
更新时间:2024-06-06 19:51:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





come upon rhythm volume reside Sacrifice something of a legend ambition Sob stay on make (no) mention of by way of allot moral go through fire and water

come upon:发现 rhythm:韵律 volume:(书本、册、卷、集) reside:存在、居集 sacrifice:牺牲 something of a:可以说是一个 legend:传奇 ambition:志向 sob:啜泣 stay on:保持 make(no)mention of:未提及 by way of:顺便说一句,通过 allot:分配 moral:道德 go through fire and water:赴汤蹈火

1)If you know from experience that you are the over-anxious type, it is critical that you allot a fixed ration of time every day for relaxation.


2)We will stand up for our rights,even if we have to go through fire and water to secure them. ·我们为维护我们的权利,即使我们必须赴汤蹈火也为获取他们。

3)Good heath is a combination of many factors,most of which reside within the individual


4)When the specialists finally announced that her son was deaf and that there was nothing they could do,the woman sobbed.


5)In his first email the man who called himself Johnson Michael made no mention of where he was from,nor did he disclose his contact number and address.



·在他的第一封邮件中,那个自称Johnson Michael的人没有提到他来自哪里,也没有透露他的联系电话和地址。

6)The Vice-Minister of Environmental Protection stressed at the meeting that China will not sacrifice environment to foster economic growth.


7)Amid a massive,multi-year mess I came upon this old brooch when I was cleaning out attic.


8)To understand what sets the beat of your heart, and why that rhythm is so important, it`s helpful to understand what exactly heartbeat is.


9)This set of Dickens is definitely something to value. The paper is fine quality, covers are solid and each volume includes the original illustrations selected by Dickens himself to accompany his words.

·这套Dickens确实是有价值的。纸张有着优良的质量,封面是固体的并且每卷都包含Dickens 自己选的伴有他格言的插图。

10)They see you as something of a worrier, seeing problems which don`t exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them.



1)Ambition drives us to excel at what we do, to make the most of our opportunities, and to practice our talents to their fullest extent. Selfish ambition ,on the other hand, drives us to achievements meant to gratify



our own desires regardless of the needs of others. (regardless of , ambition)


2)In a typical medical discourse, after the disease and likely remedy are listed, a case history is supplied by way of illustration so that readers can see the point more clearly. (by way of, discourse)


3)Namaste, a Sanskrit word that translates literally as “I bow to you”, is engraved on the wedding rings. It is hoped that the couple who exchange them are committing to the journey inward as they make an outward expression of their commitment to each other and the world around them.(inward, engrave) ·合十礼,梵文词,字面翻译成“我向你鞠躬”,是刻在结婚对戒上的。是人们希望,交换对戒的情侣们能像他们对彼此和周边环境直接表达他们的承诺一样,开启他们的心路历程。


come up:发生、出现 come upon:发现

come accross:偶遇; come round/around:拜访、恢复; come to:共计、提到 come through:克服、经历、体验

come down to:取决于 come on:加油 come out:出版、出现

1)They may have come upon /across documents relating to their early life when they cleared out their dead parents` papers.


2)I explained that this piece of news had come out during my long interview with Inspector Drew the night before.




3)It`s funny, but when the lights come on/up ,it suddenly seems darker in the park.


4)I came across feminist politics while I was at college in London in the mid-seventies.


5)Ultimately, much of the debate come down to the question of choice.


6)All I could remember when I came around/to was my mother`s anxious face.


7)When it comes to clothes,I think the standard has dropped radically in the last five years.


8)Frank came through four prisoner-of-war camps with an optimistic mentality.


9)They came up wih a far better deal than I could have got on my own . ·他们想出了一个比我自己想的出的更好的解决办法。

10)I can not wait until Christmas come up and we have fun . ·我没等到圣诞节来了,我们就玩得开心。



process breed come second to utter destructive appetite evolution hoist agency infect saturated unfortunately retrieve



refer to chronic

process: 过程 breed:品种 come second to:到第二 utter:说 destructive:破坏的 appetite:食欲 evolution:演变、进化、发展 hoist:升起 agency:机构 infect:感染 saturated:饱和 unfortunately:不幸的 retrieve:检索 refer to:涉及、提到 chronic:慢性

1)Loss of appetite can be a result of minor infections or health conditions such as coughs,fever ,or indigestion.

·食欲不振可能是轻微感染或健康状况的结果,如咳嗽,发烧,或消化不良。 2)In societies where family lives are decisively centered upon the wage system ,it is not surprising that unemployment can have a destructive effect upon families .

·在家庭生活是以工资制度为中心的社会里,失业对家庭有破坏作用并不奇怪. 3)An advertising agency is a service business dedicated to creating planning and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion for it’s clients .

·广告公司是一个服务性的企业,专门为客户策划和处理广告,有时也会为客户提供其他形式的促销活动。 4)Many processed foods are made with saturated fats ,large amounts of sodium and sugar .These types of foods should be avoided ,or at least eaten sparingly.

·许多加工食品都是用饱和脂肪、大量钠和糖制成的.这些类型的食物应避免,或至少谨慎食用。 5)My suede shoes were saturated with water during a storm .Now that they’ve dried ,the suede has lost it’s softness .

·我的绒面皮鞋在暴风雨中浸透了水,现在它们已经干了,绒面革失去了柔软性。 6)Blogging is ,to my mind ,a complete and utter waster of time .our time could be better spent on writing well-reflected articles in subjects


