香港生命科学 2013年报
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Annual Report 2013(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)Hong Kong Life Sciences and Technologies Group Limited
Stock code : 8085
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Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and the Stock Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this report, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report.
This report, for which the directors (the “Directors”) of Hong Kong Life Sciences and Technologies Group Limited (the “Company”) collectively and inpidually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of the Stock Exchange (the “GEM Listing Rules”) for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company. The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief the information contained in this report is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this report misleading.
This report will remain on the “Latest Company Announcements” page of the GEM website at 31ed21ea7175a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecddf2 for a minimum period of seven days from the date of its publication and on the Company’s website at 31ed21ea7175a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecddf2.
31ed21ea7175a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecddf2 31ed21ea7175a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecddf2
Contents 目錄
Corporate Information公司資料2 Chairman’s Statement主席報告4 Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論及分析6 Profile of Directors and Senior Management董事及高級管理層簡介17 Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告23 Directors’ Report董事會報告34 Independent Auditors’ Report獨立核數師報告43 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income綜合全面收益表45 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position綜合財務狀況表47 Statement of Financial Position財務狀況表48 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity綜合權益變動表49 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows綜合現金流量表50 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements綜合財務報表附註52 Five-Year Financial Summary五年財務摘要148
Corporate Information 公司資料
Executive Directors
Mr. Jiang Hongqing (Vice Chairman)Mr. Lu Zhiqiang (Chief Executive Officer)Mr. Cai Da Mr. Chu Hon Pong Mr. Chui Kwong Kau Ms. Li Mei
Non-executive Director
Ms. Lam Kuo (Chairman)
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. Chi Chi Hung, Kenneth Mr. Chan Yun Hing Mr. Gui Qiangfang Mr. Hung Yat Ming
Mr. Lam Tze Chung
Mr. Lu Zhiqiang
Mr. Lu Zhiqiang Mr. Chui Kwong Kau
Mr. Chi Chi Hung, Kenneth (Chairman)Mr. Chan Yun Hing Mr. Gui Qiangfang Mr. Hung Yat Ming
Mr. Chi Chi Hung, Kenneth (Chairman)Mr. Chui Kwong Kau Mr. Chan Yun Hing Mr. Gui Qiangfang Mr. Hung Yat Ming
Corporate Information 公司資料
Cricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman KY1-1111Cayman Islands British West Indies
Royal Bank of Canada Trust Company (Cayman) Limited 4th Floor, Royal Bank House 24 Shedden Road, George Town Grand Cayman KY1–1110Cayman Islands
Mr. Chi Chi Hung, Kenneth (Chairman)Mr. Chan Yun Hing Mr. Gui Qiangfang Mr. Hung Yat Ming
Pan-China (H.K.) CPA Limited
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
Unit 2704, 27/F.
West Tower, Shun Tak Centre 168–200 Connaught Road Central Hong Kong
Cricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman KY1-1111Cayman Islands British West Indies
Royal Bank of Canada Trust Company (Cayman) Limited 4th Floor, Royal Bank House 24 Shedden Road, George Town Grand Cayman KY1-1110Cayman Islands
Tricor Standard Limited 26th Floor, Tesbury Centre 28 Queen’s Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong
Chairman’s Statement 主席報告
4HONG KONG LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED ? 香港生命科學技術集團有限公司On behalf of the board of Directors (the “Board ”), I am pleased to present the annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group ”) for the year ended 31 March 2013.
During the year, the Group is principally engaged in (i) the sale of healthcare products; (ii) the sale of electronic components and cotton yarn; (iii) the funeral and related businesses; and (iv) the stem cell technology business.
In September 2012, the Company completed the acquisition (the “Acquisition ”) of 51% of the entire issued share capital of 159 Regenerative Medicine Group (H.K.) Limited and its subsidiaries (“159 Group ”). 159 Group possesses the user rights of the intellectual property of the stem cell technology (the “Stem Cell Technology ”) and such technology has been applied for the Patent Cooperation Treaty in the World Intellectual Property Organization and patent in the State Intellectual Property Bureau in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC ”) and the applications are presently pending approval.
The Group owns the exclusive right to use the Stem Cell Technology in the PRC, Macau, Hong Kong, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam. 159 Group has commenced its operation in November 2012 and is operating a service center and a stem cell processing center in Hong Kong which provide anti-aging healthcare service including physical examination, aging testing protocol, implementation of anti-aging application with Stem Cell Technology and stem cell storage.
In recent years, the global retail sales of anti-aging related products is estimated at approximately US$15 billion, and growing in double digits on an annual basis. We believe the stem cell technology business provide good opportunities for the Group to persify from the existing business into a new line of business with significant growth potentials. It will broaden our revenue base and bring a significant contribution to the Group in the future.本人謹代表董事會(「董事會」)欣然呈報本公司及其附屬公司(「本集團」)截至二零一三年三月三十一日止年度之全年業績。於本年度,本公司主要從事(i)銷售保健產品;(ii)銷售電子部件及棉紗;(iii)殯葬及相關業務;及(iv)幹細胞技術業務。
Chairman’s Statement 主席報告
5ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ? 年報於完成收購159集團後,本集團更改其名稱為香港生命科學技術集團有限公司,以反映新業務發展及企業形象。本集團致力推廣及應用幹細胞技術,並為人類帶來最新之生命科學及生物醫學技術。於本年度,本集團就於香港及澳門有權獨家進口、營銷、分銷及出售生命科學及生物醫學產品訂立若干分銷協議。本集團將根據生命科學及生物醫學技術之最新發展,為專業醫療人員提供最佳保健解決方案。透過引入世界各地之創新先進生命科學技術,我們致力為人類提供更多改善健康之保健選擇。於本年度,本公司已配售合共498,500,000股普通股,而股份配售所得款項淨額約為96,000,000港元。所得款項已用作投資於幹細胞業務及本集團一般營運資金。我們認為,配售可加強本公司之資本基礎,並提升日後業務發展之流動資金狀況。致謝承蒙所有股東、客戶及業務夥伴一直以來對本集團鼎力支持、信任及鼓勵,本人謹藉此機會衷心致謝。本集團管理層及各級員工不辭勞苦,以盡忠職守之勤奮態度致力推動本集團業務蒸蒸日上,更是功不可沒。憑藉彼等之支持,本集團將不斷精益求精,務求為投資者爭取投資回報。主席林戈香港,二零一三年六月二十七日
Following the completion of the Acquisition of 159 Group, the Company changed its name to Hong Kong Life Sciences and Technologies Group Limited to reflect the new business development and corporate image. The Group is devoted to promote and apply the Stem Cell Technology and will bring the latest life sciences and biomedical technologies to people. During the year, the Group entered into certain distribution agreements in relation to the exclusive right to import, market, distribute and sell the life sciences and biomedical products in Hong Kong and Macau. The Group will provide the best healthcare solutions to medical professionals based on the latest development of life sciences and biomedical technology. Through the introduction of innovative life sciences advancements around the world, we strive to offer more healthcare choices for people to improve their health.
During the year, the Company had placed an aggregate of 498,500,000 ordinary shares and the net proceeds from the placing of shares were approximately HK$96 million. The proceeds have been utilized for the investment in the stem cell business and general working capital of the Group. We consider that the placing can strengthen the capital base of the Company and enhance the liquidity position for our future business developments.
I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all our shareholders, customers and business partners who have been offering their support, confidence and encouragement to us. Not to mention the great devotion, diligence and effort of the management and the members of staff who tirelessly committed themselves in striving for improvements of the Group. With all these supports remain, we shall continue to explore means to improve the Group’s performance and provide investment returns to the investors.
Lam Kuo
Hong Kong, 27 June 2013
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
During the year under review, the Group recorded a turnover of approximately HK$86,113,000 (2012: HK$71,727,000), representing an increase of 20% as compared to last year. The new stem cell technology business line was commenced and began to contribute its turnover to the Group in November 2012.The administrative and other operating expenses for the year amounted to approximately HK$78,432,000 (2012: HK$36,874,000), which included a non-cash expenses of HK$5,671,000 (2012: HK$5,672,000) relating to the share-based payments to certain consultants of the Company. The increase of administrative and other operating expenses was mainly due to the increment of the staff salaries and allowances, operating lease rentals expenses in respect of the new business line in Hong Kong and the branch office in PRC and professional fee for the Acquisition of 159 Group.
During the year under review, the Group recorded an impairment loss of goodwill in relation to the Acquisition of 159 Group of approximately HK$28,205,000. Details of which are set out in the Note 31 of this report.
The loss attributable to the owners of the Company for the year was approximately HK$35,614,000 (2012: HK$28,448,000) and the loss per share was 1.19 HK cents (2012: 1.25 HK cents).Stem Cell Technology Business
The turnover of stem cell technology business for the year amounted to approximately HK$1,850,000 which accounted for
2.1% of the Group’s turnover and recorded a segmental loss of approximately HK$18,857,000 mainly from the administrative and other operating expenses.
159 Anti-Aging Center
On 18 September 2012, the Group had successfully completed the Acquisition of 159 Group. 159 Group possesses the user rights of the Stem Cell Technology. Such technology has been applied for the patent and is presently pending approval. 159 Group is principally engaged in the anti-aging applications and relevant service and has commenced its operation in November 2012. The details of the 159 Group’s assets acquired and liabilities recognized at the date of acquisition (the “Acquisition Date ”) are set out in the Note 31 of this report.業務及財務回顧於回顧年度,本集團錄得營業額約86,113,000港元(二零一二年:71,727,000港元),較去年增加20%。新幹細胞技術業務於二零一二年十一月展開,並開始為本集團之營業額帶來貢獻。本年度之行政及其他經營開支約為78,432,000港元(二零一二年:36,874,000港元),其中包括一筆為數5,671,000港元(二零一二年:5,672,000港元)之非現金費用,涉及付予本公司若干顧問以股份為基礎之付款。行政及其他經營開支增加,主要由於員工薪金和津貼、與香港新業務範圍及中國分支辦事處有關之經營租賃租金開支以及收購159集團之專業費用增加。於回顧年度,本集團就收購159集團錄得商譽減值虧損約28,205,000港元。有關詳情載於本報告附註31。本年度之本公司擁有人應佔虧損約為35,614,000港元(二零一二年:28,448,000港元),而每股虧損為1.19港仙(二零一二年:1.25港仙)。幹細胞技術業務年內,幹細胞技術業務之營業額約為1,850,000港元,佔本集團營業額2.1%,並錄得分類虧損約18,857,000港元,主要來自行政及其他經營開支。159抗衰老中心於二零一二年九月十八日,本集團成功完成收購159集團。159集團擁有幹細胞技術之使用權。有關技術已申請註冊專利,該等申請正待審批。159集團主要從事抗衰老應用及相關服務,並已於二零一二年十一月開始營運。有關於收購日期(「收購日期」)所收購及所確認159集團資產及負債之詳情載於本報告附註31。
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
7ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ? 年報應用幹細胞技術進行抗衰老為一項嶄新服務。本集團已開設抗衰老中心及幹細胞處理中心,推廣及應用幹細胞技術。在試運年內,159集團自收購日期起分別錄得營業額及虧損1,850,000港元及約13,970,000港元。本集團應佔虧損約為7,125,000港元。虧損主要來自員工及相關成本以及租金開支。本集團將致力推廣抗衰老應用及相關服務,並將繼續嘗試擴闊客戶基礎。根據日期分別為二零一二年九月四日及二零一二年九月六日之買賣協議及補充契據(「該協議」),總代價195,000,000港元(「代價」)可作代價調整,有關安排將鼓勵增慧控股有限公司「增慧」)達致除息、稅、折舊和攤銷前之目標利潤(「目標EBITDA 」)。鑑於現有發展計劃、經濟及行業環境,董事仍有信心可達致目標EBITDA 。生物醫學及生命科學(「生物醫學及生命科學」)於本年度,本集團透過生物醫學及生命科學之平台,於香港及澳門有權獨家進口、營銷、分銷及出售生命科學及生物醫學產品訂立若干分銷協議。本集團已於二零一三年四月展開業務營運。於本期間,生物醫學及生命科學並無錄得任何收益,惟錄得來自租金開支及行政開支之虧損4,887,000港元。本集團將繼續多元化發展幹細胞及相關產品,從而鞏固市場地位。銷售保健產品年內,保健產品之營業額約為17,146,000港元(二零一二年:14,904,000港元),佔本集團營業額19.9%(二零一二年:20.8%)。此分類錄得虧損約92,000港元(二零一二年:147,000港元)。
The anti-aging application with the Stem Cell Technology is a fairly new service. The Group has opened an anti-aging center and a stem cell processing center to promote and apply the Stem Cell Technology. During the pilot operation for the year, 159 Group recorded the turnover of HK$1,850,000 and the loss of approximately HK$13,970,000 respectively since the Acquisition Date. The loss attributable to the Group was approximately HK$7,125,000. The loss was mainly from the staff and related cost as well as rental expenses. The Group will increase its effort to promote the anti-aging application and related service and will continue to attempt to broaden the customer base.
Pursuant to the sale and purchase agreement and the supplemental deed dated 4 September 2012 and 6 September 2012 respectively (the “Agreement ”), the aggregated consideration of HK$195 million (the “Consideration ”) will be subject to the Consideration adjustments and such arrangement will encourage Add Talent Holdings Limited (“Add Talent ”) to achieve the target earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization (the “Target EBITDA ”). In view of the current development plan, economic and industry environment, the Directors still have confidence that the Target EBITDA can be achieved.
Biomedical And Life Sciences (“BALS”)
During the year, the Group entered into certain distribution agreements in relation to the exclusive right to import, market, distribute and sell the life sciences and biomedical products in Hong Kong and Macau through our BALS platform. The Group has commenced its business operation in April 2013. During the period, BALS had no revenue and recorded a loss of HK$4,887,000 mainly from the rental expenses and administrative expenses. The Group will continue to persify our stem cell and related products to strengthen our market position.
Sale of Healthcare Products
The turnover of healthcare products for the year amounted to approximately HK$17,146,000 (2012: HK$14,904,000) which accounted for 19.9% (2012: 20.8%) of the Group’s turnover. This segment recorded a loss of approximately HK$92,000 (2012: HK$147,000).
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
8HONG KONG LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED ? 香港生命科學技術集團有限公司銷售電子部件及棉紗年內,電子部件及棉紗之營業額約為20,156,000港元(二零一二年:18,560,000港元),佔本集團營業額23.4%(二零一二年:25.9%)。此分類錄得虧損約3,605,000港元(二零一二年:溢利28,000港元)。殯葬及相關業務年內,殯葬及相關業務之營業額約為46,961,000港元(二零一二年:38,263,000港元),佔本集團營業額54.6%(二零一二年:53.3%)。此分類錄得虧損淨額約為1,754,000港元(二零一二年:7,582,000港元)。殯葬及相關業務於過去數個年度錄得負數業績,本集團將採取高度審慎態度管理該業務,並會於短期內加緊監控措施。然而,墓園公司之營運主要倚重當地管理團隊及市場之週期性質。該等業務於不久將來亦未必能夠展現理想增長潛力,而本公司並無計劃進一步投資於殯葬及相關業務。
Sale of Electronic Components and Cotton Yarn The turnover of electronic components and cotton yarn for the year amounted to approximately HK$20,156,000 (2012: HK$18,560,000) which accounted for 23.4% (2012: 25.9%) of the Group’s turnover. This segment recorded a loss of approximately HK$3,605,000 (2012: profit HK$28,000).Funeral and Related Businesses
The turnover of funeral and related businesses for the year amounted to approximately HK$46,961,000 (2012: HK$38,263,000) which accounted for 54.6% (2012: 53.3%) of the Group’s turnover. This segment recorded a loss of approximately HK$1,754,000 (2012: HK$7,582,000).
The funeral and related businesses had recorded negative results in the past few years, the Group will take a very cautious approach to manage it and implement a tighter control in the near future. However, the operation of cemetery companies is mostly relying on the local management teams and the cyclical nature of the market. These businesses may not be able to demonstrate promising growth potential in the near future and the Company has no plan to make further investment in the funeral and related businesses.Loan Receivables
As at 31 March 2013, the Company had loan receivables of approximately HK$57,329,000 (2012: HK$30,400,000). During the year, the loan interest income from the loan receivables were approximately HK$7,045,000 (2012: HK$276,000). There is no default in repayment and no provision for the impairment of loan receivable was made during the year.Securities Investments
As at 31 March 2013, the Company had held-for-trading investments of approximately HK$62,876,000 (2012: HK$43,258,000). During the year under review, the Company recorded a gain on disposal of held-for-trading investments of approximately HK$590,000 (2012: HK$311,000) and a gain on fair value changes of held-for-trading investments of approximately HK$7,319,000 (2012: HK$5,866,000). The Company had not recorded a loss on disposal of available-for-sale investments during the year (2012: HK$19,881,000).
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
9ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ? 年報前景二零一三年全球經濟環境仍然充滿挑戰及不明朗。董事會將不斷檢討本集團之策略及營運,務求改善業務表現及提升股東回報。於收購159集團完成後,董事會擬集中發展幹細胞技術業務,並將物色其他投資機會,從而擴大其投資組合,並作多元化業務發展(如適用)。流動資金及財務資源於二零一三年三月三十一日,本集團之流動資產淨額約為207,758,000港元(二零一二年:212,123,000港元),而現金及銀行結餘則約為29,157,000港元(二零一二年:108,931,000港元)。本年度之銀行借貸約為35,910,000港元(二零一二年:18,504,000港元),而利息開支則約為2,582,000港元(二零一二年:1,171,000港元)。本集團之資產負債比率(即總負債相對總資產之比率)約為32.9%(二零一二年:32.3%)。資本架構於二零一二年四月一日,本公司已發行股本有2,492,786,138股股份。根據一般授權配售新股份於二零一二年六月二十七日,本公司與金利豐證券有限公司(「配售代理」)訂立配售協議,據此,本公司有條件同意透過配售代理盡最大努力按每股配售股份0.20港元之價格配售最多498,500,000股新股份(「配售」)。配售之所得款項淨額約為96,100,000港元,已用作投資於幹細胞技術業務及本集團之一般營運資金。配售已於二零一二年七月十八日完成。有關配售之詳情已於本公司日期為二零一二年六月二十七日、二零一二年七月四日及二零一二年七月十八日之公告內披露。就收購159集團發行代價股份誠如於二零一二年九月十八日所披露者,本公司已於完成收購159集團時發行及配發300,666,667股代價股份予賣方之代名人。於二零一三年三月三十一日,本公司已發行股本有3,291,952,805股股份。
The global economic environment remains challenging and uncertain for the year 2013. The Board will constantly keep reviewing the Group’s strategies and operations with a view to improve its business performance and shareholders returns. After completion of the Acquisition of 159 Group, the Board intends to concentrate our attention in the stem cell technology business and will explore other investment opportunities to expand and persify its business portfolios if applicable.
As at 31 March 2013, the Group had net current assets approximately HK$207,758,000 (2012: HK$212,123,000) and the cash and bank balances was approximately HK$29,157,000 (2012: HK$108,931,000). The bank borrowing was approximately HK$35,910,000 (2012: HK$18,504,000) and the interest expenses for the year were approximately HK$2,582,000 (2012: HK$1,171,000). The gearing ratio of the Group, being the ratio of total liabilities to total assets, was approximately 32.9% (2012: 32.3%).
As at 1 April 2012, the issued share capital of the Company was 2,492,786,138 shares.
Placing of New Shares Under General Mandate On 27 June 2012, the Company and Kingston Securities Limited (the “Placing Agent ”) entered into a placing agreement, pursuant to which the Company had conditionally agreed to place, through the Placing Agent on a best effort basis, a maximum of 498,500,000 new shares at a price of HK$0.20 per placing share (the “Placing ”). The net proceeds of approximately HK$96,100,000 from the Placing have been utilized for the investment in the stem cell technology business and the general working capital of the Group. The Placing was completed on 18 July 2012. Details of the Placing were disclosed in the Company’s announcements dated 27 June 2012, 4 July 2012 and 18 July 2012.
Issurance of the Consideration Shares for the Acquisition of 159 Group
As disclosed on 18 September 2012, the Company had issued and allotted 300,666,667 consideration shares to vendor’s nominees upon completion of the Acquisition of 159 Group.
As at 31 March 2013, the issued share capital of the Company was 3,291,952,805 Shares.
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
於二零一二年十月三十一日,本公司之英文及中文名稱分別更改為「Hong Kong Life Sciences and Technologies Group Limited 」及「香港生命科學技術集團有限公司」。
(a) 已悉數以現金向增慧支付30,000,000港元;(b)
(c) 就於二零一二年十月一日起至二零一三年十二月三十一日止期間(「保證期A 」)之目標EBITDA 而言,本公司將透過向增慧發行及配發51,000,000股代價股份之方式支付15,300,000港元;
Change of Company name
On 31 October 2012, the English and Chinese name of the Company has been changed to “Hong Kong Life Sciences and Technologies Group Limited” and “香港生命科學技術集團有限公司” respectively.
Discloseable Transactions
Sale and purchase agreement in relation to stem cell technology business
The Agreement was entered into between the Company, Add Talent, Dr. Lin Xiongbin (“Dr. Lin ”), Mr. Deng Jun Jie (“Mr. Deng ”) and 159 Regenerative Medicine Group (H.K.) Limited for the Acquisition of 159 Group at the Consideration (subject to adjustments). On 18 September 2012, the Group had successfully completed the Acquisition of 159 Group. The Consideration were satisfied by HK$30,000,000 in cash and a maximum of 550,000,000 Consideration Shares to be allotted and issued by the Company to Add Talent, which 300,666,667 Consideration Shares were allotted and issued by the Company to Add Talent’s nominees on the Acquisition Date. Details of the Acquisition of 159 Group were disclosed in the Company’s announcements dated 4 September 2012, 6 September 2012, 11 September 2012 and 18 September 2012.
Pursuant to the Agreement, the aggregated consideration of HK$195 million had been/will be satisfied by the following manner:(a) HK$30,000,000 in cash was fully paid to Add Talent;(b)
HK$90,200,000 by means of 300,666,667 Consideration Shares were issued and allotted by the Company to Add Talent upon completion;(c)
HK$15,300,000 by means of 51,000,000 Consideration Shares to be issued and allotted by the Company to Add Talent in relation to the Target. EBITDA for the period from 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2013 (the “Guaranteed Period A ”);
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
11ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ? 年報(d) 倘於二零一四年一月一日起至二零一四年十二月三十一日止期間(「保證期B 」)之EBITDA 不少於目標EBITDA (即25,500,000港元),本公司將就EBITDA 透過向增慧發行及配發85,000,000股代價股份之方式支付25,500,000港元;及(e) 本公司將於發生以下事項時透過向增慧發行及配發113,333,333股代價股份之方式支付34,000,000港元:(i) 林博士成功向中國專利局申請專利(國際申請第PCT/CN2011/000829號)而林博士獲授有關專利,及林博士與香港159抗衰老中心有限公司(前稱香港幹細胞抗衰老醫學研究所有限公司)就幹細胞技術之使用權許可證所訂立之許可證契據(「許可證契據」)下之使用權仍具十足效力,且林博士概無違反許可證契據;或(ii) 於保證期A 及保證期B 實際達成之累計EBITDA 不少於25,500,000港元。
(d) HK$25,500,000 by means of 85,000,000 Consideration Shares to be issued and allotted by the Company to
Add Talent in relation to the EBITDA if the EBITDA is not
less than the Target EBITDA of HK$25,500,000 for the
period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014 (the
“Guaranteed Period B ”); and
(e) HK$34,000,000 by means of 113,333,333 Consideration Shares to be issued and allotted by the Company to Add
Talent credited as fully paid upon either:
(i) an application of Dr. Lin for a patent to the State
Intellectual Property Office of the PRC (International
Application No. PCT/CN2011/000829) being
successful and Dr. Lin being granted such patent; and
the user right under the licence deed (the “Licence
Deed ”), which was entered between Dr. Lin and 159
Anti-Aging Center (H.K.) Limited (formerly known as
Institute of Anti-Aging Medical Research on Stem
Cells (Hong Kong) Limited) regarding a licence for the
user right of the Stem Cell Technology, remaining
fully effective without breach by Dr. Lin of the Licence
Deed; or
(ii) the actual accumulative EBITDA achieved for
Guaranteed Period A and Guaranteed Period B being
not less than HK$25,500,000.
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
12HONG KONG LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED ? 香港生命科學技術集團有限公司有關成立合營企業,以設立及營運研究中心之框架協議於二零一三年二月八日,本公司之直接全資附屬公司Elite Charm Investments Limited (「Elite Charm 」)與同濟大學轉化醫學高等研究院、同濟大學附屬東方醫院、中國科學院上海高等研究院及聯兆幹細胞科技(上海)有限公司(統稱「訂約各方」)訂立框架協議(「框架協議」)。根據框架協議,訂約各方擬成立合營企業(「合營企業」),以設立及營運研究中心(「研究中心」)研究幹細胞科學技術,將幹細胞研究成果轉化為臨床及商業用途。Elite Charm 將向合營企業提供資金投資最多人民幣60,000,000元,將以本公司之內部資源以現金支付,以供翻新相關物業、收購設備及設施以及研究中心營運之用。Elite Charm 亦將為合營企業及研究中心提供管理服務。其他訂約各方將主要投入以下一項或多項貢獻:資金投資、物業、研究知識及經驗、人力資源、聲譽及支付員工薪酬。有關框架協議之詳情已於本公司日期為二零一三年二月八日之公告內披露。於本報告日期,框架協議仍未完成。
Framework agreement in relation to establish a joint venture to set up and operate a research centre On 8 February 2013, Elite Charm Investments Limited (“Elite Charm ”), a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a framework agreement (the “Framework Agreement ”) with Tongji University Advanced Institute of Translational Medicine, 同濟大學附屬東方醫院 (Tongji University Affiliated Oriental Hospital*), Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and 聯兆幹細胞科技(上海)有限公司 (Lianzhao Stem Cells Technology (Shanghai) Company Limited*) (collectively, the “Parties ”). Pursuant to the Framework Agreement, the Parties intend to establish a joint venture (the “JV ”) to set up and operate a research centre (the “Research Centre ”) to conduct research in stem cell science and technology in transforming stem cell research results into clinical and commercial use.
Elite Charm would provide the JV with capital investment up to RMB60,000,000 payable in cash from the internal resources of the Company for the purpose of renovation of the related premises, acquisition of equipment and facilities and operation of the Research Centre. Elite Charm would also provide management service to the JV and the Research Centre. The other Parties would contribute mainly one or more of the following: capital investment, premises, research knowledge and experience, human resources, reputation and payment of staff remuneration.Details of the Framework Agreement were disclosed in the Company’s announcement dated 8 February 2013.
As at the date of this report, the Framework Agreement has still not yet been completed.
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
13ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ? 年報有關收購高門集團有限公司之收購協議於二零一三年三月二十八日,本公司與楊國峰先生(「楊先生」)訂立收購協議(「GAGL 收購」)。根據GAGL 收購,本公司有條件同意購買而楊先生有條件同意出售1股面值1.00美元之普通股,即於英屬處女群島註冊成立之公司高門集團有限公司(「GAGL 」,該公司獲授五項專利之獨家許可)之全部已發行股本及GAGL 於完成GAGL 收購日期結欠楊先生之所有款項(不論本金、利息或其他),總代價為62,000,000港元,並將以本公司之內部資源以現金支付。有關代價須於簽署GAGL 收購時支付36,600,000港元、於簽署GAGL 收購後14個營業日內支付10,000,000港元及於不遲於完成GAGL 收購當日後三個月內支付15,400,000港元。鑑於本集團擴展其於香港及中國之現有業務,本公司擬將五項專利進行商業化。有關GAGL 收購之詳情已於本公司日期為二零一三年三月二十八日之公告內披露。於本報告日期,收購GAGL 仍未完成。其他交易於回顧年度,本集團與其他訂約方訂立諒解備忘錄、轉讓及承擔契據以及分銷協議。有關詳情載列如下:諒解備忘錄於二零一二年十一月十一日,本公司之直接全資附屬公司生命科學技術集團有限公司(「LST 集團」)與Life Length, S.L.(「Life Length 」,主要從事高度精密專利體外診斷測試端粒)訂立無法律約束力之諒解備忘錄(「諒解備忘錄」)。根據諒解備忘錄,投資者可能收購Life Length 約38%股權,代價約為9,000,000美元。Life Length 可能與投資者組成合營企業,以分別於香港及中國各成立一間實驗室。
Acquisition agreement in relation to the acquisition of
Gold Arch Group Limited
On 28 March 2013, the Company entered into an acquisition agreement (the “Acquisition of GAGL ”) with Mr. Yang Guofeng (“Mr. Yang ”). Pursuant to the Acquisition of GAGL, the Company conditionally agreed to purchase and Mr. Yang conditionally agreed to sell 1 ordinary share of US$1.00 each, representing the entire issued share capital of Gold Arch Group Limited, a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (the “GAGL ”), which has been granted exclusive licences on the five patents, and all amounts (whether principal, interest or otherwise) which GAGL owes to Mr. Yang as at the date of completion of the Acquisition of GAGL at a total consideration of HK$62,000,000 payable in cash from the internal resources of the Company. Such consideration shall be satisfied by HK$36,600,000 payable at the execution of the Acquisition of GAGL, HK$10,000,000 payable within 14 business days after the execution of the Acquisition of GAGL and HK$15,400,000 payable no later than 3 months after the date of completion of the Acquisition of GAGL.
The Company intends to commercialise the five patents with a view to expand the Group’s existing business in Hong Kong and the PRC.
Details of the Acquisition of GAGL were disclosed in the Company’s announcement dated 28 March 2013.
As at the date of this report, the acquisition of the GAGL has still not yet been completed.
Other Transactions
During the year under review, the Group has entered a memorandum of understanding, a deed of assignment and assumption, and a distribution agreement with other parties. Details of them are show as following:
Memorandum of Understanding
On 11 November 2012, Life Sciences and Technologies Group Limited (the “LST Group ”), a direct wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a non-legally binding memorandum of understanding (the “MoU ”) with Life Length, S.L. (“Life Length ”), which is principally engaged in the highly sophisticated and patented in-vitro diagnostic testing of telomeres. Pursuant to the MoU, the Investor may acquire an approximately 38% equity stake in Life Length for a consideration of approximately US$9 million. Life Length may form a joint venture with the Investor to establish one laboratory in Hong Kong and another in the PRC.
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
14HONG KONG LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED ? 香港生命科學技術集團有限公司於二零一二年十一月十六日,LST 集團向Life Length 授出一筆為數300,000美元之貸款融資,須於二零一三年十一月十六日或之前償還,年利率為8厘。然而,於二零一三年二月十六日或之前,投資者有權以書面通知Life Length ,將貸款融資(連同應計利息)轉換為相當於Life Length 全部已發行股本1.267%之Life Length 普通股。諒解備忘錄於二零一三年一月屆滿,而LST 集團並無行使將貸款融資轉換為Life Length 普通股之權利。Life Length 須於二零一三年十一月十六日或之前償還貸款融資及其利息。有關諒解備忘錄之詳情已於本公司日期為二零一二年十一月十九日之公告內披露。轉讓及承擔契據本公司、伊頓有限公司(「伊頓」,為本公司之關連人士,由本公司旗下五家全資附屬公司之董事唐卓豐先生持有其全部已發行股本100%)與MEDIPOST Co., LTD.(「MEDIPOST 」)訂立日期為二零一三年一月十一日之轉讓及承擔契據(「轉讓及承擔契據」),內容有關伊頓以零代價向本公司轉讓其於分銷協議(「產品分銷協議」,為伊頓與MEDIPOST 所訂立日期為二零一二年十一月二日之協議,內容有關(其中包括)分銷CARTISTEM ?製成品)項下之權利及責任。有關轉讓及承擔契據以及產品分銷協議之詳情已於本公司日期為二零一三年一月十五日之公告內披露。分銷協議於二零一三年二月二十五日,本公司之間接全資附屬公司LST Operating Limited (「LST 」)與Telome Health Inc.(「Telome 」)訂立分銷協議(「Telome 分銷協議」)。根據Telome 分銷協議,Telome 委任LST 為香港及澳門之獨家Telome 分銷商,於香港及澳門分銷從唾液樣本及╱或血液樣本收集人類DNA 之ORAGENE ?Dx 測試工具,用以釐定端粒長度及進行測試(「產品」)。
On 16 November 2012, LST Group granted Life Length a loan facility of US$0.3 million repayable on or before 16 November 2013 at an annual interest rate of 8%. However, on or before 16 February 2013, the Investor has the right by written notice to Life Length to convert the loan facility (together with accrued interest) into ordinary shares of Life Length as representing 1.267% of the total issued share capital of Life Length.The MoU was expired in January 2013 and LST Group has not exercised its right to convert the loan facility into ordinary shares of Life Length. The loan facility and its interest shall be refunded by Life Length on or before 16 November 2013.
Details of the MoU were disclosed in the Company’s announcement dated 19 November 2012.
Deed of Assignment and Assumption
A deed of assignment and assumption (the “Deed of Assignment and Assumption ”) dated 11 January 2013 entered into between the Company, ETON CORPORATION LIMITED (“ETON ”), a connected person of the Company by virtue of 100% of its entire issued share capital being held by Mr. Tong Cheuk Fung, a director of the Company’s five wholly-owned subsidiaries, and MEDIPOST Co., LTD. (“MEDIPOST ”) in relation to the assigning by ETON to the Company of its rights and obligations under a distribution agreement (the “DA of Product ”) dated 2 November 2012 entered into between ETON and MEDIPOST in relation to, inter alia, the distribution of the finished product of CARTISTEM ? at nil consideration.
Details of the Deed of Assignment and Assumption and the DA of Product were disclosed in the Company’s announcement dated 15 January 2013.
Distribution Agreement
On 25 February 2013, LST Operating Limited (“LST ”), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a distribution agreement (the “DA of Telome ”) with Telome Health Inc. (“Telome ”). Pursuant to the DA of Telome, Telome appointed LST as exclusive distributor for Telome in Hong Kong and Macau to distribute the ORAGENE?Dx test kit for the collection of human DNA from saliva samples and/or blood samples for use in determining telomere length and the test (the “Product ”) in Hong Kong and Macau.
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
15ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ? 年報LST 已向Telome 支付為數150,000美元之初步付款,有關款項不可退回,惟將計作LST 於初步期間就產品之購買價向Telome 作出之任何付款。Telome 將對LST 指定及決定用作進行Telo Test 之實驗室進行調查及驗證,該實驗室可由LST 或一名第三方設置。接獲Telome 之驗證證書後,LST 將須向Telome 支付650,000美元之驗證款項,有關款項不可退回及不可用作抵免。有關Telome 分銷協議之詳情已於本公司日期為二零一三年二月二十七日之公告內披露。外匯風險本集團賺獲之收益及承擔之成本以港元、美元及人民幣為主,故認為外匯風險對本集團之影響甚微。集團資產抵押於二零一三年三月三十一日,本集團並無任何重大資產抵押(二零一二年:無)。僱員資料於二零一三年三月三十一日,本集團於香港及中國合共聘用156名(二零一二年:133名)全職員工。本年度之僱員薪酬總額(包括董事酬金及退休福利)約為24,031,000港元(二零一二年:10,050,000港元)。本集團乃根據僱員之表現、資歷、經驗及當時行業慣例釐定薪酬。或然負債於二零一三年三月三十一日,本集團並無任何重大或然負債(二零一二年:無)。
LST had paid to Telome an initial payment in the amount of US$150,000, which is a non-refundable, but is creditable against any payments payable by LST to Telome for the purchase price for the Product during the initial period. Telome shall conduct an inspection and validation of a laboratory designed by LST which LST decides to use to run the Telo Test and which may be set up by LST or by a third party. After receipt of Telome’s validation certificate, LST shall pay to Telome a validation payment in the amount of US$650,000 in non-refundable and non-creditable basis.
Details of the DA of Telome were disclosed in the Company’s announcement dated 27 February 2013.
The Group mainly earns revenue and incurs costs in Hong Kong dollars, United Stated dollars and Renminbi and considers that the impact of foreign exchange exposure of the Group is minimal.CHARGE OF GROUP ASSETS
As at 31 March 2013, the Group did not have any material charge on assets (2012: Nil).
As at 31 March 2013, the Group employed a total of 156 (2012: 133) full-time employees in Hong Kong and the PRC. During the year, the total remuneration to employees, including Directors’ emoluments and retirement benefits amounted to approximately HK$24,031,000 (2012: HK$10,050,000). The Group remunerates its employees based on their performance, qualification, experience and the prevailing industry practice.
As at 31 March 2013, the Group did not have any material contingent liabilities (2012: Nil).
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析
16HONG KONG LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED ? 香港生命科學技術集團有限公司報告期後事項有關收購位於深圳之一項物業之收購協議於二零一三年五月二十七日,本公司之間接全資附屬公司深圳市康大生科貿易有限公司(作為買方)、深圳市舜興物流有限公司(作為賣方)與季宏先生及深圳市滿琛實業發展有限公司(作為保證人)訂立收購協議(「深圳物業協議」),內容有關收購位於深圳之一項物業。代價為每平方米人民幣14,000元,根據建築面積2,400平方米計算,總代價為人民幣33,600,000元,惟有待最終結算。有關代價以本公司之內部資源以現金支付,人民幣23,520,000元須於簽訂深圳物業協議日期起計7日內支付。人民幣6,720,000元須於有關機構通過竣工驗收日期起計3日內支付,而餘額須於向買方發出相關房地產權證日期起計3日內支付。本公司擬將該物業用作買方經營中國業務之辦公室。有關深圳物業協議詳情已於本公司日期為二零一三年五月二十七日之公告內披露。於本報告日期,收購位於深圳之一項物業仍未完成。
EVENT AFTER REPORTING PERIOD Acquisition agreement in relation to the
acquisition of a property in Shenzhen
On 27 May 2013, 深圳市康大生科貿易有限公司 (Bio Technology Trading Company Limited*), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (as the purchaser), 深圳市舜興物流有限公司 (Shenzhen Shunxing Logistics Company Limited*) (as the vendor) and Mr. Ji Hong and 深圳市滿琛實業發展有限公司 (Shenzhen Manchen Real Estate Development Company Limited*) (as the guarantors) entered into an acquisition agreement (the “SZ Property Agreement ”) in relation to the acquisition of a property in Shenzhen. The consideration will be calculated at RMB14,000 per square metre and is RMB33,600,000 in total based on a gross floor area of 2,400 square metres which will be subject to final determination. Such consideration is payable in cash from the internal resources of the Company and shall be satisfied by RMB23,520,000 payable within 7 days from the date of execution of the SZ Property Agreement, RMB6,720,000 payable within 3 days from the date of passing of the completion inspection by the relevant authorities and the balance payable within 3 days from the date of the issue of the relevant 房地產權證 (land and building title certificates*) to the purchaser. The Company intends that the property be used as the purchaser’s office for its operation in the PRC.
Details of the SZ Property Agreement were disclosed in the Company’s announcement dated 27 May 2013.
As at the date of this report, the acquisition of a property in Shenzhen has still not yet been completed.
* These are English translations of Chinese names or words which are included for reader’s convenience only and should not be
regarded as the official English translation of such Chinese names
or words. If there is any inconsistency between the Chinese names
or words and their English translations, the Chinese names or
words shall prevail.
Profile of Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層簡介
Mr. Jiang Hongqing (“Mr. Jiang”), aged 45, was appointed as
the executive Director and the vice chairman of the Board on 1
December 2012. Mr. Jiang holds a Ph.D. in Engineering majoring
in Architectural Design and Theory from South China University
of Technology. He also holds a Master of Engineering Degree
majoring in Landscape Architecture Design and a Bachelor of
Engineering Degree majoring in Urban Planning from Chongqing
Institute of Architecture and Engineering. Mr. Jiang had also been
studied in Ecole d’Architecture Paris-la-Seine in Paris, France. He
is a Professorate Senior Urban Planner and a Certified Planner
of the People’s Republic of China. In addition, Mr. Jiang was also
the member of 城市生態規劃建設學術委員會 (City Ecological
Planning and Construction Academic Committee, being its
unofficial English translation) of the Urban Planning Society of
China and also was a consultant of 雲南省麗江城市規劃建設及
古城保護 (Urban Planning Construction and Protection of Ancient
City of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, being its unofficial English
translation). He has extensive experience in planning design,
architectural design, landscape architecture design, planning
management and project planning. Mr. Jiang was the executive
director of Birmingham International Holdings Limited (stock
code: 2309) from 30 August 2011 to 20 January 2012.
Mr. Lu Zhiqiang (“Mr. Lu”), aged 38, was appointed as
the executive Director and the chief executive officer of the
Company on 30 September 2011. Mr. Lu is also the compliance
officer, the authorized representative and the directors of various
subsidiaries of the Company. He holds a Master of Business
Administration Degree from Central State University of the
United States of America and a Bachelor Degree in Engineering
and a Bachelor Degree in Industry from Nanchang Hangkong
University. Mr. Lu used to learning a Master of Science Degree
from the International Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
Audencia NANTES.Ecole de Management. He is the leadership
development chairperson of Lions Club in Shenzhen. Mr. Lu has
many years experience in management and investment. He was
the managing director of Chin Mining Investment Co., Ltd.董事執行董事姜洪慶先生(「姜先生」),45歲,於二零一二年十二月一日獲委任為執行董事兼董事會副主席。姜先生持有華南理工大學建築設計及其理論專業工學博士學位,彼亦持有重慶建築工程學院風景園林規劃與設計專業工學碩士學位以及城市規劃專業工學學士學位。姜先生亦曾留學於法國巴黎 — 塞納建築學院。彼為城市規劃高級工程師(教授級)及中華人民共和國註冊城市規劃師。此外,姜先生亦曾任中國城市規劃學會之城市生態規劃建設學術委員會委員及雲南省麗江城市規劃建設及古城保護顧問。彼擁有城市規劃、建築設計、風景園林規劃與設計及專案策劃與管理之豐富經驗。姜先生曾於二零一一年八月三十日至二零一二年一月二十日,於伯明翰環球控股有限公司(股份代號:2309)任執行董事。盧志強先生(「盧先生」),38歲,於二零一一年九月三十日獲委任為執行董事兼本公司行政總裁。盧先生亦為本公司之監察主任、授權代表及多間附屬公司之董事。彼持有美國中央城大學頒授之工商管理學碩士學位及由南昌航空大學頒授之工程學及工業工程學學士學位。盧先生曾就讀於法國南特歐當斯亞高等商業管理學院國際採購與供應鏈管理之理學碩士專業。彼現任深圳獅子會領導才能學院主席。盧先生具有多年企業管理及投資經驗。彼曾擔任秦北礦業投資有限公司之董事長。
Profile of Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層簡介
18HONG KONG LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED ? 香港生命科學技術集團有限公司蔡達先生(「蔡先生」),38歲,於二零一一年九月三十日獲委任為本公司之執行董事。蔡先生亦為本公司某些附屬公司之董事。彼畢業於湖南科技大學建築工程本科專業。蔡先生現為中國天然投資有限公司(股份代號:8250)之執行董事及副主席。彼現時亦為深圳市寶礦投資發展有限公司之董事長、京嘉國際投資有限公司之董事局副主席及深圳市商業聯合會副會長。
朱漢邦先生(「朱先生」),63歲,於二零零七年十月九日加盟本公司擔任執行董事,並於二零零八年一月二十一日獲委任為董事會副主席。其後於二零零八年十二月二十九日朱先生獲調任為執行董事兼董事會主席。於二零一二年十一月三十日彼辭任董事會主席但仍繼續留任執行董事。朱先生持有美國新澤西州史蒂文斯理工學院之工商管理碩士學位。彼現任美國夢幻娛樂集團之主席。彼之業務覆蓋在中國、香港及台灣之房地產及石油產品貿易等業務。朱先生在中國、香港、台灣、越南及美國工作逾三十年,具有直接投資、國際貿易、製造業及工商管理經驗。彼曾任兆亞投資集團有限公司,羅勃米勒先生之私人助理,並獲委任為旗下一家上市公司及於中國及香港數間機構之行政總裁及主席。於八十年代初期,朱先生曾獲委任為一家於中國深圳合資企業,華美鋼鐵廠之廠長。於九十年代,彼為越南免稅店之始創人。朱先生現為天地數碼(控股)有限公司(股份代號:500)之獨立非執行董事。Mr. Cai Da (“Mr. Cai”), aged 38, was appointed as the
executive Director on 30 September 2011. Mr. Cai is also a
director of certain subsidiaries of the Company. He holds a
Civil Engineering Degree from Hunan University of Science
and Technology. Mr. Cai is an executive director and the vice
chairman of China Natural Investment Company Limited (stock
code: 8250). He is also a chairman of 深圳市寶礦投資發展有限
公司 (Shenzhen Bao Kuang Investment Development Company
Limited, being its unofficial English translation), the deputy
chairman of Jade’s International Investment Limited and the vice
president of Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Chu Hon Pong (“Mr. Chu”), aged 63, joined the Company
as the executive Director on 9 October 2007 and was appointed
as the vice-chairman of the Board on 21 January 2008. Mr.
Chu subsequently re-designated as the executive Director
and the chairman of the Board on 29 December 2008. He has
resigned as the chairman of the Company but remains as the
executive Director on 30 November 2012. Mr. Chu holds a Master
Degree in Business Administration from Stevens Institute of
Technology in New Jersey, the United States of America. He is
the chairman of American Dream Parks & Entertainment Group.
His businesses covered land and property development and
trade of petroleum in the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Mr. Chu
has over 30 years’ experience in direct investment, international
trade, manufacturing, business and industrial management in
the PRC, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam and the United States of
America. He has been the personal assistant to Mr. Robert Miller,
the chairman of Search Investment Holdings Limited and was
designated as chief executive officer and chairman to a listed
company and certain corporations in the PRC and Hong Kong. In
the early 80’s, Mr. Chu was appointed as the factory manager in
a joint venture steel factory, namely Sino Master Steel Company
Limited, in Shenzhen, the PRC. In the 90’s, he was the founder of
the duty free industry in Vietnam. Mr. Chu is an independent non-
executive director of DVN (Holdings) Limited (stock code: 500).
Profile of Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層簡介
19ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ? 年報崔光球先生(「崔先生」),46歲,於二零零九年十月十九日獲委任為本公司之非執行董事及其後於二零零九年十一月三十日獲調任為本公司之執行董事。崔先生亦為本公司之薪酬委員會成員、授權代表、於香港接收法律程序文件的代理人及多間附屬公司之董事。彼於會計及核數方面擁有逾十五年經驗,包括曾於其他上市公司積逾十年之經驗。崔先生為中國能源開發控股有限公司(股份代號:228)之執行董事及奧栢中國集團有限公司(股份代號:8148)之獨立非執行董事。李梅女士(「李女士」),33歲,於二零一二年九月二十一日獲委任為執行董事。李女士持有由美國約克大學頒發之工商管理碩士學位主修財務管理。彼於金融服務行業擁有豐富之工作經驗。根據證券及期貨條例,李女士為可進行第1類(證券交易)及第2類(期貨合約交易)受規管活動之持牌人士。非執行董事林戈女士(「林女士」),65歲,於二零一二年十二月一日獲委任為非執行董事兼董事會主席。林女士現於GOLDEN DRAGON INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT COMPANY LIMITED 任副總經理,亦為其股東。彼曾於中華國際控股有限公司(股份代號:1064)任非執行董事及非執行主席。林女士擁有逾二十七年於國內、香港及澳門地區營商之經驗。
Mr. Chui Kwong Kau (“Mr. Chui”), aged 46, was appointed as
the non-executive Director on 19 October 2009 and subsequently
re-designated as the executive Director on 30 November 2009.
Mr. Chui is also a member of the remuneration committee, the
authorized representative, the agent for the service of process
in Hong Kong and the directors of various subsidiaries of the
Company. He has over 15 years’ experience in accounting and
auditing fields including over 10 years’ experience in other
listed companies. Mr. Chui is an executive director of China
Energy Development Holdings Limited (stock code: 228) and an
independent non-executive director of Aurum Pacific (China)
Group Limited (stock code: 8148).
Ms. Li Mei (“Ms. Li”), aged 33, was appointed as the executive
Director on 21 September 2012. Ms. Li holds a degree of Master
of Business Administration in Financial Management from
York University, United States of America. She has extensive
experience in financial services business. Ms. Li is a licensed
person under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to carry
on type 1 (dealing in securities) and type 2 (dealing in futures
contracts) regulated activities.
Ms. Lam Kuo (“Ms. Lam”), aged 65, was appointed as the non-
executive Director and the chairman of the Board on 1 December
2012. Ms. Lam currently is the sub-director and the shareholder
LIMITED. She was the non-executive director and the non-
executive chairman of Zhong Hua International Holdings
Limited (stock code: 1064). Ms. Lam has over 27 years’ business
experience in the mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau region.
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