
更新时间:2023-10-24 17:20:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1. Newspapers are made __ paper. Paper is made __ wood. A. from/of B. of/from C. of/in D. in/from 2. A lot of new roads ___ built in the west of China. A.must B. must be C. has D. have 3. This dictionary mustn’t ____ from the library.

A. take away B. taken away C. are taken away D. be taken away 4. My shoes ____ . I went out for a new pair.

A. is worn out B. wore out C. were worn off D. were worn out 5. His car ___ tomorrow.

A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired 6. When your homework ____ , we will go to play football. A. is done B. are done C. had done D. will be done 7. He asked me _______.

A. what the paper is used B. what the paper was used for C. what was the paper made of D. what’s the paper used as 8. Three fourths of the information on the Internet ___ in English. A. am B. is C. are D. be

9.English is widely used. Many business letters around the world ___ in it. A. are written B. were written C. are writing D. were writing 10.This pair of scissors ___ in China.

A. Make B. made C. is made D. are made 11.Three quarters of the messages _____ by telegraph. A.was sent B. were sent C. sent D. send

12. In the past 10 years, China ____ up many man-made satellites. A. has been sent B. has sent C. was sent D. sent 13.They ___ to help the farmers with the harvest last autumn. A. asked B. asking C. to ask D. were asked

14.We are always kept ____.

A. to smoking B. on smoking C. from smoking D. off smoking 15.Nothing can stop us ___ English.

A. learn B. learning C. learned D. learns 16. Mary ___ some songs in her room in the morning.

A. heard sing B. heard to sing C. was heard sing D. is heard to sing 17. Mary ___ an English song in her room last night.

A. was heard to sing B. is heard to sing C. was heard singing D. is heard singing 18. The guide said that the dinosaur eggs ____ about 95 million years ago. A. lay B. were lay C. laid D. were laid 19. We found the ground ____ snow.

A. cover with B. is covered with C. was covered with D. was covering with 20. The shop assistant showed a hat _____ red silk to us.

A. made from B. made of C. was made of D. was made from 21. We can find many pictures ____ by Xu Beihong in the museum. A. drawing B. drawn C. drew D. to draw 22.Have these words _____ by us yesterday?

A. been learnt B. learnt C. learned D. were learnt 23. Have you heard of a dinosaur _____ feathers?

A. was covered by B. was covered with C. covered with D. covered by 24.About 500 cars ___ in the factory next month.

A. were produced B. will be produced C. will be made D. have been produced 25.She ______ for 10 years.

A. has been marry B. has married C. has been married D. have marry 26.The sentence “Thank you” ___ in our everyday life.

A. Often use B. often use C. is often used D. are often used 27.Most business letters are ___ English.

A. Wrote by B. writing with C. Written in D. written by 28.The box is used __ sitting ___ a chair ___ Mike.

A. for, as, by B. by, for, of C. as, for, by D. for, by, as

29.Middle school students ___ not to smoke.

A. always tell B. are told always C. tell always D. are always told 30. The room had better ____ this afternoon.

A. be cleaned B. to be cleaned C. clean D. to clean 31. Everyone knows that paper ____ in China.

A was made first B. at first was made C. was made at first D. was first made 32. He said that his teeth needed ____.

A. to be repaired B. repair C. repaired D. to repair 33.The idea seems good but it needs_____.

A. Trying on B. To try at C. To be tried out D. Being tried 34. Tell me what _____ next.

A. to be finished B. Be finished C. To finish D. Finish 35. The dirty clothes ___ by his mother now.

A. are washed B. are washing C. were washed D. are being washed 36. Tom! You _____ on the phone just now, but you _____in.

A. wanted, were B. are wanted, are C. were wanted, weren’t D. called, aren’t 37. Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971.

A. is found B. has been found C.was found D.had been found 38.After the race____, the celebration began.

A. had been won B. is won C.will be won D.has been won 39. I don't remember ____the chance to try this method.

A.having been given B. to have been given C.having given D. to have given 40.As we reached the work site, the workers were seen ____the new house. A. building B.build C. built D. to build

参考答案:1-5 BBDDA 6-10 ABBAC 11-15 BBDCB 16-20 DCDCB 21-25 BACBC 26-30 CCADA 31-36 DACADC

★ 不用于被动语态的情形 ①不及物动词没有被动语态

这类动词有take place, happen, come about, break out, appear, disappear, last, arise等。 例如:A fire broke out during the night. ②某些静态动词不用于被动语态

这类动词有have, lack, fit, hold, suit, resemble等。 例如:My shoes do not fit me.

③宾语为相互代词和反身代词时不用于被动语态 例如:We should help each other. ★关于主动形式表示被动意义

①系动词(如look, sound, smell, feel, taste, prove等)要用主动表被动,因为 系动词为不及物动词,它们没有被动语态形式。 例如:The building looks very beautiful.

②当open, close, shut, lock, move, read, wash, clean, cook, cut, wear, carry

等用作不及物动词且表示主语的某种属性时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。 例如:The book sells well.

③有的动词本身含有被动意味,通常用主动形式来表示被动含义。 例如:Her eyes filled with tears.

④不定式to blame, to let用作表语时,通常要用主动表被动。 例如:Who is to blame?

⑤某些“be+形容词+to do”结构中的不定式通常要用主动形式表示被动意义。 例如:The book is difficult to understand.

⑥不定式用于某些动词(如have, have got, get, want, need等)的宾语后作定语时, 如果不定式的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。 例如:Do you have time to help us?

⑦在too...to do sth.和...enough to do sth. 这两个结构中,若主语与其后不定式

为to do sth.被动关系,则该不定式通常用主动形式表示被动意义(有时也可直接用 被动式)。

例如:The writing is too faint to read. ⑧be worth后的动名词要用主动表被动。 例如:This movie is worth seeing.

⑨在need, want, require等少数表示“需要”的动词后的动名词用主动形式表示被动 意义。

例如:The house needs cleaning. ★表示“据说”的三类被动句型 ①It is said that...句式

例如:It is said that thirteen is an unlucky number. ②There is said that...句式

例如:There is said to be plenty of oil off our coast. ③sb./sth.is said that...句式

例如:Mr. Brown is said to have died of liver cancer.

