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[2009.08.06] The sun also rises 日升如故,阴霾潜伏 ..................................................................... 1

[2009.08.06] Knotting the purse-strings 捂紧钱袋子 ....................................................................... 4

[2009.01.22] How to play chicken and lose 如何玩火自焚 .............................................................. 7

[2006.10.19] Going critical, defying the world ................................................................................ 13

[2006.10.05]The search for talent寻找人才 ................................................................................... 16

[2006.09.18] Sweden's Moderate revolution瑞典的温和革命 ........................................................ 20

[2006.08.24] Who killed the newspaper? ....................................................................................... 22

[2006.08.21] Water, water everywhere? ........................................................................................ 26

[2006.08.10] But did they buy their own furniture? ......................................................................... 28

[2006.08.03] Something new新气象 .............................................................................................. 31

[2006.07.27] The future of globalisation全球化前景 ...................................................................... 33

[2006.07.13] A crisis widens 危机扩大 .......................................................................................... 36

[2006.06.21] A warm embrace ....................................................................................................... 40

[2006.05.11] Jane Jacobs .............................................................................................................. 42

[2006.04.27] In a league of its own ................................................................................................ 45

[2006.04.06] The state is looking after you 国家在照管你 ............................................................. 49

[2006.03.23] Colbert was here 柯尔贝尔回来了 ............................................................................ 52

[2006.02.09] Pass the parcel .......................................................................................................... 56

[2006.02.09] [Global Agenda] Food firms and fat-fighters ............................................................. 58

[2006.01.26]'Tis the season 一年之计在于春 ................................................................................ 65

[2006.01.12] Pets in China: Friend or food? 朋友还是食物? ....................................................... 66

[2005.12.20] Churches as businesses: Jesus, CEO 教会就是生意 .............................................. 68

[2005.12.20] The story of wheat: Ears of plenty 麦穗满满 ............................................................ 76

[2005.10.27] When lightning strikes ............................................................................................... 85

[2005.10.13] Leo Sternbach ........................................................................................................... 87

[2004.12.16] Go: The game to beat all games 围棋~~游戏之王 ................................................... 90

[2004.12.16] A brief history 末日天启说简史 ................................................................................. 96

[2004.12.16] The Romans in China 罗马人在中国 ...................................................................... 103

[2004.11.18] Changing the guard走马换将 ................................................................................. 109

[2004.10.21] Girl power ................................................................................................................ 113

[2004.08.19] A great wall of waste 用垃圾铸造我们新的长城 ..................................................... 116

[2004.05.06] This round is mine 这回该我了 ............................................................................... 125

[2004.01.29] Jammed 杯水车薪................................................................................................... 127

[2004.01.15] A grand but costly vision宏伟但昂贵的规划 ........................................................... 130

[2003.12.18] The nanny state ....................................................................................................... 134

[2003.12.11]The shape of things to come未来的体型 ................................................................. 137

[2003.11.01] Whose life is it, anyway? ......................................................................................... 140

[2003.10.23]The right to know 知情权 ......................................................................................... 145

[2003.09.11] Flags of convenience .............................................................................................. 147

[2003.06.19] A tiger, falling behind a dragon 被蛟龙甩在背后的猛虎 ....................................... 150

[2003.05.03]Hot and cold running money .................................................................................... 154

[2002.12.19] The - best place – last 最后的最佳场所 .................................................................. 159

[2001.11.18] THE BEST TIME: PRINCETON, 1949 最佳时代3 ................................................ 168

[1999.12.23] God 神 ..................................................................................................................... 169

[1998.09.30] Yang Shangkun 杨尚昆,一位中国的―神仙‖ ............................................................. 174

[2009.08.06] The sun also rises 日升如故,阴霾潜伏


经济of 复苏economic 的前cheer 奏



From sun 升6th 如The 故2009 ,| also 阴Economistprint 霾WASHINGTON, 潜rises 伏 DC edition

The economy may be pulling out of recession but unemployment is still surprisingly high. Celebrations should be delayed 虽然经济渐别衰退,但是面对居高不下的失业率,要想庆祝还为时尚早

WHEN Barack Obama visited Elkhart, Indiana, in early February, a few weeks after his inauguration, it was a sombre affair. In the previous 12 months the area‘s unemployment rate had more than tripled to 18.3 %. The president pleaded for the passage of a massive fiscal stimulus, insisting that ―doing nothing is not an option.‖ By the time he returned to Elkhart on August 5th he was quite a bit sunnier. Local factories are ―coming back to life‖, he proclaimed. A few days earlier he had declared the economy to have done ―measurably better‖ than expected. 今年二月初,就职数周后的奥巴马总统来到印第安纳州小城埃尔克哈特(Elkhart,位于美国印第安纳州北部,埃尔克哈特县县治),对其进行考察。本次埃县之行,局势并不乐观。过去一年来,县内失业率翻了三倍多,飙升至18.3%。针对经济颓势,总统言辞恳切地坚称―对此袖手旁观只会使局面恶化‖,希望能促使国会通过一项大规模的财政刺激政策。八月五日,奥巴马重返埃县视察。此时的他颇为神采奕奕;并宣称,当地工厂正―重现生机‖。此前几日不久,奥巴马就对外宣布,经济形式与预期相比有―适度好转‖。

Mr Obama‘s good spirits are well grounded: America‘s recession appears to be coming to an end. On July 31st the government reported that real gross domestic product (GDP) contracted in the second quarter, but at only a 1% annual rate. Much of that decline reflected business‘s determination to keep factories and workers idle and fill new orders out of existing inventory. Now, stocks are so depleted that production will soon have to restart. 奥巴马的乐观论调并非空穴来风。的确,美国经济似乎正在走出萧条阴影。七月三十一日,政府报告指出,虽然第二季度的实际国民生产总值(GDP)仍有萎缩,但其萎缩速度已减少至年均1%。此项萎缩多半反映出企业在想方设法地保持厂房闲置,限制工时,并尽量利用现有存货来交付订单。目前,存货已近清空,生产重启也是指日可待。

The clutch of data now available for July has strengthened expectations that GDP will rise in the current quarter by as much as 3%. An index of manufacturing activity rose to its highest level since last August, and manufacturers reported that new orders were growing briskly, the best in over two years. Car sales jumped 15% to an annualized 11.2m and manufacturers are ramping up production. Sales of existing houses have risen. Even battered Elkhart got some good news: on August 4th Dometic, a supplier of recreational-vehicle parts, said that with some help from local

incentives it would add 240 jobs to its operation in the town. 七月份已出炉的各项数据均显示出复苏迹象,市场信心也由此增强。本季度GDP增长预计将达到3%。其中一项生产活动指数更是创下自去年八月来的最高水平,上升态势强劲。厂商报告也显示订单增势旺盛,达到两年多来的最佳状态。汽车销售额跃升15%,达年均1120万辆。各大汽车制造商都在补充产能。现房销售也有上涨。甚至连饱尝萧条之痛的埃尔克哈特也传来振奋人心的消息:车载娱乐部件提供商多美达(Dometic)于八月四日称,得益于当地政府的经济刺激措施,公司在埃县将新增240个工作岗位。

Mr Obama and his aides have wasted no time in crediting the $787 billion fiscal stimulus for spurring this recovery. In fact the stimulus‘s contribution so far has been relatively modest. More important was last autumn‘s massive injection of public capital, loans and loan guarantees into the financial system, and this spring‘s bank stress tests. These stopped the spiral of declining asset prices, credit withdrawals and bank failures that had threatened to turn a recession into a depression.


One of the most encouraging bits of news is that the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city index of house prices fell just 0.2% between April and May, the smallest fall in two years. Stable house prices would do wonders in reducing loan delinquencies, shoring up the banks‘ balance-sheets and restoring the flow of credit. 最令人鼓舞的消息来自房地产市场。今年四至五月,―标普/凯斯-希勒20城市房价指数‖仅下跌0.2%,创两年来最小跌幅。而稳定的房价不仅是减少贷款违约率的灵丹妙药,也将在重振银行资产平衡和恢复信贷流动方面大显身手。

Despite the good news, Mr Obama‘s approval ratings, though high, are slipping. This, in part, is because the single most important economic benchmark, employment, remains grim, surprisingly so. Unemployment usually responds to economic growth in a relationship that was captured by an economist, Arthur Okun, in the 1960s. But it has risen more during this recession than most formulations of Okun‘s Law would suggest. 与经济好转相反,奥巴马的支持率尽管仍保持在高位,却已开始不断下滑。其部分原因在于,作为最为重要的经济指标,就业率依然令人讶异地徘徊在较低水平。失业率与经济增长之间往往存在反向变动关系,这一规律最早于20世纪60年代由经济学家亚瑟?奥肯(Arthur Okun)发现。但在本次经济危机中,失业率的攀升却远超出奥肯定律公式所作出的估计。

The publication last week of revisions to earlier GDP data explains some of the discrepancy. The revisions show that GDP has declined a cumulative 3.7% since the end of 2007, thus tying with 1957-58 as the deepest recession since the Depression (before these revisions, the decline was shown to be 2.5%). Even so, Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan Chase, says that Okun‘s Law would have predicted an unemployment rate of just 8.6% during the second quarter, whereas it actually averaged 9.3%.

一项对早先GDP数据的修订解释了两者之间的部分差异。这项上周发布的修订表明,自2007年底以来,GDP累计下降了3.7%,与1957至58年持平,一同成为美国自大萧条以来最为严重的经济衰退(修订之前的数据则为2.5%)。即便如此,摩根大通的经济学家迈克尔?费拉里(Michael Feroli)却指出,根据奥肯定律,第二季度的失业率预计将为8.6%,而实际上这一数字平均达到了9.3%。

Several factors are at work. Expanded unemployment-insurance benefits encourage some workers to keep looking for a job rather than drop out of the workforce altogether, adding perhaps half a percentage point to the unemployment rate, according to the Fed. The evisceration of their wealth may have led people to look for work rather than retire or stay at home with the children. 在这背后起作用的因素不止一个。据美联储称,失业保险福利的扩大给了一些失业工人继续寻找工作的激励,使得他们不愿意彻底退出劳动力大军(译者:退出劳动力队伍后便失去继续领取失业保险金的资格)。这有可能对失业率上升了贡献了半个百分点。财产缩水的痛苦促使人们去找寻新的工作,而不愿干脆赋闲在家享受儿孙绕膝之乐。

And firms have been unusually quick to slash payrolls. Some may be husbanding cash more carefully because of the credit crunch. Others may simply be more pessimistic about an eventual recovery. Whatever the reason, one result is that productivity is rising, cushioning profit margins. Robert Hall of Stanford University, who heads the academic committee that dates recessions, says Okun devised his law in an era when productivity usually fell during recessions: ―When productivity rises, the law fails. Though I was a great fan of Okun‘s, I‘m afraid his law is obsolete.‖ 公司减薪之迅速也叫人始料未及。有一些公司可能出于信贷紧缩的考虑而更谨慎地管理资金,而另一些则只是出于对复苏前景持悲观态度。但不论原因为何,其结果是导致生产率上升,对保持利润空间起到了缓冲作用。斯坦福大学经济周期测定委员会的领头人罗伯特?霍尔(Robert Hall)指出,在奥肯定律适用的时期,经济衰退的发生常常伴随着生产率的下降:―如果生产率上升,该规律就不再适用。尽管我十分崇敬奥肯,但他的研究在今天已经过时了。‖

The difference with Europe is especially striking. In the euro zone GDP has fallen further than in America but unemployment has risen less (see chart). Employers are slower to sack workers than in America, partly thanks to government subsidies that encourage them to shorten working hours instead (see article). This means that European unemployment will probably be slow to fall once GDP recovers. 欧洲的情况与美国大相径庭。欧元区的GDP下跌幅度超过了美国,但失业率却升幅较小(如图)。欧洲的雇主们解雇工人往往没有美国同行们那么迅速;这要部分得益于政府对雇主进行补贴的举措。政府以此鼓励雇主削减工时,从而保留工作岗位。同时这也意味着一旦欧洲GDP回升,其失业率的下降也将较为缓慢。



Hybrid foods


Matches made in heaven—and hell


What do you get if you cross a waffle with a doughnut? It's no joke 如果你将华夫饼干与甜甜圈混合会得到什么?这不是开玩笑。

NOT all marriages are happy, but Alex Hernandez thinks that the union of a waffle and a doughnut will be. The owner of Waffles Cafe in Chicago starting selling what he calls “wonuts” in April. They are deep-fried waffles, topped with icing and multicoloured sprinkles. Daily sales went from 24 to 600 within two days. Buzzfeed, a website, called the new snack “proof that a benevolent Food God exists”.


Hybrid dishes are fashionable. The wonut follows the cronut, a

croissant-donut combination that was invented in New York last year and is now being fried and munched in Taiwan, South Korea, Brazil,

Britain—and even France, where you'd think diners would be fussier. 混合菜肴很流行。Wonut是在牛角甜甜圈——纽约于去年发明的一款牛角面包与甜甜圈的搭配组合之后推出的一款新甜品,如今已风靡台湾、南韩、巴西和英国,甚至连对饮食很挑剔的法国都钟情于它。

Many countries indulge in culinary mixing, but Americans, who love both novelty and food, are especially keen on it. Burger King's Croissan'Wich is a croissant-sandwich mix. Taco Bell's quesarito is a beef burrito wrapped in a quesadilla. J&D's Foods produces Baconnaise,

bacon-flavoured mayonnaise that is, oddly, vegetarian and

kosher-certified. Carl's Jr is testing a bisnut, a cross between a biscuit (in the American sense of the word) and a doughnut. Not everyone is impressed. “Leave it to fast food to think of new and exciting ways to make you have to buy two seats on an airplane. A breakfast-dessert hybrid. You're barely awake and you're already getting all your calories for the day,” grumbles Jeff Sorensen of Uproxx, an online magazine.

许多国家都喜欢混合烹饪,而美国人这种既喜欢新奇又喜欢食物的人对此尤其钟爱。汉堡王的Croissan'Wich是羊角面包和三明治的混合。塔可钟的quesarito是外面裹有油炸玉米粉饼的牛肉卷饼。J&D的食品产业生产Baconnaise——培根风味的蛋黄酱,但有趣的是,犹太教和素食主义者都适用。卡乐星正在测试一款bisnut—小饼干和甜甜圈的组合。并不是每个人都会被打动。“在快餐上使用这个点子,想出新的有趣的方法来让你不得不在一架飞机上买两个位子。早餐混合甜点,你还在打着瞌睡,就已经摄入了一天所需的卡路里,” 一家在线杂志Uproxx的杰夫·索伦森抱怨说。

Such innovation has a long history. Blacks who migrated north after the Civil War served African-spiced fried chicken with European waffles. In the 1910s, Americans drenched German frankfurters with Mexican chili to make chili dogs. More recently, New Yorkers drew on the collective genius of generations of Jewish and Italian cooks to produce: the pizza bagel. 这种创新历史悠久。内战之后迁移到北方的黑人把欧洲华夫饼和非洲五香炸鸡混合在了一起。在20世纪10年代,美国人把德国法兰克福香肠浸透了墨西哥红辣椒,做成了辣椒热狗。最近,纽约人民利用世代传下来的犹太和意大利的烹饪智慧制造出了:披萨百吉饼。

Because America is a nation of immigrants, it has many traditions to mine. But because many cooks try to please everyone, ethnic recipes have often been tweaked so as not to offend unfamiliar palates. “You take something that's different, and you make it similar,” says Roger Horowitz of the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware. That has often involved adding sugar and fat, which everyone likes. The wonut

illustrates another grand old American tradition, too: the layering of mountains of different types of food in a single dish, which goes back at least to the invention of the ice-cream sundae 120 years ago. 因为美国是一个移民国家,因此它拥有许多个人习俗。但是因为大部分食物都是要取悦所有人,民族食谱经常会被改造以满足不同的人的口味。“你拿来与不同的东西,然后把它变成你熟悉的东西,”特拉华州海格利博物馆和威明顿图书馆的罗格·霍洛威茨说。这通常包括加入糖和油脂,这是大部分人都喜爱的。Wonut也说明了另一种极为重要的美国古老习俗:在一道菜中包含了层层叠叠的不同食物,这至少可以追溯到120年前圣代冰淇淋的发明。

Good ideas spread fast, so hybrid hits are soon copied. Crumbs Bake Shop, an ailing and pricey New York-based chain of cupcake shops, was one of several to introduce variations of the cronut. Alas its “crumbnut” failed to save the business, and Crumbs closed its doors on July 7th. As for Mr Hernandez, he is looking to open wonut shops in Chicago, Los Angeles and Phoenix. But he knows that the wonut will not be novel for long, so he is already working on his next creation: a waffle pizza, which perhaps he should call the “piffle”.

好点子传播的很快,因此混合食品的创意很快就有人山寨了。Crumbs Bake Shop是一家总部在纽约的杯形蛋糕连锁店,价格昂贵而且正面临着困难。它是引入多品种牛角甜甜圈的几家店之一,但可悲的是它的crumbnut未能挽回日渐下滑的生意,并于7月7日关门了。对于赫尔南德斯来说,他准备在芝加哥、洛杉矶和凤凰城开wonut商店。但是他知道wonut不会新奇很长时间,因此他正在致力于下一个创新:华夫饼披萨,他可能会把这种食品叫做“priffle”。

1.top with 以...封顶

Top with raspberries for added antioxidants and a tart flavor. 用山莓可以充当抗氧化剂,并且增加酸酸的味道。

Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple. 如果有需要,还可以撒上肉桂,在上面放上苹果薄片。

2.wrap in 把?包在,遮蔽

Wrap in plastic and foil and label with a piece of tape, noting the type of filling and the date.

用塑料膜和金属箔包好,用胶带贴上标签,写好是什么馅的和哪一天做的。 Cut into 8 squares, and wrap in plastic wrap.


3.at least 至少

At least that's the theory.


For at least another 2-3 years.


4.for long 长时间

So boeing and airbus may control the skies now but not for long. 因此,波音和空客控制整片蓝天的日子也许不会太久了。

You must get something in return for your kindness, or you won't be around for long.


