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非谓语动词句法功能口诀 ,不定式本领强,六种成分都能当;动名词不示弱,主宾表定用得上;两分词,互不让,表 定 状 补 争亮相。 如下表所示:

作用 主 种类 不定式 动名词 分 词 √ √ 宾 √ √ 表 √ √ √ 定 √ √ √ 状 √ √ √ 补 √ 清单一巧记跟不定式和动名词做宾语的动词用法 (一)跟不定式作宾语的动词有:

打算(intend) 计划(plan)和 期盼(expect/desire) 假装(pretend) 喜欢(would like/love/prefer) 表祝愿(wish),决定(decide)同意(agree)来 帮助(help)。 设法(manage) 说服(persuade) 不拒绝(refuse),好像(seem/appear) 答应(promise)做 努力(attempt)。 选择(choose) 询问(ask) 多学习(learn),告诉(tell) 失败(fail)也付得起(afford),不定式宾语要牢记 ! (二)跟动名词作宾语的动词有:

考虑(consider)完成(finish)多练习(practise); 避免(avoid)冒险(risk)求建议(suggest/recoomend);面对(face)喜欢(enjoy/appreciate)和介意(mind);允许(allow)承认(admit/permit)或放弃(give up/abandon);推迟(put off/delay/postphone)逃避(escape)不原谅(excuse/pardon);提及(mention)坚持(keep/insist on)要想象(imagine/fancy);还有词组feel like 和can’t stand! 瞧!,我们就这样快快乐乐地记住了吧!

(三)在动词remember, try, regret, forget, need/want/require, stop, mean等后跟动名词V-和不定式意义不同,巧记一句话(记住努力;后悔忘记;需要停止;很有意义),学习采用对比法:

remember to do something记着去做某事(现在还没有做)remember doing something记着曾做过某事(以前做过某事) try to do something努力、尽力做某事 try doing something试着做某事(看能否达到预期的结果)

stop to do something开始做某事(停下正在做的事,开始做另一事)stop doing something停止做某事(停止正在做的事) regret to do something对将来做的事感到遗憾、惋惜 regret doing something对已经做过的事感到后悔 mean to do something打算,想,意图… mean doing something意味着

want/require/need to be done某事需要做 want/require/need doing某事需要做(这时动名词和主语之间有动宾关系, 如: The room needs cleaning/needs to be cleaned) can’t help to do sth.不能帮助做某事 can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事 (四)请牢记在下列固定句式中,动词用V-ing式: There is no point arguing further. 再争辩下去没有意义。

It is no good doing that. 那样做没有用。 It is no use telling his father about it. 告诉他父亲那件事没用。 She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ _ on a big rock to see the rising sun. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest

-------You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. ------Well, now I regret _ _ _ that. A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done



过去分词在时态上强调动作已经完成,在语态上侧重于被动; 而现在分词在时态上强调动作正在进行,在语态上侧重于主动。

这种根本的区别具体体现在两种分词分别充当的各种句子成份中。细述如下: 一、分词作定语





① 单独作定语,应放在被修饰的名词之前,如: touching story / leading cadres / shining example / coming week / skilled worker / armed forces / boiled water / steamed bread Barking dogs seldom bite. Soon our respected and beloved leaders entered the banquet hall.

注:分词作定语时,意义上接近于一个定语从句,如: developing countries = countries that are developing a growing city = a city that is growing liberated areas = areas that have been liberated

② 在更多情况下,可以用分词短语作定语,这时分词短语应放在被修饰的名词之后,在意义上也相当于一个定语从句,如: Who is the man standing (= that is standing) by the door?

They built a highway leading (= which leads) into the mountains. Have you read any short stories written by Lu Xun? They are problems left (= which have been left) over by history. ③ 作定语的现在分词所表示的动作发生的时间有两种情况: a. 表示正在进行的动作, (变为从句时要用进行时态), 如:

Tell the children playing there (who are playing there) not to make so much noise. Did you see the man talking (who was talking) to the manager?

b. 表示经常性的动作, 或现在 (或当时) 的状态, (变为从句时, 用一般时态), 如: They lived in a room facing (= that faced) the south.

The house standing (= that stands) at the corner of the street was built in 1955.

④ 过去分词作定语时,过去分词所表示的动作可以在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,也可以是没有一定的时间性,如: Is this the book recommended by our teacher? The meeting held last week is very important. He is a man loved by all. I hate to see letters written in pencil.

注①:如果所表示的动作现刻正在发生,或是与谓语所表示的动作同时发生,可以用现在分词的被动形式来表示,如: The meeting being held is very important. We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here. 注②:如果所表示的是一个未来的动作,可以用一个不定式的被动形式来表示,如:

The meeting to be held next week is very important. Please tell me the subjects to be discussed at the next meeting. ⑤ 分词还可以作非限制性定语(相当于一个非限制性定语从句),这时,它和句子的其他部分用逗号隔开,试比较: All my brothers living in Shanghai are scientists. All my brothers, living in Shanghai, are scientists.

All the letters in the drawer written in pencil are from my sister. All the letters in the drawer, written in pencil, are from my sister.

⑥ 本节值得注意的问题:现在分词短语作定语时,所表示的动作不能先于谓语所表示的动作,也不可以表示将来。另外,一般不用现在分词的完成式作定语,所以,下列句子都是错的: Here is Mr. Li coming from Beijing. (应改为who has come from Beijing)

Those having finished their work can go home now. (应改为who have finished)

The man giving us a lecture last week left for Shenzhen this morning. (应改为who gave us) ⑦ 系动词的现在分词形式不可用作后置定语,此时要用从句来表示,如:

Those being busy don’t have to go. (应改为Those who are busy don’t have to go.) His brother being a PLA man is 18 years old. (应改为who is)

⑧ 不及物动词的过去分词不可用作后置定语,若要表示这个意思要用从句,如: The lion died in this zoo the other day was a mother lion. (应改为which/that died) 1.There was a terrible noise ____ the sudden burst of light.

A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed

2.The Olympic Games, ____ in 776 B. C., didn’t include women until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be playing 3.What’s the language ____ in Germany?

A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak 4.Most of the people ____ to the party were famous scientists.

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting


5.Most of the artists ____ to the party were from South Africa.

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited 6.The computer centre, ____ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened 7.The first textbooks ____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written 二、分词作表语



1.作表语。现在分词多表示主语所具有的特征或属性;过去分词多表示主语所处的状态,如: The news was exciting. The situation is encouraging. She looked disappointed.

He appeared satisfied with my answer. He seemed quite delighted at the idea. Don’t get excited. 注②:过去分词作表语时,应注意与被动结构的区别。

系表结构说明主语的状态或具有的性质、特点;被动结构强调谓语动作,指主语所承受的动作。此外还有: 系表结构:a. 常用一般现在或一般过去时态;b. 一般不带状语; c. 可以有不及物动词的过去分词。

被动结构:a. 有多种时态,常与主动语态的时态一致;b. 可以带时间、方式或 by 短语作状语;c. 必须是及物动词。 The small village is surrounded by trees. (状态) The small village was soon surrounded by enemy soldiers. (动作)

I’m interested in chess. I was interested by what you told me. The sun is risen. This novel was written by Lu Xun in 1921. 注①:已经成为形容词的分词,可以用 very 修饰;没有完全成为形容词的分词宜用 much 或 quite,有时也可用very much,如: I’m very much pleased. He’s very much worried about his health.

1.This news sounds ____. A. encouraging B. encouraged C. encourage D. to encourage 2. -How did Bob do in the exams this time? -Well, his father seems ____ with his results. A. pleasing B. please C. pleased D. to please 3. -How did the audience receive the new play? -They got very ____.

A . excite B . excited C . excitedly D . exciting 三、分词作宾语补足语


不同点:分词作宾语补足语时,句子的宾语就是该分词的逻辑主语。但现在分词与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所表示的动作一般与句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生;而过去分词则表示被动关系,所示动作一般发生在谓语动词之前或同时发生。 感 官 动 词 see

watch do 被动句还原to hear + sb./sth. + doing

feel done notice

使 役 动 词 have/make/let + sth./sb. doing do done 被动句还原to get/leave + sth./sb. doing to do done keep sb./sth doing done 4.作宾语补足语:

① 现在分词做宾语补足语,如:

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I could feel the cold wind blowing on my face. He tried to start the engine running. The words immediately set us all laughing. 注:现在分词做宾语补足语表示动作与谓语同时发生或正在进行,强调动作过程。


② 过去分词做宾语补足语,如:

He watched the TV set carried out of the room. Last year they had the house rebuilt.

When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood. You’d better have your shoes mended. 注:过去分词做宾语补足语表示动作完成结果,并有被动意义。

③ 现在分词做宾语补足语时,与宾语有着逻辑上的主谓关系,宾语补足语一般为宾语所做的动作;过去分词做宾语补足语时,与宾语有着动宾关系,宾语是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者,如:

He saw an old man getting on the bus. An old man was getting on the bus. I once heard this song sung in Japanese. This song was once sung in Japanese.

I don’t want the children taken out in such weather. The children were taken out in such weather. ④ 以上句子可以变为被动结构,这时,宾语补足语就成了主语补足语,与谓语一起称为“复合谓语”,如:

We were kept waiting for quite a long time. She was never heard singing that song again. One of the glasses was found broken. ⑤ 有些动词既可以用不定式作宾语补足语,又可以用现在分词作宾语补足语,有些动词只能用现在分词作宾语补足语,这些动词是:catch, keep, mind, prevent, remember, stop, start, smell, excuse, spy, send 等,例如:

She caught her son smoking a cigarette. We’d better keep the fire burning. I don’t mind you joking. I like it. The heavy rain prevented us coming here on time. I don’t remember him ever saying anything like that. We must try to stop them getting into trouble. His words started me thinking seriously.

Can you smell something burning? The earthquake sent the china and glass crashing to the ground. 1.The next morning she found the man ____ in bed, dead.

A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying 2. -Good morning. Can I help you?

-I’d like to have the package ____, madam.

A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed 3. I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sail B. sailing C. to sail D. to have sailed

4.If you wave your book in front of your face, you can feel the air ____ against your face. A. moved B. moving C. moves D. to move 四、分词作状语


不同点:分词作状语时,句子的主语就是该分词的逻辑主语。但现在分词作状语时,与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所表示的动作一般与句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生;而过去分词则表示被动关系,所示动作一般发生谓语动词之前或同时发生。 3.作状语:

① 现在分词作状语,表示陪衬性的动作或伴随情况,如: She sat at the desk reading a newspaper.

The children ran out of the room, laughing and talking merrily. They stood there for an hour watching the game.

注意:a. 分词表示的必须是主语的一个动作;b. 分词表示的动作和谓语表示的动作(或状态)是同时发生的;c. 分词表示的是比较次要的动作,对谓语表示的动作或状态加以说明;d. 大部分放在谓语之后;e. 分词有时可以与句子的其他部分用逗号隔开。

② 现在分词作状语,表示行为方式或手段(这类状语可以放在句首,也可以放在句末,有时还可以放在句中。其他参考上述a-c),如: Following the guide, they started to climb. Working this way, they greatly reduced the cost. Travelling by jeep, we visited a number of cities. ③ 现在分词作状语,表示原因或理由,如:

Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note. Not knowing her address, we couldn’t get in touch with her. Being so poor in those days, we couldn’t afford to send the boy to hospital.

注:如果分词表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,则要用完成形式,如: Having worked among the peasants for many years, he knew them very well.

Not having received an answer, he decided to write another letter. Having lived in Berlin many years, he knew the city well.


④ 现在分词作时间状语(相当于 when 引导的从句),如: Turning around, she saw a police car driving up. Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.

Seeing those pictures, he couldn’t help thinking of those days in Yan’an.

注①:这里分词表示的是一个极短暂的动作,这动作一发生,谓语动词所表示的动作立即发生。这类分词一般放在句首。如果两个动作是完全同时发生的,多用 when 或 while + 分词这种结构,如: Be careful when crossing the street. Don’t mention this while talking to him.


Having arrived at a decision, they immediately set to work. Having heard this, the woman astronaut expressed her satisfaction. ⑤ 现在分词作状语还可以表示结果、条件和让步,如: Her husband died in 1942, leaving her with five children. (结果) Turning to the left, you will find the path leading to the site. (条件) Working hard, you will succeed. (条件) The bus was held up by snowstorm, thus causing the delay. (结果)

Weighing almost one hundred jin, the stone was moved by him alone. (让步)

⑥ 过去分词短语作状语,可以修饰谓语,说明动作发生的背景或情况,如:

Built in 1192, the bridge is over 700 years old. Led by the party, the people have improved their living conditions greatly. Surrounded by a group of pupils, the old teacher walked into the room. The trainer appeared, followed by six little dogs. ⑦ 过去分词短语表示原因(相当于一个原因状语从句),如:

The children, exhausted, fell asleep at once. He soon fell asleep, exhausted by the journey. (= as he was exhausted?) ⑧ 过去分词短语有时可以表示时间(相当于时间状语从句)和条件(相当于条件状语从句),如: United, we stand; divided, we fall. (=When / If we are united ?)

Heated, water changes into steam. (=When / If water is heated ?) Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful. 注:过去分词短语作状语时,前面有时可以加上when, if, while, though, as if 等连词,这种结构可以看作是一种省略的状语从句(省略部分多为 “主语 + be 的多种形式”)。需要注意的是,省略的主语必须和主句的主语相同,如: If / When heated, water changes into steam. Even if invited, I won’t go.

We will not attack unless attacked. The girl is very shy, and never speaks until spoken to. 现在分词的完成形式和被动形式

① 现在分词的完成形式主要用在状语中,表示动作在谓语动作之前发生,如: Having been there many times, he offered to be our guide.

The delegates, having fulfilled their mission, arrived back in Shanghai. 注:在独立结构中,也可以用现在分词的完成形式,如:

His comrades having all left for the front, he didn’t want to stay in the rear.

② 在表示一个被动的动作时,如果这个动作是现刻正在进行的,或是与谓语表示的动作同时发生的,就可以用现在分词的被动形式。这种形式可以作定语、状语或构成复合宾语,如: That building being repaired is our library. (定语) He asked who was the man being operated on. (定语)

You’ll find the topic being discussed everywhere. (宾语补足语)

As we entered the village, we saw new houses being built. (宾语补足语) Being asked to give a performance, she couldn’t very well refuse.(状语) Being protected by a thick wall, they felt they were quite safe. (状语) △ 有时还有完成被动形式,如:

Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it slip away?

在用分词短语作状语时, 它逻辑上的主语一般必须与句子的主语一致, 但有时它也可以有自己独立的逻辑上的主语, 这种结构称为: 独 立 结 构

独立结构可以表示伴随动作或情况, 表示时间、原因、条件等, 例如: He rushed into the room, his face covered with sweat. (伴随情况)


The shower being over, we continued to march. (时间)

So many students being absent, we decided to put the meeting off. (原因) Weather permitting, we’ll have an outing tomorrow. (条件) All things considered, her paper is of greater value than yours. The job done, we went home.

The composition written, he handed it to the teacher.

1.European football is played in 80 countries, ____ it the most popular sport in the world. A. making B. makes C. made D. to make 2.____ a reply, he decided to write again. A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received 3.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ____ that he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added 4. “Can’t you read?” Mary said ____ to the notice. A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing

简析:该题应选A。测试现在分词作伴随状语,通过副词 angrily 进行干扰。若B 答案为 and pointed angrily 时也对。 另外,分词作状语时,如果其逻辑主语与整个句子的主语不一致时,需要独立主格结构或 with 复合结构来替代。(此时,也可把该分词看成介词的宾语补足语。)

例: The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____ behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 1.I cannot understand _____ such a well-paid job. A. him to give up B. him to have given up C. his giving up D. his being given up 2.Jane’s summer vacation in England led to _____ an Englishman. A. her marry B. her to marry C. her being married D. her marrying 3.She was sad because of _____ any chance left. A. there being not B. there not being C. not there being D. there was not 4.If you think a letter is too slow, why not _____ a telegram? A. try to have sent B. trying to send C. to try to send D. try sending 5.There is no chance _____ him today. A. in seeing B. to seeing C. of seeing D. about seeing 6.I know you like _____ . Would you like _____ with me now? A. to swim, to swim B. swimming, swimming C. swimming, to swim D. to swim, swimming 7.Before _____, the machine must be checked. A. being used B. using it C. being used to D. using 8.To give up _____ means _____ .

A. smoking, stopping smoking B. smoking, to stop smoking C. to smoke, to stop to smoke D. to smoke, stopping to smoke

9. — What do you think of the book? — Oh, excellent. It’s worth _____ a second time. A. to read B. reading C. to be read D. being read 10. “What has made you so upset?” “________ my new bike.”

A. Lost B. Because of losing C. Since I lost D. Losing 11. I still remember _____ to Beijing when I was six.

A. to take B. taking C. having taking D. having been taken

12. Some foreigner used to _____ on the left in their own countries, but now they have got used to _____ on the right in our country.

A. driving, drive B. drive, drive C. drive, driving D. driving, driving 13. He remained ____ there, for he grew ____ in many things there.


A. staying, interesting B. staying, interested C. to stay, interest D. stayed, interested

14. It is important for parents and young people to learn how to get through to each other and develop skill in understanding and _____.

A. being understood B. to be understood C. understand D. understood

15. _____ more trees is good for health and it is also important to stop waste from factories _____ our surroundings. A. To plant, pollute B. Planting, to pollute C. Plant, polluting D. Planting, polluting

动 名 词


一般式 doing being done 与谓语动作同时发生

完成式 Having done having been done 在谓语动作之前 否定结构 Not doing/ not having done 二、功能及用法 1.动名词(短语)做主语,如:

Writing the book has taken up all his spare time. Seeing is believing. 注①:动名词(短语)做主语还常用于下列结构:

a. It’s no use sending him over. It’s too late already. It’s no good talking a lot without doing anything. It’s a waste of time arguing about it. b. There’s no joking about such matters. There’s no saying what he’ll be doing next. There’s no telling what he’s going to do. 注②:动名词作主语与不定式作主语的区别:


It’s no use crying over spilt milk. (抽象) He realized that to go on like this was no use. (具体) 在实际运用中,一般可以互换,差异不大。但在下列几种情况中不能互换:

a. 当表语是动名词时,主语也要用动名词;当表语是不定式时,主语也要用不定式,如: Seeing is believing. To see is to believe.

b. 动名词和不定式作主语,一般都可以使用形式主语it,而将动名词或不定式放在句尾。但是在下列句型中,一般宜用动名词,不宜用不定式来代替:

It’s no use doing ? It’s no good doing? It’s a waste of time doing ?

例如:It’s no use going there today; he won’t be at home. It’s a waste of time arguing about it. It’s no good waiting here. Let’s walk home.

而在It’s important ? / It’s necessary ? / It’s advisable ? / It’s essential ? / It’s fitting ? 这类句型中,只能用不定式,如: It’s important to learn foreign languages. It’s quite necessary to read it many times. 2.动名词(短语)作表语,如: Their job is building houses. His job is raising pigs.

注①:动名词作表语与不定式作表语的区别: 动名词作表语时表示比较抽象的一般行为、习惯;不定式作表语时表示具体的某一次动作,特别是将来的动作,

试比较: My favourite sport is swimming. The first thing for us to do is to improve our pronunciation. 注②:动名词作表语与现在分词作表语的区别:


现在分词作表语时相当于形容词,说明主语的特征、性质、状态等,主语与表语不可互换位置,但可用very, quite等副词来修饰,如:My job is looking after the children. Our duty is serving the people heart and soul. The situation is encouraging. This cake is very inviting. The volleyball match we watched was very exciting. 3.动名词(短语)用作宾语的情况很多,如:

Hearing the words, she couldn’t help thinking of her past bitterness. We all avoided mentioning that matter.


★ 能用动名词作宾语的动词有两类:

一类是只能用动名词作宾语的动词,其中有(参考顺口溜) 另一类是既可以用动名词,又可以用不定式作宾语的动词,其中有:begin, cannot bear, continue, forget, hate, intend, like, love, plan, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, try, want, need, can’t afford等。


A. 在begin, start, cease, continue, cannot bear, hate, like, love, prefer, propose 等动词后,两种结构意义无大的出入,如: She can’t bear being laughed at / to be laughed at. 但是在下列情况下,通常用不定式:

a. 在would like / love / prefer / hate 后表示一个特定的新动作时: I’d like to buy a suit. I’d hate to disappoint them. b. 当谓语动词已用进行时态时: The water is beginning / starting to boil. I’m starting to work on my essay next week. c. 在begin 等后,非限定动词由某些状态动词构成时(即:指心理状态或精神活动时): She began to believe his story. He began to realize that he was wrong.

d. 当主语是物,不是人时: The water started / began to boil. The ice started / began to melt.

B. 在need, want, deserve等后,可用动名词的主动式表示被动含义,或用不定式的被动式,意义上无差别。但用动名词较为普遍,(这时主语一般是物),如: The door needs oiling / to be oiled. C. 有的动词尽管可以用两种结构,但意义明显不同,须认真加以区别:

I forgot to close the door before I left the room. I forgot having closed the door.

He tried to write better. (尽量努力地写) He tried writing with a brush. (用毛笔试着写)

I couldn’t help finishing it. (不能不结束某事) I couldn’t help to finish it. (不能帮助结束某事) They left off fishing. (停止钓鱼) They left off to fish. (离开某处出发去钓鱼)

I regret to say that there is no wine in the bottle. (对现在要发生的事表示遗憾、抱歉) I regret not taking your advice. (后悔)

★ 动名词(短语)还常常跟在短语动词之后,作介词的宾语。常见的有:

insist on / think of / dream of / object to / hear of / prevent ? from / keep ? from / stop ? from / feel like / be engaged in / look forward to / depend on / thank ? for / excuse ? for / devote ? to / set about / spend ? in / get (be) used to ? / be fond of / be afraid of / be tired of / succeed in / be interested in / be proud of / burst out / give up 等,如: He insisted on seeing us home. They all objected to putting the meeting off.

Are you interested in going to the show? I’m thinking of going to town this afternoon. I don’t feel like eating anything. She is afraid of falling behind the others.

He finally got tired of doing office work. She devotes hours to helping Mother with housework on Sunday.

4.动名词(短语)可以和about, against, at, before, after, by, for, besides, from, in, on, upon, without等介词构成短语,在句中作状语,如: They broke in loud cheers on hearing the news. He warned me against swimming there. She left without saying good-bye to us. Besides cooking and sewing, she had to take care of the children. He felt uncomfortable about accepting the gift. They were surprised at your doing that. 5.动名词(短语)可以和介词构成短语作定语,如:

He hasn’t much experience in running factories. What’s their reason for cancelling the English evening? Have you any objection to going there on foot? He has little hope of passing his examinations.

They don’t approve of his way of looking at things. I’m glad to have this opportunity of coming to visit your country. 6.动名词还可以作定语,如:

singing competition swimming pool dining car opening speech drinking cup living room typing paper waiting room writing desk washing machine frying-pan sleeping-pill walking stick teaching method


注:动名词作定语表示被修饰名词的用途,它和名词之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系;而现在分词作定语,表示被修饰名词本身的动作、行为,它和名词之间有逻辑上的主谓关系。 三、动名词的复合结构


有时为了明确动名词所表示的动作的执行者,可以在动名词之前加上一个物主代词或名词所有格,来表示动名词逻辑上的主语。有时也可以用人称代词宾格或名词普通格,不过,这主要用于口语中。如: She won’t hear of us leaving the village.

Do you object to Li Ping’s joining the physics group?

注①:如果不是在句子的开头,这个结构常用名词的普通格或人称代词宾格,如: I don’t like the idea of us / our not helping at all. I don’t mind Jane buying another one.

注②:如果动名词的逻辑主语是表示无生命的东西的名词,或不定代词,就只能用普通格,不能用所有格,如: Is there any hope of your team winning the match? The boy was alarmed by someone knocking at the door. 动名词的复合结构有下列用法: ① 作主语:

Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us. Nothing is worse than our bowing before difficulties. Lao Li’s (not: Li)going won’t be of much help. ② 作表语:

Our sole worry is your relying too much on yourself.

What’s troubling them is their not having enough machine tools. ③ 作宾语:

Do you mind my reading your paper? Please excuse my interrupting you. ④ 作介词宾语:

They insisted on my staying there for supper.

Do you think there will be any chance of my seeing him again? 四、动名词的完成形式与被动形式


They are all interested in climbing mountains. He took a great delight in helping others.

① 如果要表示动名词代表的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,通常用动名词的完成形式,如: He didn’t mention having met me. I regret not having taken her advice.

I don’t remember having ever promised you that.

注:在某些动词之后(或在成语中)常用(或可以用)动名词的一般形式表示在谓语动作之前发生的动作,如: Excuse me for coming late.

I don’t remember ever seeing him anywhere.

② 当一个动名词逻辑上的主语所表示的是这动作的承受者时,这个动名词一般要用被动形式,如: This question is far from being settled. He did it without being asked.

They insisted on their being treated as ordinary workers. He didn’t mind being left at home.

They couldn’t stand being treated like that.


注:如果表示的动作在谓语表示的动作之前发生,有时需要用动名词的完成被动形式,如: I don’t remember having ever been given a chance to try this method.


