer and trying to make friends on the Net. Just outside the door, many people are watching, eager to make friends with her. However, they are all neglected.

The picture reminds me of many young people who are computer addicts themselves in the virtual world. What is worse is that the situation continues and sooner or later those people will be eventually cut off from the real world. There is no doubt that the virtual world can be exciting, but that's not the reason for them. Too much time and energy devoted to the Internet will lead to a disaster both physically and mentally. In other words, the real world that we live in is what really counts.

As for myself, I'll devote myself to more worthwhile things in real life, from making friends to studying, only in this way can I make my life full and valuable.

