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记叙文:who, what, what to learn?即谁发生了什么事?从这件事情中可以得出什么结论(或道理)?

Honesty is one of the most treasured traditional values

in China. (论点)The children are taught to be honest when they are very young. At schools the students are also instructed to be honest. However, with the development of society, we often hear complaints about dishonesty. (论据)Reports with the theme of dishonesty often appear in the media. For example, some people try to get rich and live a comfortable life. But they do not work hard honestly, instead they cheat others. They sell something quite ordinary at a very high price. Some people's delaying paying back the loan can serve as another example. Some people, including some college students, get loan from

the bank, and promise to pay within, say, 3 years. However, they don't do that.

The dishonest people sometimes can get benefit from their behaviors. (论据)So some people assert that dishonesty can bring people benefit, while honesty only makes people suffer. Is that so? Definitely not. It is always true that honesty is the best policy. It pays to be honest. The cheater selling \treasure\mentioned above will surely be disclosed and punished some day.

On the contrary, if he had been honest, neither the buyer nor he himself would have suffered. The people who do not return money in time will sooner or later become infamous, and will not get the money from others again. If he had acted differently, he would have earned respect and trust, (论点)meanwhile, the bank would not have suffered from loss.


2. 然后以约120个词就\诚实\的主题发表看法,并包括以下要点:(1)你对不诚实现象的看法;也就是你认为不诚实有



(2)诚实的重要性是什么;也就是人为什么要诚实?诚实有哪些好处?而不是我们要做一些诚实的事情,比如……。 (3)作为中学生,该如何做一个诚实的人。


三、按「写作内容」的\要点\写好正文,分段论述。 「写作内容」的\要点\部分要求你写什么你就按照\要点\写什么,写的时候要时时刻刻记住你写的这段话的中心是什么?不要下笔千言,离题万里。再者,凡是议论文有两个或两个以上\要点\的,必须要分段写,一段只能写一个中心内容,纲举目张,避免走题,也方便老师阅卷。记叙文也应如此,写完一个故事后,另起一段来写由故事得出的道理或学到的知识。


此部分可有可无,因为有些文章在「写作内容」的最后一个\要点\中已有体现,所以可以不重复写;如果没有,那么就可以写出一至两句与文章主题相关的结论句。该结论句必须紧扣主题,必须是健康、积极向上的,要具有人文精神,要让改卷老师感到一种亲切感或关怀感。 英文议论文的写作要求





议论文又叫说理文,它是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作者通过摆事实、讲道理、辨是非,以确定其观点正确或错误,树立或否定某种主张。议论文应该观点明确、论据充分、语言精炼、论证合理、有严密的逻辑性。 一、议论文写作三要素议论文主要包括三要素:论点、论据和论证方法。论点必须正确。论据是为说明论点服务的,既要可靠又要充分,事实胜于雄辩,是最好的论据。论据也可以是人们公认的真理,经过实践考验的哲理。论证的方法多种多样,常用的方法有:1. 归纳法从分析典型,即分析个别事物入手,找出事物的共同特点,然后得出结论。

2. 推理法从一般原理出发,对个别事物进行说明、分析,而后得出结论。

3. 对照法对所有事实、方面进行对照,然后加以分析,得出结论。

4. 驳论法先列出错误的观点,然后加以逐条批驳,最后阐明自己的观点。


三、议论文的写法要写好议论文,必须注意以下几点:1. 确定论点。

论点通常在文章的第一段提出。 2. 立足论据。

要有足够的论据,可以列举生活的实例。 3. 严密论证。

论证要有严密的逻辑性。所有事实、原因、理由应紧密地同结论连接起来。 4. 层次清晰。 5. 端正态度。


6. 充实论据论据要充分。欲证明自己的观点必须有丰满、可靠的证据。作者可以列举事实、展示数据、提供事例、借助常识或利用亲身经历。

另外需要说明的是:议论文在写作手法上以议论为主,但有时也要运用说明、叙述、描写等手法。议论中的说明常为议论的开展创造条件,或是议论的补充;议论文中的叙述和描写应是为论点提供依据的因此,叙述应该是概括的,描写应该是简要的。 读写任务范文」

Honesty, as one treasured traditional virtue of Chinese, can make people win respect and trust. However, nowadays many people are dishonest for their own benefit from their behaviors. (更好的概括) The passage mainly tells us that nowadays many people are dishonest for their own benefit, for they not only neglect our traditional values, but also want to escape being punished.

Dishonesty does great harm to our society. It can destroy our good relationship with others, bringing lots of unstable factors to the society. Sometimes, it may even affect people's health.

Why should we be honest? Firstly, being honest is one of Chinese traditional virtues which we should carry forward. Secondly, friendship is based on honesty. Seeing that the honest person is reliable, most of people are willing to make friends with them. Thirdly, honesty is very important for us to build a harmonious society and realize our spiritual civilization.

As students, we should act honestly every day and never cheat others, including cheat in exams. Besides, we should help those who are dishonest correct their mistakes. Only in this way can we win respect from others.


What is honesty?Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.Considered a virtue,it is admired.Dishonesty is generally looked upon as an evil,and despised and cndemned by the society.

As the English proverb goes,honesty is the best policy.For one thing,if you want to be trusted and respected by your friends,you must be honest.A liar is always looked down upon and avoided by the people around him.For another,if you want to succeed in your

work,the first qualification you should have is honesty.It is through honest efforts that Newton and Einstein became great figures in history.Therefore,whatever your aim is,you must work honestly to attain it.

However,there are people who try to get benefits by dishonest means.For example,some students copy the exercises done by others or cheat on examinations,in order to get good marks.The same thing may be said of a merchant shop tries to get good marks.The same thing may be said of a merchant shop tries to get rich by deceiving customers.Those people may succeed for a time,but sooner or later,they will be caught.In the end,dishonesty will bring them nothing but troubles.






b)对学生来说,什么才是真正的诚实? c)诚实有什么价值?我们是否应该保持诚实? [写作要求]


2)文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [评分标准]

概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯 (一)概括部分的解题策略。







主题句是对文章整个内容的具有统摄性总的抽象概括。文章中若含有主题句,不能整句抄袭而要转述主题句(paraphrase);文章中若无主题句,则先找出各段落主题句,然后用一句话进行加工组合浓缩概括出主题句;记叙文则用一句话概括出人物(who+did)和发生事件(what+happening )。


1)Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.

2)Honesty is the best policy.

3)In the end,dishonesty will bring them nothing but troubles. 然后用一句话对各段落主题句进行加工组合浓缩概括出主题句如下:

The passage discusses the meaning of honesty and the benefits of honesty as well as

the diasadvantages of dishonesty.

3. 重组支撑句。



Honesty can lead you to success while dishonesty will finally get you into trouble.


The passage discusses the meaning of honesty and the benefits of honesty as well as

the diasadvantages of dishonesty. Honesty can lead you to success while dishonesty will finally get you into trouble.



1. 以主题句点明观点。


如本篇可首先写出主题句表明自己同意作者的看法如下: I hold the same opinion that honesty is very important in our lives.





1)(你身边诚实的例子)There are many examples of honesty around me. ________.

2)(对学生来说,什么是真正的诚实)To us students,real honesty means________.

3)(诚实有什么价值)Honesty has a great deal of value._____________.



文章的结尾和开头一样重要。开头主题句是点明主题,使读者对文章的主题一目了然,而结尾具有呼应性归纳性强化性等特点,与文章开头相呼应,概括全文内容,强化主题,给读者留下启示或深刻印象,在文章中起着画龙点睛的作用. 如本篇可写出如下结尾句同主题句呼应,强化主题: Only when everyone is honest can the society become more harmonious and the world become more beautiful.


I hold the same opinion that honesty is very important in our lives.

There are many examples of honesty around me.For example,my friend destroyed my favorite toy when she came to my home,but she admitted her mistake and apologized to me.

To us students,real honesty means we should admit what we can and cannot understand,have and haven’t done. We should do homework by ourselves instead of copying .And we should not cheat in the exam .On the contrary,we should admit what we cannot understand,which is another form of honesty.

Honesty has a great deal of value.On one hand,honesty can bring friendship and trust to us.On the other hand,honesty can help us succeed in our work,and bring us more happiness.Honesty ,which is a virtue with so many advantages,should be passed on from generation to generation. Only when everyone is honest can the society become more harmonious and the world become more beautiful.

三 结语


