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Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology

1. audio/video n./adj. 音/视频→audio/electronic device→device/instrument/appliance n./c/→equipment n./u/

2. review n/v. ①回顾/综述②复习/温习③复查/复审④批评/评论⑤视察/阅兵

3. wire n.电线/缆→wireless adj.;long-distance adj.→be distant from…

4. transmit vt.(-ted/ting) 转送/传达/传染/传播/传导→transmission n.

5. broadcast ①v. (broadcast/broadcast或-ed/-ed) ②n./c/→broadcasting n./u/

6. be sure/certain of/about…;be sure/certain to do sth;be sure/certain that-clause;make sure/certain + of sth/to do sth/that-clause;uncertain用法同certain;it be (un)certain+主语从句

7. altogether adv.①完全地≈fully/totally/perfectly/completely ②全部/合计=in all/total ③总而言之=to conclude=in a/one word=all in all

8. in color;in black and white;color/black-and-white TV/broadcast;cable/satellite/digital/Web TV

9. the Stone/Bronze/Iron/Nuclear/Information Age(s)

10. be superior to…(in…) 比…(在…)更优秀/地位高/优越;不受…左右/不向…屈服(本身为比较级) eg. You must be superior to me in this skill. The boy was superior to hardship.

11. consumer=customer n./c/→consume vt./consumption n. 消费

12. sign ①n.记号/标志/迹象/征兆/手势/信号②v.签名/签署→sign language手语→body language→signal ①n.信号/暗号②发信号/示意→signature n.签字/签名

13. household ①n.=family ②adj.:household expenses 家用费/household appliance(s) 家电

14. come onto/into the market≈be/go on the market上市待售≈be/go on sale(上市待售;打折出售)→bring…to market 把…推上市场

15. question naire n.问卷/调查表→million aire/billion aire n.百万/亿万富翁

16. record v.①记录/写下②录音/录影③(测量仪器)显示为→n.①记录②成绩/履历③唱片/唱盘④纪录:beat/break打破equal/tie平hold/keep保持set/create/establish创造+ a record recording n./u&c/:make a recording of…→record player→recorder n.:tape/cassette recorder 17. wind n.风→v.(wound/wound)①上发条②缠/绕/卷:wind (A ) around/round B ③(路/河)蜿蜒盘曲:wind one’s way →wind up ①上发条②卷上/摇上(车窗等);卷拢(衣服等) ③结束/告成④以…为结尾,落得…结果≈end up eg. Too much drinking caused him to wind up in hospital.

18. electricity n. /u/电→electric adj.电的:electric power/current/car/fan/lamp/outlet/light/shock;electrical adj.:electrical engineering/engineer/appliances;electrionic adj.电子的:electronic mail/device

19. current ①n./c/:电/水/气流②adj.现在的/流通的→current affairs时事;currency 货币

20. patent n./c/ 专利(品/证书等)→apply for a patent;patent right/products/office

21. apply v.①涂/抹/敷/用:apply…to… eg. The doctor applied a bandage to the wound. ②申请/请求:appeal to…for…≈appeal to…for…/ask…for… eg. I have applied to the government for financial help. ③应用/运用:apply…to… eg. We can apply this technology to medical treatment.

④(使)适用/适合:apply(…)to…eg.You can’t apply this rule to every case. What you said doesn’t apply to me. ⑤apply oneself to…=devote oneself to…致力/专心于…

→applied adj.适用的/应用的;applicant n.申请者/应征者;application form申请表;appliance n.器具/装置:electrical/household appliance(s)

22. launch v. 开动车/飞机,使船下水;投掷/投射(枪箭等);发起(活动),发动(攻击等);投放市场;

23. Walkman,Discman(CD=compact disc);MD(MiniDisc) player;MP3/MP4 player

24. require v.:require sth (of sb);require sb to do sth;require doing;require that-clause[虚拟语气:(should)+V原]→requirement n./c/:meet/satisfy one’s requirements/demand(s) demand v.:demand sth of/from sb;demand to be done;demand that-clause[虚拟语气:(should)+V原]→demand n.①需要:in demand ②要求:the/one’s demand for…/that-clause request v.:request sth of/from sb;request sb to do sth;request that-clause[虚拟语气:(should)+V 原]→request n.①需要=demand ②要求:the/one’s request for sth/that-clause

24. degree n.①程度(≈extent)→to a (…) degree到…程度eg. We can believe his story to a certain degree. ②度/度数:(minus) 10 degrees centigrade (零下)10摄氏度③学位:get/obtain

a bachelor/master/doctor+’s degree ④by degrees=gradually逐渐地/渐渐地

25. corporation≈company n.①公司②陪伴→keep sb company=accompany sb;in company (with sb);keep company with sb (与…)作伴/结伴③客人/来客/u/=guests/visitors

26. spring n.①春②跳跃③弹簧/性/力④泉hot springs→v.(sprang/sprung)①跳跃(=jump) ②弹起→spring up vi.①(突然)出现/涌现②(念头)浮现≈occur/strike

27. personally adv.①亲自=in person=for oneself ②就自己而言/个人立场上③私下/不公开地→personally speaking→person/personal/personality

28. delight n.①/u/ 喜悦/欢喜:with delight;to one’s delight;take delight in (doing) sth=be

fond of=like/love doing sth ②/c/ 乐事→v.①vt.使…高兴/取悦:delight sb (with…) ②vi.

乐于/嗜好:delight in (doing) sth →be delighted + to do sth;be delighted at/with/by…;be delighted that-clause→delightful adj.令人高兴的

29. vary(…)+from…to…/between…and…→various adj.→a (wide) variety of=varieties of…perse adj.→a persity of…

30. the evolution of…;assume v.→assume+宾语(从句)/I assume so./assume+宾语+( as/to be)+


31. convenience n./u&c/ 方便/便利(的事物)→at your convenience在你方便时;convenience

food/store(instant food)→convenient adj.①不能用sb做主语②It be convenient (for sb) to do sth

32. merely=only/just→not merely…but (also)…;model n.模特/模型model plane/型号=type

33. accompany v.①伴奏②陪伴:accompany sb=keep sb company=(be) in/keep company with


34. under one’s ownership=belong to sb;anyhow=anyway≠somehow≠somewhat

35. ample adj.=enough/adequate=rich + for…/to do sth

36. select→selection n.①/u/选择/挑选:natural selection自然淘汰②/c/所/可选之物③选集/

文选→have a large selection of sth 有大量…可供选择

37. case n.情形/情况;箱/容器;事实;病例/案例→in this/that case→in any case在任何情况下;

in no case决不→in case (conj.)=in case of…+in case(adv.)

38. stand for ①代表/象征=symbolize≠represent≠on behalf of ②支持/赞成=go/be for ③忍受


39. be capable of doing sth=be able to do sth;up to date→up-to-date=newest/latest→out of date

40. sth be familiar to sb=sb be familiar with sth熟悉→sb be familiar with sb亲密/亲昵以致随便


41. budget n.预算→a/one’s budget for sth→in one’s budget→budget plan分期付款→add

to/enlarge/increase扩大;balance平衡;reduce/cut (down)减少+ a budget

42. all-(a)round adj.功能齐全的;全能/万能的;全方位的;全面的

43. translate sth from…into…翻译→translate…into…转化/变换→translation n./u/翻译;/c/译文/

译本→translator n.笔译者→口译:interpret v.→interpretation n.物→interpreter n.人

44. weigh ①vt.称重②vi.重达(不用被动)→weight n.:lose/put on/gain weight

45. gram(me) →kilo/centi/milli+gram/meter;elegance n./elegant adj./elegantly adv.优雅/高雅/

优美;an inbuilt loudspeaker;LCD screen;FM radio

46. measure n.①尺寸/大小:to one’s measure按照…大小②措施:

take…measures/steps/actionto do sth→v.①测量②度量为eg. I measured the room and it measures 6 meters by 4. 我测量了这个房间,它有6米长4米宽。

47. shape n.①形状②姿态→in shape在形式上/身体好;in the shape of…呈…形状/采用…形

式/扮成…模样;out of shape不成形/身体不好→v.使成型/塑造/形成/构成:be shaped like…;shape A into B=shape B from A(类似于carve用法) ②使…具体化

48. suit ①n.套装②v.适合/相配(fit大小/颜色;match大小/颜色/色彩/性质;suit引申义,指

条件/口味/需求等)→Suit yourself. 随你便→be suitable for…/to do sth

49. scan v.(-ning/-ned) 扫描/细看/浏览;define v.下定义→definition n.定义

50. clip ①n.夹子②v.(-ped/-ping)用夹子夹紧;

51. guarantee v/n.保证/担保→guarantee sth;guarantee to do sth;guarantee sb sth=guarantee sth

to sb;guarantee that-clause;a three-year guarantee 三年的保证期

make sure of sth 查明/确认→make sure to do sth;make sure that-clause 保证/确保

ensure v.①保证/担保:ensure sth;ensure sb sth;ensure that-clause


secure ①adj.=safe/stable(引)→a secure job/profession ②v.保护→secure…from/against…③确保/保证:secure sth;secure sb sth=secure sth for sb→security n.→the Security Council (联合国)安理会

52. advance n/vt/vi.前进/进步/进展→advanced technology→advancement n.

53. terminal adj.①不治的/致命的=deadly/fatal/incurable:termianl cancer②末端的/终点的:

the terminal exam/station ③n.终端/终点:bus/air terminal→terminate v.终止/结束

54. base ①n.基地≠basis(pl.bases)(理论等上的)根据/基础→on the basis of…;form/lay the

basis for/of…形成/奠定…的基础②v. base A on/upon B→A be based on B→basic n./adj.

55. necessary adj.①不以sb做主语②it be necessary for sb to do sth ③it be necessary

that-cluase[从句用虚拟语气:(should)+V原]④if/when (it is) necessary如果/当有必要时→necessarily adv.①一定/必然/必定eg. Careless planning will necessarily result in failure. ②not necessarily未必/不一定(部分否定) eg. Big men are not necessarily strong.

56. caution ①n.小心/谨慎:with/without caution ②vt.警告/劝告(≈warn):caution sb about

sth/sb;caution sb for doing sth;caution sb not to do sth=caution sb against doing sth→cautious adj.:be cautious of/about…=be careful with…=look/watch out for…

57. actual adj.→actually adv.真实/实际=in fact/effect=as a matter of fact

58. expose vt.①暴露于(风/光/雨等),遭受(危险等),接触(到作用/影响等):expose…to…eg.

Don’t expose your skin to direct sunlight. The bicycle was exposed to the wind and rain.

You are exposing your little son to possible dangers by letting him play in the street. ②泄露/揭发/揭穿:expose…(to…) eg. They exposed the plot(阴谋) to the police. ③陈列(商品)/曝光(胶卷/底片)

59. equal ①adj.平等的/相等的→be equal to:eg. Men are born equal. 1 plus 1 is equal to 2. ②

胜任的:be equal/up to (doing) sth ③n.同等/媲美的人=match:eg. She has no equal/match in English. ④vt.等于:1 plus 1 equals 2. ⑤vt.比得上=match=compare with:eg. No one

can equal/match/compare with her in English.→equality n.→equally adv.

60. definite adj.①确定的/一定的eg. His school work was not up to the definite standard. ②明

确的/确实的:a definite answer明确的答复;definite article定冠词;It’s definite that-clause 确实是…→definitely adv.①明确地/确定地eg. I can’t tell you definitely when I’ll come.

②一定/必定eg. I’ll definitely return before six o’clock. ③(口语)的确eg’–Can you go

alone? –Definitely.

61. conclude ①vt/vi.结束:to conclude总之②推论/下结论③缔结:conclude sth with sb→

conclusion n.:make/reach/draw/come to/arrive at + a conclusion (that-clause同位语从句) →conclusive adj.决定性的/确定的/最终的→conclusively adv.

62. link ①n.环节/纽带/联系:the link between…and…②vt/vi.连接/联系:link (…) with/to…;

link…up/together;be linked with/to…→类似:associate/join/connect/combine/unite

63. valid adj.①(理由/论据等)妥当/正当的,有确实根据的eg. His theory isn’t valid. ②合法的

(=legal) ③有效/有效力的=available/effective eg. The ticket is only valid for a week.

64. theory n.①/u&c/学说/理论:theory+of…/that-clause eg. the theory of evolution/relativity进

化论/相对论②/c/意见/看法/推测eg. We have a theory that the suspect is innocent.

65. communicate ①vi.沟通/交流→communicate with…②传达:communicate sth to sb→

communication n. →China Telecom(munication) 中国电讯→the telecommunications industry 电讯业

66. profit ①n.利润/盈利:make/earn a profit ②n.利益/益处:gain profit ③vt.有益于(=benefit):

benefit sb/sth ④vi.得益/获益(=benefit):profit by/from (doing) sth

67. be willing/unwilling to do sth;cigar雪茄→cigaret(te)香烟:light/smoke a cigarette;cigarette


68. thus adv.①因此/因而=therefore(≠so conj.) ②如此/这样(=so):eg. He said thus/so at the

meeting yesterday. I can’t believe that he can jump thus/so far.

69. parallel adj.①平行的:parallel lines/bars 平行线/双杠;be parallel to/with…②同样的/类似

的/对应的:parallel case类似的例子;be parallel to… eg. My opinion is parallel to yours.

→n.①平行线/面/物(+to/with…):eg. Is there anyp parallel to this road?→draw a parallel between…对照/比较→without (a) parallel无与伦比的→in a parrallel with…与…平行/同时②类似的人/物;匹敌的人/物(+to/with…) eg. The runner has no parallel.

70. acknowledge v.承认(=admit)/认可(≈recognise/accept):acknowledge (doing) sth/having done

sth/that-clause;acknowledge sb/sth+(as/to be)+n./adj. eg. She acknowledged defeat.=She acknowledged being defeated/having been defeated.=She acknowledged that she had been defeated. I acknowledge your statement as(to be)true. He is acknowledged to be one of the greatest pianists. →acknowledg(e)ment n.

71. associate ①vt.联想:associate…with…②vi.结交/交往:associate with sb ③vt.联系/关联:

associate A/oneself with B→be associated with…→association n.:NBA

72. have (firm) belief/faith in…→be faithful(adj.忠诚)/loyal to…→be honest with…→Yours


73. be honest with…→an honest …→to be honest (with you)=to tell (you) the truth=honestly

speaking→honesty n.→honestly adv.

74. hold/attend a conference/meeting→at a conference→a press conference记者招待会/新闻发

布会;for the time being=for the moment目前/暂时;

75. worry ①n./u&c/ ②vi.→worry about…≈be/get worried about ③vt. worry sb使…担忧→

worried/worrying adj.

