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2018届江苏高考英语一轮复习精品资料●模块一 Unit 3



1.As role models, public _______ have a duty to contain themselves responsibly because teenagers often copy their behaviour. A. figures 【答案】A

B. numbers

C. leaders

D. features

2.To our disappointment, the school principal _______ his nephew in the list of candidates who are offered an opportunity to study in Singapore. A. includes 【答案】A


在本句中意义为“把??列入??”。include(包括,包含)指在整体中能明确界定的几个部分。contain(包含,含有,装有)指一个较大事物中所容纳的分离部分,有封闭于一个整体的感觉。例如:The parcel included a dictionary.那包裹里也包括了一本字典。The parcel contained a dictionary.那包裹里装的是一本字典。adopt收养,采用,采取,采纳;conclude得出结论,推断出,决定。

3.After the earthquake, many people had to be put up in the tents ,because most of their houses were badly _______. A. harmed 【答案】C



4.The brave soldier would prefer to _______ rather than _______ and in the end the enemy had to kill him.

A. dying, giving in B. die, to give in 【答案】D

【解析】prefer to do...rather than do...宁愿??而不愿??。句意:勇敢的士兵宁愿死也不愿屈服,


5._______ by the sad story of the child, many people offered to lend him a helping hand.

C. dying, to giving in D. die, give in

B. hit

C. damaged

D. attacked

B. contains

C. adopts

D. concludes

A. Effected 【答案】C

B. Infected C. Affected D. Perfected


援助之手。infect是感染 沾染??的疾病的意思,侧重于指使??受到疾病的影响。effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。

6.After the great earthquake happened 2012,the whole society in Turkey _______ on rescuing the people in ruins. A. concentrated 【答案】A

【解析】concentrate on doing sth.集中精力做??。insist on坚持;depend on依靠;base on以??


7.Every time I fail, my father will always tell me “If your dream is big enough, the facts don’t _______.”

A. cost B. mean C. value D. count 【答案】D



8.People tend to think that if you want to achieve something big, you’ll have to _______. A. make sense 【答案】C

【解析】make sense有意义,理解,讲得通,是明智的;give way让路,退让;take risks冒险,冒风

险,担风险;lose face丢脸,丢丑,失去面子。句意:人们往往认为,如果你想成就一番,你就得去冒险。

9.We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn’t quite _______ as planned. A. find out 【答案】D

B. give out

C. hand out

D. work out

B. give way

C. take risks

D. lose face

B. insisted

C. depended

D. based

10.If these new measures don’t work, we’ll have to _______ our old system. A. make up for 【答案】D

【解析】make up for补偿;come up with提出;break away from脱离;fall back on求助于,依赖,


B. come up with

C. break away from

D. fall back on

11.—I’m afraid the project may be several days behind schedule due to bad weather. —Don’t worry. Three more assistants will be at your command _______ at all. A. at no time 【答案】C

【解析】in no time立刻,马上。句意:“由于糟糕的天气,我恐怕这项工程会在规定日期的后几天完成。”


12.Character is, _______, the decisive factor in the life of individuals and of nations alike. A. in the long term 【答案】A

【解析】in the long term从长远来看;on the other hand另一方面;in the meanwhile同时;as a result


13.People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you _______ which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. A. give out 【答案】D

B. leave out C. turn out D. figure out B. on the other hand

C. in the meanwhile D. as a result

B. at a time C. in no time

D. at any time

14.When we heard the joke we were unable to _______ our laughter. A. release 【答案】D

【解析】contain克制=control。句意:我们听到这个笑话时,忍不住笑了。 15.After the collision,he examined the considerable _______ to his car. A. ruin 【答案】C



16.Considering the location _______ the price, many parents buy houses for their children’s education.

A. in preference to 【答案】A

【解析】句意:为了孩子上学,许多父母亲买房都会优先可虑(in preference to)当地的房价。in response

B. in response to

C. in addition to

D. in regard to

B. destruction

C. damage

D. injury

B. abandon

C. throw

D. contain

to对??做出反应;in addition to除??之外;in regard to关于??。

17.On Oct. 29th, 2015, China further relaxed its more than three-decade-old family planning policy to allow all couple to have a second child and the new law _______ officially on Jan 1st, 2016. A. took effect 【答案】A

【解析】take effect officially正式生效。take on承担,呈现,雇用,录用;take out取出,除去,

拔掉,把??带出去;take place发生。句意:2015年10月29日,(据媒体称)中国进一步放开了实施了30多年的计划生育政策,允许所有的夫妇生育二代。这项新的法律于2016年1月1日正式生效。

18.According to the Gini Index, the degree of wealth _______ in China has risen by a third in the past 35 years and now is larger than that of the US. A. affection 【答案】B



19.The manager is now in need of a capable assistant that he can _______ to take care of problems in his absence. A. count on 【答案】A

【解析】count on sb.依靠/依赖某人;count in把??算在某一整体之内,算上(某人);count up加起

来,算出总数;count out逐一数出,大声数。句意:经理现在需要一位能干的助理,他可以指望这位助手在他不在时来料理问题。

20.Young people may risk _______ deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day. A. to go 【答案】C

B. to have gone

C. going

D. having gone

B. count in

C. count up

D. count out

B. concentration

C. identification

D. application

B. took on

C. took out

D. took place

21.The professor’s speech_________ very well, and everyone present understood his opinions. A. worked out 【答案】A

【解析】句意:教授的演讲结果很好,在场的每一个人都理解了他的观点。work out 产生结果,计算得

出,锻炼身体;find out找到;figure out计算出,解决;put out扑灭,伸出。

22.To keep safe in case of an earthquake, you should remain at a spot in your room where nothing may _______ you.

B. found out

C. figured out D .put out

A. fall down 【答案】C

B. fall off C. fall on D. fall out

【解析】fall on/upon 突然降临。句意:万一发生地震,为了安全起见你应呆在屋子里没有东西能砸中


23.Fame and wealth can be attractive, but _______ will they give you permanent happiness. A. in no time 【答案】D

【解析】in no time马上,立即;at a time依次,逐一,每次;at all times随时,每时每刻,总是,

一直;at no time决不。句意:名誉和财富可能很有吸引力,但是它们决不会给你带来永久的幸福。

24.What you’re learning today seems useless, but _______ it will surely have significant influence on your development. A. on average 【答案】B

【解析】on average平均,通常;in the long run从长远来看;in exchange作为交换;by all means


25.The house was greatly damaged by the truck. We'd better leave things _______ they are until the police arrive. A. since 【答案】B


语从句,意为“按照??的方式”。leave things as they are意为“让一切顺其自然”。

26.—How are you getting on with your father, Lucy?

—Couldn’t be _______. However hard I try, he just isn’t satisfied. A. better 【答案】B

B. worse

C. the best

D. the worst

B. as

C. though

D. unless

B. in the long run

C. in exchange

D. by all means

B. at a time

C. at all times

D. at no time

27.—Didn’t you tell Harry not to play games so much? —_______ I said to him goes in one ear and out the other. A. No matter how 【答案】D

B. However

C. No matter what

D. Whatever


语从句,no matter what用来引导让步状语从句。句意:“你难道没告诉哈利不要玩这么多有戏吗?”“无论我说什么他都把它当成耳旁风。”

28.Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues _______ with her stories. A. amused 【答案】A

【解析】过去分词作宾语补足语。与它所修饰的her colleagues存在被动关系。(be)amused with?。考


29.—It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. —My God! _______. A. So did I 【答案】B

【解析】A说B粗心,B承认自己是这样的,故排除CD项。然后该题考查我们对So did I与So I did的

辨别。So did I表示“别人做某事,我也做了。”而So I did表示“我确实这么做了。”故最佳答案是B。句意:“你真粗心大意把衣服放在外面一整夜。”“天哪,还真是这样(我确实这么做了)。”

30.One of the witnesses to the accident wrote a report to the police, _______ he described what had happened. A. for whom 【答案】D

【解析】in which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a report。句意:事故的其中一个目击者给警察


31.Teenage is an especially important stage for us, _______ we are supposed to go all out to improve ourselves because anything can happen. A. what 【答案】B

B. where

C. which

D. that

B. with whom

C. to which

D. in which

B. So I did

C. So were you

D. So did you

B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused

32.—How are things going, Janet?

—They have set out to deal with the present situation _______ they think deserves their immediate attention. A. which 【答案】A

B. where C. when

D. what

33.Teachers in primary schools _______ influence the kids fall under should be role models. A. whose 【答案】A

【解析】本句可以这样理解:Teachers in primary schools should be role models, for the kids fall

under their influence.句意:孩子们受其影响的小学老师们应该成为榜样(小学老师们应该成为榜样,因为孩子受他们的影响)。

34.I’m sure you’d rather she went to school by bus, _______? A. hadn’t you 【答案】B

【解析】句意:我肯定你宁愿她坐公交车去学校,是不是?此处考查的是I’m sure引导的从句的反义疑

问句,应该是与后面的从句保持一致;在从句中涉及到了would rather的虚拟语气的使用,但并不影响反义疑问句的生成,故使用wouldn’t you即可。

35.You must have missed the first train yesterday, ________ you? A. weren’t 【答案】B


应该用一般过去时。故选B项。该句所说的实质就是:You missed the first train.句意:你昨天肯定错过了头班火车,是吗?


Since I was 12 years old, I’ve suffered from a condition called Compulsive Hair Pulling(强迫性拔毛癖). The physical destruction was severe, but the emotional ___1___ was worse. When I was young, no one, ___2___ my doctor, knew how to help me. I was alone.

Growing up, I didn’t ___3___ anywhere and I suffered great shame knowing I’d brought this ___4___ upon myself. My hands seemed to have a ___5___ of their own. “What’s wrong with me?” I’d often wonder. Sometimes, people asked about my ___6___ of eyelashes(睫毛)and eyebrows. I was lonely, but I kept people at a distance. However, each night, ___7___ I fell asleep, I’d pray to God to send someone who ___8___.

Then when I was 25, I read a letter from a mom whose child suffered from the same illness. I could ___9___ believe my eyes. After all these years, I discovered, I was not ___10___.

B. didn’t

C. mustn’t

D. haven’t

B. wouldn’t you

C. aren’t I

D. didn’t she

B. who

C. where

D. which

At that moment, my journey for ___11___ began. I took small __12__ at first—telling only a few friends. Some of them tried to understand. Then, they began to ___13___ their secrets with me. I learned to see ___14___ the way God saw me, someone ___15___ love.

One day, my ___16___ happened. A friend called with wonderful news. She just met a woman with Compulsive Hair Pulling—someone just like me. She gave me her phone number. I was ___17___. I quickly dialed, and from the minute Christina answered, we began to chat like old friends, both thrilled to find someone who understood our pain. We ___18___ to meet soon, only to find we lived just two blocks away. We immediately ___19___ our phones, and in the dark of night, ran outside to the nearby park in our pajamas, ___20___ we hugged, cried and talked for hours. I felt I’d just met my long lost twin, someone who understood my pain and struggles.

Yes, it was true. I was not alone.

语篇解读:“我”在12岁的时候得了一种“强迫性拔毛癖”的怪病,很自卑。在“我”25岁时,当“我” 得知有人和“我”一样患有这种病的时候,“我”觉得自己并不孤单并开始治疗。 1. A. conflict 【答案】C

B. threat

C. damage

D. puzzle

2. A. including 【答案】A

B. except C. beyond D. containing

【解析】根据空格前面的“no one”可知,包括“我”的医生在内没有人知道怎样帮助“我”,故选A项。




3. A. belong to 【答案】B

【解析】根据空格后面的“I suffered great shame”可知,长大后,因为自卑,“我”觉得“我”任何

地方都适应不了。fit in“适应”,符合语境。belong to“属于”;come up“出现”;fall over“倒下”。

4. A. shyness 【答案】B

B. pain

C. anger

D. shame

B. fit in

C. come up

D. fall over

5. A. decision 【答案】C



6. A. color 【答案】D



7. A. after 【答案】B

【解析】根据生活常识可知,在睡觉之前进行祈祷,故选B项。 8. A. understood 【答案】A





9. A. never 【答案】B



10. A. ill 【答案】D




11. A. healing 【答案】A

B. praying

C. searching

D. longing

B. weak

C. sad

D. alone

B. hardly

C. seldom

D. rarely

B. missed

C. thought

D. listened

B. before

C. if

D. though

B. shape

C. recovery

D. lack

B. solution

C. mind

D. treatment

【解析】“我”开始治病了,故选A项。heal“医治”,符合语境。 12. A. efforts 【答案】C

B. suggestions

C. steps

D. walks

13. A. share 【答案】A

B. betray C. count D. keep

【解析】在“我”告诉他们“我”的疾病之后,他们开始和“我”分享他们的秘密,故选A项。 14. A. them 【答案】D

【解析】“我”也学着用上帝看“我”的方式来看“我”自己,故选D项。 15. A. wasting 【答案】B




16. A. illness 【答案】D

【解析】有一天,“我”的奇迹发生了,故选D项。illness“疾病”;symptom“症状”; sadness“悲伤”;


17. A. peaceful 【答案】C

【解析】根据空格后面的“I quickly dialed”可知,“我”此时非常开心,故选C项。peaceful“和平


18. A. went 【答案】C

【解析】我们很快打算见面了,故选C项。 19. A. dialed 【答案】D

B. exchanged

C. fell

D. dropped

B. ran

C. planned

D. imagined

B. surprised

C. overjoyed

D. embarrassed

B. symptom

C. sadness

D. miracle

B. deserving

C. giving

D. refusing

B. everyone

C. anyone

D. myself

20. A. where 【答案】A

B. when C. how D. why

【解析】在定语从句中,先行词是“the nearby park”,空格处所填词在从句中作地点状语,故用where



拔毛发癖的人—— 一个和我相似的人。她给了我那个人的电话号码。我欣喜若狂,快速拨通了电话。从克里斯蒂娜接电话的那一刻起,我们就像老朋友一样聊起来。彼此为找到了理解自己痛苦的人而激动不已。我们打算尽快见面,却发现她和我的住地仅仅两房之隔。 我们立即放下电话,在黑夜中穿着睡衣跑了出去。我们彼此相拥,痛哭流涕,聊了几个小时。我感觉自己好像找到了失散已久的孪生姐妹,她理解我的痛苦,理解我内心的挣扎。

20. A. where 【答案】A

B. when C. how D. why

【解析】在定语从句中,先行词是“the nearby park”,空格处所填词在从句中作地点状语,故用where



拔毛发癖的人—— 一个和我相似的人。她给了我那个人的电话号码。我欣喜若狂,快速拨通了电话。从克里斯蒂娜接电话的那一刻起,我们就像老朋友一样聊起来。彼此为找到了理解自己痛苦的人而激动不已。我们打算尽快见面,却发现她和我的住地仅仅两房之隔。 我们立即放下电话,在黑夜中穿着睡衣跑了出去。我们彼此相拥,痛哭流涕,聊了几个小时。我感觉自己好像找到了失散已久的孪生姐妹,她理解我的痛苦,理解我内心的挣扎。

