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Chapter 1 Communication: An Intercultural Perspective Needs and purposes for communication:

Survival/Co-operation/Personal needs/Relationships/Persuasion/Power/Social needs /Information/Making sense of the world/Self-expression

Communication is a form of human behavior derived from a need to connect and interest with other human beings.

Communication occurs whenever meaning is attributed to behavior or the residue of behavior. Business communication, as a kind of organizational communication, is the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages within(and across the boundaries of) a system of interrelated and interdependent people working to accomplish common tasks and goals.

Also defined as: a dynamic,multi-channeled process,which covers internal communication in a given organization.

Characteristics of communication are: dynamic(动态), irreversible(不可撤回), symbolic(符号性), systemic(系统性), self-reflective(自我反映), interactive(involve at least two people)(互动的,交流至少牵扯到两个因素), complex(复杂).

Intercultural business communication(IBC) is defined as communication among individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds in a business environment.

It’s also defined as a relatively new term in the business world and is defined as communication with and between business that involves people from more than one culture. Intercultural communication(IC) includes:

International communication(between nations and governments) Interethnic communication(same race but different ethnic)

Interracial communication(exchanging messages are from different races)

Interregional communication(exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture) IC as a phenomenon has the following features: Universal/long history/daily occurrence The complexity in learning IBC:

Avoidance of the unfamiliar/Uncertainty reduction/Withdrawal/Stereotyping(刻板印

象)/Prejudice/Racism(种族主义)/Misuse of power(权力滥用)/Culture shock(four stages:

honeymoon,culture shock,recovery, adjustment,re-entry/reverse) /Ethnocentrism(从其他文化的角度去评判他人)

补充:ethnocentric(认为自己的文化是最好的,并用它去评判他人) How do you acquire stereotypes?

1.People learn stereotypes from their parents, relatives, and friends,(learning stereotypes) 2.Stereotypes develop through limited personal contact(from limited date) 3.Stereotypes are provided by the mass media.

4.Stereotypes evolve out of the fear of person from group that differ from your own.(mentally ill people,gay...)

Chapter 2 Understanding Cultures and Their Values

Culture: that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquires by man as a member of society. (Edward Tylor)

Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication pattern that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an

identifiable group of people. (Hall)

Culture is classified by three large categories of elements: artifact, concepts, behavior.

Characteristics of Culture: it is learned, culture influences biological processes, culture is transmitted from generation to generation, culture is selective, culture is ethno-centric, cultures are interrelated wholes, culture is subject to change.

Metaphors of culture: culture is like a pair of sunglasses, culture is like the water a fish swim in, culture is like an iceberg, culture is like an onion, culture is software, grammar of mind.

Geert Hofstede’s Theory of Cultural Variations: the core of culture---values, rituals, heroes, symbols(由里到外)

[ values are the deepest manifestations of culture and the most difficult for an outsider to understand.]

[ rituals are those collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.] [ heroes refer to what kind of people you worship.]

[ symbols represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.] Definition of Value:

1. One’s principle or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life. (Concise Oxford Dictionary)

2. A broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others. (Hofstede)

3. A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.

Priorities of Culture Values: Universal Values普世价值, Culture-specific values, Peculiar expression or deviation of individual within cultures[ values is classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary. Tertiary values are at the bottom of our hierarchy.]

Different culture forms: dominant culture主流文化, subcultures亚文化, co-cultures Kluckholn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations: 1. Human nature[evil/mixed/good]

2. Relationship to nature[subordinate to nature/harmony with nature/dominant over nature] 3. Sense of time[past/present/future] 4. Activity[being/growing/doing]

5. Social relationship[hierarchy/group/individual] Hofstede-Bond’s Value Dimensions:

1.Individualism vs. Collectivism[ individualism: people are supposed to take care of only themselves and their immediate families, there is more emphasis on ‘I’ than on ‘we’; collectivism: emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence.] 2.Power distance[ refers to attitudes towards differences in authority.]

3.Uncertainty Avoidance不确定性规避[ is measure of how accepting a culture is of a lack of predictability.]

4.Masculinity vs. Femininity[ masculinity comes from ‘masculine’ and implies aggressiveness and assertiveness, femininity comes from ‘feminine’ and stresses nurturing, paying attention to people’s feeling and needs.]

5. Long-term versus short-term orientation Hall’s High-and-Context Orientation

Chapter 3 Comprehending Verbal Communication

A language is a symbolic code of communication consisting of a set of sounds(phonetics) with understood meanings and a set of rules(grammar) for constructing messages.

A dialect is the unique pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary we use when speaking.

An accent is a more specific mode of personal discourse characterized by how people articulate certain words using a unique inflection or tune.

Argot俚语,暗语 refers to a secret or covert vocabulary developed by an in-group to keep outsiders from understanding their messages.

Jargon术语, technically an argot and professional terminology, refers to a type of code or specialized vocabulary that is shared among knowledgeable in-group members.

Slang designates those terms, used in instances of extreme informality, which serve as a means of making social or linguistic identity.

Branding is a phenomenon created in corporate marketing that frequently transcends language differences.

Linguistics is just one of the many ways to think about language.

-Semantics(语义学) is the study of meaning--that is, how words communicate the meanings we intend in our communication.

-Syntactics(语法学) is the study of the structure or grammar of a language.

-Pragmatics(语用学) is the study of how meanings is constructed in relation to receivers. -Phonetics(语音学) is the study of the sound system of language. Challenges for translators:

1.Vocabulary equivalence词义对等 2.Idiomatic equivalence 惯用语对等

3.Grammatical-Syntactical equivalence 正说反说不同eg.情人-人情 4.Experiential equivalence 比喻不同eg.拥挤比作沙丁鱼 5.Conceptual equivalence 概念对等 eg.第一夫人 Conversation skills:Pay attention to 1.The volume of voices 2.Do not interrupt

3.Do not finish someone’s sentence 4.Do not ask ‘do you understand me?’ 5.Introduce your host country or homeland

6.Learn a few key phases of the visitors’ native language 7.Familiarize yourself with their countries Denotational means dictionary definition.

Connotational meanings refer to extended meanings or associated meanings.

Pragmatic transfer or sociolinguistic: The use of rules of speaking from one’s own native speech community when interacting with members of the host speech community or simply when speaking in a second language.

Source text: the original language text of a translation. Target text: the text into which it is translated.

Interpretation口译:1.simultaneous同传 2.consecutive交传 3.sight-translation视译 The influence of culture on language: Language as a reflection of the environment

Language as a reflection of values

Language determinism语言决定论(based on SWH)

Spair-Whorf hypothesis:language not only serves as a mechanism for communication, but as a guide to social reality.

Chapter 4 Perceiving Nonverbal communication

1.nonverbal communication:communication without the use of words.

2.Similarities in verbal and nonverbal communication:both use symbols, are products of an individual, and require that someone else attach meaning to these symbols.

3.Differences between verbal and nonverbal communication: structured/linguistic and clear vs. Unstructured/non-linguistic and ambiguous.

4.Universality of nonverbal communication: the relationship of human behavior to that of primates灵长类(particularly chimpanzees)/nonverbal communication of sensory-deprived children who are blind or deaf/on facial expression.

5.Functions of nonverbal communication: replacing/ regulating/ conveying/ modifying/ repeating/ complementing/ contradicting

6.Body movement (Kinesics): posture/ gesture [three types of gesture:instinctive, coded or technical, social gesture or acquired gestures.]--hand gesture, head gesture, arm gesture./facial expression

7.Eye contact-- oculesics, touch-- haptics, smell-- alfacitics

8.Paralanguage: *voice quality *vocal qualifiers (refers to volume, pitch, rhythm, tempo, resonance, tone of spoken word and stresses) *vocalization (non-word noises “uh”, fillers “然后”/non-word vocalizers “okay”) *silence

9.Spatial language (proxemics): *personal space [Hall specified four distances people use in communicating on a face-on-face basis for American culture--intimate zone(close friend, husband and wife)/ personal zone( between friends in informal occasions)/ social zone( formal, meeting)/ public zone( making a public speech)] *office space *public space

10.Temporal language (chronemics) ---- Monochronic time[ M-time] Polychronic time[ P-time] M-time cultures emphasize schedules, a precise reckoning of time, and promptness (do one thing at a time)

P-time cultures emphasize the completion of transactions and the involvement of people rather than a rigid adherence to the clock (do many thing at once)

Chapter 5 Intercultural Business Writing

11.Business writing allows for the transfer of highly organized and detailed information inexpensively, it also allows for a record of communication that can be used to review communication, analyze communication in-depth and use the communication for a basis of evaluation or strategy development.

12.Business message planning: *defining purpose of communicating *analyzing your audience *constructing the main idea of your massage *selecting a channel and medium

13.All business messages have a general purpose: to inform, to request, to record, or to persuade 14.Know your audience:*Does your audience think the same way you do?/ *Does your audience learn the same way you do? /*Does your audience define good communication the same way you do?/*Does your audience perceive graphics the same way you do? /*Does your audience

handle everyday business situations the same way you do?

15.Select a channel and medium: a written channel, an oral channel

Written internal communication: memos, E-mail, faxes, networked intranet bulletin boards, printed reports, and other written documents

Written external communication: faxes, E-mail, letters, press releases, and customer communication

Oral communication: telephone, voice message, tele-conferences, and meeting

16.Functions of different media: electronic mail(E-mail) is one of the most preferred modes of written business correspondence, and is an accepted form of business communication in most cultures. It is convenient, fast, and eco-friendly.

Instant messaging is real-time communication that can be used to discuss potential meeting times, remind employees of meetings and allow for the facilitation of simple business questions. Memos can be formal or informal in tone.

Faxes are still used widely in intercultural business, especially when an original document, or a document containing a signature, is required. Faxes are generally formal business documents that are drawn up for contractual purpose and strictly adhere to intercultural business protocol.

17.Poor organization:taking too long to get to point, including irrelevant material, getting ideals mixed up, leaving out necessary information.

18.Well-organized message:make the subject and purpose clear, include only information that is related to the subject and purpose, group the ideals and present them in logical way, include all the necessary information.

19.Types of bad news: declining a request for refund, giving negative performance reviews, terminating employment

20.How to organize bad news message: buffer, transition, explanation, bad news, alternatives, goodwill closing.

Chapter6 Intercultural Business Etiquette and protocol

Protocol: 1.(字典义)the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality,precedence and etiquette.2.(引申义)refers to customers and regulations dealing with diplomatic etiquette and courtesies expected in official dealings(such as negotiations) with persons in various cultures. Etiquette: 1.(字典义)conventional requirements as to proper social behavior.2.(引申义)refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations.

According to Carl A.Nelson, there are eight common protocol elements or categories which permit you function business successfully in any culture,ranked by importance, they are: names; rank and title; time; behavior; communications;gift-giving;food and drink. Your clothes can be your best friends or your worst enemy.

Global dress code: international business uniform, that is for men: a dark suit, white shirt, and conservative tie; for women: a knee-length dress, high-cut blouse and comfortable shoes.

Chapter 7 Intercultural Business Negotiation

21.Negotiation are believed to take place within the context of the four Cs:

Common interest considers that both parties in the negotiation share, have, or want, something that the other party has or does.

Conflicting interest include payment, distribution, profits, contractual responsibilities, and quality.

Compromise includes areas of disagreement.

Criteria include the conditions under which the negotiation take place.

22.Definition of negotiation: two or more parties with common and conflicting interests who enter into a process of interaction with the goal of reaching an agreement, preferably of mutual benefit.

23.Bargaining means many different thing to different people from different cultures. 24.Argumentation on global negotiation involves a blend of logic, emotion, and dogma.

25.Agreement is an exchange of conditional promises in which each party declares that it will act in a certain way on condition that the other parties act in accordance with their promises.

26.Intercultural Negotiation Models: social-psychological model, principle model, directional model, interaction model, package deal model

27.Intercultural Negotiation Styles: normative, intuitive, analytic, factual.

28.Two universal negotiation strategies--- competition and cooperation--- can be summarized from negotiation literature.

Competition known as contending or distributive bargaining is a strategy used by a negotiation to pursue his goals by persuading his opponent to concede. Competition strategy entails efforts to maximize gains and minimize losses within a “win-lose” or self gain orientation.

Cooperation referred to as problem solving, collaboration, or integrative bargaining, “aims to reconcile the interests of both parties, reach joint benefits, or attain “win-win” goals.

Chapter8 International Marketing Communication

Marketing is the direct communication between your products and customers.

Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.

Traditionally, advertising was directed towards AIDA( Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Branding is an important tool used to differentiate products.The recognized benefits include expanding sales, increased profits, greater longevity, greater power with distributors and the liability to survive adverse economic conditions.

A brand is an entity of name, term, sign, symbol, trademarks, logo, sound, color(s), or package and product design.

Rituals are those collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.

Religions directly impacts the way its adherents feel about material goods.

Compromise includes areas of disagreement.

Criteria include the conditions under which the negotiation take place.

22.Definition of negotiation: two or more parties with common and conflicting interests who enter into a process of interaction with the goal of reaching an agreement, preferably of mutual benefit.

23.Bargaining means many different thing to different people from different cultures. 24.Argumentation on global negotiation involves a blend of logic, emotion, and dogma.

25.Agreement is an exchange of conditional promises in which each party declares that it will act in a certain way on condition that the other parties act in accordance with their promises.

26.Intercultural Negotiation Models: social-psychological model, principle model, directional model, interaction model, package deal model

27.Intercultural Negotiation Styles: normative, intuitive, analytic, factual.

28.Two universal negotiation strategies--- competition and cooperation--- can be summarized from negotiation literature.

Competition known as contending or distributive bargaining is a strategy used by a negotiation to pursue his goals by persuading his opponent to concede. Competition strategy entails efforts to maximize gains and minimize losses within a “win-lose” or self gain orientation.

Cooperation referred to as problem solving, collaboration, or integrative bargaining, “aims to reconcile the interests of both parties, reach joint benefits, or attain “win-win” goals.

Chapter8 International Marketing Communication

Marketing is the direct communication between your products and customers.

Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.

Traditionally, advertising was directed towards AIDA( Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Branding is an important tool used to differentiate products.The recognized benefits include expanding sales, increased profits, greater longevity, greater power with distributors and the liability to survive adverse economic conditions.

A brand is an entity of name, term, sign, symbol, trademarks, logo, sound, color(s), or package and product design.

Rituals are those collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.

Religions directly impacts the way its adherents feel about material goods.

