【精品】【鲁教版】六年级英语下:Unit7 Section B同步练习(含答

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Unit 7 Why do you like pandas Section B 同步练习


1.There are many a__________________, such as(例如)lions, tigers in the z__________.

2.P________________ only live in China. We all love t_______________.

3.People usually w___________ in the day, and s______________ in the night.

4.Most animals are in great d________________, we must s_________________ them.

5.That old man is 72, he is o______________ 70, he is k____________ of fat.


1. There is_____________ elephant in the zoo, ___________ elephant is from Africa.

A. a, the

B. an, the

C. /, an D a, an

2. I like penguins best, ______________ they’re my ___________ animals.

A. because, best

B. why, best

C. because, favorite

D. why, favorite

3. They are good____________, they are very ______________.

A. friends, friends

B. friends, friendly

C. friendly, friends

D. friendly, friendly

4. He likes his work, but it’s _____________ dangerous.

A. a kind of

B. kinds of

C. a kind

D. kind of

5. She often ______________ the piano, she likes _____________ it very much.

A. plays, plays

B. plays, playing

C. playing, playing

D. playing, plays

6. I want ___________ the lions, let’s ____________ them.

A. to see, to see

B. see, to see

C. to see, see

D. see, see

7. --- ____________ lions from? ---- They come from South Africa.

A. Where do

B. Where are

C. Where is

D. Where

8. Elephants can remember places ____________ food and water, this helps them _______.

A. with, live

B. with, to live

C. in, to live

D. A and B

9. ____________ trees!

A. Not to cut down so many

B. Don’t cut down so many

C. Not cut down so many

D. Don’t cut down so much

10. People kill elephants ____________ their ivory.

A. with

B. in

C. for D to


1. They can also draw very well.(否定句)

They ___________ draw very well, ______________.

2. Our class has 56 students.(同义句)

_______________ 56 students _____________ our class.

3. The boy is a little fat.(同义句)

The boy is _________ _________ fat.

4. She isn’t from Beijing.(同义句)

She____________ _____________ ____________ from Beijing.

5. I don’t like tigers because they are very scary. (划线提问)

___________ __________ you like tigers?


1.animals, zoo

2.pandas, them

3.wake, sleep

4.danger, save

5.over, kinds



2.There are, in

3.kinds of

4.doesn’t come from

5.Why don’t




