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(银Jll 一中第二次模拟考试)


1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答題卡上。




做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结東后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到 答题卡上。


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从題中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最隹选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你WIO 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


例2 HOW much is the SIIirr ?


1. What SeaSOU is it now?

2. What does the Woman IUeau?

B. H eT mother made UP the story.

C. She CIidn r t tell the man the truth ?

3? WIlat is IlIe woman IUOM probably?

4. Where is tlιe WonIan going for IIOliday this year? B. TUrkev. ■

5. What does the InaU mean? A. He doesn f t WaLt the WOInan to OPen the window.

B. He has CaUght a cold.

C. It l s too COId outside.


A. $19.15.

B. $9.18.

C. $9.15.

A. Summer.

B. Winter.

C. AiInllnil. A. She (IOeSIVt IlaVe a bike.

A. A ClerIC B-Alibrarian. C.Awaitress.

A. Canada.

C. Itah ?

听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小題,每小题5秒 钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What t S the Weather like?

12. Where (IOeS this COilVerSatiOlI most ProbabIy take place? A. At the WOman ,s home.

B. At a museum Of art.

C. At the man 9s home.

13. Where did the WOmaIl buy the prints?

A. In Boston.

B. In NeW YOrk ?

C. In a EUrOPean city.

14? What is the WOman going to do?

A. ?Ii?ke another museum tour.

B. OrganiZe an exhibition Of art.

C. ?7sit SOme EUrOPean painters.


15? What is the WOman doing?

A. She is interne wing a famous SPOrtS Star

B. She is having a job intenιew.

C. She is making a self-introduction in PUbIiC ?

A. Warm and SUnnv.

B. COld and CIOUdv.

7. WhO Wiil drive the man to work?

A. The man himself.

B. The WOman ?

8. When is it now?

A. In the morning ?

B. At home.

听第7段材料,回答第9至M 題?

9. When are they going to meet?

A ? On WedneSday UIOrning ?

B. On WeelneSday evening ?

C ? C)Il Friday evening ?

10. What is the PrObabIe job Of the woman?

A. A film star.

B. A musician.

11. What are they going to do?

A. TO See a film ?

B. TO have (Iinner together.


C ? SlI(HVV ? C. Fred. C ? In the evening. C. A football player. C. TO enjoy a concert.

16? Why WaS the WOman OUt Of SChOOl for IlaIf a year during IIigh school?

A ? BeCaUSe She WaS badly ill.

B. BeCaUSe She had to act in a film ?

C. BeCaUSe her father took her to AnIeriCa.

18. What PerCent Of the four year SChOOIS began as PUbIiC agricultural COlIegeS in America?

19. When WaS the idea Of the Iand grant COllege developed?

A. MOre than IOO years ago.

B. In 1826.

20? What CIO We know about the international StU(IenfS this year at

the COlIege Of AgriCUltUraI Sciences?

A. There are 5 graduate StUdentS altogether.

B. TiIere are 205 iuteruatioual students.

C. 'lost Of them are from AfriCa, ASia and EUrOPe ? 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑?

VnCiuiOnS for PeOPIe WIlo LOVe Winter ACtiVitieS

When the temperatures drop, don f t run away from the cold, embrace it With OIIe Of these PerfeCt Winter WOncierland vacations ?

See an ice-skating show at IMa(IeleilIe HOteI

TeiIUride, CoIOradO is famous for SkiiUg — they IlaVe everythiug from AIPiUe to NOrdiC to back COUntIy ? BUt right OUtSide this gorgeous MadeIeiUe HOtel is a massive ice-skating Iiilk With rentals (hockey SkateS aud figure SkateS) as Well as Iessons 9 ShOWS and even SPeCiai DJ nights.

SlP Willter SweetneSS at the ICe Wine FeStiVal

ThiS ChilIy JanUaly festival at Niagara OU the Lake Can reach temps Of 40 degrees below ZerO but, as IOng as you Can feel your fingers and toes l you Cail SiP ice VVille ——made from fιv ozen IOCal grapes — from the ice bar in the town SqUare ? When you l re ready to WarnI UPy Sign UP for a ViiIeyQrd tour and go from Winery to WineIy SiPPing and tasting Small food pairings.

BOWl On ice at the AmeriCail ClUb

In the COUTtyjird Of the TUdor-StyIe AmeriCan CIUb in Kohler 9 WiSCOnsin, you Can try your hand At bowling On Ontdnnr InnPS nιnde Of ice ? ThPre I S nko RnVaHan Curling, and Pntio hpater? to kppp you COnIfOrtabk WhiIe you ChaIIenge your friends ? The COUrtS Stay OPen through MarCh and require 48-hour notice for reservations. C ? A travel guide.

A ? AbOUt 1/4.

B. AbOUt 1/24.

C. AbOUt 1/6. C. About 200 years ago.

17. What Part time job did the WOnIan do at college?

Hit tlιe hills at Lake PlaCid LOdge

The AdirOndaCkS in NeW YOrk are a Winter WOnderIand, OnCe the home Of the Winter OlymPiCSJ and has eveιything from bobsledding to tobogganing, dog SlQdding, Ski jumping and ice-skating. At the end Of the day, CheCk OUt One Of Lake PlaCid LOdge t S famous SnOW bonfires9 best admired With hot cocoa.

If more information is needed, you CaII CliCk here?

21 ? If you are interested in skating, Where TViIl you PrObabIy go?

A.TenUriCle and AdirOndaCkS?

B. TelIUride and the Lake.

C.AdirOndaCkS and Kohler.

D. KOhIer and the Lake.

22.What Can VOU do at the ICe Wine Festival?

A?TOUCII yuux* ∏uger^ aud ?B? Skate at the ice bat*.

C. TaSte SOme Wine and food?

D. BOWl On OUtdOOr ice lanes.

23.FronI WhiCh is flip text PrObnbIy taken?

A. A Iife magaziue?

B. A WebSite?

C. A geography textbook. D? An advertisement COlUmU?


When Other nine-year-old kids Were Playing games, SiIe was WOrking at a PetrOl Station. When Other teens Were StUdying Or goiug out, SIIe StrUggIed to Ωnd a PiaCe to SIeeP OU the StreeL BUt She OVerCame these terrible SetbaCkS (挫折)to WiU a IIigIIIy COmPetitiVe SCIIolarSIIiP and gain entry to Han P ard University. And IIer amazing StOry IIaS inspired a movie9^HotHeleSS to Harvard: The LiZ Murray StOry ShOU n in Iate APriL LiZ Murray, a 22-year-old AmeriCan girl, has been Writing a real-life StOry Of Avillpower and determinatiou?LiZ grew UP iu the SIIadOW Of hvo ClrUg-addicted ParelItS? TiIere WaS never enough food Or WarlU clotlies in the IlOUSe? LiZ WaS the OnIy member Of the family WIIO had a job. Her mother IIad AIDS and died WlIen LiZ WaS just 15 years old. TIIe effect Of that IOSS became a turning POmt in IIer life. COnneCting the environment iu WhiCh She IIaCl grown UP WitIl IlOW IIer mother had died, She decided to do SOmetIlmg about it.

LiZ WelIt back to SChOOL She threw herself into her studies, never telling Iler teachers that She WaS homeless. At Dight9She IiVed On the streets. U What drove Ine to IiVe on IIa(I SOmething to do With understanding, by UnderStaUdiUg that there WaS a WhOIe Other Way Of being? I had Only experienced a SmalI Part Of the SOCietyJ She WrOte in her I)Ook BreakhIg Night.

She admitted that She USed envy to drive IlerSelf on. She USed the benefits that COme easily to Others, SUCh as a Safe IiVing environment, to encourage herself that U neXt to nothing CoUkl hold me down”. She finished high SChOOl in just tλvo years and WOn a full SChOIarShiP to StUdy at Hanard University. BUt LiZ (IeCided to IeaVe her top ImiVeTSity a COUPle Of months earlier this year in Order to take Care Of her father WhO has ako developed AIDS. "I IOVe Iny ParentS SO much?They are drug addicts. BUt I never forget that they IOVe me all the time.”

LiZ WantS InoViegOerS to COme away With the idea that Changing your Iife is 44as SimPle as making

a decision”.

24? The main idea Of the PaSSage is ___________ .

A.how LiZ Inanaged to enter HaI^ ard UniversiK*

B.how LiZ Stl UggIed to Change her Iife

C.Why LiZ IOVed her ParentS SO much

D.the hard time LiZ had in her ChiIdiIOO(I

25.In WhiCb Order did the following tilings IIaPPeIl to Liz?

a. Her mother Clied OfAIDS.

b? She Worked at a PetrOl StatiOn.

c. She got admitted into Harvar


d? The IllOviQ about Iler Efe WnS PUt on.

Q? She IIad trouble finding a PlaCe to sleep.

A.b, e, a, d, C B? a9 b, c, e, d C. e, d9 b> a, C D? b?a y c5 d

26.WhiCh Of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A? BOth Liz,s father and mother are AIDS-infected patients.

B.LiZ IiVed a IIard time iu IIer CIliIdhOOd?

C.Liz9S StOry is an inspiration to Inany people.

D? LiZ hated her father because he got addicted to drugs.

27.What actually made her go towards IIer goal?

A.EilVy and encouragement. B? WilIPOWer and determination.

C. DeCiSiOnS and understanding. D? LOVe and respect for her parents.


ThrOUghOUt history, music SPread among PeOPle Of different cultures. In foday t s technological advanced society, hoλveveι; PeOPle SPread music OnIinE SOmetimeS WithOUt an artist,s permission. ThiS Can Iead to many PrOblemS) and music COnIPanieS are now CZCkin2 down on this PraCtiCe? Sharing music OnIine WithOUt PermiSSiOn is theft ?

Shanng HIUSiC Online PreVentS recording COmPauieS from IUaking money from their efforts? They Say that Sharmg music Online IIaS IeSUlted iιι a huge drop in PrOfitS and SaIeS OVer the PaSt 10 years? PeOPIe WhO find music for free Online are not pajdng for CDS Or every MP3 downloaded?TO tιuly UnderStand the influence Of music PiraCy On creators, One must Un(IerStan(I how mauy PeOPle are involved in the recording process. For the SaIe Of each album, PrOfitS must be SIIared betw een musicians, SOUlId engineers, music producers, managers, advertisers, and the ComPany SeiIing the product. Many PeOPIe believe Sharing music OlIIy affects the recording artist, but the realit>? is that ShaI v nlg IlUrtS business for all COlIIPalIieS involved?

TlIere are many PeOPIe WlIO don l t See the Ilarm in SIlarulg music OnIine and even think they have the right to do it. One OIiIine blogger StateS that IIe Originally Paid for an entiιv e CD and that he SIIOUld be able to do Witll the

material WhateVer he WalltS? WlIile be may have Iegally Paid for the music, he does not have the right to PrOVide PermiSSiOn9 WhiCh means PeOPle Iike the blogger are thieves ?

AltiIOUgh We don't SPread today,s music the Same Way We did before, there,s no doubt that PeOPle around the WOrld IOVe to SlIare music. However, internet PiraCy WOUld PreVent musicians from COntmUing PrOdUCing albums for Iear Of theft. XherefOre? il PeOPIe Want to COntmUe IiStening to their favorite artists, they need to buy their IilUSiC SO that artists will make enough PrOfit to COntinUe their music Careers.

28.TIIe UUderIine(I PlIraSe ,l CraCking down On n in ParagraPIl 1 is CIOSeSt in meaning to ________ .

A? bringing UP CarefUlIy B. ?penking IIiglIly Of

C. dealing SeriOUSly With D? destroying COmPIeteIy

29.XVQ Can Iearn from the text that __________ .

A? SIIanng music files OiIIiUe affects a IOt Of PeOPIe

B.artists are taking action to PrOteCt theiιw right

C.OnIine music Sharing increases SaIeS Of music CD

D. a PerSOn WhO bought a CD IIaS the right to Share it OnIine With OtherS

30.HOW is the text Organized?


B.IiItTO(IUCtiOll—SUPPOrting StateInentS—COnClUSiOn

C.Main idea― OmPariSOn——SUPPOrting StatementS


31.What is the author's attitude toward InUSiC piracy?

A.iudifferent B? favorable C?(IiSaPPTo、Nl D? SkePtiCal


A team Of engineers at Hao ard University has been inspiied by NatUre to Create the ∏rst robotic fly. The mechanical fly has become a PIatfOrm for a SerieS Of IIeW high-tech integrated 的) SyStenlS? DeSigned to do What a fly does naturally, the tiny machine is the size Of a fat housefly. ItS mini WingS allow it to Stay in the air and PerfOTm COntrOIled flight tasks.

4fc Ifs extremely important for US to think about this as a VhOIe SyStem and not just the SUm Of a bunch Of Uldh V idUal COmPOnentS (零部件)√w Said Robert Wood, the HarVard engineering PrOfeSSOr Who has bpen WOrking On robotic fly PrOj^Ct for OVer n ρ. Λ ?w yenr? ngo7hi

go-ahead to Start PieCing together the COmPOnentSe “The added (IifTiculty With a PrOjeCt Iike this is tha t actually none Of those COmPOnentS are Off the Shelf and SO We IIaVe to develop them all On OUr own/5 IIe said.

They engineered a SerieS Of SyStemS to Start and drive the robotic fly. "The SeeiningIy SimPle SyStem WhiCh just moves the WingS IIaS a number Of interdependencies (相互依赖性)On the individual COmPOnents9 each Of WhiCh individually IIaS to PerfOrm well, but then has to be matched Well to eventhing it's COnneCted to√, Said Wood. The flight device WaS built into a Set Of power, computation, SenSiQg and COntrOI systems. Wood SayS the SUCCeSS Of the PrOjeCt PrOVeS that the flying

