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一个偶然的机会发现了一本非常好的关于英文Email 的书,里面的范例涉及到我们工作、学习、生活的各个领域。唯一美中不足的时:厚厚的一本书,查询时特别麻烦,于是我就想弄一个电子版的(PDF格式)的,那样查询时特别方便,很容易就能查到我们相关的主题。
决定之后,便开始着手把从中挑选的100篇范例输入到计算机中,于是只要自己有空,就输入几段,记不清到底敲键盘敲了多少天,只知道从去年年底就开始了 ,一直到今天,前后好几个月的时间,终于搞定。
下面就是这100个范例,我用Adobe Acrobat 6.0稍微编辑了一下,加了标签,感觉更方便了!
NO.1 首次发电子邮件
这是连上互联网之后,确认电子邮件是否正确送达之范例。由于是寄给好朋友的信,采用非正式的文体书写。 From : jchen@ms00.hinet.net Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : wired at last !
Dear John ,
Test , test 、 test…. Can you read me ?
I am finally wired ! For the last several days I have a lot of trouble setting up my new computer , but I finally managed to tame it ---sort of . Now I am sending you this email via the internet to see if I am doing ok . will you please let me know as soon as you receive this email ? Thanks .
Jack Chen
■ (be/get)wired
指具备了接通电话,收看电视或上网所需的各种设备,并可自由运用的状态。Subject (信件主题行)栏中的wired at last ! (终于上网了!)是模仿黑人民权领袖马丁*路得*金(Martin Luther King, 1929~1968)在有名的演说(Freedom speech)中所说的―Free at last!‖这句而成的。 ■ read
除了―阅读‖的意思之外,还可以指计量仪器显示多少数值,或从电脑读取资料等。此外,在无线通讯测试时,Do you read me ? 表示―听得到吗?‖ ■ have a lot of trouble 遭遇许多困难和问题
trouble 表示―麻烦, 不便、 费事、劳苦‖之意时为不可数名词,例如:
I am sorry to give (or to have given) you a lot of trouble . (很抱歉给你带
■manage to do 好不容易才……,总算…了 ■tame 【teim】
驯养(动物),使(人)顺从、可控制并利用(事物,机械,资源) ■ sort of
有些,多多少少、在某种程度上(somewhat ; rather ; more or less ) 简略的口语说法,通常放在动词,副词,形容词之前。例如:
I am sort of tired . (我有点累了。) 因为对电脑连接缺乏自信,才会在文中加此语。 ■via
表示―通过…….‖(by , through )之意的拉丁文介词。Via the internet net 的意思是―通过互联网‖。 ■ the internet
一般情况下,Internet 之前会加上定冠词。 ■ to see if …..以确认是否…..
■ as soon as S + V 一??就(立刻)??
通常接在as soon as 后面的状语从句,即使指的是为了的事,也要用一般现在时。
No.2 这么快就回信,谢谢你……
本文有No.1有关系 . 收到对方回信后,该如何告知对方,是本文的重点。这也是写给好朋友的信件,因而采取口语化的文体。
From : jchen@ms00.hinet.net Mail to : ******◎******.**.** Subject : Thanks for your email
Dear John :
Thanks for replying to my email so quickly . It was only 30 minutes ago that I posted my first email , and I already have received your reply . Unbelievable ! If it was ―snail mail ,‖ I would still be on my way back from the post office.
You kept telling me about the virtues of going ―digital , ―and now I think I understand what your meant by that . Being able to exchange mail with someone thousands of miles away in 30 minutes or even less is simply amazing .
Anyway , I just wanted to say thank you for the email and letting me know that I was doing OK . Like you said , let us keep in touch ---on-line!
Jack Chen
谢谢你这么快回信。三十分钟前,我才把第一封电子邮件发给你,现在竟然收到你的回信,真令人难以置信!若是一般的传统邮件,我想我现在还在从邮局回来的途中! 你一直告诉我―数字化‖ 好处,现在我终于懂了。能在三十分钟或更短的时间内,和相隔于里外的人互通信件,实在太神奇了。
■ post something 投递,寄出(信或电子邮件);(在公告栏等处)张贴
■ if it was ??
虚拟语气,原本应该是if it were ??, 但口语中大多使用if it was
??. 而it 指的是第一句中的my email .
■ snail mail
snail 是指“蜗牛”,相对于瞬间传给对方的电子邮件,旷日费时的传统邮件俗称为“snail mail”.此种说法为互联网的术语之一,目前还不太普遍。意义相近的术
语还有p-mail (physical mail ),用法请参阅No.3 。
■ the virtue(s) of something
??的 优点,好处、长处(good point/points); advantage[s])
■ go digital 数字化
■ amazing(愿意)令人吃惊的,惊人的
■ keep in touch (和人 )保持联系
信尾常以keep in touch 表示―保持书信往来‖之意。
■ on-line(a. adv)线上(的)
一般而言,在信息处理方面,与电脑或电脑网络连线的状态,称为“在线”(时常合为一个词online). 例如an on-line database (在线资料库), go on-line (在线/连线)。
No.3 告知电子邮件以外的联系方式
以防万一,事先告知除电子邮件以外的联系方法是很重要的 。 在此请各位注意互联网的术语。
From : jchen@ms00.hinet.net Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : My P-mail address ,etc.
Dear Mr. Doe :
Thank you for your email . As you requested , I am pleased to inform you of my P-mail , fax and phone numbers as follows:
P-mail : 76 , Xichang‘ anjie , Beijing Fax : 86-10-1234-5678 Voice : 86-10-2345-6789
If you would like to talk to me direct on the phone , please call me at the above number after 7:00 PM. Thank you .
Sincerely ,
Jack Chen< jchen@ms00.hinet.net>
邮递地址:北京市西长安街76号 传真:86-10-1234-5678
■ (be )pleased to do 乐意做……,高兴做
类似用法请看No. 38及No.52 .
■ inform somebody of something 通知(某人)
以that 从句取代of 句型的用法,请看No.24 。
■ P-mail (=physical mail)
这是与电子邮件(email )相对的新名词,指一般的传统“邮件”, 有时也称为“snail mail “, 意指它象“蜗牛”(snail)一样慢(请参看No.2) 。 ■ as follows : 如下所示
其他例句请看No.49 , No.55 ,No.61及p.254~255的相关说明。
■ voice
■ talk to somebody 和?说话,对??说话
“(就某事)和?说话、谈话”时,常用with 代替to 。
No.4 请教我安装电子邮件软件……
安装程序往往复杂而困难重重,在束手无策之际,只好在网络上发出求助信息。 From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail To: ******@******.**.** Subject : I am stuck!
Will anyone out there teach me how to set up my CyberNet email program ? currently , I am using a freeware email program running on windows 98, but I want to switch to CyberNet Navigator (Ver . 4.0) . Today I spent the whole day trying to set it up by myself , but I was just wasting my time .if you are willing to teach me to how , please do so like you are talking to a ten-year old . I am not a computer whiz and I do not understand any of those geek codes like PPP , POP , FTP and so on . Thanks in advance.
Yours , lost in Cyberspace
是否有人能教我安装CyberNet 电子邮件软件?我目前在用免费电子邮件软件在Windows 98上操作,但是我想换成CyberNet Navigator (4.0版) 。今天我花了整整一天试着自己安装,结果只试浪费时间。如果有人愿意教我 , 请把我当成十岁儿童。我对电脑并不熟悉, 对PPP, POP , FTP 等术语一窍不通 ,请多多指教。
■ (be/get )stuck
―被困,陷于绝境,走投无路,被(难题)所困‖的口语简略说法。Stuck 是stick 过去分词。例如: I was stuck in traffic for hours.(我被堵在车阵中数小时。)
■ anyone out here 在那里的人(任何人)
这里的out here 指的是互联网的网络空间(所谓的 Cyberspace), 呼叫的是所有上网者。
■ set up something
“安装(机器或软件[使之能运作])”。 宾语若为代词,语序则为set it/them up. ■ currently 现在,目前( at the moment ,for the time being ) ■ freeware 免费软件
■ ver .4.0
Ver. 是version的缩写,version 4.0 为“修订第四版”之意。 ■ waste something浪费…
■ (be) willing to do (若有需要)乐意做…,愿意做…
与(be )pleased to 有些不同,并无―积极的‖之意。
■ Whiz
―(某方面的)好手 ,名人, 天才―的口语说法 。例如:Microsoft was founded by
computer whiz William Gates in 1975 When he was 19. (微软公司于1975年由19岁的电脑天才威廉*盖茨所创立。)
■ Geek codes 不解的密码
Geek 是―奇人, 怪人‖( an odd ridiculous person ) 的口语说法。 也可用于表示所
谓的―** 狂‖。
■ Yours , lost in Cyberspace
Yours 是简略的结尾敬辞 ,后面所接的匿名是指―电脑空间的迷途羔羊‖,这是生活咨询专栏中常见的写法。
No.5 很抱歉至今才回信,星期日想和你见个面……
From : jchen@ms00.hinet.net Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : can I see you this Sunday ?
Dear John,
Sorry I am late in replying to your email of Monday , April 1 . I am still having some trouble with my new computer and I think I need your help again.
Could you come over to my place this Sunday at around noon ? Please CALL or FAX if not convenient ; otherwise , I will see you then . Bye for now .
■ Sorry I am late in doing something 这么晚才??,很抱歉
正式的写法是 I am sorry [that] ?,但在非正式的书信中,常如本例采用简略的写法,并省略开头的主语(与be 动词)。相关说明请看No.6及No.39的NOTES. ■ still 仍然,依旧
■ have some trouble with something 在??方面有点棘手、麻烦 ■ Could you ?? 你能否?
Can you ? 的 礼貌用法。亲密的朋友之间,有事相托时也常使用这种说法。但是,像I would appreciate it if you could/would ? 的说法, 只用于极正式的场合。
■ Come over to … 来到…,过来…
在此为了语气的平顺而加上over , 也可将之省略。
■ My place 我家
口语的简略用法,以one‘s place 的用语表示―……的家‖之意。例如 : Can I stay at your place this weekend ? (这个周末我可以住你家吗?)
■ At around noon 中午时分
At noon 是指―中午(正午)‖,加上前置词around , 意思是about 。 类似用法请
看No.36 。
■ Please CALL or FAX
大写字母意在强调―不用电子邮件‖。Fax 在此作为动词。 ■ If not convenient 若有不方便之处
If this is not convenient (for you ) 的简略说法。
■ Otherwise 否则
这里是指―若未接到电话或传真‖。 Otherwise 放在句首的其他用法请参阅No.14。
■ Bye for now 再见
Bye 是good-by (或good-bye )的简略说法,for now 未―目前,现在‖之意。
No.6 你是否寄错地方了……
收到别人误寄的电子邮件并不稀奇,这时将投递错误一事通知发信者是非常友好的作法。本文的主旨是告诉对方你的地址。 From : jchen@ms00.hinet.net Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : I don‘t think we‘ve met ……
Received your email this morning thanking Mr. Zhicheng Wang for something he‘s done for you .Obviously , this mail was sent to me by mistake. My name is Jack Chen and I don‘t have a friend by the name of Mr . Kim Dae Jung .
Kindly check your records , and resend the mail to where it belongs . FYI , my email address is jchen@ms00. hinet.net
Will delete your email from my incoming mail file unless I hear from you be tomorrow moring .
Best regards.
今晨接到一封你寄给王志成先生的致谢函 ,这封信显然是误寄给我的 。我叫Jack Chen , 并不认识金达忠先生。
请查阅一下你的记忆,重新投递到正确的地址。以下是我的电子邮件地址,提供给你做参考;jchen@ms00.hinet.net 。
■ received your email ??
I have received your email ??的简略说法,后面的Will delete? 也一样是I will delete ?的简略说法。 此外,这里写的是“email”,亦可写成”email”.
■ He?s (done) he has (done)的简写 ■ Kindly do something 恳请、拜托你…
Kindly 在此为please 的简略说法。
■ Resend something 重新投递……
在send 前,加上表示again 之意的前缀re-而形成的词。但因造词感太强烈,一般多写成send again。
■ To where it belongs 到(原本)该去的地方
例如: this book belong to me .(这是我的书) 。 (=this is my book .)
■ FYI 供你参考
For your information 的缩写。缩写的用法请参阅No.73 及No.99 。
■ Hear from somebody 收到…的信件(音讯、回音)
常用于习惯用句we look forward to hearing from you .
这篇范例是以所谓的电报式简略体写成的。电子邮件或公司内便条注重简洁性及功能性,常会省略We 或I 等人称主语,或在不造成成语意不清的范围内,将极为形式化的介词、冠词或助动词等功能性词汇省略。不过,一般正式的对外商业书信,原则上不使用此种简略体。简略体的相关说明,请参阅No.39的NOTES 。
No.7 将别人误寄的电子邮件,再寄回去……
From : jchen@ms00.hinet.net Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : Wrong address ?
I received the following email from you last night , and believe that you made an error in the address .
>………………………………………………………… >…………………………………………………………
>…………………………………………………………. >…………………………………………………………..
I took the liberty of deleting this email from my incoming mail file , trusting that you still have the original on your disk .
Best regards ,
? ( 引用来信部分省略)
■ the following email 以下的电子邮件
有关following 请参阅No.19的NOTES 。
■ make an error in the address 弄错地址
■ Take the liberty of doing 擅自做??,冒昧做?? ■ Delete something 删除?
■ Incoming mail 来信
“寄出的信”称为outgoing mail 。
■ Trusting that … 相信…,我想…
意思和believe 相同,一般而言,trust 表示有支持这种想法的充足根据或理由。
■ Disk
这里指的是数字化资料的存储装置―(硬)盘‖。所谓的floppy disk (软盘)则称为
diskette .
如本范例的情况,凡是对方擅自发送过来的信,包括误寄的信,一般都称为unsolicited mail ( solicit 是―恳求、乞求、恳请‖之意)。 随着电子邮件的普及,利用电子邮件误发广告单的情况也日益增多,这种邮件可以不管。但是别人误寄给你
的信件该如何处理?基本上,别人误寄的信上我们无法预知的,但不可对所有误发的信一律采取不管的态度,视内容需要而通知发信者,可说是网友的一种礼貌。本范例引用对方的书信全文传回(文中的)记号表示―引用来函‖的信息或资料), 但通常如No.6只是通知对方你收到他误寄给你的信。
No.8 请告知新产品的更详细信息……
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.**
Subject : Request for information (Re : EZAccess 98)
I have just read the news on your Web site that you plan to release your much awaited Internet browsing software , EZAccess 98 , something around April this year .
I wonder if I could have any further information about this new software . I am particularly interested to know whether this software can handle Chinese characters .
Thank you for your attention . I look forward to hearing from you soon .
Sincerely ,
Zhida Co . , Ltd .
17,Fuchengmen Beidajie , BeiJing Fax : 86-10\\68316510
我从贵公司的网站上得知,期待已久的互联网浏览软件―EZAccess 98‖将于今年四月左右上市。
谢谢你拨冗读信,期待很快能收到你的回音。 guohong@ecph.com.cn 知达公司
北京阜成门北大街17号 FAX : 86-10-68316510
■ Re
原为拉丁文的介词,表示“关于??”( in reference to ; in the case of ; concerning )之意。在商业书信或法律文件中,常作为文章主题句的开头。
■ Web site
指互联网的WWW (World Wide Web )上的网站。
■ Plan to do 打算做…
■ Release something 发售(产品)等;发表(消息)等 ■ Much await 期待已久的
Await 是表示wait for 之意的用语。
■ Browsing software 网络浏览软件
Browse 的原意是―(家畜)吃草,浏览(书籍)‖。作为网络用语则表示―搜寻(主页或整个网络),浏览(资料)‖之意。例句请看No.88 。
■ I wonder if …不知可否…
若表示客气,通常if 从句会使用虚拟语气( I wonder if I/you could …= could I /you …?) 。
■ Particularly 特别,尤其 ◆ NOTES
电子邮件通常无法使用底线或斜体字,欲强调某一词句时,可利用以下的方法:⑴以大写输入;⑵在欲强调的单词前后加上星号(*),以取代底线;⑶或是在欲强调的单词前后加上underbar ; 如_Chinese_ 。 但是,这种强调用法应该少用。否则不
No.9 请告知能否邮购书籍……
这是询问能否在北京下订单买书的 书信范例。这封信的写法很正式,沿袭一般商业书信的格式。
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : Mail Order Inquiry
Dear Sir/Madam :
I would like to know if you accept personal mail orders from Beijing. If you do take orders , please let me know the charges for obtaining your latest publications catalog and send me order forms . I would also like to know if you accept payment by credit card .
I look forward to hearing from you soon . Thank you .
Sincerely yours ,
guohong@ecph.com.cn Zhida Co., Ltd .
17 , Fuchengmen Beidajie , BeiJing FAX: 86-10-68316510
guohong@ecph.com.cn 知达公司
北京阜成门北大街17号 FAX: 86-10-68316510
■ would you like to do something 想做…
want to 的礼貌说法。Want to 是豪不客气的直接表达自己的需求。在商业书信
中,通常都使用比较客气的would you like to 或 wish to 。
■ accept 接受,受理,答应……
表示―接受定购‖之意的短语,除了accept an order 之外,页可用take an
order (请参阅本范例第二句) 。
■ please let me know 请通知我
let me know 为inform 的口语说明,在非正式的会话文中,let me know 比inform 更常使用。
■ charge[s] 费用,经费, 花费
除了free of charge (免费) 等常用短语之外,通常以复数形式出现。 ■ Obtain something 得到,获得 ■ Latest 最新的
■ Order form 订单(订购单)
■ Look forward to [doing] something 期盼、盼望【做】…
这是一篇询问外国出版社可否邮购书籍的范文。第一段开头以I would like to
know if ……切入正题,接着以 if you take orders …询问索取目录的费用,并请对方一并寄上定购单。If you do take orders 的do 表示强调。第三句询问能否以信用卡结帐。关于询问能否货到付款的范例,请看No.14 。
No.10 我正在找一本书,不知贵店是否有现货……
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.**
Subject : Do you have this book in stock ?
Dear Sir/Madam :
I have been looking forward to the novel entitled *Obasan*,by Joe Kogawa , for over a month ago , and I am still unable to find it at any bookstore here in BeiJing .
Do you have this book in stock ? if you do , please keep one copy for me and let me know the price of the book ,as well as any incidental charges that may be required to ship it to BeiJing by air express . I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by email guohong@ecph.com.cn .
Thank you for your line . I look forward to hearing you soon .
Sincerely yours ,
Guo Hong
贵店 是否有这本书的存货?如果有,请留一本给我,并告诉我这本书的定
■ look for something 找寻?
search for 和seek 的口语说法。
■ entitled 标题为?的
例如: a book entitled How to Write email (一本名为《如何写电子邮件》的书),但I will send you a book entitled , How to write email .
这句话,在书名前加逗号书错误的(若省略掉entitled ,则要保留逗号,变成同位语用法)。
■ (be )unable to do something 无法做? 比cannot 稍微文雅一些的说法。
■ Have something in stock 有?的库存
主语为“物”时,则写成(be )in stock . “已无库存”是(be )out of stock (例句请看No.23) 。
■ As well as 和??一样,?也
相关说明请看No.68 。
■ Incidental charges 附带的费用、经费、杂费 ■ Require something 需要?, 要求?
相对于need 所表示的模糊要求,require 表示的是根据周围的情况、习惯或规则、法律等而产生的“必然之需求”。
■ Ship something 寄送、投递(货物、行礼)
■ Appreciate something 对(某事物)表示感激 相关说明请看No.25 。
对于国内买不到的书籍,直接向外国出版社询问是否有库存的书信范例。第一句先写出自己正在寻找的书名、作者名,再于第二段具体陈述主旨。本文在撰写时,已设定对方将以电子邮件回复,各位可视情况加上传真号码。此外,正文第一行* Obasan*的星号(*),是用来取代底线或斜体字的强调符号。相关说明请参阅No.8的NOTES 。
No.11 查询目录上的商品内容??
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn
Mail to : ******◎******.**.**
Subject : Thank you for the catalog ?
Today I received your mail-order catalog which I asked for in my previous email of April 1 ,and I want to thank you very much for responding to my request so promptly .
In looking over to the catalog I came across several interesting CD-ROM program ,including TRANSwriter ( item No.B-998)and Super Office ( item No.B-995) .But the catalog does not mention for which models of PC each of these CD-ROMs is designed . Not being a computer whiz , I do not know much about computers , but as far as I understand there are three major PC models (Mac , IBM and DOS/V), and a CD-ROM designed for one particular model cannot be used with other models .
My computer is COMPAQ CDS 524 , which is a DOS/V model ,and I wonder whether EZLetter and PowerWriter will run on my machine . Your kind reply-or perhaps a little lecture on CD-ROM compatibility-will be greatly appreciated .
Sincerely yours ,
Guo Hong
看了目录之后,我发现TRANSwriter (产品编号B-998)、SuperOffice (产品编号B-995)等几项有趣的CD-ROM产品。但在目录中并未标明各CD-ROM适用的电脑机型。我不是电脑高手,对电脑并不熟悉。就我所知,现有Mac 、IBM 及DOS/V三种机型,而针对某种特定机型设计的CD-ROM,未必适用于其他机型。
我用的是DOS/V机型的COMPAQ CDS 524 电脑,不知EZLetter 和PowerWriter 是否适用我的电脑?能否请你顺便讲解CD-ROM的兼容性,我将十分
■ ask for something 要求?
ask about ?是“询问有关?”,未必表示需要该项事物。 ■ respond to something 反应?,回应?,回复? ■ So promptly 如此迅速的
■ Look over something 浏览(资料)等;瞭望(地方) ■ Come across something (偶然)碰到?;发现? ■ (be )designed (for something)为?设计的 ■ Not being a computer whiz ,?
分词作状语,表示I am not a computer whiz , ?。 这里带有一点讽刺之意。要注意,分词状语在语意上的主语,一般应该与主句一致。
■ Whiz (某一领域的)好手,名人,天才 表示genius 之意的美国俚语。
■ Wonder whether ?不知是否?
■ Your kind reply ?will be greatly appreciated .
类似说法请看No.21 (有关被动语态的说明请看No.25的NOTES) .
■ A little lecture on something 简单讲解有关?
A little lecture 也可以a brief lesson 取代。
■ Compatibility 兼容性
No.12 请寄给我一份邮购目录……
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : Request for Catalog
Dear Sir/Madam :
I am interested in purchasing your latest mail order catalog , and would you like to know the cost , including postage to BeiJing .
I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
Sincerely yours ,
guohong@ecph.com.cn Zhida Co. , Ltd .
17, Fuchengmen Beijdajie , BeiJing Fax : 86-10-68316510
guohong@ecph.com.cn 知达公司
FAX: 86-10-68316510
■ (be ) interested in [doing ] something 有兴趣【做】…
(be) interested to do 的例句请看 No.26 。
■ Latest 最新的
■ Mail order catalog 邮寄目录
■ Would like to do something 想做…
Want to 的礼貌说法。
■ Postage 邮费
■ Hope to do 想做…,希望做…
Hope 是―对可能实现的事,衷心期盼其实现‖。若一开始便知道不可能实现,则用wish (例如I wish I could …)。 此外,与此同样表示对未来的期待、希望
的hope to do 及look forward to doing 之间的差异,请参阅No.13的NOTES 。 ■ Hear from somebody 收到…的信件(音信、回音)
常用于习惯用句we look forward to hearing from you . ■ Thank you
请看下面的NOTES 。
这是一封只叙述必要事项的简洁书信。在此只询问索取目录的费用。若有其他的要求,可在第一句后面加上I would also like to …之类的句子。这种内容简单的
书信,并不需要太夸张的语句做结尾。在正文结束后,以简单的 I hope to hear from you soon . 结尾,最后再加上一句简单的致谢 thank you .即可。像这种以thank you .结尾的书信形式,称为―thank-you exit ‖(请参阅No.72的NOTES ) 。
No. 13 目录将另外寄送给你……
From : ******@******.**.**
Mail to : guohong@ecph.com.cn
Subject : Your Inquiry of April 1
Dear Mr. Guo :
Thank you for your email . As you requested , I will send you a
copy of our free mail-order catalog via mail tomorrow . If you have
any specific questions , please let me know at any time .
Thank you again for your interest in our products . we look forward to
receiving your first order in the near future .
Sincerely ,
John Doe , Manager
Mail Order Department East & West , Inc.
再此感谢你对本公司产品的关注,希望近日能收到你的第一张订单。 常用词与短语
■ a copy of something 一份?
■ free
在此作为形容词,表示―免费的‖之意。也可作为副词,如we will send you the catalog free [of charge ].例句请看No.65 。 ■ via 通过…(by ,through )
原为拉丁文介词,表示―通过…‖之意,现在经常取代表示手段的by 。 例如via
air mail 是―以航空邮件‖之意。而―另行邮寄‖则是by separate mail (或under separate cover ) 。 ■ specific 具体的,特定的
■ let me know 请告诉我
inform 的口语说法。
■ at any time 随时
美国英语用法经常省略at ,拼成anytime 一字(比较接近口语的说法)。英国英语用法通常为at any time 。 ■ in the near future 近期内
与soon 的区别,请看No.31的NOTES 。
◆ look forward to [doing] something 的用法
look forward to ..是―期待、盼望(做)…‖之意,用来表示对未来某事(通常是既
定之事)的一种企盼。以look forward to seeing you soon .为例,和对方见面已是既定的事实。若未事先约定要见面,通常会写成I hope to see you soon .(有关hope 的用法,请参阅No.12 的―常用词与短语‖。)另外, look forward to 和(be ) looking forward to 二者的实质意义并无不同。但从微妙的语意来看,前者比较正式,语气亲密的书信经常使用I am looking forward to …的写法。
No.14 我要定购……
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.** Subiect : Purchase Order
Dear Sir/Madam:
With reference to your 1999 mail-order catalog , I would like to order one each of the following CD-ROMS :
=> TRANSwriter ( item No.B-998 , @$120.50) => SuperOffice ( item No.B-995 , @$140.50)
I understand you accept orders on a COD basis , but if this does not apply to orders from outside the U.S. , please let me know immediately by email . Otherwise , I look forward to receiving the CD-ROMs as soon as possible . Also , I would appreciate it if you would ship them by FedEx . thank you .
Sincerely yours ,
guohong@ecph.com.cn Zhida Co. , Ltd .
17 , Fuchengmen Beidajie , Beijing FAX: 86-10-68316510
我想定购贵公司1999年出版的邮购目录种登载的下列CD-ROMs 各一片; TRANSwriter (产品编号B-998, 单价$120.50) SuperOffice (产品编号B-995 ,单价$140.50)
■ with reference to something 关于??
■ would like to do something 想做…
want to 的礼貌说法。Want to 是豪不客气的表达自己的需求。在商业书信中,
一般较常使用比较客气的would like to 或wish to 。
■ one each of (A and B ) (A 和B)各一个 ■ (the) following 以下的
■ @120.50
@称为―at mark ―, 在此为表示‖单价―的符号,相当于at $120.50。 ■ I understand [that ] …我知道、听说…
■ On a COD basis 以COD 为基础
COD是cash on delivery 或collect on delivery 的缩写,意思是―货到付款‖。其
他的例句请看No.15 。
■ Apply to something 适用于…,适合… ■ Otherwise (承接前句的叙述)否则,不然
■ Look forward to [doing] something 期待、盼望(做)… ■ As soon as possible 尽快
常缩写为ASAP(或asap)。例句及说明请看No.99 。 ■ Ship something 寄送、投递(货物、包裹等)
■ FedEx
Federal Express (联邦快递,美国最大的国际货运公司)。FedEx 在美国经常被用作动词,如Please FedEx ( or FEDEX) the following immediately .( 请立刻将下
No.15 谢谢你的定购……
From : ******@******.**.** Mail to : guohong@ecph.com.cn Subject : thank you for your order …
Dear Mr. Guo :
I am writing to confirm your order placed via email on April 1 for one each of the following :
=> TRANSwriter (item No.B-998 ,@$120.50) =>SuperOffice ( item No. B-995 , @$140.50)
As you requested , the order will be shipped via FedEx on a COD basis at the current exchange rate of $1 to RMB 8.30 . I believe you will receive the CD-ROMs in about two weeks from today . Thank you for your order ,and I hope you will enjoy our state-of-the-art CD-ROM software .
Sincerely yours ,
John Doe , Manager Mail Order Department
East & West , Inc .
你四月一日的电子邮件中,定购了下列商品各一件,想请你确认: TRANSwriter (产品编号B-998,单价$120.50)
SuperOffice ( 产品编号B-995 ,单价$140.50)
■ I am writing to confirm something 我想确认……
常在确认信函中,被用来作为开头语。另有this is to confirm …的写法。两者之后皆可接that 从句,作为confirm 的宾语,而这个that 经常被省略,如书信中所示。 ■ Place
以place an order [for something ] 的说法,表示―定购‖之意。相关说明请看No.21
■ Via 通过…(by , through )
原为拉丁文介词,表示―通过…‖之意,相关说明请看No.1及No.13 。 ■ One each of the following : 下列物品各一件
有关following 的说明,请看No.19的NOTES。 ■ As you requested 正如你所要求的 ■ Ship something 寄送、投递(货物、包裹等)
■ FedEx
国际货运公司Federal Express 的简称。请参阅No.14 。
■ On a COD basis 以COD为基础
COD是―货到付款‖之意,请参阅No.14 。on a/an …basis 是―在…基础上‖。例如 on a weekly basis (以周为基础[以周为单位])、on an equal basis (在对等
的基础上)、on a commercial basis (在商业的基础上)。 ■ At the current exchange rate of $1 to RMB 8.30
■ In about two weeks 大约两周
这是指―(从现在起)大约两周后‖。例如: I will be back in two hours . (我会在两小时后回来。) ■ State-of – the –art 最先进的,最新技术的
No.16 大量定购能否打折……
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.**
Subject : Your Quotation Of May 20
Dear Mr . Doe :
Thank you very much for your quotation of May 20 for the merchandise we inquired about in our previous email of April 1.
As you may know , however , the market is highly competitive , and the lowest possible prices are essential . Before placing an order with you k, therefore , we would like to ask if it is possible for you to make a price concession and , if so , please also let us know on what terms the concession is available .
We would appreciate your kind consideration , and hope to receive your favorable reply at your earliest convenience .
Sincerely yours ,
Guo Hong
Zhida Co. , Ltd.
■ quotation估价单
■ merchandise商品(总称)
■ inquire about something询问有关……
ask about 的正式说法。
■ As you (may) know 如你所知
■ Competitive (价格或品质)不比其他差的、有竞争力的 ■ The lowest possible price[s] 可能范围内的最低价格
■ Essential 必要的,必须的
■ Place an order [for something] with somebody 向…定购【东西】
Order 的用法请看No.21的NOTES 。
■ Price concession
make a price discount 之外,也可以写成to lower the price(s) (by 10% or more , and …), 或to give a discount ( of 10% or more , and …)。 后面的if so 是if it is possible 之意。 ■ On what terms 以何种条件
■ (be) available
表示―(物品、服务等)可使用、可提供、可获得‖(existing and ready for use ; at
hand ; accessible ; obtainable )的状态。以―人‖为主语的例句请看No.37。
■ Favorable reply 好的回音
Favorable 表示―(回答等)善意的,允诺的;(人,态度等)赞同的,友善的‖之
■ At your earliest convenience
At your convenience 是表示―(无论何时)在你方便的时候‖之习惯用语。At your earliest convenience , 通常为as soon as possible 的委婉用法。
No.17 我想取消订单……
From : geoge@vintage.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.**
Subject : Cancellation Of Order (Urgent)
Dear Sir/Madam :
This morning we placed an order for 20 units each of the following vintage wristwatches via your on-line shopping Web site: Model AW-5 (Catalog No. 7P5009)
Model VC-7(Catalog No.7P4080) Model MC-9 (Catalog No. 7P3500)
However , we would like to cancel this order due to customer cancellation . we are very sorry to inconvenience you and hope you will accept our sincere apologies , but request that you give this urgent cancellation your immediate attention . thank you for your understanding .
Sincerely yours,
George Lee
Vintage Collection, Inc .
Email : george@vintage.com.cn Fax : 86-10-68316510
今晨我们在贵公司的网上购物网站,定购了下列的高级古董表各二十个 Model AW-5 (编号No.7P5009) Model VC-7 (编号 No. 7P4080) Model MC-9 (编号 No. 7P3500)
■ place an order on something 定购……
关于order 的用法,请看No.21的NOTES。 ■ following以下的
■ vintage
―最高级的,上等的,古老的‖。例如vintage wine( [在优质葡萄的丰收年酿造的]特级葡萄酒),vintage car(1919-1930年时期的古董年)。 ■ via 通过……(by , through )
■ on-line shopping
■ would you like to do 想做……
want to 的礼貌说法。Want to 是不考虑对方,直接表明自己的需求。在商业书信
中,常用比较客气的would you like to 或wish to 。 ■ cancel something 取消……
名词形式为cancellation (of something) 。
■ due to something因为…, 由于…(because of ,owing to )
有关due to 的其他例句,请看No.20 。 ■ customer (商店等的)顾客
■ inconvenience somebody 造成(某人)的麻烦
作名词时则为cause somebody inconvenience , 例句请看No.37 。
■ sincere apologies 真诚的歉意 ■ urgent 紧急的
■ immediate attention 迅速处理
attention 指―对某件事的关注‖,依上下文,可表示―设想,考虑,亲切(的行为),体贴‖等意。
No.18 感谢贵公司迅速处理我的订单……
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to :******◎******.**.** Subject : Thank you very much!
To whom it may concern :
I am writing to express my deepest appreciation for your prompt handling of my order .
I placed a rush order for several books on April 1 asking for delivery to be made by April 15 , well , your company and its employees were so efficient that all the books I ordered arrived here on the 13th ! I really do appreciate the trouble you took to meet my request and the special attention you gave to my order .
Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved – they certainly did an excellent job .
Best wishes,
Guo Hong
我在四月一日紧急定购数本书,并请你于四月十五日前寄到。贵公司及贵公司职员的高效服务,使我定购的书于十三日就收到了!非常感谢你对我的要求的特殊关照。 请代我向相关人员致谢,他们实在很尽责。
■ to whom it may concern :
■ I am writing to do something (这封信)是为了……而写的
类似说法,如以this is to …作为开头语的例句,请看No.54。
■ Express one?s appreciation for something为…致谢
这是非常正式的说法。若想以简洁的说法表达,可以用(I am writing to )thank you
for …。
■ Prompt handling (对于定购的)迅速处理
Handling 是handle 的名词,意思是―操作,处理,对待‖,此外也有―(商品的)出货、(出货的)安排‖之意。 ■ Place an order for something定购……
有关order的用法,请看No.21的NOTES。 ■ Rush(作为形容词)紧急的
■ So efficient that ……如此有效率因而… ■ The 13th (某月的)十三日
若单独使用表示日期的数字而不加月份,一定要加上定冠词。 ■ Appreciate something对(某事物)表示感激
■ The trouble you took to do 你为了…的辛劳、费心
这是从习惯用语take the trouble to do (不辞辛劳的为…)变化而来的。 ■ Meet one?s request 符合…的要求
■ Please convey my thanks to somebody 请代我向…致谢
■ Staff (总称)全体职员
―10名职员‖是 a staff of ten 或ten staff members (不可说ten staffs)。
NO.19 我在网上定购的商品,至今尚未收到……
From: guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : Our Order Of April 1
Dear Sir/Madam :
I still have not received the following software I ordered FIVE weeks on April 1 via your on-line shopping Web site .
=> EZLetter (item NO. B-126, @$89.50)
=> PowerWriter (item NO. E-365,@$120.00)
Please check your records , and send them to me asap. Thank you .
Best regards,
五周前的四月一日,我在贵公司的网上购物站定购下列软件,至今尚未收到。 EZLetter(产品编号B-126 ,单价$89.50)。 PowerWriter(产品编号E-356 ,单价$120)。 请核查你的记录,并尽快将商品寄过来,谢谢。
■ followings 以下的
■ software 软件(电脑程序及其技术的总称)
不可数名词。经常作为形容词,如a software product 。 ■ via 通过……(by , through)
相关说明请看NO.1及NO.13等。 ■ on-line shopping
ago 通过互联网或其他电脑通讯网络购物。
■ @$89.50
@称为―at mark ‖,在此为表示―单价‖的符号,相当与at $89.50. ■ Records记录,资料
常以复数形式出现,如our records show that ……(根据我方的记录…)。
■ Send something (to somebody )送…..给(某人)
Send 可以有双重宾语,如I will send you the book .这时宾语的排列顺序是―人
(O1)+(O2)‖(不可写成I will send the book you )。如果O2为代词,则写成I will send it/them to you .(不可写成I will send you it.)
■ Asap
As soon as possible 的缩写。通常以大写ASAP表示,在电子邮件或公司内部备忘录中,通常以asap的单词形式出现。 NOTES
Following作为形容词,如the following questions 放在名词前面,意思是―以下的…‖;作为名词,则表示―以下的(人、事或其他)‖。作为名词时是单、复数兼用,即使其内容为复数,也不写成followings 。而且在the following is/are …的句型中,句首的定冠词常被省略(不过,the following 若出现在句中或句尾,则不可省略定冠词)。
NO.20 本公司定购的商品,至今尚未收到……
定购的商品逾期未到,可发函催货。这时采取强硬的措辞,比较容易产生效果。 From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : Our Order Of April 1
Dear Sir/ Madam:
We have not yet received the merchandise which we ordered on April 1 and was due to be delivered by April 30. we did state quite clearly on our order form that we needed this delivery on or before that date , and we are already having problems with unhappy customers .
As you understand , late deliveries affect our sales most adversely . please look into this matter and , if you have not already done so , effect immediate delivery . Thank you .
Yours most annoyed .
Guo Hong Zhida Co.,Ltd.
■ merchandise (总称)商品
■ (be )due to do 预定…
Due to something 表示原因、理由,此方面的例句,请看NO.17。 ■ delivery 递送、送达、交付(货品)给对方 ■ on or before date ?日或该日之前
全句可代换为by ,但以by April 30 为例,是否包含四月三十日当天,并不太明确。为了避免造成误解,在商业书信中常写成on or before April 30。相关说明请看NO.54的NOTES。
■ affect adversely 带来不好的影响
adversely 是表示―催促迅速交货‖之意。 ■ effect something , 结果造成…;达成(目的)
■ Yours most annoyed
Annoyed 是―苦恼的‖之意,作为结尾敬辞时,通常带有讽刺(或戏谑)的意味。 ◆ NOTES
Merchandise是表示―商品‖的集合名词,计数时则写成a piece (two pieces ) of
merchandise 或an article (two articles )of merchandise ;表示―多数‖时则写成much merchandise 或a (great)variety of merchandise 。基本上a piece of …,也适用于同为集合名词的equipment ,machinery ,furniture等词。
NO.21 收到的商品和定购的不符
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn Mail to : ******@******.**.** Subject : My Order Of April 1
Dear Sir/Madam :
On 1 April I ordered EZLetter (item NO.B-126,@$89.50) from you via your on-line shopping Web site . well , what I received today was EZWriter(item NO.B-129) and this is NOT what I ordered .
I believe this is due to a clerical error on your part , and I want you to check your records and send me *EZLetter* asap. In the meantime , please let me know what should I do with the software I did not order . Do you want me to send it back to you COD? Your prompt reply appreciated .
Best regards,
■ via 通过……(by ,through )
原为拉丁文介词,表示―通过…‖之意,常取代表示手段的by 。 ■ due to something 因为…,由于…(because of , owing to )
to 之后接不定词(动词原形)的意思和用法,请看NO.20。 ■ clerical error 工作上的错误 ■ on your part 你那方面的
也可以用on your side 表达。
■ asap
as soon as possible 的缩写。通常以大写ASAP书写,在电子邮件或公司内部备忘录,常以asap的单词形式出现。 ■ *EZLetter*
这个星号(*)是用来取代底线或斜体字的强调符号。说明请看NO.8的NOTES。 ■ COD( or C.O.D.)
Cash on delivery 或collect on delivery 的缩写。意思―货到付款‖。
■ Your prompt reply appreciated
这是your prompt reply will be [ much] appreciated.的简略写法,常用于电子邮件。 ◆ NOTES
Order 表示―(向公司企业)定购…)‖时,所使用的句型为order something (from a shop/company ) 或place an order for something (with a shop/company)。前者把order当动词,在后者中则是作为名词。前者的from 常被误用为to ,请多注意。From 在此表示order something(to be sent ) from …的意思,其后也可以接场所、地名(例如:order books from New York )。后者的for something 和with a shop/company 可对调,也可省略其中之一。
NO.22 已收到定购的软件,但产品有瑕疵……
From : guohong@ecph.com.cn
Mail to : ******@******.**.**
Subject : Request for Replacement ( Re: PowerWriter)
On April 30 I received EZLetter and PowerWriter , which I ordered via your on-line shopping Web site .
EZLetter is running smoothly on my computer and I am very pleased with it .However , I am experiencing a lot of trouble with PowerWriter . it hangs up VERY often while in operation for no apparent reason , and I can no longer afford the interruptions and irritation caused by constant hang-ups .
There obviously is something wrong with this software , considering that EZLetter is running OK under the same PC environment . I believe that I am entitled to a replacement , but please let me know what you would propose to do about this matter .
Your prompt reply will be most appreciated . thank you .
我在贵公司的网上购物站所定购的EZLetter 和PowerWriter ,已于四月三十日收到。 EZLetter 在电脑上运行顺利,我很满意。不过,使用PowerWriter 时就碰到很多问题。这软件常无故死机,我无法再忍受这种状况。
这软件显然是有问题,因为EZLetter 在相同的电脑环境下可顺利运行。我想我有权利要求更换货物,请将贵公司的处理方式告诉我。 希望你们尽快回信,谢谢
■ via 通过…(by ,through )
原为拉丁文介词,表示―通过…‖之意,经常取代表示手段的by 。相关说明请看NO.1及NO.13。
■ Web site (互联网)网站
■ (be)running smoothly (机器或程序等)运行顺利 ■ (be)pleased with something 对…感到满意、满足 ■ Experience a lot of the trouble with something
I am experiencing …是比较生硬的说法,在会话中通常使用I am having …。类似的例句请参阅NO.5。
■ Hang up 挂断电话,不能动,(因为故障而)停摆、中断
以电脑而言,指软件在操作中(因程序有瑕疵【bug】等原因,突然死机的状态。名词形式为hang-up。 ■ For no apparent reason无明显的原因
For 用来导出―原因、理由‖,在此做为介词。
■ No longer do
―已经无法再…了‖。例如: I can no longer wait .( 我无法再等下去了。) ■ Afford to do (金钱上或精神上)足以负担… ■ Obviously 明显的
■ Considering that …考虑到、如果考虑…
有关放在句首的―considering…, S+V‖的句型例子,请看NO.28。 ■ (be) entitled to [do] something 有(做)…的资格、权利 ■ Replacement 替换品,代替品,代用品
■ Irritation 令人气恼
NO.23 为延迟交货而致歉……
NO.19为告知商品尚未送达的信函,这封致歉信即是对此信的回应。在无法立即处理的情形下,必须先向对方说明,请求原谅。 From : ******@******.**.** Mail to : guohong@ecph.com.cn
Subject : Sorry for the Overdue Delivery …
Dear Mr. Guo:
Thanks you for email reminder about the overdue delivery of your EZLetter (item NO.B-126) and PowerWriter (item NO.E-356). Because of an unusually heavy demand for these two products , we are temporarily out of stock , but everything possible is being done to ensure that you receive delivery ASAP.
We apologize for the delay , and hope that it doesn‘t inconvenience you too much.
John Dod , Manager
Mail Order Department East & West , Inc .
■ reminder 提示;(提醒人注意的)警告,信号;催促函
在email reminder 中,email 作为形容词,也可仅选用其中一词。此外,也可写成
your email reminder us about …。
■ overdue 逾期的
除了在overdue delivery 或overdue payment 之类的用法中作为形容词之外,也可作为副词,如your payment is two months overdue .(你的帐款已逾期两个月未付。) ■ demand for something 要求…
■ temporarily 暂时
■ (be) out of stock 已无存货
反义词是(be) in stock 或have something in stock (有…的存货)。例句请参阅NO.10。 ■ Everything possible is being done
被动语态(is done)的现在进行时。
■ Ensure something 确保,保证…… ■ ASAP
As soon as possible 的缩写。相关说明请看NO.99。
■ Apologize[to somebody ] for something 【向某人】为…而致歉、谢罪
■ Inconvenience somebody 给(某人)添麻烦
Inconvenience当名词时的用法,请看NO.37 ◆ NOTES
这是为延迟送货而致歉的电子邮件,第一段结尾的ASAP可改成by May 30 或in about two weeks 。你也可以再加上we hope that we will be able to ship order
by May 30.(or in about two weeks ;etc.)之类的句子。
NO.24 我们将为你更换产品……
From: ******@******.**.** Mail to :guohong@ecph.com.cn Subject: powerwriter
Dear to.Guo :
We were sorry to receive your e-mail informing us that you are having some technical trouble with our PowerWriter.
So far ,we haven‘t heard of any similar problem with this particular software form other users. Nevertheless , we have already arranged for a replacement to be sent to you so that you can fully appreciate our state-of –the –art software .In the meantime ,will you please send your copy of the software back for us to inspect?
Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.
Sincerely yours,
John Doe , Manager Mail Order Department East&West , Inc.
你来信告知使用本公司PowerWriter 软件时,碰到了技术上的问题,对此我们非常抱歉。
■ (be ) sorry to do 对…很抱歉
若用较正式的说法来表达(be)sorry to ,则为we regret receiving . regret 的例句及说明,请看NO.37 。 ■ inform sb that ...... 通知(某人)...
以of 代替that 从句的例句,请看NO.3 。
■ so far 目前,到现在为止 ■ Hear of sth/sb 听说…,听到…
有关hear of 与hear about 的区别,请看NO.90的―常用词与短语‖。
■ This particular software 这个特定的软件
Particular 是用来强调―特定的,特别的‖之意的形容词。例如:he mentioned this particular model .(他特别提到这个模特儿。)其他例句请看NO.60 ■ Nevertheless 尽管如此
与in spite of that , nonetheless , however 同义的副词。其他的例句请看NO.86。 ■ Arrange for sth 为……做(必要的)安排
■ Replacement 替换品,代替品,代用品
表示―(行为上的)取代、交换、归还‖时,为不可数名词。 ■ Appreciate sth 欣赏,鉴赏(事物的价值);给予正确的评价
请注意与―对(某事物)表示感激‖的区别。后者的例句请看NO.25。 ■ Stage –of –the –art 最先进的,最新技术的 ■ In the meantime
■ Inspect sth 详细调查、检查、核对(有无瑕疵)…
In-是表示in、into 之意的前缀,spect为表示to look 的拉丁词根。
NO.25 请寄给我**国际会议的详细资料及报名表……
From : jchen@niis.edu.cn
Mail to : ******@******.**.**
Subject : The 15 Int‘I conference on information sciences
Dear Sir/Madam:
I understand that you are sponsoring the above conference to be held in Hawaii from April 1 to 5.
I am very interested in this conference and would like to attend it . Please send me detailed information on the conference along with an application form . For your information , my p-mail address is as follows:
c/o National Institute for information Sciences 28 ,Zhang Zizhong Road ,Beijing ,P.R.C
Your prompt reply will be much appreciated. Thank you .
Sincerely yours,
Jack Chen jchen@niis.edu.cn
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