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Module5Unit1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend?

一、教学目标 1.技能与知识目标

能听懂、会说词汇:pleased 、meet、 pen friend、address

能听懂、会问“can you \\ he\\ she…?”并会做答:Yes, I \\ he\\ she can.No, I\\ he\\ she can’t. 掌握can you\\ he\\ she…?的语言结构。 2.学习策略目标

培养学生自主、合作的学习方式,在交流与合作中共同进步成长。 3.情感态度目标

培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,培养学生熟悉生活,了解异国文化。 二、教学重点

词汇 pleased, meet, address, pen friend 句式 Pleased to meet you.

Can you\\ he\\ she…?Yes, I \\ he\\ she can.\\No, I\\ he\\ she can’t. 三、教学过程 Step1: 1.Warm-up

(1) Greetings.

(2) Chant:

I am me and you are you. I am me and you are you. We can jump and we can run. We can jump and we can run. We are having lots of fun. Step2: Presentation

(1)Free talk

T: I’m your teacher. Pleased to meet you. (教生词”pleased\\ meet”)


T: I can sing, I can run. Can you sing? Can you run?

T: I have a pen friend(教生词pen friend) . He can play basketball. But he can’t speak Chinese. ( 老师给出范例,再让学生模仿着回答)

T: Do you have friend? Can you talk about him/her? Can he play basketball? Can he sing song? Can she play violin?( 老师再根据学生的实际情况提出问题,激发学生的兴趣) T: Here is my pen friend’s address. (教生词address). You can write to him. Can I write to your pen friend? (3)Test:fill the blanks

Pl__se_ (高兴地) m_ _t(见到) _ddr_ss(地址) p_nfr_ _nd(笔友) Step3:New lesson

( Guide1通过听录音读课文来学习:先提出问题,再让学生根据问题听录音) 1、进一步理解单词的意思。 2、读准读通每一个句子。 3、理解课文主要内容。

T: Open your book and turn to Page 26.

Now ,listen to the tape and try to find out the answer. Question 1: How many friends does Damming have? Question 2: Can Laura write to Daming’s friend?

Question 3: Can Daming be Laura’s Chinese pen friend? Question 4: Can Laura write Chinese?

T: Follow the tape two times for each sentences. (Guide2细读课文,突破难点)

1、组长领读课文,用横线标出带有can/can't 的句子,并注意答语。 2、进一步理解can的用法:

can加V.原表能力,变否定,很简单, 后面只把not添,变疑问,也不难, 把can放在句子前。点头yes,摇头no, 不受人称、数限制。

Step4: 巩固与操练

(1)Guessing game

学生用I can...写一个关于自己的句子,然后请同学到前面表演,can后的词组不出声要用动作来表示;其他同学来猜他会做的事情,运用句型she/he can... T: Write a sentence about yourself. I can...

S: I can...(do action) (2)Supper memory. A: I can…

B: I can… (Repeat what A say) and I can… (新造句子)

C: I can… (Repeat what A say) and I can… (Repeat what B says) and I can… (新造句子) Step5. Homework

Write a letter to your pen friend and tell him/her what you can do,then ask what he/she can do.

