180329 英语学习高级阅读材料

更新时间:2023-03-08 05:02:00 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



It can be difficult to articulate the power of style and fashion through words, but these icons managed to do so with quote-worthy, inspiring words of wisdom. From the greatest fashion designers to legendary models and stylists, get inspired by these 25 quotes that will never go out of style.


“Fashion is part of the daily air and it changes all the time, with all the events. You can even see the approaching of a revolution in clothes. You can see and feel everything in clothes.” —Diana Vreeland

“时尚是日常生活的一部分,它随着所发生的一切时时刻刻改变着。你甚至可以看到服装革命的来临。你也可以看到并感觉到服装上的一切改变。”——戴安娜·弗里兰 \what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.\—Gianni Versace


\—Karl Lagerfeld


What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.\—Miuccia Prada “你的穿着是你向世界展示自己的方式,特别是在当下,人与人之间的接触那么短暂,而时尚却是瞬间实现的沟通。”——缪西亚·普拉达

\—Bette Midler “我始终相信,选对鞋子的人可以统治世界。”——贝蒂·米德勒

\—Edith Head


\Carrie Bradshaw “我喜欢把钱放在看得到的地方——挂在衣柜里!”——凯莉·布拉德肖


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being yourself.\—Oscar de la Renta


%usually see something of beauty in it.\—Alexander McQueen “我认为任何事物都有美的一面。‘普通’人视之为丑陋的事物,我通常也会从中看到美的一面。”——亚历山大·麦昆

\—Diane von Furstenberg

“风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。”——黛安·冯芙丝汀宝 \—Bill Cunningham “时尚是平庸生活的避难所。”——比尔·坎宁安 \—Bill Blass

“拿不定主意的时候,那就穿红色的衣服。”——比尔 布拉斯 \—Ralph Lauren “我设计的不是衣服,而是梦想。”——拉夫·劳伦

\—Yves Saint Laurent “时尚易朽,风格永存。”——伊夫·圣·洛朗

\days off that are the most intriguing .\—Alexander Wang


\—Sonia Rykiel “不穿高跟鞋,你永远不会过上高人一等的生活。”

\—Elsa Schiaparelli “在艰难时期,时尚总是令人不能容忍的。”——艾尔莎·夏帕瑞丽 \—Marc Jacobs “衣服是因为穿上而有意义。”——马克·贾伯

\morning. It’s a way of life. Without it, you’re nobody. I’m not talking about lots of clothes.” —Diana Vreeland

“你必须有风格。风格带你走下楼梯,陪伴你每日起床,风格是一种生活方式,没有风格,你无足轻重。我所说的风格可不是要你拥有很多衣服。”——戴安娜·弗里兰 \pleasure, it is worth doing well.” —Vivienne Westwood

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women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is what is on her feet.\—Christian Dior


\you choose.\—Lauren Hutton


\the dress.\—Hubert de Givenchy


\interesting.\—Marc Jacobs

“我总是会从古怪且有缺陷的事物中发现美,它们要有趣得多。”——马克·雅可布 \are, which takes years. There's no how-to road map to style. It's about self expression and, above all, attitude.\—Iris Apfel

你能买到的是时尚,你所拥有的是风格。掌握风格的关键是知道“你是谁”,这也许需要花很长时间。没有什么公式能得到风格。风格有关自我表达,最重要的是,它有关你的态度!——艾瑞斯·阿普菲尔 ==

The television trick to learning a new language

CNN)Every day for about five years, Israeli sisters Reut and Shoham Nistel ran home from school, made themselves sandwiches and plopped down on the couch to watch an Argentine telenovela with Hebrew subtitles.

The girls became so proficient in Spanish that they started speaking it at home to keep secrets from their parents.

\school, but I never paid attention. All my English is from 'Full House' and 'Family Matters.' \

Although excessive screen time is often frowned upon, language experts say that

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watching shows in a foreign language -- if done with near obsession -- can help someone learn that language.

\of linguistics and director of the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching program at the University of Oregon. Baseball players learned from 'Friends'

She points to a New York Times story about professional baseball players from Latin America who learned English by watching \But they didn't just watch \

Philadelphia Phillies shortstop Freddy Galvis told the Times that he had watched every episode of the 10-season show at least five times.

Stephen Snyder, dean of language schools at Middlebury College in Vermont, said this story sounds familiar to him.

\grew up watching Japanese anime, and without having any formal training in Japanese, their comprehension is quite reasonable,\phenomenon, and it makes sense.\

Baese-Berk says science supports what these young people have experienced. Studies show that it's best to acquire a language through both active and passive learning, and watching shows in a foreign language involves both.

Trying to figure out a word that a character in a telenovela is saying would be an example of active learning, and admiring the character's outfit while hearing Spanish in the background would be an example of passive learning, she said. The 3 keys to learning from TV

Baese-Berk said there are three tricks to learning a foreign language through a show.

First, it has to be highly engaging. The Nistel sisters, for example, never missed an episode of \

enormously popular among Israeli middle-schoolers in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The fact that their classmates talked about the show obsessively increased their devotion

Second, it's best if the show has subtitles, so when viewers hear a new word, they can look down and find it in written form in their own language.

Third, the storyline should be repetitive. In \plucky orphans are forever falling in and out of love and overcoming life's

obstacles. \

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\solution. You can follow the plot pretty easily,\

She and other experts add that although watching shows goes a long way, it's best to pair it with formal language training to learn grammar and structure.

Children might naturally learn languages more easily, but the telenovela technique can work with adults, too.

Vardit Ringvald, a professor of languages and linguistics at Middlebury and director of the school's Hebrew program, said she learned Spanish by watching \


Spanish,\Soon, she and her husband were speaking Spanish to keep secrets from her mother.

\and now she's fluent, too,\==

研究表明 泡澡的减肥效果可以和步行30分钟媲美!

The world seems to be going through a big health boom and the pressure to exercise excessively is everywhere. But all we really want to do is grab a bath bomb and take a nice long soak.


Luckily, it turns out having a bath actually burns the same amount of calories as a 30-minute walk.


That means there's no need to worry about binge-watching Netflix and never making it to the gym.

这意味着我们没必要对沉溺于观看Netflix视频、从来不去健身房而担心。 It sounds unrealistic, but science has proved that you don't need to perform strenuous cardio when you could be in the bath instead.


In a study carried out by Loughborough University, 14 men were sent out on a one-hour bicycle ride and also given a one-hour soak at 104F.

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The research found that the bike ride, as predicted, burned more calories. However, the bath soak still managed to burn a whopping 130 calories — the same as a 30-minute walk.


Researchers believe it was the rise in core temperature which caused the calories to burn off.


Each participant also had their blood sugar monitored for 24-hours, and it was discovered that it was 10 percent lower after the bath.

此外,每个参与者也进行了24小时血糖监测,结果发现泡澡后的血糖降低了10%。 It doesn't seem like the hardest decision to make — gym or bath? — but now, you can use this study as a guilt-free excuse.

去健身房还是泡澡不像是最难做的决定,但是现在,你可以把这项研究当作无愧疚感的理由了 ==



The National Coffee Association is very, very hyped about their latest study, which showed that 64 percent of Americans aged 18 or over had at least one cup of Joe on the previous day.


That’s jacked up from last year, when 62 percent said they’d imbibed on the previous day.

这与去年相比有所增加,去年有62%的人说他们在前一天喝了咖啡。 Most coffee drinkers — 79 percent — brewed it at home. 大多数(79%)的咖啡爱好者都是在家里煮咖啡喝。

Meanwhile, “gourmet” coffee is increasingly popular among younger

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drinkers. Nearly half of millennials — 48 percent — said they had a cup of coffee they considered to be “gourmet” the day before.


The last time Americans were this caffeinated was in 2012, which was another year marked by a booming stock market, a horrific school shooting (in Newtown, Conn.) and a wrenching sports pedophilia trial (of Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky).


The association’s survey, which polled about 3,000 respondents, did not specify how on earth the 36 percent who did not have a coffee on the previous day managed to wake up in the morning.

该协会调查了大约3000名受访者,但没有具体说明在前一天没有喝咖啡的36%的人究竟是如何设法在早上清醒过来的。 ==

双语:传奇物理学家史蒂芬-霍金去世 享年76岁

Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76, his family has said. 史蒂芬·霍金已经去世,享年76岁,他的家人透露。

The British theoretical physicist was known for his groundbreaking work with black holes and relativity, and was the author of several popular science books including A Brief History of Time.


His children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said: \our beloved father passed away today.


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\was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years.\

“他是一位伟大的科学家、一位杰出的人物,他的作品和遗产将会闪耀多年。” They praised his \humour\


Factfile: Stephen Hawking 史蒂芬·霍金简介

Born 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England 1942年1月8日,出生于英格兰牛津

Earned place at Oxford University to read natural science in 1959, before studying for his PhD at Cambridge


By 1963, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease and given two years to live


Outlined his theory that black holes emit \ 1974年,提出黑洞发出“霍金辐射”理论。

Published his book A Brief History of Time in 1988, which has sold more than 10 million copies


His life story was the subject of the 2014 film The Theory of Everything, starring Eddie Redmayne


The scientist gained popularity outside the academic world and appeared in several TV shows including The Simpsons, Red Dwarf and The Big Bang Theory. 霍金在学术圈外人气很高,并曾现身几个电视节目,包括《辛普森一家》、《红矮星号》和 ==

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What are the habits of highly successful people? 特别成功的人有什么习惯?

获得114.7k好评的回答@Sanidhya Singh:

If I ever had a man-crush on someone it has to be Gary Vaynerchuk. 以男人的眼光来看,我最欣赏的人是Gary Vaynerchuk。

?The man who boosted his father's $4 million business to $60 million business in less than 5 years.

?他用不到5年的时间把他父亲价值400万美元的产业升值到6000万美元。 ?The man who is the most followed writer on Medium. ?他是Medium网站上最火的作家。

?The man who is one of the top 49 most influential persons by Askmens.

?他上榜Askmens网站(美国影响力最大的男性门户网站)上49位最有影响力人士。 ?The man who runs a successful YouTube channel by his name having 886k subscribers.

?成功管理着一个以他名字命名的YouTube频道,有88.6万人订阅。 Let's analyse his any random day: 我们来分析一下他的日常: ?He wakes up at 5:15 a.m. 早上5:15起床。

?Plays his favourite sport basketball and spends some time with his wife, daughter, son and his mom.


?Attends one after another 12 meetings with his potential clients, vaynermedia's members, wine library clients etc.


?Attends more than 7 calls from his clients throughout the day while walking or travelling.


? Film and posts 2 videos on his YouTube channel Gary Vaynerchuk. 拍摄两段视频并上传到他的YouTube频道Gary Vaynerchu上。 ? Conferences with more than 4 groups.

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? Travels more than 7 times a day as a part of work. 应工作需要1天出行超过7次。

(All the facts and images are based on his video A Day in the Life of Gary Vaynerchuk)

(以上情况和图片均来自他的视频《Gary Vaynerchuk生活中的一天》) In this way, his day is divided into two parts: 这样看,他的一天分为两部分: ?Work ?工作 ?No work ?不工作

Now, with having such a busy and tight day, how can't any person be successful? 那么,有如此忙碌充实的一天,一个人怎么能不成功呢?

Yes, all the successful people have the habit of making themselves busy throughout the day. They know that “every single minute counts”. If you go and ask them, “Hey, there is new movie released today, let's watch it!”


Their response would be most of the time, “I have many other things to do, I will not take my day off just because one silly movie which didn't matter to a single percent in my real life.”


Always remember, “If you want to shine like the sun, you have to burn like it” - APJ ABDUL KALAM

你永远要记住:“如果你想要像太阳一样闪耀,就要像太阳一样燃烧”——APJ ABDUL KALAM

Make yourself busy, right now, this moment. 现在,马上,让你自己忙碌起来吧。 有声双语美文:瀑布下面的哲理

Have you ever stood under a waterfall? 你曾经站在瀑布下面过吗?

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At first, all you hear would just be buzzing noise. 起初,你只能听到杂乱的噪音。

But if you stay there for a little while, you would find that the noise disappeared. 但如果你多待一会儿,你会发现这些噪音消失了。 It's not that the whole world just fell into silence. 并不是说整个世界突然陷入了寂静。

It's just that you have merged into the world around you. 只是,你已经融入到你周围的环境之中了。 Your heart found its peace. 你的心灵获得了平静。

You still hear the sound. But you now feel it with your body and your mind, not your ears.


This is what being calm is all about. 所谓冷静,就是这样一个状态。

Most of times we focus too much on the physical sensation and we get trapped by it.


But we are humans. We are superior than other animals because we can think. 但我们是人,我们是优于其他动物的,因为我们有思考的能力。

So the next time you find yourself not able to accomplish something because your mind feels so messed up, maybe you should take a breath and think if you have tried hard enough.

所以,下一次当你发现自己因为心烦意乱而无法完成某件事的时候,或许你该深呼吸一下然后问自己,你真的已经尽力了吗? Is that really your mind's limit? 这就是你思维能力的极限了吗?

Or you just give in to what your body is feeling? 又或者,你只是向你身体上的感受做出了让步? ==


Seven years ago, my wife and I had to take our five week old daughter off of life

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support, by far the hardest and most painful decision of our life. Our daughter, Alle Shea, was born with the rare bone disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. At birth Alle Shea’s skull looked like a cracked egg on the x-rays. She also had

multiple fractures in her arms and her ribs, her legs, and her wrist. The day Alle was leaving us, we were able to take her outside on the hospital deck and hold her in our arms until she passed away.

7年前,妻子和我给5周大的女儿停止了维持生命的治疗。到目前为止,那是我们生活中最艰难、最痛苦的决定。我们的女儿Alle Shea出生时就患有罕见的骨骼疾病——成骨不全症。出生时,Alle Shea的头盖骨在X光片上看起来就像有裂纹的鸡蛋,胳膊、肋骨、腿和手腕多处骨折。Alle离开我们的那天,我们用医院担架把她带出了医院,把她抱在怀里直到她去世。

Now, we had two choices that day: we could have let the grief over take us, or we could take that grief and turn it into a positive. Since that day, my wife and I have worked tirelessly volunteering our time hosting special events, and talking to

students and the media about OI. We even contacted hospitals to try to get them on board with our cause - and this is the battle we are still fighting. Over the seven years, we have volunteered thousands of hours. February of 2015 we started OI Care for You program. We send stuffed animals to children with OI in the hospital for treatment, surgery or home recovering from a break.

那天我们有两个选择:要么被悲伤击倒,要么把伤痛化为动力。从那天起,妻子和我不知疲倦地利用所有时间举办特殊活动,和学生、媒体聊成骨不全症的话题。我们甚至联系医院,想让他们也加入我们,我们现在仍然在为此努力。过去的七年中,我们做了数千小时的志愿活动。2015年二月,我们启动了OI Care for You这个项目。我们把毛绒玩具送给在医院治疗、做手术或骨折在家休养的患成骨不全症的孩子们。 Each one brings a smile and comfort to a child with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). 每个玩具都带给患病孩子微笑和安慰。

We had OI families come from neighboring cities and towns and thank us for doing what we do and giving them another way to show support for a family member with OI.

来自附近城市和城镇的家庭都来感激我们的所作所为,感谢我们给了他们家里成骨不全症患者一种特殊的支持 ==


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There is an ancient saying in China goes as: If your ship is against the current, you lose your ground when you don't advance. 中国有句谚语说:“逆水行舟,不进则退。” Isn't this talking about life? 这不就是人生吗?

If you want something, you need to work at your best constantly. 你需要不断地努力,才能得到自己想要的东西。

But many other sages have told us that sometimes you need to slow down so that you can find peace and see clearly what you truely want in the first place.


The competition in our society is fierce. It is now. It used to be. And it will be. 社会上的竞争是激烈的,现在是,以前也是,将来也一样会是。

And at the same time. We have family, friends and lovers who we need to cherish. 同时,我们还有亲人、朋友、爱情这些关系需要去滋养。 But we all only have 24 hours a day.


And a lot of time among these hours have to be used to rest. Otherwise we won't be able to survive.


Yes, your energy is limited. There are limitations that you cannot go beyond. 是的,你的精力是有限的,有些极限是你没有办法超越的。

So you really need to remind yourself that sometimes life does take patience. 所以有时候真的得提醒自己:人生需要耐心。

There are things that you can't do only with your determination. They require your patience.


Slow down. Shake off some anxiety. Find more peace. By doing this you can actually go farther.

慢一点,少一点焦虑,多一些平静,这样其实走得更远 ==

Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.

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所谓命运不过是托辞,因为我们无法忍受所有事情发生都是偶然的事实。 ==



The only way to truly get over a breakup is to give it time. 真正走出失恋痛苦的唯一办法就是给它时间。

As biological anthropologist Helen Fisher previously told Business Insider, \day will come when that person who's been camping in your head is out. And you wake up in the morning and you realise that yesterday you never thought about them at all.\

正如生物人类学家海伦?费雪曾对商业内幕网说过的:“总有一天,那个盘踞在你脑海里的人会消失。当你在清晨醒来,你会意识到自己昨天一次都没有想起那个人。” In fact, research suggests that we tend to overestimate how long it will take us to feel better after a breakup.


That said, if you've just landed in Splitsville, there are plenty of ways to speed up the recovery process - so you can show up to work as a functioning human being, and not a sobbing mess.


以下就是专家推荐的应对失恋痛苦的五个科学方法。 1. Don't Facebook-stalk your ex 不要在社交媒体上偷偷关注你的前任

A study published 2012 in the journal Cyberpsychology found that people who creep on their exes' Facebook profiles are more likely to have negative feelings for the person, more likely to desire that person, and less likely to grow from the breakup.

2012年发表在《网络心理学》期刊上的一项研究发现,偷偷关注前任Facebook状态的人更可能对前任怀有消极情绪,更容易对前任产生欲望,更难从分手中走出来。 It's hard to say whether looking at an ex's Facebook profile directly causes distress, or whether it's the other way around. Either way, do yourself a favour and try to

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resist the urge to \关注前任的Facebook状态是否会直接带来痛苦还是缓解痛苦,这很难说。无论是哪种情况,为了自己,请努力克制住“看一眼”前任分手后状态的欲望。 2. List five 'must-haves' and five 'can't-stands' in a potential partner 列出潜在伴侣“必须具备”的五个特质和“让你受不了”的五个特质。

That's a tip from Andrea Syrtash, dating expert and author of \Type (And That's a Good Thing): How to Find Love Where You Least Expect It.\这是约会专家安德莉亚?西尔塔什给出的建议。西尔塔什是《他不是你的菜(这是好事):如何在最不可能的地方找到真爱》的作者。

Syrtash previously told Business Insider she recommends going deeper with each value - so instead of \attracted to this person.\


One benefit of this exercise is that you might realise while you want someone who's emotionally open, for example, none of your exes have been. From there, you can start to look for a partner who's more suitable for you.

这种练习的好处之一是你可能会意识到一些事实,比如尽管你想要一个开朗的对象,但是你的前任全都不是这样的人。从此以后,你可以开始寻找一个更适合你的对象。 3. Try not to assume the breakup reflects something wrong with you 不要认为分手反映出你的某种缺陷。

A 2016 paper in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin suggests that your ability to deal with a breakup has a lot to do with your sense of self.


One of the study authors, Lauren Howe, broke it down in The Atlantic: 该研究的作者之一劳伦?霍伊在《大西洋月刊》上分析道:

\rejection when it caused their self-image to change for the worse. People who agreed that the rejection made them question who they really were also reported more often that they were still upset when they thought about the person who had rejected them.\


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On the other hand, Howe wrote, people who responded with remarks such as, \learned that two people can both be quality individuals, but that doesn't mean they belong together\


Howe recommends that we try to \breakup reveals about us in order to have an easier time coping.


4. Write about a silver lining you've found in the breakup 把分手的好处写下来

Research suggests that simply journaling about your emotions surrounding a breakup can make you feel worse.


But a study published 2015 in the journal Social and Personal Relationships found a specific type of journalling can help you cope: writing a redemptive narrative. That is, a story about how you turned suffering - in this case, a breakup - into a positive experience.


Participants in the study felt less distressed after writing their redemptive narratives for four days - so it's unclear how long the effects last.

该研究的参与者在连续写了四天救赎故事后,感觉没那么痛苦了,至于这个效果能持续多久就不清楚了。 5. Talk about the breakup 谈论分手

This strategy might seem counterintuitive: Why dwell on a painful past? 这个策略听上去也许违反了我们的直觉:为什么要沉湎于痛苦的往事呢?

And yet a study published 2015 in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that simply participating in research on breakups can help people get over them.


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A group of participants who spent more time talking to experimenters and filling out surveys about the breakup later experienced less distress than a group who spent minimal time on the same activities. The first group was also less likely to agree with statements like, \


In an interview with The Atlantic, lead researcher Grace Larson said it might come down to looking at your past objectively.


文章来源:中国日报英语点津 图片来源:视觉中国 ==

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