九年级英语U6 Study-skills教案

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焦荡实验学校九年级英语教案Unit 6

Study skills

Teaching objectives

1. To learn about the characteristics of the newspaper headlines and articles;

2. To learn to read a newspaper;

3. To learn to find out the key information from the article in a newspaper.

Emphasis and difficulties

1. How to get the topic of each article from the headline;

2. How to find out the key information from the article.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Show the students some newspapers

T: Do you like reading newspapers? What information can you get from a newspaper?

S: The up-to-date news.

2. Show a newspaper to them

T: When you read a newspaper, what attracts you first, the headline or the article?

S: The headline.

T: Why?

S: We can know the topic of each newspaper article from the headline.

Step 2 Presentation (how to read headlines)

1. Show some headlines

T: Look, here are some headlines from a newspaper. To save space, some words are left out. Try to guess the general idea of each article from the headlines.

(1) Driver killed, eight hurt in bus crash

Can you complete the headline?

S: The driver was killed, and eight were hurt in a bus crash.

(2) Cat show held in Shanghai

S: A Cat show was held in Shanghai.

(3) Xi’an travel tips

S: Here are some Xi’an travel tips.

2. Compare the headlines with the sentences and find out the rules.

T: Let’s compare the headlines with the sentences. What kinds of words are left out? Can you work out the rules?

S: Words like a/an/the, do/does/did, the verb be and and/but/or are left out.

T: What tense do these headlines use?

S: The present tense. After learning about the topic of each article, we can decide which newspaper article to read.

Step 3 Presentation (how to read an article)

Show an article to the students

T: Here is an article for you. Look at the headline. Can you complete it?

S: A popular poet passes away.

T: Can you ask questions about the headline?

S: Who was the poet?/When did she die?/Where did she die?/What happened to her?/How did she die?

T: Read the article quickly. Try to find out the answers to these questions.

S: …

T: Where can we find the answers to these questions?

S: In Paragraph 1.

T: So you can see newspapers use a special style of writing. The words like who, what, when,


焦荡实验学校九年级英语教案Unit 6

where, why and how always come first. The details come next, from the most important details to the least important ones.

Step 4 Practice

1. Tips on reading a newspaper

T: Many students often read English newspaper articles in a wrong way. They pay more attention to looking up the words, which makes them read slowly.

How can we read newspaper articles quickly and efficiently?

How can we get as much information as possible in the shortest time? Here are some tips for you. But some of them are wrong. Let’s have a discussion and choose the correct ones. Tips: a. Read the headlines carefully.

b. Ask questions like when, where, who, what, why and how about the headline and guess

what the article may be about.

c. Pay no attention to the pictures in a newspaper.

d. Look at the pictures and information in any “boxes”. They also give an idea of the

main topic in the article.

e. Read the article carefully and don’t miss every new word.

f. Skim through the rest of the article.

g. Look up the word in a dictionary whenever you meet one.

h. Use the context to guess the meaning of any words you don’t know.

S: We should choose a, b, d, f and h.

2. Choose a headline, ask questions about it and answer them.

T: Here are some headlines from a newspaper. If I want to learn about the recent missing plane, which article should I read?

S: Flight from Indonesia to Singapore goes missing.

T: Can you ask questions about the headline?

S: …

T: Read the article quickly and try to find out the answers.

S: …

T: If I want to learn about the accident in the Bund in Shanghai, which article should I read? S: Shanghai copes with trauma

T: Can you ask questions about it?

S: …

T: Read the article quickly and try to find out the answers.

3. Write a headline according to the article.

T: Here is a newspaper article. Its headline is missing. Can you help the reporter write a headline? Let’s have a discussion.

S: …

T: Yes, the headline can be 3 dead, 14 injured in NE China warehouse collapse.

Step 5 Conclusion

T: Remember that reading is a good habit. I t’s best to read the newspaper when everything else is finished and in its place. Most newspapers are written at a very low reading level in order to attract more readers. Don’t be afraid of reading them any more. Remember that knowledge is power.


1. Read some newspaper articles;

2. Recommend some articles to your parents and friends.

Teaching notes


