更新时间:2023-08-21 04:55:01 阅读量: 高等教育 文档下载
Some Observations on Doing Business in China
From watching westerners attempting to work in China,I must conclude that Chinese and westerners are not the same.WE and THEY think differently.Westerners think in"prose",each sentence or paragraph following from the preceding.Chinese think in"poetry",where context or setting determines action.
Western thinking is linear,moving from goals to strategy to tactics,or from overview to details (or the reverse).Chinese put everything in a big pot,stir well,and serve whatever comes up.Discussion of a philosophical goal which implies commitment of millions of dollars may be followed by a question on how some minor component will be shipped.
In negotiations and other relationships,Americans and Chinese both usually lack sufficient information and cultural background to emphasize well with each other.Chinese businessmen tend to have business negotiation in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct manner of American business contacts are really reliable.
American businessmen are straightforward, aggressive and pushy for clear-cut definitions of business terms. They tend to be more concerned about their main objective than details. But when it comes to a large project, they are also prepared for lengthy negotiations. The decision-making process of Chinese companies is generally slow and time-consuming. This is because most Chinese companies keep to the "bottom-up, and then top-down" principle. Although Americans have a reputation for making quick decisions, this is not always true when a corporation is embarking on a major venture, because many people must be involved in the decision-making.
Americans view relationships in terms of "rights";Chinese in terms of "obligations"—to family,to one's elders,to the country.Contracts are viewed in this light—the relationship between parties creates obligations.Americans tend to be reserved in relating to strangers;Chinese tend to be reserved with those whom they have connections.
Chinese perceive Americans don't care about money and waste it;Americans perceive Chinese don't care about time and waste it.Chinese often consider capital investment as "sunk cost",a commitment to do something,rather than a base upon which to earn a certain return.
Chinese hear different things in what is said.They tend to interpret questions and answer what they think you need.Americans tend to answer questions directly and literally,often ignoring important underlying concerns.Chinese often ask questions to expose a concern,not to get an answer.
So what?
China will be the largest economy in the world in the near future.No matter what your business,Chinese will comprise a significant portion of your suppliers,your competitors,your customers,your bankers and your stockholders or partners.What is happening in China will have consequences for our entire system.
Today, many American businessmen are eager to learn more about trade and investment opportunities in China, especially after its accessionto the WTO. They and their lawyer now understand that they must study the laws, trade practices and culture of China in order to be more effective in doing business with Chinese trading partners.
China will NOT become like us .They will be different.Different than they (or we)
are now.
中国不久将成为世界上经济最强大的国家。不管你做什么生意,中国都将成为你的供应商、竞争对手、客户、理财人、股东或合作伙伴的重要组成部分。 中国正在发生的事情将对我们的整个制度产生影响。
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