新编实用英语电子教案Unit 4

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Unit 4

Punctuality and Culture Unit Goals ??What You Should Learn to Do 1. Make/keep/postpone an timetable Linguistic Realization ??Useful Sentences Talking Face to Face and Being All Ears A. Making and keeping an appointment appointment? 2. Our manager is available from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. every Monday. 3. Could I have an appointment to see you?/ Could I make an appointment with you? 4. I’d like to make an appointment to see your manager. 5. Will this afternoon be all right? But I can only spare you an hour and a half today, from 4 o’clock. 6. Shall we meet at 9 a.m. at your office the day after tomorrow? appointment according to a work 1. Would you like to reschedule the 7. We can make it at 2:00 if it is convenient for you. 8. Is 10 o’clock OK / any good? 9. If you are free, I’ll come to see you this weekend. 10. I’ve got an appointment at 8:30 with Mr. Anderson, the bank manager. B. Postponing an appointment 1. I wonder if we could postpone/put off the appointment to tomorrow afternoon. 2. I’m afraid the manager is all booked up this week. How about next week? 3. The dinner appointment has been canceled. 4. Dr. Cook won’t be able to see you at the time suggested. 5. I wonder if it’s convenient to change our appointment from tomorrow to next Wednesday, still at the same time. 6. Mr. Smith has to cancel all his appointments because he’s got something urgent to attend to. 7. Anytime except today. Please give him a call before you come. 8. Sorry, the whole afternoon is filled up here. Will tomorrow do? 2. Make reservations according to Talking Face to Face and Being All Ears the timetables of flights and trains 1. Is there a flight to Hong Kong on Tuesday, the 16th? 2. Is that a direct flight? 3. What’s the departure time? 4. Miss Wang, is there a direct train from here to Chengde? 5. How many trains are there for Beijing every day? 6. What time does the next train to Guangzhou leave? 7. Do I have to change trains anywhere? 8. Excuse me, is the 5:30 flight from Hong Kong on time? 9. When do you have flights for/to Macao? 10. When does it arrive in Macao? 11. I’d like to get two tickets to Beijing at 9:00 this morning. 12. Can I have a seat on Flight 455 to New York tomorrow afternoon, please? 3. Understand and make up Talking Face to Face and Being All Ears 2. What’s your schedule for tomorrow? 3. I’ll be having a good time in Hong Kong at the weekend. 4. What are your plans for this weekend? 5. I need to write a business report this morning. 6. The conference is on Thursday, right? 7. I’ll take the 2:15 flight back on Friday afternoon. 8. The office hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 9. Lunch begins at 1 p.m. and lasts one hour. 10. Shall we meet at 9 a.m. at your office the day after tomorrow? 11. Could you please be here at 5:30 this schedules for different purposes 1. I have a busy schedule this week. afternoon? 12. Our manager is available from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. every Monday. 13. You can make it 2:00 if that is convenient for you. 14. Is 10 o’clock OK/any good? 15. If you are free, I’ll come to see you this weekend. 4. Write a timetable/ schedule Trying Your Hand 1 Format 2 Language features ??What You Should Know About 1. Punctuality in social activities 2. Planning a work day/week 3. Use of verb tenses ??Unit Sections Involved Trying Your Hand Sentence Writing and Grammar Reviewing Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passages I & II Key and Translation


Talking Face to Face

The topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is to make a timetable or a schedule. The focus of functions is on the patterns that are appropriate for making appointments and arranging activities in different situations.

Imitating Mini-Talks

1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and practice the following mini-talks about schedules and


Acting out the Tasks

2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.

Key for reference: 1) Task: Look at the flight table in Exercise 3. Ask about the departure and arrival time. A: Would you please tell me the departure time of the direct flight for Hong Kong? B: The departure time is 8:45 a. m. A: What about the arrival time? B: The arrival time is 11:45 a. m. 2) Task: Look at the flight table in Exercise 3. Ask about the Tuesday flight for Hong Kong. A: Do you have flights for Hong Kong on Tuesday? B: Yes, we have one that leaves at 9:20 a.m. It is not a direct flight. You need to stop in Guangzhou, from 11:50 to 12:50 a.m. A: When does it arrive in Hong Kong? B: It arrives in Hong Kong at 1:55 p.m. 3) Task: Look at Mark’s schedule in Exercise 3. Call to ask Mark for a change of an appointment. A: Mark, sorry I won’t be able to meet you at 3 Tuesday afternoon. Something unexpected has come up. B: Well, that’s all right. C: Is it possible to change the Tuesday appointment to Thursday? The same time? B: Sorry, I will be in Hong Kong Thursday. I will call you when I come back. 4) Task: Look at Mark’s schedule in Exercise 3. Ask to make an appointment to see Mark on Wednesday. A: Hello, Mark. Do you have time Wednesday morning? B: I’m afraid not. I have an appointment with Mr. Anderson. A: What about Wednesday afternoon? B: Sorry, I have to catch the 4:45 flight to Macao. 5) Task: Look at Mark’s schedule in Exercise 3. An old friend in Hong Kong asks to see Mark on Thursday. A: Hello, Mark. I’ve heard you’ve come to Hong Kong. Shall we meet on Thursday? B: Hello, Tom. I’m afraid I can’t make it Thursday. I have to attend a conference. A: Oh. Do you have time for going around Hong Kong? B: Yes. Let’s meet Friday morning and travel around the city.

Studying Timetables and Schedules

3 Timetables and schedules are important in planning our activities. Now let’s read the

following timetable and schedule.


Following Sample Dialogues

4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks. Putting Language to Use



SECTION II Being All Ears

Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication

1 Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese

translations. Script: 1) Would you please arrange a meeting for me with Dr. Johnson? 2) I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Black. 3) I’d like to confirm our meeting tomorrow afternoon. 4) The train is due to arrive at 9 o’clock, but it has been delayed for one hour. 5) I’d like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 6) I’m wondering if you’d like to come and discuss the new plan in my office. 7) I’d like to change the appointment from Tuesday to Wednesday. 8) Could we put it off to next week? 9) Let’s say 3:30 Friday afternoon. 10) Please tell me the departure and arrival time.

2 Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each

one with its Chinese version in Column B. Script: 1) We can make it 2:00 p.m. if that is convenient for you. 2) Our manager is available every Monday afternoon. 3) Shall we say 8:30 tomorrow morning at my office? 4) I’d like to take the 12:15 flight for Beijing. 5) The flight leaves at 3:50, but you must check in one hour before departure. 6) I plan to leave for Shanghai on an early morning flight. 7) There’s a flight to Dalian at 7:50 a.m. tomorrow. 8) My flight leaves at 11:15 a.m. and due to arrive at about 3:30 p.m. local time. 9) I’m fully occupied this week. 10) Eight o’clock next Monday morning would be great. Key: 1-i, 2-j, 3-d, 4-c, 5-f, 6-e, 7-h, 8-g, 9-a, 10-b 3 Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.

Script: 1. I’m afraid we have to change the appointment. I have something important to do. 2. I just called to confirm our appointment at 10 a.m. tomorrow. 3. Can you make it Monday next week? 4. When does the flight arrive in London? 5. Is the flight from Shanghai on time? 6. I’ll be free from 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. Do you think it’s convenient for you? Key: 1. A 2. A 3.A 4. B 5.B 6. D Handling a Dialogue

4 Listen to a dialogue and supply the information by filling in Susan’s schedule.


March 11, Monday March 12, Tuesday March 13, Wednesday March 14, Thursday March 15, Friday Susan’s Schedule have a meeting have dinner with friends an appointment with Mr. Peterson extra work in the office go to evening classes

Understanding a Short Speech/Talk

5 Now listen to a short tour guide speech and fill up the blanks according to what you have

heard. The words in brackets will give you some hints. Script: Hello, everyone. I’m Lily, your tour guide. I’m sure you are excited about today’s tour. The first place we will be visiting is Yonghe Temple. The one-hour temple tour finishes at about 11. Before having lunch at 12, we will pay a short visit to a Tea House to enjoy the tea ceremony. In the afternoon, we will see the old Beijing lanes by taking rickshaws. After that, we will have a one-hour tour of the Beijing Olympic Stadium. You can take pictures at the Bird’s Nest and Water Cube. We will enjoy a Kongfu evening show before coming back to our hotel. Key: 1. today’s tour 2. visiting 3. 11 4. pay a short visit 5. taking 6. Beijing Olympic stadium 7. take pictures 8. before coming back 6 Listen to the speech again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in

Column B. Key: 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b

SECTION III Trying Your Hand

Practicing Applied Writing

1 Fill in the office hours by making use of the information in the passage that follows.

Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar

3. He told us he (had) joined the Party in 2010.

10. He lived in London until 2010.

SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Passage I Punctuality Pays!

Information related to the reading passage

Americans and Europeans consider time to be an asset that can be spent and saved; therefore, proper scheduling of time and its appropriate allocation to various competing tasks is an important part of organizational management. Variations in time use are expected to influence performance and stress, as well as other outcomes. It is a vital strategic element. The large amount of management processes and methods developed to improve performance by managing time use proves the importance placed on time. Here are a few famous quotes and sayings about time and punctuality:

Do you love life? Thus do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of. — Benjamin Franklin

Time wastes things away, and all things grow old through time. — Aristotle Time takes all and gives all. — Giordano Bruno

Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. — Samuel Smiles

Few things tend more to alienate friendship than a want of punctuality in our engagements. I have known the breach of a promise to dine or sup to break up more than one intimacy. — William Hazlitt

Punctuality is the soul of business. — Thomas Chandler Haliburton

While we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings. — Anonymous

Language Points 1 Explanation of difficult sentences

1. (Para. 1) One of the cultural differences that tend to annoy Americans has to do with

understanding of punctuality.

Analysis: Has to do with is a phrase meaning has a specified relationship with It is the predicate of the sentence. That introduces a restrictive relative clause modifying differences. Translation: 有一种常会惹恼美国人的文化差异可能关系到对守时的不同理解。 Example: One of the difficulties that tend to trouble me has to do with saying no to extra work. 2. (Para. 3) Arriving at my office 30 minutes after the appointment, I found a voice message telling

me the team was waiting for me in the meeting room.

Analysis: Arriving at… is a present participle phrase used as an adverbial of time. Telling me (= that told me) is a present participle phrase modifying message. The team was waiting for me in the meeting room is the object clause of the verb telling with that omitted.

Translation: 我到办公室时比约定的时间晚了30分钟,发现有个电话录音,说那个印度团队在会议室等我。

Example: Getting to my office very early, I saw Jane’s note saying she would have lunch with me.

3. (Para. 3) Being afraid that I had missed the appointment, I hurried in, and found them happily

chatting together.

Analysis: Being afraid that I had missed the appointment is a present participle clause used as an adverbial of cause. Chatting is a present participle used as the object complement.

Translation: 由于害怕我已经错过了约定时间,我赶紧跑进会议室,却发现他们正在一起开


Example: Being afraid that I had made my parents angry, I went back home early and found them cooking dinner for me.

4. (Para. 4) … if you start late you won’t be able to finish the business at hand without running

beyond the scheduled ending time.

Analysis: If introduces an adverbial clause of condition. Note that the pattern you won’t be able to…without running beyond… means you will … by running beyond ….

Translation: 如果你开始的时间晚了,不超出约定的结束时间你就不可能完成手头的业务。 Example: If Sally has the money, she won’t go shopping without buying a lot of expensive clothes.

2 Important words

1. pay v. be worth it 有好处,值得 e.g.

It pays to be honest.

It pays to learn a foreign language.

2. punctuality n. the quality of adhering to an appointed time 守时 eg:

His habit of punctuality has not changed since he was eight years old. Punctuality is thought to be a matter of course in Europe and America.

3. annoy v. to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts 使烦恼;惹恼 eg:

He annoyed his boss by drumming the table with his fingertips. He kept complaining about everything, which really annoyed us.

4. punctual a. arriving exactly at the time appointed 准时的;守时的 eg:

We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. Not being punctual is his biggest shortcoming.

5. attitude n. a mental state involving feelings, beliefs and values 态度;看法 eg:

An unfriendly attitude of the shop assistant often annoys customers. People with high EQs often have positive attitudes towards life.

6. behavior n. manner of acting 行为;举止 eg:

All of us change our behavior to fit different situations. I noticed a change in his behavior.

Passage translation






如果这是个美国人的团队,他们很可能会生气,而且不可能等待十多分钟 —— 这是最多的了。他们会给我留个口信,要求重新安排会谈时间。为什么呢?因为美国式的约会安排有严格的结束时间和开始时间。如果你开始的时间晚了,不超出约定的结束时间你就不可能完成手头的业务。


要提前安排会议和约见时间—— 要提前几天,一周,甚至一个月。 始终要对见面会谈约定好时间。不要突然出现,指望人家有时间和你交谈。 如果你认为约见有可能迟到几分钟,要打电话让对方知道你会迟到。 要计划好自己的时间,以保证能准时赴约。避免在最后时刻临时改变计划。 守时是有好处的




如果这是个美国人的团队,他们很可能会生气,而且不可能等待十多分钟 —— 这是最多的了。他们会给我留个口信,要求重新安排会谈时间。为什么呢?因为美国式的约会安排有严格的结束时间和开始时间。如果你开始的时间晚了,不超出约定的结束时间你就不可能完成手头的业务。


要提前安排会议和约见时间—— 要提前几天,一周,甚至一个月。 始终要对见面会谈约定好时间。不要突然出现,指望人家有时间和你交谈。 如果你认为约见有可能迟到几分钟,要打电话让对方知道你会迟到。 要计划好自己的时间,以保证能准时赴约。避免在最后时刻临时改变计划。

Read and Think

1 Answer the following questions according to the passage.

1. People from other cultures have a different understanding of punctuality. 2. Americans are serious about time.

3. They don’t care much about punctuality and take it lightly.

4. They would have been annoyed and wouldn’t have waited for more than ten minutes. 5. They would have been annoyed and wouldn’t have waited that for more than ten minutes.

6. Being punctual will do you good in the U.S.

Read and Complete

2 Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage.

1. punctuality, punctual 2. logs 3. at (the) most 4. in advance 5. running late 6. new to

3 Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the form if


1. at hand 2. make time 3. at (the) most 4. annoyed 5. feel free to 6. perfect for 7. pays 8. new to 9. tends to 10. get ahead

Read and Translate

4 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. This is made of glass. It costs 100 Yuan at (the) most. 2. Mary is ambitious. She is keen to get ahead in her career. 3. If you need our products, please contact me in advance. 4. We need a truck driver, and you are perfect for this job. 5. Tom is new to the town. He has never been there before.

6. It is difficult to master a foreign language, but it pays to make the effort.

Read and Simulate

5 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese

sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1

One of the difficulties that overseas students have to overcome has to do with adapting to Japanese culture.

One of the challenges that faces us has to do with coping with global warming. 2

Winning a scholarship starts with getting excellent grades.

Succeeding in a job interview starts with making a good impression. 3

This is true in spoken language as well as in written language. This is true in modern societies as well as in ancient societies. 4

Being sorry that I had broken his cell phone, I hurried out to buy him a new one. Being happy that I had got a pay raise, I spent much money in a big shopping mall.


These lectures are sure to help you achieve face with new challenges. The promotion plans are sure to help us increase the sales of our new models. 6

Don’t just sit in front of the computer all day long and expect your parents to do everything for you. Don’t just stay at home and expect a good job to come to you.

Passage II Are you punctual?

Information related to the reading passage

People around the world treat time differently. In Canada and the United States, meetings are well organized and people get down to business quickly. People don’t spend much time developing a relationship with clients. In contrast, Latin Americans have a more relaxed sense of time, often arriving to a meeting or an event one-half to one hour after the scheduled time.

In Europe, people like to be punctual. Visitors are advised to be on time, or nearly on time, when invited to a party or a home dinner. Business relations are similar to those in North America. Appointments may be made weeks in advance.

In the Middle East, business people may come one hour late to an appointment. Much time is spent in socializing and general conversations.

In Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore or Indonesia, visitors are advised to be on time or even early for a meeting. However, In Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, or the Philippines, you can expect people to be late, especially for social events.

Language Points 1 Explanation of difficult sentences

1. (Para. 2) Those traveling or doing business abroad should always find out the answer to this


Analysis: Traveling or doing business abroad (= who travel or do business abroad) is a present participle clause used as the post-modifier of those.

Translation: 到国外旅行或做生意的人对这个问题都应该找出自己的答案。

Example: Those doing research or working on a project should have a serious attitude towards their work.

2. (Para. 3) It is also supposed etiquette to arrive a little late for a party, which I have never ever


Analysis: Supposed is a past participle, used as an adjective here. Which introduces a non-restrictive relative clause and which itself refers to the whole main clause.

Translation: 准时赴约是礼节。参加派对晚到一会也是公认的礼节,这一点我就是永远


Example: It is supposed good speaking manners to have eye contact, which I have always kept in


3. (Para. 8) …when a bridge or major highway shuts down, there may not be any way to get where

you are going.

Analysis: The infinitive phrase to get where you are going is the post-modifier of the noun way. Translation: 如果哪座桥或哪条重要高速公路关闭,你就没办法到达要去的地方。 Example: When I’m at a loss for words, I don’t know the right way to handle the embarrassing situation.

4. (Para. 8) So I would have to say that I am always early, except when I can’t get there at all, in

which case I will call as soon as I know I am going to be late.

Analysis: In the object that-clause, except introduces a when-clause, an adverbial clause of time, indicating an exceptional situation. In which case introduces a non-restrictive relative clause, which refers to the exceptional when-clause.

Translation: 所以我得说我总是提前到,除非我根本就到不了。遇到这样的情况,一旦


Example: I always hurry to work, except when I am not given any tasks, in which case I will just take my time.

2 Important words

1. standard n. a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated 标准 eg:

I’m afraid that this shipment was not up to your own standard. The people of the US have a high standard of living.

2. etiquette n. the formal rules for polite behaviors 礼节 eg:

According to etiquette, you should stand up to meet a guest. He is a diplomat and he knows about diplomatic etiquette.

3. suppose v. to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds;used to say what was or is expected or intended to happen 料想; 以为;[用于被动语态]认为应该 eg:

I haven’t supposed that I can get the first prize. What am I supposed to do with the documents?

4. absolutely ad. completely and in every way 完全,绝对地


It is absolutely necessary to type the patient’s blood before a blood transfusion. Don’t pull the switch, unless absolutely necessary.

5. insult n./v. a remark or action that is offensive or deliberately rude; to offend someone by saying or doing something they think is rude 侮辱, 冒犯 eg:

She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult. I’m sorry for what I said; I never meant to insult you.

6. case n. an example of a particular situation, problem, etc. 实例;事例;情形;场合 eg:

They may not agree. In that case, we’d better hold a discussion. We store some candles in the box in case the electricity goes off.

Passage translation




回答1:这是有关文化的好问题。到国外旅行或做生意的人对这个问题都应该找出答案。我在工作上很守时; 但是按照美国的标准,我在个人生活方面就不算守时。按照美国的标准,我们这些美籍巴西人总是迟到: 如果聚会时间是8点,每个人都会10点到场,而包括主人在内的每个人都很高兴,因为我们挺准时。喝彩!:)







Read and Judge

6 Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T

Read and translate

7 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. 按照美国的标准,巴西人不守时。

2. 那些出国旅行或者做生意的人应该了解在守时方面的文化差异。 3. 她不能理解,为什么大家认为人们参加派对就该晚到一会儿。

4. 约会迟到的时候我觉得有点尴尬,但我不认为这是对已经到场的人的侮辱。 5. 这一提示对我们可能会有用。我们把家里的钟表都拨快10分钟吧。 6. 第一印象可能永远都改变不了,你一定要留下一个好的第一印象。 7. 她的父母总是问她很多问题,这令她很心烦。

8. 这位司机通常都很有礼貌,但在这个具体具体情况下他却发火了。

SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips


Unit Four Punctuality and Culture

Class Work Design: [Three Sessions – Six Contact Hours]

Session No. Session 1 (90-100 minutes) Unit Sessions Involved Section I Talking Face to Face Focal Points 1. Making/keeping/postponing an appointment according to a work Section II Being All Ears timetable Section III Trying Your Hand 2. Making reservations according to a 1. Practicing Applied Writing timetable of flights and trains 2. Writing Sentences and 3. Understanding and making up schedules Reviewing Grammar for different purposes 4. Key words and expressions: direct flight, departure time, schedule, have an appointment with, enjoy one’s weekend Section IV Maintaining A Sharp Eye Passage I Punctuality Pays! 1. American culture of being punctual 2. Some suggestions for being punctual 3. Key words and expressions: have to do with, as a whole, at (the) most, be new to Session 2 (90-100 minutes) Session 3 (90-100 minutes) Section IV Maintaining A Sharp 1. Several opinions for being punctual Eye 2. Key words and expressions: Passage II by … standards, get on one’s nerves, Are you punctual? get lost, make sure, shut down Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities

SECTION I Talking Face to Face

1 Lead-in activities:

Imitating Mini-Talks

1. Warm-up questions:

1) Why should you make an appointment before meeting with somebody? 2) What is your schedule for study at school?

2. Class Activities:

1. The students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them within five minutes in pairs.

2. Ask the students to underline the useful expressions and perform the mini talks in class. 3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequently

used according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

1) Sentences frequently used for making and keeping an appointment:

(1) I’d like to make an appointment with your manager.

(2) Mr. Peterson, I wonder if it would be convenient to meet you today. (3) Would you like to schedule the appointment? (4) Could I have an appointment to see you?

(5) Shall we meet at 9 a.m. at your office the day after tomorrow? (6) If you are free, I’ll come to see you this weekend. (7) Yes, I think tomorrow morning would be fine.

(8) Let me see. I’m free this afternoon. Is that all right for you?

(9) Will this afternoon be all right for you? But I can only spare you an hour and a half today, from 4 o’clock.

(10) You can make it at 2:00 if that is convenient for you.

2) Sentences frequently used for postponing an appointment:

(1) I wonder if we could postpone the appointment to tomorrow afternoon.

(2) I’m afraid that the manager is all booked up this week. How about next week? (3) Dr. Cook won’t be able to see you at the time suggested.

(4) I wonder if it’s convenient to change our appointment from tomorrow to next Wednesday, still at the same time.

(5) Mr. Smith has to cancel all his appointments because he’s got something urgent to attend to.

(6) Anytime except today. Please give him a call before you come. (7) Sorry, the whole afternoon is filled up here. Will tomorrow do? (8) The dinner appointment has been cancelled.

3) Sentences frequently used for making a reservation of a flight or train ticket:

(1) Miss Wang, is there a direct train from here to Chengde? (2) What time does the next train to Guanzhou leave? (3) Do I have to change trains anywhere?

(4) I’d like to get two tickets to Beijing at 9:00 this morning. (5) When do you have flights for/to Macao?

(6) When does it arrive in Macao?

(7) Excuse me, is the 5:30 flight from Hong Kong on time?

(8) Can I have a seat on Flight 455 to New York tomorrow afternoon?

4) Sentences frequently used for making up a schedule: (1) I have a busy schedule this week. (2) What’s your schedule for tomorrow?

(3) I’ll be enjoying my weekend in Hong Kong. (4) What’s your plan for this weekend?

(5) This morning I need to write a business report. (6) The conference is on Thursday, right?

(7) I’ll take the 2:15 flight back on Friday afternoon. (8) The office hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (9) Lunch begins at 1 p.m. and lasts one hour.

Studying Timetables and Schedules 1. Warm-up questions:

1) How can people buy flight tickets now?

2) What are the advantages of making a schedule for your work?

2. The students read and translate the sample timetable and schedule under the guidance of the teacher.

2 Act-out activities: Sample dialogues

1. The students read the sample dialogues after the teacher, trying to imitate the teacher’s

pronunciation and intonation.

2. Ask the students to read the sample dialogues in pairs.

3. Groups work: Ask the students to categorize the expressions for talking about timetables and schedules in the sample dialogues into two groups.

1) Sentences for talking about flight timetables and giving responses: (1) Is there a flight to Hong Kong on Tuesday, the 16th? (2) What about Wednesday, the 17th? (3) There is one on Wednesday, the 17th. (4) What is the departure time?

(5) The arrival time in Hong Kong is 11:45 in the morning.

2) Sentences for talking about work schedules: (1) I have a busy schedule this week.

(2) This morning I need to write a business report and this afternoon at 1:30 I’ll discuss the report with the general manager. (3) What is your schedule for tomorrow?

(4) I’m attending the sales meeting at 9:00 in the morning.

(5) And in the afternoon at 3:00 I’m seeing Mr. Black, the marketing manager. (6) The conference is on Thursday, right?

(7) I’ve got an appointment at 8:30 with Mr. Anderson, the bank manager. (8) In the afternoon I’m taking 4:45 flight to Hong Kong for a conference. (9) I will take 2:15 flight back on Friday afternoon.

4. Group work: Give the students several minutes to prepare a timetable for a one-day visit to your college.

5. Pair work: Make a dialogue talking about reserving flight or train tickets. 6. Do Exercises 5 and 6 in pairs.

3 After-class activities:

1. Pair work: Each pair makes a dialogue according to the tips in one of the five tasks in Speak and Perform. There will be a class presentation in the next class period.

2. Group work: Design a schedule for your after-class activities with PPT, and then present it and discuss how to make a schedule in the next class period.

3. Pay a visit to the website http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ti_KMzwfRuY/ to watch a video about making an appointment for a car tune-up.

SECTION II Being All Ears

1 Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication

1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item. 2. Listen to the tape for the first time by looking at the corresponding Chinese version. While listening to the English sentences, the students try to remember the meaning of each of the sentences they have heard. The focus here is on cross-reference of the English sentences and their Chinese meanings.

3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to the exercises in this section.

4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to repeat the sentence during the pause.

2 Handling a Dialogue

1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item. 2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.

3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questions orally: 1) When is the conversation taking place?

2) What time is Susan having a meeting that day? 3) When is Susan to meet Jack?

4) Why can’t Susan meet Ann this week? 5) When can they meet?

4. Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues following the tape simultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers’ tones. 5. Do the exercises in this section.

3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk

1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item. 2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.

3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.

4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to take notes of the key words.

SECTION III Trying Your Hand

Practicing Applied Writing 1 Sample analysis:

The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in timetables and schedules. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage.). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.

If you want to travel by plane or train, you’d better consult/look up a flight or train timetable. A timetable is a list of times at which some events are planned to happen, especially the times when buses, trains and planes leave/depart and arrive.

A schedule is a list of planned activities or things, in which the times or dates when they are due/planned to happen or be done are shown.

A timetable or schedule can be written in the form of a table or a list.

2 Simulated writing:

1. The students read and translate the passage in the sample and then fill in the table with the

information in the passage. 2. Do Exercises 2 and 3 in groups.

Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar

1 The teacher gives a brief summary of the basic rules of using verb tenses.

The verb tenses give information about when and how an action takes place. Remember to change verb tenses when there is a real change in time. The following are the main types of verb tenses:

The teacher shows the following table with PPT and explains it to the students in Chinese. Types Simple Present Tense Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Usage Examples The action occurs at present as a fact or We meet every Thursday. truth. The action is ongoing at present. The action occurred in the past. The candle is burning. The car exploded at 9.30 am yesterday. At 8pm yesterday, I was watching TV. The action was ongoing in the past. Present Perfect Tens The action began in the past but Betty has taught English at continues into the present or the effect this school for ten years. of which still continues. Past Perfect Tense Simple Future Tense Future Perfect Tense The action occurred at a time prior to The train had left when we another past time. arrived. The action will occur at a future time. Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight. The action will have been completed at By Saturday noon, I will a specified time in the future. have finished my housework.

2 Do Exercises 4, 5 and 6 in groups.

3 Assignment for this section:

Written work: Suppose you are the secretary of a company’s manger. You are required to make a schedule for the business meeting to be held form Dec. 20 to 21. The agenda of the meeting includes the manager’s report of the annual production followed by the discussion of the production plan for the next year.

SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage 1 Punctuality Pays! 1 Warm-up questions:

1. What’s your idea about being late for an appointment?

2. If you are late for class, what would you say to the teacher and your classmates?

2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:

The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.

3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:

The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.

1. have to do with: be connected to

e.g. Mr. Green denied having anything to do with the car accident. 2. as a whole: as a single unit

e.g. He described the move as an achievement of the company as a whole. 3. at (the) most: not more than

e.g. The repairs to your car will cost $135 at the most. 4. be new to: just begin to know about or to do

e.g. Please give her a hand because she is new to the job.

4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail: 1. Paragraphs 1 and 2:

1) The students read these two paragraphs loudly together.

2) Group work: Have a discussion to translate these two paragraphs into Chinese. There will be

a group presentation in class.

2. Paragraph 3:

1) Ask the students to read this paragraph individually for two times. 2) Group work: Have a discussion to answer the following questions: (1) Whom was the author going to meet that day? (A team from India.)

(2) Why did he forget the appointment?

(Because he forgot to log the appointment into his schedule.) (3) When did he get to the meeting room?

(More than 30 minutes later than the appointed time.)

(4) What was the attitude of the Indian people toward the author’s coming late? (They did not care about his coming late.)

3. Paragraphs 4 and 5:

1) Read these two paragraphs after the teacher.

2) Pair work: One student asks 4 or 5 questions about these two paragraphs, and the other one gives the answers. Then the students exchange their roles to do the same work again.

(For example: What would Americans do if someone is very late for the appointment?

How long would Americans wait for the late comers?)

4. Paragraphs 6, 7, 8 and 9:

1) The students read these four paragraphs loudly by themselves.

2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following sentences with some words missing on the

blackboard or shows them with PPT. The students are asked to complete the sentences.

Tips for etiquette about appointments and punctuality: A. Make your appointment ________________. (in advance)

B. Don’t just ________ for in-person meeting without any appointment. (show up) C. Inform the other party if you are ___________. (more than a few minutes late) D. Don’t change ________ at the last minute. (plans)

5 Summary of the passage:

1. Point out the words or phrases related to being punctual in the passage. Related words :

punctual, schedule, appointment, re-schedule, punctuality, plan, … Related phrases:

understanding of punctuality, on time, well-kept schedules, in advance, run late, changing a plan

2. Group work: Have a discussion to prepare a short study report about how to be punctual. A

group presentation in class is required.

6 Suggestions for doing exercises:

1. Group work for Exercises 2 and 3: Underline the useful expressions in each sentence.

2. Pair work for Exercises 4 and 5: Each student writes out the sentence patterns they are going to use and then write out their translation. Afterwards they check up each other’s work, correcting the mistakes. At last, the whole class repeat the English translation of the sentences together.

7 Assignments for this section:

1. Group work: Search online to find cultural differences in making or keeping an appointment. There will be a group presentation in the next class period. 2. Preview Passage II.

PASSAGE II Are you punctual? 1 Warm-up questions:

1. What’s your attitude toward keeping an appointment: being late, punctual or early? And Why? 2. What do you think of people who are always being late?

2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:

The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’ pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation.

3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:

The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the passage which they don’t understand and then report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what may have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.

1. by … standards: according to the judgments of quality e.g. The system was clearly primitive by later standards. 2. get on one’s nerves: make somebody annoyed

e.g. Lately he hasn’t done anything and it is getting on my nerves. 3. get lost: unable to find the way

e.g. I got lost on the first day when I visited London last year. 4. make sure: find out for certain

e.g. He looked in the bathroom to make sure that he was alone. 5. shut down: stop working

e.g. The crisis has caused several car factories to shut down.

4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail: 1. Part I (Answer 1):

1) The students read this part after the teacher.

2) Memory training: Give the students 3 minutes to learn this part by heart. Then ask some students to recite it in class.

2. Part II (Answers 2 and 3)

1) Ask the students to read this part individually for two times.

2) Pair work: Each student justifies his or her opinion about Answer 2 or Answer 3. (Suggestions:

Answer 2: I think being on time is a good etiquette. And I can’t understand why being a little later for a party is also regarded as a good etiquette. I’m always early for everything, because I think being late is impolite.

Answers 3: We should be absolutely on time for a date, appointment, and class, etc. In my opinion, being late is an insult to the person(s) you are meeting, because our times are of the same importance.)

3. Part III (Answers 4, 5 and 6)

1) The students read this part loudly together.

2) Group work: Have a discussion to find the answers to the following questions: (1) What does the person giving Answer 4 do to be punctual? (He keeps all his clocks 10 minutes fast.)

(2) What idea does the person giving Answer 5 have about punctuality? (He can’t be late even if he wants to be.)

(3) What was the situation in which the person giving Answer 5 got late once? (He got lost and he was late for an hour.)

(4) What was the trouble with the person giving Answer 6? (He got a girl friend who was always late for dates.)

4. Part III (Answer 7)

1) The students read this paragraph loudly by themselves.

2) Dictation practice. The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph twice, and the students write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.

5 Summary of the passage:

The teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows it with PPT. The students are required to give the main idea for each answer in one sentence. Are you punctual? Answers Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Main ideas As an American Brazilian, I’m punctual in my work, but not punctual in my personal life. Answer 6 Answer 7 Key: Are you punctual? Answers Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Answer 6 Answer 7 Main ideas As an American Brazilian, I’m punctual in my work, but not punctual in my personal life. It is good etiquette and polite to be on time for an appointment. Being late implies that you are not respecting the person you are going to meet. I am always early for most events in my life, not just being punctual. I can’t be late even if I want to be. When dating with my girl friend, I always made sure I was on time. I am always trying to be at least 10 minutes early. 6 Suggestions for doing Exercise 7:

Group work: Ask the students to prepare the Chinese translation of the sentences in Exercise 7 in groups, and there will be a group presentation in class afterwards.

7 Assignments for this section:

1) Written work: Write out your own answer as Answer 8 to the question Are you punctual? You are required to give examples to support your idea. 2) Preview Sections I, II and III in Unit Five.

SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips

1 Understanding of the business mottoes:

Ask the students to read the appreciate logos and business mottoes.

2 Group discussion:

1. Which logos or business mottoes impress you most? Give your comments. 2. Please list some other logos or business mottoes you are familiar with.

3. Search online for more similar logos or business mottoes and exchange them in the next class period.

