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2-1 A Sinking Feeling. 2-2 Creepy-crawly! 2-3 Hey Presto! 2-4 It's the Weather. 2-5 Monkey Tricks. 2-6 Naughty Children. 2-7 New Trees. 2-8 The Band. 2-9 The Little Dragon. 2-10 The Lost Puppy. 2-11 Up and Down. 2-12 Floppy's Bath. 2-13 Kipper's Balloon. 2-14 Kipper's Birthday. 2-15 Spots!

2-16 The Baby-sitter. 2-17 The Water Fight. 2-18 Biff's Aeroplane. 2-19 Floppy the Hero. 2-20 Kipper's Laces. 2-21 The Chase. 2-22 The Foggy Day. 2-23 The Wobbly Tooth. 2-24 A New Dog. 2-25 New Trainers. 2-26 The Dream. 2-27 The Go-Kart. 2-28 The Toy's Party. 2-29 What a Bad Dog!



2-1 A Sinking Feeling.

The children were in the pool. Wilma climbed on the duck. Wilf climbed on.

“Get on,” said Wilf. Chip climbed on.

“Get on,” said Chip. Biff climbed on. “Get on,” said Biff. Kipper climbed on.

“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper couldn’t get on. “Get on,” said everyone. Kipper climbed on. Oh no!

1. sinking[英] [?si?ki?] n. 沉没 v. (使)下沉, (使)沉没( sink的现在分

词 )

2. Wilma[?wilm?] n. 威尔玛(Wilhelmina 的昵称) 3. Wilf n.威尔夫

2-2 Creepy-crawly!

Wilma had a creepy-crawly. She put it in the bath. Wilma called Dad. “Get it out,” said Wilf. “Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Dad. Wilf called Mum. “Get it out,” said wilf. “Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Mum. Wilma called Chip. “Get it out,” said Wilf. “Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Chip . Wilf called Biff.

“Get it out,” said wilma. “Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper. “Get it out,” said Wilf. “Easy!” said Kipper.

4. creepy[英] [?kri:pi] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的;令人不寒而栗的;慢慢爬行的; 5. crawly[英] [?kr?:li] 1. 悚然的 6. creepy-crawly[英] [?kri:pi:?kr?:li:] n. 爬行的昆虫


2-3 Hey Presto!

The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them. A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena. She took Dad’s tie. She put it in a bag. She took Mum’s ear-ring. She put it in the bag.

She took Dad’s watch. She put it in the bag.

She took Dad on to the stage. She put the bag on Dad’s head. Sheena took a big box. She put Wilma inside. Sheena took her wand. “Hey presto!” she said. “Hey presto!” said Wilma.

7. conjurer[英] [?k?nd???, ?k?n-] n. 魔术师;巫师,行妖术者 8. Sheena[??i:n?] 1. 希娜 9. presto[英] [?prest??] adv. 说变就变(表示完成某事如变戏法般迅速容易)

2-4 It's the Weather.

The children were noisy.

The children were silly.

The children were messy. The children were untidy. “Oh dear!” said Mrs May. “It’s the weather.” The children were cross. The children were grumpy. The children were unhappy.

“Oh dear!” said Mrs May. “It’s the weather.” The sun was shining. The children were good. “What a day!” said Mrs May.

10. silly[英] [?sili] adj. 蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的 11. untidy[英] [?n?ta?di:] adj. 不整洁的,凌乱的;懒散的;不干净利落的,


12. grumpy[英] [?gr?mpi:] adj. 脾气坏的;性情粗暴的;脾气暴躁的;性情乖



2-5 Monkey Tricks.

The children went to the zoo.

They looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were tall.

They looked at the seals. The seals were hungry.

They looked at the crocodiles. The crocodiles were asleep. They looked at the parrots. The parrots were noisy. They looked at the elephants. The elephants were big. They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. They looked for Kipper. Kipper looked like a monkey.

13. crocodile[英] [?kr?k?dail] n. 鳄鱼;鳄鱼皮革;鳄类动物

2-6 Naughty Children.

Two children came.

They climbed on the furniture. They jumped on the sofa. They climbed up the curtains. They jumped on the bed. They climbed up the tree. They jumped on the flowers. “Oh no!” said Mum. Biff had an idea.

They climbed up the ladder. They jumped off the log. They climbed up the net. They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy. “What good children!” said Mum. The children went home.

14. naughty[英] [?n?:ti] adj. 顽皮的;不听话的;粗俗的;下流的

2-7 New Trees.

The children went to the park.


It was “Give a tree” week. Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave a tree. He put it by the shed. Chip gave a tree. He put it by the stream. Biff gave a tree. She put it by the pond. Wilf gave a tree. He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree. She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone. He put it in a hole.

“A funny tree,” said Chip. “A funny bone,” said Dad.

15. shed[?ed,??d] n. 棚,库;分水岭

2-8 The Band.

Dad played his trumpet.

He played in the house. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in the shed. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in a band.

The band played in the park. Floppy went to the park. The band played. Floppy barked.

Floppy barked and barked. The band couldn’t play. “What a bad dog!” said Dad.

16. trumpet[英] [?tr?mpit] n. 喇叭;小号;[乐]音栓;喇叭似的声音

2-9 The Little Dragon.

The children put on a play.

“I am the king,” said Chip. “Fight the dragon.” “I am the knight,” said Wilma. “I will fight the dragon.”


“I am the dragon,” said Kipper. “But I am a little dragon.” “I am the princess,” said Biff. “I like dragons.”

The princess played with dragon. They played under the tree. “I am the knight,” said Wilma. “I am frightened,” said the dragon. “I am cross,” said the princess. She pushed the knight in the pond. “What a good play,” said everyone.

17. knight[英] [nait] n. (中古时代的)武士;骑士;爵士;(国际象棋中)马 18. princess[英] [prin?ses] n. 公主;王妃(王族女性成员);女巨头,女名家;


2-10 The Lost Puppy.

Mrs May had a puppy. It was called Sniff. Sniff ran off.

Mrs May was upset. Sniff was lost.

Biff and Chip looked. They couldn’t find Sniff. Wilf and Wilma looked. They couldn’t find Sniff. Mum and Dad looked. They couldn’t find Sniff. Everyone looked. Nobaby could find Sniff. Floppy looked for his bone. Sniff was by the tree. “What a clever dog!” said everyone.

2-11 Up and Down.

Mum and Dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book. He went up.

Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down. Mum went up. Dad went down. Mum couldn’t see Dad. She went up.


Mum went down. Dad went up. Dad went down. Mum went up. Mum came down. “Stop!” she said. “Up and down!” said Dad.

19. paintbrush [英] [?pe?nt?br??] n. 漆刷,画刷,画笔

2-12 Floppy's Bath.

Floppy saw a rabbit.

Floppy chased it. It went under a fence. Floppy got wet. Floppy got muddy.

They took Floppy home. “What a soggy doggy!” said Kipper. They put Floppy in the bath. Mum and Dad washed him. Biff and Chip dried Floppy.

Floppy looked clean. “What a good dog!” said Kipper. Oh no!

20. chase[英] [t?eis] vt. 追捕;追求;追寻;镂刻 21. soggy[英] [?s?ɡi] adj. 湿透的,浸透的;沉闷的,乏味的 22. doggy[英] [?d?ɡi] n. 小犬,小狗 adj. 像狗一样的

2-13 Kipper's Balloon.

Mum and Dad went shopping. Kipper bought a balloon.

They went to the supermarket. The balloon went bang. Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad went to the toilet. Dad saw a balloon. “Kipper’s balloon!” he said. Dad ran after it.

The balloon flew away. Dad chased it.


The balloon was on a statue. Dad got it down. “Oh no!” said Dad.

23. bang[英] [b??] n. 猛击;猛撞;巨响;爆炸声 vt. 猛击,猛撞 vi. 发出砰的

一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔]; 24. statue[英] [?st?tju:] n. 雕像,塑像 vt. 用雕像装饰

2-14 Kipper's Birthday.

It was Kipper’s birthday.

Kipper wanted a party. Everyone wanted to come. Biff put up balloons. Mum made a cake. Dad took a sandwich. “Stop it,” said Mum. Everyone came to the party.

Dad wanted to play a game. But Kipper put the television on . “Oh no!” said Mum, “What a mess!” The children played with the bubbles. “What a good party!” everyone said.

2-15 Spots!

Kipper had spots.

Biff and Chip had spots too.

The doctor came. “Stay in bed,” she said. Mum had spots. “Stay in bed, too ” said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone. He put the washing out.

He went shopping. “What a job!” said Dad. Everyone got better. “Oh, no!” said Mum. Dad had spots.


25. spots[sp?ts] n. 地点( spot的名词复数 );斑点;少量;污迹

2-16 The Baby-sitter.

The baby-sitter came. “Go back to bed,” said Dad.

The children came downstairs. “We couldn’t sleep,” they said. Kipper got his book. He wanted a story. Biff was hungry. They made a sandwich. Chip wanted a pillow fight. Everyone joined in.

The children went back to bed. “What a mess!” said the baby-sitter. Mum and Dad came back. “Was everyone good?” said Mum. “Yes and no,” said the baby-sitter.

26. baby-sitter[?be?b??s?t?] n. 代人临时照看婴孩者

2-17 The Water Fight.

Everyone was hot.

The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said “No!” Biff got the paddling pool. Kipper filled it with water. Chip pushed Biff in the water. He grabbed the hose. They had a water fight.

Mum got wet. “Stop it!” said Dad. Dad got a bucket of water. He chased Chip. Dad threw the water at Chip. Oh no! “Sorry!” said Dad.

27. paddling[英] [?p?dl??, ?p?dl??] v. 涉水( paddle的现在分词 );趟水;用



