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It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up verylate. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, thetelephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. 'I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm stillhaving breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing?' she asked. 'I'm having breakfast,' I repeated. 'Dear me,'she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!'

It was Sunday.I never get up early on Sundays.

was 表示过去时, 那是个星期天。

每逢星期天on Sundays


I have never been abroad.我从未出过国。

Would you do that ? -- Never.你会做那件事情吗? 绝不会。

I never get up before 10 o`clock in mornings.

Never fear.不要害怕。

Never give up.永不放弃

Never say die.永不言败。

Never lose heart.决不要灰心丧气。


an early morning一大早(early 修饰morning, 做adj)

The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

I got up early this morning.今天早上我起的很早。(early修饰get,做adv)

I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.

stay in bed躺在床上

stay at home呆在家里


some times几次;几倍

some time 一段时间

sometime 将来或过去的某个时候

I will be somebody sometime in the future. 总有一天我将是个大人物。

Last Sunday I got up very late.

get up起床

go to bed去睡觉

fall asleep睡着了

go to sleep睡着了


I am sorry for being late.对不起我来晚了。(for being late,late做系动词be的表语,是adj,迟到)I got up very late.我起床很晚。(late修饰动词get,是adv)

stay up late熬夜 (late 修饰stay,是adv)

adv最近 (recently)lately通常用在现在完成时和一般过去时中。lately

Have you been abroad lately?你最近出国了吗?

I bought a new car lately.最近我买了一辆新车。

I looked out of the window.

look out of向…外看

look out of the door向门外看

look into1向…里看

向盒子里看look into the box


The police are looking into case. 警察正在调查这个案件。

look out!小心,当心!(在紧急情况下的提醒)

Look out! The car nearly knocked you over. 当心,这辆车差点撞到你了。

It was drak outside.`What a day!` I though.

what a day.多糟糕的天气呀(全称=what a terrible day!)

what a wonderful day天气多好呀。

what a lively day!

What a beautiful day!

`It`s raining again.` Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.

就在那一刻(at that moment)just then

it 是虚主语,印在在接电话之前不知道对方是男还是女。

`I`ve just arrived by train,` She said. `I`m coming to see you.`egegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegeg





egby train坐火车by bus乘公共汽by plane/by air坐飞机by ship/by sea/by water坐船开车by car用“by+交通工具”来表示一种方式或手段,前后不加冠词走路on footI came he on foot.我走路过来的。(I walked here )We got into the mountain on horseback. 我们骑马上山的。take a train乘坐火车take a bus乘坐公共汽车take a car乘坐小汽车take a plane乘飞机take a ship乘坐轮船take +冠词+交通工具,强调动作本身,即强调交通方式的动作In order to go to school on time, I take a taxi. 为了准时上学,我搭了一辆出租车。I am coming to see you 字面上是“be doing”结构,但come可用于进行时态来表达即将发生的动作, 即“我就来看你了”`But I`m still having breakfast,` I said.前面不见任何冠词have breakfast吃早饭have lunch吃中饭have supper吃晚餐吃晚餐(正餐)have dinnerhave a meal吃一顿饭`What are you doing?` She asked .`I am having breakfast.` I repeated.repeatv重复`Dear me,` she said. `Do you always get up so late? It`s one o`clock!`Dear me!天哪!My God!It 做虚主语It`s one o`clock(时间)it`s cold in winter(气候)冬天很冷it`s only me(人)是我呀it`s a way from here(距离)离这里很远it`s very dirty here (环境)这儿很脏。Special Difficulties感叹句1:what 引导what+a/an+adj+n+主语+谓语What a terrible day(it is)!it is (主谓)通常被省略2:How 引导how+adj+a/an+n+主语+谓语How terrible a day(it is)!it is (主谓)通常被省略


This is a wonderful garden!

What a wonderful garden this is.

How wonderful a garden this is!

This is a surprise!(这句不能用how引导,没有adj/adv)What a surprise this is.

He is cause a lot of trouble!他正在导致许多麻烦!(后面是一个名词短语,不存在adj,所

以只能用what引导)What a lot of trouble he is causing!

They are wonderful actors!他们是极棒的演员。(复数名词用what 引导)What wonderful actors they are!

She is a hard-working woman!

What a hard-working woman she is!

How hard-working a woman she is!

It is a tall building!

What a tall building it is!

How tall a building it is!

It`s a terrible film!

What a terrible film it is!1234567

How terrible a film it is!

8You are a clever boy!

What a clever boy you are!

How clever you are!

9She is a pretty girl!

What a pretty girl she is!

How pretty a girl she is!

10He is a strange guy!

What a strange guy he is!

How strange a guy he is!


1He doean`t get up early on Sundays. He gets up .Alateadj/adv迟,晚




2Just then, the telephone rang. It rang .Aat once立即,马上



Dat that moment就在那个时候

3Breakfast is the first of the day.





4A child has trust in it`s mother.






an armful of (双臂或单臂)一抱的量词

egShe came back with an armfulof books. 她抱着一抱书回来了。

an article of 一件

an article of furniture一件家具

an article of luggage一件行李

