第四讲 作业及答案doc

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第四讲 词义的选择、引伸与褒贬 课后作业

一、 试译一下各句,注意根据right 在句中的词类来确定它的词义: 1. It is not right for children to sit up late.

孩子们睡得晚不好。(形容词) 2. The plane was right above our heads.

飞机正好在我们头顶上。 (副词)

3. In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.

照片底片上,左右黑白与正片恰好相反。 (名词) 4. She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.

她尽力为她丈夫被控抢劫伸冤。 (及物动词)

二、 试译下列各句,注意根据上下文及搭配关系来确定斜体词的词义: 1. account for:

1) He is ill; that accounts for his absence.


2) In this battle he accounted for five of the enemy.

他在这场战斗中消灭了五个敌人。 3) I want you to account for every cent you spent.

我要你把花费的每分钱都交代清楚。 2. make up

1) If the stove isn’t made up, it will go out.


2) There isn’t any girl called Clementine. He’s just made her up.

根本没有个叫克莱门蒂的姑娘,全是他捏造出来的。 3) Half the roads in the region are still to be made up.


4) Society is made up of people with widely differing abilities.


5) It took Laurence Oliver more than an hour to make up for the part of “Othello”.

扮演“奥赛罗”这个角色,劳伦斯奥利维花了一个多小时来化装。 6) They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected visitor.

他们把沙发收拾一下,让这位不速之客睡。 7) We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston. 我们不得不加快车速,以弥补在波士顿所耽误的的时间。 3. figure

1) The foreign trade has risen to unprecedented figures. 对外贸易的数字由了空前的增长。

2) Dr. Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning.


3) On the desk there was a bronze figure of Plato.

书桌上有一尊柏拉图的铜像。 4) He saw dim figures moving towards him.


5) June was good at figure skating.


三、 试译下列各句,注意根据上下文及逻辑关系对斜体词做进一步引伸。

1. There was no provocation for such an angry letter.


2. Fatty’s Restaurant had become an institution in his life in the last seven years.


3. The trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books. But his case was a different proposition.



4. The wedding, which Heyward still remembered with pride, was attended by a Who’s Who of Boston Society.



5. The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era—the Industrial Age. Money had become King.



四、 试译下列各句,注意根据上下文来确定斜体词的褒贬: 1. It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his African corps..


2. They predicted the youth would have a bright future.


3. John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well. 约翰是个积极肯干德推销员,他工作得很出色。

4. Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power. 希特勒夺取了政权后就推行侵略政策。

