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Unit1 Friends



1、吃蛋糕 _______________________________ 2、想要做某事 _______________________________ 3、在碗里 __________________________________ 4、一个诚实的男子 ____________________________ 5、在冰箱里 __________________________________ 6、许多食物 __________________________________ 7、分享我的欢乐 ______________________________ 8、保守秘密 __________________________________ 9、干净又整洁 ________________________________ 10、一个有礼貌的女孩 _________________________ II、根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出单词。

1、 There is __________ wrong with my watch. It works OK. 2、 I’m sorry I can’t work out these maths __________ . 3、 It’s a s_________ between you and me. 4、 How long may I keep these __________(杂志)? 5、 ---What do you want to __________?

---Milk, please.

III、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 1、 One of the __________(teenage) is my cousin.

2、 He is very __________(music) and I think he can be a singer.

3、 I want to make friends with them because they are and__________(friend). 4、 Amy is very __________(help). When I have problems, I can go her. 5、 Do you want to join the __________(write) competition? IV、用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1、 Can I have something __________(drink)? 2、 Miss Li wants __________(talk) to you.

3、 What about __________(listen) to the music?

4、 His brother __________(like) basketball in the past. 5、 Look, Bob __________(eat) an apple. V、单项选择。

( )1、Would you like __________ tea?

A、any B、no C、some D、not ( )2、Is there ____________ in today’s paper? A、something new B、new something C、anything new D、new anything ( )3、He is __________ honest boy.

A、a B、an C、the D、not ( )4、The play is very __________.

A、funniest B、funy C、funny D、funner


( )5、We must study hard and help __________ other.

A、each B、either C、one D、the VI、阅读理解。 Dear Rose,

You must be very surprised to get a letter from me. I’m a Chinese boy in the north of China. I’m a student. I say your photos and the stories written by you on the Internet. I’minterested in them and I want to make a friend with you.

I’m one meter and seventy-eight centimeters tall. It is above the chinese average(平均). Last month I weihed only seventy-five kilograms, but I’ve gained some weight , eighty-two now. As you can see, I’m a letter fat. What do you think is the best way to lose weight? I have a round face, short black hair, small eyes and nose . My eyesight is poor, so I have to wear a pair of glasses sometimes. But I don’t think I look good with glasses, so I don’t wear them when I don’t have to.

In your photos, you always wear big white shirts and jeans. You look smart and neat in jeans. Really! You have a long ponytail(马尾), don’t you? It’s lovely.

I love your stories. They are all very interesting, I love your humour. I hope I can get your letter soon. Best wishes!

Yours, Li Qiang ( )1、Li Qiang read. Rose’s stories __________.

A、on the Internet B、in a book C、in the library D、in a newspaper ( )2、Li Qiang thinks Rose’s stories are ___________.

A、not good B、too sad C、just so D、interesting ( )3、Li Qiang is __________ than he was last month. A、7 kilograms lighter B、7 kilograms heavier C、82 kilograms heavier D、75、 kilograms heavier

( )4、From the letter, we can know that Rose has ___________ hair. A、short B、black C、long D、yellow ( )5、Which of the following is TRUE?

A、Rose wrote to Li Qiang first.

B、Li Qiang is shorter than most Chinese boys.

C、Li Qiang has good eyesight, so he doesn’t have to wear glasses. D、Rose looks smart in jeans.



( )1、Betty is willing to share things with her friends.

( )2、Betty wants to be a dacer and travel around the world. ( )3、Max doesn’t do much computer work. ( )4、Max is very good at telling jokes. ( )5、May is true friend.

( )6、May likes to tell others her friends’ secrets. ( )7、Max’s glasses make him look funny. ( )8、May is tall with short straight hair.

II、根据首字母提示补全下面短文。 Dear Tom,

I’m writing to tell you about my best friend Peter. He has poor e 1 and w 2 glasses, because he spends too much time in front of the computer. He wants to be a computer programmer when he grows up. He has a good sense of h 3 . I always feel h 4 when I am with him.

He is very h 5 and always r 6 to help people in n 7 I think he is a t 8 friend. He can keep a s 9 so I can tell him anything. He is good friend to s 10 my happiness with. I like talking to him. What’s more, we both like playing football. He is quite good at it. We often play together after school.

Please tell me something about your best friend, too.

Yours, Simon

1、__________ 2、__________ 3、__________ 4、__________ 5、__________ 6、__________ 7、__________ 8、__________ 9、__________ 10、__________ III、从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。 In need, knock off, think of, be ready to walk past because of, agree with, vote for, travel around, grow up 1、John was care less. He _________ my books __________ my desk just now.

2、Mary says she shall do something to help the people __________. Our help will make them happy.

3、We must learn from Lei Feng because he _________ always _________ help others during his life.

4、Lucy’s dream is to _________ the world when she has time.

5、John wants to be a footballer when he ________. So he practises hard. 6、Bill says he often feels tired _________ too much homework. 7、Every time I see the photo, I ________ my old friend, Lily.

8、I heard Luly singing her favourite song when I _________ her window last Sunday. 9、We will choose a new monitor(班长). I decide to __________ Jacky. 10、He is a polite boy. I ________ you. IV、汉泽英。(每空一词)


Lucy is __________ __________. She is always __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________. 2、披肩直发使她看上去很漂亮。

The __________ __________ hair __________ __________ __________ __________. 3、他很擅长讲故事。

He is very __________ __________ __________ __________. 4、他脸上经常带着笑容,看上去很开心。

He always __________ __________ and __________ __________ __________. 5、请不要背后说别人的坏话。

Please don’t __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ when they are away. V、阅读理解。

The children are going to play a game. They are standing in two rows(排). The girl stand in

the front row, the boys stand in the second row. Mary stands in the middle. Betty stands on her right side. Han Meimei stands on Mary’s lift side. Lily stands on the right side of Betty. Lucy doesn’t stand next to Betty. She stands next to Han Meimei. Sam stands behind Lucy. In front of Alex is Han Meimei. Bill doesn’t stand in the middle of the second row. On his right stands Tom, and Tim stands on the left.

根据短文内容将各个人的名字写在下列表格内(假设孩子们是面对着你的): Row2 Row1


I、 词组翻译。

1、我最好的朋友 ________________________________ 2、短发 ________________________________________ 3、和某人分享…… ______________________________ 4、准备做某事 __________________________________ 5、环游世界 ____________________________________ 6、有着很差的视力 ______________________________ 7、戴着小的圆形眼镜 ____________________________ 8、有幽默感 ____________________________________ 9、感到不开心 __________________________________ 10、一个真正的朋友 _____________________________ 11、和……一样聪明 _____________________________ 12、又干净又整洁 _______________________________ 13、给老人让座 _________________________________ 14、一位有着齐肩长直发的女孩 ___________________ II、根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出单词。

1、Zhou Jielun is a famous s and many young people like his somgs. 2、His e is poor and he wear a pair of glasses. 3、He is w to share his books with his friends.

4、He is a g boy and he often buys his classmates expensive gifts. 5、Job a in the newpaper or on TV help people find jobs easily. 6、__________(每个人)can live happily in such a nice country.

7、He is ___________(无聊的)of school life and he wants to play all day. 8、It’s ___________(真实的)that money is not everything. 9、She wears __________(齐肩的) hair.

10、He likes telling __________(笑话) and he has many friends. III、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1、Most of my friends are _________(will) to help others.

2、What a _________(music) girl Luly is ! She can sing so many beautiful songs. 3、Lucy has the ability to be a wonderful __________(sing), I think. 4、Nick is so __________(love). All our teachers like him very much. 5、Tom isn’t the __________(tall) boy in our class. John is even taller.

6、If you are __________(h.appy), you can talk to jim. He is a cheerful boy.

7、Most of my classmates are __________(help). They are great. IV、用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1、Be quite! The children __________(sleep)!

2、Tom wants __________(be) a football player when he _________(grow) up. 3、What _________ you _________(do) when you grow up?

4、May is helpful. She is ready _________(help) people at any time. 5、The coat __________(not fit) her. It’s too small. 6、She _________(buy) a computer yesterday.

7、We _________(travel) around the world next year. 8、Max is good at _________(swim) .

9、Didn’t he know the sun __________(rite) in the east? 10、The man put on his hat and __________(go) away.

11、My mother always makes me __________(do) housework. V、单项选择。

( )1、June is a good-looking girl __________ long hair. A、has B、have C、there is D、with ( )2、---Jane doesn’t hear very well.

---Yes. There is ________ with her ears.

A、anything wrong B、nothing wrong C、something wrong D、wrong something ( )3、Thank you very much for _________ me.

A、help B、your help C、helping D、B and C ( )4、There ________ too much computer work. A、is B、are C、has D、have ( )5、Would you please help me _________ my English? A、in B、at C、with D、for VI、完成下列句子。


We all like our history teacher because he has _______ _______ _______ _______ _______. 2、这本书很乏味,它让我觉得无聊。 This book is _______. It makes me _______.


Don’t _______ _______ _______ _______ when you walks past my desk. 4、放心吧,关于礼物的事我会保守秘密的。我们可以给她一个惊喜。

Don’t worry. I will _______ _______ _______ about the present. We can give her a surprise. 5、看,爸爸的个子太高了。他的腿在桌子底下都放不下了。 Look, Dad is too tall. His legs _______ _______ under the table.



1、Do you talk _______ him when you are sad? 2、She want to tell me _______ her plan

3、We haven’t seen each other _______ a long time.

4、Betty is ready to help people _______ need. 5、I want to traver _______ the world.

6、He often knocks our books _______ our desk when he walks _______it. 7、Would you like to share the apple _______ your sister? 8、He didn’t go to school because _______ his illness. 9、We should give our seats _______ the old on the bus. 10、Andy always helps me _______ my computer lessons. II、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1、Thank you for giving me the information. You are so _______ (help). 2、He plays the piano well. His parents think he’s very _______ (music). 3、Are you _______ (will) to sing an English song for us? 4、Maybe he will grow into a successful _______ (sing). 5、Do you know the girl _______ (name) Amy? III、单项选择。

( )1、The _______ younng man is very popular with his students. A

