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Phrases and Expressions

Turn in上交 work on努力改善;努力完成 figure out弄懂;想清楚;弄明白 of course当然 ;自然 depend on取决于 try out试用 settle on选定 keep track of跟上?的进展;纪录 on the go忙个不停 set aside留出take a break休息一下 all at once同时;一起 at a time每次;一次 ready, set, go各就各位 put off推迟,延迟 be set in stone不可改变的 take a back seat to处于次要地位 pull out拉出;拔出 right away立刻 work through完成 check off在?上打个√ based on根据 check out借出 make sense有道理,合乎情理


accomplish完成 advice建议 clue线索 create创造 divide分开 magical奇妙的 option选择 priority优先考虑的事 project课题 responsibility责任 share分享 suggest暗示

1. None of us are close friends but we all share an interest in



2. Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest

happiness or deepest despair.

词汇具有不可思议的力量。他们能带来最大的幸福,也能带来最深的失望。 3. In order to work more efficiently, you need to have a to-do list and

after accomplishing your tasks, cross them off your list.


4. He basically has two options: he can go to college and play

football, or find a job to support his family. 他基本上有两个选择:他可以去大学和踢足球,或者找一份工作来养家。

5. His failure to finish his job in time has created a lot of



6. Mary didn't tell us why she left school, but her letters

provided a clue to the answers.

玛丽没有告诉我们为什么她离开学校,但她的信件提供答案的线索。 7. She took her parents' advice and became a science

Cambridge University.


8. Knowing that Mary always has her meals on the university

campus, I suggested taking her out to dinner for a change. 知道玛丽总是在大学校园吃饭菜,我建议带她出去吃饭,换换口味。 9. In order to be successful at something you want to do,

you need to get your priorities right. 为了成功在你想做的事情,你 需要到得到你的优先权。

10. The teacher wanted his students to do a project on local

traditions and how they had changed over time.

老师想让他的学生做一个项目对当地传统和他们如何随时间发生了变化。 11. My plan for the project worked after I divide the tasks among

small groups of students from different departments. 我的计划为项目工作后,我把任务小组的学生分配到不同的部门。

12. When I turned eighteen, I decided to take full responsibility

for myself. 当我十八岁的时候,我决定为自己承担全部责任。




1. When she heard the news, she felt too happy to sleep . (感



2. I think this problem is too complicated to solve in a few hours.(太复



3. TV makes you lazy ——most people become too lazy to make effort to go

to the cinema. (太懒而不想花力气)


4. Nowhere is too far to travel if at journey's end the traveler can see

someone he has loved all his life. (没有什么地方是远得去不了的) 如果你终身所爱的人在那个地方,没有什么地方是远得去不了的。

5. It's too late to change anything now. You should have told me your

opinion yesterday. (现在太迟了,一切都无法改变) 现在太迟了,一切都无法改变。你应该昨天告诉我你的意见。

6. For Jessie, this sudden turn of events seemed too good to be true. (显




1. 约翰同时干许多事情,我觉得他应当休息一下。(work on,all at once,

take a break.)

John works on many things all at once. I think he should take a break.

2. 杨教授说的话有着神奇的力量。许多同学接受他的忠告,开始专注学业了。

(what,magical,advice,focus on)

What Prof. Yang said has magical power. On his advice, many students began to focus on their schoolwork.

3. 由于星期天晚上汤姆没有提示他将做何种选择,我无法弄清楚他会如何完成这

项任务。(clue,option,figure out,accomplish)

As Tom gave no clue Sunday night about which option he would choose, I can't figure out how he will accomplish the task.

4. 我的父亲是极负责任的人。虽然他总是很忙,但他设法每天都给家庭留出一些


My father is a man of great responsibility. Though he is on the go all the time , every day he manage to set aside some time for the family.

5.这个项目的成功与否取决于我们如何确定轻重缓急. (project , depend on ,priority)

The success of the project depends on how we set our priorities. 6. 在计算机商店里,我的朋友建议我们先试一下光碟播放机再决定买哪个。 (try out,settle on)

At the computer store, my friend suggested that we try out the video players before we settle on any one of them.

7. 我觉得在确定轻重缓急前,把要做的事情全都写下来,是有道理的。(make

sense,write down,set)

I think it makes sense to write down everything we need to do before we set priorities.

8. 如果我们不及时交论文,会有什么结果?(turn in,on time,consequence)

If we do not turn in our papers on time, what will be the consequence?


Phrases and Expressions

in front of 在什么前面 take delight in 以??为乐 take steps 采取步骤 by now 到现在 be ashamed of oneself 为自己感到羞愧 go by 过去 take pains (to do sth.) 费力地(做某事)

pay attention to 留心 come alive 活跃起来 at times 有时候 a couple of 两个 believe in 信任 make a difference 很重要


assure确信 constantly始终 excellent卓越的 exclaim大声说 require要求 reserve保留 respond回应 review复习 struggle挣扎 unpleasant不高兴的 whisper耳语 wrap包装

1) There is no secret to being a(n) excellent student. It is not just about working hard; it is much more about working effectively.

作为一个优秀的学生,没有秘密。它不仅仅是努力工作,更是有效地工作。 2) There is a saying that good medicine may taste bitter to the mouth and good advice may sound unpleasant to the car.

有一种说法说,好的药可能尝到苦的嘴和好的建议可能听起来不愉快的车。 3) For many working parents, organizing childcare over the summer holidays is a real struggle.


4) Should college students be required to attend classes? Some say it should be up to the students to decide. What do you think?


5) We constantly give presents all the time, for plenty of reasons; knowing how to wrap a present well is a useful skill to have -- you'll use it over and over again.


6) When Jessica opened her birthday gift, she was overjoyed.\beautiful!\exclaimed.

当杰西卡打开她的生日礼物,她喜出望外。“多么美丽!”她大声说道。 7) Amanda hasn't responded to my emails yet. I can't tell if she is just lazy or has never received them.

阿曼达还没有回复我的电子邮件。我不能告诉她是懒惰,还是从未接受过他们。 8) The article lists three reasons why we should take the time to regularly review our credit card statements(信用卡账单).

本文列出了三个理由为什么我们应该花时间去定期审查我们的信用卡对账单 9) I want to write a letter addressed to the hotel, to reserve a room for my guest who will stay two nights there.


10) The doctor assured me that my shortness of breath was nothing to worry about, that I was just overweight(超重的) and needed to exercise.


11) As Rick prepared to leave, Jenny whispered something in his car that we could not hear.


12) Fashion(时尚) is constantly changing from one day to the next: what is in(时兴的) one day may be out(不时兴的) the next.



1.My father used to smoke,

but he gave it up a couple of years ago.(过去常常抽烟)


2.We are used to the traffic noise now.(对交通噪音已感到习惯)


3.Don't worry—you'll soon get used to his had temper.


4.I used to enjoy gardening,but I don't have time for it now.(过去喜欢园艺)


5.Where did you use to live before you moved here?(过去曾住哪里)


6.I didn't think I could ever get used to after living in the city,but I have.(习惯在大城市生活)



1) 文章交上来之前,务必仔细检查一遍。(make sure, review,hand/turn in) Make sure you review your paper carefully before you hand/turn it in.

2) 自从我最后一次见到他,5年过去了。他已长成一个高大的小伙子了(go by,grow into)

Five years have gone by since I last saw him. He has grown into a tall young man.

3) 老师要求学生们详细描述他们在展览会(exhibition)上看到的一切。(require,in detail)

The teacher required the students to describe in detail what they saw at the exhibition.

4) 坐在我前面的两个学生窃窃私语,我很难把注意力集中在老师身上。(whisper, pay attention to)

It’s hard to pay attention to the teacher when the two students sitting of me are whispering to each other.


Phrases and Expressions

vote on 投票表决 sure enough 果然 take notes 做笔记 jot down 匆匆记下 back and forth 来回地 come up with 找到(答案) cool down 变凉


Allergic对?过敏的 blame责备 carefully小心翼翼的 complaint抱怨 crazy疯狂 data数据 effort努力 executive经理 latter后者 observe观察 obviously显然地 separate分开的 sincere真诚的 skeptical怀疑的 solution解决 sort种类 tradition传统 vary相异 vote投票 whenever无论何时

1)We cannot eat the same food all the time . Our desire for food tends to vary from day to day.


2)She speak with an almost childlike directness that wins over the most skeptical audience


3)On that day thousands of people came to observe ship leaving the harbor .


4)The taxi driver blamed the fog for his accident .


5)He plans to continue the family tradition and seek a career in politics .


6)I didn’t win , but at least I have made the effort .


7)We often hear bitter complaints about the city’s water supply . Something should be done about it .


8)We bought another car ; it was the solution to all our problems .

我们买了另一辆车;这是我们所有问题的解决方案。 9)As we cannot agree on the matter , let’s vote on it .


10)The poor just wanted a job , any sorts of a job .


11)It is not unusual for a woman executive to have a man as her assistant.


12)The man didn’t dare to look at us when he said that . Obviously, he

was telling a lie.


13)If you had done it more carefully you could have avoided that mistake .


14)He hasn’t started his paper yet . He is still collecting data for it.


15)Whenever the man came back from a business trip , he would buy his wife a present .


16)Keep the onions separate from the bread or they will make it smell .


17)I think she was crazy to drive after drinking so much beer .


18)In America , some people are even allergic to eggs .


19)On Mother’s Day , I wrote a sincere thank-you letter to my dear mom .


20)Peter studies in the same class as John . The former likes sports and the latter enjoys music.



1)You can always learn something new no matter how old are you. (不论你年纪有多大)


2)No matter what she said to them they just don’t believe her.(不论她给他们说了什么)


3)They can always find you no matter where you hide.(不论你藏在哪里) 无论你躲在哪里,他们都会找到你。

4)No matter when you clean my room ,please don’t put my books in the wrong place.(不管你什么时候打扫我的房间)


5)No matter who has said that,he is absolutely wrong.(不管那是谁说的) 不管那是谁说的,他是完全错的。

6)No matter whether you contact him by mail or by phone ,you must let him know our decision before tomorrow.(不管你是写信还是打电话去和他联系) 无论你是通过邮件还是电话联系他,你都必须让他知道我们在明天之前的决定


1)就我看来,现在的房地产问题不会给该国的经济带来太严重的影响。(as far as... , impact)

As far as I am see, the current real estate problems won’t have too large an impact on the country’s economy.

2)每次我们队遇到问题,我们的队长都能很快想出解决的办法。(every time , come up with , solution)

Every time our team comes across a problem, it doesn’t take our caption long to come up with a solution.

3)他不但不觉得开心,反而说晚会上的喧闹的人群让他厌烦。(rather than , be fed up with)

Rather than feeling happy, he said that he was fed up with the party’s noisy crowd.

4)这些年他真心实意地做出了很多努力,现在当然也应该成功了。(sincere efforts , deserve)

He has made a lot of sincere effort over the years and certainly deserves to succeed now.


Phrases and Expressions

shape up进展(顺序) quite a异常的; be about to do sth即将,行将 not feel oneself 感到身体不舒服

at first起先,开始时 be to blame该受责罚;应负责任 break down 破坏;使分解;使变化 keep sth.under contrl 控制住 in addition另外;此外 such as例如;诸如 rely on依赖;依靠 come a long way有很大改进;取得很大进步 slow down(使)减速;(使)松劲


basic 基本的 damage 损害 diagnose诊断 extremely 极其地 function 功能 perform 演出 research 研究 seek 寻求

spread 传播 substance 物质 symptom 症状 uneasy担心 usher引领

1) The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.


2) Because of the war, the birth rate was extremely low that decade. 由于战争的原因,十年的出生率是极低的。

3) John may not know much, but he’s wise enough to know who to seek advice from when he needs to.


4) Two technicians have been examining the equipment since morning in an attempt to diagnose its breakdown.


5) I was the first to be ushered into the room to meet the president of the company.


6) As the study shows, the old saying that two heads perform better than one is not always true.


7) My car broke down last Monday without any previous symptom, leaving me an hour late to work.


8) What’s that soft substance that covers the four walls of the baby’s room.


9) The most basic level of human needs refers to the primary

requirements of the body, including breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping.


10) You have damaged her emotionally. Do you think money can compensate



11) The forest fire spread across the North part of the state, resulting

in several deaths.


12) At times Jason looked uneasy and revealed his anxiety with too much

nervous laughter.


13) Please do a little research into the author and his works before you

start writing your essay on him.



1) 自从上次见到你,你过的怎么样?

How have you been since I saw you last? 2) 他们结婚已经50年了。

It’s been 50 years since they got married. 3) 我们上次见面到现在已经有两个月了。

It’s been two months since we last met. 4) 我们离开学校后,我就没见过她。

I haven’t seen her since we left school.

5) 他们婚后一直住在上海。

They have lived in Shanghai since they were married.


1. 医生最后总结说信心对治愈疾病至关重要。(conclude, critical, cure)

The doctor finally concluded that faith was critical to the cure of the disease.

2. 每当我感到不安或经历情绪波动的时候,我就听音乐,直到找回正常的感觉。

(uneasy, swing, feel oneself)

Whenever I feel uneasy or experience mood swings, I listen to music until I feel myself again.

3. 通过普及对各种疾病症状的认识,健康协会希望我们能帮助人们更好地监测。

(awareness, symptom, association, physical)

By spreading awareness of various disease symptom, the Health Association hopes to help people better monitor their physical condition.

4. 我们刚要去机场,司机告诉我们说车坏了。(be about to, broken down)

We were about to leave for the airport when the driver told us that our car had broken down.


Phrases and Expression

take action采取行动 call for要求 turn away转过脸去 keep one’s cool保持冷静 in general通常:大体上: identify oneself报身份: hang up挂断电话


absolutely显然的 apply适用 appropriate恰当的 emergency 紧急情况 essential必要的 force迫使 harmful有害的 nature自然 patient患者 preparation准备 prevent防止 procedure程序 reassure使确信 recover恢复 situation情况 worsen恶化 1. The government declared a state of emergency because of the natural



2. It is absolutely impossible to finish the task in such a short time.


3. The chairman of the IMF was forced to resign after the scandal(丑闻).


4. Your quick action has prevented a serious accident.


5. The earlier the patient receives treatment, the better the chances he

will have of recovering from the disease.


6. Behind any successful event lie months or even years of preparation.


7. Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.


8. Trade soon recovered from the effects of the war.


9. This new traffic regulation applies to everybody, no matter whom.


10. We both felt reassured after a talk with the surgeon.


11. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation from



12. We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential to life.


13. Cats and dogs have quite different natures 一dogs like company, cats

are independent.


14. How did he ever get into such a had financial situation?


15. What’s the procedure for opening a bank account?


16. Though everybody knows smoking is harmful to health, many people still

choose to do it. 尽管每个人都知道吸烟有害健康,许多人仍然选择这样做。


1. You will fail the exam unless you work harder.(你要是不再加把劲)


2. She won’t lose weight unless she stays on a diet and exercises

every day.(除非她坚持节食并且每天锻炼)


3. The directors have a meeting every Friday, unless there is nothing

to discuss.(除非无讨论的事项)


4. I wouldn’t be saying this unless I were sure of the facts.(要是我



5. Don’t touch the instruments unless the teacher allows you.(没有老



6. I will not stop waiting for you to come back unless I am no longer

living in this world.(除非我不再活在这个世界上)



1)如果你想在紧急情况下救人一命,关键是要保持冷静。(emergency, stay cool)

If you want to save a life in an emergency, the key is to stay cool.

2) 因为紧急情况在日常生活中经常可见,所以除了预防很重要,为任何紧急情况做好准备也是必须的。(prevention, essential, be prepared for)

Emergencies regularly occur in daily life, so while prevention is important, it’s essential to be prepared for any emergency. 3) 她的邻居识别她的急症并采取了适当的行动,她现在完全康复了。(take action, appropriate, recover)

Her neighbor recognized her medical emergency and took appropriate action. She has now fully recovered.

4) 虽然急诊医士要面对很大的精神压力,但是他的服务拯救病人的生命,因而非常有价值,让人有成就感。(face, worthwhile, fulfilling)

Though an EMT faces high stress, his service is highly worthwhile and fulfilling because it saves patients’lives.

