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7B Chapter 1

考点1:plan sth. 计划某事,后接名词

plan to do sth. 计划去做??,to是动词不定式,不是介词 plan for sth. 关于??的计划,plan是名词

例句:People are starting to plan their summer holidays. (L2, P3) 人们开始计划他们的暑假 试题: Where do you plan _________ your holiday?

A. spending B. spend C. to spend D. of spending


考点2: why not 为什么不呢? 后加动词原形 同义: why don’t you…

例句:Why not spread your wings and visit France? (L3, P3) 试题:Why not________a picnic this afternoon?

A. to have B. having C. you have D. have 答案: D

考点 3:with用法, “伴随有” 反义词 without, 均为介词

例句 France is a big country, with coasts on three sides. 法国是一个大国,三面环海.(L5, P3) 试题:He bought a large house ________ a swimming pool.

A. in B. of C. with D. on 答案: C

考点4:such as 例如, 当做一个介词的作用,后面接名词,动名词,通常是多个例子。for example 后面加句子,一般是一个例子.

例句:In central France they grow crops such as wheat and sunflowers. (L9, P3) 试题:He likes sports ________ football, basketball and swimming. A. as B. such as C. for example D. so as 答案: B

考点5:one of “…其中之一” 后接名词复述形式,常与最高级连用

例句:One of the most scenic areas of central France is the Loire Valley. (L10, P3) Paris, the capital of France, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 试题:This is one of the ________ in our country.

A. good museum B. better museum C. best museum D. best museums 答案:D

考点6:used to do… “过去经常做…” used是过去式形式,后接动词不定式

use … to do … 用…做… use是行为动词,可以适用于各种不同时态

be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯做… used是形容词,to是介词,后接名词或动名词 例句:Kings and queens used to live in the old castles there. (L12, P3)

试题:He _________ play basketball every afternoon before he broke his leg. A. used to B. got used to C. is used to D. use to 答案:A

考点7:the same…as… “与…一样” 同义词:as…as… 反义词:different from


the same后接名词 as…as…中间跟形容词或副词

例句:It offers many of the same attractions as the Disney parks in the USA. (L20, P3) 试题:He has the same ________ as his brother.

A. tall B. height C. taller D. heights 答案: B

考点8:be famous for “因…闻名/著名” 同义词:be well-known for 注意与be famous as +表示职业的名词: 因某身份而闻名 例句:France is famous for its fine food. (L23, P3) 试题:China is _________ its tea.

A. famous as B. famous of C. famous with D. famous for 答案: D

考点9:provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb.“为…提供...” 同义词:offer sth. to sb.=offer sb. sth. 例句:Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes. (L24, P3)

试题:The hotel _________ guests _________ hot water for 24 hours.

A. provide…with B. provide…for C. offer…to D. offer…for 答案:A

考点10:enjoy “喜欢,享受” 后接名词或动名词

enjoy oneself 过得愉快 同义:have a good time

例句:In France, you can enjoy film festivals, exhibitions and concerts. (L30, P3) Why not go and enjoy yourself in the wonderful country of France? (L34, P3) 试题:We can enjoy ________ at the good beaches in Shenzhen. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swam

答案: C

7B Chapter 2

考点1:on 表示“关于”,同义词为 about,用on 时,表示严肃的或学术性的,而 about 则较普通,不太正式。

例句:Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution. (L2, P17) 试题:This is a good book ________ Chinese history.

A. for B. with C. on D. without


考点2:be interested in “对…感兴趣” 同义词: be keen on… = like… = enjoy… 比较:interesting: 有趣的

类似形容词: frightened---frightening; excited---exciting; surprised---surprising

例句:Why are you so interested in trees, Doctor Ray? (L4, P17) 试题:The story is _______. We’re all _______in it.

A. interested; interesting B. interests; interested C. interesting; interested D. interesting; interest

答案: C

考点3:be useful for… “对…有益,对…有用处” 例句:But what are they useful for? (L8, P17) 试题:Trees are useful _________ many things.

A. for B. with C. on D. in


答案: A

考点4:come from “来自” 同义词:be from 注意是come是行为动词,be是连系动词 例句:The paper in your notebook all come from trees. 试题:Where does he ________ from? (L12, P17)

A. come B. comes C. is D. be 答案: A

考点5:thank sb. for (doing) sth. “因…感谢某人” 感谢某人直接说thank sb.,不用介词 例句:Then you must thank trees for that, too. (L16, P17) 试题:Thank _________ _________ __________ me.

A. to you for B. you for helping C. you to help D. you for help 答案: B

考点6: cool: adj. “凉爽的” v.“使…凉爽” cool sth. = make…cool

clean: adj.“干净的,清洁的” v.“使…干净” clean sth.= make…clean

类似词语:dry:干燥的;使干燥,弄干 wet: 湿润的; 弄湿 例句:They cool the air and clean it. (L18, P17) 试题:

考点7:warn sb. not to do sth. “警告某人不要做某事” 注意not放在to do前,不能用don’t 例句:When insects attack a tree, it can warn its neighbours. (L26, P17)

试题:The teachers warned the children ________ play football in the street. A. don’t B. not C. not to D. aren’t 答案:C

例句:The other trees then produce a chemical to make their leaves taste bad to protect themselves. (L28, 考点8:make sb. do sth. “使…做某事” 被动态时补回省略的 “to” : sb. be made to do sth.


试题:The girl was made ________ an English song in the party. A. to sing B. singing C. sang D. sings 答案: A

考点9:taste: “尝起来” 连系动词,后接形容词而不是副词

类似连系动词:smell, sound, look, seem

例句:The other trees then produce a chemical to make their leaves taste bad to protect themselves. (L28, P17)

试题:The food smells ________ but tastes __________.

A. badly; well B. badly; good C. bad; good D. bad; well 考点10 join:连接 join A and B

join sb. 加入… 不用介词

join a club/the football team/ the Army/ League/ 参加一个组织,是组织中的一员,不用介词 join in=take part in an activity 参加一个活动

例句:Some trees can also join their roots together underground. (L30, P17) 试题:He ________ the army last year.

A. join B. joined C. attended D. joined in


7B Chapter 3

考点1:more than

例句:Dinosaurs existed on Earth more than sixty million years before human beings. (L1, P31) 恐龙存在于地球上的时间比人类早出超过60万年。

试题:My grandma is more than 80 years old.(解释句子)

My grandma is over 80 years old.

考点2:as+adj./adv.原级+as; not (so)as+adj./adv.原级+as

例句:Some dinosaurs were as big as ten elephants. (L3, p31) 一些恐龙和大象一样大。 试题:This maths problem is _______ that one. (2008辽宁大连)

A. not as easy as B. more easy than C. easy than D. as easier as

答案: A

考点3:some?others 一部分??另一部分??

例句:Some dinosaurs were gentle and ate plants; Others were fierce and ate meat. (L6, P31) 一些恐龙是很温和的草食动物;另一些是凶猛的肉食动物。


There are lots of people in the park on Sunday, some are walking and others are climbing the hills.


例句:People can learn about the lives of dinosaurs from fossils of their skeletons, eggs and footprints. (L9, P31)

人们可以从恐龙的骨架,蛋以及脚印去了解他们的生活。 试题:---Are those _________? (2007肇庆) ---No, they aren’t. They’re ________.

A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cows D. sheeps; cow



例句:air, water, music (P36)

试题:My friend Dave helped me a lot by giving me _______ on English learning.(2008四川成都) A. advices B. many advice C. some advice 答案: C

考点6:leave school

例句:After leaving school, he sold newspapers and delivered mail. (L18,P31) 毕业之后,他送报纸及送邮件。

试题:He left school two years ago. (解释句子) He graduated from school two years ago.

考点7:指示代词 this/that/these/those/it

例句: This is a chicken. That is an egg. These are chickens. Those are eggs. (P35) 这是一只鸡。 那是一个蛋。 这些是小鸡。 那些是蛋。 试题:---Look! What’s ________ in the sky?


---It looks like a kite. (2009山西)

A. this B. that C. these D. those 答案:B


例句: Some dinosaurs were bigger than elephants. (L33) 一些恐龙比恐龙大。

试题:---________ plastic bags we use, ________ it will be to the environment. ----I agree _______ you. (2008深圳)

A. The less; the better; with B. The fewer; the better; with C. The less; the worse; to D. The fewer; the worse; to 答案: B

考点9:as well

例句:A giant panda mainly eats bamboo shoots, but it eats other plants as well. (L9,P41) 大熊猫主要吃竹子,但也吃其他的植物。 试题: 翻译: 她机会唱歌,也会跳舞; She can sing, and she can dance as well. 区分:She can sing, and she can dance, too。 She can sing, and she can also dance.

考点10: be made up of

例句: English words are made up of different parts. (L1,P38) 英语单词由不同的部分组成。 试题: The class is made up of 44 students.(解释句子) The class consists of 44 students. 区分:be made by; be made from/of; be made in

1. This kind of car is made by workers. 这款车是由工人做出来的, 2. The cloth is made of silk. 这布是丝绸做的。 3. Paper is made from wood. 纸是树木制成的。

4. The watch is made in China. 这手表是在中国制造的。 5.

7B Chapter 4

考点1:belong to

例句:The eyes in the title probably belong to the dog. (P44,Part B) 标题中的“眼睛”可能是属于那只狗的。 试题:The car belongs to me(解释句子)

The car is mine.

考点2:walk into

例句:John F. Dancer walked into the Dragon’s Head Hotel with his friend Charlie. (L1; P45) John F. Dancer和他的朋友Charlie一起走进了龙头饭店。

试题:The teacher walked into the classroom when the bell rang. (解释句子) The teacher entered the classroom when the bell rang.



例句:We don’t allow pets in this hotel. (L9; P45) 我们不允许宠物进入旅馆。


Mum doesn’t allow mw to play football in the street.

拓展: allow sb. (not) to do sth. / sb. be (not) allowed to do sth.

考点4:hear sb. doing/do

例句:Suddenly, I heard Charlie barking loudly. (Para. 12; P45) 突然,我听到Charlie叫得大声。

试题:翻译:昨晚我听到隔壁小女孩唱歌。 I heard the little girl next door sing last night. 拓展: hear/see/watch sb. dong/do sth.

被动: sb. be heard/seen/watched to do sth.


例句:The phone was dead. (Para. 13; P45) 电话不管用了。

试题:The phone was dead. (解释句子)

The phone didn’t work. / The phone went wrong.

考点6:代词 (熟练运用人称代词,物主代词及反身代词) 例句:What is Amy doing? She is writing a letter. (P49) 试题:---Is this your dictionary?

---No, _______ is in my bag.(2005广东)

A. hers B. mine C, yours D. my 答案: B

Mr. Wang is very friendly, and ______ like him very much. (2009北京) A. we B. us C. our D. ours 答案:A

翻译: Jack 可以自己穿衣服了。Jack can dress himself now.

考点7:watch out/mind/be careful/look out 例句: Watch out! You’re going to fall. (P52) 小心! 你快摔倒了。

试题:填空: Please _______ the steps as you go in. (小心) 答案: mind


例句: On the left of the door, you’ll find a bed with a small table beside it. (P54) 在门左边,你会找到一张床,床边有张小桌子。 试题:翻译: 你会在你的右手边找到一家邮局。 You’ll find a post office in your right.

拓展:on the right of/on the left of/ at the foot of/ in front of/ at the back of

考点9:be responsible for

例句:He is responsible for everything in the hotel. (L1; P56)



试题: Mary is responsible for the company.. (解释句子) Mary is in charge of the company.

考点10: go off

例句: Just then, the fire alarm went off. (Para 12; P45) 就在那时,警报响了。

试题: We need to get start early tomorrow morning, let’s set the alarm clock to _________ at 5:30 a.m. A. go off B. turn off C. take off D. get up 答案:A

7B Chapter 5


例句:Can they dance ? Yes, they can. / No , they can’t. P 63


例句:May they come in ? Yes, they may. / No, they may not. P64 他们可以进来吗? 是的,可以。/ 不, 不可以。

例句:Must they leave ? Yes, they must. / No, they needn’t. p64 他们必须离开吗? 是的,他们必须。 / 不,他们没必要。 试题1,---Can I go fishing with you.Dad?

---No,you______.You_______stay at home and do your homework first. A.won’t,may B.can’t,must C.shouldn’t,ought D.needn’t,should 答案: B (2008, 深圳)

2, _____ I have your name, please? Yes, , Smith.

A must B May C Will D Need 答案: B (2005 广东)

3, Must I tidy the room now? No, you ______. You____ do it after breakfast.

A mustn’t, can B don’t , have to C needn’t may D needn’t must 答案:C (2007 四川)


例句:She’ll look foolish. 她将看起来很傻。 L8 P 59

试题:---The cake looks__________

---Yes,and it tastes even________

A.well,good B.nice,better C.good, worse D.better,best

答案: B (2009 深圳)

考点 3:副词 和with 的用法。

例句 Benny said politely, with a grin on his face.

Benny有礼貌的说,脸上带着笑。 L29 P 59

试题1---The teacher looked at her students______when they were saved.

---We also felt______for them.

A.happily,happy B.happy,happily C.happy,happy D.happily,happily 答案:A (2008 深圳)

2 ---Which would you like ,tea or coffee?


---Either______OK,but I prefer coffee_______milk.

A.is,has B are,with C. is,with D.are,has

答案: C (2009 深圳) 考点4:in a way

例句:It’s like water, in a way. 它在某个方面像水。 L11 P59 试题:______ I agree with him.

A In a way B by the way C in the way D on the way 答案:A

考点5, be able to do sth. at last

例句:I was able to trick Daisy at last. 最后我能戏弄到Daisy. L6 P59 试题:I am able to speak English. (写同义句) I can speak English.

I finished my work at last . (写同义句) I finished my work in the end .

I finished my work finally .

考点6 use sth. to do sth.= do sth. with

例句:We use it to do all kinds of things, like watching TV and running the air conditioner.

我们可以用它来做各种事情,像看电视和开空调。 L13 P59

试题:We use eyes to see. (写同义句) We see with eyes.

考点7 将来时 be going to do sth.

例句 I’m going to buy some sweets. 我打算买些糖果。 L1 P59 试题:What ____ you ______ tomorrow? I have no idea.

A is ,going B is ,going to do C are , going D are, going to do 答案:C (2006 西安)

考点 8 名词复数

例句:We can change it into different forms of energy.

我们可以把它转变成不同形式的能量。L19 P 59

试题:We are the same___,but different_____.

A.heights;age B age; height C ages; heights D height; ages

答案: D

考点9 stay up late P 65

试题:She stayed up late last night. (写同义句) She went to bed late last night.

考点10 be short of

例句:I am always short of money. 我总是缺少钱。P 65 试题:Shenzhen is short of water. (写同义句) Shenzhen doesn't have enough water.


7B Chapter 6

考点1.who /whose ( L1 ,P77) , 谁 / 谁的

例句:Who is Lo’s mother ? 谁是Lo 的母亲? Whose friend is Lo ? 谁的朋友是Lo ?

试题:--- Johnny Depp is my favorite film star .

--- You mean the one ______ acted in the film Pirates of the Caribbean ? A. which B. who C. whose D. what (B ) ( 2008 佛山)

考点2. one / ones ( L1, P78)

例句:S1: I ‘d like some chicken wings , please .我想要些鸡翅. S2: Fresh or frozen ? 新鲜的还是冰冻的? S3: Fresh ones , please . 新鲜的.

试题: I don’t like the red coats . Please give me the green _______ . A. it B. one C. ones D. them ( C )

考点3.find it interesting ( L2 , P72) 发现有趣 例句:I didn’t find it interesting . 我发现很没趣。

试题:We find _______ impossible to get there before 8 o’clock . A. her B. it C. this D. that ( B) (2009 清远)

考点4. mile : (L20,P73), 英里

例句: You’ll hear it ten miles away . 你在十英里远处就能听到. 试题:My school is _______ from the center of the city .

A. ten miles away B. ten-mile-away C. ten miles far D. ten mile ( A)

考点5 keep lively ( L2, P73) 喜欢活跃

例句: If you like to keep lively . 如果你喜欢活跃. 试题: Don’t speak! Let us ______ quiet .

A. to keep B. keep C. keeps D. keeping (B)

考点6. hate being bored (L3 .P73 ) 讨厌无聊 例句: If you hate being bored . 如果你讨厌无聊.

试题:My teacher hates ______ late , so please keep the time . A. come B be C. being D. go ( C )

考点7. although : ( L17,p76)虽然,尽管.

例句: Although it’s just May . A typhoon is coming . 尽管才五月,台风就来临了. 试题:______ Laura is a little child , she knows a lot of knowledge .

A. Although B. But C. Because (A ) ( 2007 湖南岳阳)

考点8。Feel like doing sth .(L15 , p79) 喜欢做某事 例句: I don’t feel like eating . 我不喜欢吃东西. 试题:--- Let’s go for a snack !

--- NO , thanks . I don’t feel like ____________ .

A. eating B. to eat C. eats D. eatting (A )


考点9。With ( L15, P 81) 带有,具有

例句: I you want to meet students with good looks and brains , then come into our class . 如果你想见漂亮而又聪明的学生,那么来我们班吧!

试题:1.I know the girl _______ blond hair .

A. have B. has C. with D. of (C) 2. This is the pen I usually write ______ .

A. / B. in C. for D. with (D)

考点10.arrive in / at (L23,P78) 到达

例句: Jennifer arrived after nine . Jennifer 九点后到达的。 试题:The police arrived ______ that village in time . A. in B. / C. at D. one (C )


